[Pkg-javascript-commits] [pdf.js] 08/161: Making extensions/chromium/pdfHandler-v2.js adhere to the style guide and fixing a small lint issue in pdfHandler-vcros.js

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Apr 19 14:16:16 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pdf.js.

commit ce6e269d027a93163e7f2d56267977ef4e8f014e
Author: Tim van der Meij <timvandermeij at gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Mar 9 23:07:42 2014 +0100

    Making extensions/chromium/pdfHandler-v2.js adhere to the style guide and fixing a small lint issue in pdfHandler-vcros.js
 extensions/chromium/pdfHandler-v2.js    | 433 +++++++++++++++++---------------
 extensions/chromium/pdfHandler-vcros.js |   3 +-
 2 files changed, 226 insertions(+), 210 deletions(-)

diff --git a/extensions/chromium/pdfHandler-v2.js b/extensions/chromium/pdfHandler-v2.js
index b3af68b..711c35d 100644
--- a/extensions/chromium/pdfHandler-v2.js
+++ b/extensions/chromium/pdfHandler-v2.js
@@ -18,244 +18,259 @@ limitations under the License.
 /* globals chrome, URL, getViewerURL */
 (function() {
-'use strict';
+  'use strict';
-if (!chrome.streamsPrivate) {
-  // Aww, PDF.js is still not whitelisted... See http://crbug.com/326949
-  console.warn('streamsPrivate not available, PDF from FTP or POST ' +
-               'requests will not be displayed using this extension! ' +
-               'See http://crbug.com/326949');
-  chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(message, sender, sendResponse) {
-    if (message && message.action === 'getPDFStream') {
-      sendResponse();
-    }
-  });
-  return;
+  if (!chrome.streamsPrivate) {
+    // Aww, PDF.js is still not whitelisted... See http://crbug.com/326949
+    console.warn('streamsPrivate not available, PDF from FTP or POST ' +
+                 'requests will not be displayed using this extension! ' +
+                 'See http://crbug.com/326949');
+    chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(message, sender,
+                                                  sendResponse) {
+      if (message && message.action === 'getPDFStream') {
+        sendResponse();
+      }
+    });
+    return;
+  }
-// Stream URL storage manager
+  //
+  // Stream URL storage manager
+  //
-// Hash map of "<tab id>": { "<pdf url>": ["<stream url>", ...], ... }
-var urlToStream = {};
+  // Hash map of "<tab id>": { "<pdf url>": ["<stream url>", ...], ... }
+  var urlToStream = {};
+  chrome.streamsPrivate.onExecuteMimeTypeHandler.addListener(handleStream);
-// Chrome before 27 does not support tabIds on stream events.
-var streamSupportsTabId = true;
-// "tabId" used for Chrome before 27.
+  // Chrome before 27 does not support tabIds on stream events.
+  var streamSupportsTabId = true;
+  // "tabId" used for Chrome before 27.
+  var STREAM_NO_TABID = 0;
-function hasStream(tabId, pdfUrl) {
-  var streams = urlToStream[streamSupportsTabId ? tabId : STREAM_NO_TABID];
-  return streams && streams[pdfUrl] && streams[pdfUrl].length > 0;
+  function hasStream(tabId, pdfUrl) {
+    var streams = urlToStream[streamSupportsTabId ? tabId : STREAM_NO_TABID];
+    return (streams && streams[pdfUrl] && streams[pdfUrl].length > 0);
+  }
-* Get stream URL for a given tabId and PDF url. The retrieved stream URL
-* will be removed from the list.
-* @return {object} An object with property url (= blob:-URL) and
-*                                 property contentLength (= expected size)
-function getStream(tabId, pdfUrl) {
-  if (!streamSupportsTabId) tabId = STREAM_NO_TABID;
-  if (hasStream(tabId, pdfUrl)) {
-    var streamInfo = urlToStream[tabId][pdfUrl].shift();
-    if (urlToStream[tabId][pdfUrl].length === 0) {
-      delete urlToStream[tabId][pdfUrl];
-      if (Object.keys(urlToStream[tabId]).length === 0) {
-        delete urlToStream[tabId];
+  /**
+   * Get stream URL for a given tabId and PDF url. The retrieved stream URL
+   * will be removed from the list.
+   * @return {object} An object with property url (= blob:-URL) and
+   *                                 property contentLength (= expected size)
+   */
+  function getStream(tabId, pdfUrl) {
+    if (!streamSupportsTabId) {
+      tabId = STREAM_NO_TABID;
+    }
+    if (hasStream(tabId, pdfUrl)) {
+      var streamInfo = urlToStream[tabId][pdfUrl].shift();
+      if (urlToStream[tabId][pdfUrl].length === 0) {
+        delete urlToStream[tabId][pdfUrl];
+        if (Object.keys(urlToStream[tabId]).length === 0) {
+          delete urlToStream[tabId];
+        }
+      return streamInfo;
-    return streamInfo;
-function setStream(tabId, pdfUrl, streamUrl, expectedSize) {
-  tabId = tabId || STREAM_NO_TABID;
-  if (!urlToStream[tabId]) urlToStream[tabId] = {};
-  if (!urlToStream[tabId][pdfUrl]) urlToStream[tabId][pdfUrl] = [];
-  urlToStream[tabId][pdfUrl].push({
-    streamUrl: streamUrl,
-    contentLength: expectedSize
-  });
-// http://crbug.com/276898 - the onExecuteMimeTypeHandler event is sometimes
-// dispatched in the wrong incognito profile. To work around the bug, transfer
-// the stream information from the incognito session when the bug is detected.
-function transferStreamToIncognitoProfile(tabId, pdfUrl) {
-  if (chrome.extension.inIncognitoContext) {
-    console.log('Already within incognito profile. Aborted stream transfer.');
-    return;
-  }
-  var streamInfo = getStream(tabId, pdfUrl);
-  if (!streamInfo) {
-    return;
-  }
-  console.log('Attempting to transfer stream info to a different profile...');
-  var itemId = 'streamInfo:' + window.performance.now();
-  var items = {};
-  items[itemId] = {
-    tabId: tabId,
-    pdfUrl: pdfUrl,
-    streamUrl: streamInfo.streamUrl,
-    contentLength: streamInfo.contentLength
-  };
-  // The key will be removed whenever an incognito session is started,
-  // or when an incognito session is active.
-  chrome.storage.local.set(items, function() {
-    chrome.extension.isAllowedIncognitoAccess(function(isAllowedAccess) {
-      if (!isAllowedAccess) {
-        // If incognito is disabled, forget about the stream.
-        console.warn('Incognito is disabled, unexpected unknown stream.');
-        chrome.storage.local.remove(items);
-      }
-    });
-  });
-if (chrome.extension.inIncognitoContext) {
-  var importStream = function(itemId, streamInfo) {
-    if (itemId.lastIndexOf('streamInfo:', 0) !== 0) return;
-    console.log('Importing stream info from non-incognito profile', streamInfo);
-    handleStream('', streamInfo.pdfUrl, streamInfo.streamUrl, streamInfo.tabId,
-        streamInfo.contentLength);
-    chrome.storage.local.remove(itemId);
-  };
-  var handleStorageItems = function(items) {
-    Object.keys(items).forEach(function(itemId) {
-      var item = items[itemId];
-      if (item.oldValue && !item.newValue) return; // storage remove event
-      if (item.newValue) item = item.newValue;     // storage setter event
-      importStream(itemId, item);
+  function setStream(tabId, pdfUrl, streamUrl, expectedSize) {
+    tabId = tabId || STREAM_NO_TABID;
+    if (!urlToStream[tabId]) {
+      urlToStream[tabId] = {};
+    }
+    if (!urlToStream[tabId][pdfUrl]) {
+      urlToStream[tabId][pdfUrl] = [];
+    }
+    urlToStream[tabId][pdfUrl].push({
+      streamUrl: streamUrl,
+      contentLength: expectedSize
-  };
-  // Parse information that was set before the event pages were ready.
-  chrome.storage.local.get(null, handleStorageItems);
-  chrome.storage.onChanged.addListener(handleStorageItems);
-// End of work-around for crbug 276898
+  }
-chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(message, sender, sendResponse) {
-  if (message && message.action === 'getPDFStream') {
-    var pdfUrl = message.data;
-    var streamInfo = getStream(sender.tab.id, pdfUrl) || {};
-    sendResponse({
+  // http://crbug.com/276898 - the onExecuteMimeTypeHandler event is sometimes
+  // dispatched in the wrong incognito profile. To work around the bug, transfer
+  // the stream information from the incognito session when the bug is detected.
+  function transferStreamToIncognitoProfile(tabId, pdfUrl) {
+    if (chrome.extension.inIncognitoContext) {
+      console.log('Already within incognito profile. Aborted stream transfer.');
+      return;
+    }
+    var streamInfo = getStream(tabId, pdfUrl);
+    if (!streamInfo) {
+      return;
+    }
+    console.log('Attempting to transfer stream info to a different profile...');
+    var itemId = 'streamInfo:' + window.performance.now();
+    var items = {};
+    items[itemId] = {
+      tabId: tabId,
+      pdfUrl: pdfUrl,
       streamUrl: streamInfo.streamUrl,
       contentLength: streamInfo.contentLength
+    };
+    // The key will be removed whenever an incognito session is started,
+    // or when an incognito session is active.
+    chrome.storage.local.set(items, function() {
+      chrome.extension.isAllowedIncognitoAccess(function(isAllowedAccess) {
+        if (!isAllowedAccess) {
+          // If incognito is disabled, forget about the stream.
+          console.warn('Incognito is disabled, unexpected unknown stream.');
+          chrome.storage.local.remove(items);
+        }
+      });
-// PDF detection and activation of PDF viewer.
- * Callback for when we receive a stream
- *
- * @param mimeType {string} The mime type of the incoming stream
- * @param pdfUrl {string} The full URL to the file
- * @param streamUrl {string} The url pointing to the open stream
- * @param tabId {number} The ID of the tab in which the stream has been opened
- *                       (undefined before Chrome 27, http://crbug.com/225605)
- * @param expectedSize {number} The expected content length of the stream.
- *                       (added in Chrome 29, http://crbug.com/230346)
- */
-function handleStream(mimeType, pdfUrl, streamUrl, tabId, expectedSize) {
-  console.log('Intercepted ' + mimeType + ' in tab ' + tabId + ' with URL ' +
-              pdfUrl + '\nAvailable as: ' + streamUrl);
-  streamSupportsTabId = typeof tabId === 'number';
-  setStream(tabId, pdfUrl, streamUrl, expectedSize);
-  if (!tabId) { // Chrome doesn't set the tabId before v27
-    // PDF.js targets Chrome 28+ because of fatal bugs in incognito mode
-    // for older versions of Chrome. So, don't bother implementing a fallback.
-    // For those who are interested, either loop through all tabs, or use the
-    // webNavigation.onBeforeNavigate event to map pdfUrls to tab + frame IDs.
-    return;
+  if (chrome.extension.inIncognitoContext) {
+    var importStream = function(itemId, streamInfo) {
+      if (itemId.lastIndexOf('streamInfo:', 0) !== 0) {
+        return;
+      }
+      console.log('Importing stream info from non-incognito profile',
+                  streamInfo);
+      handleStream('', streamInfo.pdfUrl, streamInfo.streamUrl,
+        streamInfo.tabId, streamInfo.contentLength);
+      chrome.storage.local.remove(itemId);
+    };
+    var handleStorageItems = function(items) {
+      Object.keys(items).forEach(function(itemId) {
+        var item = items[itemId];
+        if (item.oldValue && !item.newValue) {
+          return; // storage remove event
+        }
+        if (item.newValue) {
+          item = item.newValue; // storage setter event
+        }
+        importStream(itemId, item);
+      });
+    };
+    // Parse information that was set before the event pages were ready.
+    chrome.storage.local.get(null, handleStorageItems);
+    chrome.storage.onChanged.addListener(handleStorageItems);
+  // End of work-around for crbug 276898
-  // Check if the frame has already been rendered.
-  chrome.webNavigation.getAllFrames({
-    tabId: tabId
-  }, function(details) {
-    if (details) {
-      details = details.filter(function(frame) {
-        return frame.url === pdfUrl;
+  chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(message, sender, sendResponse) {
+    if (message && message.action === 'getPDFStream') {
+      var pdfUrl = message.data;
+      var streamInfo = getStream(sender.tab.id, pdfUrl) || {};
+      sendResponse({
+        streamUrl: streamInfo.streamUrl,
+        contentLength: streamInfo.contentLength
-      if (details.length > 0) {
-        if (details.length !== 1) {
-          // (Rare case) Multiple frames with same URL.
-          // TODO(rob): Find a better way to handle this case
-          //            (e.g. open in new tab).
-          console.warn('More than one frame found for tabId ' + tabId +
-            ' with URL ' + pdfUrl + '. Using first frame.');
-        }
-        details = details[0];
-        details = {
-          tabId: tabId,
-          frameId: details.frameId,
-          url: details.url
-        };
-        handleWebNavigation(details);
-      } else {
-        console.warn('No webNavigation frames found for tabId ' + tabId);
-      }
-    } else {
-      console.warn('Unable to get frame information for tabId ' + tabId);
-      // This branch may occur when a new incognito session is launched.
-      // The event is dispatched in the non-incognito session while it should
-      // be dispatched in the incognito session. See http://crbug.com/276898
-      transferStreamToIncognitoProfile(tabId, pdfUrl);
- * This method is called when the chrome.streamsPrivate API has intercepted
- *  the PDF stream. This method detects such streams, finds the frame where
- *  the request was made, and loads the viewer in that frame.
- *
- * @param details {object}
- * @param details.tabId {number} The ID of the tab
- * @param details.url {string} The URL being navigated when the error occurred.
- * @param details.frameId {number} 0 indicates the navigation happens in the tab
- *                                 content window; a positive value indicates
- *                                 navigation in a subframe.
- */
-function handleWebNavigation(details) {
-  var tabId = details.tabId;
-  var frameId = details.frameId;
-  var pdfUrl = details.url;
+  //
+  // PDF detection and activation of PDF viewer.
+  //
-  if (!hasStream(tabId, pdfUrl)) {
-    console.log('No PDF stream found in tab ' + tabId + ' for ' + pdfUrl);
-    return;
-  }
+  /**
+   * Callback for when we receive a stream
+   *
+   * @param mimeType {string} The mime type of the incoming stream
+   * @param pdfUrl {string} The full URL to the file
+   * @param streamUrl {string} The url pointing to the open stream
+   * @param tabId {number} The ID of the tab in which the stream has been opened
+   *                       (undefined before Chrome 27, http://crbug.com/225605)
+   * @param expectedSize {number} The expected content length of the stream.
+   *                       (added in Chrome 29, http://crbug.com/230346)
+   */
+  function handleStream(mimeType, pdfUrl, streamUrl, tabId, expectedSize) {
+    console.log('Intercepted ' + mimeType + ' in tab ' + tabId + ' with URL ' +
+                pdfUrl + '\nAvailable as: ' + streamUrl);
+    streamSupportsTabId = typeof tabId === 'number';
-  var viewerUrl = getViewerURL(pdfUrl);
+    setStream(tabId, pdfUrl, streamUrl, expectedSize);
-  if (frameId === 0) { // Main frame
-    console.log('Going to render PDF Viewer in main frame for ' + pdfUrl);
-    chrome.tabs.update(tabId, {
-      url: viewerUrl
-    });
-  } else {
-    console.log('Going to render PDF Viewer in sub frame for ' + pdfUrl);
-    // Non-standard Chrome API. chrome.tabs.executeScriptInFrame and docs
-    // is available at https://github.com/Rob--W/chrome-api
-    chrome.tabs.executeScriptInFrame(tabId, {
-      frameId: frameId,
-      code: 'location.href = ' + JSON.stringify(viewerUrl) + ';'
-    }, function(result) {
-      if (!result) { // Did the tab disappear? Is the frame inaccessible?
-        console.warn('Frame not found, viewer not rendered in tab ' + tabId);
+    if (!tabId) { // Chrome doesn't set the tabId before v27
+      // PDF.js targets Chrome 28+ because of fatal bugs in incognito mode
+      // for older versions of Chrome. So, don't bother implementing a fallback.
+      // For those who are interested, either loop through all tabs, or use the
+      // webNavigation.onBeforeNavigate event to map pdfUrls to tab + frame IDs.
+      return;
+    }
+    // Check if the frame has already been rendered.
+    chrome.webNavigation.getAllFrames({
+      tabId: tabId
+    }, function(details) {
+      if (details) {
+        details = details.filter(function(frame) {
+          return (frame.url === pdfUrl);
+        });
+        if (details.length > 0) {
+          if (details.length !== 1) {
+            // (Rare case) Multiple frames with same URL.
+            // TODO(rob): Find a better way to handle this case
+            //            (e.g. open in new tab).
+            console.warn('More than one frame found for tabId ' + tabId +
+                         ' with URL ' + pdfUrl + '. Using first frame.');
+          }
+          details = details[0];
+          details = {
+            tabId: tabId,
+            frameId: details.frameId,
+            url: details.url
+          };
+          handleWebNavigation(details);
+        } else {
+          console.warn('No webNavigation frames found for tabId ' + tabId);
+        }
+      } else {
+        console.warn('Unable to get frame information for tabId ' + tabId);
+        // This branch may occur when a new incognito session is launched.
+        // The event is dispatched in the non-incognito session while it should
+        // be dispatched in the incognito session. See http://crbug.com/276898
+        transferStreamToIncognitoProfile(tabId, pdfUrl);
+  /**
+   * This method is called when the chrome.streamsPrivate API has intercepted
+   *  the PDF stream. This method detects such streams, finds the frame where
+   *  the request was made, and loads the viewer in that frame.
+   *
+   * @param details {object}
+   * @param details.tabId {number} The ID of the tab
+   * @param details.url {string} The URL being navigated when the error
+   *                             occurred.
+   * @param details.frameId {number} 0 indicates the navigation happens in
+   *                                 the tab content window; a positive value
+   *                                 indicates navigation in a subframe.
+   */
+  function handleWebNavigation(details) {
+    var tabId = details.tabId;
+    var frameId = details.frameId;
+    var pdfUrl = details.url;
+    if (!hasStream(tabId, pdfUrl)) {
+      console.log('No PDF stream found in tab ' + tabId + ' for ' + pdfUrl);
+      return;
+    }
+    var viewerUrl = getViewerURL(pdfUrl);
+    if (frameId === 0) { // Main frame
+      console.log('Going to render PDF Viewer in main frame for ' + pdfUrl);
+      chrome.tabs.update(tabId, {
+        url: viewerUrl
+      });
+    } else {
+      console.log('Going to render PDF Viewer in sub frame for ' + pdfUrl);
+      // Non-standard Chrome API. chrome.tabs.executeScriptInFrame and docs
+      // is available at https://github.com/Rob--W/chrome-api
+      chrome.tabs.executeScriptInFrame(tabId, {
+        frameId: frameId,
+        code: 'location.href = ' + JSON.stringify(viewerUrl) + ';'
+      }, function(result) {
+        if (!result) { // Did the tab disappear? Is the frame inaccessible?
+          console.warn('Frame not found, viewer not rendered in tab ' + tabId);
+        }
+      });
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/extensions/chromium/pdfHandler-vcros.js b/extensions/chromium/pdfHandler-vcros.js
index 839ecb1..670ec01 100644
--- a/extensions/chromium/pdfHandler-vcros.js
+++ b/extensions/chromium/pdfHandler-vcros.js
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ limitations under the License.
    * Invoked when "Open with PDF Viewer" is chosen in the File browser.
-   * @param {String} id      File browser action ID as specified in manifest.json
+   * @param {String} id      File browser action ID as specified in
+   *                         manifest.json
    * @param {Object} details Object of type FileHandlerExecuteEventDetails
   function onExecuteFileBrowserHandler(id, details) {

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/pdf.js.git

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