[Pkg-javascript-commits] [SCM] Yahoo! User Interface Toolkit (yui) annotated tag, yui2-2118, created. yui2-2118

YUI Builder build at yuilibrary.com
Fri Dec 10 00:55:51 UTC 2010

The annotated tag, yui2-2118 has been created
        at  07ee2f2e6cdfafa68f1220e81f7cd0a19dafaa06 (tag)
   tagging  1edef8cb2883e7fd43242a2adff689b3d109bafe (commit)
  replaces  yui2-2117
 tagged by  YUI Builder
        on  Thu Aug 6 08:53:08 2009 -0700

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------

Daniel Barreiro (2):
      Merge commit 'upstream/master'
      Swaped the order of creation of Caption and Mask.

Eric Gelinas (57):
      Added a sandbox for expandablerows
      Add a basic data table example adapted from the existing basic example
      add expandable data for testing
      add fake book images for testing
      added state column
      Set expanded state of each row in row state column
      subscribe to the datatables row click event
      create click events for trigger formatter
      fix state setting
      created expandRow method
      created collapseRow method
      created toggleRowExpansion method
      moved template to table level from row and added ability to pass a function as well as a string
      created setRowState method
      made setRowState create new data points
      added row level templates
      moved click event out of the formatter
      made custom events more consistant with other data table features
      changed all getAncestorByTagName calls to use the getTrEl call
      created tracker array for expanded columns
      added restore method and set listener to postRenderEvent
      cleaned up classes
      added functionality to collapse all rows
      moved css and js into separate files
      moved css and js into separate files
      moved class changes out of toggle and into the expand and collapse methods
      changed to use indexOf function lifted from YUI3 since it works with IE
      whitespace fixes
      removed CLASS_NODATA constant
      removed CLASS_TRIGGER constant
      removed CLASS_LINER to use datatables default liner class
      pass back a normalized row id
      Simplified _setRecordState method
      optomized line that counts columns
      added onEventRestoreExpandableRows abstract method
      replaced missing colon
      cleaned up variable declarations
      Hooked init method into attributeConfig
      removed css file since it is only needed for implementation
      added yui test dependencies
      Added tests for toggle and expand methods
      add test file
      changed doctype to HTML 4.0 Strict
      changed all instances of Data Table to DataTable
      add local images to formatter
      add a comment for the formatter line of the column configuration
      fixed some spacing issues
      created onEventToggleRowExpansion method to for toggle click handling
      added comment on boolean for the augmentObject method call
      decoupled tests from example page
      changed to flicker based example
      Merge branch 'yuifeedback' into HEAD
      removed unused example assets
      cleaned up example data
      beginnings of comments for YUI Doc. Finished private members
      commenting unti tests for push to master branch
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/yui/yui2

Jenny Han Donnelly (4):
      [fix bug #2527707] getTdEl needs to validate TD.parentNode.parentNode is this TBODY (for column sorting of DTs nested in table elements) or null (for usage within formatter functions).
      Merge branch 'exprows'
      Merge branch 'master' of git at presentbright.corp.yahoo.com:yui2
      Merge branch 'satyam'

YUI Builder (1):

eric (18):
      Add remote (xhr) examples for expandable rows
      resolved issue where state was not set with a remote datasource
      fixed template issue where tokens were not being replaced
      removed row config for template
      Changed all methods to accept record id instead of row element
      Removed need to create state object for all rows on init
      updated examples to work with new data location
      change toggle, expand, and collapse to take element, id, and index using getRecord method
      changed getElementsByTagName call to firstChild
      moved rowExpandEvent fire method call after variable declarations
      removed null default from rowExpansionTemplate declaration
      removed rowConfigs attribute from initExpandableRows method since it is nolonger used
      using state expanded instead of looking for a class name
      changed custom events to pass record_id instead of row
      added comment to identify indexOf variable as being from YUI3
      changed collapseAllRows() method to use a_rowExpansions instead of class names
      removed CLASS_CELL constant
      removed yui-dt-expandablerow-nodata styling


Yahoo! User Interface Toolkit (yui)

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