[Pkg-javascript-commits] [dojo] 06/27: Fix emit events on 'window' and 'document' objects (cherry picked from commit 3beccffc21fbcd3e21681fc74a29b0c56a31572f)

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Sep 14 16:23:05 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to annotated tag 1.7.6
in repository dojo.

commit 84522c9f90a40e67f9ac226b1c58b0df88ed7992
Author: Eduardo Matos <edu.de.matos at hotmail.com>
Date:   Sat Jul 20 10:05:37 2013 -0300

    Fix emit events on 'window' and 'document' objects
    (cherry picked from commit 3beccffc21fbcd3e21681fc74a29b0c56a31572f)
 on.js          |   3 +-
 tests/on/on.js | 312 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 314 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/on.js b/on.js
index 10dcc84..5fc7c97 100644
--- a/on.js
+++ b/on.js
@@ -283,7 +283,8 @@ define(["./has!dom-addeventlistener?:./aspect", "./_base/kernel", "./has"], func
 				// that would be a lot of extra code, with little benefit that I can see, seems 
 				// best to use the generic constructor and copy properties over, making it 
 				// easy to have events look like the ones created with specific initializers
-				var nativeEvent = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
+				var ownerDocument = target.ownerDocument || document;
+				var nativeEvent = ownerDocument.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
 				nativeEvent.initEvent(type, !!event.bubbles, !!event.cancelable);
 				// and copy all our properties over
 				for(var i in event){
diff --git a/tests/on/on.js b/tests/on/on.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b47c283
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/on/on.js
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+	"doh",
+	"dojo/_base/declare",  "dojo/Evented", "dojo/has", "dojo/on", "dojo/query", "dojo/topic"
+], function(doh, declare, Evented, has, on, query, topic){
+	doh.register("tests.on", [
+		function object(t){
+			var order = [];
+			var obj = new Evented();
+			obj.oncustom = function(event){
+				order.push(event.a);
+				return event.a+1;
+			};
+			var signal = on.pausable(obj, "custom", function(event){
+				order.push(0);
+				return event.a+1;
+			});
+			obj.oncustom({a:0});
+			var signal2 = on(obj, "custom, foo", function(event){
+				order.push(event.a);
+			});
+			on.emit(obj, "custom", {
+				a: 3
+			});
+			signal.pause();
+			var signal3 = on(obj, "custom", function(a){
+				order.push(3);
+			}, true);
+			on.emit(obj, "custom", {
+				a: 3
+			});
+			signal2.remove();
+			signal.resume();
+			on.emit(obj, "custom", {
+				a: 6
+			});
+			signal3.remove();
+			var signal4 = on(obj, "foo, custom", function(a){
+				order.push(4);
+			}, true);
+			signal.remove();
+			on.emit(obj, "custom", {
+				a: 7
+			});
+			t.is(order, [0,0,3,0,3,3,3,3,6,0,3,7,4]);
+		},
+		function once(t){
+			var order = [];
+			var obj = new Evented();
+			obj.on("custom", function(event){
+				order.push(event.a);
+			});
+			var signal = on.once(obj, "custom", function(event){
+				order.push(1);
+			});
+			obj.emit("custom",{a:0});
+			obj.oncustom({a:2}); // should call original method, but not listener
+			t.is(order, [0,1,2]);
+		},
+		function dom(t){
+			var div = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
+			var span = div.appendChild(document.createElement("span"));
+			var order = [];
+			var signal = on(div,"custom", function(event){
+				order.push(event.a);
+				event.addedProp += "ue";
+			});
+			on(span,"custom", function(event){
+				event.addedProp = "val";
+			});
+			on.emit(div, "custom", {
+				target: div,
+				currentTarget:div,
+				relatedTarget: div,
+				a: 0
+			});
+			on.emit(div, "otherevent", {
+				a: 0
+			});
+			t.is(on.emit(span, "custom", {
+				a: 1,
+				bubbles: true,
+				cancelable: true
+			}).addedProp, "value");
+			t.t(on.emit(span, "custom", {
+				a: 1,
+				bubbles: false,
+				cancelable: true
+			}));
+			var signal2 = on.pausable(div,"custom", function(event){
+				order.push(event.a + 1);
+				event.preventDefault();
+			});
+			t.f(on.emit(span, "custom", {
+				a: 2,
+				bubbles: true,
+				cancelable: true
+			}));
+			signal2.pause();
+			t.is(on.emit(span, "custom", {
+				a: 4,
+				bubbles: true,
+				cancelable: true
+			}).type, "custom");
+			signal2.resume();
+			signal.remove();
+			t.f(on.emit(span, "custom", {
+				a: 4,
+				bubbles: true,
+				cancelable: true
+			}));
+			on(span, "custom", function(event){
+				order.push(6);
+				event.stopPropagation();
+			});
+			t.t(on.emit(span, "custom", {
+				a: 1,
+				bubbles: true,
+				cancelable: true
+			}));
+			// make sure we are propagating natively created events too, and that defaultPrevented works
+			var button = span.appendChild(document.createElement("button")),
+				defaultPrevented = false,
+				signal2Fired = false;
+			signal = on(span, "click", function(event){
+				event.preventDefault();
+			});
+			signal2 = on(div, "click", function(event){
+				order.push(7);
+				signal2Fired = true;
+				defaultPrevented = event.defaultPrevented;
+			});
+			button.click();
+			t.t(signal2Fired, "bubbled click event on div");
+			t.t(defaultPrevented, "defaultPrevented for click event");
+			signal.remove();
+			signal2.remove();
+			// make sure that evt.defaultPrevented gets set for synthetic events too
+			signal = on(span, "click", function(event){
+				event.preventDefault();
+			});
+			signal2 = on(div, "click", function(event){
+				signal2Fired = true;
+				defaultPrevented = event.defaultPrevented;
+			});
+			signal2Fired = false;
+			on.emit(button, "click", {bubbles: true, cancelable: true});
+			t.t(signal2Fired, "bubbled synthetic event on div");
+			t.t(defaultPrevented, "defaultPrevented set for synthetic event on div");
+			signal.remove();
+			signal2.remove();
+			// make sure 'document' and 'window' can also emit events
+			var eventEmitted;
+			var globalObjects = [document, window];
+			for(var i = 0, len = globalObjects.length; i < len; i++) {
+				eventEmitted = false;
+				on(globalObjects[i], 'custom-test-event', function () {
+					eventEmitted = true;
+				});
+				on.emit(globalObjects[i], 'custom-test-event', {});
+				t.is(true, eventEmitted);
+			}
+			// test out event delegation
+			if(query){
+				// if dojo.query is loaded, test event delegation
+				// check text node target is properly handled by event delegation
+				var textnodespan = div.appendChild(document.createElement("span"));
+				textnodespan.className = "textnode";
+				textnodespan.innerHTML = "text";
+				on(document.body, ".textnode:click", function(){
+					order.push(8);
+				});
+				on.emit(textnodespan.firstChild, "click", {bubbles: true, cancelable: true});
+				on(div, "button:click", function(){
+					order.push(9);
+				});
+				on(document, "button:click", function(){
+				}); // just make sure this doesn't throw an error
+			}else{//just pass then
+				order.push(8, 9);
+			}
+			// test out event delegation using a custom selector
+			on(div, on.selector(function(node){
+				return node.tagName == "BUTTON";
+			}, "click"), function(){
+				order.push(10);
+			});
+			button.click();
+			t.is([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], order);
+			on(span, "propertychange", function(){}); // make sure it doesn't throw an error
+		},
+		/*
+		 This only works if the test page has the focus, so you can enable if you want to test focus functionality and allow the test page to have focus
+ 		function focus(t){
+			var div = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
+			var input = div.appendChild(document.createElement("input"));
+			var order = [];
+			var signal = on(div,"input:focusin", function(event){
+				order.push('in');
+			});
+			var signal = on(div,"input:focusout", function(event){
+				order.push('out');
+			});
+			var otherInput = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("input"));
+			input.focus();
+			otherInput.focus();
+			d = new doh.Deferred();
+			setTimeout(function(){
+				t.is(['in', 'out'], order);
+				d.callback(true);
+			}, 1);
+			return d;
+		},*/
+		function extensionEvent(t){
+			var div = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
+			var span = div.appendChild(document.createElement("span"));
+			span.setAttribute("foo", 2);
+			var order = [];
+			var customEvent = function(target, listener){
+				return on(target, "custom", listener);
+			};
+			on(div, customEvent, function(event){
+				order.push(event.a);
+			});
+			on(div, on.selector("span", customEvent), function(event){
+				order.push(+this.getAttribute("foo"));
+			});
+			on.emit(div, "custom", {
+				a: 0
+			});
+			// should trigger selector
+			t.t(on.emit(span, "custom", {
+				a: 1,
+				bubbles: true,
+				cancelable: true
+			}));
+			// shouldn't trigger selector
+			t.t(on.emit(div, "custom", {
+				a: 3,
+				bubbles: true,
+				cancelable: true
+			}));
+			t.is(order, [0, 1, 2, 3]);
+		},
+		function testEvented(t){
+			var MyClass = declare([Evented],{
+			});
+			var order = [];
+			myObject = new MyClass;
+			myObject.on("custom", function(event){
+				order.push(event.a);
+			});
+			myObject.emit("custom", {a:0});
+			t.is(order, [0]);
+		},
+		function pubsub(t){
+			var fooCount = 0;
+			topic.subscribe("/test/foo", function(event, secondArg){
+				t.is("value", event.foo);
+				t.is("second", secondArg);
+				fooCount++;
+			});
+			topic.publish("/test/foo", {foo: "value"}, "second");
+			t.is(1, fooCount);
+		},
+		function touch(t){
+			console.log("has", has);
+			if(has("touch")){
+				var div = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
+				on(div, "touchstart", function(event){
+					t.t("rotation" in event);
+					t.t("pageX" in event);
+				});
+				on.emit(div, "touchstart", {changedTouches: [{pageX:100}]});
+			}
+		},
+		function stopImmediatePropagation(t){
+			var button = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("button"));
+			on(button, "click", function(event){
+				event.stopImmediatePropagation();
+			});
+			var afterStop = false;
+			on(button, "click", function(event){
+				afterStop = true;
+			});
+			button.click();
+			t.f(afterStop);
+		},
+		function eventAugmentation(t){
+			var div = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
+			var button = div.appendChild(document.createElement("button"));
+			on(button, "click", function(event){
+				event.modified = true;
+				event.test = 3;
+			});
+			var testValue;
+			on(div, "click", function(event){
+				testValue = event.test;
+			});
+			button.click();
+			t.is(testValue, 3);
+		}
+	]);

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