[Pkg-javascript-commits] [pdf.js] 59/141: Fixes text-selection example

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Apr 19 22:40:30 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pdf.js.

commit 9c84bfa416975a016e4309833ccdb78b2b0db490
Author: Yury Delendik <ydelendik at mozilla.com>
Date:   Wed Apr 9 20:52:21 2014 -0500

    Fixes text-selection example
 examples/text-selection/js/minimal.js | 41 ++++++++++++++++-------------------
 src/display/api.js                    |  2 --
 2 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/text-selection/js/minimal.js b/examples/text-selection/js/minimal.js
index b25bf4f..2faf337 100644
--- a/examples/text-selection/js/minimal.js
+++ b/examples/text-selection/js/minimal.js
@@ -14,8 +14,13 @@
 // you actually end up selecting.
 window.onload = function () {
+  if (typeof PDFJS === 'undefined') {
+    alert('Built version of pdf.js is not found\nPlease run `node make generic`');
+    return;
+  }
   var scale = 1.5; //Set this to whatever you want. This is basically the "zoom" factor for the PDF.
-  PDFJS.workerSrc = '../../src/worker_loader.js';
+  PDFJS.workerSrc = '../../build/generic/build/pdf.worker.js';
   function loadPdf(pdfPath) {
     var pdf = PDFJS.getDocument(pdfPath);
@@ -33,38 +38,30 @@ window.onload = function () {
     // Set the canvas height and width to the height and width of the viewport
     var canvas = $canvas.get(0);
     var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
-    canvas.height = viewport.height;
-    canvas.width = viewport.width;
+    // The following few lines of code set up scaling on the context if we are on a HiDPI display
+    var outputScale = getOutputScale(context);
+    canvas.width = (Math.floor(viewport.width) * outputScale.sx) | 0;
+    canvas.height = (Math.floor(viewport.height) * outputScale.sy) | 0;
+    canvas.style.width = Math.floor(viewport.width) + 'px';
+    canvas.style.height = Math.floor(viewport.height) + 'px';
     // Append the canvas to the pdf container div
     var $pdfContainer = jQuery("#pdfContainer");
-    $pdfContainer.css("height", canvas.height + "px").css("width", canvas.width + "px");
+    $pdfContainer.css("height", canvas.style.height)
+                 .css("width", canvas.style.width);
     var canvasOffset = $canvas.offset();
     var $textLayerDiv = jQuery("<div />")
-      .css("height", viewport.height + "px")
-      .css("width", viewport.width + "px")
+      .css("height", canvas.style.height)
+      .css("width", canvas.style.width)
         top: canvasOffset.top,
         left: canvasOffset.left
-    // The following few lines of code set up scaling on the context if we are on a HiDPI display
-    var outputScale = getOutputScale(context);
-    if (outputScale.scaled) {
-      var cssScale = 'scale(' + (1 / outputScale.sx) + ', ' +
-                     (1 / outputScale.sy) + ')';
-      CustomStyle.setProp('transform', canvas, cssScale);
-      CustomStyle.setProp('transformOrigin', canvas, '0% 0%');
-      if ($textLayerDiv.get(0)) {
-        CustomStyle.setProp('transform', $textLayerDiv.get(0), cssScale);
-        CustomStyle.setProp('transformOrigin', $textLayerDiv.get(0), '0% 0%');
-      }
-    }
     context._scaleX = outputScale.sx;
     context._scaleY = outputScale.sy;
     if (outputScale.scaled) {
@@ -76,14 +73,14 @@ window.onload = function () {
     page.getTextContent().then(function (textContent) {
       var textLayer = new TextLayerBuilder({
         textLayerDiv: $textLayerDiv.get(0),
+        viewport: viewport,
         pageIndex: 0
       var renderContext = {
         canvasContext: context,
-        viewport: viewport,
-        textLayer: textLayer
+        viewport: viewport
diff --git a/src/display/api.js b/src/display/api.js
index aff296f..807cce7 100644
--- a/src/display/api.js
+++ b/src/display/api.js
@@ -444,8 +444,6 @@ var PDFPageProxy = (function PDFPageProxyClosure() {
      * @param {Object} params A parameter object that supports:
      * {
      *   canvasContext(required): A 2D context of a DOM Canvas object.,
-     *   textLayer(optional): An object that has beginLayout, endLayout, and
-     *                        appendText functions.,
      *   imageLayer(optional): An object that has beginLayout, endLayout and
      *                         appendImage functions.,
      *   continueCallback(optional): A function that will be called each time

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/pdf.js.git

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