[Pkg-javascript-commits] [dojo] 19/21: Merge branch 'upstream'
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Sep 14 15:39:23 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository dojo.
commit d9250f182847d96d67cb92ea4cfcdc34e54e7cae
Merge: 927f0d1 5c20664
Author: David Prévot <taffit at debian.org>
Date: Sun Sep 14 10:21:01 2014 -0400
Merge branch 'upstream'
dojox/analytics/logger/JSON.php | 0
dojox/app/controllers/HistoryHash.js | 0
dojox/app/tests/images/a-icon-1-41x41.png | Bin 3886 -> 1237 bytes
dojox/app/utils/hash.js | 0
dojox/calendar/CONTRIBUTING.md | 0
dojox/calendar/LICENSE | 0
dojox/calendar/nls/bg/buttons.js | 0
dojox/calendar/nls/he/buttons.js | 0
dojox/calendar/nls/hr/buttons.js | 0
dojox/calendar/nls/uk/buttons.js | 0
dojox/calendar/tests/hcalendar.html | 0
dojox/data/demos/openSearchProxy.php | 0
dojox/data/demos/stores/filestore_dojotree.php | 0
dojox/data/demos/stores/filestore_dojoxdata.php | 0
dojox/data/demos/stores/filestore_funcs.php | 0
dojox/data/tests/stores/filestore_dojoxdatageo.php | 0
dojox/data/tests/stores/filestore_funcs.php | 0
dojox/dgauges/CONTRIBUTING.md | 0
.../plugins/resources/icons/showBlockNodes.gif | Bin
.../resources/icons/showBlockNodesDisabled.gif | Bin
.../plugins/resources/images/bidiIconsEnabled.png | Bin 12003 -> 9352 bytes
dojox/fx/tests/images/averycutedog.jpg | Bin 40879 -> 37717 bytes
dojox/fx/tests/images/dot.png | Bin 4064 -> 1413 bytes
dojox/fx/tests/images/longBg.png | Bin 12217 -> 9566 bytes
dojox/gauges/tests/images/gaugeOverlay.png | Bin 10675 -> 8024 bytes
dojox/grid/resources/images/header.png | Bin 3276 -> 625 bytes
dojox/grid/resources/images/row_back.png | Bin 3077 -> 426 bytes
dojox/grid/resources/images/td_button_down.png | Bin 3105 -> 454 bytes
dojox/image/resources/images/buttons.png | Bin 9259 -> 6610 bytes
dojox/image/tests/images/extraWide.jpg | Bin 49250 -> 46088 bytes
dojox/image/tests/images/huuuge.png | Bin 37958 -> 35309 bytes
dojox/image/tests/images/imageHoriz.jpg | Bin 47693 -> 44531 bytes
dojox/image/tests/images/imageHoriz2.jpg | Bin 77176 -> 74014 bytes
dojox/image/tests/images/imageVert.jpg | Bin 71533 -> 68371 bytes
dojox/image/tests/images/square.jpg | Bin 93704 -> 90542 bytes
dojox/layout/resources/icons/splitterToggleH.png | Bin 2937 -> 286 bytes
dojox/layout/resources/icons/splitterToggleV.png | Bin 2938 -> 287 bytes
.../tests/imageControlsApp/images/imageHoriz.jpg | Bin 47693 -> 44531 bytes
.../tests/imageControlsApp/images/imageVert.jpg | Bin 71533 -> 68371 bytes
.../tests/imageControlsApp/images/square.jpg | Bin 93704 -> 90542 bytes
dojox/mobile/tests/images/a-icon-1-41x41.png | Bin 3886 -> 1237 bytes
dojox/mobile/tests/images/contacts16.png | Bin 3142 -> 493 bytes
dojox/mobile/tests/images/pic10.jpg | Bin 258728 -> 255566 bytes
dojox/mobile/tests/images/pic2.jpg | Bin 181835 -> 178673 bytes
dojox/mobile/tests/images/pic7.jpg | Bin 249500 -> 246338 bytes
dojox/mobile/tests/images/pic8.jpg | Bin 121302 -> 118140 bytes
.../common/domButtons/compat/mblDomButtonArrow.png | Bin 3604 -> 955 bytes
.../common/domButtons/compat/mblDomButtonCheck.png | Bin 3639 -> 990 bytes
.../compat/mblDomButtonDarkBlueCheck.png | Bin 3639 -> 990 bytes
.../domButtons/compat/mblDomButtonGrayArrow.png | Bin 3604 -> 955 bytes
.../domButtons/compat/mblDomButtonWhiteArrow.png | Bin 3604 -> 955 bytes
.../domButtons/compat/mblDomButtonWhiteCheck.png | Bin 3612 -> 963 bytes
.../themes/windows/images/check-disabled.png | Bin 3829 -> 1178 bytes
dojox/mobile/themes/windows/images/dark/back.png | Bin 3470 -> 819 bytes
dojox/mobile/themes/windows/images/dark/check.png | Bin 3685 -> 1034 bytes
.../mobile/themes/windows/images/dark/radiobtn.png | Bin 3807 -> 1156 bytes
dojox/mobile/themes/windows/images/light/back.png | Bin 3292 -> 641 bytes
dojox/mobile/themes/windows/images/light/check.png | Bin 3995 -> 1344 bytes
.../themes/windows/images/light/radiobtn.png | Bin 3736 -> 1085 bytes
.../themes/windows/images/radiobtn-disabled.png | Bin 3811 -> 1160 bytes
dojox/mvc/tests/1.7/mobile/demo/shipToBillTo.html | 0
.../1.7/mobile/test_iPhone-shipto-billto.html | 0
.../mvc/tests/1.7/robot/iphone_shipto-billto.html | 0
.../1.7/robot/mvc_shipto-billto-hierarchical.html | 0
.../tests/1.7/robot/mvc_shipto-billto-simple.html | 0
.../test_mvc_shipto-billto-simple-oldparser.html | 0
dojox/mvc/tests/images/settings.png | Bin 5005 -> 2354 bytes
dojox/rpc/tests/resources/JSON.php | 0
dojox/storage/buildFlashStorage.sh | 0
dojox/widget/tests/images/gaugeOverlay.png | Bin 10675 -> 8024 bytes
dojox/widget/tests/images/rotator_aol.png | Bin 10416 -> 7765 bytes
dojox/widget/tests/images/rotator_dots.png | Bin 3117 -> 466 bytes
dojox/widget/tests/images/rotator_ibm.png | Bin 7746 -> 5091 bytes
dojox/widget/tests/images/rotator_wavemaker.png | Bin 13660 -> 12902 bytes
dojox/widget/tests/images/rotator_zend.png | Bin 4852 -> 2201 bytes
75 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/dojo.git
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