[Pkg-javascript-commits] [SCM] Yahoo! User Interface Toolkit (yui) annotated tag, yui2-1629, created. yui2-1629

Tripp Bridges tripp.bridges at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 10 00:40:01 UTC 2010

The annotated tag, yui2-1629 has been created
        at  59c44cb2511ebec3afcbb625d69e828388d738bb (tag)
   tagging  8e0b699ade24bfb484aebb28c36d306bca0a5372 (commit)
  replaces  yui2-1626
 tagged by  YUI Builder
        on  Tue Jan 27 17:59:10 2009 -0800

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------

Tripp Bridges (4):
      Initialize stage properties 1st in YUIAdapter to resolve issue in which false measurements were being returned.
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2
      Adjusted CategoryAxis to algorithm to more accurately place start and end points. [fix bug 2489728]
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2

YUI Builder (1):


Yahoo! User Interface Toolkit (yui)

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