[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-express] annotated tag debian/4.1.1_dfsg-1 created (now 3dac067)

Jonas Smedegaard js at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Apr 30 16:34:15 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

js pushed a change to annotated tag debian/4.1.1_dfsg-1
in repository node-express.

        at  3dac067   (tag)
   tagging  83edd2b6c96a83e4619c673cc009e972795c9676 (commit)
  replaces  debian/2.5.9-2
 tagged by  Jonas Smedegaard
        on  Wed Apr 30 18:33:15 2014 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
node-express Debian release 4.1.1~dfsg-1
Version: GnuPG v1


Jonas Smedegaard (42):
      Use github.org (not npmjs.org) as upstream source.
      List URLs to source and preferred upstream contact in copyright file.
      Update Homebase URL.
      Use license shortname Expat (not MIT).
      Wrap License paragraph at 72 chars.
      Repackage using CDBS, Licensed GPL-3+. Build-depend on cdbs.
      Imported Upstream version 3.1.0
      Merge tag 'upstream/3.1.0'
      Update upstream-tarball hints for new upstream source.
      Depend on node-commander, node-range-parser, node-cookie, node-buffer-crc32, node-fresh, node-methods, node-send, node-cookie-signature and node-debug. Tighten dependency on node-connect and node-mkdirp. Stop depending on node-mime, node-qs or node-mkdirp.
      Update short and long description, based on Homepage.
      Update Vcs-* fields to use anonscm.debian.org URLs.
      Relax to build-depend unversioned on debhelper: Needed version satisfied in stable, and oldstable is no longer supported.
      Add myself as uploader.
      Add git-buildpackage config, to enable pristine-tar and signed tags, and suppress .gitignore when importing upstream tarballs.
      Git-ignore quilt .pc dir.
      Refresh and tidy patch 01.
      Install examples.
      Install new client-side code as example.
      Update changelog.
      Add README.source emphasizing control.in file as *not* a show-stopper for contributions, referring to wiki page for details.
      Update changelog.
      Lower debhelper compatibility level to 8, and relax to build-depend unversioned on debhelper: No concrete needs for more modern features, and debhelper 8 is satisfied even in oldstable.
      Mark packaging as not yet ready for release.
      Fix strip trailing whitespace in changelog.
      Fix drop mention reverted bump of debhelper compatibility level.
      Revert "install package.json - install index.js (removed from links) - pop bin/express, now moved to express-generator module"
      Update changelog: drop reverted changes.
      Rewrite changelog to emphasize what changed and why (not where in the packaging), and use present tense (it is not a changedlog).
      Merge unreleased section.
      Tidy changelog: avoid stuff nullified within release cycle.
      Extend copyright coverage for myself.
      Update copyright file: Add alternate git URL.
      Update upstream tarball checksum.
      Repackage upstream tarball to exclude test image: Embedded ICC profile has copyright but lacks DFSG-free licensing.
      Imported Upstream version 4.1.1~dfsg
      Merge tag 'upstream/4.1.1_dfsg'
      Update changelog (and revive unintended rewrite from previous update.
      Add copyright hints.
      Update changelog.
      Fix have watch file mangle debian version.
      Prepare for release: Update changelog.

Leo Iannacone (22):
      Imported Upstream version 4.1.1
      Merge tag 'upstream/4.1.1'
      watch file: mangle filename
      install package.json - install index.js (removed from links) - pop bin/express, now moved to express-generator module
      pop client.js - no longer in upstream
      convert rules to debhelper
      update depends according with package.json
      pop cdbs from build-debs - set debhelper >= 9
      added nodejs as build-deb
      bump standards-version to 3.9.5
      removed David Paleino from Uploaders (ACKed by dapal) - added Leo Iannacone
      moved project under pkg-javascript instead of collab-maint
      now recommends node-express-generator, which provides the bin/express file
      drop 01-migrate_to_nodejs.patch since bin/express has been moved to another module
      update debian changelog
      added nodejs info to description
      update debian changelog
      update copyright years
      revert to cdbs
      suggests node-express-generator instead of recommends
      pop bin/express, now moved to express-generator module
      install package.json


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-express.git

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