[Pkg-javascript-commits] [SCM] Yahoo! User Interface Toolkit (yui) annotated tag, yui2-1446, created. yui2-1446

AU - prod-ops - yui-team yuibuild at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com
Fri Dec 10 00:36:52 UTC 2010

The annotated tag, yui2-1446 has been created
        at  c10499717ad4f782148a41e6acb8b66104fcb683 (tag)
   tagging  42ab4e8f9227a0b9128b229aa143fe66d1760295 (commit)
  replaces  yui2-1445
 tagged by  AU - prod-ops - yui-team
        on  Wed Jan 7 16:41:31 2009 -0800

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------

AU - prod-ops - yui-team (1):
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright:yui2

Adam Moore (3):
      treeview dir reorg
      removed widget/treeview
      moved yahoo tests

Satyen Desai (2):
      Moved cheatsheet to cheatsheets; autocomplete, button, calendar, container, datasource, datatable, dragdrop, editor, history, imagecropper, layout, logger, menu, resize
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2

Todd Kloots (2):
      Renamed "cheatsheet" to "cheatsheets"
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2


Yahoo! User Interface Toolkit (yui)

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