[Pkg-javascript-commits] [leaflet] annotated tag v0.4.3 created (now a3de07d)

Jonas Smedegaard js at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Jan 27 20:09:11 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

js pushed a change to annotated tag v0.4.3
in repository leaflet.

        at  a3de07d   (tag)
   tagging  968aece11e97870f7a3975ec3c0479df143debf1 (commit)
  replaces  v0.4.2
 tagged by  Vladimir Agafonkin
        on  Tue Aug 7 12:29:23 2012 +0300

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Version 0.4.3

Andrew Beaven (1):
      Added option to animate pan on invalidateSize()

Vladimir Agafonkin (35):
      Merge pull request #857 from ajbeaven/AnimatedInvalidateSize
      update changelog and build
      Merge pull request #861 from danzel/master
      Merge pull request #862 from danzel/oldie-fixes
      cleanup layers control IE7 fix #861
      update build and changelog
      update version number and build
      add _site to git ignore
      Merge pull request #864 from danzel/oldie-fixes
      fix dragging cursor appearing to early on FF
      merge stable, update build
      Remove android 2/3 hacks for TileLayer animation (we'll only support it for 4+)
      Move tile layer transition to CSS, detect zoom transion end globally
      Merge pull request #868 from danzel/master
      minor refactoring
      new geojson example with US states
      custom control for geojson example
      improve geojson example
      add bringToFront and bringToBack to FeatureGroup
      improve geojson example
      return this in Path bringToFront/bringToBack
      improve geojson example more
      improve geojson example more
      Merge branch 'improve-geojson' of github.com:CloudMade/Leaflet into improve-geojson
      update changelog
      Merge branch 'improve-geojson'
      Fix map to not animate on resize by default
      update build and changelog
      fix map panning inertia flicker on Chrome
      Remove Win/Meta key to zoom out binding, fix #869
      update build and changelog for 0.4.3
      improve geojson example a bit
      discovered iOS regression, revert 0.4.3 release
      fix iOS pinch-zoom regression and update build
      update changelog and build

danzel (7):
      When removing a marker from a FeatureGroup, only remove the popup if it was put there by the FeatureGroup.
      Radio buttons properly dynamically created in IE7 don't work, so the layers dialog doesn't work, do it this hacky way instead.
      Add a page for testing opacity works.
      Fix setting opacity multiple times in oldie. Was disabling the filter if it should be enabled and vice-versa
      Fix setting opacity multiple times in oldie. Was disabling the filter if it should be enabled and vice-versa
      Fix for android 2 tiles
      Tidy up comments

mourner (3):
      improve geojson example colors, add legend
      Add geojson setStyle and resetStyle methods, layer feature property
      Improve GeoJSON example


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/leaflet.git

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