[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-async] branch master created (now 05a6970)
Jonas Smedegaard
js at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri May 2 08:58:06 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
js pushed a change to branch master
in repository node-async.
at 05a6970 Prepare for release: Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
This branch includes the following new commits:
new 5d942fd added nodeunit and test script
new 44072b8 added existing code and tests
new 39e0958 added index.js for convenience
new 10b2ad0 fix sync calling of callbacks in waterfall
new 99ffdb9 don't pass callback to last function in waterfall chain
new 6470518 call next function in waterfall asynchronously
new 1ea1153 added test for running waterfall callbacks async, and using callbacks multiple times
new bf0dfd8 added parallel and series methods
new 8c7751a updated nodeunit
new 4930440 added iterator method
new 75d506c updated auto api, removed requires function
new ee28653 make callbacks optional
new d7d0349 added error handling to parallel, series and auto functions
new 950183f added forEach, map, reduce, filter, some, and every functions
new cf648d7 refactoring and unit test improvements
new b9a14fd added README.md
new 502d47a added docs to README.md for forEach and forEachSeries
new 9e41a5f renamed reduceSeries to reduce
new 6171df7 updated README.md
new 1a09567 minor tweaks to README.md
new ea4c476 updated README.md
new bd0ccf9 added closing square brackets to auto example in README
new a57d319 ensure map and filter results stay in the same order when processing in parallel
new e4305a3 Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:caolan/async
new c682809 better support empty objects and arrays as arguments
new 9ca19c1 Added detect, reject, reduceRight and sortBy functions and added a few common aliases
new 3a69f64 Updated README to include detect, reject, reduceRight and sortBy functions, as well as alias information
new 14539bd added license and package.json
new cb11f0d added npm install command to README
new 4d09ada added apply function
new 353f441 added browser support
new 5011005 updated README
new b438b90 added log and dir functions
new 19d57ef exposed browser-compatible nextTick function
new 4fc05dd added noConflict
new 84d9d8f added noConflict to README
new dfda2a5 Release 0.1.3
new 8cbd4eb return value from functions in async.apply
new b573905 release v0.1.4
new 263f71f added the concat function
new 28fed84 added concatSeries
new 4426501 bump version
new b53b337 add whilst and until
new 9e17a8f update README to include anchors for each function
new 35266ee remove short descriptions from function list in README
new ed82759 add horizontal rules between function descriptions in README
new 3dd1ad9 move whilst and until into flow control section of README
new 641cb76 allow parallel and series functions to accept and object instead of an array
new a4b2009 bump version
new 0d031be added async.queue
new 9bdbf71 update async.queue information in README
new 3346146 fix lint errors
new 54f563a added makefile with lint, test and build targets
new 9fc0c34 add links to async.js and async.min.js in README
new b4d3709 add line break between development and production links in README
new 960b9bf allow queue.push without a callback
new d033739 show queue.push callback as optional in README
new 2d75d5a added browser tests
new 1d2befd updated test suite to work in the browser
new 828fa89 updated nodeunit
new 051e1b2 load working copy of async module after nodeunit in browser tests
new 2bc2ec3 added memoize
new 8175ac5 added memoize to README
new a3f2a20 updated minified version
new eac373d add commas to waterfall example in REAMDE - thanks dbro
new b2d7e69 Changed async.nextTick to be defined once based on whether process.nextTick is available.
new d57f45c skip nextTick in the browser unit test in node
new cb1825c updated nodeunit deps
new 41f6577 remove extra function call from async.nextTick in node
new 299e4ad updated minified version
new a10cdae bump version
new 74b9dc2 added test for issue 10, make sure series and parallel return original falsy values instead of null
new 4e090db Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:caolan/async
new d0be8cd bump version
new 4471254 updated unit tests for node 0.3.8
new 03edcad add running() which allows a task-callback to check if the queue has drained.
new 570cf8e callback methods w/ test & docs
new 0253167 fix bug in order of queue events and improve tests - thanks Kami
new ec90dc1 fix browser unit tests by removing some node-specific code
new 293fecf Fixed bug when listeners were not called in parallel.
new fc67262 Fixed bug with calling callback several times when some functions were executed in parallel.
new 5d444b7 Merge github.com:pistolero/async
new c28f0b8 memoize - handle multiple calls before completion
new ca4db01 fix parallel implementation of detect when multiple matches occur, closes #28
new d14b7c6 update minfied version
new 2810b75 replace 'flow control' with 'control flow' in README to shut marak up
new 2cd61de grammar nazi
new cbb0a42 Merge pull request #32 from reustle/master
new c66881d In Auto function, save results from functions and pass them forward to dependents.
new 90c80a1 [api test] Added `async.forEachLimit()` and associated tests
new 3753e4d [test] Add more tests for edge cases to forEachLimit
new f3aec61 replace stupid tasks splice call with shift
new 010c3a5 Fix bug in auto. Results wern't being passed to functions that were immediately ready to run.
new 9e116c4 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/caolan/async
new 949e9e1 fixed waterfall
new a2e5359 Imported Upstream version 0.1.9~20110707
new 5804a81 Fixed a typo in the queue sample
new e2d6219 Merge pull request #50 from brunoqc/master
new 37da12f Merge pull request #39 from indexzero/master
new 7c76fc7 bump version
new bdd631e Add unmemoize function
new f38b89a Add unmemoize documentation to README
new 6b4b020 Unmemoize can be called with a not memoized function, too.
new 52359e5 Merge branch 'unmemoize' of https://github.com/balinterdi/async into balinterdi-unmemoize
new 1f31b46 update minified build
new e7d6519 bump version
new f5596b5 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/braddunbar/async into braddunbar-master
new 9b19004 update minified version
new 4608fb3 bump version
new dbc7027 Docs for `forEachLimit`
new 371530a Merge pull request #63 from jesusabdullah/master
new aa837d7 change bugs['web'] to bugs['url'] in package.json
new 58dca5a Merge https://github.com/allanca/async into allanca
new e0ef3d8 bump version
new 25f2dbf expose tasks array for queues
new 6a9ae9f bump version
new 841da28 Fix extra curly brace in whilst example
new f7fec58 Merge pull request #65 from alFReD-NSH/patch-1
new fedf856 Imported Upstream version 0.1.15~20111104
new 69b2adc Initial packaging.
new 1278b46 Imported Upstream version 0.1.15
new 71bf76e Merge commit 'upstream/0.1.15'
new edd539b Add md5sum hint for new upstream 0.1.15 release.
new c821577 Prepare for release: Update changelog.
new 3313e73 Update watch file to use more flexible regex.
new da6d2cb Updated docs about async.auto results - it does a bit more than the current docs let on.
new 751cd30 Waterfall docs now show final result passing.
new 2fc3ab8 Add test for auto problem about task sequence
new 7a0eaaf #queue(): allow unspecified callbacks
new 912d36b Resolves #88
new 6bcbcc2 fixed noConflict test
new c09be73 too small timeout provides unrelieable results
new a472964 Merge pull request #91 from zaphod1984/scriptFix
new 785349f Merge branch 'issue-88' of https://github.com/ixti/async
new 6663ac8 Merge pull request #80 from Sheile/2fc3ab83d79cd660d39355a4ad51897d6f8c3b70
new bb07255 Merge https://github.com/pistolero/async into pistolero
new c89db1f Merge pull request #86 from pierrec/master
new 0225f70 added possibility to push taskbulks, added test
new ee3f974 Merge pull request #79 from clutchski/patch-1
new 54f995b Merge pull request #77 from insin/auto-docs
new 03b969c update tests for IE6 compatibility
new 42a548a update minifed build
new 00395e5 bump version
new 4cecd8a updated package.json to specify devDependencies. updated Makefile to use cli versions of dev dependencies in node_modules
new 6d47c87 Merge pull request #93 from jstewmon/make_devDependencies
new 66a9423 Refactor and DRY tests a bit
new 68974db Merge pull request #99 from mmalecki/refactor-tests
new c82e885 Allow `forEach*` functions to be called with no callback
new ca88b7e The function `_indexOf` is never used
new 66ef4bf Merge pull request #102 from sergi/master
new a6966a8 deployment fix for issue caused by isaacs/npm#2195
new 7fa56c4 Merge pull request #103 from jstewmon/master
new 0e90924 Merge pull request #100 from mmalecki/foreach-no-callback
new f5b1c13 bump version
new 0a6c73c Merge pull request #48 from onirame/master
new 1ae1775 add .gitignore
new ef0ed4d use uglify, nodeunit and nodelint directly from node_modules
new 469b9d6 update minified build
new b89c138 Imported Upstream version 0.1.17
new 2ac6f30 Merge tag 'upstream/0.1.17'
new b7bb3f7 Update upstream-tarball hints for new upstream source.
new 2d541e3 Update changelog and copyright hints.
new 22c3399 make uglify a dev dependency and remove make targets from npm scripts, #105
new 659b995 bump version
new 03bef86 Bump copyright file format to 1.0.
new 22fe231 Bump standards-version to 3.9.3.
new a4310e9 Prepare for release: Update changelog and control file.
new b54d0d1 Update example to reflect current behavior
new 035c5c8 Merge pull request #113 from amco/doc_fix
new 307d594 Update upstream-tarball hints for new upstream source.
new ac07b26 Imported Upstream version 0.1.18~20120312
new 11fac4d Merge tag 'upstream/0.1.18_20120312'
new 2955b41 Update copyright file: Fix double-indent in Copyright fields as per Policy §5.6.13.
new 12eb83b Prepare for release: Update changelog and copyright hints.
new b4e5427 fix issue #98
new 639fb49 moar fixes for #98
new 16de51a without this ';' uglify throw errors when trying to build with strict_semicolons option
new d265a7b Merge pull request #126 from pgherveou/patch-1
new a1eb4cb bump version
new 3020dc3 Merge pull request #124 from yawnt/master
new b0aa0f1 bump version
new 16b9271 fix occasional synchronous use of forEachLimit
new de143e1 update indentation on forEachSeries
new f94a5c0 bump version
new 36f8e10 update minified build
new 122be31 Imported Upstream version 0.1.21
new 3c5c02e Merge tag 'upstream/0.1.21'
new a80ab0b Update upstream-tarball hints for new upstream source.
new 2468d23 Use anonscm.debian.org for Vcs-Browser field.
new e5d174e Prepare for release: Update changelog and control file.
new f128d3d Add times and timesSeries functions for asynchronously executing a function n times
new 8377d9c Avoid double calling tasks in auto when one or more tasks are synchronous.
new 2dda7a6 Add minified version for auto double invoke fix.
new 1494e62 Add test for auto double invoke fix.
new 4351b56 bump version
new 90c40c2 Imported Upstream version 0.1.22
new 4fdb59d Merge tag 'upstream/0.1.22'
new 3f1d126 Update upstream-tarball hints for new upstream source.
new 71cd939 Extend copyright of packaging to cover 2012.
new 4b83ede Prepare for release: Update changelog and copyright hints.
new 4ef2984 Add async.nextTick browser fallback to setImmediate
new cd7a17b `waterfall` now passes all arguments to callback even if there was an error.
new 16a4218 Issue 122: specify arguments to callbacks in the documentation
new 3623c84 Merge pull request #149 from aadamowski/master
new 7d18270 Altered prevention to avoid repeat auto tasks
new 5a466e9 README.md: Enable GitHub syntax highlighting in example code
new 8696792 Merge pull request #150 from langpavel/patch-readme-highlighting
new c11ce52 Fix typo in documentation
new 3405799 Expose memoized function's memos
new 8294b6f Add documentation for exposed memoized memos (3405799)
new 879d367 Add test for exposed memoized memos (3405799)
new 5a8c60e add AMD support
new 96a7da5 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:caolan/async
new b5895fa Add missing 'err' parameter to example of async.parallel in README
new b8fa37d Delete trailing commas in lists of README examples
new 515c7df fix running in --use-strict mode. closes #189
new 2960736 ability to use async as a component
new bb43829 In #forEach and queue's worker calling the callback more than once causes bad behavior. Throw an Error when this happens.
new 49c7fd7 Adding mapLimit
new bc4a9ce Correct minor typo
new eaaad5f Renaming forEachLimit to _forEachLimit, adding mapLimit tests
new d2903ab Adding built file
new fd41664 added doWhilst and doUntil
new 0331124 added post loop docs
new b0c55c5 Added parallelLimit().
new b85bf21 Fix build-depend on node-uglify (not libnode-uglify).
new 626ea2c Update watch and rules files to directly use github.com URL (not githubredir.debian.net).
new 425e13b Bump dephelper compatibility level to 8.
new 1e0c59a Update copyright file: Fix use pseudo-comment section to obey silly restrictions of copyright format 1.0.
new 1a196d1 Prepare for release: Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
new c3d3926 Don't ship dot files with the npm package
new c9087ab cargo can process multitasks(upto payload) each time
new 27daa36 add cargo doc to README
new b9c3ccb add cargo api
new 17d398b because globals suck :(
new 5ca7fb2 Merge pull request #221 from ashnur/patch-1
new 2a4cd55 Merge pull request #216 from rhyzx/cargo
new 23fb28e Revert "Merge pull request #221 from ashnur/patch-1"
new 3f6f55e Merge pull request #211 from vojtajina/small-fixes
new 3cc5a43 Merge pull request #205 from danbell/limit
new 0b354c5 remove minfied version from repository
new 7f5f642 Merge remote branch 'jkroso/master'
new d39b8f9 Merge pull request #201 from ccare/patch-1
new 9a2594e Merge pull request #200 from coreyjewett/master
new 1818b64 Merge pull request #194 from superjoe30/fix-use-strict
new bbfed60 Merge pull request #188 from ceedubs/master
new 6462a5a Merge pull request #141 from alexgorbatchev/master
new 1bca4ce Merge pull request #175 from parshap/feature/expose-memo
new bee45dd increase timeouts for testing in IE
new afa5fd3 Merge pull request #171 from feross/patch-1
new 089d94b Merge remote branch 'dpatti/auto-fix'
new 25c776d force nextTick on auto calls to prevent double task execution when synchronous
new 8ff697f Merge branch 'master' of github.com:caolan/async
new d87f799 Merge remote branch 'dougwilson/feature/setImmediate-support'
new 48d8cbe replace process.nextTick call with async.nextTick and increase timeouts for some tests
new 6ad64ac automatically call nextTick on some synchronous function calls
new e4979da skip stack overflow test in the browser - it takes ages when using settimeout fallback
new 418ae9f fix stackoverflows in queue when using synchronous tasks - WARNING, this slightly changes order of events when queue processing using sync tasks
new 712d06c Merge remote branch 'timoxley/master'
new f839572 use a more liberal check for completed number of tasks - closes #121
new ae6c163 docs: Fix formatting of times example
new a1ae869 Merge pull request #224 from gramakri/master
new 78f57f7 bump version
new 1c896c8 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:caolan/async
new 7f2a38e bump minor version
new 3e4850c remove module id for requirejs define call
new d374f70 bump version
new 584e962 add jam info to package.json
new 1768a3d reimplementing queue unshift
new 570905e README updated for unshift
new 9336791 Merge pull request #164 from raszi/master
new 41ea968 bump version
new b62eff0 corrected the documentation of forEachLimit and mapLimit: the items are not processed in batches. Addresses issue #203
new 13a9abf fixed queue bug, added test
new a054edc Merge pull request #229 from zaphod1984/queueHotfix
new c09599f remove test-strict.js
new 9ad8dba bump version
new 914fa10 Merge pull request #227 from brianmaissy/master
new 53e004e added async.compose
new 59c5d57 bump version
new 1fecb21 rename forEach functions to each and add aliases for old names
new 847929c bump version
new 811f90d Send results to auto callback when an error occurs
new dd7ce2e Partial results should include the current task
new f40f632 Update README.md with auto always passing a results object
new 5c00d7c added scripts.test to package.json - closes #157
new 818433e clarified the format of callback functions in the README
new 4c8cfec Merge pull request #239 from brianmaissy/documentation
new 12bce1d Remove setTimeout
new 4bd3684 added a cautionary note to the documentation of async.auto
new 367ec6c Fixed typo in compose example
new b63b80a added default concurrency for queue, closes #249
new d321d63 Merge pull request #235 from leahciMic/async_auto_error_receives_partial_results
new f429d9b Merge pull request #245 from lookfirst/master
new 4a80997 Merge pull request #240 from brianmaissy/documentation
new c1ff9a4 updated Download section of README. Removed link to empty downloads section and nonexistent minified file, and updated uncompressed filesize
new 4ffed04 calling waterfall with a non-array first argument results in an error
new f4dbaf6 add applyEach function
new e265181 bump version
new 82e638c Merge branch 'master' of github.com:caolan/async
new 03ca474 added an example of binding an iterator
new 1c0d55d fixed a typo
new 5d977f1 fixed a couple typos for grammar sticklers
new ec24bf0 Fix verb agreement
new ec0497f Merge pull request #261 from RubyTuesdayDONO/patch-1
new 5f034b8 Merge pull request #258 from brianmaissy/typo
new 87ce10b Merge pull request #257 from brianmaissy/bindExample
new bd53939 Merge pull request #251 from brianmaissy/waterfall
new f730ef5 Merge pull request #250 from brianmaissy/documentation
new 4af8215 clarified cargo documentation
new ee51a66 fixed a typo
new 9d4ce13 Merge pull request #266 from brianmaissy/cargoDocumentation
new a0d565d revert detection of sync tasks and add setImmediate
new cce102d added forever
new 05a0fb0 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:caolan/async
new 522d97f added applyEachSeries
new ab564d3 README: fix mapLimit example
new 53077a1 define async.nextTick before polyfilling async.setImmediate with it
new 432a437 add async to travis
new e9b844a nudge travis to build
new fadb8d7 Node 0.6 and 0.8 are not supported for latest async
new b5aa9ae Point at caolan repo / Travis build - assuming that will be setup
new b00f5f4 fix for node 0.8.x
new f6da010 bump version
new b92ef97 Add README.source emphasizing control.in file as *not* a show-stopper for contributions, referring to wiki page for details.
new 9ac2b2f Merge pull request #269 from tborg/master
new d32dc25 bump version
new 6b4709e Merge pull request #193 from superjoe30/component
new 9b28305 Use https URLs for Github links in package.json
new ebec545 Merge pull request #309 from sqs/patch-1
new b6a1336 Fix async compatibility with Internet Explorer 10
new 63b7d80 pass params from doUntil/doWhile callbacks to the test function
new a07e26c replaced all occurences of path.exists with fs.exists in README
new e043100 Merge pull request #320 from jhnns/master
new 030f173 Merge pull request #317 from dougwilson/fix/setImmediate-ie10-alias
new c99537a bump version
new e804c3e Fixed syntax error in async auto example
new d8601a1 Merge pull request #347 from ChrisWren/master
new be1f674 Fix setImmediate incompatibility with IE10 also when process and process.nextTick are defined
new c508e5e make done callback function (instead of function-expression): dont create it new on each iteration
new 83dfcc5 Stop tracking md5sum of upstream tarball.
new c93b490 Bump packaging license to GPL-3+, and extend copyrigt coverage for myself to include current year.
new adab36e Have git-import-orig suppress upstream .gitignore file.
new 6f0b229 Imported Upstream version 0.2.5
new aa59f2a Merge tag 'upstream/0.2.5'
new 194ace4 List upstream issue tracker as preferred contact.
new 50438b0 Fix bump GPL licensing.
new 2b981ba Bump standards-version to 3.9.4.
new 4261124 Unset executable bit on library files.
new 01a393f Prepare for release: Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
new 5808951 Update README.md
new 93c536b Passing an object to .series() may lead to unexpected behavior
new daf5190 Changed `async.map` to `async.mapLimit` in mapLimit example
new e345e1e Merge pull request #394 from lupomontero/master
new 908cf76 Update async.auto example in README.md
new f253cef Added additional example for async.each
new b6408da Changed the order of the asyn.each examples. The simpler version is first. The more detailed version is second.
new 8439c17 added seq function: natural to read version of compose
new ce75330 added comment in example.
new 3a52e37 Update README to include links to all API functions.
new f01b399 Merge pull request #408 from RickEyre/readme-fix
new 49faae6 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:caolan/async into feature-seq
new 0bdb221 Add invalid passing async.memoize() test
new 475c5fd Test for correct async callback behaviour
new be4e7ef Refactor memoize test to use async function
new f81ef19 Refactor unmemoize test to use async example
new 19ecb5a Refactor memoize custom hash test
new 5d16b91 async.memoize() preserves async nature of function
new e61160d Failing auto double callback on error test
new be9eb10 Fix 'auto calls callback multiple times' Issue #410
new a03608a Improve auto test comment
new db06259 Changed the order of exporting async by module-type first, because if using browserify to build an app it will conflict with existing apps usigin requireJS and it does not matter for the requireJS use case if before testing for existence of module.exports
new c2b098b Queue calls drain if empty task list is pushed
new a069df4 Merge pull request #350 from louischatriot/master
new 2d5bc3f bump version
new 4e2da57 Clarify how cargo differs from queue
new eea14ed Added a little more description to 'forever'
new 489c6c3 only call cargo.drain once each time it's drained
new db3855a README.md: improved formatting of argument lists
new 5791331 README.md: minor formatting tweaks to introductory text
new 37d86ec README.md: minor tweaks to formatting (`true`, `false`, `null`, and aliases)
new dab4ba2 README.md: numerous minor formatting & phrasing tweaks
new ab1de6f Update license year
new 08e48cf Fix for cargo on IE8
new e2752aa Merge pull request #463 from jontewks/patch-1
new b57c750 Merge pull request #459 from Zearin/docs/readme
new 1095674 Merge pull request #470 from christophercurrie/patch-1
new 1346453 Merge pull request #452 from justincy/master
new f8cb033 Merge remote-tracking branch 'kybernetikos/patch-1'
new 287cb65 Merge pull request #441 from dandv/patch-1
new 191a507 Merge pull request #433 from tikonen/master
new 39e1e65 Merge pull request #421 from DECK36/master
new f5c518e Merge remote-tracking branch 'th3james/auto-double-callback-issue'
new 95fec40 use domains to stop error bubbling in #420 test
new 256fe28 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:caolan/async
new e5ae810 Merge pull request #415 from rmg/async-memoize
new 1513f79 Merge remote-tracking branch 'ognivo/feature-seq'
new 1961d7d Merge pull request #401 from calendee/eachDocumentation
new 29f97dd Merge pull request #398 from josher19/patch-1
new 9f57a35 use internal _isArray function
new 0eb8193 Merge pull request #391 from kvz/patch-1
new de3aae2 Merge pull request #367 from menzoic/patch-1
new d1fd531 Clarify that `some` and `every` run iterators in parallel in readme
new 8f93f6a Merge pull request #353 from quadroid/master
new 2c34634 Merge pull request #318 from aearly/feature/dountil-params
new 72eaf1c Merge pull request #277 from kimptoc/master
new 34d643f Merge pull request #268 from DmitryBochkarev/master
new fb8a0ed Bugfix: sending saturated event should respect current concurrency.
new ea88412 added readme example to show inversion of sort order
new 199c205 added test for inverted sort order
new 80c34f0 bump minor version
new e87eacd Add idle() function to determine if the queue has any work
new eeca6ef Add tests for queue idle() function
new 2869710 bump minor version
new f1f9bfe Track auto tasks using a counter to allow records to be inserted/removed from results
new 4722e78 Add queue.pause() and queue.resume()
new 04df2a7 implement async.retry using async.series
new 17ad7ce allow retry to run as an embedded method inside other controll flows
new 049eda0 add test case for embedding async.retry in another control flow
new df06f5d fix some poor spelling
new 23691df replace `callback(null)` * 3 to `callback()` for consistency
new 9fc9dc8 Link to the cargo vs. queue animation
new 9dab0ca Merge pull request #473 from jessehouchins/auto-task-tracking
new 9d09fd1 Release 0.4.1
new f004033 Merge pull request #474 from maxkueng/pause-and-resume
new b7144bb release 0.5.0
new 7f427ba Merge pull request #475 from jessehouchins/async.retry
new 65067a3 release 0.6.0
new 91340eb Merge pull request #477 from dandv/patch-2
new 4f45a7d replace `callback(null)` * 3 to `callback()` for consistency
new e6e3434 detect functions coming from other JavaScript contexts
new 5bf4092 Merge pull request #479 from Mithgol/detect-extracontextual-functions
new cdec81f release 0.6.1
new d7efd38 improve `.auto` docs
new 174cb00 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
new 8b4430b fix #472, add internal _toString
new 6f6885f Merge pull request #482 from believejs/master
new d0850b7 Merge pull request #481 from Mithgol/improve-auto-docs
new c558dbe in `.auto` check “is it an array?” instead of “is it a function?”
new 78c08e8 release 0.6.2
new 669dd6c docs for retry task argument
new 630a74e specify default
new 0cedc45 Update README.md
new 5bc2fbb Fix small typo in README: s/asyc/async
new 4fbbe56 Merge pull request #494 from jmar777/patch-1
new 0ef0a3c Added kill method to queue
new 398b895 Merge pull request #487 from simoami/master
new dfa3c93 Merge pull request #484 from jessehouchins/retry-docs
new 7fc85d7 Add in started attribute for queue. Helpful for displaying whether or not that queue has processed any jobs
new 534a7ba Merge pull request #497 from jonmorehouse/master
new 440c237 release 0.7.0
new 8a5ebb1 Update README.md
new 62eee6a Update README.md
new d1cc473 Merge pull request #501 from jiabei/master
new ae54f63 updated README.md to reflect the the current "series" anchor
new 931d154 Merge pull request #505 from jbcurtin/master
new ffab0a8 Fence code block as js
new 2661ade use SVG to display Travis CI build testing status
new 21d49d0 Browser report of tests was stopping at 18th test case
new c475003 fix #515, add missing license header
new 64d178a Merge pull request #511 from kevinsawicki/patch-1
new 4b90399 Merge pull request #520 from hojs/master
new a2a6833 Merge pull request #518 from fmenezes/tests
new a2dc610 Merge pull request #514 from Mithgol/patch-1
new 18fd0cc for #521, detect callback in _asyncMap
new 83f1560 Merge pull request #522 from hojs/detect-callback
new 0eb4fea release 0.8.0
new eaf1ce8 Bump standards-version to 3.9.5.
new 295f0a2 Update Vcs-* fields: Packaging git moved to pkg-javascript area of Alioth.
new 3eb13b5 Extend coverage for myself.
new ed4ee7c Fix use TLS in CDBS get-orig-source target.
new d4f32b8 Update tarball basename to not include v prefix.
new fe8571d Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
new b704f5a Imported Upstream version 0.8.0
new ca70c84 Merge tag 'upstream/0.8.0'
new e916fb8 Extend copyright coverage for main upstream author.
new b52277e Stop suppress uglified files from copyright check: No longer included in upstream source.
new 69f1e75 Build-depend on devscript (optional CDBS build-dependency now available in all Debian suites).
new f586ca6 Install package.json.
new 05a6970 Prepare for release: Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
The 480 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-async.git
More information about the Pkg-javascript-commits
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