[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-cssstyle] 08/39: added 21 missing properties and created some basic unit tests

Wolfgang Borgert debacle at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Sep 20 19:37:31 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

debacle pushed a commit to branch master
in repository node-cssstyle.

commit f594589dead36ccd91bf275c80d9403084b6e9d6
Author: Chad Walker <chad at chad-cat-lore-eddie.com>
Date:   Thu Jul 12 22:14:06 2012 -0700

    added 21 missing properties and created some basic unit tests
 .gitignore                 |   1 +
 lib/CSSStyleDeclaration.js | 189 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/tests.js             |  73 +++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 263 insertions(+)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b512c09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/CSSStyleDeclaration.js b/lib/CSSStyleDeclaration.js
index cf08501..a768adb 100644
--- a/lib/CSSStyleDeclaration.js
+++ b/lib/CSSStyleDeclaration.js
@@ -796,6 +796,33 @@ var CSSStyleDeclaration = function CSSStyleDeclaration() {
             enumerable: true
+        cue: {
+            set: function (v) {
+                this.setProperty('cue', v);
+            },
+            get: function () {
+                return this.getPropertyValue('cue');
+            },
+            enumerable: true
+        },
+        cueAfter: {
+            set: function (v) {
+                this.setProperty('cue-after', v);
+            },
+            get: function () {
+                return this.getPropertyValue('cue-after');
+            },
+            enumerable: true
+        },
+        cueBefore: {
+            set: function (v) {
+                this.setProperty('cue-before', v);
+            },
+            get: function () {
+                return this.getPropertyValue('cue-before');
+            },
+            enumerable: true
+        },
         cursor: {
             set: function (v) {
                 this.setProperty('cursor', v);
@@ -832,6 +859,15 @@ var CSSStyleDeclaration = function CSSStyleDeclaration() {
             enumerable: true
+        elevation: {
+            set: function (v) {
+                this.setProperty('elevation', v);
+            },
+            get: function () {
+                return this.getPropertyValue('elevation');
+            },
+            enumerable: true
+        },
         emptyCells: {
             set: function (v) {
                 this.setProperty('empty-cells', v);
@@ -940,6 +976,15 @@ var CSSStyleDeclaration = function CSSStyleDeclaration() {
             enumerable: true
+        fontSizeAdjust: {
+            set: function (v) {
+                this.setProperty('font-size-adjust', v);
+            },
+            get: function () {
+                return this.getPropertyValue('font-size-adjust');
+            },
+            enumerable: true
+        },
         fontStretch: {
             set: function (v) {
                 this.setProperty('font-stretch', v);
@@ -1165,6 +1210,15 @@ var CSSStyleDeclaration = function CSSStyleDeclaration() {
             enumerable: true
+        markerOffset: {
+            set: function (v) {
+                this.setProperty('marker-offset', v);
+            },
+            get: function () {
+                return this.getPropertyValue('marker-offset');
+            },
+            enumerable: true
+        },
         markerStart: {
             set: function (v) {
                 this.setProperty('marker-start', v);
@@ -1174,6 +1228,15 @@ var CSSStyleDeclaration = function CSSStyleDeclaration() {
             enumerable: true
+        marks: {
+            set: function (v) {
+                this.setProperty('marks', v);
+            },
+            get: function () {
+                return this.getPropertyValue('marks');
+            },
+            enumerable: true
+        },
         mask: {
             set: function (v) {
                 this.setProperty('mask', v);
@@ -1390,6 +1453,60 @@ var CSSStyleDeclaration = function CSSStyleDeclaration() {
             enumerable: true
+        pause: {
+            set: function (v) {
+                this.setProperty('pause', v);
+            },
+            get: function () {
+                return this.getPropertyValue('pause');
+            },
+            enumerable: true
+        },
+        pauseAfter: {
+            set: function (v) {
+                this.setProperty('pause-after', v);
+            },
+            get: function () {
+                return this.getPropertyValue('pause-after');
+            },
+            enumerable: true
+        },
+        pauseBefore: {
+            set: function (v) {
+                this.setProperty('pause-before', v);
+            },
+            get: function () {
+                return this.getPropertyValue('pause-before');
+            },
+            enumerable: true
+        },
+        pitch: {
+            set: function (v) {
+                this.setProperty('pitch', v);
+            },
+            get: function () {
+                return this.getPropertyValue('pitch');
+            },
+            enumerable: true
+        },
+        pitchRange: {
+            set: function (v) {
+                this.setProperty('pitch-range', v);
+            },
+            get: function () {
+                return this.getPropertyValue('pitch-range');
+            },
+            enumerable: true
+        },
+        playDuring: {
+            set: function (v) {
+                this.setProperty('play-during', v);
+            },
+            get: function () {
+                return this.getPropertyValue('play-during');
+            },
+            enumerable: true
+        },
         pointerEvents: {
             set: function (v) {
                 this.setProperty('pointer-events', v);
@@ -1417,6 +1534,15 @@ var CSSStyleDeclaration = function CSSStyleDeclaration() {
             enumerable: true
+        richness: {
+            set: function (v) {
+                this.setProperty('richness', v);
+            },
+            get: function () {
+                return this.getPropertyValue('richness');
+            },
+            enumerable: true
+        },
         resize: {
             set: function (v) {
                 this.setProperty('resize', v);
@@ -1462,6 +1588,42 @@ var CSSStyleDeclaration = function CSSStyleDeclaration() {
             enumerable: true
+        speakHeader: {
+            set: function (v) {
+                this.setProperty('speak-header', v);
+            },
+            get: function () {
+                return this.getPropertyValue('speak-header');
+            },
+            enumerable: true
+        },
+        speakNumeral: {
+            set: function (v) {
+                this.setProperty('speak-numeral', v);
+            },
+            get: function () {
+                return this.getPropertyValue('speak-numeral');
+            },
+            enumerable: true
+        },
+        speakPunctuation: {
+            set: function (v) {
+                this.setProperty('speak-punctuation', v);
+            },
+            get: function () {
+                return this.getPropertyValue('speak-punctuation');
+            },
+            enumerable: true
+        },
+        speechRate: {
+            set: function (v) {
+                this.setProperty('speech-rate', v);
+            },
+            get: function () {
+                return this.getPropertyValue('speech-rate');
+            },
+            enumerable: true
+        },
         src: {
             set: function (v) {
                 this.setProperty('src', v);
@@ -1489,6 +1651,15 @@ var CSSStyleDeclaration = function CSSStyleDeclaration() {
             enumerable: true
+        stress: {
+            set: function (v) {
+                this.setProperty('stress', v);
+            },
+            get: function () {
+                return this.getPropertyValue('stress');
+            },
+            enumerable: true
+        },
         stroke: {
             set: function (v) {
                 this.setProperty('stroke', v);
@@ -1831,6 +2002,24 @@ var CSSStyleDeclaration = function CSSStyleDeclaration() {
             enumerable: true
+        voiceFamily: {
+            set: function (v) {
+                this.setProperty('voic-family', v);
+            },
+            get: function () {
+                return this.getPropertyValue('voice-family');
+            },
+            enumerable: true
+        },
+        volume: {
+            set: function (v) {
+                this.setProperty('volume', v);
+            },
+            get: function () {
+                return this.getPropertyValue('volume');
+            },
+            enumerable: true
+        },
         webkitAnimation: {
             set: function (v) {
                 this.setProperty('-webkit-animation', v);
diff --git a/tests/tests.js b/tests/tests.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6293cc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tests.js
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+"use strict";
+var cssstyle = require('../lib/CSSStyleDeclaration');
+ *  These are the required properties
+ *  see http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Style/css.html#CSS-CSS2Properties
+ **/
+var properties = [ 'azimuth', 'background', 'backgroundAttachment', 'backgroundColor', 'backgroundImage', 'backgroundPosition', 'backgroundRepeat', 'border', 'borderCollapse', 'borderColor', 'borderSpacing', 'borderStyle', 'borderTop', 'borderRight', 'borderBottom', 'borderLeft', 'borderTopColor', 'borderRightColor', 'borderBottomColor', 'borderLeftColor', 'borderTopStyle', 'borderRightStyle', 'borderBottomStyle', 'borderLeftStyle', 'borderTopWidth', 'borderRightWidth', 'borderBottomWidt [...]
+module.exports = {
+    'Verify Has Properties': function (test) {
+        var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
+        test.expect(properties.length);
+        properties.forEach(function (property) {
+            test.ok(style.hasOwnProperty(property), 'missing ' + property + ' property');
+        });
+        test.done();
+    },
+    'Verify Has Functions': function (test) {
+        var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
+        test.expect(6);
+        test.ok(typeof style.getPropertyValue === 'function', 'missing getPropertyValue()');
+        test.ok(typeof style.getPropertyCSSValue === 'function', 'missing getPropertyCSSValue()');
+        test.ok(typeof style.removeProperty === 'function', 'missing removeProperty()');
+        test.ok(typeof style.getPropertyPriority === 'function', 'missing getPropertyPriority()');
+        test.ok(typeof style.setProperty === 'function', 'missing setProperty()');
+        test.ok(typeof style.item === 'function', 'missing item()');
+        test.done();
+    },
+    'Verify Has Special Properties': function (test) {
+        var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
+        test.expect(3);
+        test.ok(style.hasOwnProperty('cssText'), 'missing cssText property');
+        test.ok(style.hasOwnProperty('length'), 'missing length property');
+        test.ok(style.hasOwnProperty('parentRule'), 'missing parentRule property');
+        test.done();
+    },
+    'Test From Style String': function (test) {
+        var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
+        test.expect(8);
+        style.cssText = 'color: blue; background-color: red; width: 78%';
+        test.ok(3 === style.length, 'length is not 3');
+        test.ok('color: blue; background-color: red; width: 78%; ' === style.cssText, 'cssText is wrong');
+        test.ok('blue' === style.getPropertyValue('color'), "getPropertyValue('color') failed");
+        test.ok('color' === style.item(0), 'item(0) failed');
+        test.ok('background-color' === style[1], 'style[1] failed');
+        test.ok('red' === style.backgroundColor, 'style.backgroundColor failed');
+        style.cssText = '';
+        test.ok('' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not empty');
+        test.ok(0 === style.length, 'length is not 0');
+        test.done();
+    },
+    'Test From Properties': function (test) {
+        var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
+        test.expect(11);
+        style.color = 'blue';
+        test.ok(1 === style.length, 'length is not 1');
+        test.ok('color' === style[0], 'style[0] is not color');
+        test.ok('color: blue; ' === style.cssText, 'cssText is wrong');
+        test.ok('color' === style.item(0), 'item(0) is not color');
+        test.ok('blue' === style.color, 'color is not blue');
+        style.backgroundColor = 'red';
+        test.ok(2 === style.length, 'length is not 2');
+        test.ok('color' === style[0], 'style[0] is not color');
+        test.ok('background-color' === style[1], 'style[1] is not background-color');
+        test.ok('color: blue; background-color: red; ' === style.cssText, 'cssText is wrong');
+        test.ok('red' === style.backgroundColor, 'backgroundColor is not red');
+        style.removeProperty('color');
+        test.ok('background-color' === style[0], 'style[0] is not background-color');
+        test.done();
+    }
\ No newline at end of file

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-cssstyle.git

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