[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-keese] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 1.0.1

Andrew Kelley andrewrk-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Jun 28 04:24:49 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

andrewrk-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository node-keese.

commit 7c19c6c2df85eb0fd44d25d8cca612b659b7468f
Author: Andrew Kelley <superjoe30 at gmail.com>
Date:   Sat Jun 28 04:18:49 2014 +0000

    Imported Upstream version 1.0.1
 index.js     | 125 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 package.json |  19 +++++
 readme.md    | 240 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test.js      |  89 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 473 insertions(+)

diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fdb4d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+// the basic characters in sorted order
+var alphabet = "0123456789?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
+var radix = alphabet.length;
+// bigger than all the basic characters
+var order_specifier = "~";
+// character to numerical value aka index of the character
+// "0": 0, "z": 63, etc.
+var values = (function() {
+  var values = {};
+  for (var i = 0; i < alphabet.length; i++) values[alphabet[i]] = i;
+  return values;
+module.exports = keese;
+function keese(low, high) {
+  if (low == null) {
+    if (high == null) {
+      // return anything above 0
+      return "1";
+    } else {
+      // go smaller
+      return average("0", high);
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (high == null) {
+      // go bigger
+      return increment(low);
+    } else {
+      // go in between
+      return average(low, high);
+    }
+  }
+function increment(value) {
+  var n = parse(value);
+  // drop the fraction
+  n.digits = n.digits.substr(0, n.order_length + 1);
+  return add(n, parse("1"));
+function average(low, high) {
+  if (!(low < high)) {
+    throw new Error("assertion failed: " + JSON.stringify(low) + " < " + JSON.stringify(high));
+  }
+  var a = parse(low);
+  var b = parse(high);
+  pad_to_equal_order(a, b);
+  var b_carry = 0;
+  var max_digit_length = Math.max(a.digits.length, b.digits.length);
+  for (var i = 0; i < max_digit_length || b_carry > 0; i++) {
+    var a_value =            values[a.digits[i]] || 0;
+    var b_value = b_carry + (values[b.digits[i]] || 0);
+    if (a_value === b_value) continue;
+    if (a_value === b_value - 1) {
+      // we need more digits, but remember that b is ahead
+      b_carry = radix;
+      continue;
+    }
+    // we have a distance of at least 2 between the values.
+    // half the distance floored is sure to be a positive single digit.
+    var half_distance_value = Math.floor((b_value - a_value) / 2);
+    var half_distance_digits = "";
+    for (var j = 0; j < i; j++)
+      half_distance_digits += "0";
+    half_distance_digits += alphabet[half_distance_value];
+    var half_distance = parse(construct(a.order_length, half_distance_digits));
+    // truncate insignificant digits of a
+    a.digits = a.digits.substr(0, i + 1);
+    return add(a, half_distance);
+  }
+  throw new Error; // unreachable
+function add(a, b) {
+  pad_to_equal_order(a, b);
+  var result_digits = "";
+  var order_length = a.order_length;
+  var value = 0;
+  for (var i = Math.max(a.digits.length, b.digits.length) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+    value += values[a.digits[i]] || 0;
+    value += values[b.digits[i]] || 0;
+    result_digits = alphabet[value % radix] + result_digits;
+    value = Math.floor(value / radix);
+  }
+  // overflow up to moar digits
+  while (value > 0) {
+    result_digits = alphabet[value % radix] + result_digits;
+    value = Math.floor(value / radix);
+    order_length++;
+  }
+  return construct(order_length, result_digits);
+function parse(value) {
+  var order_length = value.lastIndexOf(order_specifier) + 1;
+  return {
+    order_length: order_length,
+    digits: value.substr(order_length)
+  };
+function construct(order_length, digits) {
+  // strip unnecessary leading zeros
+  while (order_length > 0 && digits.charAt(0) == "0") {
+    digits = digits.substr(1);
+    order_length--;
+  }
+  var result = "";
+  for (var i = 0; i < order_length; i++)
+    result += order_specifier;
+  return result + digits;
+function pad_to_equal_order(a, b) {
+  pad_in_place(a, b.order_length);
+  pad_in_place(b, a.order_length);
+function pad_in_place(n, order_length) {
+  while (n.order_length < order_length) {
+    n.digits = "0" + n.digits;
+    n.order_length++;
+  }
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e6eef6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "name": "keese",
+  "version": "1.0.1",
+  "description": "limited-functionality arbitrary-precision floats encoded as strings in javascript",
+  "main": "index.js",
+  "scripts": {
+    "test": "node test.js"
+  },
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git://github.com/thejoshwolfe/node-keese.git"
+  },
+  "author": "Josh Wolfe <thejoshwolfe at gmail.com>",
+  "license": "BSD",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": "https://github.com/thejoshwolfe/node-keese/issues"
+  },
+  "homepage": "https://github.com/thejoshwolfe/node-keese"
diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd19588
--- /dev/null
+++ b/readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+Generator for well-ordered values, appropriate for use as sorting keys.
+keese can always generate a bigger value, a smaller value, and a value between two other values.
+This is trivial using numbers with `x+1`, `x-1`, and `(x+y)/2` respectively.
+However, numbers have limited precision in JavaScript (see below), so instead keese uses strings.
+The string values are comparable with the builtin comparison operators (such as `<`),
+and keese can *always* generate a new value that satisfies the constraints (limited only by system resources).
+var keese = require('keese');
+var something = keese();
+var bigger = keese(something, null);
+var smaller = keese(null, something);
+// smaller < something < bigger
+var medium = keese(smaller, bigger);
+// smaller < medium < bigger
+// but no guarantee about middle vs something
+var middle = keese(low, high);
+* `low` and `high` must each either be `== null` or be the result of a previous call to `keese`.
+* If `low` and `high` are both `== null`, then `middle` will be some arbitrary value to get you started.
+* If `low` is `!= null`, then `low` will be `< middle`.
+* If `high` is `!= null`, then `middle` will be `< high`.
+* If `low` and `high` are both `!= null`, then `low < middle < high` (so `low` must be `< high`).
+`keese` is a [pure function](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pure_function).
+Why would I want this?
+Say you have a client-server architecture where clients can edit an ordered list of items.
+Clients can insert, delete, and move items around in the list.
+([Groove Basin](https://github.com/superjoe30/groovebasin) does this with the current playlist of songs.)
+The naive approach would be to use an Array, and communicate about where an operation is happening by using an index into the array.
+For example, "add item x at index 5", or "delete item at index 2" or "move item at index 7 to index 10", etc.
+This works well enough, but race conditions can cause sad behavior.
+Imagine all three of the above commands are sent to the server at once from different clients.
+Say the server receives the "delete" command first, and shifts all the items above index 2 down 1.
+Now the "move" command referencing the item at index 7 is actually talking about a different item, one that was originally at index 8.
+The "add" command is similarly misinterpreted, because the client may have specifically wanted "item x" to be inserted immediately after a particular item.
+Another naive approach is to communicate about locations relative to existing items.
+For example, "add item x just after item y", or "delete item y".
+Do you see the problem here?
+Say a client wants to insert "item x" in the middle of a range of 10 items, but another client deletes those 10 items before the insert request can be processed.
+There's no guarantee that the item(s) a client refers to will still exist on the server by the time the request is processed.
+The most robust solution is to communicate about locations using arbitrary sorting keys.
+Give every item a different value such that when the items are sorted using the values, they are ordered appropriately.
+For example, start out by giving each of 10 items in the list the values 1 through 10 as their sorting keys.
+Now if a client deletes the item with the sorting key of 2, there's no need to shift anything; just leave the other sorting keys where they are.
+When a client wants to insert an item between 5 and 6, give the new item a sorting key of 5.5.
+When a client wants to move an item, change the items sorting key to some other value.
+After performing each of these operations, simply sort the list again, and the items will be in the desired order.
+By using sorting keys, the opportunity for race conditions is almost entirely eliminated.
+There can still be race conditions when there is truly no possible automatic solution,
+such as two clients inserting different items into the same location, or two clients both trying to delete the same item at once.
+However, these problems usually have trivial solutions, and they are outside the scope of this project.
+keese exists for the purpose of generating sorting keys that never run out of precision.
+Numbers have limited precision
+This code snippet shows how many times you can obtain a middle value
+using a JavaScript `Number` and still get a meaningful result.
+var a = 1;
+var b = 2;
+var count = 0;
+while (a !== b) {
+  count += 1;
+  a = (a + b) / 2.0;
+Output: 53
+Comparing that to keese, we generate a middle value 53 times and then
+check the result.
+var keese = require('keese');
+var low = keese();
+var high = keese(low, null);
+for (var i = 0; i < 53; i += 1) {
+  high = keese(low, high);
+Output: "1000000002"
+This takes up a few more bytes than a `Number`. However, unlike what happens
+when you generate a middle value 53 times with a `Number`, we actually have
+a usable value to compare.
+How it works
+The problem with JavaScript `Number`s is that they have limited precision.
+In order to get arbitrary numeric precision, we need more than a single primitive number value;
+we need an arbitrarily-large array of numbers.
+We could use JavaScript `Array`s, but `String`s are better for the following reasons:
+strings are more compact in JSON (and probably in memory),
+and strings can be compared easily with a builtin function (the `<` operator),
+which is convenient (and probably much more efficient that writing a custom Array comparator).
+Being able to compare strings using `<` (called lexicographical ordering) is a driving principle in the design of this library.
+So how do we encode arbitrary precision numbers in strings in such a way as to preserve lexicographical ordering?
+Base 10 is a good place to start.
+What comes between `"0.1"` and `"0.2"`?
+The numeric answer `"0.15"` satisfies the lexicographical ordering;
+adding digits to the end of the smaller string is a good way to implement going in between two values.
+The problem with a naive base 10 encoding is that adding digits to the left breaks lexicographical ordering.
+`9 < 10` but `"9" > "10"`.
+The problem is that the "ones" digit `"9"` is being compared to the "tens" digit `"1"` in `"10"`.
+The common way to solve this frame-shift error is to pad any small numbers with `"0"`s.
+`"09" < "10"`.
+This is obviously problematic, because we are forced to limit the number of digits with this strategy, thereby failing to have arbitrary precision.
+The solution is to reserve a special digit `"~"` that has a larger character value than any other character in the alphabet,
+and use this character to make sure we never get frame shift errors.
+`"9" < "~10"`. `"~99" < "~~100"`.
+If two values have different orders of magnitude, then a `"~"` will inevitably be compared against a character that is not a `"~"`,
+and no actual digit values will ever be compared.
+(While this doubles the number of digits for large integers, remember that the number of digits is still O(n).)
+With this lexicographically-correct magnitude specification, we have no need for any decimal points,
+which in common notation accomplish the same purpose.
+We can write `"21"` instead of `"2.1"`, because we know that `"~12"` is bigger due to the `"~"`.
+One last problem remains, which is how to generate a value smaller than the parameter.
+We have no way of encoding negative numbers lexicographically correctly;
+all the digit values would be inverted, and comparisons would be all wrong.
+The solution to this is surprisingly trivial;
+keep a "smallest value" secret from the client,
+and implement the "smaller" function by going in between the "smallest value" and the parameter.
+We reserve the number `0`, encoded as `""`, as the smallest value, and effectively halve any parameter to generate a smaller value.
+(It would be more efficient to use a special character, such as `"!"`, to signify negative magnitude.
+Oh well. Maybe in a future version of keese.)
+As a matter of efficiency, using base 10 would only encode 10 values per character, but we can easily encode many more.
+JavaScript strings are made of 16-bit characters, so the maximum density we can achieve is radix 65536 (not counting the magnitude specifier).
+However, many characters in this range are unreadable and untypable,
+and some JSON libraries (such as in python) will escape non-ascii values with `"\x1234"` notation by default,
+so radix 65536 may not be worth the trouble.
+Following the example of the base64 encoding, keese uses radix 64 with all printable ascii characters.
+This is the alphabet:
+plus `"~"` for the magnitude specification.
+Here are some example encoded values:
+* `keese()` returns "1", the number `1`.
+* `"z"` is the number `63`.
+* `keese("z", null)` returns "~10", the number `64`.
+* `keese("1", "2")` returns "1U", the number `1.5`.
+Algorithmic Complexity
+The runtime performance of calling `keese` once is proportional to the size of the inputs.
+Formally, the runtime of `keese(low, high)` is `O(low.length + high.length)`.
+The size of the return value depends on the value of the input parameters.
+* initializing: `keese()` is `O(1)`
+* increasing: `keese(low, null)` is `O(log(n))`
+* decreasing: `keese(null, high)` is `O(n)` (probably could be improved)
+* betweening: `keese(low, high)` is `O(n)`
+Where `n` is how many times `keese` has been called to get the input value.
+More formally, start with `var x = keese()`, run the below code,
+then analyze the size of `x` in terms of `n`.
+Increasing (`O(log(n))`):
+for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+  x = keese(x, null);
+Decreasing (`O(n)` - probably could be improved):
+for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+  x = keese(null, x);
+Betweening (`O(n)`):
+var y = keese(x, null); // or any other value
+for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+  if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
+    x = keese(x, y);
+  } else {
+    y = keese(x, y);
+  }
+I believe it is provable that betweening cannot do any better than `O(n)`:
+* Each value returned from `keese(x, y)` could be assigned to either `x` or `y`.
+* The next call to `keese(x, y)` must return a value that takes into account whether `x` or `y` was chosen in the previous step.
+  Because of this, the return value effectively encodes the decision of whether `x` or `y` was chosen.
+* This information is not lost on the next call to `keese(x, y)`.
+  Therefore, a value obtained through the algorithm above must encode a complete history of each decision.
+* Each of the `n` decisions must occupy up a minimum of 1 bit of space in the string, therefore the size of the string is `O(n)`.
diff --git a/test.js b/test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45fad54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+var keese = require('./');
+var assert = require('assert');
+function basicTest() {
+  var b = keese(null, null);
+  var d = keese(b, null);
+  assert(b < d); // forwards
+  var c = keese(b, d);
+  assert(b < c); // between
+  assert(c < d);
+  var a = keese(null, b);
+  assert(a < b); // backwards
+function overflowTest() {
+  function testExtremeNext() {
+    var biggest_single_digit;
+    var multi_digits = [];
+    var previous = null;
+    var n = keese();
+    for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
+      if (previous !== null) {
+        assertLessThan(previous, n);
+        testBetween(previous, n);
+      }
+      if (n.length === 1) {
+        biggest_single_digit = n;
+      } else if (multi_digits.length < 2) {
+        multi_digits.push(n);
+      }
+      previous = n;
+      n = keese(n, null);
+    }
+    if (multi_digits[1]) {
+      testBetween(biggest_single_digit, multi_digits[1]);
+    }
+    function testBetween(a, c) {
+      var b = keese(a, c);
+      assertLessThan(a, b);
+      assertLessThan(b, c);
+    }
+    return n;
+  }
+  var big_number = testExtremeNext();
+  function testExtremeBetween(lower, upper, forward_func) {
+    for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
+      var middle = keese(lower, upper);
+      assertLessThan(lower, middle);
+      assertLessThan(middle, upper);
+      if (forward_func(i)) {
+        lower = middle;
+      } else {
+        upper = middle;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  (function() {
+    var one = keese();
+    var two = keese(one, null);
+    var forward_funcs = [
+      function() { return true; },
+      function() { return false; },
+      // arbitrarilly descend forwards or backwards pseudo randomly or whatever
+      function(i) { return i % 3 === 0 || i % 7 > 3; },
+    ];
+    var boundses = [
+      [one, two],
+      [one, big_number],
+    ];
+    for (var i = 0; i < boundses.length; i++) {
+      for (var j = 0; j < forward_funcs.length; j++) {
+        testExtremeBetween(boundses[i][0], boundses[i][1], forward_funcs[j]);
+      }
+    }
+  })();
+  assert.throws(function() { keese(keese(), keese()); });
+  function assertLessThan(a, b) {
+    assert(a < b, JSON.stringify(a) + " < " + JSON.stringify(b));
+  }

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-keese.git

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