[Pkg-javascript-commits] [sockjs-client] annotated tag v0.3.0 created (now a6f7c4a)

Tonnerre Lombard tonnerre-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jan 8 00:47:58 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tonnerre-guest pushed a change to annotated tag v0.3.0
in repository sockjs-client.

        at  a6f7c4a   (tag)
   tagging  698fb5a742b14f377925860981ecfb271ae13903 (commit)
  replaces  v0.2.1
 tagged by  Marek Majkowski
        on  Mon Apr 2 12:12:21 2012 +0100

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Release 0.3.0
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


Carl Byström (1):
      Updated jQuery to v1.7 to prevent event warnings from appearing in WebKit browsers.

Marek Majkowski (29):
      Further makefile tweaks
      Mention https in readme
      Mention other sockjs related projects
      Merge pull request #47 from cgbystrom/jquery-patch
      Mention SockJS behaviour on browsers blocking third party cookies.
      Link to the source about the connections per domain restriction.
      Fix #50 - fix bug in the isSameOriginUrl method
      Mention raw websocket url in the readme
      Mention raw websocket url in the readme
      Merge branch 'master' into dev
      When clearing form.are in JSONP set it to empty string instead of null - Maple / Samsung doesn't like null value.
      Fix #49 - Support for sockjs-client being used from pages served from file:// addresses
      #51 - try using XMLHttpRequest instead of XMLHTTP one
      #28 - Handle onunload / onbeforeunload more robustly.
      Added description to package.json
      #51 - IE10 should use xhr before xdr
      sockjs/sockjs-protocol#28 - always pack the message in square brackets
      Fix #53 - AMD compliance
      Try to be more helpful and mention a bug in README.
      Refuse SockJS urls with ? or # inside (query strings or hashes)
      Verify origin of the agent sending postMessage events
      Use different xhr object for local and for CORS ajax.
      Fix #55: don't leak iframe object, expose postMessage interface only
      Fix #57 - Opera adds iframe navigation to history
      Note that non-SSL connection may not work from SSL-served page.
      Temporarily disable iframe tests - they are failing too often.
      Don't mention heroku, mention https Europe.
      Release 0.3.0


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/sockjs-client.git

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