[Pkg-javascript-commits] [codemirror-js] 06/07: Merge tag 'upstream/5.4.0'

Dmitry Smirnov onlyjob at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jul 1 03:16:29 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

onlyjob pushed a commit to branch master
in repository codemirror-js.

commit 881fec1
Merge: 3d9e1c0 1c7a501
Author: Dmitry Smirnov <onlyjob at member.fsf.org>
Date:   Wed Jul 1 03:03:09 2015

    Merge tag 'upstream/5.4.0'
    Upstream version 5.4.0

 .gitattributes                                  |     8 +
 .gitignore                                      |     8 +
 .travis.yml                                     |     3 +
 AUTHORS                                         |   466 +
 CONTRIBUTING.md                                 |    87 +
 LICENSE                                         |     6 +-
 README.md                                       |    16 +-
 addon/comment/comment.js                        |   183 +
 addon/comment/continuecomment.js                |    85 +
 {lib/util => addon/dialog}/dialog.css           |    25 +-
 addon/dialog/dialog.js                          |   157 +
 addon/display/fullscreen.css                    |     6 +
 addon/display/fullscreen.js                     |    41 +
 addon/display/panel.js                          |   112 +
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 addon/edit/closetag.js                          |   166 +
 addon/edit/continuelist.js                      |    51 +
 addon/edit/matchbrackets.js                     |   120 +
 addon/edit/matchtags.js                         |    66 +
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 addon/fold/foldgutter.js                        |   146 +
 addon/fold/indent-fold.js                       |    44 +
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 addon/hint/anyword-hint.js                      |    41 +
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 {lib/util => addon/hint}/javascript-hint.js     |   122 +-
 addon/hint/show-hint.css                        |    38 +
 addon/hint/show-hint.js                         |   383 +
 addon/hint/sql-hint.js                          |   254 +
 addon/hint/xml-hint.js                          |   110 +
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 addon/lint/css-lint.js                          |    35 +
 addon/lint/javascript-lint.js                   |   136 +
 addon/lint/json-lint.js                         |    31 +
 addon/lint/lint.css                             |    73 +
 addon/lint/lint.js                              |   207 +
 addon/lint/yaml-lint.js                         |    28 +
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 addon/merge/merge.js                            |   775 ++
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 addon/mode/multiplex.js                         |   123 +
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 addon/mode/overlay.js                           |    85 +
 addon/mode/simple.js                            |   213 +
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 addon/runmode/runmode.js                        |    72 +
 addon/runmode/runmode.node.js                   |   178 +
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 addon/scroll/scrollpastend.js                   |    46 +
 addon/scroll/simplescrollbars.css               |    66 +
 addon/scroll/simplescrollbars.js                |   147 +
 addon/search/match-highlighter.js               |   128 +
 addon/search/matchesonscrollbar.css             |     8 +
 addon/search/matchesonscrollbar.js              |    97 +
 addon/search/search.js                          |   167 +
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 addon/selection/mark-selection.js               |   118 +
 addon/selection/selection-pointer.js            |    98 +
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 addon/tern/tern.js                              |   699 ++
 addon/tern/worker.js                            |    44 +
 addon/wrap/hardwrap.js                          |   139 +
 bin/authors.sh                                  |     6 +
 bin/compress                                    |    92 +
 bin/lint                                        |     3 +
 bin/release                                     |    45 +
 bin/source-highlight                            |    51 +
 bower.json                                      |    17 +
 demo/activeline.html                            |    48 +-
 demo/anywordhint.html                           |    79 +
 demo/bidi.html                                  |    74 +
 demo/btree.html                                 |    85 +
 demo/buffers.html                               |   109 +
 demo/changemode.html                            |    52 +-
 demo/closebrackets.html                         |    52 +
 demo/closetag.html                              |   115 +-
 demo/complete.html                              |    56 +-
 demo/emacs.html                                 |    48 +-
 demo/folding.html                               |   118 +-
 demo/formatting.html                            |    80 -
 demo/fullscreen.html                            |   207 +-
 demo/hardwrap.html                              |    72 +
 demo/html5complete.html                         |    56 +
 demo/indentwrap.html                            |    59 +
 demo/lint.html                                  |   171 +
 demo/loadmode.html                              |    72 +
 demo/marker.html                                |    86 +-
 demo/markselection.html                         |    52 +
 demo/matchhighlighter.html                      |    56 +-
 demo/matchtags.html                             |    48 +
 demo/merge.html                                 |   122 +
 demo/multiplex.html                             |    75 +
 demo/mustache.html                              |    52 +-
 demo/panel.html                                 |   136 +
 demo/placeholder.html                           |    45 +
 demo/preview.html                               |    57 +-
 demo/requirejs.html                             |    70 +
 demo/resize.html                                |    60 +-
 demo/rulers.html                                |    49 +
 demo/runmode.html                               |    41 +-
 demo/search.html                                |   128 +-
 demo/simplemode.html                            |   186 +
 demo/simplescrollbars.html                      |    82 +
 demo/spanaffectswrapping_shim.html              |    85 +
 demo/sublime.html                               |    76 +
 demo/tern.html                                  |   133 +
 demo/theme.html                                 |   138 +-
 demo/trailingspace.html                         |    48 +
 demo/variableheight.html                        |    67 +
 demo/vim.html                                   |   102 +-
 demo/visibletabs.html                           |    57 +-
 demo/widget.html                                |    85 +
 demo/xmlcomplete.html                           |   119 +
 doc/activebookmark.js                           |    57 +
 doc/baboon.png                                  |   Bin 23299 -> 0 bytes
 doc/baboon_vector.svg                           |   153 -
 doc/compress.html                               |   296 +-
 doc/docs.css                                    |   315 +-
 doc/internals.html                              |   117 +-
 doc/logo.png                                    |   Bin 0 -> 9310 bytes
 doc/logo.svg                                    |   181 +
 doc/manual.html                                 |  3457 +++++--
 doc/oldrelease.html                             |   227 -
 doc/realworld.html                              |   174 +
 doc/releases.html                               |  1103 +++
 doc/reporting.html                              |    42 +-
 doc/upgrade_v2.2.html                           |    43 +-
 doc/upgrade_v3.html                             |   230 +
 doc/upgrade_v4.html                             |   144 +
 doc/yinyang.png                                 |   Bin 0 -> 4633 bytes
 index.html                                      |   562 +-
 keymap/emacs.js                                 |   427 +-
 keymap/sublime.js                               |   553 ++
 keymap/vim.js                                   |  5395 ++++++++++-
 lib/codemirror.css                              |   357 +-
 lib/codemirror.js                               | 10889 +++++++++++++++++-----
 lib/util/closetag.js                            |   174 -
 lib/util/dialog.js                              |    63 -
 lib/util/foldcode.js                            |   186 -
 lib/util/formatting.js                          |   294 -
 lib/util/match-highlighter.js                   |    44 -
 lib/util/overlay.js                             |    51 -
 lib/util/runmode.js                             |    49 -
 lib/util/search.js                              |   114 -
 lib/util/searchcursor.js                        |   117 -
 lib/util/simple-hint.css                        |    16 -
 lib/util/simple-hint.js                         |    72 -
 mode/apl/apl.js                                 |   174 +
 mode/apl/index.html                             |    72 +
 mode/asciiarmor/asciiarmor.js                   |    73 +
 mode/asciiarmor/index.html                      |    46 +
 mode/asn.1/asn.1.js                             |   204 +
 mode/asn.1/index.html                           |    78 +
 mode/asterisk/asterisk.js                       |   196 +
 mode/asterisk/index.html                        |   154 +
 mode/clike/clike.js                             |   451 +-
 mode/clike/index.html                           |   190 +-
 mode/clike/scala.html                           |   767 ++
 mode/clike/test.js                              |    33 +
 mode/clojure/clojure.js                         |    91 +-
 mode/clojure/index.html                         |    64 +-
 mode/cmake/cmake.js                             |    97 +
 mode/cmake/index.html                           |   129 +
 mode/cobol/cobol.js                             |   255 +
 mode/cobol/index.html                           |   210 +
 mode/coffeescript/LICENSE                       |    22 -
 mode/coffeescript/coffeescript.js               |   638 +-
 mode/coffeescript/index.html                    |    49 +-
 mode/commonlisp/commonlisp.js                   |   123 +
 mode/commonlisp/index.html                      |   177 +
 mode/css/css.js                                 |   792 +-
 mode/css/index.html                             |    52 +-
 mode/css/less.html                              |   152 +
 mode/css/less_test.js                           |    54 +
 mode/css/scss.html                              |   157 +
 mode/css/scss_test.js                           |   110 +
 mode/css/test.js                                |   188 +
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 mode/{verilog/verilog.js => d/d.js}             |   412 +-
 mode/d/index.html                               |   273 +
 mode/dart/dart.js                               |    50 +
 mode/dart/index.html                            |    71 +
 mode/diff/diff.css                              |     3 -
 mode/diff/diff.js                               |    44 +-
 mode/diff/index.html                            |    52 +-
 mode/django/django.js                           |   350 +
 mode/django/index.html                          |    73 +
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 mode/dockerfile/index.html                      |    73 +
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 mode/dtd/index.html                             |    89 +
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 mode/dylan/index.html                           |   407 +
 mode/ebnf/ebnf.js                               |   195 +
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 mode/eiffel/index.html                          |   429 +
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 mode/elm/index.html                             |    61 +
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 mode/factor/index.html                          |    77 +
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 mode/forth/index.html                           |    75 +
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 mode/{javascript/javascript.js => haxe/haxe.js} |   292 +-
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 mode/http/http.js                               |   113 +
 mode/http/index.html                            |    45 +
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 mode/idl/index.html                             |    64 +
 mode/index.html                                 |   146 +
 mode/jade/index.html                            |    70 +
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 mode/javascript/index.html                      |    73 +-
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 mode/javascript/json-ld.html                    |    72 +
 mode/javascript/test.js                         |   205 +
 mode/javascript/typescript.html                 |    61 +
 mode/jinja2/index.html                          |    77 +-
 mode/jinja2/jinja2.js                           |   168 +-
 mode/julia/index.html                           |   195 +
 mode/julia/julia.js                             |   299 +
 mode/kotlin/index.html                          |    89 +
 mode/{groovy/groovy.js => kotlin/kotlin.js}     |   134 +-
 mode/less/index.html                            |   603 --
 mode/less/less.js                               |   218 -
 mode/livescript/index.html                      |   459 +
 mode/livescript/livescript.js                   |   280 +
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 mode/lua/lua.js                                 |    37 +-
 mode/markdown/index.html                        |    57 +-
 mode/markdown/markdown.js                       |   714 +-
 mode/markdown/test.js                           |   792 ++
 mode/mathematica/index.html                     |    72 +
 mode/mathematica/mathematica.js                 |   175 +
 mode/meta.js                                    |   188 +
 mode/mirc/index.html                            |   160 +
 mode/mirc/mirc.js                               |   193 +
 mode/mllike/index.html                          |   179 +
 mode/mllike/mllike.js                           |   205 +
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 mode/modelica/modelica.js                       |   245 +
 mode/mumps/index.html                           |    85 +
 mode/mumps/mumps.js                             |   148 +
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 mode/mysql/mysql.js                             |   188 -
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 mode/pascal/index.html                          |    41 +-
 mode/pascal/pascal.js                           |    23 +-
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 mode/pegjs/pegjs.js                             |   114 +
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 mode/php/test.js                                |   154 +
 mode/pig/index.html                             |    55 +
 mode/pig/pig.js                                 |   178 +
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 mode/properties/index.html                      |    41 +-
 mode/properties/properties.js                   |    17 +-
 mode/puppet/index.html                          |   121 +
 mode/puppet/puppet.js                           |   220 +
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 mode/python/index.html                          |   112 +-
 mode/python/python.js                           |   642 +-
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 mode/r/r.js                                     |    27 +-
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 mode/rpm/{spec/spec.js => rpm.js}               |    41 +-
 mode/rpm/spec/spec.css                          |     5 -
 mode/rst/index.html                             |    60 +-
 mode/rst/rst.js                                 |   815 +-
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 mode/ruby/index.html                            |    46 +-
 mode/ruby/ruby.js                               |   167 +-
 mode/ruby/test.js                               |    14 +
 mode/rust/index.html                            |    44 +-
 mode/rust/rust.js                               |    31 +-
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 mode/sass/sass.js                               |   414 +
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 mode/scheme/scheme.js                           |   151 +-
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 mode/sieve/sieve.js                             |   193 +
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 mode/sparql/sparql.js                           |    51 +-
 mode/spreadsheet/index.html                     |    42 +
 mode/spreadsheet/spreadsheet.js                 |   109 +
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 mode/stex/test.js                               |   123 +
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 mode/stylus/stylus.js                           |   768 ++
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 mode/swift/swift.js                             |   203 +
 mode/tcl/index.html                             |   142 +
 mode/tcl/tcl.js                                 |   147 +
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 mode/tiki/tiki.css                              |    26 +
 mode/tiki/tiki.js                               |   312 +
 mode/toml/index.html                            |    73 +
 mode/toml/toml.js                               |    88 +
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 mode/ttcn/index.html                            |   118 +
 mode/ttcn/ttcn.js                               |   283 +
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 mode/{sparql/sparql.js => turtle/turtle.js}     |    67 +-
 mode/twig/index.html                            |    45 +
 mode/twig/twig.js                               |   132 +
 mode/vb/index.html                              |   102 +
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 mode/vbscript/index.html                        |    43 +-
 mode/vbscript/vbscript.js                       |   368 +-
 mode/velocity/index.html                        |    49 +-
 mode/velocity/velocity.js                       |    87 +-
 mode/verilog/index.html                         |   302 +-
 mode/verilog/test.js                            |   273 +
 mode/verilog/verilog.js                         |   731 +-
 mode/xml/index.html                             |    43 +-
 mode/xml/test.js                                |    51 +
 mode/xml/xml.js                                 |   346 +-
 mode/xmlpure/index.html                         |    58 -
 mode/xmlpure/xmlpure.js                         |   490 -
 mode/xquery/LICENSE                             |    20 -
 mode/xquery/index.html                          |    80 +-
 mode/xquery/test.js                             |    67 +
 mode/xquery/test/index.html                     |    27 -
 mode/xquery/test/testBase.js                    |    42 -
 mode/xquery/test/testEmptySequenceKeyword.js    |    16 -
 mode/xquery/test/testMultiAttr.js               |    16 -
 mode/xquery/test/testNamespaces.js              |    91 -
 mode/xquery/test/testProcessingInstructions.js  |    16 -
 mode/xquery/test/testQuotes.js                  |    19 -
 mode/xquery/xquery.js                           |   237 +-
 mode/yaml/index.html                            |    41 +-
 mode/yaml/yaml.js                               |   202 +-
 mode/z80/index.html                             |    53 +
 mode/z80/z80.js                                 |   116 +
 package.json                                    |    20 +
 test/comment_test.js                            |   100 +
 test/doc_test.js                                |   371 +
 test/driver.js                                  |   138 +
 test/emacs_test.js                              |   141 +
 test/index.html                                 |   255 +-
 test/lint.js                                    |    11 +
 test/mode_test.css                              |    13 +-
 test/mode_test.js                               |   306 +-
 test/multi_test.js                              |   285 +
 test/phantom_driver.js                          |    31 +
 test/run.js                                     |    31 +
 test/scroll_test.js                             |   105 +
 test/search_test.js                             |    62 +
 test/sql-hint-test.js                           |   189 +
 test/sublime_test.js                            |   303 +
 test/test.js                                    |  2043 +++-
 test/vim_test.js                                |  3952 ++++++++
 theme/3024-day.css                              |    40 +
 theme/3024-night.css                            |    39 +
 theme/ambiance-mobile.css                       |     5 +
 theme/ambiance.css                              |    76 +
 theme/base16-dark.css                           |    38 +
 theme/base16-light.css                          |    38 +
 theme/blackboard.css                            |    32 +
 theme/cobalt.css                                |    15 +-
 theme/colorforth.css                            |    33 +
 theme/eclipse.css                               |     8 +-
 theme/elegant.css                               |     5 +-
 theme/erlang-dark.css                           |    34 +
 theme/lesser-dark.css                           |    32 +-
 theme/liquibyte.css                             |    95 +
 theme/mbo.css                                   |    37 +
 theme/mdn-like.css                              |    46 +
 theme/midnight.css                              |    47 +
 theme/monokai.css                               |    17 +-
 theme/neat.css                                  |     3 +
 theme/neo.css                                   |    43 +
 theme/night.css                                 |    17 +-
 theme/paraiso-dark.css                          |    38 +
 theme/paraiso-light.css                         |    38 +
 theme/pastel-on-dark.css                        |    53 +
 theme/rubyblue.css                              |    16 +-
 theme/solarized.css                             |   165 +
 theme/the-matrix.css                            |    30 +
 theme/tomorrow-night-bright.css                 |    35 +
 theme/tomorrow-night-eighties.css               |    38 +
 theme/ttcn.css                                  |    65 +
 theme/twilight.css                              |    32 +
 theme/vibrant-ink.css                           |    34 +
 theme/xq-dark.css                               |    17 +-
 theme/xq-light.css                              |    43 +
 theme/zenburn.css                               |    37 +
 471 files changed, 76782 insertions(+), 14834 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/codemirror-js.git

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