[Pkg-javascript-commits] [SCM] Yahoo! User Interface Toolkit (yui) annotated tag, yui2-2020, created. yui2-2020

Alaric Cole ALARIC at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 10 00:51:50 UTC 2010

The annotated tag, yui2-2020 has been created
        at  a875710cac629d7240ff26e0e8ffa598fce516a8 (tag)
   tagging  24689ad4583422c957c60f2d99bf395195ff6f20 (commit)
  replaces  yui2-1950
 tagged by  YUI Builder
        on  Fri Jul 17 16:34:08 2009 -0700

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------

AU - prod-ops - yui-team (2):

Adam Moore (23):
      Added 'attributes' config. [fixes #2038140].
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright:yui2
      Merge branch 'Satyam/master'
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright:yui2
      Build of Satyam's latest treeview changes [fixes ##2528176].
      API doc update [fixes #2527863].
      Added fireOnce support for custom events.
      Merge branch 'Satyam/master'
      Moved UserAction.js out of yuitest into a new event-simulate module.
      User agent detection is more granular.  e.g., FireFox 3.5 reports gecko 1.91 rather than 1.9. [fixes #2528183].
      revised version number hack
      Merge branch 'Satyam/master'
      Added 'os' and 'secure' properties to Env [fixes #2528167].
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright:yui2
      onAvailable timer is using YAHOO.lang.later [fixes #2528116].
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright:yui2
      Expanded list of reserved namespaces.
      domready custom event is now configured as a 'fireOnce' event.
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright:yui2
      Fixed DOMReadyEvent context
      Removed DOM0 support for preventDefault support in browsers that are no longer supported and nearly extinct.
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright:yui2

Alaric Cole (7):
      Adding SWFStore cheatsheet
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2
      taking swfstore out of sandbox. wish me luck.
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2

Andres Narvaez (7):
      finished multi-row vertical scrolling carousel using abs. pos
      reverse lazy loading and pagination
      adding one more zero to the 32000px widths/heights to allow for 500 items
      adding one more zero to the 32000px widths/heights to allow for 500 items
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/yui/yui2
      Backwards loading related bug fix
      another fix related to backwards loading

Daniel Barreiro (27):
      closes #2528065
      closes #2528035
      Merge commit 'upstream/master'
      Merge commit 'upstream/master'
      Merge commit 'upstream/master'
      Merge commit 'upstream/master'
      First commit, this is the original
      Half way to implementing the suggested changes.
      fixes #2528169
      Added static constants to hold classNames and markup.
      Added a test suite and fixed a few things accordingly.
      Added more to the unit testing and changed a few things
      Merge commit 'upstream/master'
      Merge commit 'upstream/master'
      Changed table to series of <div>s
      Changed to a single text template to do both the ARIA text
      forgot to add this one to previous commits.
      Attributes width, height, and colors are always read from the actual widget
      Merge commit 'upstream/master'
      fixes #2455223
      fixes #2455223
      Fixed the doc comments for events animStart and AnimComplete
      Configuration attributes backColor and barColor have been dropped.
      missing from previous commit
      Cleaned up several images that were not being used
      Added calls to YAHOO.log in several functions
      fixes #2528215

Dav Glass (37):
      fixes #2527706 - Added passthru call to _resize for max/minHeight/Width
      Fixes #2527868 - Added check to see if close or collapse is defined before creating the header
      fixes #2527738 - Updated var in cmd_insertimage
      fixes #2527737 - Simplified try/catch
      Fixes #2527882 - Moved from designMode to contentEditable
      Fixes #2527861 - Updated CSS and String literals for collapse/expand button
      Merge commit 'upstream/master'
      Fixes #2527952 - Added YAHOO.widget.EditorInfo.saveAll method
      Fixed JSLint error
      Fixed Logic in saveAll method
      Merge commit 'upstream/master'
      Merge commit 'upstream/master'
      Testing disabled with contentEditable
      fixes #2527888 - Added method to filter duplicate id's on list items
      fixes #2528175 - Added check for multiple resize events
      fixes #2527837 - Removed open class because it's not used
      Fixes #2527611 and #2527612 - Updated Image loading info and logic
      Editor Build
      Merge commit 'upstream/master'
      fixes #2527951 - Fixed issue with invalid &amp; conversion
      refs #2527989 and #2482441 - Added hack around substitute issue
      Toolbar cleanup
      Merge commit 'upstream/master'
      fixes #2528195 and fixes #2528106
      Updated Tests
      Editor Build
      Merge commit 'upstream/master'
      Fixes #2527977 - Removed check for those spans
      Merge commit 'upstream/master'
      fixes #2528024 - Added better regex for <div> filtering in WebKit
      Merge commit 'upstream/master'
      fixes #2528024 - Fixed regex
      ref #2512149 - Addes some memory management to Editor Buttons
      Updates so more tests pass in more browsers
      Fixes #2527795 - Added support for some new Safari 4 features
      Fixed issue with event in Layout
      Merge commit 'upstream/master'

Gopal Venkatesan (9):
      Use existing variables
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2
      Changes for absolute position of Carousel
      Changes for absolute position of Carousel
      Use absolute positioning for Carousel items
      Added build file
      Fix after index is being passed to addItem()

Jenny Han Donnelly (12):
      [fix bug #2528093] URI encode the sort key in generateRequest, in case it contains special chars.
      this.constructor.superclass -> YAHOO.widget.ColumnDD.superclass
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2
      Merge branch 'satyam'
      Merge branch 'satyam'
      Refactored vumeter example to fix animation bug.
      CSS tweaks for vertical ProgressBar.
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2
      Merge branch 'satyam'
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2
      Merge branch 'satyam'

Luke Smith (6):
      cleaned up stringToDate.  Stringify no longer sorts (per the spec).  Migrated test suite from yui3--depth config test coverage missing because yui3 implements ECMA 5 spec API.
      Replacing &nbsp; with space. Fixes bug #2527743.
      Reseting the baselinePos on each background click, triggering full element position evaluation.  Fixes #2527984
      Adding support for set(sel, cssTextString) [fixes bug #2528213]
      Adding native JSON support.  Refactored stringify to be in compliance with ECMA 5 spec - depth config replaced with formatting param 'space' and cyclical objects now trigger an exception.  Otherwise moved stuff around for readability.
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2

Matt Mlinac (1):
      added event-simulate dependency

Matt Sweeney (11):
      added support for IE8 input.setAttribute('type') [fixes #2527766]
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2
      added backslash to CLASS_RE_TOKENS [fixes 2528152]
      removed trim from getElementsByClassName [fixes 2528165]
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2
      updated test case
      added ie arg for getAttribute
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2
      updated createEvent to pass config
      switched get() to use getAttribute for IE (form.id can be a named input)
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2

Satyen Desai (13):
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/andresn/yui2 into andresn/master
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/andresn/yui2 into andresn/master
      preventcontextoverlap is now also applied for overlays which are too big for the viewport. Fixes #2527854. Also significantly refactored the getConstrainedX, getConstrainedY and prevent overlap implementations to remove duplicate code. Should have no external/functional impact. Tested Container and Menu examples - no regressions
      Unsubscibe context trigger listeners on destroy [ context triggers can listen for 'global' events, such as YAHOO.widget.Overlay.windowScroll - resulting in JS errors if the 'global' event is fired after the overlay is destroyed ]. Fixes #2528173
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2
      Fixed issue in IE6/IE7, where elements which were positioned offscreen using -ve margin-top, showed up at 0,0 when the text resize iframe was inserted into the doc. Added backgroundColor = 'transparent' to fix the issue. Not sure if I can use WTF in commit messages, but if I could, I'd use it here.
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/andresn/yui2 into andresn/master
      Merge branch 'andresn/master'
      yearOffset working on strings
      Fixed CalendarGroup CalendarNavigator issue after yearOffset changes - this.Locale isn't populated for CalendarGroup
      Cleaned up whitespace (tabs to spaces) in Calendar source files. No code change (git diff --ignore-all-space returns nothing
      Updated calendar tests to use new event-simulate. Added README notes for 'year_offset' and 'today' properties

YUI Builder (42):
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright:yui2
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright:yui2
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright:yui2

george puckett (1):
      fixed bug 2724768

trippb (12):
      Add constrainViewport boolean to cartesian charts. Refactor line series so that they are not dependent on the scrollRect.
      Hide line markers outside of viewport. [Fixes #2528013]
      Merge branch 'seriesmarkercropping'
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2
      Added skin series style. Allow for dataTipFunction to be assigned per series. Fixed numeric axis bug in which null was being read as a zero when calculating minimum. Fixes #2528014
      Series changes to add dataTipFunction and skin style. NumericAxis refactoring.
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2
      Added legendLabelFunction to chart that allows for formatting the text in the legend. Added showInLegend property to series to allow a false setting to exclude the series item from the legend. Added legendLabelFunction property to series to allow label formatting in the legend on a per series basis.
      Fixes #2527809
      Merge branch 'filterlegenditems'
      Fixed bug in series level dataTip function. Fixes #2527809. Fixes #2528014.
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2


Yahoo! User Interface Toolkit (yui)

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