Bug#1032093: jameica: missing dependencies

Jochen Sprickerhof jspricke at debian.org
Wed Mar 1 07:31:14 GMT 2023

* Thomas Uhle <thomas.uhle at mailbox.tu-dresden.de> [2023-02-28 21:00]:
>>I was not able to reproduce this. On an up to date Debian unstable I tried:
>>$ sudo apt install debvm
>># create a Debian unstable VM
>>$ debvm-create --size=10G -- --include=task-gnome-desktop 
>>--aptopt='Apt::Install-Recommends "true"' 
>># run it with qemu
>>$ debvm-run -g -- -m 4G
>># inside the VM install hibiscus
>>$ sudo apt install --no-install-recommends hibiscus
>># run it
>>$ jameica
>>Can you try this and maybe check the difference to your system?
>I cannot do this, I am on an ARMv9 platform (Debian's arm64 architecture).

It should work on arm64 just as well and I would be interested in your 
experience with it.

>However, I still had bcpkix.jar linking to bcpkix-jdk18on-1.72.jar as 
>well as bcprov.jar and bcputil.jar linking to bcprov-jdk18on-1.72.jar 
>and bcutil-jdk18on-1.72.jar resp. which I had been downloading from 
>Maven Central before I prepared the pull request for Olaf Willuhn 
>(upstream). Although I thought they were basically the same, there 
>have to be differences.  After reverting the links to the jar files 
>that are provided by Debian, there is no such issue indeed.  So I 
>tried to track this down to bcpkix.jar.  If only this jar file is 
>exchanged by the one from Maven Central, then it doesn't matter 
>whether the other two are from Debian or Maven Central.  Then this 
>issue is happening.  So the difference must be within bcpkix.jar.  I 
>had a look into both versions and saw that the manifest in Debian's 
>bcpkix.jar specifies
>  Class-Path: bcprov.jar bcutil.jar
>whereas the manifest in Maven's bcpkix.jar has no class path 
>specified. I guess this is the reason why it works with Debian's 
>BouncyCastle jar files even if the manifest of jameica.jar does not 
>specify a class path with bcutil.jar.

Thanks for figuring this out!

>I cannot confirm this.  After removing both bcutil-1.72.jar and 
>bcutil.jar, (even with the other two libraries taken from Debian) I 
>run into this issue when Jameica tries to generate the self-signed 
>certificate for a new user profile.  It does not quit after the 
>exception but seems to hang forever, the splash screen stays open 
>saying "generating new keys and certificates ..." for minutes.  
>Eventually I have yet lost my patience and killed the process.

I forgot to move away my ~/.jameica/ so yes I can see the error now.

Cheers Jochen
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