[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-bluebird] 06/11: Imported Upstream version 2.9.13+dfsg

Ross Gammon ross-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Mar 2 23:21:31 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ross-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository node-bluebird.

commit d5fcdfeb4a2733dc4d03e2b9f3c578b23c8e2ea2
Author: Ross Gammon <rossgammon at mail.dk>
Date:   Mon Mar 2 22:43:29 2015 +0100

    Imported Upstream version 2.9.13+dfsg
 benchmark/README.md                                |  72 ----
 benchmark/analysis/promises-bluebird-parallel.js   |  22 -
 benchmark/analysis/promises-bluebird.js            |  59 ---
 .../doxbee-sequential-errors/callbacks-baseline.js |  68 ---
 .../callbacks-caolan-async-waterfall.js            |  71 ---
 .../promises-bluebird-generator.js                 |  49 ---
 .../doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-bluebird.js  |  63 ---
 .../promises-calvinmetcalf-liar.js                 |  65 ---
 .../promises-cujojs-when.js                        |  63 ---
 .../promises-dfilatov-vow.js                       |  63 ---
 .../promises-kriskowal-q.js                        |  63 ---
 .../promises-lvivski-davy.js                       |  63 ---
 .../promises-medikoo-deferred.js                   |  69 ---
 .../promises-obvious-kew.js                        |  64 ---
 .../promises-then-promise.js                       |  65 ---
 .../promises-tildeio-rsvp.js                       |  64 ---
 benchmark/doxbee-sequential/callbacks-baseline.js  |  59 ---
 .../callbacks-caolan-async-waterfall.js            |  71 ---
 benchmark/doxbee-sequential/generators-tj-co.js    |  53 ---
 .../observables-Reactive-Extensions-RxJS.js        |  62 ---
 .../observables-baconjs-bacon.js.js                |  62 ---
 .../observables-caolan-highland.js                 |  57 ---
 .../promises-bluebird-generator.js                 |  45 --
 benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-bluebird.js   |  59 ---
 .../promises-calvinmetcalf-lie.js                  |  61 ---
 .../doxbee-sequential/promises-cujojs-when.js      |  59 ---
 .../doxbee-sequential/promises-dfilatov-vow.js     |  59 ---
 .../promises-ecmascript6-native.js                 |  67 ---
 .../doxbee-sequential/promises-kriskowal-q.js      |  59 ---
 .../doxbee-sequential/promises-lvivski-davy.js     |  58 ---
 .../doxbee-sequential/promises-medikoo-deferred.js |  65 ---
 .../doxbee-sequential/promises-obvious-kew.js      |  60 ---
 .../doxbee-sequential/promises-then-promise.js     |  61 ---
 .../doxbee-sequential/promises-tildeio-rsvp.js     |  60 ---
 benchmark/lib/catcher.js                           |  48 ---
 benchmark/lib/dummy.js                             |  30 --
 benchmark/lib/fakemaker.js                         |  92 ----
 benchmark/lib/fakes-ctx.js                         |  39 --
 benchmark/lib/fakes.js                             |   8 -
 benchmark/lib/fakesC.js                            |  18 -
 benchmark/lib/fakesO.js                            |  29 --
 benchmark/lib/fakesObservable.js                   |  35 --
 benchmark/lib/fakesP-ctx.js                        |  79 ----
 benchmark/lib/fakesP.js                            | 105 -----
 benchmark/lib/fakesSJS-dst.js                      |   4 -
 benchmark/lib/fakesSJS-src.sjs                     |  56 ---
 benchmark/lib/promiseSupport.js                    |  51 ---
 benchmark/lib/timers-ctx.js                        | 479 ---------------------
 benchmark/madeup-parallel/callbacks-baseline.js    |  25 --
 .../callbacks-caolan-async-parallel.js             |  29 --
 .../madeup-parallel/promises-bluebird-generator.js |  23 -
 benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-bluebird.js     |  21 -
 .../madeup-parallel/promises-calvinmetcalf-lie.js  |  22 -
 benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-cujojs-when.js  |  22 -
 benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-dfilatov-vow.js |  21 -
 .../madeup-parallel/promises-ecmascript6-native.js |  27 --
 benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-lvivski-davy.js |  22 -
 .../madeup-parallel/promises-medikoo-deferred.js   |  27 --
 benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-obvious-kew.js  |  22 -
 benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-then-promise.js |  22 -
 benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-tildeio-rsvp.js |  22 -
 benchmark/package.json                             |  35 --
 benchmark/performance.js                           | 177 --------
 63 files changed, 3650 deletions(-)

diff --git a/benchmark/README.md b/benchmark/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 640c690..0000000
--- a/benchmark/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-**2015-01-05** Latest results, using latest versions of modules:
-    ├── async at 0.9.0
-    ├── davy at 0.3.3
-    ├── deferred at 0.7.1
-    ├── kew at 0.5.0-alpha.1
-    ├── lie at 2.8.0
-    ├── optimist at 0.6.1
-    ├── promise at 6.0.1
-    ├── q at 1.1.2
-    ├── rsvp at 3.0.16
-    ├── vow at 0.4.7
-    └── when at 3.6.4
-    ├── rx at 2.3.25
-    ├── co at 4.2.0
-    ├── baconjs at 0.7.43
-    ├── highland at 2.3.0
-bench doxbee-sequential
-    results for 10000 parallel executions, 1 ms per I/O op
-    file                                     time(ms)  memory(MB)
-    callbacks-baseline.js                         232       35.86
-    promises-bluebird-generator.js                235       38.04
-    promises-bluebird.js                          335       52.08
-    promises-cujojs-when.js                       405       75.77
-    promises-tildeio-rsvp.js                      468       87.56
-    promises-dfilatov-vow.js                      578      125.98
-    callbacks-caolan-async-waterfall.js           634       88.64
-    promises-lvivski-davy.js                      653      109.64
-    promises-calvinmetcalf-lie.js                 732      165.41
-    promises-obvious-kew.js                      1346      261.69
-    promises-ecmascript6-native.js               1348      189.29
-    generators-tj-co.js                          1419      164.03
-    promises-then-promise.js                     1571      294.45
-    promises-medikoo-deferred.js                 2091      262.18
-    observables-Reactive-Extensions-RxJS.js      3201      356.76
-    observables-caolan-highland.js               7429      616.78
-    promises-kriskowal-q.js                      9952      694.23
-    observables-baconjs-bacon.js.js             25805      885.55
-    Platform info:
-    Windows_NT 6.1.7601 x64
-    Node.JS 1.1.0
-    V8
-    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz × 4
-bench parallel (`--p 25`)
-results for 10000 parallel executions, 1 ms per I/O op
-    file                                time(ms)  memory(MB)
-    callbacks-baseline.js                    211       25.57
-    promises-bluebird.js                     389       53.49
-    promises-bluebird-generator.js           491       55.52
-    promises-tildeio-rsvp.js                 785      108.14
-    promises-dfilatov-vow.js                 798      102.08
-    promises-cujojs-when.js                  851       60.46
-    promises-calvinmetcalf-lie.js           1065      187.69
-    promises-lvivski-davy.js                1298      135.43
-    callbacks-caolan-async-parallel.js      1780      101.11
-    promises-then-promise.js                2438      338.91
-    promises-ecmascript6-native.js          3532      301.96
-    promises-medikoo-deferred.js            4207      357.60
-    promises-obvious-kew.js                 8311      559.24
-    Platform info:
-    Windows_NT 6.1.7601 ia32
-    Node.JS 0.11.14
-    V8 3.26.33
-    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz × 4
diff --git a/benchmark/analysis/promises-bluebird-parallel.js b/benchmark/analysis/promises-bluebird-parallel.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b63367..0000000
--- a/benchmark/analysis/promises-bluebird-parallel.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-global.useBluebird = true;
-global.useQ = false;
-global.parallelQueries = 25;
-var Promise = require('../../js/main/bluebird.js');
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var queries = new Array(global.parallelQueries);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    for( var i = 0, len = queries.length; i < len; ++i ) {
-        queries[i] = FileVersion.insert({index: i}).execWithin(tx);
-    }
-    Promise.all(queries).then().then(function() {
-        tx.commit();
-        done();
-    }, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/analysis/promises-bluebird.js b/benchmark/analysis/promises-bluebird.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 758c7f6..0000000
--- a/benchmark/analysis/promises-bluebird.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-global.useBluebird = true;
-global.useQ = false;
-var bluebird = require('../../js/main/bluebird.js');
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobIdP = blob.put(stream);
-    var fileP = self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-    var version, fileId, file;
-    bluebird.all([blobIdP, fileP]).spread(function(blobId, fileV) {
-        file = fileV;
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        return Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            var newId = uuid.v1();
-            return self.createQuery(idOrPath, {
-                id: newId,
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            }).then(function(q) {
-                return q.execWithin(tx);
-            }).then(function() {
-                return newId;
-            });
-        } else {
-            return file.id;
-        }
-    }).then(function(fileIdV) {
-        fileId = fileIdV;
-        return FileVersion.insert({
-            fileId: fileId,
-            versionId: version.id
-        }).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        return File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        tx.commit();
-        return done();
-    }, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        return done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/callbacks-baseline.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/callbacks-baseline.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d152c5..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/callbacks-baseline.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    function backoff(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        return done(err);
-    }
-    var intentionalErrorShouldBeTriggered = function(){
-    }
-    blob.put(stream, function (err, blobId) {
-        if (err) return done(err);
-        self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get(function (err, file) {
-            if (err) return done(err);
-            var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-            var version = {
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                date: new Date(),
-                blobId: blobId,
-                creatorId: userAccount.id,
-                previousId: previousId,
-            };
-            version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-            Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx, function (err) {
-                if (err) return backoff(err);
-                if(intentionalErrorShouldBeTriggered()) return done(new Error("intentional failure"));
-                if (!file) {
-                    var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-                    var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-                    var newId = uuid.v1();
-                    self.createQuery(idOrPath, {
-                        id: newId,
-                        userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                        name: fileName,
-                        version: version.id
-                    }, function (err, q) {
-                        if (err) return backoff(err);
-                        if(intentionalErrorShouldBeTriggered()) return done(new Error("intentional failure"));
-                        q.execWithin(tx, function (err) {
-                            afterFileExists(err, newId);
-                        });
-                    })
-                }
-                else return afterFileExists(null, file.id);
-            });
-            function afterFileExists(err, fileId) {
-                if (err) return backoff(err);
-                if(intentionalErrorShouldBeTriggered()) return done(new Error("intentional failure"));
-                FileVersion.insert({fileId: fileId,versionId: version.id})
-                    .execWithin(tx, function (err) {
-                        if (err) return backoff(err);
-                        if(intentionalErrorShouldBeTriggered()) return done(new Error("intentional failure"));
-                        File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {
-                            version: version.id
-                        }).execWithin(tx, function (err) {
-                            if (err) return backoff(err);
-                            if(intentionalErrorShouldBeTriggered()) return done(new Error("intentional failure"));
-                            tx.commit(done);
-                        });
-                })
-            }
-        });
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/callbacks-caolan-async-waterfall.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/callbacks-caolan-async-waterfall.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 439f9bb..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/callbacks-caolan-async-waterfall.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-var async = require('async');
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobId, file, version, fileId;
-    async.waterfall([
-        function writeBlob(callback) {
-            blob.put(stream, callback);
-        },
-        function afterBlobWritten(callback) {
-            blobId = undefined // iBlobId;
-            self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get(callback);
-        },
-        function afterFileFetched(callback) {
-            file = undefined; //iFile;
-            var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-            version = {
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                date: new Date(),
-                blobId: blobId,
-                creatorId: userAccount.id,
-                previousId: previousId,
-                mergedId: null,
-                mergeType: 'mine',
-                comment: '',
-                tag: tag
-            };
-            version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-            Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx, callback);
-        },
-        function afterVersionInserted(callback) {
-            if (!file) {
-                var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-                var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-                var newId = uuid.v1();
-                self.createQuery(idOrPath, {
-                    id: newId,
-                    userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                    type: 'file',
-                    name: fileName,
-                    version: version.id
-                }, function (err, q) {
-                    if (err) return backoff(err);
-                    q.execWithin(tx, function (err) {
-                        callback(err, newId);
-                    });
-                })
-            }
-            else return callback(null, file.id);
-        },
-        function afterFileExists(iFileId, callback) {
-            fileId = iFileId; 
-            FileVersion.insert({fileId: fileId, versionId: version.id})
-                .execWithin(tx, callback);
-        },
-        function afterFileVersionInserted(callback) {
-            File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, { version: version.id })
-                .execWithin(tx, callback);
-        },
-        function afterFileUpdated(callback) {
-            tx.commit(callback);
-        }
-    ],
-    function (err) {
-        if (err) tx.rollback();
-        done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-bluebird-generator.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-bluebird-generator.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e2a4c84..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-bluebird-generator.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-global.useBluebird = true;
-global.useQ = false;
-var bluebird = require('../../js/main/bluebird.js');
-module.exports = bluebird.coroutine(function* upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    try {
-        var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-        var tx = db.begin();
-        var blobId = yield blob.put(stream);
-        var file = yield self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        yield Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            file = {
-                id: uuid.v1(),
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            }
-            var query = yield self.createQuery(idOrPath, file);
-            yield query.execWithin(tx);
-            triggerIntentionalError();
-        }
-        yield FileVersion.insert({fileId: file.id, versionId: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        yield File.whereUpdate({id: file.id}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        tx.commit();
-        done();
-    } catch (err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        done(err);
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-bluebird.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-bluebird.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c83103..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-bluebird.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-global.useBluebird = true;
-global.useQ = false;
-var bluebird = require('../../js/main/bluebird.js');
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobIdP = blob.put(stream);
-    var fileP = self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-    var version, fileId, file;
-    bluebird.all([blobIdP, fileP]).spread(function(blobId, fileV) {
-        file = fileV;
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        return Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            var newId = uuid.v1();
-            return self.createQuery(idOrPath, {
-                id: newId,
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            }).then(function(q) {
-                return q.execWithin(tx);
-            }).then(function() {
-                return newId;
-            });
-        } else {
-            return file.id;
-        }
-    }).then(function(fileIdV) {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        fileId = fileIdV;
-        return FileVersion.insert({
-            fileId: fileId,
-            versionId: version.id
-        }).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        return File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        tx.commit();
-        return done();
-    }).then(null, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        return done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-calvinmetcalf-liar.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-calvinmetcalf-liar.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b449639..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-calvinmetcalf-liar.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-global.useLiar = true;
-var promise = require("liar");
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobIdP = blob.put(stream);
-    var fileP = self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-    var version, fileId, file;
-    promise.all([blobIdP, fileP]).then(function(all) {
-        var blobId = all[0], fileV = all[1];
-        file = fileV;
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        return Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            var newId = uuid.v1();
-            return self.createQueryCtxless(idOrPath, {
-                id: newId,
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            }).then(function(q) {
-                return q.execWithin(tx);
-            }).then(function() {
-                return newId;
-            });
-        } else {
-            return file.id;
-        }
-    }).then(function(fileIdV) {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        fileId = fileIdV;
-        return FileVersion.insert({
-            fileId: fileId,
-            versionId: version.id
-        }).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        return File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        tx.commit();
-        return done();
-    }).then(null, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        return done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-cujojs-when.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-cujojs-when.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f0f677e..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-cujojs-when.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-var when = require('when'),
-    fn = require('when/function'),
-    p = require('../lib/promiseSupport.js');
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobIdP = blob.put(stream);
-    var fileP = self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-    var version, fileId, file;
-    when([blobIdP, fileP]).spread(function(blobId, fileV) {
-        file = fileV;
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        return Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            var newId = uuid.v1();
-            return self.createQuery(idOrPath, {
-                id: newId,
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            }).then(function(q) {
-                return q.execWithin(tx);
-            }).then(function() {
-                return newId;
-            });
-        } else {
-            return file.id;
-        }
-    }).then(function(fileIdV) {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        fileId = fileIdV;
-        return FileVersion.insert({
-            fileId: fileId,
-            versionId: version.id
-        }).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        return File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        tx.commit();
-        return done();
-    }).then(null, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        return done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-dfilatov-vow.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-dfilatov-vow.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e6e9bcb..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-dfilatov-vow.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-var vow = require('vow'),
-    p = require('../lib/promiseSupport.js');
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobIdP = blob.put(stream);
-    var fileP = self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-    var version, fileId, file;
-    vow.all([blobIdP, fileP]).spread(function(blobId, fileV) {
-        file = fileV;
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        return Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            var newId = uuid.v1();
-            return self.createQuery(idOrPath, {
-                id: newId,
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            }).then(function(q) {
-                return q.execWithin(tx);
-            }).then(function() {
-                return newId;
-            });
-        } else {
-            return file.id;
-        }
-    }).then(function(fileIdV) {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        fileId = fileIdV;
-        return FileVersion.insert({
-            fileId: fileId,
-            versionId: version.id
-        }).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        return File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        tx.commit();
-        return done();
-    }).then(null, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        return done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-kriskowal-q.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-kriskowal-q.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fd20c39..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-kriskowal-q.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-global.useQ = true;
-var q = require('q');
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobIdP = blob.put(stream);
-    var fileP = self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-    var version, fileId, file;
-    q.spread([blobIdP, fileP], function(blobId, fileV) {
-        file = fileV;
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        return Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            var newId = uuid.v1();
-            return self.createQuery(idOrPath, {
-                id: newId,
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            }).then(function(q) {
-                return q.execWithin(tx);
-            }).then(function() {
-                return newId;
-            });
-        } else {
-            return file.id;
-        }
-    }).then(function(fileIdV) {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        fileId = fileIdV;
-        return FileVersion.insert({
-            fileId: fileId,
-            versionId: version.id
-        }).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        return File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        tx.commit();
-        return done();
-    }).then(null, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        return done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-lvivski-davy.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-lvivski-davy.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 5d8932c..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-lvivski-davy.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-global.useDavy = true;
-var davy = require('davy');
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobIdP = blob.put(stream);
-    var fileP = self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-    var version, fileId, file;
-    davy.all([blobIdP, fileP]).spread(function(all) {
-        var blobId = all[0], fileV = all[1];
-        file = fileV;
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        return Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            var newId = uuid.v1();
-            return self.createQuery(idOrPath, {
-                id: newId,
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            }).then(function(q) {
-                return q.execWithin(tx);
-            }).then(function() {
-                return newId;
-            });
-        } else {
-            return file.id;
-        }
-    }).then(function(fileIdV) {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        fileId = fileIdV;
-        return FileVersion.insert({
-            fileId: fileId,
-            versionId: version.id
-        }).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        return File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        tx.commit();
-        return done();
-    }).then(null, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        return done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-medikoo-deferred.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-medikoo-deferred.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ef5a74..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-medikoo-deferred.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-global.useDeferred = true;
-var deferred = require('deferred');
-function identity(v) {
-    return v;
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobIdP = blob.put(stream);
-    var fileP = self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-    var version, fileId, file;
-    //Couldn't find .all in docs, this seems closest
-    deferred.map([blobIdP, fileP], identity)(function(all) {
-        var blobId = all[0], fileV = all[1];
-        file = fileV;
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        return Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-    })(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            var newId = uuid.v1();
-            return self.createQueryCtxless(idOrPath, {
-                id: newId,
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            })(function(q) {
-                return q.execWithin(tx);
-            })(function() {
-                return newId;
-            });
-        } else {
-            return file.id;
-        }
-    })(function(fileIdV) {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        fileId = fileIdV;
-        return FileVersion.insert({
-            fileId: fileId,
-            versionId: version.id
-        }).execWithin(tx);
-    })(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        return File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-    })(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        tx.commit();
-        return done();
-    }, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        return done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-obvious-kew.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-obvious-kew.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b6500c..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-obvious-kew.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-global.useKew = true;
-var q = require('kew');
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobIdP = blob.put(stream);
-    var fileP = self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-    var version, fileId, file;
-    q.all([blobIdP, fileP]).then(function(all) {
-        var blobId = all[0], fileV = all[1];
-        file = fileV;
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        return Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            var newId = uuid.v1();
-            return self.createQueryCtxless(idOrPath, {
-                id: newId,
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            }).then(function(q) {
-                return q.execWithin(tx);
-            }).then(function() {
-                return newId;
-            });
-        } else {
-            return file.id;
-        }
-    }).then(function(fileIdV) {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        fileId = fileIdV;
-        return FileVersion.insert({
-            fileId: fileId,
-            versionId: version.id
-        }).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        return File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        tx.commit();
-        return done();
-    }).then(null, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        return done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-then-promise.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-then-promise.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b26e91b..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-then-promise.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-global.useThenPromise = true;
-var promise = require("promise");
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobIdP = blob.put(stream);
-    var fileP = self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-    var version, fileId, file;
-    promise.all([blobIdP, fileP]).then(function(all) {
-        var blobId = all[0], fileV = all[1];
-        file = fileV;
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        return Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            var newId = uuid.v1();
-            return self.createQueryCtxless(idOrPath, {
-                id: newId,
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            }).then(function(q) {
-                return q.execWithin(tx);
-            }).then(function() {
-                return newId;
-            });
-        } else {
-            return file.id;
-        }
-    }).then(function(fileIdV) {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        fileId = fileIdV;
-        return FileVersion.insert({
-            fileId: fileId,
-            versionId: version.id
-        }).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        return File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        tx.commit();
-        return done();
-    }).then(null, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        return done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-tildeio-rsvp.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-tildeio-rsvp.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ad89c19..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential-errors/promises-tildeio-rsvp.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-global.useRSVP = true;
-var rsvp = require('rsvp');
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobIdP = blob.put(stream);
-    var fileP = self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-    var version, fileId, file;
-    rsvp.all([blobIdP, fileP]).then(function(all) {
-        var blobId = all[0], fileV = all[1];
-        file = fileV;
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        return Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            var newId = uuid.v1();
-            return self.createQueryCtxless(idOrPath, {
-                id: newId,
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            }).then(function(q) {
-                return q.execWithin(tx);
-            }).then(function() {
-                return newId;
-            });
-        } else {
-            return file.id;
-        }
-    }).then(function(fileIdV) {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        fileId = fileIdV;
-        return FileVersion.insert({
-            fileId: fileId,
-            versionId: version.id
-        }).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        return File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        triggerIntentionalError();
-        tx.commit();
-        return done();
-    }).then(null, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        return done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/callbacks-baseline.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/callbacks-baseline.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 60abe40..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/callbacks-baseline.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    function backoff(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        return done(err);
-    }
-    blob.put(stream, function (err, blobId) {
-        if (err) return done(err);
-        self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get(function (err, file) {
-            if (err) return done(err);
-            var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-            var version = {
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                date: new Date(),
-                blobId: blobId,
-                creatorId: userAccount.id,
-                previousId: previousId,
-            };
-            version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-            Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx, function (err) {
-                if (err) return backoff(err);
-                if (!file) {
-                    var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-                    var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-                    var newId = uuid.v1();
-                    self.createQuery(idOrPath, {
-                        id: newId,
-                        userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                        name: fileName,
-                        version: version.id
-                    }, function (err, q) {
-                        if (err) return backoff(err);
-                        q.execWithin(tx, function (err) {
-                            afterFileExists(err, newId);
-                        });
-                    })
-                }
-                else return afterFileExists(null, file.id);
-            });
-            function afterFileExists(err, fileId) {
-                if (err) return backoff(err);
-                FileVersion.insert({fileId: fileId,versionId: version.id})
-                    .execWithin(tx, function (err) {
-                        if (err) return backoff(err);
-                        File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {
-                            version: version.id
-                        }).execWithin(tx, function (err) {
-                            if (err) return backoff(err);
-                            tx.commit(done);
-                        });
-                })
-            }
-        });
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/callbacks-caolan-async-waterfall.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/callbacks-caolan-async-waterfall.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 439f9bb..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/callbacks-caolan-async-waterfall.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-var async = require('async');
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobId, file, version, fileId;
-    async.waterfall([
-        function writeBlob(callback) {
-            blob.put(stream, callback);
-        },
-        function afterBlobWritten(callback) {
-            blobId = undefined // iBlobId;
-            self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get(callback);
-        },
-        function afterFileFetched(callback) {
-            file = undefined; //iFile;
-            var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-            version = {
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                date: new Date(),
-                blobId: blobId,
-                creatorId: userAccount.id,
-                previousId: previousId,
-                mergedId: null,
-                mergeType: 'mine',
-                comment: '',
-                tag: tag
-            };
-            version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-            Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx, callback);
-        },
-        function afterVersionInserted(callback) {
-            if (!file) {
-                var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-                var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-                var newId = uuid.v1();
-                self.createQuery(idOrPath, {
-                    id: newId,
-                    userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                    type: 'file',
-                    name: fileName,
-                    version: version.id
-                }, function (err, q) {
-                    if (err) return backoff(err);
-                    q.execWithin(tx, function (err) {
-                        callback(err, newId);
-                    });
-                })
-            }
-            else return callback(null, file.id);
-        },
-        function afterFileExists(iFileId, callback) {
-            fileId = iFileId; 
-            FileVersion.insert({fileId: fileId, versionId: version.id})
-                .execWithin(tx, callback);
-        },
-        function afterFileVersionInserted(callback) {
-            File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, { version: version.id })
-                .execWithin(tx, callback);
-        },
-        function afterFileUpdated(callback) {
-            tx.commit(callback);
-        }
-    ],
-    function (err) {
-        if (err) tx.rollback();
-        done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/generators-tj-co.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/generators-tj-co.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4dd2290..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/generators-tj-co.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-global.useNative = true;
-try {
-    if (Promise.race.toString() !== 'function race() { [native code] }')
-        throw 0;
-} catch (e) {
-    throw new Error("No ES6 promises available");
-var co = require("co");
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    co(function* () {
-        try {
-            var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-            var tx = db.begin();
-            var blobId = yield blob.put(stream);
-            var file = yield self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-            var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-            version = {
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                date: new Date(),
-                blobId: blobId,
-                creatorId: userAccount.id,
-                previousId: previousId,
-            };
-            version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-            yield Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-            if (!file) {
-                var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-                var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-                file = {
-                    id: uuid.v1(),
-                    userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                    name: fileName,
-                    version: version.id
-                }
-                var query = yield self.createQuery(idOrPath, file);
-                yield query.execWithin(tx);
-            }
-            yield FileVersion.insert({fileId: file.id, versionId: version.id})
-                .execWithin(tx);
-            yield File.whereUpdate({id: file.id}, {version: version.id})
-                .execWithin(tx);
-            tx.commit();
-            done();
-        } catch (err) {
-            tx.rollback();
-            done(err);
-        }
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/observables-Reactive-Extensions-RxJS.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/observables-Reactive-Extensions-RxJS.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 85bc5eb..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/observables-Reactive-Extensions-RxJS.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-global.useRx = true;
-var Rx = require('rx');
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobIdP = blob.put(stream);
-    var fileP = self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-    var version, fileId, file;
-    Rx.Observable.forkJoin(blobIdP, fileP).flatMap(function(v) {
-        file = v[1];
-        var blobId = v[0];
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        return Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-    }).flatMap(function() {
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            var newId = uuid.v1();
-            return self.createQuery(idOrPath, {
-                id: newId,
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            }).flatMap(function(q) {
-                return q.execWithin(tx);
-            }).map(function() {
-                return newId;
-            });
-        } else {
-            return Rx.Observable.return(file.id);
-        }
-    }).flatMap(function(fileIdV) {
-        fileId = fileIdV;
-        return FileVersion.insert({
-            fileId: fileId,
-            versionId: version.id
-        }).execWithin(tx);
-    }).flatMap(function() {
-        return File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-    }).subscribe(function() {
-    }, function() {
-        tx.rollback();
-        done(err);
-    }, function() {
-        tx.commit();
-        done();
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/observables-baconjs-bacon.js.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/observables-baconjs-bacon.js.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 822b38c..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/observables-baconjs-bacon.js.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-global.useBacon = true;
-var Bacon = require('baconjs').Bacon;
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobIdP = blob.put(stream);
-    var fileP = self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-    var version, fileId, file;
-    var stream = Bacon.combineAsArray(blobIdP, fileP).flatMap(function(v) {
-        file = v[1];
-        var blobId = v[0];
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        return Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-    }).flatMap(function() {
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            var newId = uuid.v1();
-            return self.createQuery(idOrPath, {
-                id: newId,
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            }).flatMap(function(q) {
-                return q.execWithin(tx);
-            }).map(function() {
-                return newId;
-            });
-        } else {
-            return Bacon.constant(file.id);
-        }
-    }).flatMap(function(fileIdV) {
-        fileId = fileIdV;
-        return FileVersion.insert({
-            fileId: fileId,
-            versionId: version.id
-        }).execWithin(tx);
-    }).flatMap(function() {
-        return File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-    });
-    stream.onError(function() {
-        tx.rollback();
-        done(err);
-    });
-    stream.onValue(function() {
-        tx.commit();
-        done();
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/observables-caolan-highland.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/observables-caolan-highland.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e8272b1..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/observables-caolan-highland.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-global.useHighland = true;
-var _ = require("highland");
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobIdP = blob.put(stream);
-    var fileP = self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-    var version, fileId, file;
-    _([blobIdP, fileP]).merge().apply(function(blobId, file) {
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx).flatMap(function() {
-            if (!file) {
-                var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-                var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-                var newId = uuid.v1();
-                return self.createQuery(idOrPath, {
-                    id: newId,
-                    userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                    name: fileName,
-                    version: version.id
-                }).flatMap(function(q) {
-                    return q.execWithin(tx);
-                }).map(function() {
-                    return newId;
-                });
-            } else {
-                return _([file.id]);
-            }
-        }).flatMap(function(fileIdV) {
-            fileId = fileIdV;
-            return FileVersion.insert({
-                fileId: fileId,
-                versionId: version.id
-            }).execWithin(tx);
-        }).flatMap(function() {
-            return File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {version: version.id})
-                .execWithin(tx);
-        }).stopOnError(function(err) {
-            tx.rollback();
-            done(err);
-        }).apply(function(v) {
-            tx.commit();
-            done();
-        });
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-bluebird-generator.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-bluebird-generator.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7afd708..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-bluebird-generator.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-global.useBluebird = true;
-global.useQ = false;
-var bluebird = require('../../js/main/bluebird.js');
-module.exports = bluebird.coroutine(function* upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    try {
-        var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-        var tx = db.begin();
-        var blobId = yield blob.put(stream);
-        var file = yield self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        yield Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            file = {
-                id: uuid.v1(),
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            }
-            var query = yield self.createQuery(idOrPath, file);
-            yield query.execWithin(tx);
-        }
-        yield FileVersion.insert({fileId: file.id, versionId: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-        yield File.whereUpdate({id: file.id}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-        tx.commit();
-        done();
-    } catch (err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        done(err);
-    }
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-bluebird.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-bluebird.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 87447b9..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-bluebird.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-global.useBluebird = true;
-global.useQ = false;
-var bluebird = require('../../js/main/bluebird.js');
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobIdP = blob.put(stream);
-    var fileP = self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-    var version, fileId, file;
-    bluebird.join(blobIdP, fileP, function(blobId, fileV) {
-        file = fileV;
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        return Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            var newId = uuid.v1();
-            return self.createQuery(idOrPath, {
-                id: newId,
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            }).then(function(q) {
-                return q.execWithin(tx);
-            }).then(function() {
-                return newId;
-            });
-        } else {
-            return file.id;
-        }
-    }).then(function(fileIdV) {
-        fileId = fileIdV;
-        return FileVersion.insert({
-            fileId: fileId,
-            versionId: version.id
-        }).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        return File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        tx.commit();
-        return done();
-    }, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        return done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-calvinmetcalf-lie.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-calvinmetcalf-lie.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f041e19..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-calvinmetcalf-lie.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-global.useLie = true;
-var promise = require("lie");
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobIdP = blob.put(stream);
-    var fileP = self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-    var version, fileId, file;
-    promise.all([blobIdP, fileP]).then(function(all) {
-        var blobId = all[0], fileV = all[1];
-        file = fileV;
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        return Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            var newId = uuid.v1();
-            return self.createQueryCtxless(idOrPath, {
-                id: newId,
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            }).then(function(q) {
-                return q.execWithin(tx);
-            }).then(function() {
-                return newId;
-            });
-        } else {
-            return file.id;
-        }
-    }).then(function(fileIdV) {
-        fileId = fileIdV;
-        return FileVersion.insert({
-            fileId: fileId,
-            versionId: version.id
-        }).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        return File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        tx.commit();
-        return done();
-    }, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        return done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-cujojs-when.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-cujojs-when.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fffadd3..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-cujojs-when.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-var when = require('when'), 
-    fn = require('when/function'), 
-    p = require('../lib/promiseSupport.js');
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobIdP = blob.put(stream); 
-    var fileP = self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-    var version, fileId, file;
-    when([blobIdP, fileP]).spread(function(blobId, fileV) {        
-        file = fileV;
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        return Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            var newId = uuid.v1();
-            return self.createQuery(idOrPath, {
-                id: newId,
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            }).then(function(q) {
-                return q.execWithin(tx);
-            }).then(function() {
-                return newId;
-            });
-        } else {
-            return file.id;
-        }
-    }).then(function(fileIdV) {
-        fileId = fileIdV;
-        return FileVersion.insert({
-            fileId: fileId,
-            versionId: version.id
-        }).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        return File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        tx.commit();
-        return done();
-    }, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        return done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-dfilatov-vow.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-dfilatov-vow.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 812d881..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-dfilatov-vow.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-var vow = require('vow'),
-    p = require('../lib/promiseSupport.js');
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobIdP = blob.put(stream);
-    var fileP = self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-    var version, fileId, file;
-    vow.all([blobIdP, fileP]).spread(function(blobId, fileV) {
-        file = fileV;
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        return Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            var newId = uuid.v1();
-            return self.createQuery(idOrPath, {
-                id: newId,
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            }).then(function(q) {
-                return q.execWithin(tx);
-            }).then(function() {
-                return newId;
-            });
-        } else {
-            return file.id;
-        }
-    }).then(function(fileIdV) {
-        fileId = fileIdV;
-        return FileVersion.insert({
-            fileId: fileId,
-            versionId: version.id
-        }).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        return File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        tx.commit();
-        return done();
-    }, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        return done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-ecmascript6-native.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-ecmascript6-native.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bcd018..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-ecmascript6-native.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-global.useNative = true;
-try {
-    if (Promise.race.toString() !== 'function race() { [native code] }')
-        throw 0;
-} catch (e) {
-    throw new Error("No ES6 promises available");
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobIdP = blob.put(stream);
-    var fileP = self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-    var version, fileId, file;
-    Promise.all([blobIdP, fileP]).then(function(result) {
-        var blobId = result[0];
-        var fileV = result[1];
-        file = fileV;
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        return Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            var newId = uuid.v1();
-            return self.createQuery(idOrPath, {
-                id: newId,
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            }).then(function(q) {
-                return q.execWithin(tx);
-            }).then(function() {
-                return newId;
-            });
-        } else {
-            return file.id;
-        }
-    }).then(function(fileIdV) {
-        fileId = fileIdV;
-        return FileVersion.insert({
-            fileId: fileId,
-            versionId: version.id
-        }).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        return File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        tx.commit();
-        return done();
-    }, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        return done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-kriskowal-q.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-kriskowal-q.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a1345c0..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-kriskowal-q.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-global.useQ = true;
-var q = require('q');
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobIdP = blob.put(stream); 
-    var fileP = self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-    var version, fileId, file;
-    q.spread([blobIdP, fileP], function(blobId, fileV) {        
-        file = fileV;
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        return Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            var newId = uuid.v1();
-            return self.createQuery(idOrPath, {
-                id: newId,
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            }).then(function(q) {
-                return q.execWithin(tx);
-            }).then(function() {
-                return newId;
-            });
-        } else {
-            return file.id;
-        }
-    }).then(function(fileIdV) {
-        fileId = fileIdV;
-        return FileVersion.insert({
-            fileId: fileId,
-            versionId: version.id
-        }).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        return File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        tx.commit();
-        return done();
-    }, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        return done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-lvivski-davy.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-lvivski-davy.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 47fe5e8..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-lvivski-davy.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-global.useDavy = true;
-var davy = require('davy');
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobIdP = blob.put(stream);
-    var fileP = self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-    var version, fileId, file;
-    davy.all([blobIdP, fileP]).spread(function(blobId, fileV) {
-        file = fileV;
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        return Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            var newId = uuid.v1();
-            return self.createQuery(idOrPath, {
-                id: newId,
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            }).then(function(q) {
-                return q.execWithin(tx);
-            }).then(function() {
-                return newId;
-            });
-        } else {
-            return file.id;
-        }
-    }).then(function(fileIdV) {
-        fileId = fileIdV;
-        return FileVersion.insert({
-            fileId: fileId,
-            versionId: version.id
-        }).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        return File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        tx.commit();
-        return done();
-    }, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        return done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-medikoo-deferred.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-medikoo-deferred.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 908065e..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-medikoo-deferred.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-global.useDeferred = true;
-var deferred = require('deferred');
-function identity(v) {
-    return v;
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobIdP = blob.put(stream);
-    var fileP = self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-    var version, fileId, file;
-    //Couldn't find .all in docs, this seems closest
-    deferred.map([blobIdP, fileP], identity)(function(all) {
-        var blobId = all[0], fileV = all[1];
-        file = fileV;
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        return Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-    })(function() {
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            var newId = uuid.v1();
-            return self.createQueryCtxless(idOrPath, {
-                id: newId,
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            })(function(q) {
-                return q.execWithin(tx);
-            })(function() {
-                return newId;
-            });
-        } else {
-            return file.id;
-        }
-    })(function(fileIdV) {
-        fileId = fileIdV;
-        return FileVersion.insert({
-            fileId: fileId,
-            versionId: version.id
-        }).execWithin(tx);
-    })(function() {
-        return File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-    })(function() {
-        tx.commit();
-        return done();
-    }, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        return done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-obvious-kew.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-obvious-kew.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d154b4..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-obvious-kew.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-global.useKew = true;
-var q = require('kew');
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobIdP = blob.put(stream); 
-    var fileP = self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-    var version, fileId, file;
-    q.all([blobIdP, fileP]).then(function(all) {        
-        var blobId = all[0], fileV = all[1];
-        file = fileV;
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        return Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            var newId = uuid.v1();
-            return self.createQueryCtxless(idOrPath, {
-                id: newId,
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            }).then(function(q) {
-                return q.execWithin(tx);
-            }).then(function() {
-                return newId;
-            });
-        } else {
-            return file.id;
-        }
-    }).then(function(fileIdV) {
-        fileId = fileIdV;
-        return FileVersion.insert({
-            fileId: fileId,
-            versionId: version.id
-        }).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        return File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        tx.commit();
-        return done();
-    }, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        return done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-then-promise.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-then-promise.js
deleted file mode 100644
index dfb56a6..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-then-promise.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-global.useThenPromise = true;
-var promise = require("promise");
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobIdP = blob.put(stream);
-    var fileP = self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-    var version, fileId, file;
-    promise.all([blobIdP, fileP]).then(function(all) {
-        var blobId = all[0], fileV = all[1];
-        file = fileV;
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        return Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            var newId = uuid.v1();
-            return self.createQueryCtxless(idOrPath, {
-                id: newId,
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            }).then(function(q) {
-                return q.execWithin(tx);
-            }).then(function() {
-                return newId;
-            });
-        } else {
-            return file.id;
-        }
-    }).then(function(fileIdV) {
-        fileId = fileIdV;
-        return FileVersion.insert({
-            fileId: fileId,
-            versionId: version.id
-        }).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        return File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        tx.commit();
-        return done();
-    }, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        return done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-tildeio-rsvp.js b/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-tildeio-rsvp.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6802686..0000000
--- a/benchmark/doxbee-sequential/promises-tildeio-rsvp.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-global.useRSVP = true;
-var rsvp = require('rsvp');
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var blob = blobManager.create(account);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var blobIdP = blob.put(stream);
-    var fileP = self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get();
-    var version, fileId, file;
-    rsvp.all([blobIdP, fileP]).then(function(all) {
-        var blobId = all[0], fileV = all[1];
-        file = fileV;
-        var previousId = file ? file.version : null;
-        version = {
-            userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-            date: new Date(),
-            blobId: blobId,
-            creatorId: userAccount.id,
-            previousId: previousId,
-        };
-        version.id = Version.createHash(version);
-        return Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        if (!file) {
-            var splitPath = idOrPath.split('/');
-            var fileName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
-            var newId = uuid.v1();
-            return self.createQueryCtxless(idOrPath, {
-                id: newId,
-                userAccountId: userAccount.id,
-                name: fileName,
-                version: version.id
-            }).then(function(q) {
-                return q.execWithin(tx);
-            }).then(function() {
-                return newId;
-            });
-        } else {
-            return file.id;
-        }
-    }).then(function(fileIdV) {
-        fileId = fileIdV;
-        return FileVersion.insert({
-            fileId: fileId,
-            versionId: version.id
-        }).execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        return File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {version: version.id})
-            .execWithin(tx);
-    }).then(function() {
-        tx.commit();
-        return done();
-    }, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        return done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/lib/catcher.js b/benchmark/lib/catcher.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bab536d..0000000
--- a/benchmark/lib/catcher.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-exports.longStackSupport = global.longStackSupport;
-function invoke(ctx, cb, value, myhandler) {            
-    try {
-        cb.call(ctx, value); // no error
-    } catch (e) {
-        if (myhandler)
-            myhandler.call(ctx, e);
-        else
-            console.error(e);
-    }
-module.exports = function() {
-    var self = {};
-    var notCaught = true, myhandler;
-    self.try = function $try(cb) {
-        if (exports.longStackSupport) {
-            var ex = {};
-            Error.captureStackTrace(ex);
-        }
-        return function wrapper(err, value) {
-            if (err) {
-               if (notCaught) {
-                   notCaught = false;
-                   if (err.stack && ex) {
-                       var asyncStackRaw =
-                           ex.stack.substr(ex.stack.indexOf('\n'));
-                       err.stack += '\nFrom previous event:' 
-                           + asyncStackRaw;
-                   }
-                   if (myhandler) myhandler(err);
-                   else console.error(err);
-               }
-            }
-            else if (myhandler) 
-                invoke(this, cb, value, myhandler);
-            else cb(value);
-        }
-    }
-    self.catch = function $catch(handler) {
-        myhandler = handler
-    };
-    return self;
diff --git a/benchmark/lib/dummy.js b/benchmark/lib/dummy.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b94d98..0000000
--- a/benchmark/lib/dummy.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-// A typical node callback function
-// with the callback at the Nth position
-exports.dummy = function dummy(n) {
-    return function dummy_n() {
-        var cb = arguments[n - 1];
-        if (global.asyncTime)
-            setTimeout(cb, global.asyncTime || 100);
-        else
-            process.nextTick(cb);
-    }
-// A throwing callback function
-exports.dummyt = function dummyt(n) {
-    return function dummy_throwing_n() {
-        var cb = arguments[n - 1];
-        if (global.testThrow) 
-            throw(new Error("Exception happened"));
-        setTimeout(function throwTimeout() {
-            if (global.testThrowAsync) {
-                throw(new Error("Exception happened"));
-            } else if (global.testError) {
-                return cb(new Error("Error happened"));
-            }
-            else cb();
-        }, global.asyncTime || 100);
-    }
diff --git a/benchmark/lib/fakemaker.js b/benchmark/lib/fakemaker.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 716f40d..0000000
--- a/benchmark/lib/fakemaker.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = function fakemaker(dummy, dummyt, wrap) {
-    var dummy_2 = dummy(2), 
-        dummy_1 = dummy(1);
-    var dummyt_2, dummyt_1;
-    if (global.testError || global.testThrow 
-        || global.testThrowAsync) {
-        dummyt_2 = dummyt(2);
-        dummyt_1 = dummyt(1);
-    } else {
-        dummyt_2 = dummy_2;
-        dummyt_1 = dummy_1;
-    }
-    // a queryish object with all
-    // kinds of functions
-    function queryish() {
-        return {
-            execWithin: dummy_2,
-            exec: dummy_1,
-            get: dummy_1,
-            all: dummy_1,
-        };
-    }
-    // a queryish object with functions
-    // that throw
-    function queryisht() {
-        return {
-            execWithin: dummyt_2,
-            exec: dummyt_1,
-            get: dummyt_1,
-            all: dummyt_1,
-        };
-    }
-    global.uuid = { v1: function v1() {} };
-    global.userAccount = { };
-    global.account = { };
-    global.blobManager = {
-        create: function create() {
-            return { 
-                put: dummy_2, 
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    var cqQueryish = queryish();
-    global.self = {
-        byUuidOrPath: queryish,
-        createQuery: wrap(function createQuery(x, y, cb, ctx) {
-            cb.call(ctx, null, cqQueryish);
-        }),
-        createQueryCtxless: wrap(function createQuery(x, y, cb) {
-            cb.call(this, null, cqQueryish);
-        })
-    };
-    global.File = {
-        insert: queryish,
-        whereUpdate: queryish
-    };
-    global.FileVersion = {
-        insert: queryisht
-    };
-    global.Version  = {
-        createHash: function createHash(v) { return 1; },
-        insert: queryish
-    };
-    global.db = {
-        begin: function begin() {
-            return { 
-                commit: dummy_1,
-                rollback: dummy_1,
-            };
-        }
-    };
diff --git a/benchmark/lib/fakes-ctx.js b/benchmark/lib/fakes-ctx.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 197c92c..0000000
--- a/benchmark/lib/fakes-ctx.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-var timers = require('./timers-ctx');
-var fakemaker = require('./fakemaker');
-var f = {};
-f.dummy = function dummy(n) {
-    return function dummy_n() {
-        var cb = arguments[n - 1],
-            ctx = arguments[n];
-        //console.log(cb, ctx);
-        timers.setTimeout(cb, ctx, global.asyncTime || 100);
-    }
-// A throwing callback function
-f.dummyt = function dummyt(n) {
-    return function dummy_throwing_n() {
-        var cb = arguments[n - 1],
-            ctx = arguments[n];
-        if (global.testThrow) 
-            throw(new Error("Exception happened"));
-        setTimeout(function throwTimeout() {
-            if (global.testThrowAsync) {
-                throw(new Error("Exception happened"));
-            } else if (global.testError) {
-                return cb.call(ctx, new Error("Error happened"));
-            }
-            else cb.call(ctx);
-        }, global.asyncTime || 100);
-    }
-fakemaker(f.dummy, f.dummyt, function wrap_identity(f) { return f; });
diff --git a/benchmark/lib/fakes.js b/benchmark/lib/fakes.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fb7d91..0000000
--- a/benchmark/lib/fakes.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-var fakemaker = require('./fakemaker'),
-    f = require('./dummy');
-fakemaker(f.dummy, f.dummyt, function wrap_identity(f) { return f; });
diff --git a/benchmark/lib/fakesC.js b/benchmark/lib/fakesC.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 83b7c5e..0000000
--- a/benchmark/lib/fakesC.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-var co = require('co');
-var f = require('./dummy');
-var makefakes = require('./fakemaker');
-// Continuable versions made with co.wrap
-function dummyC(n) {
-    return co.wrap(f.dummy(n));
-function dummytC(n) {
-    return co.wrap(f.dummyt(n));
-makefakes(dummyC, dummytC, co.wrap);
diff --git a/benchmark/lib/fakesO.js b/benchmark/lib/fakesO.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fc1192e..0000000
--- a/benchmark/lib/fakesO.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-var Rx = require('rx');
-var f = require('./dummy');
-var dummy1 = f.dummy(1),
-    dummyt1 = f.dummyt(1);
-// Observable wrapper
-function dummyObsWrap(fn) {
-    return function() {
-        return Rx.Observable.create(function(observer) {
-            fn(function(err, res) {
-                if(err) 
-                    return observer.onError(err);
-                observer.onNext(res);
-                observer.onCompleted();
-            });
-        });
-    }
-function dummyO() {
-    return dummyObsWrap(dummy(1)); 
-function dummytO() {
-    return dummyObsWrap(dummyt(1));
-makefakes(dummyO, dummytO, dummyObsWrap);
diff --git a/benchmark/lib/fakesObservable.js b/benchmark/lib/fakesObservable.js
deleted file mode 100644
index aaf832b..0000000
--- a/benchmark/lib/fakesObservable.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-var lifter, fromNodeCallback;
-if (global.useRx) {
-    lifter = require("rx").Observable.fromNodeCallback;
-} else if (global.useBacon) {
-    fromNodeCallback = require("baconjs").fromNodeCallback;
-} else if (global.useHighland) {
-    lifter = require("highland").wrapCallback;
-if (!lifter) {
-    lifter = function(nodeFn) {
-        return function() {
-            var args = [].slice.call(arguments);
-            args.unshift(nodeFn);
-            return fromNodeCallback.apply(undefined, args);
-        };
-    };
-var f = require('./dummy');
-var makefakes = require('./fakemaker');
-// A function taking n values or promises and returning
-// a promise
-function dummyP(n) {
-    return lifter(f.dummy(n));
-// Throwing version of above
-function dummytP(n) {
-    return lifter(f.dummyt(n));
-makefakes(dummyP, dummytP, lifter);
diff --git a/benchmark/lib/fakesP-ctx.js b/benchmark/lib/fakesP-ctx.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 27d13f1..0000000
--- a/benchmark/lib/fakesP-ctx.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-var timers = require('./timers-ctx');
-var fakemaker = require('./fakemaker');
-var f = {};
-f.dummy = function dummy(n) {
-    return function dummy_n() {
-        var cb = arguments[n - 1],
-            ctx = arguments[n];
-        timers.setTimeout(cb, ctx, global.asyncTime || 100);
-    }
-// A throwing callback function
-f.dummyt = function dummyt(n) {
-    return function dummy_throwing_n() {
-        var cb = arguments[n - 1],
-            ctx = arguments[n];
-        if (global.testThrow) 
-            throw(new Error("Exception happened"));
-        setTimeout(function throwTimeout() {
-            if (global.testThrowAsync) {
-                throw(new Error("Exception happened"));
-            } else if (global.testError) {
-                return cb.call(ctx, new Error("Error happened"));
-            }
-            else cb.call(ctx);
-        }, global.asyncTime || 100);
-    }
-//Currently promisifies only Node style callbacks
-//var lifter = require('bluebird').promisify;
-var Promise = require('bluebird');
-function nodeback(err, result) {
-    if (err == null) this.fulfill(result);
-    else this.reject(err);
-function lifter(f) {
-    return function lifted(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) {
-        "use strict";
-        var len = arguments.length;
-        var deferred = Promise.pending();
-        try {
-            switch(len) {
-                case 1: f(a1, nodeback, deferred); break;
-                case 2: f(a1, a2, nodeback, deferred); break;
-                case 0: f(nodeback, deferred); break;
-                case 3: f(a1, a2, a3, nodeback, deferred); break;
-                case 4: f(a1, a2, a3, a4, nodeback, deferred); break;
-                case 5: f(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, nodeback, deferred); break;
-            }
-        } catch (err) { deferred.reject(err); }
-        return deferred.promise;
-    }
-// A function taking n values or promises and returning 
-// a promise
-function dummyP(n) {    
-    return function lifted() {
-        var deferred = Promise.pending();
-        timers.setTimeout(nodeback, deferred, global.asyncTime || 100);
-        return deferred.promise;
-    }
-// Throwing version of above
-function dummytP(n) {
-    return lifter(f.dummyt(n));
-fakemaker(dummyP, dummytP, lifter);
diff --git a/benchmark/lib/fakesP.js b/benchmark/lib/fakesP.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 87daf17..0000000
--- a/benchmark/lib/fakesP.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-if (global.useQ)
-    var lifter = require('q').denodeify;
-else if (global.useBluebird)
-    //Currently promisifies only Node style callbacks
-    var lifter = require('../../js/main/bluebird.js').promisify;
-else if (global.useKew) {
-    var q = require('kew');
-    var slicer = [].slice;
-    var lifter = function lifter(nodefn) {
-        return function() {
-            var p = q.defer();
-            arguments[arguments.length++] = function(err, res) {
-                if (err) p.reject(err);
-                else p.resolve(res)
-            };
-            try {
-                nodefn.apply(this, arguments);
-            }
-            catch (e) {
-                p.reject(e);
-            }
-            return p;
-        }
-    }
-else if(global.useLie) {
-    var Lie = require('lie');
-    var lifter = function(nodefn) {
-        return function() {
-            var self = this;
-            var l = arguments.length;
-            var args = new Array(l + 1);
-            for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
-                args[i] = arguments[i];
-            }
-            return new Lie(function(resolve, reject) {
-                args[l] = function(err, val) {
-                    if (err) reject(err);
-                    else resolve(val);
-                };
-                nodefn.apply(self, args);
-            });
-        };
-    };
-else if(global.useThenPromise) {
-    var lifter = require("promise").denodeify;
-else if( global.useRSVP ) {
-    var lifter = require("rsvp").denodeify;
-else if( global.useDeferred) {
-    var lifter = require("deferred").promisify;
-else if( global.useDavy) {
-    var lifter = require("davy").wrap;
-else if (global.useNative) {
-    try {
-        if (Promise.race.toString() !== 'function race() { [native code] }')
-            throw 0;
-    } catch (e) {
-        throw new Error("No ES6 promises available");
-    }
-    var lifter = function(nodefn) {
-        return function() {
-            var self = this;
-            var l = arguments.length;
-            var args = new Array(l + 1);
-            for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
-                args[i] = arguments[i];
-            }
-            return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
-                args[l] = function(err, val) {
-                    if (err) reject(err);
-                    else resolve(val);
-                };
-                nodefn.apply(self, args);
-            });
-        };
-    };
-else {
-    var lifter = require('when/node').lift;
-var f = require('./dummy');
-var makefakes = require('./fakemaker');
-// A function taking n values or promises and returning
-// a promise
-function dummyP(n) {
-    return lifter(f.dummy(n));
-// Throwing version of above
-function dummytP(n) {
-    return lifter(f.dummyt(n));
-makefakes(dummyP, dummytP, lifter);
diff --git a/benchmark/lib/fakesSJS-dst.js b/benchmark/lib/fakesSJS-dst.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 333d475..0000000
--- a/benchmark/lib/fakesSJS-dst.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-var f,makefakes;function wrap(f){return __oni_rt.exseq(arguments,this,'lib/fakesSJS-src.sjs',[1,__oni_rt.Nb(function(){return __oni_rt.Return(function (x,y){var err,val;return __oni_rt.exseq(arguments,this,'lib/fakesSJS-src.sjs',[1,__oni_rt.Suspend(function(__oni_env,resume){return __oni_rt.ex(__oni_rt.Nb(function(){return f(x,y,resume);},8),__oni_env)}, function() {err=arguments[0];val=arguments[1];}),__oni_rt.Nb(function(){if(err){throw err;}return __oni_rt.Return(val);},10)])});},12)] [...]
diff --git a/benchmark/lib/fakesSJS-src.sjs b/benchmark/lib/fakesSJS-src.sjs
deleted file mode 100644
index f07e7af..0000000
--- a/benchmark/lib/fakesSJS-src.sjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-var f = require('./dummy.js');
-var makefakes = require('./fakemaker.js');
-function wrap(f) {
-  return function(x, y) {
-    waitfor(var err, val) {
-      f(x, y, resume);
-    }
-    if (err) throw err;
-    return val;
-  };
-function dummySJS0() {
-  var inner = f.dummy(1);
-  return function() {
-    waitfor (var err, val) {
-      inner(resume);
-    }
-    if (err) throw err;
-    return val;
-  }
-function dummySJS1() {
-  var inner = f.dummy(2);
-  return function(x) {
-    waitfor (var err, val) {
-      inner(x, resume);
-    }
-    if (err) throw err;
-    return val;
-  }
-function dummySJS(n) {
-  if (n === 1) return dummySJS0();
-  if (n === 2) return dummySJS1();
-function dummytSJS(n) {
-  var inner = f.dummyt(n);
-  return function() {
-    waitfor(var err, val) {
-      var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);
-      args.push(resume);
-      inner.apply(this, args);
-    }
-    if (err) throw err;
-    return val;
-  }
-makefakes(dummySJS, dummytSJS, wrap, global);
diff --git a/benchmark/lib/promiseSupport.js b/benchmark/lib/promiseSupport.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a0fba6..0000000
--- a/benchmark/lib/promiseSupport.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-var when = require('when');
-var fn = require('when/function');
-exports.ternary = fn.lift(function(truthy, iftrue, iffalse) {
-    return truthy ? iftrue: iffalse;
-exports.not = function not(truthyP) {
-    return when(truthyP).then(function(truthyVal) {
-        return !truthyVal;
-    });
-exports.allObject = function allObject(objWithPromises) {
-    return when(objWithPromises).then(function(objWithPromises) {
-        var keys = Object.keys(objWithPromises);
-        return when.all(keys.map(function(key) { 
-            return objWithPromise; 
-        })).then(function(vals) {
-            var init = {};
-            for (var k = 0; k < keys.length; ++k) {
-                init[keys[k]] = vals[k];
-            }
-            return init;
-        });
-    });
-exports.set = fn.lift(function(obj, values) {
-    for (var key in values)
-        obj[key] = values[key];
-    return obj;
-exports.if = function ifP (truthyP, fnTrue, fnFalse) {
-    return truthyP.then(function(truthy) {
-        if (truthy) return fnTrue();
-        else return fnFalse();
-    });
-exports.get = fn.lift(function (obj, key) {
-    return obj[key];
-exports.eventuallyCall = fn.lift(function(obj, fnkey) {
-    var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 2);
-    obj[fnkey].apply(obj, args);
diff --git a/benchmark/lib/timers-ctx.js b/benchmark/lib/timers-ctx.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a52b74d..0000000
--- a/benchmark/lib/timers-ctx.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,479 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
-// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
-// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
-// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
-// following conditions:
-// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
-// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-var Timer = process.binding('timer_wrap').Timer;
-var L = require('_linklist');
-var assert = require('assert').ok;
-var kOnTimeout = Timer.kOnTimeout | 0;
-// Timeout values > TIMEOUT_MAX are set to 1.
-var TIMEOUT_MAX = 2147483647; // 2^31-1
-var debug = require('util').debuglog('timer');
-// Because often many sockets will have the same idle timeout we will not
-// use one timeout watcher per item. It is too much overhead.  Instead
-// we'll use a single watcher for all sockets with the same timeout value
-// and a linked list. This technique is described in the libev manual:
-// http://pod.tst.eu/http://cvs.schmorp.de/libev/ev.pod#Be_smart_about_timeouts
-// Object containing all lists, timers
-// key = time in milliseconds
-// value = list
-var lists = {};
-// the main function - creates lists on demand and the watchers associated
-// with them.
-function insert(item, msecs) {
-  item._idleStart = Timer.now();
-  item._idleTimeout = msecs;
-  if (msecs < 0) return;
-  var list;
-  if (lists[msecs]) {
-    list = lists[msecs];
-  } else {
-    list = new Timer();
-    list.start(msecs, 0);
-    L.init(list);
-    lists[msecs] = list;
-    list.msecs = msecs;
-    list[kOnTimeout] = listOnTimeout;
-  }
-  L.append(list, item);
-  assert(!L.isEmpty(list)); // list is not empty
-function listOnTimeout() {
-  var msecs = this.msecs;
-  var list = this;
-  debug('timeout callback %d', msecs);
-  var now = Timer.now();
-  debug('now: %s', now);
-  var first;
-  while (first = L.peek(list)) {
-    var diff = now - first._idleStart;
-    if (diff < msecs) {
-      list.start(msecs - diff, 0);
-      debug('%d list wait because diff is %d', msecs, diff);
-      return;
-    } else {
-      L.remove(first);
-      assert(first !== L.peek(list));
-      if (!first._onTimeout) continue;
-      // v0.4 compatibility: if the timer callback throws and the
-      // domain or uncaughtException handler ignore the exception,
-      // other timers that expire on this tick should still run.
-      //
-      // https://github.com/joyent/node/issues/2631
-      var domain = first.domain;
-      if (domain && domain._disposed) continue;
-      try {
-        if (domain)
-          domain.enter();
-        var threw = true;
-        if (!first._ctx || first._ctx === first)
-          first._onTimeout();     
-        else
-          first._onTimeout.call(first._ctx);
-        if (domain)
-          domain.exit();
-        threw = false;
-      } finally {
-        if (threw) {
-          process.nextTick(function() {
-            list[kOnTimeout]();
-          });
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  debug('%d list empty', msecs);
-  assert(L.isEmpty(list));
-  list.close();
-  delete lists[msecs];
-var unenroll = exports.unenroll = function(item) {
-  L.remove(item);
-  var list = lists[item._idleTimeout];
-  // if empty then stop the watcher
-  debug('unenroll');
-  if (list && L.isEmpty(list)) {
-    debug('unenroll: list empty');
-    list.close();
-    delete lists[item._idleTimeout];
-  }
-  // if active is called later, then we want to make sure not to insert again
-  item._idleTimeout = -1;
-// Does not start the time, just sets up the members needed.
-exports.enroll = function(item, msecs) {
-  // if this item was already in a list somewhere
-  // then we should unenroll it from that
-  if (item._idleNext) unenroll(item);
-  // Ensure that msecs fits into signed int32
-  if (msecs > 0x7fffffff) {
-    msecs = 0x7fffffff;
-  }
-  item._idleTimeout = msecs;
-  L.init(item);
-// call this whenever the item is active (not idle)
-// it will reset its timeout.
-exports.active = function(item) {
-  var msecs = item._idleTimeout;
-  if (msecs >= 0) {
-    var list = lists[msecs];
-    if (!list || L.isEmpty(list)) {
-      insert(item, msecs);
-    } else {
-      item._idleStart = Timer.now();
-      L.append(list, item);
-    }
-  }
- * DOM-style timers
- */
-exports.setTimeout = function(callback, ctx, after) {
-  var timer;
-  after *= 1; // coalesce to number or NaN
-  if (!(after >= 1 && after <= TIMEOUT_MAX)) {
-    after = 1; // schedule on next tick, follows browser behaviour
-  }
-  timer = new Timeout(after);
-  timer._ctx = ctx;
-  timer._onTimeout = callback;
-  if (process.domain) timer.domain = process.domain;
-  exports.active(timer);
-  return timer;
-exports.clearTimeout = function(timer) {
-  if (timer && (timer[kOnTimeout] || timer._onTimeout)) {
-    timer[kOnTimeout] = timer._onTimeout = null;
-    if (timer instanceof Timeout) {
-      timer.close(); // for after === 0
-    } else {
-      exports.unenroll(timer);
-    }
-  }
-exports.setInterval = function(callback, repeat) {
-  repeat *= 1; // coalesce to number or NaN
-  if (!(repeat >= 1 && repeat <= TIMEOUT_MAX)) {
-    repeat = 1; // schedule on next tick, follows browser behaviour
-  }
-  var timer = new Timeout(repeat);
-  var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2);
-  timer._onTimeout = wrapper;
-  timer._repeat = true;
-  if (process.domain) timer.domain = process.domain;
-  exports.active(timer);
-  return timer;
-  function wrapper() {
-    callback.apply(this, args);
-    // If callback called clearInterval().
-    if (timer._repeat === false) return;
-    // If timer is unref'd (or was - it's permanently removed from the list.)
-    if (this._handle) {
-      this._handle.start(repeat, 0);
-    } else {
-      timer._idleTimeout = repeat;
-      exports.active(timer);
-    }
-  }
-exports.clearInterval = function(timer) {
-  if (timer && timer._repeat) {
-    timer._repeat = false;
-    clearTimeout(timer);
-  }
-var Timeout = function(after) {
-  this._idleTimeout = after;
-  this._idlePrev = this;
-  this._idleNext = this;
-  this._idleStart = null;
-  this._onTimeout = null;
-  this._repeat = false;
-  this._ctx = this;
-Timeout.prototype.unref = function() {
-  if (!this._handle) {
-    var now = Timer.now();
-    if (!this._idleStart) this._idleStart = now;
-    var delay = this._idleStart + this._idleTimeout - now;
-    if (delay < 0) delay = 0;
-    exports.unenroll(this);
-    this._handle = new Timer();
-    this._handle[kOnTimeout] = this._onTimeout;
-    this._handle.start(delay, 0);
-    this._handle.domain = this.domain;
-    this._handle.unref();
-  } else {
-    this._handle.unref();
-  }
-Timeout.prototype.ref = function() {
-  if (this._handle)
-    this._handle.ref();
-Timeout.prototype.close = function() {
-  this._onTimeout = this._ctx = null;
-  if (this._handle) {
-    this._handle[kOnTimeout] = null;
-    this._handle.close();
-  } else {
-    exports.unenroll(this);
-  }
-var immediateQueue = {};
-function processImmediate() {
-  var queue = immediateQueue;
-  immediateQueue = {};
-  L.init(immediateQueue);
-  while (L.isEmpty(queue) === false) {
-    var immediate = L.shift(queue);
-    var domain = immediate.domain;
-    if (domain) domain.enter();
-    immediate._onImmediate();
-    if (domain) domain.exit();
-  }
-  // Only round-trip to C++ land if we have to. Calling clearImmediate() on an
-  // immediate that's in |queue| is okay. Worst case is we make a superfluous
-  // call to NeedImmediateCallbackSetter().
-  if (L.isEmpty(immediateQueue)) {
-    process._needImmediateCallback = false;
-  }
-exports.setImmediate = function(callback) {
-  var immediate = {}, args;
-  L.init(immediate);
-  immediate._onImmediate = callback;
-  if (arguments.length > 1) {
-    args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
-    immediate._onImmediate = function() {
-      callback.apply(immediate, args);
-    };
-  }
-  if (!process._needImmediateCallback) {
-    process._needImmediateCallback = true;
-    process._immediateCallback = processImmediate;
-  }
-  if (process.domain) immediate.domain = process.domain;
-  L.append(immediateQueue, immediate);
-  return immediate;
-exports.clearImmediate = function(immediate) {
-  if (!immediate) return;
-  immediate._onImmediate = undefined;
-  L.remove(immediate);
-  if (L.isEmpty(immediateQueue)) {
-    process._needImmediateCallback = false;
-  }
-// Internal APIs that need timeouts should use timers._unrefActive isntead of
-// timers.active as internal timeouts shouldn't hold the loop open
-var unrefList, unrefTimer;
-function unrefTimeout() {
-  var now = Timer.now();
-  debug('unrefTimer fired');
-  var first;
-  while (first = L.peek(unrefList)) {
-    var diff = now - first._idleStart;
-    if (diff < first._idleTimeout) {
-      diff = first._idleTimeout - diff;
-      unrefTimer.start(diff, 0);
-      unrefTimer.when = now + diff;
-      debug('unrefTimer rescheudling for later');
-      return;
-    }
-    L.remove(first);
-    var domain = first.domain;
-    if (!first._onTimeout) continue;
-    if (domain && domain._disposed) continue;
-    try {
-      if (domain) domain.enter();
-      var threw = true;
-      debug('unreftimer firing timeout');
-      if (!first._ctx || first._ctx === first)
-          first._onTimeout();     
-      else
-          first._onTimeout.call(first._ctx);
-      threw = false;
-      if (domain) domain.exit();
-    } finally {
-      if (threw) process.nextTick(unrefTimeout);
-    }
-  }
-  debug('unrefList is empty');
-  unrefTimer.when = -1;
-exports._unrefActive = function(item) {
-  var msecs = item._idleTimeout;
-  if (!msecs || msecs < 0) return;
-  assert(msecs >= 0);
-  L.remove(item);
-  if (!unrefList) {
-    debug('unrefList initialized');
-    unrefList = {};
-    L.init(unrefList);
-    debug('unrefTimer initialized');
-    unrefTimer = new Timer();
-    unrefTimer.unref();
-    unrefTimer.when = -1;
-    unrefTimer[kOnTimeout] = unrefTimeout;
-  }
-  var now = Timer.now();
-  item._idleStart = now;
-  if (L.isEmpty(unrefList)) {
-    debug('unrefList empty');
-    L.append(unrefList, item);
-    unrefTimer.start(msecs, 0);
-    unrefTimer.when = now + msecs;
-    debug('unrefTimer scheduled');
-    return;
-  }
-  var when = now + msecs;
-  debug('unrefList find where we can insert');
-  var cur, them;
-  for (cur = unrefList._idlePrev; cur != unrefList; cur = cur._idlePrev) {
-    them = cur._idleStart + cur._idleTimeout;
-    if (when < them) {
-      debug('unrefList inserting into middle of list');
-      L.append(cur, item);
-      if (unrefTimer.when > when) {
-        debug('unrefTimer is scheduled to fire too late, reschedule');
-        unrefTimer.start(msecs, 0);
-        unrefTimer.when = when;
-      }
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  debug('unrefList append to end');
-  L.append(unrefList, item);
diff --git a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/callbacks-baseline.js b/benchmark/madeup-parallel/callbacks-baseline.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d49dcd..0000000
--- a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/callbacks-baseline.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    var current = 0;
-    var total = global.parallelQueries;
-    function callback(err) {
-        if( err ) {
-            tx.rollback();
-            done(err);
-        }
-        else {
-            current++;
-            if( current === total ) {
-                tx.commit();
-                done();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    for( var i = 0; i < total; ++i ) {
-        FileVersion.insert({index: i}).execWithin(tx, callback);
-    }
diff --git a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/callbacks-caolan-async-parallel.js b/benchmark/madeup-parallel/callbacks-caolan-async-parallel.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 054cc01..0000000
--- a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/callbacks-caolan-async-parallel.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-var async = require('async');
-function fileInsertFor(i, tx) {
-    return function(callback) {
-        FileVersion.insert({index: i})
-            .execWithin(tx, callback);
-    };
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var queries = new Array(global.parallelQueries);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    for( var i = 0, len = queries.length; i < len; ++i ) {
-        queries[i] = fileInsertFor(i, tx);
-    }
-    async.parallel(queries, function(err, callback) {
-        if (err) {
-            tx.rollback();
-            done(err);
-        }
-        else {
-            tx.commit();
-            done();
-        }
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-bluebird-generator.js b/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-bluebird-generator.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 11071e7..0000000
--- a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-bluebird-generator.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-global.useBluebird = true;
-global.useQ = false;
-var bluebird = require('../../js/main/bluebird.js');
-module.exports = bluebird.coroutine(function* upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var queries = new Array(global.parallelQueries);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    for( var i = 0, len = queries.length; i < len; ++i ) {
-        queries[i] = FileVersion.insert({index: i}).execWithin(tx);
-    }
-    try {
-        yield bluebird.all(queries);
-        tx.commit();
-        done();
-    }
-    catch(e) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        done(e);
-    }
diff --git a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-bluebird.js b/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-bluebird.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 97d6663..0000000
--- a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-bluebird.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-global.useBluebird = true;
-global.useQ = false;
-var Promise = require('../../js/main/bluebird.js');
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var queries = new Array(global.parallelQueries);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    for( var i = 0, len = queries.length; i < len; ++i ) {
-        queries[i] = FileVersion.insert({index: i}).execWithin(tx);
-    }
-    Promise.all(queries).then().then(function() {
-        tx.commit();
-        done();
-    }, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-calvinmetcalf-lie.js b/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-calvinmetcalf-lie.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a26f329..0000000
--- a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-calvinmetcalf-lie.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-global.useLie = true;
-var Promise = require("lie");
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var queries = new Array(global.parallelQueries);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    for( var i = 0, len = queries.length; i < len; ++i ) {
-        queries[i] = FileVersion.insert({index: i}).execWithin(tx);
-    }
-    Promise.all(queries).then().then(function() {
-        tx.commit();
-        done();
-    }, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-cujojs-when.js b/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-cujojs-when.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 732c270..0000000
--- a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-cujojs-when.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-global.useWhen = true;
-var when = require('when');
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var queries = new Array(global.parallelQueries);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    for( var i = 0, len = queries.length; i < len; ++i ) {
-        queries[i] = FileVersion.insert({index: i}).execWithin(tx);
-    }
-    when.all(queries).then(function() {
-        tx.commit();
-        done();
-    }, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-dfilatov-vow.js b/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-dfilatov-vow.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 488ab41..0000000
--- a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-dfilatov-vow.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-var vow = require('vow'),
-    p = require('../lib/promiseSupport.js');
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var queries = new Array(global.parallelQueries);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    for( var i = 0, len = queries.length; i < len; ++i ) {
-        queries[i] = FileVersion.insert({index: i}).execWithin(tx);
-    }
-    vow.all(queries).then(function() {
-        tx.commit();
-        done();
-    }, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-ecmascript6-native.js b/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-ecmascript6-native.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 219c087..0000000
--- a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-ecmascript6-native.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-global.useNative = true;
-try {
-    if (Promise.race.toString() !== 'function race() { [native code] }')
-        throw 0;
-} catch (e) {
-    throw new Error("No ES6 promises available");
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var queries = new Array(global.parallelQueries);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    for( var i = 0, len = queries.length; i < len; ++i ) {
-        queries[i] = FileVersion.insert({index: i}).execWithin(tx);
-    }
-    Promise.all(queries).then().then(function() {
-        tx.commit();
-        done();
-    }, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-lvivski-davy.js b/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-lvivski-davy.js
deleted file mode 100755
index b075fd4..0000000
--- a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-lvivski-davy.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-global.useDavy = true;
-var davy = require('davy');
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var queries = new Array(global.parallelQueries);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    for( var i = 0, len = queries.length; i < len; ++i ) {
-        queries[i] = FileVersion.insert({index: i}).execWithin(tx);
-    }
-    davy.all(queries).then(function() {
-        tx.commit();
-        done();
-    }, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-medikoo-deferred.js b/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-medikoo-deferred.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cc25dc..0000000
--- a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-medikoo-deferred.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-global.useDeferred = true;
-var deferred = require('deferred');
-function identity(v) {
-    return v;
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var queries = new Array(global.parallelQueries);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    for( var i = 0, len = queries.length; i < len; ++i ) {
-        queries[i] = FileVersion.insert({index: i}).execWithin(tx);
-    }
-    //Couldn't find .all in docs, this seems closest
-    deferred.map(queries, identity)(function() {
-        tx.commit();
-        done();
-    }, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-obvious-kew.js b/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-obvious-kew.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a51f199..0000000
--- a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-obvious-kew.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-global.useKew = true;
-var q = require('kew');
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var queries = new Array(global.parallelQueries);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    for( var i = 0, len = queries.length; i < len; ++i ) {
-        queries[i] = FileVersion.insert({index: i}).execWithin(tx);
-    }
-    q.all(queries).then(function() {
-        tx.commit();
-        done();
-    }, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-then-promise.js b/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-then-promise.js
deleted file mode 100644
index da978cf..0000000
--- a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-then-promise.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-global.useThenPromise = true;
-var Promise = require("promise");
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var queries = new Array(global.parallelQueries);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    for( var i = 0, len = queries.length; i < len; ++i ) {
-        queries[i] = FileVersion.insert({index: i}).execWithin(tx);
-    }
-    Promise.all(queries).then().then(function() {
-        tx.commit();
-        done();
-    }, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-tildeio-rsvp.js b/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-tildeio-rsvp.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ae16a14..0000000
--- a/benchmark/madeup-parallel/promises-tildeio-rsvp.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-global.useRSVP = true;
-var RSVP = require('rsvp');
-module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
-    var queries = new Array(global.parallelQueries);
-    var tx = db.begin();
-    for( var i = 0, len = queries.length; i < len; ++i ) {
-        queries[i] = FileVersion.insert({index: i}).execWithin(tx);
-    }
-    RSVP.all(queries).then(function() {
-        tx.commit();
-        done();
-    }, function(err) {
-        tx.rollback();
-        done(err);
-    });
diff --git a/benchmark/package.json b/benchmark/package.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 611fb1a..0000000
--- a/benchmark/package.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-  "name": "async-compare",
-  "version": "0.1.1",
-  "description": "Compare the performance and code of multiple async patterns",
-  "main": "perf.js",
-  "dependencies": {
-    "async": "^0.9.0",
-    "davy": "^0.3.3",
-    "deferred": "~0.7.0",
-    "kew": "^0.5.0-alpha.1",
-    "lie": "^2.7.2",
-    "optimist": "~0.6.0",
-    "promise": "^6.0.1",
-    "q": "^1.1.2",
-    "rsvp": "^3.0.16",
-    "text-table": "~0.2.0",
-    "vow": "~0.4.1",
-    "when": "^3.6.4"
-  },
-  "devDependencies": {},
-  "scripts": {
-    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
-  },
-  "keywords": [
-    "generators",
-    "fibers",
-    "promises",
-    "callbacks",
-    "comparison",
-    "compare",
-    "async"
-  ],
-  "author": "spion",
-  "license": "MIT"
diff --git a/benchmark/performance.js b/benchmark/performance.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0517154..0000000
--- a/benchmark/performance.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-var args = require('optimist').argv;
-var util = require('util');
-var path = require('path');
-global.LIKELIHOOD_OF_REJECTION = args.e || 0.1;
-global.triggerIntentionalError = function(){
-    if(LIKELIHOOD_OF_REJECTION && Math.random() <= LIKELIHOOD_OF_REJECTION) throw new Error("intentional failure");
-function printPlatform() {
-    console.log("\nPlatform info:");
-    var os = require("os");
-    var v8 = process.versions.v8;
-    var node = process.versions.node;
-    var plat = os.type() + " " + os.release() + " " + os.arch() + "\nNode.JS " + node + "\nV8 " + v8;
-    var cpus = os.cpus().map(function(cpu){
-        return cpu.model;
-    }).reduce(function(o, model){
-        if( !o[model] ) o[model] = 0;
-        o[model]++;
-        return o;
-    }, {});
-    cpus = Object.keys(cpus).map(function( key ){
-        return key + " \u00d7 " + cpus[key];
-    }).join("\n");
-    console.log(plat + "\n" + cpus + "\n");
-var perf = module.exports = function(args, done) {
-    var errs = 0;
-    var lastErr;
-    var times = args.n;
-    global.asyncTime = args.t;
-    global.parallelQueries = args.p || 10;
-    if (args.longStackSupport) {
-        global.longStackSupport = require('q').longStackSupport
-            = args.longStackSupport;
-        require('bluebird').longStackTraces();
-    }
-    var fn = require(args.file);
-    var start = Date.now();
-    var warmedUp = 0;
-    var tot =  Math.min( 350, times );
-    for (var k = 0, kn = tot; k < kn; ++k)
-        fn(k,'b','c', warmup);
-    var memMax; var memStart; var start;
-    function warmup() {
-        warmedUp++
-        if( warmedUp === tot ) {
-            start = Date.now();
-            memStart = process.memoryUsage().rss;
-            for (var k = 0, kn = args.n; k < kn; ++k)
-                fn(k, 'b', 'c', cb);
-            memMax = process.memoryUsage().rss;
-        }
-    }
-    function cb (err) {
-        if (err && err.message !== "intentional failure") {
-            ++errs;
-            lastErr = err;
-        }
-        memMax = Math.max(memMax, process.memoryUsage().rss);
-        if (!--times) {
-            fn.end && fn.end();
-            done(null, {
-                time: Date.now() - start,
-                mem: (memMax - memStart)/1024/1024,
-                errors: errs,
-                lastErr: lastErr ? lastErr.stack : null
-            });
-        }
-    }
-function report(err, res) {
-    console.log(JSON.stringify(res));
-if (args.file) {
-    perf(args, function(err, res) {
-        report(err, res);
-        if (res.lastErr)
-            console.error(res.lastErr);
-    });
-} else {
-    var cp    = require('child_process')
-    var async = require('async');
-    var fs    = require('fs');
-    var dir = __dirname + '/examples';
-    var table = require('text-table');
-    var files = args._.filter(function(f) {
-        return !/^src-/.test(path.basename(f));
-    });
-    measure(files, args.n, args.t, args.p, function(err, res) {
-        console.log("");
-        console.log("results for", args.n, "parallel executions,",
-                    args.t, "ms per I/O op");
-        if(args.e) console.log("Likelihood of rejection:", args.e);
-        res.sort(function(r1, r2) {
-            return parseFloat(r1.data.time) - parseFloat(r2.data.time)
-        });
-        console.log("");
-        res = res.map(function(r) {
-            var failText = 'OOM';
-            if (r.data.timeout) failText = 'T/O';
-            return [path.basename(r.file),
-                r.data.mem != null ? r.data.time: failText,
-                r.data.mem != null ? r.data.mem.toFixed(2) : failText]
-        });
-        res = [['file', 'time(ms)', 'memory(MB)']].concat(res)
-        console.log(table(res, {align: ['l', 'r', 'r']}));
-        printPlatform();
-    });
-function measure(files, requests, time, parg, callback) {
-    async.mapSeries(files, function(f, done) {
-        console.log("benchmarking", f);
-        var logFile = path.basename(f) + ".log";
-        var profileFlags = ["--prof", "--logfile=C:/etc/v8/" + logFile];
-        var argsFork = [__filename,
-            '--n', requests,
-            '--t', time,
-            '--p', parg,
-            '--file', f];
-        if (args.profile) argsFork = profileFlags.concat(argsFork);
-        if (args.harmony) argsFork.unshift('--harmony');
-        if (args.longStackSupport) argsFork.push('--longStackSupport');
-        var p = cp.spawn(process.execPath, argsFork);
-        var complete = false, timedout = false;
-        if (args.timeout) setTimeout(function() {
-            if (complete) return;
-            timedout = true;
-            p.kill();
-        }, args.timeout);
-        var r = { file: f, data: [] };
-        p.stdout.on('data', function(d) { r.data.push(d.toString()); });
-        p.stdout.pipe(process.stdout);
-        p.stderr.pipe(process.stderr);
-        p.stdout.on('end', function(code) {
-            complete = true;
-            try {
-                r.data = JSON.parse(r.data.join(''));
-            } catch(e) {
-                r.data = {time: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, mem: null,
-                    missing: true, timeout: timedout};
-            }
-            done(null, r);
-        });
-    }, callback);

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-bluebird.git

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