[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-chalk] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/1.0.0'

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Mar 20 20:54:19 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sebastic pushed a commit to branch master
in repository node-chalk.

commit 6c56b5970bf9123eaa381acb076f541377670ecd
Merge: 61dd2cc 2f6a836
Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at xs4all.nl>
Date:   Fri Mar 20 20:54:37 2015 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/1.0.0'
    Upstream version 1.0.0

 .editorconfig                                    |   1 -
 .jshintrc                                        |   4 --
 .travis.yml                                      |   3 +
 index.js                                         |  41 +++++++------
 logo.png                                         | Bin 25696 -> 25676 bytes
 logo.svg                                         |   2 +-
 node_modules/ansi-regex/.editorconfig            |  16 ------
 node_modules/ansi-regex/.gitattributes           |   1 -
 node_modules/ansi-regex/.gitignore               |   1 -
 node_modules/ansi-regex/.jshintrc                |  16 ------
 node_modules/ansi-regex/.travis.yml              |   3 -
 node_modules/ansi-regex/index.js                 |   4 --
 node_modules/ansi-regex/license                  |  21 -------
 node_modules/ansi-regex/package.json             |  51 -----------------
 node_modules/ansi-regex/readme.md                |  33 -----------
 node_modules/ansi-regex/test.js                  |  19 ------
 node_modules/ansi-styles/.editorconfig           |  16 ------
 node_modules/ansi-styles/.gitattributes          |   1 -
 node_modules/ansi-styles/.gitignore              |   1 -
 node_modules/ansi-styles/.jshintrc               |  16 ------
 node_modules/ansi-styles/.travis.yml             |   3 -
 node_modules/ansi-styles/index.js                |  40 -------------
 node_modules/ansi-styles/license                 |  21 -------
 node_modules/ansi-styles/package.json            |  46 ---------------
 node_modules/ansi-styles/readme.md               |  70 -----------------------
 node_modules/ansi-styles/screenshot.png          | Bin 51858 -> 0 bytes
 node_modules/ansi-styles/test.js                 |  26 ---------
 node_modules/escape-string-regexp/.editorconfig  |  16 ------
 node_modules/escape-string-regexp/.gitattributes |   1 -
 node_modules/escape-string-regexp/.gitignore     |   1 -
 node_modules/escape-string-regexp/.jshintrc      |  13 -----
 node_modules/escape-string-regexp/.travis.yml    |   3 -
 node_modules/escape-string-regexp/index.js       |  11 ----
 node_modules/escape-string-regexp/license        |  21 -------
 node_modules/escape-string-regexp/package.json   |  36 ------------
 node_modules/escape-string-regexp/readme.md      |  27 ---------
 node_modules/escape-string-regexp/test.js        |   7 ---
 node_modules/has-ansi/.editorconfig              |  16 ------
 node_modules/has-ansi/.gitattributes             |   1 -
 node_modules/has-ansi/.gitignore                 |   1 -
 node_modules/has-ansi/.jshintrc                  |  13 -----
 node_modules/has-ansi/.travis.yml                |   3 -
 node_modules/has-ansi/cli.js                     |  53 -----------------
 node_modules/has-ansi/index.js                   |   4 --
 node_modules/has-ansi/license                    |  21 -------
 node_modules/has-ansi/package.json               |  57 ------------------
 node_modules/has-ansi/readme.md                  |  45 ---------------
 node_modules/has-ansi/test.js                    |   8 ---
 node_modules/strip-ansi/.editorconfig            |  16 ------
 node_modules/strip-ansi/.gitattributes           |   1 -
 node_modules/strip-ansi/.gitignore               |   1 -
 node_modules/strip-ansi/.jshintrc                |  16 ------
 node_modules/strip-ansi/.travis.yml              |   3 -
 node_modules/strip-ansi/cli.js                   |  39 -------------
 node_modules/strip-ansi/index.js                 |   6 --
 node_modules/strip-ansi/license                  |  21 -------
 node_modules/strip-ansi/package.json             |  56 ------------------
 node_modules/strip-ansi/readme.md                |  43 --------------
 node_modules/strip-ansi/test.js                  |  23 --------
 node_modules/supports-color/.editorconfig        |  16 ------
 node_modules/supports-color/.gitattributes       |   1 -
 node_modules/supports-color/.gitignore           |   1 -
 node_modules/supports-color/.jshintrc            |  13 -----
 node_modules/supports-color/.travis.yml          |   3 -
 node_modules/supports-color/cli.js               |  28 ---------
 node_modules/supports-color/index.js             |  32 -----------
 node_modules/supports-color/license              |  21 -------
 node_modules/supports-color/package.json         |  50 ----------------
 node_modules/supports-color/readme.md            |  44 --------------
 node_modules/supports-color/test.js              |  30 ----------
 package.json                                     |  18 +++---
 readme.md                                        |  68 ++++++++++++++--------
 test.js                                          |  34 ++++++-----
 73 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 1296 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-chalk.git

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