Bug#1034824: tomcat9 should not be released with Bookworm

Martin Hostettler textshell at uchuujin.de
Thu May 25 22:41:41 BST 2023

I was asked to send a update to this bug from my notes/open tabs.

>From what i can see this is still a problem and it is getting very late
to fix all the fallout.

There are still 2 packages that are not fixed for this.

src:trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure (#1036250) which is as far as
I understand a dependency of puppet, which is used by a lot of admins
including Debian's own DSA.

Which even after trying to fix the build problem left the package in a
state where it the whole logging is non functional: 

Quoting from J�r�me Charaoui in (#1036250):
> I did further tests with puppetserver, which is a downstream dependency 
> of trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure and unfortunately, the web 
> requests (access) logging remains broken. There are no warnings or error 
> messages anywhere: as you can imagine, the logging events are simply 
> lost in the ether.

I'm not sure if the latest patches from 2023-05-22 do fix those, but there
was no follow up on the bug with details.

Then there is src:tomcatjss (1031816) which seems to have zero progress
since the bug was filed.

This is a dependency of at least dogtag-pki, pki-ca, pki-kra, pki-ocsp,
pki-server, pki-tks and pki-tps

I'm not sure what the actual state of src:logback is. It seems the problems
in trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure are partially related to the
state of logback.
Do we know that it properly works with the tomcat10 migration patchset?
Logback seems to have quite a few reverse dependencies as well.

Some bugs have according to the bts been fixed and migrated meanwile:

#1035995: bazel-bootstrap
#1011597: tiles
#1033366: resteasy3.0

What is the plan here to get this in shape for in time before last unblock
requests for bookworm on the 28th?

 - Martin

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