[Pkg-javascript-commits] [SCM] flot branch, master, updated. debian/0.6-1-33-g9759e10

Marcelo Jorge Vieira metal at alucinados.com
Thu May 30 21:03:08 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit cdbd918006b61c0b50ce7a8a04136a1ed15a9786
Author: Marcelo Jorge Vieira <metal at alucinados.com>
Date:   Wed May 29 15:20:39 2013 -0300

    Removed embedded code from jquery.flot.navigate.js

diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 1d935a1..b1e15f9 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ Section: web
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Debian Javascript Maintainers <pkg-javascript-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 Uploaders: Marcelo Jorge Vieira (metal) <metal at debian.org>
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.50~), node-uglify
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.50~), node-uglify, libjs-jquery-mousewheel,
+ libjs-jquery-event-drag
 Standards-Version: 3.9.4
 Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/flot/
 Vcs-Browser: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-javascript/flot.git
diff --git a/debian/jquery.flot.navigate.header.js b/debian/jquery.flot.navigate.header.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c049805
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/jquery.flot.navigate.header.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+// First two dependencies, jquery.event.drag.js and
+// jquery.mousewheel.js, we put them inline here to save people the
+// effort of downloading them.
diff --git a/debian/jquery.flot.navigate.js b/debian/jquery.flot.navigate.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afa9a3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/jquery.flot.navigate.js
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+/* Flot plugin for adding the ability to pan and zoom the plot.
+Copyright (c) 2007-2013 IOLA and Ole Laursen.
+Licensed under the MIT license.
+The default behaviour is double click and scrollwheel up/down to zoom in, drag
+to pan. The plugin defines plot.zoom({ center }), plot.zoomOut() and
+plot.pan( offset ) so you easily can add custom controls. It also fires
+"plotpan" and "plotzoom" events, useful for synchronizing plots.
+The plugin supports these options:
+	zoom: {
+		interactive: false
+		trigger: "dblclick" // or "click" for single click
+		amount: 1.5         // 2 = 200% (zoom in), 0.5 = 50% (zoom out)
+	}
+	pan: {
+		interactive: false
+		cursor: "move"      // CSS mouse cursor value used when dragging, e.g. "pointer"
+		frameRate: 20
+	}
+	xaxis, yaxis, x2axis, y2axis: {
+		zoomRange: null  // or [ number, number ] (min range, max range) or false
+		panRange: null   // or [ number, number ] (min, max) or false
+	}
+"interactive" enables the built-in drag/click behaviour. If you enable
+interactive for pan, then you'll have a basic plot that supports moving
+around; the same for zoom.
+"amount" specifies the default amount to zoom in (so 1.5 = 150%) relative to
+the current viewport.
+"cursor" is a standard CSS mouse cursor string used for visual feedback to the
+user when dragging.
+"frameRate" specifies the maximum number of times per second the plot will
+update itself while the user is panning around on it (set to null to disable
+intermediate pans, the plot will then not update until the mouse button is
+"zoomRange" is the interval in which zooming can happen, e.g. with zoomRange:
+[1, 100] the zoom will never scale the axis so that the difference between min
+and max is smaller than 1 or larger than 100. You can set either end to null
+to ignore, e.g. [1, null]. If you set zoomRange to false, zooming on that axis
+will be disabled.
+"panRange" confines the panning to stay within a range, e.g. with panRange:
+[-10, 20] panning stops at -10 in one end and at 20 in the other. Either can
+be null, e.g. [-10, null]. If you set panRange to false, panning on that axis
+will be disabled.
+Example API usage:
+	plot = $.plot(...);
+	// zoom default amount in on the pixel ( 10, 20 )
+	plot.zoom({ center: { left: 10, top: 20 } });
+	// zoom out again
+	plot.zoomOut({ center: { left: 10, top: 20 } });
+	// zoom 200% in on the pixel (10, 20)
+	plot.zoom({ amount: 2, center: { left: 10, top: 20 } });
+	// pan 100 pixels to the left and 20 down
+	plot.pan({ left: -100, top: 20 })
+Here, "center" specifies where the center of the zooming should happen. Note
+that this is defined in pixel space, not the space of the data points (you can
+use the p2c helpers on the axes in Flot to help you convert between these).
+"amount" is the amount to zoom the viewport relative to the current range, so
+1 is 100% (i.e. no change), 1.5 is 150% (zoom in), 0.7 is 70% (zoom out). You
+can set the default in the options.
+(function ($) {
+    var options = {
+        xaxis: {
+            zoomRange: null, // or [number, number] (min range, max range)
+            panRange: null // or [number, number] (min, max)
+        },
+        zoom: {
+            interactive: false,
+            trigger: "dblclick", // or "click" for single click
+            amount: 1.5 // how much to zoom relative to current position, 2 = 200% (zoom in), 0.5 = 50% (zoom out)
+        },
+        pan: {
+            interactive: false,
+            cursor: "move",
+            frameRate: 20
+        }
+    };
+    function init(plot) {
+        function onZoomClick(e, zoomOut) {
+            var c = plot.offset();
+            c.left = e.pageX - c.left;
+            c.top = e.pageY - c.top;
+            if (zoomOut)
+                plot.zoomOut({ center: c });
+            else
+                plot.zoom({ center: c });
+        }
+        function onMouseWheel(e, delta) {
+            e.preventDefault();
+            onZoomClick(e, delta < 0);
+            return false;
+        }
+        var prevCursor = 'default', prevPageX = 0, prevPageY = 0,
+            panTimeout = null;
+        function onDragStart(e) {
+            if (e.which != 1)  // only accept left-click
+                return false;
+            var c = plot.getPlaceholder().css('cursor');
+            if (c)
+                prevCursor = c;
+            plot.getPlaceholder().css('cursor', plot.getOptions().pan.cursor);
+            prevPageX = e.pageX;
+            prevPageY = e.pageY;
+        }
+        function onDrag(e) {
+            var frameRate = plot.getOptions().pan.frameRate;
+            if (panTimeout || !frameRate)
+                return;
+            panTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
+                plot.pan({ left: prevPageX - e.pageX,
+                           top: prevPageY - e.pageY });
+                prevPageX = e.pageX;
+                prevPageY = e.pageY;
+                panTimeout = null;
+            }, 1 / frameRate * 1000);
+        }
+        function onDragEnd(e) {
+            if (panTimeout) {
+                clearTimeout(panTimeout);
+                panTimeout = null;
+            }
+            plot.getPlaceholder().css('cursor', prevCursor);
+            plot.pan({ left: prevPageX - e.pageX,
+                       top: prevPageY - e.pageY });
+        }
+        function bindEvents(plot, eventHolder) {
+            var o = plot.getOptions();
+            if (o.zoom.interactive) {
+                eventHolder[o.zoom.trigger](onZoomClick);
+                eventHolder.mousewheel(onMouseWheel);
+            }
+            if (o.pan.interactive) {
+                eventHolder.bind("dragstart", { distance: 10 }, onDragStart);
+                eventHolder.bind("drag", onDrag);
+                eventHolder.bind("dragend", onDragEnd);
+            }
+        }
+        plot.zoomOut = function (args) {
+            if (!args)
+                args = {};
+            if (!args.amount)
+                args.amount = plot.getOptions().zoom.amount;
+            args.amount = 1 / args.amount;
+            plot.zoom(args);
+        };
+        plot.zoom = function (args) {
+            if (!args)
+                args = {};
+            var c = args.center,
+                amount = args.amount || plot.getOptions().zoom.amount,
+                w = plot.width(), h = plot.height();
+            if (!c)
+                c = { left: w / 2, top: h / 2 };
+            var xf = c.left / w,
+                yf = c.top / h,
+                minmax = {
+                    x: {
+                        min: c.left - xf * w / amount,
+                        max: c.left + (1 - xf) * w / amount
+                    },
+                    y: {
+                        min: c.top - yf * h / amount,
+                        max: c.top + (1 - yf) * h / amount
+                    }
+                };
+            $.each(plot.getAxes(), function(_, axis) {
+                var opts = axis.options,
+                    min = minmax[axis.direction].min,
+                    max = minmax[axis.direction].max,
+                    zr = opts.zoomRange,
+                    pr = opts.panRange;
+                if (zr === false) // no zooming on this axis
+                    return;
+                min = axis.c2p(min);
+                max = axis.c2p(max);
+                if (min > max) {
+                    // make sure min < max
+                    var tmp = min;
+                    min = max;
+                    max = tmp;
+                }
+                //Check that we are in panRange
+                if (pr) {
+                    if (pr[0] != null && min < pr[0]) {
+                        min = pr[0];
+                    }
+                    if (pr[1] != null && max > pr[1]) {
+                        max = pr[1];
+                    }
+                }
+                var range = max - min;
+                if (zr &&
+                    ((zr[0] != null && range < zr[0]) ||
+                     (zr[1] != null && range > zr[1])))
+                    return;
+                opts.min = min;
+                opts.max = max;
+            });
+            plot.setupGrid();
+            plot.draw();
+            if (!args.preventEvent)
+                plot.getPlaceholder().trigger("plotzoom", [ plot, args ]);
+        };
+        plot.pan = function (args) {
+            var delta = {
+                x: +args.left,
+                y: +args.top
+            };
+            if (isNaN(delta.x))
+                delta.x = 0;
+            if (isNaN(delta.y))
+                delta.y = 0;
+            $.each(plot.getAxes(), function (_, axis) {
+                var opts = axis.options,
+                    min, max, d = delta[axis.direction];
+                min = axis.c2p(axis.p2c(axis.min) + d),
+                max = axis.c2p(axis.p2c(axis.max) + d);
+                var pr = opts.panRange;
+                if (pr === false) // no panning on this axis
+                    return;
+                if (pr) {
+                    // check whether we hit the wall
+                    if (pr[0] != null && pr[0] > min) {
+                        d = pr[0] - min;
+                        min += d;
+                        max += d;
+                    }
+                    if (pr[1] != null && pr[1] < max) {
+                        d = pr[1] - max;
+                        min += d;
+                        max += d;
+                    }
+                }
+                opts.min = min;
+                opts.max = max;
+            });
+            plot.setupGrid();
+            plot.draw();
+            if (!args.preventEvent)
+                plot.getPlaceholder().trigger("plotpan", [ plot, args ]);
+        };
+        function shutdown(plot, eventHolder) {
+            eventHolder.unbind(plot.getOptions().zoom.trigger, onZoomClick);
+            eventHolder.unbind("mousewheel", onMouseWheel);
+            eventHolder.unbind("dragstart", onDragStart);
+            eventHolder.unbind("drag", onDrag);
+            eventHolder.unbind("dragend", onDragEnd);
+            if (panTimeout)
+                clearTimeout(panTimeout);
+        }
+        plot.hooks.bindEvents.push(bindEvents);
+        plot.hooks.shutdown.push(shutdown);
+    }
+    $.plot.plugins.push({
+        init: init,
+        options: options,
+        name: 'navigate',
+        version: '1.3'
+    });
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 971a0a6..380419b 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -3,12 +3,18 @@
 	dh $@
+	# jquery.flot.navigate.js
+	cat debian/jquery.flot.navigate.header.js > jquery.flot.navigate.js
+	cat /usr/share/javascript/jquery-mousewheel/jquery.mousewheel.min.js >> jquery.flot.navigate.js
+	cat /usr/share/javascript/jquery-event-drag/jquery.event.drag.min.js >> jquery.flot.navigate.js
+	cat debian/jquery.flot.navigate.js >> jquery.flot.navigate.js
 	for file in `ls *.js`; do \
 		uglifyjs -o $${file%.js}.min.js $$file; \
 	rm -f *.min.js
+	rm -f jquery.flot.navigate.js
 	OUTDIR=$$PWD ; \
@@ -26,6 +32,7 @@ get-orig-source:
 	rm -f *.min.js  ; \
 	rm -f jquery.js ; \
 	rm -f excanvas.js ; \
+	rm -f jquery.flot.navigate.js ; \
 	rm -f .travis.yml ; \
 	rm -f .gitignore ; \
 	rm -rf examples/shared ; \


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