[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-ain2] 03/102: docs

Jonas Smedegaard js at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Apr 29 11:59:44 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

js pushed a commit to branch master
in repository node-ain2.

commit 8fa275e0e1e8dc780068508f1a27dff768fe60e5
Author: Alexander Dorofeev <aka.spin at gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Dec 5 09:03:22 2010 +0500

 index.js  |  64 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 readme.md | 129 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 170 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
index 5497776..6471294 100644
--- a/index.js
+++ b/index.js
@@ -97,32 +97,45 @@ function getDate() {
  * @returns {SysLogger}
 function SysLogger() {
-    this.times = {};
+    this._times = {};
- * Init function
- * @param {Facility|Number|String} Optional facility
- * @param {String} name Optional name. By default is process.argv[1]
- * @param {String} hostname Optional hostname. 
+ * Init function. All arguments is optional
+ * @param {String} tag By default is __filename
+ * @param {Facility|Number|String} By default is "user"
+ * @param {String} hostname By default is "localhost"
-SysLogger.prototype.init = function(facility, name, hostname) {
+SysLogger.prototype.set = function(tag, facility, hostname) {
+    this.setTag(tag);
+    this.setFacility(facility);
+    this.setHostname(hostname);
+    return this;
+SysLogger.prototype.setTag = function(tag) {
+    this.tag = tag || __filename;
+    return this;
+SysLogger.prototype.setFacility = function(facility) {
     this.facility = facility || Facility.user;
     if (typeof this.facility == 'string') 
-            this.facility = Facility[this.facility];
-    this.name = name || process.argv[1];
+        this.facility = Facility[this.facility];
+    return this;
+SysLogger.prototype.setHostname = function(hostname) {
     this.hostname = hostname || 'localhost';
+    return this;
- * Get new instance of SysLogger. 
- * @param {String} name Optional name. By default is process.argv[1]
- * @param {Facility|Number|String} facility
- * @param {String} hostname Optional hostname. 
+ * Get new instance of SysLogger. All arguments is similar as `init` 
  * @returns {SysLogger}
 SysLogger.prototype.get = function() {
     var newLogger = new SysLogger();
-    newLogger.init.apply(newLogger, arguments);
+    newLogger.set.apply(newLogger, arguments);
     return newLogger;
@@ -134,9 +147,7 @@ SysLogger.prototype._send = function(message, severity) {
     var client = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
     var message = new Buffer('<' + (this.facility * 8 + severity) + '>' +
         getDate() + ' ' + this.hostname + ' ' + 
-        this.name + '[' + process.pid + ']:' + message);
-    console.log('%s', message);
+        this.tag + '[' + process.pid + ']:' + message);
     client.send(message, 0, message.length, 514, '', 
         function(err) {
             if (err) console.error('Can\'t connect to localhost:514');
@@ -155,29 +166,44 @@ SysLogger.prototype.send = function(message, severity) {
     this._send(message, severity);
+ * Send log message with notice severity.
+ */
 SysLogger.prototype.log = function() {
     this._send(format.apply(this, arguments), Severity.notice);
+ * Send log message with info severity.
+ */
 SysLogger.prototype.info = function() {
     this._send(format.apply(this, arguments), Severity.info);
+ * Send log message with warn severity.
+ */
 SysLogger.prototype.warn = function() {
     this._send(format.apply(this, arguments), Severity.warn);
+ * Send log message with err severity.
+ */
 SysLogger.prototype.error = function() {
     this._send(format.apply(this, arguments), Severity.err);
+ * Log object with `util.inspect` with notice severity
+ */
 SysLogger.prototype.dir = function(object) {
     var util = require('util');
     this._send(util.inspect(object) + '\n', Severity.notice);
 SysLogger.prototype.time = function(label) {
-    this.times[label] = Date.now();
+    this._times[label] = Date.now();
 SysLogger.prototype.timeEnd = function(label) {
-    var duration = Date.now() - this.times[label];
+    var duration = Date.now() - this._times[label];
     this.log('%s: %dms', label, duration);
diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md
index e5b6d19..e56d90e 100644
--- a/readme.md
+++ b/readme.md
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ Brain-free [syslog](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syslog)** logging for
 implements all `console` functions and formatting. Also *ain* supports UTF-8 
 (tested on Debian Testing/Sid).
+*Ain* send messages by UDP to `` (it's more scalable than 
+unix domain socket `/dev/log`) in 
+[RFC 3164](http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3164.html).
 *In the Phoenician alphabet letter "ain" indicates eye.
 **All examples tested under Debian Squeeze `rsyslog`. On other operating 
 systems and logging daemons settings and paths may differ.
@@ -18,12 +22,129 @@ demonstrates the replacement of the console:
     var console = require('ain');
-    console.log('notice severity by number %d', Date.now());
-    console.info('info severity');
-    console.error('error severity');
+    console.log('notice: %d', Date.now());
+    console.info('info');
+    console.error('error');
 After launch in `/var/log/user` you can see the following:
+    Dec  5 06:45:26 localhost ex.js[6041]: notice: 1291513526013
+    Dec  5 06:45:26 localhost ex.js[6041]: info
+    Dec  5 06:45:26 localhost ex.js[6041]: error
+## Changing destinations
+By default *ain* sets following destinations:
+* `TAG` - `__filename`
+* `Facility` - user (1)
+* `HOSTNAME` - localhost
+You can change them by `set` function. `set` function is chainable.
+    var logger = require('ain')
+            .set('node-test-app', 'daemon', 'devhost');
+    logger.warn('some warning');
+... and in `/var/log/daemon.log`:
+    Dec  5 07:08:58 devhost node-test-app[10045]: some warning
+`set` function takes three arguments: `tag`, `facility` and `hostname`. All 
+of these are optional.
+`tag` and `hostname` arguments is just *RFC 3164* `TAG` and `HOSTNAME` of 
+your messages.
+`facility` is little more than just name. Refer to *Section 4.1.1* of 
+[RFC 3164](http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3164.html) it can be:
+    ##  String  Description
+    -----------------------
+     0  kern    kernel messages
+     1  user    user-level messages
+     2  mail    mail system
+     3  daemon  system daemons
+     4  auth    security/authorization messages
+     5  syslog  messages generated internally by syslog daemon
+     6  lpr     line printer subsystem
+     7  news    network news subsystem
+     8  uucp    UUCP subsystem
+    16  local0  local use 0
+    17  local1  local use 1
+    18  local2  local use 2
+    19  local3  local use 3
+    20  local4  local use 4
+    21  local5  local use 5
+    22  local6  local use 6
+    23  local7  local use 7
+You can set `facility` by `String` or `Number`:
+    logger.init('node-test-app', 3);
+    logger.init('node-test-app', 'daemon');
-As noticed before *ain* implements all `console` functions.
+Also you can set `TAG`, `Facility` and `HOSTNAME` separatelly by `setTag`, 
+`setFacility` and `setHostname` functions. All of them is chainable too.
+You can get all destinations by theese properties:
+* `tag` TAG
+* `facility` Numerical representation of RFC 3164 facility
+* `hostname` HOSTNAME
+## Logging
+As noticed before *ain* implements all `console` functions. Severity level is 
+referenced to [RFC 3164](http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3164.html):
+    #  String   Description
+    -----------------------
+    0  emerg    Emergency: system is unusable
+    1  alert    Alert: action must be taken immediately
+    2  crit     Critical: critical conditions
+    3  err      Error: error conditions
+    4  warn     Warning: warning conditions
+    5  notice   Notice: normal but significant condition
+    6  info     Informational: informational messages
+    7  debug    Debug: debug-level messages
+*Ain* `console`-like functions behaviour is fully compatible to *node.js* and 
+logs messages with different severity levels: 
+* `log` - notice (5)
+* `info` - info (6)
+* `warn` - warn (4)
+* `error` - err (3)
+* `dir` - notice (5)
+* `time`, `timeEnd` - notice (5)
+* `trace` - err (3)
+* `assert` - err (3)
+To log message with desired severity level you can use `send` function:
+    logger.send('message', 'alert');
+`send` function takes two arguments: message and optional severity level. By 
+default, severity level is *notice*.
+## Additional loggers
+After importing *ain* already has default logger. Everything that was 
+described above - just about it.
+If you need log message with different `TAG`, `facility` and `HOSTNAME` 
+without touching default logger, you can get independent instance of logger 
+by `get` function.
+    var logger = require('ain').set('node-test-app', 'daemon', 'devhost');
+    logger.warn('some warning');
+    var anotherLogger = logger.get(logger.tag, 'local0', logger.hostname);
+    anotherLogger.log('another messgage'); 
+`get` function takes three arguments - as well as `set` function and return 
+new logger object. This object is just new instance of "logger" and has all 
+*ain* functions (including `get`). 

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-ain2.git

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