Bug#1071206: zookeeper: inaccurate dependency on default-jre
Sven Dewit
sven.dewit at 1und1.de
Thu May 16 07:06:00 BST 2024
Package: zookeeper
Version: 3.8.0-11+deb12u1
Zookeeper (on bookworm) currently depends on default-jre which in turn
depends on openjdk-17-jre. That leads to the fact that it's not
possible to have Zookeeper running on a bookworm system with another
jre than openjdk 17 (e.g. openjdk 21, temurin or similar) installed
*only*. openjdk-17-jre always needs to be installed, leading to
unnecessary packages on the system.
A possible solution might be to have the zookeeper package depend on
java-runtime instead (which is provided by default-jre as well).
Sven Dewit
Search & Account Security
1&1 Mail & Media Development & Technology GmbH | Sapporobogen 6-8 |
80637 München | Deutschland
Phone: +49 89 14339 526
E-Mail: sven.dewit at 1und1.de | Web: www.mail-and-media.com www.gmx.net
www.web.de www.mail.com www.united-internet-media.de
Hauptsitz Montabaur, Amtsgericht Montabaur, HRB 5452
Geschäftsführer: Alexander Charles, Dr. Michael Hagenau, Dana Kraft,
Thomas Ludwig
Member of United Internet
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