[Pkg-javascript-commits] [dojo] 06/13: Refs #16903. Added Indonesian translation from IBM

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Aug 21 17:39:56 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to annotated tag 1.9.3
in repository dojo.

commit 04fb664540902ff7169d111ccc00950a18e5b1d8
Author: Pascale Dardailler <pdardailler at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Jan 22 11:43:46 2014 +0100

    Refs #16903.  Added Indonesian translation from IBM
    Added nls/id/ files and updated  nls locale boolean lists to include id.
    Same level of translations as the ones provided for 1.9 in March 2013.
 nls/colors.js    |   1 +
 nls/id/colors.js | 157 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 158 insertions(+)

diff --git a/nls/colors.js b/nls/colors.js
index 4ee9681..2d57a2a 100644
--- a/nls/colors.js
+++ b/nls/colors.js
@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ yellowgreen: "yellow green"
 "kk": true,
 "ja": true,
 "it": true,
+"id": true,
 "hu": true,
 "hr": true,
 "he": true,
diff --git a/nls/id/colors.js b/nls/id/colors.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eacf362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nls/id/colors.js
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors.  To be used where descriptive information
+// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
+	//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color (e.g. gray / grey).
+	//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
+	aliceblue: "alice blue",
+	antiquewhite: "antique white",
+	aqua: "aqua",
+	aquamarine: "biru laut",
+	azure: "biru langit",
+	beige: "krem",
+	bisque: "bisque",
+	black: "hitam",
+	blanchedalmond: "almond pucat",
+	blue: "biru",
+	blueviolet: "biru-ungu",
+	brown: "coklat",
+	burlywood: "burlywood",
+	cadetblue: "cadet blue",
+	chartreuse: "chartreuse",
+	chocolate: "chocolate",
+	coral: "coral",
+	cornflowerblue: "cornflower blue",
+	cornsilk: "cornsilk",
+	crimson: "crimson",
+	cyan: "cyan",
+	darkblue: "biru tua",
+	darkcyan: "dark cyan",
+	darkgoldenrod: "dark goldenrod",
+	darkgray: "abu-abu tua",
+	darkgreen: "hijau tua",
+	darkgrey: "abu-abu tua", // same as darkgray
+	darkkhaki: "dark khaki",
+	darkmagenta: "magenta tua",
+	darkolivegreen: "olive hijau tua",
+	darkorange: "jingga tua",
+	darkorchid: "dark orchid",
+	darkred: "merah tua",
+	darksalmon: "dark salmon",
+	darkseagreen: "hijau laut tua",
+	darkslateblue: "biru batu tua",
+	darkslategray: "abu-abu batu tua",
+	darkslategrey: "abu-abu batu tua", // same as darkslategray
+	darkturquoise: "turquoise tua",
+	darkviolet: "lembayung tua",
+	deeppink: "merah muda dalam",
+	deepskyblue: "hijau langit dalam",
+	dimgray: "abu-abu temaram",
+	dimgrey: "abu-abu temaram", // same as dimgray
+	dodgerblue: "dodger blue",
+	firebrick: "fire brick",
+	floralwhite: "putih bunga",
+	forestgreen: "hijau hutan",
+	fuchsia: "fuchsia",
+	gainsboro: "gainsboro",
+	ghostwhite: "ghost white",
+	gold: "emas",
+	goldenrod: "goldenrod",
+	gray: "abu-abu",
+	green: "hijau",
+	greenyellow: "hijau-kuning",
+	grey: "abu-abu", // same as gray
+	honeydew: "hijau melon",
+	hotpink: "hot pink",
+	indianred: "merah indian",
+	indigo: "nila",
+	ivory: "ivory",
+	khaki: "khaki",
+	lavender: "lembayung muda",
+	lavenderblush: "lembayung muda kemerahan",
+	lawngreen: "rumput hijau",
+	lemonchiffon: "lemon chiffon",
+	lightblue: "biru muda",
+	lightcoral: "coral muda",
+	lightcyan: "light cyan",
+	lightgoldenrodyellow: "kuning goldenrod muda",
+	lightgray: "abu-abu muda",
+	lightgreen: "hijau muda",
+	lightgrey: "abu-abu muda", // same as lightgray
+	lightpink: "merah jambu muda",
+	lightsalmon: "light salmon",
+	lightseagreen: "hijau laut muda",
+	lightskyblue: "hijau langit muda",
+	lightslategray: "au-abu batu tua",
+	lightslategrey: "abu-abu batu tua", // same as lightslategray
+	lightsteelblue: "biru baja muda",
+	lightyellow: "kuning muda",
+	lime: "limau",
+	limegreen: "hijau limau",
+	linen: "linen",
+	magenta: "magenta",
+	maroon: "maroon",
+	mediumaquamarine: "medium aquamarine",
+	mediumblue: "biru medium",
+	mediumorchid: "medium orchid",
+	mediumpurple: "ungu medium",
+	mediumseagreen: "hijau laut medium",
+	mediumslateblue: "biru batu medium",
+	mediumspringgreen: "medium spring green",
+	mediumturquoise: "medium turquoise",
+	mediumvioletred: "ungu-merah medium",
+	midnightblue: "midnight blue",
+	mintcream: "mint cream",
+	mistyrose: "misty rose",
+	moccasin: "moccasin",
+	navajowhite: "navajo white",
+	navy: "navy",
+	oldlace: "old lace",
+	olive: "olive",
+	olivedrab: "olive drab",
+	orange: "jingga",
+	orangered: "merah jingga",
+	orchid: "orchid",
+	palegoldenrod: "goldenrod pucat",
+	palegreen: "hijau pucat",
+	paleturquoise: "turquoise pucat",
+	palevioletred: "ungu-marah pucat",
+	papayawhip: "papaya whip",
+	peachpuff: "peach puff",
+	peru: "peru",
+	pink: "merah jambu",
+	plum: "plum",
+	powderblue: "powder blue",
+	purple: "ungu",
+	red: "merah",
+	rosybrown: "rosy brown",
+	royalblue: "royal blue",
+	saddlebrown: "saddle brown",
+	salmon: "salmon",
+	sandybrown: "sandy brown",
+	seagreen: "hijau laut",
+	seashell: "seashell",
+	sienna: "sienna",
+	silver: "perak",
+	skyblue: "biru langit",
+	slateblue: "biru batu",
+	slategray: "abu-abu batu",
+	slategrey: "abu-abu batu", // same as slategray
+	snow: "snow",
+	springgreen: "spring green",
+	steelblue: "biru baja",
+	tan: "tan",
+	teal: "teal",
+	thistle: "thistle",
+	tomato: "tomat",
+	transparent: "transparan",
+	turquoise: "biru hijau",
+	violet: "lembayung",
+	wheat: "wheat",
+	white: "putih",
+	whitesmoke: "white smoke",
+	yellow: "kuning",
+	yellowgreen: "kuning hijau"

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/dojo.git

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