[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-zipfile] 01/20: Imported Upstream version 0.4.0+ds1

Jérémy Lal kapouer at alioth.debian.org
Fri Aug 30 13:36:31 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

kapouer pushed a commit to branch master
in repository node-zipfile.

commit bfa3967892584d33c81b1cc18d01132bdf244c69
Author: Jérémy Lal <kapouer at melix.org>
Date:   Fri Aug 30 15:14:09 2013 +0200

    Imported Upstream version 0.4.0+ds1
 .gitignore                                         |    9 +
 .npmignore                                         |    1 -
 Makefile                                           |   45 ++---
 binding.gyp                                        |   67 +++++++
 build.gyp                                          |   82 ---------
 configure                                          |    2 +-
 deps/common-libzip.gypi                            |    5 +
 deps/notes.md                                      |    4 +
 lib/zipfile.js                                     |    2 +-
 package.json                                       |   10 +-
 src/_zipfile.cc                                    |   28 ---
 src/node_zipfile.cpp                               |  105 ++++++++++-
 .../zipfile/node_zipfile.h => src/node_zipfile.hpp |    0
 test/data/Archive/one.txt                          |    1 +
 test/data/Archive/two.txt                          |    1 +
 "test/data/Cl\303\251ment/Ol\303\241.txt"          |    1 +
 "test/data/Cl\303\251ment/Ol\303\241.zip"          |  Bin 0 -> 167 bytes
 "test/data/Cl\303\251ment/foo.csv"                 |    2 +
 "test/data/Cl\303\251ment/foo.csv.zip"             |  Bin 0 -> 536 bytes
 test/data/points.csv.zip                           |  Bin 0 -> 615 bytes
 test/data/world_merc.zip                           |  Bin 345387 -> 0 bytes
 "test/data/\303\251\303\251\303\251/foo.csv"       |    2 +
 "test/data/\303\251\303\251\303\251/foo.csv.zip"   |  Bin 0 -> 536 bytes
 "test/data/\344\275\240\345\245\275_points.csv"    |    3 +
 test/support/helper.js                             |   31 ----
 test/unicode.test.js                               |   47 +++++
 test/write.test.js                                 |   42 ++---
 vcbuild.bat                                        |   17 +-
 wscript                                            |  185 --------------------
 29 files changed, 283 insertions(+), 409 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb0286e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.npmignore b/.npmignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cdbba3..0000000
--- a/.npmignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 0f7858d..a4841fc 100755
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,29 +1,23 @@
-all: zipfile.node
+all: node_zipfile.node
-OS:=$(shell uname -s)
-ifeq ($(OS),Linux)
-	NPROCS:=$(shell grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo)
-ifeq ($(OS),Darwin)
-	NPROCS:=$(shell sysctl -n hw.ncpu)
-	node-waf -v build install
-	node-waf -v build
+	`npm explore npm -g -- pwd`/bin/node-gyp-bin/node-gyp build
-	node-waf -v clean distclean
-	node-waf -v uninstall
+	@rm -rf ./build
+	rm -f lib/node_zipfile.node
+	rm -f test/tmp/*
+	rm -rf ./deps/libzip-0.10/
+	rm -rf ./build
+	rm -rf ./out
+	@make clean
+	@./configure
+	@make
-	@NODE_PATH=.:./lib:$NODE_PATH mocha -r zipfile -r assert
+	@PATH=./node_modules/mocha/bin:${PATH} && NODE_PATH=./lib:$NODE_PATH mocha -R spec
 	@fixjsstyle lib/*js bin/*js test/*js
@@ -37,11 +31,4 @@ lint:
 	@cpplint.py --verbose=3 --filter=-legal,-build/namespaces,-whitespace/line_length src/*.* include/zipfile/*.* 
-	rm -rf ./projects/makefiles/
-	python gyp/gyp build.gyp --depth=. -f make --generator-output=./projects/makefiles
-	#./build.py
-	make -j$(NPROCS) -C ./projects/makefiles/ V=1
-	cp projects/makefiles/out/Default/_zipfile.node lib/_zipfile.node
-.PHONY: test lint fix lintc fixc gyp
\ No newline at end of file
+.PHONY: test lint fix lintc fixc
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/binding.gyp b/binding.gyp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..008fdb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binding.gyp
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+  'includes': [ 'deps/common-libzip.gypi' ],
+  'variables': {
+      'libzip%':'internal',
+  },
+  'conditions': [
+      ['OS=="win"', {
+        'variables': {
+          'copy_command%': 'copy',
+        },
+      },{
+        'variables': {
+          'copy_command%': 'cp',
+        },
+      }]
+  ],
+  'targets': [
+    {
+      'target_name': 'node_zipfile',
+      'conditions': [
+        ['libzip != "internal"', {
+            'libraries': [
+               '-L<@(libzip)/lib',
+               '-lzip'
+            ],
+            'include_dirs': [ '<@(libzip)/include' ]
+        },
+        {
+            'dependencies': [
+              'deps/libzip.gyp:libzip'
+            ]
+        }
+        ]
+      ],
+      'sources': [
+        'src/node_zipfile.cpp'
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      'target_name': 'action_after_build',
+      'type': 'none',
+      'dependencies': [ 'node_zipfile' ],
+      'actions': [
+        {
+          'action_name': 'move_node_module',
+          'inputs': [
+            '<@(PRODUCT_DIR)/node_zipfile.node'
+          ],
+          'outputs': [
+            'lib/node_zipfile.node'
+          ],
+          'action': ['<(copy_command)', '<@(PRODUCT_DIR)/node_zipfile.node', 'lib/node_zipfile.node']
+        }
+      ],
+      'conditions': [
+          ['OS=="win"', {
+              'copies': [
+                {
+                  'files': [ '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/libzip.dll' ],
+                  'destination': 'lib/'
+                }
+              ]
+          }]
+       ]
+    }
+  ]
diff --git a/build.gyp b/build.gyp
deleted file mode 100644
index b4f611f..0000000
--- a/build.gyp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-  'variables': {
-      'node_module_sources': [
-          "src/_zipfile.cc",
-          "src/node_zipfile.cpp",
-      ],
-      'node_root': '/opt/node-v6.1',
-      'node_root_win': 'c:\\node',
-      'deps_root_win': 'c:\\dev2'
-  },
-  'targets': [
-    {
-      'target_name': '_zipfile',
-      'product_name': '_zipfile',
-      'type': 'loadable_module',
-      'product_prefix': '',
-      'product_extension':'node',
-      'sources': [
-        '<@(node_module_sources)',
-      ],
-      'defines': [
-        'PLATFORM="<(OS)"',
-        '_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64',
-      ],
-      'conditions': [
-        [ 'OS=="mac"', {
-          'libraries': [
-            '-lz',
-            '-L../../deps/libzip-0.10/lib/.libs',
-            '-lzip',
-            '-undefined dynamic_lookup'
-          ],
-          'include_dirs': [
-             'include/',
-             'deps/libzip-0.10/',
-             'deps/libzip-0.10/lib/',
-             '<@(node_root)/include/node',
-             '<@(node_root)/include',
-          ],
-        }],
-        [ 'OS=="win"', {
-          'defines': [
-            'PLATFORM="win32"',
-            '_WINDOWS',
-            '__WINDOWS__', # ltdl
-          ],
-          'libraries': [ 
-              'node.lib',
-              'zip.lib',
-			  'zlib.lib'
-          ],
-          'include_dirs': [
-             'include',
-             '<@(deps_root_win)\\node-zipfile\\deps\\libzip-0.10\\lib',
-             '<@(deps_root_win)\\zlib',
-             '<@(node_root_win)\\deps\\v8\\include',
-             '<@(node_root_win)\\src',
-             '<@(node_root_win)\\deps\\uv\\include',
-          ],
-          'msvs_settings': {
-            'VCLinkerTool': {
-              'AdditionalOptions': [
-                # https://github.com/mapnik/node-mapnik/issues/74
-                '/FORCE:MULTIPLE'
-              ],
-              'AdditionalLibraryDirectories': [
-                '<@(deps_root_win)\\zlib',
-                '<@(deps_root_win)\\node-zipfile\\deps\\libzip-0.10\\build_vc100\\lib',
-                '<@(node_root_win)\\Release\\lib',
-                '<@(node_root_win)\\Release',
-              ],
-            },
-          },
-        },
-      ], # windows
-      ] # condition
-    }, # targets
-  ],
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index d153015..d0184d1 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-node-waf configure $@
\ No newline at end of file
+`npm explore npm -g -- pwd`/bin/node-gyp-bin/node-gyp configure $@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/deps/common-libzip.gypi b/deps/common-libzip.gypi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4eaf7b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/common-libzip.gypi
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  'variables': {
+      'libzip_version%':'0.11.1'
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/deps/notes.md b/deps/notes.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8255949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/notes.md
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+modified libzip-0.11.1-mod.tar.gz
+  - this patch applied: http://hg.nih.at/libzip/rev/6aeb5008ceeb
+  - lib/zipconf.h removed
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/zipfile.js b/lib/zipfile.js
index c23a373..4885cc4 100644
--- a/lib/zipfile.js
+++ b/lib/zipfile.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-var zipfile = require('./_zipfile');
+var zipfile = require('./node_zipfile.node');
 exports = module.exports = zipfile;
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index ef2cf1d..cc69204 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   "name"          : "zipfile",
-  "version"       : "0.3.1",
+  "version"       : "0.4.0",
   "main"          : "./lib/index.js",
   "description"   : "C++ library for handling zipfiles in node",
   "keywords"      : ["zipfile", "uncompress", "unzip", "zlib"],
@@ -14,9 +14,10 @@
   "author"        : "Dane Springmeyer <dane at dbsgeo.com>",
   "contributors"  : [],
   "licenses"      : ["BSD"],
-  "dependencies"  : [],
+  "dependencies"  : {},
   "devDependencies": {
     "mocha": "*",
+    "mkdirp": "~0.3.0",
     "jshint"  : "~0.5.x"
   "bin"           : { 
@@ -26,9 +27,8 @@
        "examples" : "examples",
        "src": "src"
-  "engines"       : { "node": ">=0.6.0 <0.7" },
+  "engines"       : { "node": ">= 0.6.13 && < 0.11.0" },
   "scripts"       : {
-      "install" : "node-waf configure build",
-      "test"    : "make test"
+      "test"    : "mocha -R spec"
diff --git a/src/_zipfile.cc b/src/_zipfile.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index ef683bc..0000000
--- a/src/_zipfile.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-// v8
-#include <v8.h>
-// node
-#include <node.h>
-#include <node_version.h>
-// node-zipfile
-#include "zipfile/node_zipfile.h"
-using namespace node;
-using namespace v8;
-extern "C" {
-    static void init(Handle<Object> target) {
-        ZipFile::Initialize(target);
-        // node-zipfile version
-        target->Set(String::NewSymbol("version"), String::New("0.3.1"));
-        // versions of deps
-        Local<Object> versions = Object::New();
-        versions->Set(String::NewSymbol("node"), String::New(NODE_VERSION+1));
-        versions->Set(String::NewSymbol("v8"), String::New(V8::GetVersion()));
-        target->Set(String::NewSymbol("versions"), versions);
-    }
-    NODE_MODULE(_zipfile, init);
diff --git a/src/node_zipfile.cpp b/src/node_zipfile.cpp
index 62d0319..3a08709 100644
--- a/src/node_zipfile.cpp
+++ b/src/node_zipfile.cpp
@@ -1,15 +1,88 @@
-#include "zipfile/node_zipfile.h"
+#include "node_zipfile.hpp"
+#include <node_version.h>
 #include <node_buffer.h>
+#ifdef _WINDOWS
+#include <Windows.h>
 // std
 #include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
 #include <vector>
 #include <string>
 #include <algorithm>
 #define TOSTR(obj) (*String::Utf8Value((obj)->ToString()))
+#ifdef _WINDOWS
+std::string wstring2string(const std::wstring& s)
+    DWORD size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8,
+	                                 0,
+	                                 s.c_str(),
+	                                 -1,
+	                                 NULL,
+	                                 0,
+	                                 NULL,
+	                                 NULL);
+    if (size == 0) {
+      // This should never happen.
+      fprintf(stderr, "Could not convert arguments to utf8.");
+    }
+    char * buf_ptr = new char [size];
+    DWORD result = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,
+                                       0,
+	                                   s.c_str(),
+                                       -1,
+                                       buf_ptr,
+                                       size,
+                                       NULL,
+                                       NULL);
+    if (result == 0) {
+      // This should never happen.
+      fprintf(stderr, "Could not convert arguments to utf8.");
+    }
+    std::string r(buf_ptr);
+	delete buf_ptr;
+    return r;
+std::wstring utf8ToWide( std::string const& s )
+    int ws_len, r;
+	WCHAR* ws;
+    ws_len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8,
+                               0,
+                               s.c_str(),
+                               -1,
+                               NULL,
+                               0);
+    ws = new wchar_t [ws_len * sizeof(WCHAR)];
+	if (ws == NULL) {
+      // This should never happen.
+      fprintf(stderr, "Could not convert arguments from utf8.");
+      exit(1);
+	}
+    r = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8,
+                          0,
+                          s.c_str(),
+                          -1,
+                          ws,
+                          ws_len);
+	if (r != ws_len) {
+      // This should never happen.
+      fprintf(stderr, "Could not do anything useful.");
+      exit(1);
+	}
+    std::wstring rt(ws);
+	delete ws;
+    return rt;
 Persistent<FunctionTemplate> ZipFile::constructor;
 void ZipFile::Initialize(Handle<Object> target) {
@@ -45,7 +118,10 @@ Handle<Value> ZipFile::New(const Arguments& args) {
                                   String::New("first argument must be a path to a zipfile")));
     std::string input_file = TOSTR(args[0]);
-    int err;
+#ifdef _WINDOWS
+	input_file = wstring2string(utf8ToWide(input_file));
+	int err;
     char errstr[1024];
     struct zip *za;
     if ((za=zip_open(input_file.c_str(), 0, &err)) == NULL) {
@@ -65,7 +141,8 @@ Handle<Value> ZipFile::New(const Arguments& args) {
     for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
         struct zip_stat st;
         zip_stat_index(za, i, 0, &st);
-        zf->names_.push_back(st.name);
+		std::string name = st.name;
+        zf->names_.push_back(name);
@@ -217,8 +294,7 @@ Handle<Value> ZipFile::readFile(const Arguments& args) {
     closure->error = false;
     closure->name = name;
     closure->cb = Persistent<Function>::New(Handle<Function>::Cast(args[args.Length()-1]));
-    uv_queue_work(uv_default_loop(), &closure->request, Work_ReadFile, Work_AfterReadFile);
-    uv_ref(uv_default_loop());
+    uv_queue_work(uv_default_loop(), &closure->request, Work_ReadFile, (uv_after_work_cb)Work_AfterReadFile);
     return Undefined();
@@ -292,7 +368,24 @@ void ZipFile::Work_AfterReadFile(uv_work_t* req) {
-    uv_unref(uv_default_loop());
     delete closure;
+extern "C" {
+    static void init(Handle<Object> target) {
+        ZipFile::Initialize(target);
+        // node-zipfile version
+        target->Set(String::NewSymbol("version"), String::New("0.3.1"));
+        // versions of deps
+        Local<Object> versions = Object::New();
+        versions->Set(String::NewSymbol("node"), String::New(NODE_VERSION+1));
+        versions->Set(String::NewSymbol("v8"), String::New(V8::GetVersion()));
+        target->Set(String::NewSymbol("versions"), versions);
+    }
+    NODE_MODULE(node_zipfile, init);
diff --git a/include/zipfile/node_zipfile.h b/src/node_zipfile.hpp
similarity index 100%
rename from include/zipfile/node_zipfile.h
rename to src/node_zipfile.hpp
diff --git a/test/data/Archive/one.txt b/test/data/Archive/one.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c1b149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/data/Archive/one.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/test/data/Archive/two.txt b/test/data/Archive/two.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..802cba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/data/Archive/two.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git "a/test/data/Cl\303\251ment/Ol\303\241.txt" "b/test/data/Cl\303\251ment/Ol\303\241.txt"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..341375b
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/test/data/Cl\303\251ment/Ol\303\241.txt"
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git "a/test/data/Cl\303\251ment/Ol\303\241.zip" "b/test/data/Cl\303\251ment/Ol\303\241.zip"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fde953c
Binary files /dev/null and "b/test/data/Cl\303\251ment/Ol\303\241.zip" differ
diff --git "a/test/data/Cl\303\251ment/foo.csv" "b/test/data/Cl\303\251ment/foo.csv"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d436ff3
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/test/data/Cl\303\251ment/foo.csv"
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git "a/test/data/Cl\303\251ment/foo.csv.zip" "b/test/data/Cl\303\251ment/foo.csv.zip"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5a433c
Binary files /dev/null and "b/test/data/Cl\303\251ment/foo.csv.zip" differ
diff --git a/test/data/points.csv.zip b/test/data/points.csv.zip
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf8be1d
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/data/points.csv.zip differ
diff --git a/test/data/world_merc.zip b/test/data/world_merc.zip
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d32ccc..0000000
Binary files a/test/data/world_merc.zip and /dev/null differ
diff --git "a/test/data/\303\251\303\251\303\251/foo.csv" "b/test/data/\303\251\303\251\303\251/foo.csv"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d436ff3
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/test/data/\303\251\303\251\303\251/foo.csv"
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git "a/test/data/\303\251\303\251\303\251/foo.csv.zip" "b/test/data/\303\251\303\251\303\251/foo.csv.zip"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5a433c
Binary files /dev/null and "b/test/data/\303\251\303\251\303\251/foo.csv.zip" differ
diff --git "a/test/data/\344\275\240\345\245\275_points.csv" "b/test/data/\344\275\240\345\245\275_points.csv"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a36badb
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/test/data/\344\275\240\345\245\275_points.csv"
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/test/support/helper.js b/test/support/helper.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3eb563c..0000000
--- a/test/support/helper.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-var path = require('path');
-var fs = require('fs');
-exports.mkdirP = function(p, mode, callback) {
-    var that = this;
-    // if relative
-    if (p.charAt(0) != '/') {
-        // if >= node 0.3.0 use path.resolve()
-        p = path.join(__dirname, p);
-    }
-    var ps = path.normalize(p).split('/');
-    path.exists(p, function(exists) {
-        if (exists) {
-            callback(null);
-        } else {
-            that.mkdirP(ps.slice(0, -1).join('/'), mode, function(err) {
-                if (err && !err.code.match(/^EEXIST/)) {
-                    callback(err);
-                } else {
-                    fs.mkdir(p, mode, function(err) {
-                        if (err && !err.code.match(/^EEXIST/)) {
-                            callback(err);
-                        } else {
-                            callback(null);
-                        }
-                    });
-                }
-            });
-        };
-    });
diff --git a/test/unicode.test.js b/test/unicode.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3331558
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unicode.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+var zipfile = require('zipfile');
+var assert = require('assert');
+var fs = require('fs');
+var existsSync = require('fs').existsSync || require('path').existsSync;
+describe('Handling unicode paths, filenames, and data', function(){
+    it('open zip with folder with unicode', function(){
+        var zippath = './test/data/Clément/foo.csv.zip';
+        assert.ok(existsSync(zippath));
+        var zf = new zipfile.ZipFile(zippath);
+        assert.equal(zf.count, 3);
+        var buffer = zf.readFileSync(zf.names[0]);
+        assert.equal(buffer.toString('utf8'),fs.readFileSync(zippath.replace('.zip','')).toString('utf8').replace(/\r/g,''));
+    });
+    it('open zip with folder and file with unicode', function(){
+        var zippath = './test/data/Clément/Olá.zip';
+        assert.ok(existsSync(zippath));
+        var zf = new zipfile.ZipFile(zippath);
+        assert.equal(zf.count, 1);
+    });
+    it('open zip with unicode paths and unicode filenames in archive', function(){
+        var zippath = './test/data/Clément/Olá.zip';
+        assert.ok(existsSync(zippath));
+        var zf = new zipfile.ZipFile(zippath);
+        assert.equal(zf.count, 1);
+        assert.deepEqual(zf.names, ['Olá.txt']);
+        zf.names.forEach(function(name) {
+            var buffer = zf.readFileSync(name);
+            assert.equal(buffer.toString('utf8'),'Olá\n');
+        });
+    });
+    it('open zip with ansi path but unicode filename in archive', function(){
+        // created with OS X 10.7 with right-click, then "compress"
+        var zippath = './test/data/points.csv.zip';
+        assert.ok(existsSync(zippath));
+        var zf = new zipfile.ZipFile(zippath);
+        assert.equal(zf.count, 3);
+        assert.deepEqual(zf.names, ["你好_points.csv","__MACOSX/","__MACOSX/._你好_points.csv"]);
+        var buffer = zf.readFileSync(zf.names[0]);
+        assert.equal(buffer.toString('utf8'),fs.readFileSync('./test/data/你好_points.csv').toString('utf8').replace(/\r/g,''));
+    });
diff --git a/test/write.test.js b/test/write.test.js
index 9f929ac..0cab917 100644
--- a/test/write.test.js
+++ b/test/write.test.js
@@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
 var zipfile = require('zipfile');
 var assert = require('assert');
-var support = require('./support/helper');
 var path = require('path');
 var fs = require('fs');
 var constants = require('constants');
+var mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
+var existsSync = require('fs').existsSync || require('path').existsSync;
 describe('Async Writes', function(){
     var zf = new zipfile.ZipFile('./test/data/world_merc.zip');
-    var wrote = 0;
-    it('async write', function(done){
-        zf.names.forEach(function(name) {
-            var dest = path.join('/tmp/async', name);
-            support.mkdirP(path.dirname(dest), 0755 , function(err) {
+    zf.names.forEach(function(name) {
+        it('async write '+ name, function(done){
+            var dest = path.join(__dirname,'tmp', name);
+            mkdirp(path.dirname(dest), 0755 , function(err) {
                 if (err) throw err;
                 if (path.extname(name)) {
                     zf.readFile(name, function(err, buffer) {
@@ -25,9 +24,8 @@ describe('Async Writes', function(){
                                  // written is number of bytes written
                                  assert.ok(written > 0);
                                  fs.close(fd, function(err) {
-                                     wrote++;
-                                     if (wrote >= 4) done();
                                      if (err) throw err;
+                                     done();
@@ -37,37 +35,25 @@ describe('Async Writes', function(){
-    after(function(){
-      assert.equal(wrote, 4);
-    });
 describe('Sync Writes', function(){
     var zf = new zipfile.ZipFile('./test/data/world_merc.zip');
-    var wrote = 0;
-    it('sync write', function(){
-        zf.names.forEach(function(name) {
-            var uncompressed = path.join('/tmp/sync', name);
-            var dirname = path.dirname(uncompressed);
-            support.mkdirP(dirname, 0755 , function(err) {
+    zf.names.forEach(function(name) {
+        var uncompressed = path.join('/tmp/sync', name);
+        var dirname = path.dirname(uncompressed);
+        mkdirp(dirname, 0755 , function(err) {
+            it('sync write '+ name, function(done){
                 if (err && !err.message.match(/^EEXIST/)) throw err;
                 if (path.extname(name)) {
                     var buffer = zf.readFileSync(name);
                     var fd = fs.openSync(uncompressed, 'w');
                     fs.writeSync(fd, buffer, 0, buffer.length, null);
-                    assert.ok(path.existsSync(uncompressed));
-                    ++wrote;
+                    assert.ok(existsSync(uncompressed));
+                    done();
-    after(function(){
-      assert.equal(wrote, 4);
-    });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vcbuild.bat b/vcbuild.bat
index 1eb8cd3..8723ca6 100644
--- a/vcbuild.bat
+++ b/vcbuild.bat
@@ -1,14 +1,7 @@
-del build.sln
-rd /q /s Default
-del lib\\_zipfile.node
-python gyp/gyp build.gyp --depth=. -f msvs -G msvs_version=2010
-msbuild build.sln
-copy Default\\_zipfile.node lib\\_zipfile.node
+rd /q /s build
+del lib\\node_zipfile.node
+npm install
+copy build\Release\libzip.dll lib
 rem test!
 set NODE_PATH=lib
-rem have to put zip.lib on PATH
-set PATH=%PATH%;c:\\dev2\node-zipfile\\lib
-copy deps\\libzip-0.10\\build_vc100\\lib\\zip.dll lib\\zip.dll
-rem node node_modules\expresso\bin\expresso
-rem node -e "console.log(require('zipfile'))"
+npm test
diff --git a/wscript b/wscript
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e272c3..0000000
--- a/wscript
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-import os
-from glob import glob
-from os import unlink, symlink, popen, uname, environ
-from os.path import exists
-from shutil import copy2 as copy, rmtree
-from subprocess import call
-# http://www.freehackers.org/~tnagy/wafbook/index.html
-# node-wafadmin
-import Options
-import Utils
-TARGET = '_zipfile'
-TARGET_FILE = '%s.node' % TARGET
-built = 'build/Release/%s' % TARGET_FILE
-dest = 'lib/%s' % TARGET_FILE
-settings = 'lib/settings.js'
-def set_options(opt):
-    opt.tool_options("compiler_cxx")
-    opt.tool_options('misc')
-    opt.add_option( '--libzip'
-                  , action='store'
-                  , default=None
-                  , help='Directory prefix containing libzip "lib" and "include" files'
-                  , dest='shared_libzip_dir'
-                  )
-    opt.add_option( '--shared-libzip'
-                  , action='store_true'
-                  , default=False
-                  , help='Build dynamically against external install of libzip (default False - build uses internal copy)'
-                  , dest='shared_libzip'
-                  )
-def configure_libzip():
-    if not Options.options.shared_libzip:
-        Utils.pprint('GREEN','configuring internal libzip dep')
-        os.chdir('deps')
-        if not os.path.exists(BUNDLED_LIBZIP):
-            os.system('tar xvf %s' % BUNDLED_LIBZIP_TAR)
-        os.chdir(BUNDLED_LIBZIP)
-        cxxflags = ''
-        if os.environ.has_key('CFLAGS'):
-            cxxflags += os.environ['CFLAGS']
-            cxxflags += ' '
-        if os.environ.has_key('CXXFLAGS'):
-            cxxflags += os.environ['CXXFLAGS']
-        # LINKFLAGS appear to be picked up automatically...
-        os.system("CFLAGS='%s -fPIC -O3 -DNDEBUG -Wall' ./configure --disable-dependency-tracking --enable-static --disable-shared" % cxxflags)
-        os.chdir('../../')
-def configure(conf):
-    conf.check_tool("compiler_cxx")
-    conf.check_tool("node_addon")
-    configure_libzip()
-    libzip_includes = []
-    libzip_libpath  = []
-    auto_configured = False
-    o = Options.options
-    libzip_dir = o.shared_libzip_dir
-    shared_libzip = o.shared_libzip
-    if libzip_dir:
-        norm_path = os.path.realpath(libzip_dir)
-        if norm_path.endswith('lib') or norm_path.endswith('include'):
-            norm_path = os.path.dirname(norm_path)
-        libzip_includes = [os.path.join('%s' % norm_path,'include'),
-                           os.path.join('%s' % norm_path,'lib/libzip/include')
-                          ]
-        libzip_libpath  = [os.path.join('%s' % norm_path,'lib')]
-    elif shared_libzip:
-        pkg_config = conf.find_program('pkg-config', var='PKG_CONFIG', mandatory=False)
-        if pkg_config:
-            cmd = '%s libzip' %  pkg_config
-            if int(call(cmd.split(' '))) == 0:
-                Utils.pprint('GREEN','Sweet, found libzip via pkg-config')
-                libzip_includes.extend(popen("pkg-config --cflags libzip").readline().strip().split(' '))
-                libzip_libpath.extend(popen("pkg-config --libs libzip").readline().strip().split(' '))
-                auto_configured = True
-        if not auto_configured:
-            # reasonable defaults for searching
-            libzip_includes = ['/usr/local/include',
-                               '/usr/local/lib/libzip/include',
-                               '/usr/include',
-                               '/usr/lib/libzip/include',
-                               ]
-            libzip_libpath  = ['/usr/local/lib','/usr/lib']
-    elif not shared_libzip:
-        auto_configured = True
-        libzip_includes = ['-I../deps/%s/lib' % BUNDLED_LIBZIP]
-        libzip_libpath  = ['../deps/%s/lib/.libs/libzip.a' % BUNDLED_LIBZIP]
-    if not auto_configured:
-        if not conf.check_cxx(lib='zip', header_name='zip.h',
-                              uselib_store='ZIP',
-                              includes=libzip_includes,
-                              libpath=libzip_libpath):
-            conf.fatal("\n\n  Cannot find libzip, required for node-zipfile,\n  please install from:\n  'http://nih.at/libzip/'\n  (see README.md for more info)\n")
-        else:
-            Utils.pprint('GREEN', 'Sweet, found viable libzip dependency')
-        # strip paths that don't exist, turn into proper flags
-        new_inc = []
-        for i in libzip_includes:
-           if os.path.exists(i):
-               new_inc.append('-I%s' % i)
-        libzip_includes = new_inc
-        new_inc = []
-        for i in libzip_libpath:
-           if os.path.exists(i):
-               new_inc.append('-L%s' % i)
-        libzip_libpath = new_inc
-    linkflags = []
-    if os.environ.has_key('LINKFLAGS'):
-        linkflags = os.environ['LINKFLAGS'].split(' ')
-    linkflags.extend(libzip_libpath)
-    if shared_libzip:
-        if '-lzip' not in linkflags:
-            linkflags.append('-lzip')
-    elif Options.platform == 'darwin':
-        linkflags.append('-Wl,-search_paths_first')
-    if '-lz' not in linkflags:
-        linkflags.append('-lz')
-    conf.env.append_value("LINKFLAGS", linkflags)
-    cxxflags = libzip_includes
-    conf.env.append_value("CXXFLAGS", cxxflags)
-    #ldflags = []
-    #conf.env.append_value("LDFLAGS", ldflags)
-def build_libzip():
-    if not Options.options.shared_libzip:
-        os.chdir('deps/%s' % BUNDLED_LIBZIP)
-        os.system('make')
-        os.chdir('../../')
-def build(bld):
-    obj = bld.new_task_gen("cxx", "shlib", "node_addon", install_path=None)
-    build_libzip()
-    obj.cxxflags = ["-I../include/","-DNDEBUG", "-O3", "-g", "-Wall", "-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64", "-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE"]
-    obj.target = TARGET
-    obj.source = "src/_zipfile.cc"
-    obj.source += " src/node_zipfile.cpp"
-    obj.uselib = "ZIPFILE"
-    start_dir = bld.path.find_dir('lib')
-    # http://www.freehackers.org/~tnagy/wafbook/index.html#_installing_files
-    bld.install_files('${LIBPATH_NODE}/node/zipfile', start_dir.ant_glob('*'), cwd=start_dir, relative_trick=True)
-    # install command line programs
-    bin_dir = bld.path.find_dir('./bin')
-    bld.install_files('${PREFIX_NODE}/bin', bin_dir.ant_glob('*'), cwd=bin_dir, relative_trick=True, chmod=0755)
-def clean_libzip():
-    if not Options.options.shared_libzip:
-      if os.path.exists('deps/%s' % BUNDLED_LIBZIP):
-          rmtree('deps/%s' % BUNDLED_LIBZIP)
-def clean(bld):
-    pass # to avoid "Nothing to clean (project not configured)" error
-def shutdown():
-    if Options.commands['clean']:
-        if exists(TARGET): unlink(TARGET)
-        clean_libzip()
-    if Options.commands['clean']:
-        if exists(dest):
-            unlink(dest)
-    else:
-        if exists(built):
-            copy(built,dest)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/node-zipfile.git

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