[Pkg-javascript-commits] [SCM] libjs-chosen packaging annotated tag, v0.9.9, created. v0.9.9

Patrick Filler pf at patrickfiller.com
Wed Jun 26 15:47:09 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, v0.9.9 has been created
        at  86768f8993d456c3b9567af33332897503ae6985 (tag)
   tagging  606af039b6db46aaae477bebb9586a203dfdc036 (commit)
  replaces  v0.9.8
 tagged by  Patrick Filler
        on  Wed Nov 28 12:38:13 2012 -0600

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Version 0.9.9

Artur Kornakov (1):
      Reformat tab to spaces in css file

Christophe Coevoet (1):
      Added a way to retrieve the Chosen instance in the jQuery version

Daniel Anderson Tiecher (1):
      Added disable_search option when creating a chosen widget.

Daniel Tucker (2):
      Fixed to allow for IE8 browsers running in IE8 compatibility mode to still display
      Fixed line endings.

Dave Ingram (2):
      Fixing Cakefile to not use reserved word 'package'
      Implement handling of options that are both disabled AND selected

Haralan Dobrev (1):
      One more fix regarding issue #18. Still had problems sometimes with jQuery UI modal dialogs with z-index: 999; there.

Jakob (1):
      Changed Regexp for container ID creation

Jorgen Rydenius (1):
      Switched places of calling set_default_values() and set_default_text() from the AbstractChosen constructor to prevent that chosen.proto.coffee uses @results_none_found before it is set.

Krister Kari (2):
      Add -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch for iOS5
      CSS3: remove unneeded prefixes and small fixes to gradients

Kévin Gomez Pinto (2):
      Add: Join extra-parameters to the change event triggered when a result
      Add: also added extra-parameters to the change event when an item is

Martin Stub (1):
      Update chosen/chosen.css

Mélanie Huet (1):
      Add missing html end tag in example files

Patrick Filler (46):
      Merge pull request #528 from stubben/patch-1
      Single quote consistency.
      Build after merge of midday-fix_for_issue_207
      Merge pull request #551 from rk/patch-1
      Merge pull request #543 from fliptheweb/master
      Merge pull request #570 from kristerkari/master
      Build is behind (how??). Re-build.
      Merge branch 'jquery_instance' of https://github.com/stof/chosen into stof-jquery_instance
      Add a semicolon to minified build process.
      Merge branch 'limit-494' of https://github.com/polycode/chosen into polycode-limit-494
      Merge pull request #443 from hkdobrev/patch-1
      Merge pull request #590 from dingram/cakefile-fixes
      Allow text strings to be set by data attributes or initialization parameters.
      Better handling of default text options
      Merge branch 'patch-1' of https://github.com/malixsys/chosen into malixsys-patch-1
      Cake build after malixsys-patch-1 merge
      Properly clean-up deselected trigger when updating field. (Closes #603)
      Merge branch 'feature-change_event_extra_parameters' of https://github.com/Carpe-Hora/chosen into Carpe-Hora-feature-change_event_extra_parameters
      Event.simulate doesn't make use of the options paramter - might as well skip it.
      Only clean up the deselect trigger for single selects (and don't call the rest of results_reset)
      Make sure default class is applied before rebuilding results.
      Remove garbage ids from example.
      When Chosen is disabled, don't allow deselect.
      remove an unnecessary name
      Track current value to prevent erroneous change events.
      My last commit happened before Cake finished building. Re-build and commit.
      Merge branch 'disabled-selected' of https://github.com/dingram/chosen into dingram-disabled-selected
      Move disabled destroy prevention into result_deselect function.
      Merge branch 'single-backstroke-delete' of https://github.com/toots/chosen into toots-single-backstroke-delete
      Merge branch 'master' into dingram-disabled-selected
      Prototype's last function does not return an array.
      Merge pull request #748 from melaniehuet/fix-missing-html-end-tag
      Add two events for programatically activating / opening a field that has Chosen applied.
      Flip disable_search test and remove extraneous true.
      Merge branch 'master' into focus_input
      Reset the value on form field after deselect. Fixes #700
      Merge branch 'master' into dingram-disabled-selected
      Merge branch 'ie8_compatviewfix' of https://github.com/dantuck/chosen into dantuck-ie8_compatviewfix
      Re-build generated JS
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/phaas/chosen into phaas-master
      Accidentally checked in some logging. Remove it.
      Fixes tab order issues with single Chosen.
      Make sure single text link gets negative tab index. Fixes issue with tabbing backwards.
      Merge branch 'text-init-bug-fix' of https://github.com/rydenius/chosen into rydenius-text-init-bug-fix
      Committ latest compiled JS
      Loooong overdue update to version 0.9.9

Patrick Haas (2):
      Fix for initalization failure in pages served as application/xhtml+xml.
      Adding generated resources

Peter Uhnák (3):
      Add option to limit selected options.
      Fire event with limit reached and renamed limit option.

Robert K (1):
      Removed anti-Y bias. Improved randomness by reducing probability of duplicate Ts.

Romain Beauxis (2):
      Allow to delete choices with a single delete keystroke.
      Added generated files.

malixsys (2):
      Added events (liszt:hiding_dropdown, liszt:showing_dropdown) to dropdown hiding/showing to support custom event scenarios and inextricable z-index problems
      Added events (liszt:hiding_dropdown, liszt:showing_dropdown)

mlharvest (1):
      Merge pull request #765 from kristerkari/master


libjs-chosen packaging

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