[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-iconv-lite] 44/83: Optimized table and internal encoding use "single-byte" way.

matthew pideil mpideil-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Apr 1 19:56:49 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mpideil-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository node-iconv-lite.

commit a03ad0e1ad102e57a821c522687f5fb62c109eb7
Author: fengmk2 <fengmk2 at gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Aug 26 01:50:45 2012 +0800

    Optimized table and internal encoding use "single-byte" way.
 index.js           | 137 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 test/perfomance.js |  16 +++++--
 2 files changed, 88 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)

diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
index 364c3b9..bd4858b 100644
--- a/index.js
+++ b/index.js
@@ -41,12 +41,9 @@ var iconv = module.exports = {
     encodings: {
         internal: function(options) {
             return {
-                toEncoding: function(str) {
-                    return new Buffer(ensureString(str), options.originalEncoding);
-                },
-                fromEncoding: function(buf) {
-                    return ensureBuffer(buf).toString(options.originalEncoding);
-                }
+                toEncoding: toInternalEncoding,
+                fromEncoding: fromInternalEncoding,
+                options: options
         utf8: "internal",
@@ -83,75 +80,91 @@ var iconv = module.exports = {
                 toEncoding: toSingleByteEncoding,
                 fromEncoding: fromSingleByteEncoding,
                 options: options,
-            }
+            };
         // Codepage double-byte encodings.
         table: function(options) {
-            var table = options.table, key, revCharsTable = options.revCharsTable;
-            if (!table) {
-                throw new Error("Encoding '" + options.type +"' has incorect 'table' option");
+            if (!options.table) {
+                throw new Error("Encoding '" + options.type + "' has incorect 'table' option");
-            if(!revCharsTable) {
-                revCharsTable = options.revCharsTable = {};
-                for (key in table) {
-                    revCharsTable[table[key]] = parseInt(key);
+            if (!options.revCharsTable) {
+                options.revCharsTable = {};
+                var table = options.table;
+                for (var key in table) {
+                    options.revCharsTable[table[key]] = parseInt(key, 10);
             return {
-                toEncoding: function(str) {
-                    str = ensureString(str);
-                    var strLen = str.length;
-                    var bufLen = strLen;
-                    for (var i = 0; i < strLen; i++)
-                        if (str.charCodeAt(i) >> 7)
-                            bufLen++;
-                    var newBuf = new Buffer(bufLen), gbkcode, unicode, 
-                        defaultChar = revCharsTable[iconv.defaultCharUnicode.charCodeAt(0)];
-                    for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < strLen; i++) {
-                        unicode = str.charCodeAt(i);
-                        if (unicode >> 7) {
-                            gbkcode = revCharsTable[unicode] || defaultChar;
-                            newBuf[j++] = gbkcode >> 8; //high byte;
-                            newBuf[j++] = gbkcode & 0xFF; //low byte
-                        } else {//ascii
-                            newBuf[j++] = unicode;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    return newBuf;
-                },
-                fromEncoding: function(buf) {
-                    buf = ensureBuffer(buf);
-                    var bufLen = buf.length, strLen = 0;
-                    for (var i = 0; i < bufLen; i++) {
-                        strLen++;
-                        if (buf[i] & 0x80) //the high bit is 1, so this byte is gbkcode's high byte.skip next byte
-                            i++;
-                    }
-                    var newBuf = new Buffer(strLen*2), unicode, gbkcode,
-                        defaultChar = iconv.defaultCharUnicode.charCodeAt(0);
-                    for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < bufLen; i++, j+=2) {
-                        gbkcode = buf[i];
-                        if (gbkcode & 0x80) {
-                            gbkcode = (gbkcode << 8) + buf[++i];
-                            unicode = table[gbkcode] || defaultChar;
-                        } else {
-                            unicode = gbkcode;
-                        }
-                        newBuf[j] = unicode & 0xFF; //low byte
-                        newBuf[j+1] = unicode >> 8; //high byte
-                    }
-                    return newBuf.toString('ucs2');
-                }
-            }
+                toEncoding: toTableEncoding,
+                fromEncoding: fromTableEncoding,
+                options: options,
+            };
+function toInternalEncoding(str) {
+    return new Buffer(ensureString(str), this.options.originalEncoding);
+function fromInternalEncoding(buf) {
+    return ensureBuffer(buf).toString(this.options.originalEncoding);
+function toTableEncoding(str) {
+    str = ensureString(str);
+    var strLen = str.length;
+    var bufLen = strLen;
+    for (var i = 0; i < strLen; i++) {
+        if (str.charCodeAt(i) >> 7) {
+            bufLen++;
+        }
+    }
+    var revCharsTable = this.options.revCharsTable;
+    var newBuf = new Buffer(bufLen), gbkcode, unicode,
+        defaultChar = revCharsTable[iconv.defaultCharUnicode.charCodeAt(0)];
+    for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < strLen; i++) {
+        unicode = str.charCodeAt(i);
+        if (unicode >> 7) {
+            gbkcode = revCharsTable[unicode] || defaultChar;
+            newBuf[j++] = gbkcode >> 8; //high byte;
+            newBuf[j++] = gbkcode & 0xFF; //low byte
+        } else {//ascii
+            newBuf[j++] = unicode;
+        }
+    }
+    return newBuf;
+function fromTableEncoding(buf) {
+    buf = ensureBuffer(buf);
+    var bufLen = buf.length, strLen = 0;
+    for (var i = 0; i < bufLen; i++) {
+        strLen++;
+        if (buf[i] & 0x80) //the high bit is 1, so this byte is gbkcode's high byte.skip next byte
+            i++;
+    }
+    var table = this.options.table;
+    var newBuf = new Buffer(strLen*2), unicode, gbkcode,
+        defaultChar = iconv.defaultCharUnicode.charCodeAt(0);
+    for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < bufLen; i++, j+=2) {
+        gbkcode = buf[i];
+        if (gbkcode & 0x80) {
+            gbkcode = (gbkcode << 8) + buf[++i];
+            unicode = table[gbkcode] || defaultChar;
+        } else {
+            unicode = gbkcode;
+        }
+        newBuf[j] = unicode & 0xFF; //low byte
+        newBuf[j+1] = unicode >> 8; //high byte
+    }
+    return newBuf.toString('ucs2');
 function toSingleByteEncoding(str) {
     str = ensureString(str);
diff --git a/test/perfomance.js b/test/perfomance.js
index 7d75d1f..f6c6105 100644
--- a/test/perfomance.js
+++ b/test/perfomance.js
@@ -2,14 +2,24 @@
 var iconv = require('iconv');
 var iconv_lite = require("../index");
-var encoding = "windows-1251";
+var encoding = process.argv[2] || "windows-1251";
 var convertTimes = 1000;
+var encodingStrings = {
+    'windows-1251': 'This is a test string 32 chars..',
+    'gbk': '这是中文字符测试。。!@¥%',
+    'utf8': '这是中文字符测试。。!@¥%This is a test string 32 chars..',
 // Test encoding.
-var str = "This is a test string 32 chars..";
-for (var i = 0; i < 13; i++)
+var str = encodingStrings[encoding];
+if (!str) {
+    throw new Error('Don\'t support ' + encoding + ' performance test.');
+for (var i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
     str = str + str;
+console.log('\n' + encoding + ' charset performance test:');
 console.log("\nEncoding "+str.length+" chars "+convertTimes+" times:");
 var start = Date.now();

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