[Pkg-javascript-commits] [SCM] Yahoo! User Interface Toolkit (yui) annotated tag, yui2-2540, created. yui2-2540

YUI Builder build at yuilibrary.com
Fri Dec 10 01:11:45 UTC 2010

The annotated tag, yui2-2540 has been created
        at  66d5664cdacbe9afe58ff2a36080cc2af336dd56 (tag)
   tagging  8885b713fa72b743996195f53442eebc03f09182 (commit)
  replaces  yui2-2539
 tagged by  YUI Builder
        on  Fri Nov 6 18:36:14 2009 -0800

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Build: yui2-2540

Jenny Donnelly (4):
      [fix bug #2528610] Support for iframe shim under cell editor. New APIs:
      [fix bug #2528552] typeAhead with forceSelection should not clear input if user arrows to selection then blurs the widget, since input value has been updated via typeAhead.
      [fix bug #2528560] Added className property to BaseCellEditor. Since column is late-binding to each editor in the attach() method, I didn't want to explicitly tie the column to the editor via the className at this time. But I'm open to revisiting the Column/CellEditor relationship.
      Standalone code patch for bug 2528610.

YUI Builder (1):
      Build: yui2-2540


Yahoo! User Interface Toolkit (yui)

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