[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-cssstyle] 12/39: Memory improvements, remove node version dependency

Wolfgang Borgert debacle at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Sep 20 19:37:31 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

debacle pushed a commit to branch master
in repository node-cssstyle.

commit 33d2ba303772bf0ecac8ad7d0fef9ad5ad38d70d
Author: Chad Walker <chad at chad-cat-lore-eddie.com>
Date:   Fri Oct 12 21:35:06 2012 -0500

    Memory improvements, remove node version dependency
 lib/CSSStyleDeclaration.js | 966 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 package.json               |   5 +-
 tests/tests.js             |  17 +-
 3 files changed, 867 insertions(+), 121 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/CSSStyleDeclaration.js b/lib/CSSStyleDeclaration.js
index b5b77b8..775589d 100644
--- a/lib/CSSStyleDeclaration.js
+++ b/lib/CSSStyleDeclaration.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
  * https://github.com/NV/CSSOM
 "use strict";
+/*jslint es5: true*/
 var CSSOM = require('cssom');
 var fs = require('fs');
 var path = require('path');
@@ -12,9 +13,12 @@ var path = require('path');
  * @see http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Style/css.html#CSS-CSSStyleDeclaration
 var CSSStyleDeclaration = function CSSStyleDeclaration() {
-    var values = {};
-    var importants = {};
-    var length = 0;
+    this._values = {};
+    this._importants = {};
+    this._length = 0;
+CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype = {
+    constructor: CSSStyleDeclaration,
@@ -23,9 +27,9 @@ var CSSStyleDeclaration = function CSSStyleDeclaration() {
      * @return {string} the value of the property if it has been explicitly set for this declaration block.
      * Returns the empty string if the property has not been set.
-    var getPropertyValue = function (name) {
-        return values[name] || "";
-    };
+    getPropertyValue: function (name) {
+        return this._values[name] || "";
+    },
@@ -34,22 +38,22 @@ var CSSStyleDeclaration = function CSSStyleDeclaration() {
      * @param {string} [priority=null] "important" or null
      * @see http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Style/css.html#CSS-CSSStyleDeclaration-setProperty
-    var setProperty = function (name, value, priority) {
-        if (values[name]) {
+    setProperty: function (name, value, priority) {
+        if (this._values[name]) {
             // Property already exist. Overwrite it.
             var index = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(this, name);
             if (index < 0) {
-                this[length] = name;
-                length++;
+                this[this._length] = name;
+                this._length++;
         } else {
             // New property.
-            this[length] = name;
-            length++;
+            this[this._length] = name;
+            this._length++;
-        values[name] = value;
-        importants[name] = priority;
-    };
+        this._values[name] = value;
+        this._importants[name] = priority;
+    },
@@ -58,16 +62,16 @@ var CSSStyleDeclaration = function CSSStyleDeclaration() {
      * @return {string} the value of the property if it has been explicitly set for this declaration block.
      * Returns the empty string if the property has not been set or the property name does not correspond to a known CSS property.
-    var removeProperty = function (name) {
-        if (!values.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
+    removeProperty: function (name) {
+        if (!this._values.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
             return "";
         var index = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(this, name);
         if (index < 0) {
             return "";
-        var prevValue = values[name];
-        delete values[name];
+        var prevValue = this._values[name];
+        delete this._values[name];
         // That's what WebKit and Opera do
         Array.prototype.splice.call(this, index, 1);
@@ -76,143 +80,884 @@ var CSSStyleDeclaration = function CSSStyleDeclaration() {
         //this[index] = ""
         return prevValue;
-    };
+    },
      * @param {String} name
-    var getPropertyPriority = function (name) {
-        return importants[name] || "";
-    };
+    getPropertyPriority: function (name) {
+        return this._importants[name] || "";
+    },
-    var getPropertyCSSValue = function () {
+    getPropertyCSSValue: function () {
-    };
+    },
      *   element.style.overflow = "auto"
      *   element.style.getPropertyShorthand("overflow-x")
      *   -> "overflow"
-    var getPropertyShorthand = function () {
+    getPropertyShorthand: function () {
-    };
+    },
-    var isPropertyImplicit = function () {
+    isPropertyImplicit: function () {
-    };
+    },
      *   http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Style/css.html#CSS-CSSStyleDeclaration-item
-    var item = function (index) {
+    item: function (index) {
         index = parseInt(index, 10);
-        if (index < 0 || index >= length) {
+        if (index < 0 || index >= this._length) {
             return '';
         return this[index];
-    };
+    },
-    var getCssText = function () {
+    get cssText() {
         var properties = [];
         var i;
-        for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+        for (i = 0; i < this._length; i++) {
             var name = this[i];
-            var value = getPropertyValue(name);
-            var priority = getPropertyPriority(name);
+            var value = this.getPropertyValue(name);
+            var priority = this.getPropertyPriority(name);
             if (priority !== '') {
                 priority = " !" + priority;
             properties.push([name, ': ', value, priority, ';'].join(''));
         return properties.join(' ');
-    };
+    },
+    set cssText(value) {
+        var i;
+        this._values = {};
+        Array.prototype.splice.call(this, 0, this._length);
+        this._importants = {};
+        var dummyRule = CSSOM.parse('#bogus{' + value + '}').cssRules[0].style;
+        var rule_length = dummyRule.length;
+        var name;
+        for (i = 0; i < rule_length; ++i) {
+            name = dummyRule[i];
+            this.setProperty(dummyRule[i], dummyRule.getPropertyValue(name), dummyRule.getPropertyPriority(name));
+        }
+    },
+    get parentRule() { return null; },
+    get length() { return this._length; },
      * This deletes indices if the new length is less then the current
      * length. If the new length is more, it does nothing, the new indices
      * will be undefined until set.
-    var setLength = function (new_length) {
+    set length(value) {
         var i;
-        for (i = new_length; i < length; i++) {
+        for (i = value; i < this._length; i++) {
             delete this[i];
-        length = new_length;
-    };
-    Object.defineProperties(this, {
-        parentRule: {
-            get: function () { return null; },
-            enumerable: true
-        },
-        length: {
-            get: function () { return length; },
-            set: function (v) { return setLength.apply(this, arguments); },
-            enumerable: true
-        },
-        setProperty: {
-            value: function (name, value, priority) { return setProperty.apply(this, arguments); },
-            enumerable: true,
-            writable: true
-        },
-        getPropertyValue: {
-            value: function (name) { return getPropertyValue.apply(this, arguments); },
-            enumerable: true,
-            writable: true
-        },
-        removeProperty: {
-            value: function (name) { return removeProperty.apply(this, arguments); },
-            enumerable: true,
-            writable: true
-        },
-        getPropertyPriority: {
-            value: function (name) { return getPropertyPriority.apply(this, arguments); },
-            enumerable: true,
-            writable: true
-        },
-        getPropertyCSSValue: {
-            value: function () { return getPropertyCSSValue.apply(this, arguments); },
-            enumerable: true,
-            writable: true
-        },
-        getPropertyShorthand: {
-            value: function () { return getPropertyShorthand.apply(this, arguments); },
-            enumerable: true,
-            writable: true
-        },
-        isPropertyImplicit: {
-            value: function () { return isPropertyImplicit.apply(this, arguments); },
-            enumerable: true,
-            writable: true
-        },
-        item: {
-            value: function (index) { return item.apply(this, arguments); },
-            enumerable: true,
-            writable: true
-        },
-        cssText: {
-            get: function () { return getCssText.apply(this, arguments); },
-            set: function (cssText) {
-                var i;
-                values = {};
-                Array.prototype.splice.call(this, 0, length);
-                importants = {};
-                var dummyRule = CSSOM.parse('#bogus{' + cssText + '}').cssRules[0].style;
-                var rule_length = dummyRule.length;
-                var name;
-                for (i = 0; i < rule_length; ++i) {
-                    name = dummyRule[i];
-                    this.setProperty(dummyRule[i], dummyRule.getPropertyValue(name), dummyRule.getPropertyPriority(name));
-                }
-            },
-            enumerable: true
-        }
-    });
+        this._length = value;
+    },
+    // properties
+    get alignmentBaseline() { return this.getPropertyValue('alignment-baseline'); },
+    set alignmentBaseline(v) { this.setProperty('alignment-baseline', v); },
+    get azimuth() { return this.getPropertyValue('azimuth'); },
+    set azimuth(v) { this.setProperty('azimuth', v); },
+    get background() { return this.getPropertyValue('background'); },
+    set background(v) { this.setProperty('background', v); },
+    get backgroundAttachment() { return this.getPropertyValue('background-attachment'); },
+    set backgroundAttachment(v) { this.setProperty('background-attachment', v); },
+    get backgroundClip() { return this.getPropertyValue('background-clip'); },
+    set backgroundClip(v) { this.setProperty('background-clip', v); },
+    get backgroundColor() { return this.getPropertyValue('background-color'); },
+    set backgroundColor(v) { this.setProperty('background-color', v); },
+    get backgroundImage() { return this.getPropertyValue('background-image'); },
+    set backgroundImage(v) { this.setProperty('background-image', v); },
+    get backgroundOrigin() { return this.getPropertyValue('background-origin'); },
+    set backgroundOrigin(v) { this.setProperty('background-origin', v); },
+    get backgroundPosition() { return this.getPropertyValue('background-position'); },
+    set backgroundPosition(v) { this.setProperty('background-position', v); },
+    get backgroundPositionX() { return this.getPropertyValue('background-position-x'); },
+    set backgroundPositionX(v) { this.setProperty('background-position-x', v); },
+    get backgroundPositionY() { return this.getPropertyValue('background-position-y'); },
+    set backgroundPositionY(v) { this.setProperty('background-position-y', v); },
+    get backgroundRepeat() { return this.getPropertyValue('background-repeat'); },
+    set backgroundRepeat(v) { this.setProperty('background-repeat', v); },
+    get backgroundRepeatX() { return this.getPropertyValue('background-repeat-x'); },
+    set backgroundRepeatX(v) { this.setProperty('background-repeat-x', v); },
+    get backgroundRepeatY() { return this.getPropertyValue('background-repeat-y'); },
+    set backgroundRepeatY(v) { this.setProperty('background-repeat-y', v); },
+    get backgroundSize() { return this.getPropertyValue('background-size'); },
+    set backgroundSize(v) { this.setProperty('background-size', v); },
+    get baselineShift() { return this.getPropertyValue('baseline-shift'); },
+    set baselineShift(v) { this.setProperty('baseline-shift', v); },
+    get border() { return this.getPropertyValue('border'); },
+    set border(v) { this.setProperty('border', v); },
+    get borderBottom() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-bottom'); },
+    set borderBottom(v) { this.setProperty('border-bottom', v); },
+    get borderBottomColor() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-bottom-color'); },
+    set borderBottomColor(v) { this.setProperty('border-bottom-color', v); },
+    get borderBottomLeftRadius() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-bottom-left-radius'); },
+    set borderBottomLeftRadius(v) { this.setProperty('border-bottom-left-radius', v); },
+    get borderBottomRightRadius() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-bottom-right-radius'); },
+    set borderBottomRightRadius(v) { this.setProperty('border-bottom-right-radius', v); },
+    get borderBottomStyle() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-bottom-style'); },
+    set borderBottomStyle(v) { this.setProperty('border-bottom-style', v); },
+    get borderBottomWidth() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-bottom-width'); },
+    set borderBottomWidth(v) { this.setProperty('border-bottom-width', v); },
+    get borderCollapse() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-collapse'); },
+    set borderCollapse(v) { this.setProperty('border-collapse', v); },
+    get borderColor() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-color'); },
+    set borderColor(v) { this.setProperty('border-color', v); },
+    get borderImage() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-image'); },
+    set borderImage(v) { this.setProperty('border-image', v); },
+    get borderImageOutset() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-image-outset'); },
+    set borderImageOutset(v) { this.setProperty('border-image-outset', v); },
+    get borderImageRepeat() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-image-repeat'); },
+    set borderImageRepeat(v) { this.setProperty('border-image-repeat', v); },
+    get borderImageSlice() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-image-slice'); },
+    set borderImageSlice(v) { this.setProperty('border-image-slice', v); },
+    get borderImageSource() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-image-source'); },
+    set borderImageSource(v) { this.setProperty('border-image-source', v); },
+    get borderImageWidth() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-image-width'); },
+    set borderImageWidth(v) { this.setProperty('border-image-width', v); },
+    get borderLeft() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-left'); },
+    set borderLeft(v) { this.setProperty('border-left', v); },
+    get borderLeftColor() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-left-color'); },
+    set borderLeftColor(v) { this.setProperty('border-left-color', v); },
+    get borderLeftStyle() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-left-style'); },
+    set borderLeftStyle(v) { this.setProperty('border-left-style', v); },
+    get borderLeftWidth() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-left-width'); },
+    set borderLeftWidth(v) { this.setProperty('border-left-width', v); },
+    get borderRadius() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-radius'); },
+    set borderRadius(v) { this.setProperty('border-radius', v); },
+    get borderRight() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-right'); },
+    set borderRight(v) { this.setProperty('border-right', v); },
+    get borderRightColor() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-right-color'); },
+    set borderRightColor(v) { this.setProperty('border-right-color', v); },
+    get borderRightStyle() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-right-style'); },
+    set borderRightStyle(v) { this.setProperty('border-right-style', v); },
+    get borderRightWidth() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-right-width'); },
+    set borderRightWidth(v) { this.setProperty('border-right-width', v); },
+    get borderSpacing() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-spacing'); },
+    set borderSpacing(v) { this.setProperty('border-spacing', v); },
+    get borderStyle() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-style'); },
+    set borderStyle(v) { this.setProperty('border-style', v); },
+    get borderTop() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-top'); },
+    set borderTop(v) { this.setProperty('border-top', v); },
+    get borderTopColor() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-top-color'); },
+    set borderTopColor(v) { this.setProperty('border-top-color', v); },
+    get borderTopLeftRadius() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-top-left-radius'); },
+    set borderTopLeftRadius(v) { this.setProperty('border-top-left-radius', v); },
+    get borderTopRightRadius() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-top-right-radius'); },
+    set borderTopRightRadius(v) { this.setProperty('border-top-right-radius', v); },
+    get borderTopStyle() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-top-style'); },
+    set borderTopStyle(v) { this.setProperty('border-top-style', v); },
+    get borderTopWidth() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-top-width'); },
+    set borderTopWidth(v) { this.setProperty('border-top-width', v); },
+    get borderWidth() { return this.getPropertyValue('border-width'); },
+    set borderWidth(v) { this.setProperty('border-width', v); },
+    get bottom() { return this.getPropertyValue('bottom'); },
+    set bottom(v) { this.setProperty('bottom', v); },
+    get boxShadow() { return this.getPropertyValue('box-shadow'); },
+    set boxShadow(v) { this.setProperty('box-shadow', v); },
+    get boxSizing() { return this.getPropertyValue('box-sizing'); },
+    set boxSizing(v) { this.setProperty('box-sizing', v); },
+    get captionSide() { return this.getPropertyValue('caption-side'); },
+    set captionSide(v) { this.setProperty('caption-side', v); },
+    get clear() { return this.getPropertyValue('clear'); },
+    set clear(v) { this.setProperty('clear', v); },
+    get clip() { return this.getPropertyValue('clip'); },
+    set clip(v) { this.setProperty('clip', v); },
+    get clipPath() { return this.getPropertyValue('clip-path'); },
+    set clipPath(v) { this.setProperty('clip-path', v); },
+    get clipRule() { return this.getPropertyValue('clip-rule'); },
+    set clipRule(v) { this.setProperty('clip-rule', v); },
+    get color() { return this.getPropertyValue('color'); },
+    set color(v) { this.setProperty('color', v); },
+    get colorInterpolation() { return this.getPropertyValue('color-interpolation'); },
+    set colorInterpolation(v) { this.setProperty('color-interpolation', v); },
+    get colorInterpolationFilters() { return this.getPropertyValue('color-interpolation-filters'); },
+    set colorInterpolationFilters(v) { this.setProperty('color-interpolation-filters', v); },
+    get colorProfile() { return this.getPropertyValue('color-profile'); },
+    set colorProfile(v) { this.setProperty('color-profile', v); },
+    get colorRendering() { return this.getPropertyValue('color-rendering'); },
+    set colorRendering(v) { this.setProperty('color-rendering', v); },
+    get content() { return this.getPropertyValue('content'); },
+    set content(v) { this.setProperty('content', v); },
+    get counterIncrement() { return this.getPropertyValue('counter-increment'); },
+    set counterIncrement(v) { this.setProperty('counter-increment', v); },
+    get counterReset() { return this.getPropertyValue('counter-reset'); },
+    set counterReset(v) { this.setProperty('counter-reset', v); },
+    get cssFloat() { return this.getPropertyValue('float'); },
+    set cssFloat(v) { this.setProperty('float', v); },
+    get cue() { return this.getPropertyValue('cue'); },
+    set cue(v) { this.setProperty('cue', v); },
+    get cueAfter() { return this.getPropertyValue('cue-after'); },
+    set cueAfter(v) { this.setProperty('cue-after', v); },
+    get cueBefore() { return this.getPropertyValue('cue-before'); },
+    set cueBefore(v) { this.setProperty('cue-before', v); },
+    get cursor() { return this.getPropertyValue('cursor'); },
+    set cursor(v) { this.setProperty('cursor', v); },
+    get direction() { return this.getPropertyValue('direction'); },
+    set direction(v) { this.setProperty('direction', v); },
+    get display() { return this.getPropertyValue('display'); },
+    set display(v) { this.setProperty('display', v); },
+    get dominantBaseline() { return this.getPropertyValue('dominant-baseline'); },
+    set dominantBaseline(v) { this.setProperty('dominant-baseline', v); },
+    get elevation() { return this.getPropertyValue('elevation'); },
+    set elevation(v) { this.setProperty('elevation', v); },
+    get emptyCells() { return this.getPropertyValue('empty-cells'); },
+    set emptyCells(v) { this.setProperty('empty-cells', v); },
+    get enableBackground() { return this.getPropertyValue('enable-background'); },
+    set enableBackground(v) { this.setProperty('enable-background', v); },
+    get fill() { return this.getPropertyValue('fill'); },
+    set fill(v) { this.setProperty('fill', v); },
+    get fillOpacity() { return this.getPropertyValue('fill-opacity'); },
+    set fillOpacity(v) { this.setProperty('fill-opacity', v); },
+    get fillRule() { return this.getPropertyValue('fill-rule'); },
+    set fillRule(v) { this.setProperty('fill-rule', v); },
+    get filter() { return this.getPropertyValue('filter'); },
+    set filter(v) { this.setProperty('filter', v); },
+    get floodColor() { return this.getPropertyValue('flood-color'); },
+    set floodColor(v) { this.setProperty('flood-color', v); },
+    get floodOpacity() { return this.getPropertyValue('flood-opacity'); },
+    set floodOpacity(v) { this.setProperty('flood-opacity', v); },
+    get font() { return this.getPropertyValue('font'); },
+    set font(v) { this.setProperty('font', v); },
+    get fontFamily() { return this.getPropertyValue('font-family'); },
+    set fontFamily(v) { this.setProperty('font-family', v); },
+    get fontSize() { return this.getPropertyValue('font-size'); },
+    set fontSize(v) { this.setProperty('font-size', v); },
+    get fontSizeAdjust() { return this.getPropertyValue('font-size-adjust'); },
+    set fontSizeAdjust(v) { this.setProperty('font-size-adjust', v); },
+    get fontStretch() { return this.getPropertyValue('font-stretch'); },
+    set fontStretch(v) { this.setProperty('font-stretch', v); },
+    get fontStyle() { return this.getPropertyValue('font-style'); },
+    set fontStyle(v) { this.setProperty('font-style', v); },
+    get fontVariant() { return this.getPropertyValue('font-variant'); },
+    set fontVariant(v) { this.setProperty('font-variant', v); },
+    get fontWeight() { return this.getPropertyValue('font-weight'); },
+    set fontWeight(v) { this.setProperty('font-weight', v); },
+    get glyphOrientationHorizontal() { return this.getPropertyValue('glyph-orientation-horizontal'); },
+    set glyphOrientationHorizontal(v) { this.setProperty('glyph-orientation-horizontal', v); },
+    get glyphOrientationVertical() { return this.getPropertyValue('glyph-orientation-vertical'); },
+    set glyphOrientationVertical(v) { this.setProperty('glyph-orientation-vertical', v); },
+    get height() { return this.getPropertyValue('height'); },
+    set height(v) { this.setProperty('height', v); },
+    get imageRendering() { return this.getPropertyValue('image-rendering'); },
+    set imageRendering(v) { this.setProperty('image-rendering', v); },
+    get kerning() { return this.getPropertyValue('kerning'); },
+    set kerning(v) { this.setProperty('kerning', v); },
+    get left() { return this.getPropertyValue('left'); },
+    set left(v) { this.setProperty('left', v); },
+    get letterSpacing() { return this.getPropertyValue('letter-spacing'); },
+    set letterSpacing(v) { this.setProperty('letter-spacing', v); },
+    get lightingColor() { return this.getPropertyValue('lighting-color'); },
+    set lightingColor(v) { this.setProperty('lighting-color', v); },
+    get lineHeight() { return this.getPropertyValue('line-height'); },
+    set lineHeight(v) { this.setProperty('line-height', v); },
+    get listStyle() { return this.getPropertyValue('list-style'); },
+    set listStyle(v) { this.setProperty('list-style', v); },
+    get listStyleImage() { return this.getPropertyValue('list-style-image'); },
+    set listStyleImage(v) { this.setProperty('list-style-image', v); },
+    get listStylePosition() { return this.getPropertyValue('list-style-position'); },
+    set listStylePosition(v) { this.setProperty('list-style-position', v); },
+    get listStyleType() { return this.getPropertyValue('list-style-type'); },
+    set listStyleType(v) { this.setProperty('list-style-type', v); },
+    get margin() { return this.getPropertyValue('margin'); },
+    set margin(v) { this.setProperty('margin', v); },
+    get marginBottom() { return this.getPropertyValue('margin-bottom'); },
+    set marginBottom(v) { this.setProperty('margin-bottom', v); },
+    get marginLeft() { return this.getPropertyValue('margin-left'); },
+    set marginLeft(v) { this.setProperty('margin-left', v); },
+    get marginRight() { return this.getPropertyValue('margin-right'); },
+    set marginRight(v) { this.setProperty('margin-right', v); },
+    get marginTop() { return this.getPropertyValue('margin-top'); },
+    set marginTop(v) { this.setProperty('margin-top', v); },
+    get marker() { return this.getPropertyValue('marker'); },
+    set marker(v) { this.setProperty('marker', v); },
+    get markerEnd() { return this.getPropertyValue('marker-end'); },
+    set markerEnd(v) { this.setProperty('marker-end', v); },
+    get markerMid() { return this.getPropertyValue('marker-mid'); },
+    set markerMid(v) { this.setProperty('marker-mid', v); },
+    get markerOffset() { return this.getPropertyValue('marker-offset'); },
+    set markerOffset(v) { this.setProperty('marker-offset', v); },
+    get markerStart() { return this.getPropertyValue('marker-start'); },
+    set markerStart(v) { this.setProperty('marker-start', v); },
+    get marks() { return this.getPropertyValue('marks'); },
+    set marks(v) { this.setProperty('marks', v); },
+    get mask() { return this.getPropertyValue('mask'); },
+    set mask(v) { this.setProperty('mask', v); },
+    get maxHeight() { return this.getPropertyValue('max-height'); },
+    set maxHeight(v) { this.setProperty('max-height', v); },
+    get maxWidth() { return this.getPropertyValue('max-width'); },
+    set maxWidth(v) { this.setProperty('max-width', v); },
+    get minHeight() { return this.getPropertyValue('min-height'); },
+    set minHeight(v) { this.setProperty('min-height', v); },
+    get minWidth() { return this.getPropertyValue('min-width'); },
+    set minWidth(v) { this.setProperty('min-width', v); },
+    get opacity() { return this.getPropertyValue('opacity'); },
+    set opacity(v) { this.setProperty('opacity', v); },
+    get orphans() { return this.getPropertyValue('orphans'); },
+    set orphans(v) { this.setProperty('orphans', v); },
+    get outline() { return this.getPropertyValue('outline'); },
+    set outline(v) { this.setProperty('outline', v); },
+    get outlineColor() { return this.getPropertyValue('outline-color'); },
+    set outlineColor(v) { this.setProperty('outline-color', v); },
+    get outlineOffset() { return this.getPropertyValue('outline-offset'); },
+    set outlineOffset(v) { this.setProperty('outline-offset', v); },
+    get outlineStyle() { return this.getPropertyValue('outline-style'); },
+    set outlineStyle(v) { this.setProperty('outline-style', v); },
+    get outlineWidth() { return this.getPropertyValue('outline-width'); },
+    set outlineWidth(v) { this.setProperty('outline-width', v); },
+    get overflow() { return this.getPropertyValue('overflow'); },
+    set overflow(v) { this.setProperty('overflow', v); },
+    get overflowX() { return this.getPropertyValue('overflow-x'); },
+    set overflowX(v) { this.setProperty('overflow-x', v); },
+    get overflowY() { return this.getPropertyValue('overflow-y'); },
+    set overflowY(v) { this.setProperty('overflow-y', v); },
+    get padding() { return this.getPropertyValue('padding'); },
+    set padding(v) { this.setProperty('padding', v); },
+    get paddingBottom() { return this.getPropertyValue('padding-bottom'); },
+    set paddingBottom(v) { this.setProperty('padding-bottom', v); },
+    get paddingLeft() { return this.getPropertyValue('padding-left'); },
+    set paddingLeft(v) { this.setProperty('padding-left', v); },
+    get paddingRight() { return this.getPropertyValue('padding-right'); },
+    set paddingRight(v) { this.setProperty('padding-right', v); },
+    get paddingTop() { return this.getPropertyValue('padding-top'); },
+    set paddingTop(v) { this.setProperty('padding-top', v); },
+    get page() { return this.getPropertyValue('page'); },
+    set page(v) { this.setProperty('page', v); },
+    get pageBreakAfter() { return this.getPropertyValue('page-break-after'); },
+    set pageBreakAfter(v) { this.setProperty('page-break-after', v); },
+    get pageBreakBefore() { return this.getPropertyValue('page-break-before'); },
+    set pageBreakBefore(v) { this.setProperty('page-break-before', v); },
+    get pageBreakInside() { return this.getPropertyValue('page-break-inside'); },
+    set pageBreakInside(v) { this.setProperty('page-break-inside', v); },
+    get pause() { return this.getPropertyValue('pause'); },
+    set pause(v) { this.setProperty('pause', v); },
+    get pauseAfter() { return this.getPropertyValue('pause-after'); },
+    set pauseAfter(v) { this.setProperty('pause-after', v); },
+    get pauseBefore() { return this.getPropertyValue('pause-before'); },
+    set pauseBefore(v) { this.setProperty('pause-before', v); },
+    get pitch() { return this.getPropertyValue('pitch'); },
+    set pitch(v) { this.setProperty('pitch', v); },
+    get pitchRange() { return this.getPropertyValue('pitch-range'); },
+    set pitchRange(v) { this.setProperty('pitch-range', v); },
+    get playDuring() { return this.getPropertyValue('play-during'); },
+    set playDuring(v) { this.setProperty('play-during', v); },
+    get pointerEvents() { return this.getPropertyValue('pointer-events'); },
+    set pointerEvents(v) { this.setProperty('pointer-events', v); },
+    get position() { return this.getPropertyValue('position'); },
+    set position(v) { this.setProperty('position', v); },
+    get quotes() { return this.getPropertyValue('quotes'); },
+    set quotes(v) { this.setProperty('quotes', v); },
+    get resize() { return this.getPropertyValue('resize'); },
+    set resize(v) { this.setProperty('resize', v); },
+    get richness() { return this.getPropertyValue('richness'); },
+    set richness(v) { this.setProperty('richness', v); },
+    get right() { return this.getPropertyValue('right'); },
+    set right(v) { this.setProperty('right', v); },
+    get shapeRendering() { return this.getPropertyValue('shape-rendering'); },
+    set shapeRendering(v) { this.setProperty('shape-rendering', v); },
+    get size() { return this.getPropertyValue('size'); },
+    set size(v) { this.setProperty('size', v); },
+    get speak() { return this.getPropertyValue('speak'); },
+    set speak(v) { this.setProperty('speak', v); },
+    get speakHeader() { return this.getPropertyValue('speak-header'); },
+    set speakHeader(v) { this.setProperty('speak-header', v); },
+    get speakNumeral() { return this.getPropertyValue('speak-numeral'); },
+    set speakNumeral(v) { this.setProperty('speak-numeral', v); },
+    get speakPunctuation() { return this.getPropertyValue('speak-punctuation'); },
+    set speakPunctuation(v) { this.setProperty('speak-punctuation', v); },
+    get speechRate() { return this.getPropertyValue('speech-rate'); },
+    set speechRate(v) { this.setProperty('speech-rate', v); },
+    get src() { return this.getPropertyValue('src'); },
+    set src(v) { this.setProperty('src', v); },
+    get stopColor() { return this.getPropertyValue('stop-color'); },
+    set stopColor(v) { this.setProperty('stop-color', v); },
+    get stopOpacity() { return this.getPropertyValue('stop-opacity'); },
+    set stopOpacity(v) { this.setProperty('stop-opacity', v); },
+    get stress() { return this.getPropertyValue('stress'); },
+    set stress(v) { this.setProperty('stress', v); },
+    get stroke() { return this.getPropertyValue('stroke'); },
+    set stroke(v) { this.setProperty('stroke', v); },
+    get strokeDasharray() { return this.getPropertyValue('stroke-dasharray'); },
+    set strokeDasharray(v) { this.setProperty('stroke-dasharray', v); },
+    get strokeDashoffset() { return this.getPropertyValue('stroke-dashoffset'); },
+    set strokeDashoffset(v) { this.setProperty('stroke-dashoffset', v); },
+    get strokeLinecap() { return this.getPropertyValue('stroke-linecap'); },
+    set strokeLinecap(v) { this.setProperty('stroke-linecap', v); },
+    get strokeLinejoin() { return this.getPropertyValue('stroke-linejoin'); },
+    set strokeLinejoin(v) { this.setProperty('stroke-linejoin', v); },
+    get strokeMiterlimit() { return this.getPropertyValue('stroke-miterlimit'); },
+    set strokeMiterlimit(v) { this.setProperty('stroke-miterlimit', v); },
+    get strokeOpacity() { return this.getPropertyValue('stroke-opacity'); },
+    set strokeOpacity(v) { this.setProperty('stroke-opacity', v); },
+    get strokeWidth() { return this.getPropertyValue('stroke-width'); },
+    set strokeWidth(v) { this.setProperty('stroke-width', v); },
+    get tableLayout() { return this.getPropertyValue('table-layout'); },
+    set tableLayout(v) { this.setProperty('table-layout', v); },
+    get textAlign() { return this.getPropertyValue('text-align'); },
+    set textAlign(v) { this.setProperty('text-align', v); },
+    get textAnchor() { return this.getPropertyValue('text-anchor'); },
+    set textAnchor(v) { this.setProperty('text-anchor', v); },
+    get textDecoration() { return this.getPropertyValue('text-decoration'); },
+    set textDecoration(v) { this.setProperty('text-decoration', v); },
+    get textIndent() { return this.getPropertyValue('text-indent'); },
+    set textIndent(v) { this.setProperty('text-indent', v); },
+    get textLineThrough() { return this.getPropertyValue('text-line-through'); },
+    set textLineThrough(v) { this.setProperty('text-line-through', v); },
+    get textLineThroughColor() { return this.getPropertyValue('text-line-through-color'); },
+    set textLineThroughColor(v) { this.setProperty('text-line-through-color', v); },
+    get textLineThroughMode() { return this.getPropertyValue('text-line-through-mode'); },
+    set textLineThroughMode(v) { this.setProperty('text-line-through-mode', v); },
+    get textLineThroughStyle() { return this.getPropertyValue('text-line-through-style'); },
+    set textLineThroughStyle(v) { this.setProperty('text-line-through-style', v); },
+    get textLineThroughWidth() { return this.getPropertyValue('text-line-through-width'); },
+    set textLineThroughWidth(v) { this.setProperty('text-line-through-width', v); },
+    get textOverflow() { return this.getPropertyValue('text-overflow'); },
+    set textOverflow(v) { this.setProperty('text-overflow', v); },
+    get textOverline() { return this.getPropertyValue('text-overline'); },
+    set textOverline(v) { this.setProperty('text-overline', v); },
+    get textOverlineColor() { return this.getPropertyValue('text-overline-color'); },
+    set textOverlineColor(v) { this.setProperty('text-overline-color', v); },
+    get textOverlineMode() { return this.getPropertyValue('text-overline-mode'); },
+    set textOverlineMode(v) { this.setProperty('text-overline-mode', v); },
+    get textOverlineStyle() { return this.getPropertyValue('text-overline-style'); },
+    set textOverlineStyle(v) { this.setProperty('text-overline-style', v); },
+    get textOverlineWidth() { return this.getPropertyValue('text-overline-width'); },
+    set textOverlineWidth(v) { this.setProperty('text-overline-width', v); },
+    get textRendering() { return this.getPropertyValue('text-rendering'); },
+    set textRendering(v) { this.setProperty('text-rendering', v); },
+    get textShadow() { return this.getPropertyValue('text-shadow'); },
+    set textShadow(v) { this.setProperty('text-shadow', v); },
+    get textTransform() { return this.getPropertyValue('text-transform'); },
+    set textTransform(v) { this.setProperty('text-transform', v); },
+    get textUnderline() { return this.getPropertyValue('text-underline'); },
+    set textUnderline(v) { this.setProperty('text-underline', v); },
+    get textUnderlineColor() { return this.getPropertyValue('text-underline-color'); },
+    set textUnderlineColor(v) { this.setProperty('text-underline-color', v); },
+    get textUnderlineMode() { return this.getPropertyValue('text-underline-mode'); },
+    set textUnderlineMode(v) { this.setProperty('text-underline-mode', v); },
+    get textUnderlineStyle() { return this.getPropertyValue('text-underline-style'); },
+    set textUnderlineStyle(v) { this.setProperty('text-underline-style', v); },
+    get textUnderlineWidth() { return this.getPropertyValue('text-underline-width'); },
+    set textUnderlineWidth(v) { this.setProperty('text-underline-width', v); },
+    get top() { return this.getPropertyValue('top'); },
+    set top(v) { this.setProperty('top', v); },
+    get unicodeBidi() { return this.getPropertyValue('unicode-bidi'); },
+    set unicodeBidi(v) { this.setProperty('unicode-bidi', v); },
+    get unicodeRange() { return this.getPropertyValue('unicode-range'); },
+    set unicodeRange(v) { this.setProperty('unicode-range', v); },
+    get vectorEffect() { return this.getPropertyValue('vector-effect'); },
+    set vectorEffect(v) { this.setProperty('vector-effect', v); },
+    get verticalAlign() { return this.getPropertyValue('vertical-align'); },
+    set verticalAlign(v) { this.setProperty('vertical-align', v); },
+    get visibility() { return this.getPropertyValue('visibility'); },
+    set visibility(v) { this.setProperty('visibility', v); },
+    get voiceFamily() { return this.getPropertyValue('voice-family'); },
+    set voiceFamily(v) { this.setProperty('voic-family', v); },
+    get volume() { return this.getPropertyValue('volume'); },
+    set volume(v) { this.setProperty('volume', v); },
+    get webkitAnimation() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation'); },
+    set webkitAnimation(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-animation', v); },
+    get webkitAnimationDelay() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-delay'); },
+    set webkitAnimationDelay(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-animation-delay', v); },
+    get webkitAnimationDirection() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-direction'); },
+    set webkitAnimationDirection(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-animation-direction', v); },
+    get webkitAnimationDuration() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-duration'); },
+    set webkitAnimationDuration(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-animation-duration', v); },
+    get webkitAnimationFillMode() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-fill-mode'); },
+    set webkitAnimationFillMode(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-animation-fill-mode', v); },
+    get webkitAnimationIterationCount() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-iteration-count'); },
+    set webkitAnimationIterationCount(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-animation-iteration-count', v); },
+    get webkitAnimationName() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-name'); },
+    set webkitAnimationName(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-animation-name', v); },
+    get webkitAnimationPlayState() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-play-state'); },
+    set webkitAnimationPlayState(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-animation-play-state', v); },
+    get webkitAnimationTimingFunction() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-timing-function'); },
+    set webkitAnimationTimingFunction(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-animation-timing-function', v); },
+    get webkitAppearance() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-appearance'); },
+    set webkitAppearance(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-appearance', v); },
+    get webkitAspectRatio() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-aspect-ratio'); },
+    set webkitAspectRatio(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-aspect-ratio', v); },
+    get webkitBackfaceVisibility() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-backface-visibility'); },
+    set webkitBackfaceVisibility(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-backface-visibility', v); },
+    get webkitBackgroundClip() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-background-clip'); },
+    set webkitBackgroundClip(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-background-clip', v); },
+    get webkitBackgroundComposite() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-background-composite'); },
+    set webkitBackgroundComposite(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-background-composite', v); },
+    get webkitBackgroundOrigin() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-background-origin'); },
+    set webkitBackgroundOrigin(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-background-origin', v); },
+    get webkitBackgroundSize() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-background-size'); },
+    set webkitBackgroundSize(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-background-size', v); },
+    get webkitBorderAfter() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-border-after'); },
+    set webkitBorderAfter(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-border-after', v); },
+    get webkitBorderAfterColor() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-border-after-color'); },
+    set webkitBorderAfterColor(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-border-after-color', v); },
+    get webkitBorderAfterStyle() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-border-after-style'); },
+    set webkitBorderAfterStyle(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-border-after-style', v); },
+    get webkitBorderAfterWidth() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-border-after-width'); },
+    set webkitBorderAfterWidth(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-border-after-width', v); },
+    get webkitBorderBefore() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-border-before'); },
+    set webkitBorderBefore(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-border-before', v); },
+    get webkitBorderBeforeColor() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-border-before-color'); },
+    set webkitBorderBeforeColor(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-border-before-color', v); },
+    get webkitBorderBeforeStyle() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-border-before-style'); },
+    set webkitBorderBeforeStyle(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-border-before-style', v); },
+    get webkitBorderBeforeWidth() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-border-before-width'); },
+    set webkitBorderBeforeWidth(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-border-before-width', v); },
+    get webkitBorderEnd() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-border-end'); },
+    set webkitBorderEnd(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-border-end', v); },
+    get webkitBorderEndColor() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-border-end-color'); },
+    set webkitBorderEndColor(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-border-end-color', v); },
+    get webkitBorderEndStyle() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-border-end-style'); },
+    set webkitBorderEndStyle(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-border-end-style', v); },
+    get webkitBorderEndWidth() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-border-end-width'); },
+    set webkitBorderEndWidth(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-border-end-width', v); },
+    get webkitBorderFit() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-border-fit'); },
+    set webkitBorderFit(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-border-fit', v); },
+    get webkitBorderHorizontalSpacing() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-border-horizontal-spacing'); },
+    set webkitBorderHorizontalSpacing(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-border-horizontal-spacing', v); },
+    get webkitBorderImage() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-border-image'); },
+    set webkitBorderImage(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-border-image', v); },
+    get webkitBorderRadius() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-border-radius'); },
+    set webkitBorderRadius(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-border-radius', v); },
+    get webkitBorderStart() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-border-start'); },
+    set webkitBorderStart(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-border-start', v); },
+    get webkitBorderStartColor() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-border-start-color'); },
+    set webkitBorderStartColor(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-border-start-color', v); },
+    get webkitBorderStartStyle() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-border-start-style'); },
+    set webkitBorderStartStyle(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-border-start-style', v); },
+    get webkitBorderStartWidth() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-border-start-width'); },
+    set webkitBorderStartWidth(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-border-start-width', v); },
+    get webkitBorderVerticalSpacing() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-border-vertical-spacing'); },
+    set webkitBorderVerticalSpacing(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-border-vertical-spacing', v); },
+    get webkitBoxAlign() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-box-align'); },
+    set webkitBoxAlign(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-box-align', v); },
+    get webkitBoxDirection() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-box-direction'); },
+    set webkitBoxDirection(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-box-direction', v); },
+    get webkitBoxFlex() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-box-flex'); },
+    set webkitBoxFlex(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-box-flex', v); },
+    get webkitBoxFlexGroup() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-box-flex-group'); },
+    set webkitBoxFlexGroup(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-box-flex-group', v); },
+    get webkitBoxLines() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-box-lines'); },
+    set webkitBoxLines(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-box-lines', v); },
+    get webkitBoxOrdinalGroup() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-box-ordinal-group'); },
+    set webkitBoxOrdinalGroup(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-box-ordinal-group', v); },
+    get webkitBoxOrient() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-box-orient'); },
+    set webkitBoxOrient(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-box-orient', v); },
+    get webkitBoxPack() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-box-pack'); },
+    set webkitBoxPack(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-box-pack', v); },
+    get webkitBoxReflect() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-box-reflect'); },
+    set webkitBoxReflect(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-box-reflect', v); },
+    get webkitBoxShadow() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-box-shadow'); },
+    set webkitBoxShadow(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-box-shadow', v); },
+    get webkitColorCorrection() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-color-correction'); },
+    set webkitColorCorrection(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-color-correction', v); },
+    get webkitColumnAxis() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-column-axis'); },
+    set webkitColumnAxis(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-column-axis', v); },
+    get webkitColumnBreakAfter() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-column-break-after'); },
+    set webkitColumnBreakAfter(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-column-break-after', v); },
+    get webkitColumnBreakBefore() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-column-break-before'); },
+    set webkitColumnBreakBefore(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-column-break-before', v); },
+    get webkitColumnBreakInside() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-column-break-inside'); },
+    set webkitColumnBreakInside(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-column-break-inside', v); },
+    get webkitColumnCount() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-column-count'); },
+    set webkitColumnCount(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-column-count', v); },
+    get webkitColumnGap() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-column-gap'); },
+    set webkitColumnGap(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-column-gap', v); },
+    get webkitColumnRule() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-column-rule'); },
+    set webkitColumnRule(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-column-rule', v); },
+    get webkitColumnRuleColor() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-column-rule-color'); },
+    set webkitColumnRuleColor(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-column-rule-color', v); },
+    get webkitColumnRuleStyle() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-column-rule-style'); },
+    set webkitColumnRuleStyle(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-column-rule-style', v); },
+    get webkitColumnRuleWidth() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-column-rule-width'); },
+    set webkitColumnRuleWidth(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-column-rule-width', v); },
+    get webkitColumnSpan() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-column-span'); },
+    set webkitColumnSpan(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-column-span', v); },
+    get webkitColumnWidth() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-column-width'); },
+    set webkitColumnWidth(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-column-width', v); },
+    get webkitColumns() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-columns'); },
+    set webkitColumns(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-columns', v); },
+    get webkitFilter() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-filter'); },
+    set webkitFilter(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-filter', v); },
+    get webkitFlexAlign() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-flex-align'); },
+    set webkitFlexAlign(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-flex-align', v); },
+    get webkitFlexDirection() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-flex-direction'); },
+    set webkitFlexDirection(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-flex-direction', v); },
+    get webkitFlexFlow() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-flex-flow'); },
+    set webkitFlexFlow(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-flex-flow', v); },
+    get webkitFlexItemAlign() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-flex-item-align'); },
+    set webkitFlexItemAlign(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-flex-item-align', v); },
+    get webkitFlexLinePack() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-flex-line-pack'); },
+    set webkitFlexLinePack(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-flex-line-pack', v); },
+    get webkitFlexOrder() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-flex-order'); },
+    set webkitFlexOrder(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-flex-order', v); },
+    get webkitFlexPack() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-flex-pack'); },
+    set webkitFlexPack(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-flex-pack', v); },
+    get webkitFlexWrap() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-flex-wrap'); },
+    set webkitFlexWrap(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-flex-wrap', v); },
+    get webkitFlowFrom() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-flow-from'); },
+    set webkitFlowFrom(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-flow-from', v); },
+    get webkitFlowInto() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-flow-into'); },
+    set webkitFlowInto(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-flow-into', v); },
+    get webkitFontFeatureSettings() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-font-feature-settings'); },
+    set webkitFontFeatureSettings(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-font-feature-settings', v); },
+    get webkitFontKerning() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-font-kerning'); },
+    set webkitFontKerning(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-font-kerning', v); },
+    get webkitFontSizeDelta() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-font-size-delta'); },
+    set webkitFontSizeDelta(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-font-size-delta', v); },
+    get webkitFontSmoothing() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-font-smoothing'); },
+    set webkitFontSmoothing(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-font-smoothing', v); },
+    get webkitFontVariantLigatures() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-font-variant-ligatures'); },
+    set webkitFontVariantLigatures(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-font-variant-ligatures', v); },
+    get webkitHighlight() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-highlight'); },
+    set webkitHighlight(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-highlight', v); },
+    get webkitHyphenateCharacter() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-hyphenate-character'); },
+    set webkitHyphenateCharacter(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-hyphenate-character', v); },
+    get webkitHyphenateLimitAfter() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-hyphenate-limit-after'); },
+    set webkitHyphenateLimitAfter(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-hyphenate-limit-after', v); },
+    get webkitHyphenateLimitBefore() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-hyphenate-limit-before'); },
+    set webkitHyphenateLimitBefore(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-hyphenate-limit-before', v); },
+    get webkitHyphenateLimitLines() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-hyphenate-limit-lines'); },
+    set webkitHyphenateLimitLines(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-hyphenate-limit-lines', v); },
+    get webkitHyphens() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-hyphens'); },
+    set webkitHyphens(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-hyphens', v); },
+    get webkitLineAlign() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-line-align'); },
+    set webkitLineAlign(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-line-align', v); },
+    get webkitLineBoxContain() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-line-box-contain'); },
+    set webkitLineBoxContain(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-line-box-contain', v); },
+    get webkitLineBreak() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-line-break'); },
+    set webkitLineBreak(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-line-break', v); },
+    get webkitLineClamp() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-line-clamp'); },
+    set webkitLineClamp(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-line-clamp', v); },
+    get webkitLineGrid() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-line-grid'); },
+    set webkitLineGrid(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-line-grid', v); },
+    get webkitLineSnap() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-line-snap'); },
+    set webkitLineSnap(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-line-snap', v); },
+    get webkitLocale() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-locale'); },
+    set webkitLocale(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-locale', v); },
+    get webkitLogicalHeight() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-logical-height'); },
+    set webkitLogicalHeight(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-logical-height', v); },
+    get webkitLogicalWidth() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-logical-width'); },
+    set webkitLogicalWidth(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-logical-width', v); },
+    get webkitMarginAfter() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-margin-after'); },
+    set webkitMarginAfter(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-margin-after', v); },
+    get webkitMarginAfterCollapse() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-margin-after-collapse'); },
+    set webkitMarginAfterCollapse(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-margin-after-collapse', v); },
+    get webkitMarginBefore() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-margin-before'); },
+    set webkitMarginBefore(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-margin-before', v); },
+    get webkitMarginBeforeCollapse() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-margin-before-collapse'); },
+    set webkitMarginBeforeCollapse(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-margin-before-collapse', v); },
+    get webkitMarginBottomCollapse() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-margin-bottom-collapse'); },
+    set webkitMarginBottomCollapse(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-margin-bottom-collapse', v); },
+    get webkitMarginCollapse() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-margin-collapse'); },
+    set webkitMarginCollapse(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-margin-collapse', v); },
+    get webkitMarginEnd() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-margin-end'); },
+    set webkitMarginEnd(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-margin-end', v); },
+    get webkitMarginStart() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-margin-start'); },
+    set webkitMarginStart(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-margin-start', v); },
+    get webkitMarginTopCollapse() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-margin-top-collapse'); },
+    set webkitMarginTopCollapse(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-margin-top-collapse', v); },
+    get webkitMarquee() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-marquee'); },
+    set webkitMarquee(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-marquee', v); },
+    get webkitMarqueeDirection() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-marquee-direction'); },
+    set webkitMarqueeDirection(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-marquee-direction', v); },
+    get webkitMarqueeIncrement() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-marquee-increment'); },
+    set webkitMarqueeIncrement(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-marquee-increment', v); },
+    get webkitMarqueeRepetition() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-marquee-repetition'); },
+    set webkitMarqueeRepetition(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-marquee-repetition', v); },
+    get webkitMarqueeSpeed() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-marquee-speed'); },
+    set webkitMarqueeSpeed(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-marquee-speed', v); },
+    get webkitMarqueeStyle() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-marquee-style'); },
+    set webkitMarqueeStyle(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-marquee-style', v); },
+    get webkitMask() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-mask'); },
+    set webkitMask(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-mask', v); },
+    get webkitMaskAttachment() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-mask-attachment'); },
+    set webkitMaskAttachment(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-mask-attachment', v); },
+    get webkitMaskBoxImage() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-mask-box-image'); },
+    set webkitMaskBoxImage(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-mask-box-image', v); },
+    get webkitMaskBoxImageOutset() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-mask-box-image-outset'); },
+    set webkitMaskBoxImageOutset(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-mask-box-image-outset', v); },
+    get webkitMaskBoxImageRepeat() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-mask-box-image-repeat'); },
+    set webkitMaskBoxImageRepeat(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-mask-box-image-repeat', v); },
+    get webkitMaskBoxImageSlice() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-mask-box-image-slice'); },
+    set webkitMaskBoxImageSlice(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-mask-box-image-slice', v); },
+    get webkitMaskBoxImageSource() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-mask-box-image-source'); },
+    set webkitMaskBoxImageSource(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-mask-box-image-source', v); },
+    get webkitMaskBoxImageWidth() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-mask-box-image-width'); },
+    set webkitMaskBoxImageWidth(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-mask-box-image-width', v); },
+    get webkitMaskClip() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-mask-clip'); },
+    set webkitMaskClip(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-mask-clip', v); },
+    get webkitMaskComposite() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-mask-composite'); },
+    set webkitMaskComposite(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-mask-composite', v); },
+    get webkitMaskImage() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-mask-image'); },
+    set webkitMaskImage(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-mask-image', v); },
+    get webkitMaskOrigin() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-mask-origin'); },
+    set webkitMaskOrigin(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-mask-origin', v); },
+    get webkitMaskPosition() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-mask-position'); },
+    set webkitMaskPosition(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-mask-position', v); },
+    get webkitMaskPositionX() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-mask-position-x'); },
+    set webkitMaskPositionX(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-mask-position-x', v); },
+    get webkitMaskPositionY() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-mask-position-y'); },
+    set webkitMaskPositionY(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-mask-position-y', v); },
+    get webkitMaskRepeat() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-mask-repeat'); },
+    set webkitMaskRepeat(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-mask-repeat', v); },
+    get webkitMaskRepeatX() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-mask-repeat-x'); },
+    set webkitMaskRepeatX(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-mask-repeat-x', v); },
+    get webkitMaskRepeatY() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-mask-repeat-y'); },
+    set webkitMaskRepeatY(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-mask-repeat-y', v); },
+    get webkitMaskSize() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-mask-size'); },
+    set webkitMaskSize(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-mask-size', v); },
+    get webkitMatchNearestMailBlockquoteColor() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-match-nearest-mail-blockquote-color'); },
+    set webkitMatchNearestMailBlockquoteColor(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-match-nearest-mail-blockquote-color', v); },
+    get webkitMaxLogicalHeight() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-max-logical-height'); },
+    set webkitMaxLogicalHeight(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-max-logical-height', v); },
+    get webkitMaxLogicalWidth() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-max-logical-width'); },
+    set webkitMaxLogicalWidth(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-max-logical-width', v); },
+    get webkitMinLogicalHeight() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-min-logical-height'); },
+    set webkitMinLogicalHeight(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-min-logical-height', v); },
+    get webkitMinLogicalWidth() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-min-logical-width'); },
+    set webkitMinLogicalWidth(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-min-logical-width', v); },
+    get webkitNbspMode() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-nbsp-mode'); },
+    set webkitNbspMode(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-nbsp-mode', v); },
+    get webkitOverflowScrolling() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-overflow-scrolling'); },
+    set webkitOverflowScrolling(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-overflow-scrolling', v); },
+    get webkitPaddingAfter() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-padding-after'); },
+    set webkitPaddingAfter(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-padding-after', v); },
+    get webkitPaddingBefore() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-padding-before'); },
+    set webkitPaddingBefore(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-padding-before', v); },
+    get webkitPaddingEnd() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-padding-end'); },
+    set webkitPaddingEnd(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-padding-end', v); },
+    get webkitPaddingStart() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-padding-start'); },
+    set webkitPaddingStart(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-padding-start', v); },
+    get webkitPerspective() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-perspective'); },
+    set webkitPerspective(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-perspective', v); },
+    get webkitPerspectiveOrigin() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-perspective-origin'); },
+    set webkitPerspectiveOrigin(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-perspective-origin', v); },
+    get webkitPerspectiveOriginX() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-perspective-origin-x'); },
+    set webkitPerspectiveOriginX(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-perspective-origin-x', v); },
+    get webkitPerspectiveOriginY() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-perspective-origin-y'); },
+    set webkitPerspectiveOriginY(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-perspective-origin-y', v); },
+    get webkitPrintColorAdjust() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-print-color-adjust'); },
+    set webkitPrintColorAdjust(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-print-color-adjust', v); },
+    get webkitRegionBreakAfter() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-region-break-after'); },
+    set webkitRegionBreakAfter(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-region-break-after', v); },
+    get webkitRegionBreakBefore() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-region-break-before'); },
+    set webkitRegionBreakBefore(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-region-break-before', v); },
+    get webkitRegionBreakInside() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-region-break-inside'); },
+    set webkitRegionBreakInside(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-region-break-inside', v); },
+    get webkitRegionOverflow() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-region-overflow'); },
+    set webkitRegionOverflow(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-region-overflow', v); },
+    get webkitRtlOrdering() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-rtl-ordering'); },
+    set webkitRtlOrdering(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-rtl-ordering', v); },
+    get webkitSvgShadow() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-svg-shadow'); },
+    set webkitSvgShadow(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-svg-shadow', v); },
+    get webkitTapHighlightColor() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-tap-highlight-color'); },
+    set webkitTapHighlightColor(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-tap-highlight-color', v); },
+    get webkitTextCombine() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-text-combine'); },
+    set webkitTextCombine(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-text-combine', v); },
+    get webkitTextDecorationsInEffect() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-text-decorations-in-effect'); },
+    set webkitTextDecorationsInEffect(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-text-decorations-in-effect', v); },
+    get webkitTextEmphasis() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-text-emphasis'); },
+    set webkitTextEmphasis(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-text-emphasis', v); },
+    get webkitTextEmphasisColor() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-text-emphasis-color'); },
+    set webkitTextEmphasisColor(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-text-emphasis-color', v); },
+    get webkitTextEmphasisPosition() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-text-emphasis-position'); },
+    set webkitTextEmphasisPosition(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-text-emphasis-position', v); },
+    get webkitTextEmphasisStyle() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-text-emphasis-style'); },
+    set webkitTextEmphasisStyle(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-text-emphasis-style', v); },
+    get webkitTextFillColor() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-text-fill-color'); },
+    set webkitTextFillColor(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-text-fill-color', v); },
+    get webkitTextOrientation() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-text-orientation'); },
+    set webkitTextOrientation(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-text-orientation', v); },
+    get webkitTextSecurity() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-text-security'); },
+    set webkitTextSecurity(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-text-security', v); },
+    get webkitTextSizeAdjust() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-text-size-adjust'); },
+    set webkitTextSizeAdjust(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-text-size-adjust', v); },
+    get webkitTextStroke() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-text-stroke'); },
+    set webkitTextStroke(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-text-stroke', v); },
+    get webkitTextStrokeColor() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-text-stroke-color'); },
+    set webkitTextStrokeColor(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-text-stroke-color', v); },
+    get webkitTextStrokeWidth() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-text-stroke-width'); },
+    set webkitTextStrokeWidth(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-text-stroke-width', v); },
+    get webkitTransform() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-transform'); },
+    set webkitTransform(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-transform', v); },
+    get webkitTransformOrigin() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-transform-origin'); },
+    set webkitTransformOrigin(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-transform-origin', v); },
+    get webkitTransformOriginX() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-transform-origin-x'); },
+    set webkitTransformOriginX(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-transform-origin-x', v); },
+    get webkitTransformOriginY() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-transform-origin-y'); },
+    set webkitTransformOriginY(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-transform-origin-y', v); },
+    get webkitTransformOriginZ() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-transform-origin-z'); },
+    set webkitTransformOriginZ(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-transform-origin-z', v); },
+    get webkitTransformStyle() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-transform-style'); },
+    set webkitTransformStyle(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-transform-style', v); },
+    get webkitTransition() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-transition'); },
+    set webkitTransition(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-transition', v); },
+    get webkitTransitionDelay() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-transition-delay'); },
+    set webkitTransitionDelay(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-transition-delay', v); },
+    get webkitTransitionDuration() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-transition-duration'); },
+    set webkitTransitionDuration(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-transition-duration', v); },
+    get webkitTransitionProperty() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-transition-property'); },
+    set webkitTransitionProperty(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-transition-property', v); },
+    get webkitTransitionTimingFunction() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-transition-timing-function'); },
+    set webkitTransitionTimingFunction(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-transition-timing-function', v); },
+    get webkitUserDrag() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-user-drag'); },
+    set webkitUserDrag(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-user-drag', v); },
+    get webkitUserModify() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-user-modify'); },
+    set webkitUserModify(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-user-modify', v); },
+    get webkitUserSelect() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-user-select'); },
+    set webkitUserSelect(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-user-select', v); },
+    get webkitWrap() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-wrap'); },
+    set webkitWrap(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-wrap', v); },
+    get webkitWrapFlow() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-wrap-flow'); },
+    set webkitWrapFlow(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-wrap-flow', v); },
+    get webkitWrapMargin() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-wrap-margin'); },
+    set webkitWrapMargin(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-wrap-margin', v); },
+    get webkitWrapPadding() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-wrap-padding'); },
+    set webkitWrapPadding(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-wrap-padding', v); },
+    get webkitWrapShapeInside() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-wrap-shape-inside'); },
+    set webkitWrapShapeInside(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-wrap-shape-inside', v); },
+    get webkitWrapShapeOutside() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-wrap-shape-outside'); },
+    set webkitWrapShapeOutside(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-wrap-shape-outside', v); },
+    get webkitWrapThrough() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-wrap-through'); },
+    set webkitWrapThrough(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-wrap-through', v); },
+    get webkitWritingMode() { return this.getPropertyValue('-webkit-writing-mode'); },
+    set webkitWritingMode(v) { this.setProperty('-webkit-writing-mode', v); },
+    get whiteSpace() { return this.getPropertyValue('white-space'); },
+    set whiteSpace(v) { this.setProperty('white-space', v); },
+    get widows() { return this.getPropertyValue('widows'); },
+    set widows(v) { this.setProperty('widows', v); },
+    get width() { return this.getPropertyValue('width'); },
+    set width(v) { this.setProperty('width', v); },
+    get wordBreak() { return this.getPropertyValue('word-break'); },
+    set wordBreak(v) { this.setProperty('word-break', v); },
+    get wordSpacing() { return this.getPropertyValue('word-spacing'); },
+    set wordSpacing(v) { this.setProperty('word-spacing', v); },
+    get wordWrap() { return this.getPropertyValue('word-wrap'); },
+    set wordWrap(v) { this.setProperty('word-wrap', v); },
+    get writingMode() { return this.getPropertyValue('writing-mode'); },
+    set writingMode(v) { this.setProperty('writing-mode', v); },
+    get zIndex() { return this.getPropertyValue('z-index'); },
+    set zIndex(v) { this.setProperty('z-index', v); },
+    get zoom() { return this.getPropertyValue('zoom'); },
+    set zoom(v) { this.setProperty('zoom', v); }
     var property_files = fs.readdirSync(__dirname + '/properties');
     var self = this;
     property_files.forEach(function (property) {
@@ -222,5 +967,6 @@ var CSSStyleDeclaration = function CSSStyleDeclaration() {
 exports.CSSStyleDeclaration = CSSStyleDeclaration;
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 762561f..969fac6 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
     "name": "cssstyle",
     "description": "CSSStyleDeclaration Object Model implementation",
     "keywords": ["CSS", "CSSStyleDeclaration", "StyleSheet"],
-    "version": "0.2.2",
+    "version": "0.2.3",
     "homepage": "https://github.com/chad3814/CSSStyleDeclaration",
     "maintainers": [{
         "name": "Chad Walker",
@@ -26,9 +26,6 @@
 	"lib": "./lib"
     "main": "./lib/CSSStyleDeclaration.js",
-    "engines": {
-	"node": ">=0.6.0"
-    },
     "dependencies": {
         "cssom"      : "0.2.x"
diff --git a/tests/tests.js b/tests/tests.js
index 6e9f753..d297d8d 100644
--- a/tests/tests.js
+++ b/tests/tests.js
@@ -11,9 +11,10 @@ var properties = [ 'azimuth', 'background', 'backgroundAttachment', 'backgroundC
 module.exports = {
     'Verify Has Properties': function (test) {
         var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
-        test.expect(properties.length);
+        test.expect(properties.length * 2);
         properties.forEach(function (property) {
-            test.ok(style.hasOwnProperty(property), 'missing ' + property + ' property');
+            test.ok(style.__lookupGetter__(property), 'missing ' + property + ' property');
+            test.ok(style.__lookupSetter__(property), 'missing ' + property + ' property');
@@ -30,10 +31,12 @@ module.exports = {
     'Verify Has Special Properties': function (test) {
         var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
-        test.expect(3);
-        test.ok(style.hasOwnProperty('cssText'), 'missing cssText property');
-        test.ok(style.hasOwnProperty('length'), 'missing length property');
-        test.ok(style.hasOwnProperty('parentRule'), 'missing parentRule property');
+        test.expect(5);
+        test.ok(style.__lookupGetter__('cssText'), 'missing cssText getter');
+        test.ok(style.__lookupSetter__('cssText'), 'missing cssText setter');
+        test.ok(style.__lookupGetter__('length'), 'missing length getter');
+        test.ok(style.__lookupSetter__('length'), 'missing length setter');
+        test.ok(style.__lookupGetter__('parentRule'), 'missing parentRule getter');
     'Test From Style String': function (test) {
@@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ module.exports = {
         test.ok('blue' === style.getPropertyValue('color'), "getPropertyValue('color') failed");
         test.ok('color' === style.item(0), 'item(0) failed');
         test.ok('background-color' === style[1], 'style[1] failed');
-        test.ok('red' === style.backgroundColor, 'style.backgroundColor failed');
+        test.ok('red' === style.backgroundColor, 'style.backgroundColor failed with "' + style.backgroundColor + '"');
         style.cssText = '';
         test.ok('' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not empty');
         test.ok(0 === style.length, 'length is not 0');

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-cssstyle.git

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