[Pkg-javascript-commits] [SCM] Yahoo! User Interface Toolkit (yui) annotated tag, yui2-2017, created. yui2-2017

trippb (none) trippb at mayworldsuch-lm.
Fri Dec 10 00:51:41 UTC 2010

The annotated tag, yui2-2017 has been created
        at  76d6212ca91644626ec551de14eb06b0d5f4547e (tag)
   tagging  57d4588bb9bd6393bdf51c0272524ea1bd92d988 (commit)
  replaces  yui2-2014
 tagged by  YUI Builder
        on  Thu Jul 16 16:17:57 2009 -0700

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------

Matt Mlinac (1):
      added event-simulate dependency

YUI Builder (1):

trippb (5):
      Added legendLabelFunction to chart that allows for formatting the text in the legend. Added showInLegend property to series to allow a false setting to exclude the series item from the legend. Added legendLabelFunction property to series to allow label formatting in the legend on a per series basis.
      Fixes #2527809
      Merge branch 'filterlegenditems'
      Fixed bug in series level dataTip function. Fixes #2527809. Fixes #2528014.
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2


Yahoo! User Interface Toolkit (yui)

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