Bug#1081213: Should eclipse-tracecompass be removed from unstable?

Emmanuel Bourg ebourg at apache.org
Tue Sep 17 00:58:39 BST 2024

Hi Sudip,

On 13/09/2024 12:37, Sudip Mukherjee wrote:

> The sad part is that I know the fix but I can not do it as some members
> of Debian Java team are not accepting it.

I think you may have misunderstood my position on this issue. It's 
definitely *not* a hard objection, but rather the expression of my 
concerns and an invitation to discuss a better solution, if there is 
one. The impact of the change wasn't evaluated for example. It wasn't 
clear to me how many packages would have to be modified, and who would 
maintain the patches. I feel like we are missing an important bit to 
make it possible to combine packaged libraries with mismatched OSGi 
metadata, something similar to the pom rewriting feature of 
maven-debian-helper, but for the OSGi ecosystem. However in the 
meantime, if you feel confident the impact is limited and that you can 
maintain it, then go for it.

That said, the original issue will probably vanish in the near future 
since the Eclipse runtime has recently migrated from the javax to the 
jakarta namespace. The Geronimo dependencies won't be used anymore, this 
should solve the version mismatch. We have the last version of the 
Eclipse libraries that use the javax namespace in Debian, the next 
upgrade will switch to the jakarta namespace. A prerequisite is the 
packaging of Jetty 11 though.

Emmanuel Bourg

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