[Pkg-javascript-commits] [jquery] 06/10: Merge tag 'upstream/1.11.3+dfsg'
Antonio Terceiro
terceiro at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Aug 21 18:46:24 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
terceiro pushed a commit to branch master
in repository jquery.
commit 0bf7b7eb92c0498cef994e8ffec24cdf50a5b6ac
Merge: 3fcbe73 27cef48
Author: Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at debian.org>
Date: Fri Aug 21 17:56:38 2015 +0200
Merge tag 'upstream/1.11.3+dfsg'
Upstream version 1.11.3+dfsg
# gpg: Signature made Sex 21 Ago 2015 17:56:33 CEST using RSA key ID CD460BDE
# gpg: Good signature from "Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at softwarelivre.org>"
# gpg: aka "Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at dcc.ufba.br>"
# gpg: aka "Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at colivre.coop.br>"
# gpg: aka "Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at debian.org>"
.bowerrc | 3 +
.editorconfig | 43 +
.gitattributes | 5 +
.gitignore | 13 +
.jscsrc | 5 +
.jshintignore | 12 +
.jshintrc | 17 +
.mailmap | 99 +
.npmignore | 14 +
.travis.yml | 3 +
AUTHORS.txt | 217 +
Gruntfile.js | 151 +
MIT-LICENSE.txt | 21 +
README.md | 368 ++
bower.json | 28 +
build/release-notes.js | 55 +
build/release.js | 163 +
build/tasks/build.js | 271 +
build/tasks/dist.js | 71 +
build/tasks/testswarm.js | 58 +
package.json | 54 +
src/.jshintrc | 28 +
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src/core.js | 540 ++
src/core/access.js | 60 +
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src/core/parseHTML.js | 39 +
src/core/ready.js | 152 +
src/core/var/rsingleTag.js | 4 +
src/css.js | 504 ++
src/css/addGetHookIf.js | 32 +
src/css/curCSS.js | 124 +
src/css/defaultDisplay.js | 69 +
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src/css/var/isHidden.js | 13 +
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src/data/support.js | 25 +
src/deferred.js | 150 +
src/deprecated.js | 13 +
src/dimensions.js | 50 +
src/effects.js | 656 ++
src/effects/Tween.js | 114 +
src/effects/animatedSelector.js | 13 +
src/effects/support.js | 55 +
src/event.js | 1037 ++++
src/event/ajax.js | 13 +
src/event/alias.js | 39 +
src/event/support.js | 26 +
src/exports/amd.js | 24 +
src/exports/global.js | 32 +
src/intro.js | 44 +
src/jquery.js | 38 +
src/manipulation.js | 744 +++
src/manipulation/_evalUrl.js | 18 +
src/manipulation/support.js | 76 +
src/manipulation/var/rcheckableType.js | 3 +
src/offset.js | 211 +
src/outro.js | 1 +
src/queue.js | 142 +
src/queue/delay.js | 22 +
src/selector-sizzle.js | 14 +
src/selector.js | 1 +
src/serialize.js | 110 +
src/sizzle/dist/sizzle.js | 2067 +++++++
src/sizzle/dist/sizzle.min.js | 3 +
src/sizzle/dist/sizzle.min.map | 1 +
src/sizzle/test/data/empty.js | 0
src/sizzle/test/data/mixed_sort.html | 22 +
src/sizzle/test/data/testinit.js | 136 +
src/sizzle/test/index.html | 242 +
src/sizzle/test/jquery.js | 9597 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/sizzle/test/unit/extending.js | 95 +
src/sizzle/test/unit/selector.js | 1149 ++++
src/sizzle/test/unit/utilities.js | 169 +
src/support.js | 58 +
src/traversing.js | 200 +
src/traversing/findFilter.js | 100 +
src/traversing/var/rneedsContext.js | 6 +
src/var/class2type.js | 4 +
src/var/concat.js | 5 +
src/var/deletedIds.js | 3 +
src/var/hasOwn.js | 5 +
src/var/indexOf.js | 5 +
src/var/pnum.js | 3 +
src/var/push.js | 5 +
src/var/rnotwhite.js | 3 +
src/var/slice.js | 5 +
src/var/strundefined.js | 3 +
src/var/support.js | 4 +
src/var/toString.js | 5 +
src/wrap.js | 76 +
test/.jshintrc | 68 +
test/data/1x1.jpg | Bin 0 -> 693 bytes
test/data/ajax/onunload.html | 30 +
test/data/ajax/unreleasedXHR.html | 25 +
test/data/atom+xml.php | 4 +
test/data/badcall.js | 1 +
test/data/badjson.js | 1 +
test/data/cleanScript.html | 10 +
test/data/core/aliased.html | 24 +
test/data/core/cc_on.html | 22 +
test/data/core/dont_return.php | 3 +
test/data/core/dynamic_ready.html | 35 +
test/data/core/onready.html | 24 +
test/data/css/cssWidthBeforeDocReady.html | 26 +
test/data/dashboard.xml | 11 +
test/data/data/dataAttrs.html | 16 +
test/data/dimensions/documentLarge.html | 17 +
test/data/dimensions/documentSmall.html | 21 +
test/data/echoData.php | 1 +
test/data/echoQuery.php | 1 +
test/data/errorWithJSON.php | 6 +
test/data/errorWithText.php | 5 +
test/data/etag.php | 24 +
test/data/evalScript.php | 1 +
test/data/event/focusElem.html | 16 +
test/data/event/focusinCrossFrame.html | 18 +
test/data/event/longLoadScript.php | 4 +
test/data/event/promiseReady.html | 17 +
test/data/event/syncReady.html | 23 +
test/data/event/triggerunload.html | 18 +
test/data/headers.php | 23 +
test/data/if_modified_since.php | 20 +
test/data/iframe.html | 8 +
test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js | 9597 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
test/data/json.php | 13 +
test/data/json_obj.js | 1 +
test/data/jsonp.php | 14 +
test/data/manipulation/iframe-denied.html | 36 +
test/data/name.html | 1 +
test/data/name.php | 24 +
test/data/nocontent.php | 5 +
test/data/offset/absolute.html | 41 +
test/data/offset/body.html | 26 +
test/data/offset/fixed.html | 34 +
test/data/offset/relative.html | 31 +
test/data/offset/scroll.html | 39 +
test/data/offset/static.html | 31 +
test/data/offset/table.html | 43 +
test/data/params_html.php | 12 +
test/data/readywaitasset.js | 1 +
test/data/readywaitloader.js | 25 +
test/data/script.php | 11 +
test/data/selector/html5_selector.html | 114 +
test/data/selector/sizzle_cache.html | 21 +
test/data/statusText.php | 5 +
test/data/support/bodyBackground.html | 30 +
test/data/support/csp-clean.php | 3 +
test/data/support/csp-log.php | 3 +
test/data/support/csp.js | 3 +
test/data/support/csp.log | 0
test/data/support/csp.php | 18 +
test/data/support/getComputedSupport.js | 14 +
test/data/support/shrinkWrapBlocks.html | 23 +
test/data/support/testElementCrash.html | 17 +
test/data/test.html | 7 +
test/data/test.php | 7 +
test/data/test2.html | 5 +
test/data/test3.html | 4 +
test/data/testbar.php | 3 +
test/data/testinit.js | 319 +
test/data/testrunner.js | 210 +
test/data/testsuite.css | 158 +
test/data/text.php | 12 +
test/data/ua.txt | 272 +
test/data/with_fries.xml | 25 +
test/data/with_fries_over_jsonp.php | 7 +
test/delegatetest.html | 228 +
test/hovertest.html | 158 +
test/index.html | 299 +
test/jquery.js | 69 +
test/libs/qunit/qunit.css | 237 +
test/libs/qunit/qunit.js | 2288 +++++++
test/libs/require.js | 2068 +++++++
test/libs/sinon/fake_timers.js | 385 ++
test/libs/sinon/timers_ie.js | 31 +
test/localfile.html | 75 +
test/networkerror.html | 84 +
test/readywait.html | 70 +
test/unit/ajax.js | 2078 +++++++
test/unit/attributes.js | 1478 +++++
test/unit/callbacks.js | 342 +
test/unit/core.js | 1527 +++++
test/unit/css.js | 1152 ++++
test/unit/data.js | 684 ++
test/unit/deferred.js | 438 ++
test/unit/deprecated.js | 8 +
test/unit/dimensions.js | 473 ++
test/unit/effects.js | 2241 +++++++
test/unit/event.js | 2786 +++++++++
test/unit/exports.js | 7 +
test/unit/manipulation.js | 2453 ++++++++
test/unit/offset.js | 559 ++
test/unit/queue.js | 314 +
test/unit/ready.js | 73 +
test/unit/selector.js | 509 ++
test/unit/serialize.js | 148 +
test/unit/support.js | 660 ++
test/unit/traversing.js | 883 +++
test/unit/wrap.js | 301 +
test/xhtml.php | 5 +
223 files changed, 61052 insertions(+)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/jquery.git
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