[Pkg-javascript-commits] [dojo] branch upstream updated (a01ed5e -> ebf1eb9)

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Aug 21 16:42:40 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a change to branch upstream
in repository dojo.

      from  a01ed5e   Imported Upstream version 1.10.0+dfsg
       new  698b3e2   Strip away copyrighted ICC profiles
       new  30a7436   Drop incorrect executable bit from non-executable files
       new  ea95dc2   Make script executable
       new  ebf1eb9   Drop sourceless files

The 4 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 dojox/analytics/logger/JSON.php                    |   0
 dojox/app/controllers/HistoryHash.js               |   0
 dojox/app/tests/images/a-icon-1-41x41.png          | Bin 3886 -> 1237 bytes
 dojox/app/utils/hash.js                            |   0
 dojox/calendar/CONTRIBUTING.md                     |   0
 dojox/calendar/LICENSE                             |   0
 dojox/calendar/nls/bg/buttons.js                   |   0
 dojox/calendar/nls/he/buttons.js                   |   0
 dojox/calendar/nls/hr/buttons.js                   |   0
 dojox/calendar/nls/uk/buttons.js                   |   0
 dojox/calendar/tests/hcalendar.html                |   0
 dojox/data/demos/openSearchProxy.php               |   0
 dojox/data/demos/stores/filestore_dojotree.php     |   0
 dojox/data/demos/stores/filestore_dojoxdata.php    |   0
 dojox/data/demos/stores/filestore_funcs.php        |   0
 dojox/data/tests/stores/filestore_dojoxdatageo.php |   0
 dojox/data/tests/stores/filestore_funcs.php        |   0
 dojox/dgauges/CONTRIBUTING.md                      |   0
 .../plugins/resources/icons/showBlockNodes.gif     | Bin
 .../resources/icons/showBlockNodesDisabled.gif     | Bin
 .../plugins/resources/images/bidiIconsEnabled.png  | Bin 12003 -> 9352 bytes
 dojox/fx/tests/images/averycutedog.jpg             | Bin 40879 -> 37717 bytes
 dojox/fx/tests/images/dot.png                      | Bin 4064 -> 1413 bytes
 dojox/fx/tests/images/longBg.png                   | Bin 12217 -> 9566 bytes
 dojox/gauges/tests/images/gaugeOverlay.png         | Bin 10675 -> 8024 bytes
 dojox/gfx/tests/svgweb/svgweb/COPYING.txt          |  65 ---------------------
 dojox/gfx/tests/svgweb/svgweb/src/svg.htc          |   1 -
 dojox/gfx/tests/svgweb/svgweb/src/svg.js           |   1 -
 dojox/gfx/tests/svgweb/svgweb/src/svg.swf          | Bin 45561 -> 0 bytes
 dojox/grid/resources/images/header.png             | Bin 3276 -> 625 bytes
 dojox/grid/resources/images/row_back.png           | Bin 3077 -> 426 bytes
 dojox/grid/resources/images/td_button_down.png     | Bin 3105 -> 454 bytes
 dojox/image/resources/images/buttons.png           | Bin 9259 -> 6610 bytes
 dojox/image/tests/images/extraWide.jpg             | Bin 49250 -> 46088 bytes
 dojox/image/tests/images/huuuge.png                | Bin 37958 -> 35309 bytes
 dojox/image/tests/images/imageHoriz.jpg            | Bin 47693 -> 44531 bytes
 dojox/image/tests/images/imageHoriz2.jpg           | Bin 77176 -> 74014 bytes
 dojox/image/tests/images/imageVert.jpg             | Bin 71533 -> 68371 bytes
 dojox/image/tests/images/square.jpg                | Bin 93704 -> 90542 bytes
 dojox/layout/resources/icons/splitterToggleH.png   | Bin 2937 -> 286 bytes
 dojox/layout/resources/icons/splitterToggleV.png   | Bin 2938 -> 287 bytes
 .../tests/imageControlsApp/images/imageHoriz.jpg   | Bin 47693 -> 44531 bytes
 .../tests/imageControlsApp/images/imageVert.jpg    | Bin 71533 -> 68371 bytes
 .../tests/imageControlsApp/images/square.jpg       | Bin 93704 -> 90542 bytes
 dojox/mobile/tests/images/a-icon-1-41x41.png       | Bin 3886 -> 1237 bytes
 dojox/mobile/tests/images/contacts16.png           | Bin 3142 -> 493 bytes
 dojox/mobile/tests/images/pic10.jpg                | Bin 258728 -> 255566 bytes
 dojox/mobile/tests/images/pic2.jpg                 | Bin 181835 -> 178673 bytes
 dojox/mobile/tests/images/pic7.jpg                 | Bin 249500 -> 246338 bytes
 dojox/mobile/tests/images/pic8.jpg                 | Bin 121302 -> 118140 bytes
 .../common/domButtons/compat/mblDomButtonArrow.png | Bin 3604 -> 955 bytes
 .../common/domButtons/compat/mblDomButtonCheck.png | Bin 3639 -> 990 bytes
 .../compat/mblDomButtonDarkBlueCheck.png           | Bin 3639 -> 990 bytes
 .../domButtons/compat/mblDomButtonGrayArrow.png    | Bin 3604 -> 955 bytes
 .../domButtons/compat/mblDomButtonWhiteArrow.png   | Bin 3604 -> 955 bytes
 .../domButtons/compat/mblDomButtonWhiteCheck.png   | Bin 3612 -> 963 bytes
 .../themes/windows/images/check-disabled.png       | Bin 3829 -> 1178 bytes
 dojox/mobile/themes/windows/images/dark/back.png   | Bin 3470 -> 819 bytes
 dojox/mobile/themes/windows/images/dark/check.png  | Bin 3685 -> 1034 bytes
 .../mobile/themes/windows/images/dark/radiobtn.png | Bin 3807 -> 1156 bytes
 dojox/mobile/themes/windows/images/light/back.png  | Bin 3292 -> 641 bytes
 dojox/mobile/themes/windows/images/light/check.png | Bin 3995 -> 1344 bytes
 .../themes/windows/images/light/radiobtn.png       | Bin 3736 -> 1085 bytes
 .../themes/windows/images/radiobtn-disabled.png    | Bin 3811 -> 1160 bytes
 dojox/mvc/tests/1.7/mobile/demo/shipToBillTo.html  |   0
 .../1.7/mobile/test_iPhone-shipto-billto.html      |   0
 .../mvc/tests/1.7/robot/iphone_shipto-billto.html  |   0
 .../1.7/robot/mvc_shipto-billto-hierarchical.html  |   0
 .../tests/1.7/robot/mvc_shipto-billto-simple.html  |   0
 .../test_mvc_shipto-billto-simple-oldparser.html   |   0
 dojox/mvc/tests/images/settings.png                | Bin 5005 -> 2354 bytes
 dojox/rpc/tests/resources/JSON.php                 |   0
 dojox/storage/buildFlashStorage.sh                 |   0
 dojox/widget/tests/images/gaugeOverlay.png         | Bin 10675 -> 8024 bytes
 dojox/widget/tests/images/rotator_aol.png          | Bin 10416 -> 7765 bytes
 dojox/widget/tests/images/rotator_dots.png         | Bin 3117 -> 466 bytes
 dojox/widget/tests/images/rotator_ibm.png          | Bin 7746 -> 5091 bytes
 dojox/widget/tests/images/rotator_wavemaker.png    | Bin 13660 -> 12902 bytes
 dojox/widget/tests/images/rotator_zend.png         | Bin 4852 -> 2201 bytes
 79 files changed, 67 deletions(-)
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/analytics/logger/JSON.php
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/app/controllers/HistoryHash.js
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/app/utils/hash.js
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/calendar/CONTRIBUTING.md
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/calendar/LICENSE
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/calendar/nls/bg/buttons.js
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/calendar/nls/he/buttons.js
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/calendar/nls/hr/buttons.js
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/calendar/nls/uk/buttons.js
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/calendar/tests/hcalendar.html
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/data/demos/openSearchProxy.php
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/data/demos/stores/filestore_dojotree.php
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/data/demos/stores/filestore_dojoxdata.php
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/data/demos/stores/filestore_funcs.php
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/data/tests/stores/filestore_dojoxdatageo.php
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/data/tests/stores/filestore_funcs.php
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/dgauges/CONTRIBUTING.md
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/editor/plugins/resources/icons/showBlockNodes.gif
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/editor/plugins/resources/icons/showBlockNodesDisabled.gif
 delete mode 100644 dojox/gfx/tests/svgweb/svgweb/COPYING.txt
 delete mode 100644 dojox/gfx/tests/svgweb/svgweb/src/svg.htc
 delete mode 100644 dojox/gfx/tests/svgweb/svgweb/src/svg.js
 delete mode 100644 dojox/gfx/tests/svgweb/svgweb/src/svg.swf
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/mvc/tests/1.7/mobile/demo/shipToBillTo.html
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/mvc/tests/1.7/mobile/test_iPhone-shipto-billto.html
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/mvc/tests/1.7/robot/iphone_shipto-billto.html
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/mvc/tests/1.7/robot/mvc_shipto-billto-hierarchical.html
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/mvc/tests/1.7/robot/mvc_shipto-billto-simple.html
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/mvc/tests/1.7/test_mvc_shipto-billto-simple-oldparser.html
 mode change 100755 => 100644 dojox/rpc/tests/resources/JSON.php
 mode change 100644 => 100755 dojox/storage/buildFlashStorage.sh

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/dojo.git

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