[Pkg-javascript-commits] [dojo] annotated tag dojo1.10.0 created (now 2b6fdfa)

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Dec 9 17:51:07 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a change to annotated tag dojo1.10.0
in repository dojo.

        at  2b6fdfa   (tag)
   tagging  6cf51a536dcf1aaad6d60fc7c27cabf35872e8e3 (commit)
  replaces  dojo190
 tagged by  Ed Chatelain
        on  Mon Jun 16 09:06:21 2014 -0400

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------

Bill Keese (1):
      fix file permissions, fixes #17919 in dojox/app

Christophe Jolif (1):
      fix possible issue if no toplevel i18n

Ed Chatelain (14):
      Add a Templated Widget Custom View to the CustomApp test.
      refs #17056, #17069, #17057. Fix a few problems with History pushState/popState support. Thanks Paul Christopher (CLA).
      Fix Transition controller to work correctly with transition set in config for app using sub-views.
      Merge pull request #198 from edchat/master
      Merge pull request #199 from cjolif/master
      Fix for a build error when using the --appConfigLayer option and a layer name included in the build profile.
      Rename borderlayoutApp.js to borderLayoutApp.js
      Fix issue #204 problem with the Transition controller when transitioning across nested veiws.
      Fix issue #205 problem with the Transition controller calling beforeDeactivate and afterDeactivate sometimes when the view is not active.
      Fixes #17449 (issue 207 in dojox/app repo) with major changes to the Transition controller dealing the the calling of before and after activate and deactivate mostly for nested views, and reduced the number of calls to resize for nested views as well, along with a fix for setting the correct transition type for nested views.  A couple of changes to the LayoutBase controller and main.js dealing the the transitions to the first default view. Also 2 new tests for this and updates to an [...]
      Fixes #17517 which includes the fixes for doj0x/app issues 208 and 209. As part of this fix dojox/app will set visibility hidden when is view is created or is being transitioned to, and setting visibility visible right before the transition is done to avoid having views flicker or overlay each other during transition.
      Fix transition check for matching nested views issue 211.
      Fix Issue 200 and fixes ticket #17507. Fixes problem with VoiceOver which happens because the domNodes were not being ordered based upon the view constraints. With this fix the domNodes will be placed in order of the constraints (top,left,center,right,bottom or for RTL top,right,center,left,bottom)  compared to the sibling nodes. Includes a config option to avoid the overhead of ordering the domNodes by setting useConfigOrder: true and doh tests
      Merge pull request #214 from edchat/domorder2


This annotated tag includes the following new commits:

       new  9d3cf15   first commit
       new  35af87d   dojox_app first commit
       new  145e91a   make views instantiate widgets
       new  a71dfa4   add in second and third scenes to the multiScene test
       new  5334475   hash monitoring, basic scene switching
       new  7b859c6   hash monitoring, basic scene switching
       new  395fd30   add in first pass of scene level transitioning
       new  ac8c4e7   some more transitioning work
       new  c929b11   work on transitioning and layout, rename kernel to application to be clearer
       new  69e2235   get some tabs working, remove old test app
       new  b0b1dc3   change to switch scenes when necessary.
       new  1824dd7   fix the problem in slide transition between scenes. TODO comments are left in the code for future consideration and improvements.
       new  6b8e252   Merge branch 'stephen'
       new  9836125   add in a bunch of views from the demo, most dont' work here yet as they have no models/controllers
       new  1ebb8a2   fix problem of loading app resources.
       new  053f46a   fix the load of SceneApp.
       new  892fc47   fix the calling of the call back since the define will not call back unless the defined module is required.
       new  cd3c0cc   restructure to allow scenes to nest and to work on amd loading/async instantiation.  Still a wip, layout/startup is currently messed up.
       new  5f27f7f   merged a couple changes from stephen, and a couple of fixes
       new  b0ddcdf   remove a couple of merge files
       new  1dd44f1   remove some errant mobile.app files in from dojox app tests
       new  1a01ac8   Correct heading to Heading for case sensitive file system when loading multiSceneApp application dependencies.
       new  a868475   dojo.getObject() can only get the registered constructor. Declare and register dojox.application.scene and dojox.application.view to prevent the error of cannot load ctor type specified in config.
       new  8a447f3   enable the loading of dependencies for scene and fix the error of parsing template after enable that.
       new  a58ea80   change the default view id to valid one.
       new  021a255   set the selectedChild to the loaded child view or scene. Prevent the selectedChild from being null.
       new  d6aaa6e   main scene mostly working again, second scene halfway, galleries not yet.
       new  e902041   remove the unnecessary set("selectedChild",next) and distinguish the return value or promise by dojo.when
       new  36f49d4   correct the loading path of templates of views.
       new  661996d   some more layout and amd work, tab scene mostly working now
       new  3f758eb   removed comments from a round of debugging
       new  d0ad2c8   merge with stephen's updated files
       new  e7d4462   accidentally undid some of stephen's changes, revert those back
       new  890d253   revert some changes back to make the test app normal.
       new  bf074d4   Prevent the application domNode from replacing <body> tag of the html page.
       new  67ac02c   fix srcnode ref
       new  9528444   let scenes specify a default transition for views they manage
       new  ef90eee   fix the competition in the transition code sequence. two dojo.when on the same promise object "next" cause the first time transition not working.
       new  2bef39b   fix problem of tab2 cannot be found. _setSelectedChildAttr should return the promise of selectedChild for the animation later.
       new  25e042d   When calling _setSelectedChildAttr to change selected child and refresh layout, from node is set to display:none, we need to display from node again in transition.js to make the animation correct.
       new  624da3f   add documentation comment to explain the change in _setSelectedChildAttr.
       new  bde6ce7   minimize the change to fix the problem in transition.
       new  27a2285   fix  registerModulePath registration for ./ when endpoint isn't a path
       new  fe3e38a   set the correct selectedChild in startup() of scene.
       new  a9baf6b   add comments and pseudo code for creating stores and loading models in the application.
       new  06b84d8   Add the demo of model based on dojo.mvc demo. The demo cannot work right now
       new  5a86fad   add code to create stores of the application.
       new  443089f   fix the problem in creating stores. It will cause infinitive loop in generating StatefulModel from store.
       new  37865f9   add logic to load models and bind models to view.
       new  2f72515   adjust test application for load model from store.
       new  15ca6ea   remove the TODO tag for finished task
       new  334973a   separate models from views and add bind logic in a separate module.
       new  7634f51   adjust simple demo page to make the data binding work.
       new  cabafbe   enable the dojox.mvc.repeat model demo.
       new  39879c4   Add dojox.mvc.Generate demo
       new  1a06c31   remove the application subdir from dojox.app
       new  6590e8f   Merge branch 'repeatModel'
       new  6b43177   fix up transitioning to go along with mobile changes
       new  9e9ce33   update some refs to application in the tests and use the mobile transition method instead of the one in app
       new  166df19   couple of changes to switch from application to app
       new  de24ba1   remove href to use back() button in tests, default to main,main
       new  9616bb0   remove some debug logs
       new  027e4d9   update readme
       new  0f18fa4   update to new TransitionEvent data struture
       new  4ff7ecc   work on cleaning up transition in dojox/app. Switch to transition options in the multiScene tests. replace hash module with history module depending primarily on push/popState at the moment, but stil supporting hash to trigger transition
       new  33ead2a   fix incorrect dependency.  Add updated home.html file
       new  9d560b8   update to make the modelApp run with latest dojox.app code. The work around on dojo/text!app/config.json is temporary.
       new  cdc6b62   fix the problem of dojo.provide and move the variable declaration into the require body.
       new  5466621   correct the error in modelApp
       new  70f41da   update dependency in history.js
       new  512a754   fix the problem in transition of modelApp test
       new  14c6bef   change dojo/listen to dojo/on temporary work around to make multiSceneApp work and prevent any error on getParent method.
       new  f04725c   add data-dojo-type support in bind.js
       new  9a9f08e   make the simple test page in modelApp work
       new  9fbbd84   try to make the dependencies baseless
       new  b37926f   make main.js baseless
       new  20626e3   fix the wrong path to reference dojo/dom-construct
       new  fa42d37   make model env and history to baseless and only refer to the return value of module in the call back of require.
       new  4a0b3b6   make view baseless
       new  f006513   perform more accurate check on data reference in view template while binding data to view.
       new  8d442a3   update modelApp view template to conform to latest dojox.mvc
       new  d7630b3   Edited README.txt via GitHub
       new  ce42949   baseless refactor for scene.js
       new  e775f23   Merge branch 'master' of github.com:dmachi/dojox_application
       new  8aa5e27   enable the add/remove action in repeat model demo.
       new  ebe12e4   ensure the button works in form.
       new  a98ca73   update model app demo.
       new  c4bc1af   conform to the new API of dom utils. (setter and getter are split)
       new  a4fc9e7   replace original transition implementation with CSS3 Transition utility
       new  1d86852   remove useless style and get the task delay back to normal
       new  2e8a65f   prevent overwrite the global window object
       new  fe75808   Merge branch 'master' into stephen
       new  6d62bf5   enable transition started from click on hyperlink.
       new  6d37b5f   fix the wrong override function.
       new  55a0d34   prevent event being processed by view controller thus view transition will only be conducted once.
       new  47cfae8   Merge branch 'master' into stephen
       new  39ac7a8   fix the AMD load in multiSceneApp
       new  8b8d9d5   add the missing semicolon
       new  2ced59f   Merge branch 'master' into stephen
       new  1a488b8   make the animation be able to run on firefox/firefox mobile and webkit based browser. correct the initialize code and prevent modifiying animation object's prototype.
       new  4131a98   re-enable the cross browser detection
       new  0ab28fb   fix the problem in flip and prevent the override of startState and endState in fade in/out.
       new  a60700e   reverse back to use dojo base sniff
       new  fdd4bde   make the translate work across firefox and webkit browsers
       new  42bd2da   change the model app index page to correctly load the application.
       new  7a6955d   move deferred object to animation.js as a built-in object for every animation object. This is useful for adding the lock mechanism for animation and transition.
       new  15a39ff   adding the locking mechanism into transition. Currently due to limitation of the transition design it only allow one another transition start during the current transition. This part of transition control will be refactored in the next release.
       new  3644c8e   make sure the transition and load promise are resolved at the right time (for example, parent scene should resolve promise when its necessary children are all loaded)
       new  cd77d38   disable the startup in load child
       new  ec53913   add dojox.app as experimental
       new  a06f9af   reduce the useless return
       new  8edaa37   make setting on zIndex instead of z-index in order to be compatible with firefox.
       new  eaed33b   add checking of availability of this._startView in scene.js
       new  ac2cd95   remove the unnecessary parameter in loadChild
       new  60695ff   change the delay time of tranistion start.
       new  919f4c4   Signed-off-by: eric-wang <starwz at gmail.com> Modify transition setTimeout from 2ms to 33 ms
       new  4d765c5   Signed-off-by: eric-wang <starwz at gmail.com>
       new  d2cf90b   Signed-off-by: eric-wang <starwz at gmail.com>
       new  7b1464a   Signed-off-by: eric-wang <starwz at gmail.com> We don't need to layout children if this._contentBox is null for this operation will do nothing.
       new  49aabf6   Signed-off-by: eric-wang <starwz at gmail.com> we think only subIds not null and next.transition exists, then do next.transition. toId has not make scene for transiton to the sub child
       new  d9b182e   Signed-off-by: eric-wang <starwz at gmail.com>
       new  94c9de5   Signed-off-by: eric-wang <starwz at gmail.com>
       new  81da15d   Signed-off-by: eric-wang <starwz at gmail.com>
       new  3563180   Signed-off-by: eric-wang <starwz at gmail.com> Check application status, if application status not STARTED, do nothing. when clean browser's cache then refresh the current page, it will trigger popState event. but the application not start, it will throw an error.
       new  5e9a09e   Signed-off-by: eric-wang <starwz at gmail.com>
       new  72774c8   Signed-off-by: eric-wang <starwz at gmail.com> subscribe /app/loadchild event to deal dynamic script in multiSceneApp for firefox.
       new  3973443   Merge branch 'master' into eric
       new  b197cad   Merge master to eric branch, fix transition to default view conflict.
       new  320d174   ensure transitionDeferred are returned at correct place.
       new  e5f7336   Merge branch 'eric' into stephen
       new  fc820ab   remove the check-in of executing dynamic scripts. multiSceneApp does not need that.
       new  a4b3aba   set life cycle status. 1. set application life cycle status 2. to fix popState issue when refresh page 3. add start method in main.js to set life cycle status 4. update startup method in scene.js for we cannot set life cycle status in startup 5. update loadChild method in scene.js for start method need to load the default view as startup do like before.
       new  06d437b   remove the confusing useless parameter and add comment to clarify the responsibility of startup()
       new  80d0466   add dependency on lifecycle management for dojox.app
       new  c6e82cf   Since, dojo/on remove the support of dojo/aspect, we need to switch the support of chaining from dojo/on to deferred object.
       new  4a1586a   use dojox/css3/transit instead of dojox/app/transition since our code has been moved there.
       new  dea14b1   disable the dojox.mobile's problematic work around on Android.
       new  0af1142   separate layout utils from scene. The layout utils can be replaced by dijit/layout/utils after it removed dependency on dijit export.
       new  ac3531e   cache the transition request for history to prevent transition conflict.
       new  9f96c25   separate the layout and this module can be replaced by dijit/layout/utils after its dependency is minimized.
       new  e1ebb6e   remove the useless locking mechanism in transition after the transition request are cached in queue by history module.
       new  bbe35ce   remove the useless module dependency
       new  4903776   remove the symlink of images which caused trouble for windows developers
       new  e0e7497   Merge pull request #1 from imagiczhang/master
       new  a8ba0df   complete the end of the comment
       new  3908e87   Merge pull request #2 from imagiczhang/master
       new  0869e0e   make dojox.app AMD baseless, fix dijit global namespace regression
       new  3553a70   Merge pull request #1 from eric-wang/master
       new  cd10e97   Merge pull request #3 from imagiczhang/master
       new  ebdf180   disable the temporary workaround
       new  88fb1d4   update to load child views in application in one time instead of delegating that responsibility to transition
       new  b60a0d6   fix ticket 14809: fix trailing comma in utils.js
       new  59e6cd0   Merge branch 'master' of ssh://github.com/eric-wang/dojox_application
       new  ab2d183   Merge pull request #2 from eric-wang/master
       new  d02910b   Merge pull request #4 from imagiczhang/master
       new  d4f6960   Merge branch 'master' of github.com:imagiczhang/dojox_application
       new  359de8c   Merge branch 'stephen'
       new  6745d81   merge imageiczhang master branch
       new  46b435c   add dojox.app.controller, implement load controller
       new  5b42377   remove loadChild function, remove loadChild in transition
       new  986a4c7   use emit "load" event instead of call scene.loadChild
       new  8c98304   fix inherit issue in controller
       new  356be7a   remove unreached code
       new  4bf0e2f   keep the capital letter for "class" type
       new  547cc1c   format controller code sytle and comments with dojo style guide
       new  8a94e8b   return promise instead of Deferred object
       new  44ebea0   add error handling in load controller
       new  a8c68e2   fix typo
       new  d6b9c85   fix load current view's defaultView issue
       new  61733da   fix transition to defaultView issue
       new  398cf5c   Merge pull request #5 from knewter/patch-1
       new  cc03114   remove require "error" handler when require done
       new  11f5133   we need Dojo license in this project
       new  069e5a7   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/imagiczhang/dojox_application Conflicts: 	scene.js  loadChild conflict.
       new  9c42e47   remove useless loadChild method in scene.js
       new  2c11086   Merge pull request #5 from eric-wang/master
       new  56e192f   Merge branch 'master' of github.com:dmachi/dojox_application
       new  150158e   fix typo
       new  9faa80b   Merge pull request #6 from imagiczhang/master
       new  73e607a   make dojox.app AMD baseless by Christophe Jolif's suggestion
       new  99b3290   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/imagiczhang/dojox_application
       new  e615d4c   Merge pull request #6 from eric-wang/master
       new  c43de28   Merge pull request #7 from imagiczhang/master
       new  09a30a5   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/imagiczhang/dojox_application
       new  c564156   add transition controller implement
       new  af110d5   remove transition method in scene, use transition controller replace it
       new  14a1dbf   emit transition to _startView event than call transition method
       new  f88469e   use "callback" param instead of store deferredList object in dojo.Evented instance
       new  2650c92   fix Transition controller class name by Christophe's suggestion
       new  4bca429   Rename transition.js file name with a capital letter
       new  c7d9a2b   fix source code comments of transition method.
       new  7ecc496   move proceedTransition and waitingQueue from history module to Transition controller
       new  57a91a7   emit "transition" event in scene startup
       new  7522497   use callback parameter in load controller other than store return value in application evented object
       new  691620f   remove require error signal in catch statement accounting to ticket #14990
       new  f71b770   rename to Load.js by Christophe's suggestion.
       new  94cc315   clarify getApplicationEvented() method is a temporary method
       new  dce804e   Merge pull request #7 from eric-wang/master
       new  eed520d   Merge pull request #8 from imagiczhang/master
       new  d1b6f1c   implement History controller
       new  ee06706   add Layout controller implement for dojox.app
       new  0299744   fix view/scene startup in Transition controller
       new  3a8067a   emit "resize" event to do application resize in scene
       new  d5ff91c   remove resize,layout and _setSelectedChildAttr methods in scene
       new  74fb1cb   fix emit "layout" event in scene
       new  b42efa0   make History controller optional for dojox.app
       new  6671347   remove debug log in Transition controller
       new  129ad8f   add hash change History controller implement
       new  92b2611   update license Copyright to 2012
       new  a6c6ae1   bind dojox.app event on domNode
       new  df82a12   modify _bindedEvents to _boundEvents
       new  99b4677   Merge pull request #8 from eric-wang/master
       new  9616d3d   Merge pull request #9 from imagiczhang/master
       new  37ead74   add dojox.app view object, use view object in main and controllers
       new  2f7d490   update modelApp to use view object
       new  d384602   update multiSceneApp to use view object
       new  2775015   remove unused scene.js
       new  a44fa48   format dojox.app code style by Christophe's suggestion
       new  80a38a6   Merge pull request #10 from eric-wang/master
       new  aab1dd7   Merge pull request #10 from imagiczhang/master
       new  061f1a3   updated model.js which is called from main and view to create any necessary models based upon the models sections in the config.  model will load and call utils/mvcModel for any models which have a modelType of dojox/application/utils/mvcModel.  During render View will set the loadedModels on its widgetInTemplate to make the loadedModel available during the parse of the view.  I also updated tests/modelApp and added a tests/simpleModelApplication
       new  8c9bd1f   Merge pull request #11 from edchat/master
       new  fab26e3   update test application's view destory method
       new  8d865b6   rename class name with capital letter by Christophe's suggestion
       new  bb9adb4   update dojo/_base/Deferred to dojo/Deferred
       new  066267c   format animation.js and transition.js to fit dojo code style
       new  f9b5b23   fix modelApp function namespace and connect issues
       new  e7351c6   pop connect results array and disconnect the connects
       new  fdf4d72   copy dojox/mobile/scrollable.js and _ScrollableMixin.js to dojox.app widgets
       new  aad341d   add layout and scrollable container widget to dojox.app
       new  e995f82   fix layout container display issue
       new  a16b9a4   add layout test application which base on modelApp
       new  d9a893e   Merge pull request #12 from eric-wang/master
       new  248c18a   Merge pull request #12 from imagiczhang/master
       new  cc134a1   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/imagiczhang/dojox_application
       new  5609de4   updated model support to use the new Deferred, and updated mvcModel to support models which do not use a store and to support ItemFileXxxStore by wrapping it in a DataStore when used with a datastore key in the config. I also updated the simpleModelApp test to test different combinations of stores and models.
       new  312153f   Merge pull request #13 from edchat/master
       new  53f4617   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/dmachi/dojox_application
       new  3505c06   Merge pull request #13 from eric-wang/master
       new  58fc15c   Merge pull request #14 from imagiczhang/master
       new  6c880c5   fix View destroy method name spell
       new  6f7a2f4   fix create application level data model issue
       new  368ab1a   fix view activate/deactivate issue
       new  db7134f   fix issue #16, refresh a view also need to layout it.
       new  0d35d47   Merge pull request #15 from eric-wang/master
       new  e3501da   Merge pull request #17 from imagiczhang/master
       new  8df2c76   load lifecycle module by default in dojox.app
       new  685b7d4   update application's domNodes with unique id
       new  6743771   create global namespace for application
       new  3e17ac0   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/dmachi/dojox_application
       new  12309a8   remove template view id and make application's root domNode id unique
       new  ad4906e   Merge pull request #16 from eric-wang/master
       new  27c0b71   Merge pull request #19 from imagiczhang/master
       new  ff385b4   change debug flag from dojox.debugDataBinding to use has check for config setting and changed dojox.mvc.at() to use the new syntax at() and where it was used removed setting window.at in favor of using script dojo/require in tests, also remove bind.js it is no longer used.
       new  09b19bc   remove has.add for mvc-bindings-log-api from View.js since it is already set in model.js.
       new  b8238b3   Merge pull request #20 from edchat/debugCleanup
       new  a5fa460   supports AMD path that are not relative (to "app") + update examples to have explicit relative path when wanted
       new  d7c4b9e   Merge pull request #26 from cjolif/loading
       new  9f284eb   Debug logger for dojox/app.  I ended up wanting to have this.app in the View and model to be able to call a common logger in app.  The config flag is app: {debugApp: 1}, but that can be changed if someone has a different preference
       new  3f1f6ae   remove stub dojo implementation in scrollable.js because: 1/ that is useless for dojox/app which anyway relies on dojo 2/ that will be removed in dojox/mobile as well
       new  f7a3958   more dojo stub removal
       new  2f4a8aa   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
       new  03627e4   Merge pull request #27 from edchat/debugCleanup2
       new  a779cbd   Merge pull request #28 from cjolif/master
       new  b3c199b   fix test applications' regression
       new  cde4323   fix layout gap issue if application has scrollable bar
       new  0deb56c   fix issue #30, initial the default view before application started.
       new  63a2c3f   fix issue #29, get view defaultTransition type from the latest ancestor.
       new  917c8a3   remove duplicated classes now maintained in svn (dojox/css3)
       new  ab7ada2   fix to avoid new doc parser to fail
       new  65061df   Merge pull request #32 from cjolif/master
       new  18b14ba   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/dmachi/dojox_application
       new  acf2a2d   fix issue #33, defaultView has more parts cause transition failed
       new  4e475f9   fix issue #34, use global require in dojox.app cause doc parser failed
       new  7cc0e6e   Merge pull request #18 from eric-wang/master
       new  a102869   Merge pull request #35 from imagiczhang/master
       new  58d471c   fixes #37.
       new  fdf143b   make sure the dojo loader can be configured from the config file
       new  ded98ff   avoid to requrire twice the require module
       new  ced640c   Merge pull request #38 from cjolif/master
       new  d9e185d   Merge pull request #39 from cjolif/configpath
       new  f805ab1   update README with recent progress
       new  9e4e204   improve formatting
       new  3827f3c   fix typo (thanks edchat)
       new  66db76d   Merge pull request #41 from cjolif/readme
       new  f6ac503   Add support to allow app data like &parm=xxx in the url hash. I also updated the repeat part of the ModelApp test to use it.
       new  0eed97e   Update load to use mixin for adding parameters to the View.
       new  e7e416e   Merge pull request #43 from edchat/urlAppData
       new  af8c617   Update app url support to change from using parameters to using params and take a params object separate from the url, and buildup the url with the params.  Also build the url hash from the target if it is not passed.
       new  12db253   use MID is store type instead of class names.  See #44.
       new  436b239   Merge pull request #45 from edchat/urlAppData
       new  09584f3   Merge pull request #46 from cjolif/mid
       new  5408f19   Code cleanup for app for API doc parser, mostly using / notation to avoid inlining problems.
       new  3a7da07   Change 'params' variable from global to local. params being global, the same parameters were used for every models.
       new  51658d7   Fix api doc tags for private, and fixup up test config.json for tests.
       new  14cd5e0   Fix for issue #52, problem with orientation change on ios.
       new  3ba2009   start working on unit testing for dojox/app
       new  84498dd   Fix for issue #52, problem with orientation change on ios update to use dojo/sniff.
       new  c779d2c   Merge pull request #49 from edchat/appApiDocs2
       new  57e6c0d   Merge pull request #50 from jlabedo/patch-1
       new  7beedc1   use dojo/topic instead of dojo/_base/connect. The change is 100% compatible as dojo/_base/connect actually delegates to dojo/topic.
       new  049c33c   Merge pull request #54 from cjolif/topic
       new  8a85ce0   improve unit test
       new  da92171   make sure the application variable is available once lifecycle.STARTED is fired otherwise the application is not really ready.
       new  5b2c667   fix class name
       new  1871eec   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
       new  80b4de3   Merge pull request #55 from cjolif/master
       new  51414dd   Updates to fix spacing to be consistent across dojo for api docs, thanks to bill
       new  2460d35   Merge pull request #56 from edchat/master
       new  fe0cf36   add more tests
       new  99249f3   remove trace
       new  261dc68   Merge branch 'master', remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
       new  9f7b027   fixes #57 (hardcoded controllers not listed in app.controllers)
       new  71ce4b5   add new test and fix existing tests
       new  5c1051b   Merge pull request #58 from cjolif/bugfix
       new  72b45b0   Add space before list so markdown can process it.
       new  f73a2c9   don't indent lists
       new  618664f   fix indentation
       new  5855ae0   use "-" rather than "*" for lists since "*" doesn't work
       new  9bf4626   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
       new  569a703   fix test
       new  dbb6065   Merge pull request #1 from wkeese/doc-list-fix
       new  269107e   Merge pull request #59 from edchat/master
       new  667976c   tests on erroroneous definition files
       new  7d38cbf   fix test + add test on loading incorrect HTML.
       new  bfe0b13   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
       new  6c3e633   Merge pull request #60 from cjolif/master
       new  2d51da1   Add support for data-app-region HTML5 attribute. This is in addition to already existing support for region attribute to specify where the Layout controller should lay out objects. Long term region support should be removed and we should only keep correct HTML5 data-* version.
       new  29514ba   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into html5
       new  97a7ee5   Merge pull request #64 from cjolif/html5
       new  49cdce6   fix an issue with the main template loading not being consistent with the view loading. For the view loading the "app" module is prepended only if the MID of the template starts with "./" for the main template it was done in all cases. This fix make sure it is consistent and prepended only if starting with "./"
       new  763813f   define path variable only once
       new  66ff252   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into bugfix
       new  cb20519   remove dead code that is never executed as View is not a widget
       new  b3109e3   Merge pull request #66 from cjolif/bugfix
       new  59723ff   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into cleanup
       new  799ce13   Merge pull request #67 from cjolif/cleanup
       new  55a0ce4   Cleanup example in View.js to show that app is set in the View.
       new  4474c1c   Merge pull request #68 from edchat/master
       new  d57ed12   Fix for issue #69, topic.publish() calls should not use [].
       new  a69529d   Merge pull request #70 from edchat/master
       new  5205d6f   use vertical bar for code
       new  1545b8f   remove commented out props so they don't appear in api doc
       new  b49a293   lists need hyphens to delineate them
       new  296ca8f   Merge pull request #2 from wkeese/dojodoc
       new  a471409   Merge pull request #74 from edchat/master
       new  a20814b   Cleanup lint errors, from patch by bill from http://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/15340.
       new  7282b08   Merge pull request #75 from edchat/appLintCleanup
       new  4eb7311   Allow config option to prevent automatic load of Load, Transition and Layout controllers, to allow them to be replaced by the app.
       new  ddea13f   Merge pull request #77 from edchat/appSSALayout
       new  d11c35a   fix for #78
       new  f55895e   Merge pull request #82 from cjolif/master
       new  1a8a46c   Update the modelApp and layoutApp tests to work on IE, had to use HistoryHash controller if running on IE.
       new  a928c07   Merge pull request #83 from edchat/master
       new  df3e9ce   Update the modelApp and layoutApp tests to work on IE, had to use HistoryHash controller if running on IE.-missed 2 added files
       new  6ac6b9e   Merge pull request #84 from edchat/master
       new  c864520   Update the modelApp and layoutApp tests to work on IE, had to use HistoryHash controller if running on IE.-one more updated file
       new  ec40dc5   Merge pull request #86 from edchat/master
       new  aae36ba   Fix for issue #80 back button slides the wrong way.
       new  c6ea04d   Merge pull request #87 from edchat/master
       new  5b3b1cb   update for mvModel and tests/simpleModelApp to show how to work with a jsonRest store with data from a file.
       new  2298371   Merge pull request #89 from edchat/master
       new  a8cc567   minor update for mvcModel and tests/simpleModelApp to fixup some tabs vs spaces problems.
       new  b49f53e   Merge pull request #90 from edchat/master
       new  c519aff   Update dojox/app with a doh test for the SimpleModelApp, also include the lifecyle and controller tests in that test since those tests along with the error tests were preventing the test harness from being able to run a second time .
       new  62bc20c   implement what was discussed in #48 by removing the tricky model class loading and rely on the fact the class is require in the application dependencies.
       new  87f6299   Merge pull request #93 from cjolif/master
       new  39f430b   Update test config files to include the dependencies for mvcModel, EditStoreRefListController and simpleModel as needed and removed unnecessary if/else from model and mvcModel.
       new  9d70cf3   Merge pull request #94 from edchat/master
       new  e470422   Merge remote-tracking branch 'dmachirepo2/master' into dohTests
       new  47d9c29   Move the lifecycle and controller tests to a separate test.
       new  c2667eb   Update SimpleModelApp and doh test for it to work on IE .
       new  aade0e4   Merge pull request #95 from edchat/dohTests
       new  9503b63   Update SimpleModelApp test to use dojox/app/widgets/Container with scrollable true .
       new  0fd2dad   Merge pull request #98 from edchat/dohTests
       new  3e1f091   One more update to the doh SimpleModelApp test config to include a dependency for dojox/app/widgets/Container.
       new  2afe875   Merge pull request #99 from edchat/dohTests
       new  ddd4d43   Update utils/mvcModel.js
       new  d2cbc73   fixes #23 + various related error reporting cleanups.
       new  9d7a76e   Merge pull request #102 from cjolif/master
       new  247b45c   Merge branch 'master', remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
       new  98cd9e7   Merge pull request #101 from itamarro/master
       new  5eb5c4a   fix problem with doh test for SimpleModelApp on IE8 and FF.
       new  74673d0   fix problem with doh test for SimpleModelApp on IE8 and FF.
       new  17be61c   Merge pull request #107 from edchat/master
       new  2fc5379   Wrong reference when the deferred is rejected
       new  f7375b8   implements more error tests, clean up a bit error reporting to make sure errors are bubbling up instead of non very informative messages. fixes #61. See also: http://trac.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/16072 which might hurt dojox/app.
       new  55111e5   Merge pull request #109 from itamarro/master
       new  ac2c447   Merge pull request #110 from cjolif/master
       new  acd43f6   cleanup dependencies in the simpleModelApp test for ticket http://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/15390.
       new  d0f6f7b   Merge pull request #111 from edchat/master
       new  eeca5b7   Add a scrollableTestApp as a first step for working on scrollable support.
       new  3c65345   Merge pull request #114 from edchat/master
       new  420429d   Update the scrollableTestApp with some more scrollable views information about how to test and what seems to work.  I have not changed the dojox/app code for scrollable support yet, that will come soon.
       new  5175c19   Merge pull request #115 from edchat/master
       new  1673362   fix iOS6 scrollable issue which was fixed by dojox/mobile but also occurs on dojox/app related to issue #116.
       new  5a30139   Merge pull request #117 from edchat/master
       new  7690bde   Update the scrollableTestApp test it was trying to set a domStyle on null.
       new  8e34c90   Merge pull request #118 from edchat/master
       new  a042b93   Update the scrollable support in app/widgets/Container to work with scrollable:true (boolean) instead of just working for string true.  Also update scrollableTestApp and other tests for this change. ticket refs #15779
       new  65e1d01   Merge pull request #119 from edchat/master
       new  ac8e05a   first draft of dojox/app build support
       new  1240000   - improve build transform to go into the views and look for dependencies - implement the build on the layoutApp sample
       new  40547fd   as for now lifecycle is anyway _always_ requested make sure it can be found by the build system automatically
       new  5220fb8   improve test wrt to build
       new  c5299d2   recursively go into views to query their dependencies
       new  5a09b4d   fixes for .js postfix to work, make sure loaderConfig works.
       new  ed02b25   for cases were the definition file is a layer file for the view we need to require it for the template to leverage it.
       new  408998b   build system does not know how to deal with "./" (yet?)
       new  722141a   adapt build file to latest build system modifications
       new  dd2f80a   implement two modes, on which build a single layer for the app and one a layer per view. Refactor the code to do the work in discovery phase instead of transform phase.
       new  fbec1b5   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into buildsystem
       new  bf43fa4   finish implementation of dual mode & refactoring.
       new  08c5390   error reporting
       new  ddf4992   add CSS build as well
       new  09380ce   fix issue with building a single layer
       new  efaec3c   Merge pull request #121 from cjolif/buildsystem
       new  e1b1e60   fix regression caused by pull request #121 on relative path.
       new  9bbc89b   Merge pull request #123 from cjolif/buildsystem
       new  8e79ea5   fix issue with pull request #123.
       new  29f2efa   Merge pull request #124 from cjolif/buildsystem
       new  efeadfe   tentative fix for #122.
       new  1e16d0f   Merge pull request #1 from cjolif/buildsystem
       new  3a07bc8   Merge pull request #125 from cjolif/master
       new  9fb7e6c   Update noMenuBar fix and change the scrollableTestApp to hide the menubar, fix a config problem with the simpleModelApp test, and tweak the _ScrollableMixin to set noResize to true so that it will work like it used to work when app had its own copy of scrollable.js .
       new  510d94f   Merge pull request #126 from edchat/master
       new  ccc823e   add contributing file that will show up on pull requests
       new  a715658   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
       new  2792de6   add new line
       new  470f149   Merge pull request #129 from cjolif/master
       new  19bab39   do not force loading of controllers we don't need...
       new  eee9a2a   first draft at making sure one can use alternate View classes
       new  ef812f0   fix error when loading child views
       new  8395dc5   allow dojo-attach-* to work
       new  a42cd7a   leverage data-dojo-* in a test case
       new  042d7f4   Make sure all Views are created by the View controller This allows to create your own View class by switching the View controller The root view was previously created in main.js so that the controllers that rely on app.domNode are created _after_ that first View init. Now they can instead listen to a "domNode" app event.
       new  6b267fb   improve doc
       new  dca9105   This is not a recommended Dojo practice to explicitely call this.inherited in dojo ctor because it is already automatically called. Let's remove that call and instead call bind() on each controller to register the listeners from the application.
       new  6f176ff   example showing how to create a custom Load controller to create  custom View (here View working with dojox/dtl)
       new  23665fe   fix JSON to validate
       new  b43e6b5   support a type property on views to specificy the View class without having to redefine the Load controller
       new  1fd7a14   deal with possibly empty dependencies
       new  cf9e93d   Merge pull request #133 from cjolif/templated
       new  3502581   better error reporting, support alternate View configuration, support noAutoLoadControllers property
       new  9f6cf4e   fix JSON
       new  c0301bc   Merge pull request #134 from cjolif/templated
       new  2c3e8f5   Split View in ViewBase & View so that one can leverage ViewBase model & definition setup while not use the default templating mechanism from View (help a lot allowing people to plug an existing Widget as a View).
       new  33baaf6   fix regression when template is null
       new  1ba9857   Merge pull request #135 from cjolif/master
       new  5f5c9d4   implement nls loading for views so that one can easily globalize templates, provide a sample application + various cleanups
       new  52147b4   build system support for globalization including sample (+cleanups)
       new  9d2a455   Merge pull request #138 from cjolif/globalization
       new  cd2c5d2   Updates to scrollableTestApp to remove height=auto.
       new  f2a5899   Merge pull request #139 from edchat/master
       new  099a88f   params support: - add support for params to HistoryHash in addition to existing support for History - better management of default params on the view not on controller/config - always set up the params in the Load controller instead of splitting the work between Load & Transition  controller
       new  2eb4fb8   make sure opts is always used on transition events to carry params
       new  12b1257   fix defaultParams on views by making sure no params means a null params parameter + fix modelApp to test defaultParams
       new  2e4867b   fix issue #142
       new  fad8dc5   Merge pull request #141 from cjolif/master
       new  a975fb8   Fix for HistoryHash, and testcase updates to work with FF.
       new  046ccd4   Merge pull request #143 from edchat/master
       new  dffb157   Update View and layout controller to make it possible to swap out the layout controller for a different one. I changed the unused layout event in the layout controller to setup the domNode on the view this had been done in the view, but needs to be handled in the layout controller if we are going to be able to swap them out and use different types of views. There are also additional tests and a new BorderLayout controller to work with a BorderContainer. This is a wor [...]
       new  63494ef   Some cleanup to layout support removing commented out code.
       new  5428730   fix copyright date for 2013
       new  86a3ee5   Merge pull request #144 from cjolif/master
       new  e3577a1   Updates to support multiple visible views with a hash or target using + between each view.  So for example if you have a items,leftView and a items,centerView the target would be set to target="items,leftView+items,centerView" and the url="#items,leftView+items,centerView".  With this change the config option I had added for visible is no longer needed, the default visible views can be indicated in the config with the defaultView just like the target. "defaultView":" [...]
       new  8eaf874   Updates to work with FF, can not use e.srcElement, use e.target instead, also can not use  window.event.
       new  e9f1c97   Updates to have this work with the normal layout controller, and test updates, and cleanup.
       new  7004009   More layout updates, changes to reduce the number of calls to _doResize and doLayout and a fix for the problem with not using the defaultTransition.
       new  cb9d871   More layout updates, change from region to constraint for the config and data-app-constraint instead of data-app-region.
       new  c3dbb3f   More layout updates, change BorderLayout controller to use splitter and doLayout by default, also cleaned up the layout controllers. Adding scrollableTestApp2, but it is not ready yet.
       new  a636873   More layout updates, tweak to help scrollableTestApp2, need to understand why these changes help.
       new  64a7259   More layout updates to reduce the number of calls to _doResize and doLayout, but to call onResize once at the end of a transition with multiple views, and other testcase fixes.
       new  3953250   Cleanup of ScrollableTestApp2 to make it closer to the original since it is working better with the call to onResize.
       new  2214d39   Change Layout event names to avoid confusion, change layout->initLayout and change select->layoutView.
       new  dadc6c3   Updates for comments from cjolif, clean up some logging calls and fix a problem with doResize flag found with the todoApp.
       new  5862b30   Merge pull request #145 from edchat/layout5
       new  ef472aa   cleanup
       new  7e2e73d   IE10 supports CSS3 transitions
       new  86351f6   improve model error reporting, simplify & cleanup code
       new  8bf1501   Merge branch 'layout5'
       new  2592fee   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
       new  37b66da   support cascading of NLS from app down to nested views (#105). Some refactoring to levarege the same code in View & app. Some refactoring to move all utilities to utils.
       new  8aeb60d   remove un-needed code
       new  7946826   fix module path in require
       new  60007d8   fix app refrence to be correct at view construction
       new  869dd8a   fix build support for cascading of NLS up to the app level
       new  d834e3a   remove useless code that does not work anymore after latest changes.
       new  a73d597   Merge pull request #149 from cjolif/master
       new  77c5dbc   Remove the noAutoLoadControllers config option and make it the default behavior so that all controllers must be listed in the controllers section of the config. I have also updated the test applications to list the controllers in the config.
       new  2be7ade   Merge pull request #150 from edchat/master
       new  7ecec06   Fix main.js it needed the require for domAttr, and ScrollableTestApp views had problem adding rows after change to this.app.
       new  61d1fcd   Merge pull request #152 from edchat/master
       new  b95c90a   start supporting non string constraints + support animation when transitioning to a view for which no view was present previously with the same constraint
       new  c435498   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
       new  6ed451b   3rd parameter is a name not the app
       new  b8c9c93   Fix ScrollableTestApp2 views there was a problem adding rows after change to this.app.
       new  d077807   Merge pull request #153 from edchat/master
       new  a2cf44e   Update the layout support to take a "-" to indicate that a view should be removed (or hidden) in addition to the + used to indicate multiple views will be displayed.  Tests have also been updated to test this support.  The way defaultTransition was working has also been updated to allow a transition set on a transition event to take precedence over the defaultTransition set in the config. But there are cases where an app would like to override the transitions via the [...]
       new  d046a04   fix issue on contraints initilization on app
       new  a28cf35   fix issues with string constraints
       new  cb843f6   Fix issue when transiting from a top view that is animated an nested view. Some transition happen also on the nested view giving weird effects. We want to avoid that.
       new  33b5de1   more updates the layout support to take a "-" to cleanup the code some.
       new  1aa4689   fix for complex constraints
       new  f7d96c9   tab fixes
       new  7474f50   first drop of hasconfig code to use has parts in the config.
       new  00f3568   first drop of hasconfig code to use has parts in the config.
       new  7ca6b14   make sure one can override the default transition system using transit property at config level referencing AMD module.
       new  7c3f96b   Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cjolif/dojox_application
       new  37946e5   more updates the layout support to take a "-" to cleanup the code some, thanks cjolif for the suggestions.
       new  76de9f4   Merge pull request #154 from edchat/master
       new  4ebbec4   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
       new  7482301   make explicit we are using hash
       new  f1b7e7f   gerge branch 'master' of github.com:edchat/dojox_application into hasconfig
       new  4e2b889   more updates the layout support to take a "-" to cleanup the code some, thanks cjolif for the suggestions.
       new  f4852c2   update hasconfig support to be able to take multiple tests on one has section, like "ios,android" or "phone,tablet" to be used if you have a section to be used for either of those checks.
       new  4301536   put back ability to animate from nothing to something
       new  d4dce63   cleanups
       new  c2c976b   cleanups
       new  7457442   refactor LayoutBase to create 2 easy methods to redefine in subclass instead of forcing one to redefine the entire layoutView method.
       new  7811848   fix doc
       new  ef6c018   refactor a bit initLayout to share some code in LayoutBase
       new  866b92c   make sure this is possible to get visual animation on removeView and fix missing require
       new  8ac19ac   fix animation on removal
       new  3400530   fix animation on removal
       new  9f2194c   refactorize how to get the right transtition by avoid recursing twice the config
       new  67e3339   fix sample langage bundle to work in French
       new  56b1d9e   fix documentaion to talk about this.app.emit instead of trigger or on.emit.
       new  eb649e2   fix missing domStyle require
       new  e6dbcd6   Merge pull request #155 from cjolif/master
       new  3e9e3a9   1/ make sure activate & deactivate methods of the view respectively get as first attribute the previous and the next view reference. 2/make sure activate & deactivate methods of the view get as a second argument the data passed in the TransitionEvent opts "data" attribute. This allows to transition data object from View to View without relying on the app itself. 3/ cleanups, update sample to leverage 1/ & 2/
       new  f882914   fixes #156
       new  ac98e6e   Merge pull request #157 from cjolif/bugfix
       new  328b68e   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
       new  4fe302f   improve paramater naming
       new  b95d968   come back to an erroneous commit
       new  cc751d8   Merge pull request #158 from cjolif/master
       new  22edc99   Merge remote-tracking branch 'dmachirepo2/master' into hasconfig
       new  3f3c19d   Some cleanup to configUtils and a new doh test for configProcessHas support.
       new  95fd58e   Some cleanup to scrollableTestApp2 to for the use of configProcessHas.
       new  48d3806   update hasconfig support to have main.js always call configProcessHas for the config passed in, so that the app does not have to call it, also removed the hasList, and have the app set the appropriate has settings with has.add(xxx,true). I also renamed utils/configUtils to utils/config. Thanks to cjolif for the suggestions.
       new  659fa4d   improve a comment in the transition controller.
       new  30c38ca   Merge pull request #160 from edchat/hasconfig
       new  17ab7bf   In transition controller I removed the check for IE around the call to css3 transit, since transit is now checking it, and we may want to call it for a custom transit for ie, also in transition controller I fixed problem where a view was being removed from a constraint even if it was not the selectedChild for that constraint, for example if view7 were shown in the right constraint and a transition was done for -view8, view7 was being removed, but it should have staye [...]
       new  21cffb9   Merge pull request #161 from edchat/master
       new  00a67e1   code was partially in and partially out of the else clause but was anyway in both cases executed. So share the same block for the code.
       new  7dd55dd   fix comment
       new  175983d   we should not output errors just throw them and http://trac.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/16751 must be fixed to get the correct reporting
       new  0dbfdcd   some cleanups + add a new error test on missing store
       new  56cf914   Fixes #162, problem with scrollable view with a footer after being scrolled all the way to the bottom and transitioning back to the view it would shift down a little.  I have removed the incorrect build info from the tests where it was accidentally copied, and made some additional testcase cleanup.
       new  fa02c97   I have a fix in app/utils/config for a problem on IE.  Also the last commit did not fix the problem seen by the app center because the test was not using nested views, with a view for the footer.  This updates the longListTestApp to match that using nested views with a separate footer. I also moved the change for that I had made to LayoutBase for onResize into Layout to minimize its impact to the Layout controller, instead of impacting all layout controllers.
       new  44c0889   Merge pull request #165 from edchat/master
       new  b853185   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
       new  220730e   Update to app/widgets/Container and _ScrollableMixin to be able to use fixedFooter to get around a scrollable problem.
       new  f15b047   Another update to app/widgets/Container and _ScrollableMixin to try to deal with the scrollable problems, and update to the tests to better match the failing testcase, this works better but we still need a better way to handle these cases.
       new  95529df   Update ViewBase.js and main.js to handle having the .js and .html in the same folder and update some of the app tests scrollableTestApp2, modelApp, and longListTestApp to use have the .html and .js files in the same directories, removing the template directories.  There is code in ViewBase to handle the default case correctly if they are still using the same folder for .html and .js files, there is also temporary code there which will also work if they have the old s [...]
       new  0728ed1   Update the Load controller to pass in the template along with the definition when creating a view, so the template path can be used for the default path for the .js file.
       new  2bfcc8e   Update the layout controller to recursively call doResize for selected children to handle resize with nested views.
       new  4ef5a8d   Merge pull request #166 from cjolif/master
       new  5bbd6d1   Merge remote-tracking branch 'dmachirepo2/master' into footer
       new  6ef12b6   Update to app/widgets/Container and _ScrollableMixin to be able to use fixedFooter to get around a scrollable problem, and a fix to layout to handle resize for the selectedChildren of nested views.
       new  8334d0b   Merge pull request #167 from edchat/footer
       new  7d11cc1   Change the app events being used in our controllers to be prefixed with app-, so for example in ViewBase "initLayout", "layoutView" and "resize" will become "app-initLayout", "app-layoutView" and "app-resize".  There are also some testcase and config fixes.
       new  f78ec3b   Merge pull request #168 from edchat/master
       new  a5bfadb   Update the has config support to be able to take a ! at the beginning of the has string which will indicate that ! should be added outside the has check, this will reduce the number of has.add() calls needed.  For example "tablet" tests can be changed to "!phone".  I have also updated the testcases to use this support.
       new  8457e6c   More updates to the testcases after the has config changes.
       new  21001dc   Merge pull request #169 from edchat/master
       new  f6e604c   Fix problem with resize after the change to the event names, needed to leave the bind for win.global resize if not ios, I should not have changed that one to app-resize.  This broke resize on todoApp becuase it was not using mblHideAddressBar.
       new  4fdc291   Merge pull request #170 from edchat/master
       new  6f0e286   merge with the latest from github.
       new  3e26823   mediaQuery test updates.
       new  c3d6753   Update the rest of the tests to work with the change to ViewBase.js to expect the .js and .html in the same folder and I removed the temporary code in ViewBase which was there to allow it to work if they have the old structure with templates and views.
       new  9042b06   Update the rest of the tests to work with the change to ViewBase.js to expect the .js and .html in the same folder and I removed the temporary code in ViewBase which was there to allow it to work if they have the old structure with templates and views.
       new  3535518   Change the config name under a view from "definition" to "controller".  I also changed the tests which were using isTablet to use the has test with !has("phone") instead.
       new  fc04165   Another change for the config name under a view from "definition" to "controller".  I also changed the tests which were using isTablet to use the has test with !has("phone") instead.
       new  9665c67   Merge pull request #171 from edchat/fileRestructure
       new  c3dcd90   Update Transition controller to deactivate selected children, even if the children are not in the center, also remove all checks for hardcoded center constraint.
       new  33c0293   We are changing the way the config is done for the view, it had been required to set "controller": "none" if you did not want a controller, and it would default to try to find the controller if you did not specify one, now if you do not want a controller you will not set it, and you will have to set it if you have a controller for the view.  I have also updated the tests.
       new  061bc7b   Merge pull request #172 from edchat/fileRestructure
       new  2e03afd   Update Transition controller to remove code causing a problem is two transitions were done very quickly. Also a few more places where view controller was being set to none.
       new  ff46536   Merge pull request #173 from edchat/master
       new  87d2223   Another set of testcase updates to use has tests in config to use the History controller or the HistoryHash controller.
       new  70302e5   Merge pull request #174 from edchat/master
       new  f468a87   A new test app has 3 columns, Left (Nav), Center (Main), Right (Last) which are shown (or not shown) based upon media queries. The app responds to 3 screen sizes (Large over 860, Medium less than 860, and Small less than 560). The views can be reused for different positions, for example in the config there is a navLeft and a navCenter which both use the same controller and templates. For Large all 3 columns are shown (navLeft | mainCenter | lastRight).  For Medium th [...]
       new  8cda60b   Merge pull request #175 from edchat/master
       new  99b8317   Update the mediaQuery3ColumnApp, cleanup the header html and the views js as well.  I also changed the way the layotu transitioned so that now for Medium the right column is hidden and the left and center columns are shown (navLeft | mainCenter) or (navLeft | lastCenter) instead of (mainLeft | lastCenter). I think it is more common to have the left nav stay fixed instead of having it transition.
       new  911b9fb   Merge pull request #176 from edchat/master
       new  762d793   updates to support params for a specific view.
       new  4a1ab00   Fix problem with loading views with view1+view2 being loaded async and getting views out of order and causing problems with layout.
       new  8a8f194   Update transition controller to only pass view specific params to the view it was intended for.
       new  d0bf0e5   Improve the update transition controller to only pass view specific params to the view it was intended for.
       new  574633d   Improve the update load controller and hash util after feedback from cjolif.
       new  4525d94   Merge pull request #177 from edchat/viewParams
       new  d8197a3   dojox/app cleanup code for dojo style problems.
       new  dcffd42   Merge pull request #178 from edchat/master
       new  ecc8aa6   dojox/app cleanup bordeLayoutApp test to remove some of the dojox/mvc code.
       new  66951d3   dojox/app cleanup modelApp test to remove some of the dojox/mvc code.
       new  4a61b46   dojox/app cleanup modelApp test to remove some of the dojox/mvc code.
       new  fb9c1f1   dojox/app cleanup modelApp test to remove some of the dojox/mvc code.
       new  2f17c7e   Add code in LayoutBase to set a viewShowing flag on the view to true or false as appropriate and more fix the date code in modelApp test.
       new  2dea85f   Remove the Experimental flag from dojox/app.
       new  5ed7a25   Merge pull request #179 from edchat/master
       new  3f4c319   Add a config option borderLayoutNoSplitter to allow app to not use a splitter on the StackContainer. And remove a couple of bad eding commas from tests.
       new  a31dc6c   Merge pull request #180 from edchat/master
       new  ae38bde   Fix transition controller to avoid calling this.app.emit("app-resize"); more than once when using subViews.
       new  f644a9d   Merge pull request #181 from edchat/master
       new  165cdcb   Add a helper function to app to do the transition to a view, transitionToView.
       new  a9d47fa   Merge pull request #183 from edchat/master
       new  b85f262   dojox/app cleanup mediaQueryLayoutApp test to remove the dojox/mvc code and fix up other things in the test.
       new  421d4b7   Merge pull request #184 from edchat/master
       new  59f2551   dojox/app add loadedStores (like loadedModels) to the app and also set the global loadedStores on the view to make it easier to work with the stores.
       new  fc4c4cd   Merge pull request #185 from edchat/master
       new  96c924e   dojox/app add support for setting up stores for specific views in the config.
       new  d01832c   Merge pull request #186 from edchat/master
       new  a3cd930   dojox/app fix for historyHash to handle going back to the first defaultView.
       new  d03f0a5   Merge pull request #187 from edchat/master
       new  50d3e24   dojox/app add error notification for problems when creating and loading models.
       new  baa82d6   dojox/app fix up simpleModel to work with dataStores and JsonRest Stores.
       new  802cc05   Merge pull request #188 from edchat/master
       new  5f5047a   dojox/app cleanup borderLayoutApp test to remove the dojox/mvc code and add an EdgeToEdgeStoreList to the test.
       new  b30dbeb   dojox/app cleanup layoutApp test to remove the dojox/mvc code and add an EdgeToEdgeStoreList to the test.
       new  1f4715d   dojox/app cleanup for minor jslint type problems, updates to many testcases to use proper data-dojo-props along with new some doh tests.
       new  4a8c54b   dojox/app more test cleanup and for layoutApp2 removed the dojox/mvc code and add an EdgeToEdgeStoreList to the test.
       new  aae145c   dojox/app new doh tests for layoutApp and mediaQuery3ColumnApp.
       new  afe1c40   Merge pull request #190 from edchat/master
       new  bf2a5fd   dojox/app code cleanup jslint type cleanup for trac #15340 thanks bill, along with some other cleanup as well.
       new  345425e   The gallery view in multiSceneApp was included in the config, but calls to it were commented out, and it had errors if someone tried to display the view, so I have removed the gallery view and the commented out code that referenced it.
       new  fe32c1b   one more dojox/app code cleanup jslint type cleanup for trac #15340 thanks bill, along with some other cleanup as well.
       new  88f37eb   Merge pull request #191 from edchat/master
       new  dddb0af   A minor change to Transition controller to emit app-resize before calling next.afterActivate, and more app testcase cleanup, another set of data-dojo-props changes and cleanup of calls to view destroy to be sure to call this.inherited(arguments). Two more json file jslint fixes from Bill for trac #15340
       new  78bbe0d   Merge pull request #192 from edchat/master
       new  b33489f   dojox/app layoutApp2 test, added an UnloadViewController to show how to unload a view. To test the unload, go to the Date Test and click one of the unload buttons.  This also required cleanup of the destroy functions, they can not call this.inherited(arguments).
       new  acaa96d   cleanup of the destroy functions for all testcases they can not call this.inherited(arguments).
       new  3b7aa17   Merge pull request #194 from edchat/unloadView
       new  cf055a6   fix for http://trac.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/17018
       new  59c6df1   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
       new  5eb1aa8   Merge pull request #195 from cjolif/master
       new  10e8c5d   minor test updates for date.js and a config dependency for a build test.
       new  a819d32   Merge pull request #196 from edchat/master
       new  18804b0   Fix typo in borderLayoutApp doh test causing a problem running from a build, and fix for doh/globalizedApp test.
       new  f55933a   Merge pull request #197 from edchat/master
       new  e13b3c3   Add a Templated Widget Custom View to the CustomApp test.
       new  16c284f   refs #17056, #17069, #17057. Fix a few problems with History pushState/popState support. Thanks Paul Christopher (CLA).
       new  8605cbb   Fix Transition controller to work correctly with transition set in config for app using sub-views.
       new  2bfafa3   Merge pull request #198 from edchat/master
       new  95dd658   fix possible issue if no toplevel i18n
       new  24d98e1   Merge pull request #199 from cjolif/master
       new  121d611   Fix for a build error when using the --appConfigLayer option and a layer name included in the build profile.
       new  2ab0186   Rename borderlayoutApp.js to borderLayoutApp.js
       new  b238fad   Fix issue #204 problem with the Transition controller when transitioning across nested veiws.
       new  bbdd1b5   Fix issue #205 problem with the Transition controller calling beforeDeactivate and afterDeactivate sometimes when the view is not active.
       new  67ebf8e   Fixes #17449 (issue 207 in dojox/app repo) with major changes to the Transition controller dealing the the calling of before and after activate and deactivate mostly for nested views, and reduced the number of calls to resize for nested views as well, along with a fix for setting the correct transition type for nested views.  A couple of changes to the LayoutBase controller and main.js dealing the the transitions to the first default view. Also 2 new tests for this a [...]
       new  3d6b204   Fixes #17517 which includes the fixes for doj0x/app issues 208 and 209. As part of this fix dojox/app will set visibility hidden when is view is created or is being transitioned to, and setting visibility visible right before the transition is done to avoid having views flicker or overlay each other during transition.
       new  ac36347   Fix transition check for matching nested views issue 211.
       new  e1aee00   Fix Issue 200 and fixes ticket #17507. Fixes problem with VoiceOver which happens because the domNodes were not being ordered based upon the view constraints. With this fix the domNodes will be placed in order of the constraints (top,left,center,right,bottom or for RTL top,right,center,left,bottom)  compared to the sibling nodes. Includes a config option to avoid the overhead of ordering the domNodes by setting useConfigOrder: true and doh tests
       new  6ed5e9f   Merge pull request #214 from edchat/domorder2
       new  6cf51a5   fix file permissions, fixes #17919 in dojox/app

The 657 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

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