[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-async] 191/480: Add times and timesSeries functions for asynchronously executing a function n times
Jonas Smedegaard
js at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri May 2 08:58:25 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
js pushed a commit to branch master
in repository node-async.
commit f128d3d2a5d33c0cc726a829705ba93f0b6fc791
Author: Tim Oxley <secoif at gmail.com>
Date: Sat May 26 21:08:40 2012 +1000
Add times and timesSeries functions for asynchronously executing a function n times
README.md | 36 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
lib/async.js | 15 ++++++++++++
test/test-async.js | 71 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 122 insertions(+)
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 94ee562..45f7dfc 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -92,6 +92,8 @@ So far its been tested in IE6, IE7, IE8, FF3.6 and Chrome 5. Usage:
* [iterator](#iterator)
* [apply](#apply)
* [nextTick](#nextTick)
+* [times](#times)
+* [timesSeries](#timesSeries)
### Utils
@@ -907,6 +909,40 @@ __Example__
+<a name="times" />
+### times(n, callback)
+Calls the callback n times and accumulates results in the same manner
+you would use with async.map.
+* n - The number of times to run the function.
+* callback - The function to call n times.
+ // Pretend this is some complicated async factory
+ var createUser = function(id, callback) {
+ callback(null, {
+ id: 'user' + id
+ })
+ }
+ // generate 5 users
+ async.times(5, function(n, next){
+ createUser(n, function(err, user) {
+ next(err, user)
+ })
+ }, function(err, users) {
+ // we should now have 5 users
+ });
+<a name="timesSeries" />
+### timesSeries(n, callback)
+The same as times only the iterator is applied to each item in the array in
+series. The next iterator is only called once the current one has completed
+processing. The results array will be in the same order as the original.
## Utils
diff --git a/lib/async.js b/lib/async.js
index c862008..f83a56b 100644
--- a/lib/async.js
+++ b/lib/async.js
@@ -687,4 +687,19 @@
+ async.times = function(count, iterator, callback) {
+ var counter = []
+ for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ counter.push(i)
+ }
+ return async.map(counter, iterator, callback)
+ }
+ async.timesSeries = function(count, iterator, callback) {
+ var counter = []
+ for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ counter.push(i)
+ }
+ return async.mapSeries(counter, iterator, callback)
+ }
diff --git a/test/test-async.js b/test/test-async.js
index d3eeddc..4d95d84 100644
--- a/test/test-async.js
+++ b/test/test-async.js
@@ -1028,6 +1028,76 @@ var console_fn_tests = function(name){
+exports['times'] = function(test) {
+ var indices = []
+ async.times(5, function(n, next) {
+ next(null, n)
+ }, function(err, results) {
+ test.same(results, [0,1,2,3,4])
+ test.done()
+ })
+exports['times'] = function(test){
+ var args = [];
+ async.times(3, function(n, callback){
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ args.push(n);
+ callback();
+ }, n * 25);
+ }, function(err){
+ test.same(args, [0,1,2]);
+ test.done();
+ });
+exports['times 0'] = function(test){
+ test.expect(1);
+ async.times(0, function(n, callback){
+ test.ok(false, 'iterator should not be called');
+ callback();
+ }, function(err){
+ test.ok(true, 'should call callback');
+ });
+ setTimeout(test.done, 25);
+exports['times error'] = function(test){
+ test.expect(1);
+ async.times(3, function(n, callback){
+ callback('error');
+ }, function(err){
+ test.equals(err, 'error');
+ });
+ setTimeout(test.done, 50);
+exports['timesSeries'] = function(test){
+ var call_order = [];
+ async.timesSeries(5, function(n, callback){
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ call_order.push(n);
+ callback(null, n);
+ }, 100 - n * 10);
+ }, function(err, results){
+ test.same(call_order, [0,1,2,3,4]);
+ test.same(results, [0,1,2,3,4]);
+ test.done();
+ });
+exports['timesSeries error'] = function(test){
+ test.expect(1);
+ async.timesSeries(5, function(n, callback){
+ callback('error');
+ }, function(err, results){
+ test.equals(err, 'error');
+ });
+ setTimeout(test.done, 50);
@@ -1575,3 +1645,4 @@ exports['queue events'] = function(test) {
q.push('poo', function () {calls.push('poo cb');});
q.push('moo', function () {calls.push('moo cb');});
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-async.git
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