[Pkg-javascript-commits] [tools.pkg-javascript.debian.org] 01/01: added rewrite watch file script - rough, but it works
Leo Iannacone
l3on-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue May 13 13:40:06 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
l3on-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository tools.pkg-javascript.debian.org.
commit 4c8bd04c6815c7fd1ece240034f94c01a0bc3e87
Author: Leo Iannacone <l3on at ubuntu.com>
Date: Tue May 13 15:40:01 2014 +0200
added rewrite watch file script - rough, but it works
rewrite-watch-files.py | 191 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 191 insertions(+)
diff --git a/rewrite-watch-files.py b/rewrite-watch-files.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..11a7729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rewrite-watch-files.py
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+ python rewrite-watch-fiels [package1, package2, package3]
+With no package(s) will get the list from Debian Maintainer Dashboard
+lookgin for 'uscan return an error'.
+For each package tries to write an new debian watch according with:
+ https://wiki.debian.org/qa.debian.org/HowToHelpWithFixingWatchFiles
+from urllib2 import urlopen
+from commands import getstatusoutput
+from npm2deb import Npm2Deb
+import os
+import sys
+DIR = 'watches'
+ERRORS_DIR = '%s/errors' % DIR
+URL = 'http://udd.debian.org/dmd/' + \
+ '?email1=pkg-javascript-devel%40lists.alioth.debian.org'
+WATCH_GITHUB = """version=3
+filenamemangle=s/.*\/v?([\d\.-]+)\.tar\.gz/%(debian_name)s-$1.tar.gz/ \\
+ %(homepage)s/tags .*/archive/v?([\d\.]+).tar.gz
+WATCH_FAKEUPSTREAM = """version=3
+http://qa.debian.org/cgi-bin/fakeupstream.cgi?upstream=npmjs/%(module)s .*=%(module)s-(\d.*)\.(?:tgz|tar\.(?:gz|bz2|xz))
+def debug(level, msg):
+ if level <= DEBUG_LEVEL:
+ sys.stderr.write(" debug[%s] - %s\n" % (level, msg))
+def get_cmd_output(command):
+ debug(3, 'exec command: "%s"' % command)
+ info = getstatusoutput(command)
+ if info[0] != 0:
+ raise Exception(info[1])
+ return info[1]
+def test_watch_file(filename, package):
+ return get_cmd_output('uscan --watchfile "{}" --package "{}" '
+ '--upstream-version 0 --no-download'
+ .format(filename, package))
+def get_npm2deb(package):
+ npm2deb = None
+ # try getting homepage from npm2deb
+ try:
+ if not package.startswith('node-'):
+ raise
+ module = package.replace('node-', '')
+ debug(2, "package %s - trying module %s" %
+ (package, module))
+ npm2deb = Npm2Deb(module)
+ except:
+ try:
+ module = package
+ debug(2, "package %s - trying module %s" %
+ (package, module))
+ npm2deb = Npm2Deb(module)
+ except:
+ try:
+ if not module.find('.js') >= 0:
+ raise
+ module = module.replace('.js', '')
+ debug(2, "package %s - trying module %s" %
+ (package, module))
+ npm2deb = Npm2Deb(module)
+ except:
+ raise Exception("npm2deb error: no module found")
+ finally:
+ if not npm2deb or npm2deb.upstream_repo_url.find('FIX_ME') >= 0:
+ raise Exception("npm2deb error: upstream url")
+ return npm2deb
+def main(packages=[]):
+ if os.path.exists(DIR):
+ print('Directory "%s" already exists. Exit.' % DIR)
+ exit(1)
+ if os.path.exists(ERRORS_DIR):
+ print('Directory "%s" already exists. Exit.' % DIR)
+ exit(1)
+ os.makedirs(DIR)
+ os.makedirs(ERRORS_DIR)
+ if len(packages) == 0:
+ print("Reading page from %s" % URL)
+ data = urlopen(URL).read()
+ data = data.decode('utf-8').split('<table')[3].split('<tr')
+ for row in data:
+ if row.find('uscan returned an error') >= 0:
+ package = row.split('<td')[1].split('>')[2].split('<')[0]
+ packages.append(package)
+ print("Found %s watch errors" % len(packages))
+ watches = []
+ watches_errors = []
+ for package in packages:
+ homepage = None
+ module = None
+ npm2deb = None
+ try:
+ info = get_cmd_output('apt-cache madison "%s" '
+ '| grep Sources' % package)
+ version = info.split('|')[1].strip()
+ # trim epoch
+ if version.find(':') > 0:
+ version = version.split(':')[1]
+ debug(1, "investigating %s (%s)" % (package, version))
+ try:
+ info = get_cmd_output('apt-cache showsrc "%s" '
+ '| grep Homepage' % package)
+ homepage = info.split('Homepage:')[1].strip()
+ if homepage.find("github") < 0:
+ raise
+ except:
+ npm2deb = get_npm2deb(package)
+ homepage = npm2deb.upstream_repo_url
+ module = npm2deb.name
+ debug(1, "package %s - found homepage %s" % (package, homepage))
+ args = {}
+ args['homepage'] = homepage
+ args['debian_name'] = package
+ args['module'] = module
+ watch_content = WATCH_GITHUB % args
+ filename = "%s/%s_%s.watch" % (DIR, package, version)
+ with open(filename, 'w') as fd:
+ debug(2, "writing github %s" % filename)
+ fd.write(watch_content)
+ # testing new watch
+ try:
+ test_watch_file(filename, package)
+ except:
+ try:
+ if not npm2deb:
+ npm2deb = get_npm2deb(package)
+ if not npm2deb:
+ raise
+ # fakeupstream
+ args['module'] = npm2deb.name
+ watch_content = WATCH_FAKEUPSTREAM % args
+ with open(filename, 'w') as fd:
+ debug(2, "writing fakeroot %s" % filename)
+ fd.write(watch_content)
+ test_watch_file(filename, package)
+ except:
+ tmp_filename = "%s/%s" % (ERRORS_DIR,
+ filename.split('/').pop())
+ try:
+ os.rename(filename, tmp_filename)
+ except:
+ raise Exception("watch test reports errors")
+ raise Exception("watch test reports errors - "
+ "saving a copy %s" % tmp_filename)
+ watches.append(package)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ error = str(ex)
+ print("Error with %s - %s" % (package, error))
+ watches_errors.append(package)
+ continue
+ print("Fixed %s watch files. Error with %s packages" %
+ (len(watches), len(watches_errors)))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+ main(sys.argv[1:])
+ else:
+ main()
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