[Pkg-javascript-commits] [dojo] 05/21: Fixes preventDefault() on synthetic event "touch.move" which has no effect on "touchmove" native event.
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Aug 21 17:39:53 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to annotated tag 1.9.2
in repository dojo.
commit 7305a1eb8b0c714689afe24c7271f9cc821c9e8d
Author: Sebastien Pereira <spereira at javalive.net>
Date: Thu Jul 11 23:24:41 2013 +0900
Fixes preventDefault() on synthetic event "touch.move" which has no effect on "touchmove" native event.
Refs #17220.
(cherry picked from commit 6647dcdb24a997a0d6183e0c94c2525b9ae4a8d4)
tests/test_touch.html | 247 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
touch.js | 6 +-
2 files changed, 185 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/test_touch.html b/tests/test_touch.html
index 8e2b16e..6eb0fe0 100644
--- a/tests/test_touch.html
+++ b/tests/test_touch.html
@@ -2,19 +2,19 @@
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
- <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,maximum-scale=1,minimum-scale=1,user-scalable=no" />
+ <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,maximum-scale=1,minimum-scale=1,user-scalable=no"/>
<title>Dojo Touch Testing</title>
<style type="text/css">
#test {
width: 300px;
height: 150px;
border: 1px solid #7FB0DB;
- background-color: #7FB0DB;
+ background-color: #7FB0DB;
#innertest {
border: 1px solid white;
width: 100px;
- heigh: 75px;
+ height: 75px;
background-color: white;
#test2 {
@@ -29,9 +29,11 @@
height: 200px;
float: left;
- #dohDiv{
+ #dohDiv {
display: none;
- }
+ background-color:#800300;
+ color: wheat;
+ }
<script type="text/javascript" src="../dojo.js" data-dojo-config="async: true"></script>
@@ -39,14 +41,15 @@
- "dojo/touch",
- "dojo/domReady!"
- ], function(array, dom, lang, touch, on, has){
+ "doh/runner",
+ "dojo/dom-geometry",
+ "dojo/dom-style",
+ "dojo/domReady",
+ "dojo/touch"
+ ], function(array, dom, lang, on, has, doh, domGeom, domStyle, domReady, touch){
- var mspointer = navigator.msPointerEnabled; // IE10+ PSPointer events?
var action = function(comment, e){
// summary:
// Callback to display into when events fire
@@ -108,70 +111,180 @@
// on(node, "orientationchange", action);
- //================================= DoH tests - only running on desktop ======================
- if(has("touch")){
- //FIXME - DoH not supported on touch device
- return;
+ /**
+ * Fires an event. All coordinates are defaulted to zero.
+ * @param target the target element.
+ * @param eventType touchstart, touchmove or touchend, or mouse or MSPointer equivalents.
+ */
+ function emit(target, eventType, options){
+ var targetPos = domGeom.position(target);
+ options = lang.mixin({
+ pageX: targetPos.x + targetPos.w / 2,
+ pageY: targetPos.y + targetPos.h / 2
+ }, options || {});
+ if(document.createEvent && target.dispatchEvent){
+ var touch = {
+ identifier: (new Date()).getTime(),
+ target: target,
+ screenX: 0,
+ screenY: 0,
+ clientX: 0,
+ clientY: 0,
+ pageX: 0,
+ pageY: 0
+ };
+ lang.mixin(touch, options || {});
+ var mouseEvent = document.createEvent("MouseEvent");
+ mouseEvent.initMouseEvent(
+ eventType,
+ true,
+ true,
+ target.ownerDocument.defaultView,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ false,
+ false,
+ false,
+ 0,
+ document.body // relatedTarget, for mouseout events
+ );
+ if(/touch/.test(eventType)){
+ mouseEvent['touches'] = [touch];
+ mouseEvent['targetTouches'] = [touch];
+ mouseEvent['changedTouches'] = [touch];
+ }
+ target.dispatchEvent(mouseEvent);
+ }else{
+ options.bubbles = true;
+ options.cancelable = true;
+ on.emit(target, eventType, options);
+ }
- require(["doh/runner", "dojo/dom-style"], function(doh, domStyle){
+ // if we declare "dojo/domReady!" touch.js will register its handler *after* the test execution
+ // so here we explicitly call domReady.
+ domReady(function(){
var dohDiv = dom.byId('dohDiv');
domStyle.set(dohDiv, {display: 'block'});
- function setObj(obj, e){
- obj.type = e.type;
- obj.target = e.target;
- }
- function assert(obj, type, target){
- doh.assertEqual(type, obj.type);
- doh.assertEqual(target, obj.target);
+ // Function to register tests on mouse events, touch events, or Microsoft's pointer-ish events
+ function register(testName, downEvent, moveEvent, upEvent, cancelEvent){
+ doh.register(testName, [
+ function press(){
+ var executed, target;
+ on.once(dohDiv, touch.press, function(e){
+ //console.log(e.type);
+ executed = true;
+ target = e.target;
+ });
+ emit(dohDiv, downEvent);
+ doh.t(executed, 'dojo.touch.press fired');
+ doh.is(dohDiv, target, "target");
+ },
+ function move(){
+ var executed, target;
+ on.once(dohDiv, touch.move, function(e){
+ //console.log(e.type);
+ executed = true;
+ target = e.target;
+ });
+ emit(dohDiv, moveEvent);
+ doh.t(executed, 'dojo.touch.move fired');
+ doh.is(dohDiv, target, "target");
+ },
+ function release(){
+ var executed, target;
+ on.once(dohDiv, touch.release, function(e){
+ //console.log(e.type);
+ executed = true;
+ target = e.target;
+ });
+ emit(dohDiv, upEvent, {screenX: 0, screenY: 50});
+ doh.t(executed, 'dojo.touch.release fired');
+ doh.is(dohDiv, target, "target");
+ },
+ function cancel(){
+ var executed, target;
+ on.once(dohDiv, touch.cancel, function(e){
+ executed = true;
+ target = e.target;
+ });
+ emit(dohDiv, cancelEvent, {
+ relatedTarget: document.body, // needed for mouseout event
+ screenX: 0,
+ screenY: 50,
+ pageX: 0,
+ pageY: 0
+ });
+ doh.t(executed, 'dojo.touch.cancel fired');
+ doh.is(dohDiv, target, "target");
+ },
+ function movePreventDefault(){
+ /**
+ * checks that calling preventDefault() on dojo "touch.move" event
+ * prevents default behavior on the underlying native event
+ * Ref. #17220
+ * window
+ * | => (1) listen and prevent default on dojo "touch.move" event
+ * | => (2) listen and check default behavior status on native "touchmove" event
+ * |
+ * +--dohDiv => (3) dispatch native "touchmove" event
+ **/
+ var prevented = false;
+ // (1) register dojo "touch.move" listener
+ on.once(dohDiv, touch.move, function(e){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ //console.log("prevent default on event " + e.type);
+ });
+ // (2) register listener for native event (touchmove, mousemove, or MSPointerMove)
+ // Call addEventListener() except on IE6-8 where that's not supported
+ function listener(e){
+ prevented = e.defaultPrevented;
+ //console.log("native listener, prevented = " + prevented);
+ }
+ if(window.addEventListener){
+ window.addEventListener(moveEvent, listener);
+ }else{
+ // IE6-8 code path
+ on.once(document.body, moveEvent, listener);
+ }
+ // (3) dispatch native touchmove/mousemove/MSPointerMove event
+ emit(dohDiv, moveEvent);
+ doh.t(prevented, 'prevented');
+ if(window.addEventListener){
+ window.removeEventListener(moveEvent, listener);
+ }
+ }
+ ]);
- doh.register("dojo.touch", [
- function press(){
- var executed, obj = {};
- on(dohDiv, touch.press, function(e){
- //console.log(e.type);
- executed = true;
- setObj(obj, e);
- });
- on.emit(dohDiv, mspointer?'MSPointerDown':'mousedown', {});
- doh.assertTrue(executed, 'dojo.touch.press not fired');
- assert(obj, mspointer?'MSPointerDown':'mousedown', dohDiv);
- },
- function move(){
- var executed, obj = {};
- on(dohDiv, touch.move, function(e){
- //console.log(e.type);
- executed = true;
- setObj(obj, e);
- });
- on.emit(dohDiv, mspointer?'MSPointerMove':'mousemove', {});
- doh.assertTrue(executed, 'dojo.touch.move not fired');
- assert(obj, mspointer?'MSPointerMove':'mousemove', dohDiv);
- },
- function release(){
- var executed, obj = {};
- on(dohDiv, touch.release, function(e){
- //console.log(e.type);
- executed = true;
- setObj(obj, e);
- });
- on.emit(dohDiv, mspointer?'MSPointerUp':'mouseup', {screenX: 0, screenY: 50});
- doh.assertTrue(executed, 'dojo.touch.release not fired');
- assert(obj, mspointer?'MSPointerUp':'mouseup', dohDiv);
- },
- function cancel(){
- var executed, obj = {};
- on(dohDiv, touch.cancel, function(e){
- executed = true;
- setObj(obj, e);
- });
- on.emit(dohDiv, 'mouseout', {screenX: 0, screenY: 50});
- doh.assertTrue(executed, 'dojo.touch.cancel not fired');
- assert(obj, 'mouseout', dohDiv);
+ // Setup tests relevant for this platform
+ if(navigator.msPointerEnabled){
+ register('MSPointer events', 'MSPointerDown', 'MSPointerMove', 'MSPointerUp',
+ has('touch') ? 'MSPointerCancel' : 'mouseout');
+ }else{
+ // Mouse is always supported, even on devices with touch capability.
+ // Test mouse first because once we start emitting touch events, dojo/touch ignores mouse events
+ // for 1000ms.
+ register('mouse events', 'mousedown', 'mousemove', 'mouseup', 'mouseout');
+ if(has("touch")){
+ register('touch events', 'touchstart', 'touchmove', 'touchend', 'touchcancel');
- ]);
+ }
@@ -188,9 +301,9 @@
<div id="test2">
+ <div id="dohDiv">doh</div>
<div id="current"></div>
<div id="log"></div>
<br style="clear:both"/>
- <div id="dohDiv">doh</div>
diff --git a/touch.js b/touch.js
index ac30fe5..6b53bd7 100644
--- a/touch.js
+++ b/touch.js
@@ -219,7 +219,11 @@ function(dojo, aspect, dom, domClass, lang, on, has, mouse, domReady, win){
// Unlike a listener on "touchmove", on(node, "dojotouchmove", listener) fires when the finger
// drags over the specified node, regardless of which node the touch started on.
- on.emit(newNode, "dojotouchmove", copyEventProps(evt));
+ if(!on.emit(newNode, "dojotouchmove", copyEventProps(evt))){
+ // emit returns false when synthetic event "dojotouchmove" is cancelled, so we prevent the
+ // default behavior of the underlying native event "touchmove".
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ }
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