[Pkg-javascript-commits] [sockjs-client] annotated tag v0.1.2 created (now 0c1ceeb)

Tonnerre Lombard tonnerre-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jan 8 00:47:58 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tonnerre-guest pushed a change to annotated tag v0.1.2
in repository sockjs-client.

        at  0c1ceeb   (tag)
   tagging  67af34fc94df4fd08415c0d1aad6ad9dd2b048bc (commit)
  replaces  v0.1.1
 tagged by  Marek Majkowski
        on  Tue Dec 6 15:42:37 2011 +0000

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Release 0.1.2

Marek Majkowski (50):
      #29 - Add custom utils.quote and new test infrastructure for that
      A bit better implementation of random_number_string
      Deployment: Clean build before tagging
      Make sure there are no raw unicode characters in generated minified javascript
      Update uglifiy-js
      Better tests for utf encoding
      Fix #27 - use custom JSON quoting function
      Deployment: watch the other directory also
      Escaping new lines is not exactly a good idea.
      Issue #29 cosmetic: 'Lookup' is a better name
      #29 IE doesn't like \ufff0, escape it also.
      #29 Explain that we now support all unicode chars.
      Removing unused `minify.coffee` script
      Run both new unit tests and old tests from the main quinit test landing page
      Don't duplicate amendUrl tests.
      Preparing to run unit tests on testling.
      Remove spurious comment from generated minified js
      Cosmetic: indentation
      Test all \u20XX chars
      Old Firefox has an interesting JSON encoder - encodes tab as \u0009 instead of \t
      Move functions requiring dom from utils.js to dom.js
      Make the code shorter - use substr instead of array index.
      Support new node. (@dvv)
      Simplify makefile - coffeescript compilation of tests may be simpler
      Framework for dom tests.
      Make `make serve` twice faster - compile coffee before forking server process.
      Test onunload and onmessage events - using an iframe.
      One more test for amendUrl.
      Don't use console.log, use log instead. Reload iframe every time (ie: disable caching)
      Get document.domain trick/same origin policy work for ie7
      Fix for Onunload not being triggered in ie7 and ie8.
      Run domtests with the normal quunit tests.
      #28 Test onbeforeunload event
      Abstract similar onunload and onbeforeunload tests
      Actually, timeout of 0 works as well as 10.
      Don't start test onload, we want to test onload as well!
      iframe can be null in a timer
      #15 Some transports require document.body to exist - wait for onload
      #15 add tests
      Spurious header.
      #28 Introduce DocumentGuard, a singleton that knows more than document.readyState.
      #28 Don't start a websocket connection if we're after beforeunload
      #28 Emit warning.
      Having a global `onmessage` function is a bad idea.
      updated changelog
      Release 0.1.2


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/sockjs-client.git

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