[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-colors] 03/08: Merge tag 'upstream/1.0.3'

Marcelo Jorge Vieira metal at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Nov 22 23:11:17 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

metal pushed a commit to branch master
in repository node-colors.

commit 5f8362e2e2af578d2b241c13393a59292f7c8c56
Merge: d445e6b d02a41e
Author: Marcelo Jorge Vieira <metal at alucinados.com>
Date:   Sun Nov 16 16:00:47 2014 -0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/1.0.3'
    Upstream version 1.0.3

 .travis.yml                                      |   6 +
 MIT-LICENSE.txt                                  |   7 +-
 ReadMe.md                                        | 150 ++++++++--
 colors.js                                        | 342 -----------------------
 example.html                                     |  76 -----
 example.js                                       |  77 -----
 examples/normal-usage.js                         |  74 +++++
 examples/safe-string.js                          |  76 +++++
 lib/colors.js                                    | 176 ++++++++++++
 lib/custom/trap.js                               |  45 +++
 lib/custom/zalgo.js                              | 104 +++++++
 lib/extendStringPrototype.js                     | 118 ++++++++
 lib/index.js                                     |  12 +
 lib/maps/america.js                              |  12 +
 lib/maps/rainbow.js                              |  13 +
 lib/maps/random.js                               |   8 +
 lib/maps/zebra.js                                |   5 +
 lib/styles.js                                    |  77 +++++
 MIT-LICENSE.txt => lib/system/supports-colors.js |  47 +++-
 package.json                                     |  10 +-
 safe.js                                          |   9 +
 screenshots/colors.png                           | Bin 0 -> 79787 bytes
 test.js => tests/basic-test.js                   |  32 +--
 tests/safe-test.js                               |  45 +++
 themes/{winston-light.js => generic-logging.js}  |   0
 themes/winston-dark.js                           |  12 -
 26 files changed, 960 insertions(+), 573 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-colors.git

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