Bug#1061059: javaws.sh fails to determine java version if extra java options exist

Christian Schwamborn cs at mail.architektur.tu-darmstadt.de
Wed Jan 17 07:39:10 GMT 2024

Package: icedtea-netx
Version: 1.8.8-2

I pass some extra scaling option on my system to JAVA so i can actually
read something on a 4K laptop display so the <java_bin> -version call in
javaws.sh receives a string like

'Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dsun.java2d.uiScale=2.0 openjdk version

on my system resulting in the cut sequence to fail which is supposed to
determine the java version number to set MODULAR_JDK=(YES|NO).
I can imagine that it's a challenge to get an easy solution working with
any java to extract the java version number.

I might be the only one doing something like that, but I can imagine any
extra options exported to java will do the trick failing this test.

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