[Pkg-javascript-commits] [dojo] 02/09: Group 1 and group 2 translations for Dojo 1.1.0 (1.1 branch) Refs #6314
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon May 11 20:11:55 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to annotated tag 1.1.1
in repository dojo.
commit f8a0eef0b32c730f87e930a63efed82e402b3925
Author: Adam Peller <github at peller.org>
Date: Tue Apr 15 18:45:54 2008 +0000
Group 1 and group 2 translations for Dojo 1.1.0 (1.1 branch) Refs #6314
git-svn-id: http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src/branches/1.1/dojo@13326 560b804f-0ae3-0310-86f3-f6aa0a117693
nls/ar/colors.js | 154 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
nls/cs/colors.js | 2 +-
nls/da/colors.js | 154 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
nls/de/colors.js | 2 +-
nls/el/colors.js | 154 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
nls/es/colors.js | 2 +-
nls/fi/colors.js | 154 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
nls/fr/colors.js | 4 +-
nls/gr/colors.js | 1 -
nls/he/colors.js | 154 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
nls/hu/colors.js | 2 +-
nls/it/colors.js | 2 +-
nls/ja/colors.js | 2 +-
nls/ko/colors.js | 2 +-
nls/nl/colors.js | 154 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
nls/no/colors.js | 154 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
nls/pl/colors.js | 2 +-
nls/pt-pt/colors.js | 154 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
nls/pt/colors.js | 2 +-
nls/ru/colors.js | 2 +-
nls/sv/colors.js | 154 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
nls/tr/colors.js | 154 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
nls/zh-tw/colors.js | 2 +-
nls/zh/colors.js | 2 +-
24 files changed, 1554 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
diff --git a/nls/ar/colors.js b/nls/ar/colors.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa78b83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nls/ar/colors.js
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
+// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
+//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
+//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
+aliceblue: "أزرق فاتح",
+antiquewhite: "أبيض عتيق",
+aqua: "أزرق مائي",
+aquamarine: "أزرق مائل للأخضر (زبرجد) ",
+azure: "أزرق سماوي ",
+beige: "بيج",
+bisque: "أصفر برتقالي الى رمادي مصفر",
+black: "أسود",
+blanchedalmond: "أخضر مائل للبياض",
+blue: "أزرق",
+blueviolet: "أزرق-بنفسجي",
+brown: "بني",
+burlywood: "خشبي",
+cadetblue: "أزرق ملون بالرمادي",
+chartreuse: "أخضر مائل للصفرة",
+chocolate: "بني غامق",
+coral: "مرجاني",
+cornflowerblue: "أزرق عنبري",
+cornsilk: "حريري",
+crimson: "قرمزي",
+cyan: "أزرق سماوي",
+darkblue: "أزرق داكن",
+darkcyan: "أزرق سماوي داكن",
+darkgoldenrod: "أصفر ذهبي داكن ",
+darkgray: "رمادي داكن",
+darkgreen: "أخضر داكن",
+darkgrey: "رمادي داكن", // same as darkgray
+darkkhaki: "كاكي داكن",
+darkmagenta: "قرمزي داكن",
+darkolivegreen: "أخضر زيتوني داكن",
+darkorange: "برتقالي داكن",
+darkorchid: "أرجواني داكن",
+darkred: "أحمر داكن",
+darksalmon: "فضي داكن",
+darkseagreen: "أخضر مائل للأزرق داكن",
+darkslateblue: "أزرق اردوازي داكن",
+darkslategray: "رمادي اردوازي داكن",
+darkslategrey: "رمادي اردوازي داكن", // same as darkslategray
+darkturquoise: "تركواز داكن",
+darkviolet: "بنفسجي داكن",
+deeppink: "أحمر وردي غامق",
+deepskyblue: "أزرق سماوي غامق",
+dimgray: "رمادي شاحب",
+dimgrey: "رمادي شاحب", // same as dimgray
+dodgerblue: "أزرق عنبري",
+firebrick: "أصفر زاهي",
+floralwhite: "أبيض زهري ",
+forestgreen: "أخضر بلون أشجار الغابات ",
+fuchsia: "فوشيا",
+gainsboro: "رمادي مائل للأزرق فاتح ",
+ghostwhite: "أبيض شفاف",
+gold: "ذهبي",
+goldenrod: "أصفر ذهبي ",
+gray: "رمادي",
+green: "أخضر",
+greenyellow: "أخضر مائل للأصفر",
+grey: "رمادي", // same as gray
+honeydew: "أبيض مائل للأخضر ",
+hotpink: "أحمر وردي زاهي",
+indianred: "أحمر هندي",
+indigo: "نيلي",
+ivory: "عاجي",
+khaki: "كاكي",
+lavender: "أرجواني شاحب",
+lavenderblush: "أحمر أرجواني",
+lawngreen: "أخضر بلون العشب ",
+lemonchiffon: "أصفر شفاف ",
+lightblue: "أزرق فاتح",
+lightcoral: "مرجاني فاتح",
+lightcyan: "سماوي فاتح",
+lightgoldenrodyellow: "أصفر ذهبي فاتح",
+lightgray: "رمادي فاتح",
+lightgreen: "أخضر فاتح",
+lightgrey: "رمادي فاتح", // same as lightgray
+lightpink: "وردي فاتح",
+lightsalmon: "فضي فاتح",
+lightseagreen: "أخضر مائل للأزرق فاتح",
+lightskyblue: "أزرق سماوي فاتح",
+lightslategray: "رمادي اردوازي فاتح",
+lightslategrey: "رمادي اردوازي فاتح", // same as lightslategray
+lightsteelblue: "أزرق معدني فاتح",
+lightyellow: "أصفر فاتح ",
+lime: "ليموني ",
+limegreen: "أخضر ليموني ",
+linen: "كتاني ",
+magenta: "أحمر قرمزي ",
+maroon: "أحمر داكن ",
+mediumaquamarine: "أزرق مائل للأخضر (زبرجد) متوسط ",
+mediumblue: "أزرق متوسط ",
+mediumorchid: "أرجواني متوسط ",
+mediumpurple: "قرمزي متوسط ",
+mediumseagreen: "أخضر مائل للأزرق متوسط ",
+mediumslateblue: "أزرق اردوازي متوسط ",
+mediumspringgreen: "أخضر ربيعي متوسط ",
+mediumturquoise: "تركواز متوسط ",
+mediumvioletred: "أحمر-بنفسجي متوسط ",
+midnightblue: "أزرق بحري ",
+mintcream: "أصفر شاحب مائل للأخضر الزرعي ",
+mistyrose: "وردي ",
+moccasin: "نحاسي أحمر ",
+navajowhite: "أبيض ملاحي ",
+navy: "أزرق داكن ",
+oldlace: "برتقالي مائل للأصفر شاحب ",
+olive: "أخضر زيتوني داكن ",
+olivedrab: "أسود فاتح ",
+orange: "برتقالي ",
+orangered: "أحمر مائل للبرتقالي ",
+orchid: "أرجواني فاتح ",
+palegoldenrod: "أصفر ذهبي شاحب ",
+palegreen: "أخضر شاحب ",
+paleturquoise: "تركواز شاحب ",
+palevioletred: "أحمر-بنفسجي شاحب ",
+papayawhip: "خوخي فاتح ",
+peachpuff: "خوخي مائل للأصفر ",
+peru: "بني جملي ",
+pink: "وردي ",
+plum: "أرجواني داكن ",
+powderblue: "أزرق مائل للأصفر ",
+purple: "ارجواني ",
+red: "أحمر ",
+rosybrown: "بني وردي ",
+royalblue: "أزرق ملكي ",
+saddlebrown: "بني فاتح ",
+salmon: "برتقالي وردي شاحب ",
+sandybrown: "بني مائل للصفرة ",
+seagreen: "أخضر مائل للأزرق ",
+seashell: "أبيض مائل للأصفر فاتح ",
+sienna: "بني محروق ",
+silver: "فضي ",
+skyblue: "أزرق سماوي ",
+slateblue: "أزرق اردوازي ",
+slategray: "رمادي اردوازي ",
+slategrey: "رمادي اردوازي ", // same as slategray
+snow: "أبيض ثلجي ",
+springgreen: "أخضر ربيعي ",
+steelblue: "أزرق معدني ",
+tan: "خمري ",
+teal: "بترولي ",
+thistle: "ارجواني شاحب ",
+tomato: "أحمر مائل للأصفر ",
+turquoise: "تركواز ",
+violet: "بنفسجي ",
+wheat: "أخضر قمحي ",
+white: "أبيض ",
+whitesmoke: "دخان أبيض ",
+yellow: "أصفر ",
+yellowgreen: "أخضر مائل للأصفر "
diff --git a/nls/cs/colors.js b/nls/cs/colors.js
index 5b57a6a..cd8536c 100644
--- a/nls/cs/colors.js
+++ b/nls/cs/colors.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
-//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
+//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
aliceblue: "modravá",
antiquewhite: "krémově bílá",
diff --git a/nls/da/colors.js b/nls/da/colors.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d346e56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nls/da/colors.js
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
+// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
+//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
+//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
+aliceblue: "babyblå",
+antiquewhite: "antikhvid",
+aqua: "akvablå",
+aquamarine: "akvamarin",
+azure: "azurblå",
+beige: "beige",
+bisque: "gulgrå",
+black: "sort",
+blanchedalmond: "blanceret mandel",
+blue: "blå",
+blueviolet: "blåviolet",
+brown: "brun",
+burlywood: "tobak",
+cadetblue: "kadetblå",
+chartreuse: "chartreuse",
+chocolate: "rust",
+coral: "koralrød",
+cornflowerblue: "kornblomstblå",
+cornsilk: "majs",
+crimson: "blodrød",
+cyan: "cyan",
+darkblue: "mørkeblå",
+darkcyan: "mørk cyan",
+darkgoldenrod: "mørk gyldenris",
+darkgray: "mørkegrå",
+darkgreen: "mørkegrøn",
+darkgrey: "mørkegrå", // same as darkgray
+darkkhaki: "mørk khaki",
+darkmagenta: "mørk magenta",
+darkolivegreen: "mørk olivengrøn",
+darkorange: "mørk orange",
+darkorchid: "mørk orkide",
+darkred: "mørkerød",
+darksalmon: "mørk laksefarvet",
+darkseagreen: "mørk havgrøn",
+darkslateblue: "mørk skiferblå",
+darkslategray: "mørk skifergrå",
+darkslategrey: "mørk skifergrå", // same as darkslategray
+darkturquoise: "mørk turkis",
+darkviolet: "mørkelilla",
+deeppink: "dyb pink",
+deepskyblue: "dyb himmelblå",
+dimgray: "svag grå",
+dimgrey: "svag grå", // same as dimgray
+dodgerblue: "dodgerblå",
+firebrick: "chamottesten",
+floralwhite: "blomsterhvid",
+forestgreen: "skovgrøn",
+fuchsia: "lyslilla",
+gainsboro: "gainsboro",
+ghostwhite: "spøgelseshvid",
+gold: "guld",
+goldenrod: "gyldenris",
+gray: "grå",
+green: "grøn",
+greenyellow: "grøngul",
+grey: "grå", // same as gray
+honeydew: "honningdug",
+hotpink: "mørk rosa",
+indianred: "lys rødbrun",
+indigo: "indigo",
+ivory: "elfenben",
+khaki: "khaki",
+lavender: "lysviolet",
+lavenderblush: "lavendelrød",
+lawngreen: "græsgrøn",
+lemonchiffon: "citronfromage",
+lightblue: "lyseblå",
+lightcoral: "lys koralrød",
+lightcyan: "lys cyan",
+lightgoldenrodyellow: "lys gyldenrisgul",
+lightgray: "lysegrå",
+lightgreen: "lysegrøn",
+lightgrey: "lysegrå", // same as lightgray
+lightpink: "lys pink",
+lightsalmon: "lys laksefarvet",
+lightseagreen: "lys havgrøn",
+lightskyblue: "lys himmelblå",
+lightslategray: "lys skifergrå",
+lightslategrey: "lys skifergrå", // same as lightslategray
+lightsteelblue: "lys stålblå",
+lightyellow: "lysegul",
+lime: "lime",
+limegreen: "limegrøn",
+linen: "lærred",
+magenta: "magenta",
+maroon: "rødbrun",
+mediumaquamarine: "mellem akvamarin",
+mediumblue: "mellemblå",
+mediumorchid: "mellem orkide",
+mediumpurple: "mellemlilla",
+mediumseagreen: "mellemhavgrøn",
+mediumslateblue: "mellemskiferblå",
+mediumspringgreen: "mellemforårsgrøn",
+mediumturquoise: "mellemturkis",
+mediumvioletred: "mellemviolet",
+midnightblue: "midnatsblå",
+mintcream: "pebermyntecreme",
+mistyrose: "blegrosa",
+moccasin: "fruesko",
+navajowhite: "navajo-hvid",
+navy: "marineblå",
+oldlace: "kniplingshvid",
+olive: "olivengrøn",
+olivedrab: "brungrøn",
+orange: "orange",
+orangered: "orangerød",
+orchid: "orkide",
+palegoldenrod: "bleg gyldenris",
+palegreen: "bleggrøn",
+paleturquoise: "bleg turkis",
+palevioletred: "blegviolet",
+papayawhip: "papaya",
+peachpuff: "fersken",
+peru: "peru",
+pink: "pink",
+plum: "blomme",
+powderblue: "pudderblå",
+purple: "lilla",
+red: "rød",
+rosybrown: "rosabrun",
+royalblue: "kongeblå",
+saddlebrown: "saddelbrun",
+salmon: "laksefarvet",
+sandybrown: "sandbrun",
+seagreen: "havgrøn",
+seashell: "muslingeskal",
+sienna: "sienna",
+silver: "sølv",
+skyblue: "himmelblå",
+slateblue: "skiferblå",
+slategray: "skifergrå",
+slategrey: "skifergrå", // same as slategray
+snow: "sne",
+springgreen: "forårsgrøn",
+steelblue: "metalblå",
+tan: "tan",
+teal: "blågrøn",
+thistle: "tidsel",
+tomato: "tomat",
+turquoise: "turkis",
+violet: "lilla",
+wheat: "korngul",
+white: "hvid",
+whitesmoke: "hvid røg",
+yellow: "gul",
+yellowgreen: "gulgrøn"
diff --git a/nls/de/colors.js b/nls/de/colors.js
index a668188..beccf65 100644
--- a/nls/de/colors.js
+++ b/nls/de/colors.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
-//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
+//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
aliceblue: "Alice-blau",
antiquewhite: "Antikweiß",
diff --git a/nls/el/colors.js b/nls/el/colors.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8805ad1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nls/el/colors.js
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
+// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
+//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
+//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
+aliceblue: "σιέλ",
+antiquewhite: "ξεθωριασμένο λευκό",
+aqua: "γαλάζιο",
+aquamarine: "γαλαζοπράσινο",
+azure: "μπλε του ουρανού",
+beige: "μπεζ",
+bisque: "σκούρο κρεμ",
+black: "μαύρο",
+blanchedalmond: "ζαχαρί",
+blue: "μπλε",
+blueviolet: "βιολετί",
+brown: "καφέ",
+burlywood: "καφέ του ξύλου",
+cadetblue: "μπλε του στρατού",
+chartreuse: "φωτεινό κιτρινοπράσινο",
+chocolate: "σοκολατί",
+coral: "κοραλί",
+cornflowerblue: "μεσαίο μπλε",
+cornsilk: "ασημί του καλαμποκιού",
+crimson: "βαθύ κόκκινο",
+cyan: "κυανό",
+darkblue: "σκούρο μπλε",
+darkcyan: "σκούρο κυανό",
+darkgoldenrod: "σκούρο χρυσοκίτρινο",
+darkgray: "σκούρο γκρι",
+darkgreen: "σκούρο πράσινο",
+darkgrey: "σκούρο γκρι", // same as darkgray
+darkkhaki: "σκούρο χακί",
+darkmagenta: "σκούρο ματζέντα",
+darkolivegreen: "σκούρο πράσινο λαδί",
+darkorange: "σκούρο πορτοκαλί",
+darkorchid: "σκούρα ορχιδέα",
+darkred: "σκούρο κόκκινο",
+darksalmon: "σκούρο σομόν",
+darkseagreen: "σκούρο πράσινο της θάλασσας",
+darkslateblue: "σκούρο μεταλλικό μπλε",
+darkslategray: "σκούρο μεταλλικό γκρι",
+darkslategrey: "σκούρο μεταλλικό γκρι", // same as darkslategray
+darkturquoise: "σκούρο τυρκουάζ",
+darkviolet: "σκούρο βιολετί",
+deeppink: "βαθύ ροζ",
+deepskyblue: "βαθύ μπλε το ουρανού",
+dimgray: "αχνό γκρι",
+dimgrey: "αχνό γκρι", // same as dimgray
+dodgerblue: "σκούρο ελεκτρίκ",
+firebrick: "κεραμιδί",
+floralwhite: "λευκό των ανθών",
+forestgreen: "πράσινο του δάσους",
+fuchsia: "φούξια",
+gainsboro: "γκρι σιέλ",
+ghostwhite: "άσπρο",
+gold: "χρυσαφί",
+goldenrod: "χρυσοκίτρινο",
+gray: "γκρι",
+green: "πράσινο",
+greenyellow: "πρασινοκίτρινο",
+grey: "γκρι", // same as gray
+honeydew: "μελί",
+hotpink: "έντονο ροζ",
+indianred: "ινδικό κόκκινο",
+indigo: "λουλακί",
+ivory: "ιβουάρ",
+khaki: "χακί",
+lavender: "λίλα",
+lavenderblush: "μωβ λεβάντας",
+lawngreen: "σκούρο πράσινο",
+lemonchiffon: "λεμονί",
+lightblue: "ανοιχτό μπλε",
+lightcoral: "ανοιχτό κοραλί",
+lightcyan: "ανοιχτό κυανό",
+lightgoldenrodyellow: "ανοιχτό χρυσοκίτρινο",
+lightgray: "ανοιχτό γκρι",
+lightgreen: "ανοιχτό πράσινο",
+lightgrey: "ανοιχτό γκρι", // same as lightgray
+lightpink: "ανοιχτό ροζ",
+lightsalmon: "ανοιχτό σομόν",
+lightseagreen: "ανοιχτό πράσινο της θάλασσας",
+lightskyblue: "ανοιχτό μπλε το ουρανού",
+lightslategray: "ανοιχτό μεταλλικό γκρι",
+lightslategrey: "ανοιχτό μεταλλικό γκρι", // same as lightslategray
+lightsteelblue: "ανοιχτό μπλε ατσαλιού",
+lightyellow: "ανοιχτό κίτρινο",
+lime: "λαχανί",
+limegreen: "πράσινο λαχανί",
+linen: "σπαγγί",
+magenta: "ματζέντα",
+maroon: "βυσσινί",
+mediumaquamarine: "μεσαίο γαλαζοπράσινο",
+mediumblue: "μεσαίο μπλε",
+mediumorchid: "μεσαία ορχιδέα",
+mediumpurple: "μεσαίο μωβ",
+mediumseagreen: "μεσαίο πράσινο της θάλασσας",
+mediumslateblue: "μεσαίο μεταλλικό μπλε",
+mediumspringgreen: "μεσαίο πράσινο της άνοιξης",
+mediumturquoise: "μεσαίο τυρκουάζ",
+mediumvioletred: "μεσαίο κόκκινο βιολετί",
+midnightblue: "πολύ σκούρο μπλε",
+mintcream: "βεραμάν",
+mistyrose: "τριανταφυλλί",
+moccasin: "μόκα",
+navajowhite: "άσπρο Ναβάχο",
+navy: "μπλε του ναυτικού",
+oldlace: "εκρού",
+olive: "πράσινο λαδί",
+olivedrab: "λαδί",
+orange: "πορτοκαλί",
+orangered: "πορτοκαλοκόκκινο",
+orchid: "ορχιδέα",
+palegoldenrod: "αχνό χρυσοκίτρινο",
+palegreen: "αχνό πράσινο",
+paleturquoise: "αχνό τυρκουάζ",
+palevioletred: "αχνό κόκκινο βιολετί",
+papayawhip: "αχνό ροζ",
+peachpuff: "ροδακινί",
+peru: "περού",
+pink: "ροζ",
+plum: "δαμασκηνί",
+powderblue: "αχνό μπλε",
+purple: "μωβ",
+red: "κόκκινο",
+rosybrown: "καστανό",
+royalblue: "έντονο μπλε",
+saddlebrown: "βαθύ καφέ",
+salmon: "σομόν",
+sandybrown: "μπεζ της άμμου",
+seagreen: "πράσινο της θάλασσας",
+seashell: "κοχύλι",
+sienna: "καφεκίτρινο",
+silver: "ασημί",
+skyblue: "μπλε του ουρανού",
+slateblue: "μεταλλικό μπλε",
+slategray: "μεταλλικό γκρι",
+slategrey: "μεταλλικό γκρι", // same as slategray
+snow: "χιονί",
+springgreen: "πράσινο της άνοιξης",
+steelblue: "μπλε ατσαλιού",
+tan: "ώχρα",
+teal: "πετρόλ",
+thistle: "μωβ βιολετί",
+tomato: "κόκκινο της ντομάτας",
+turquoise: "τυρκουάζ",
+violet: "βιολετί",
+wheat: "σταρένιο",
+white: "λευκό",
+whitesmoke: "λευκός καπνός",
+yellow: "κίτρινο",
+yellowgreen: "κιτρινοπράσινο"
diff --git a/nls/es/colors.js b/nls/es/colors.js
index d1e5885..8a46937 100644
--- a/nls/es/colors.js
+++ b/nls/es/colors.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
-//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
+//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
aliceblue: "blanco azulado",
antiquewhite: "blanco antiguo",
diff --git a/nls/fi/colors.js b/nls/fi/colors.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07562cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nls/fi/colors.js
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
+// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
+//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
+//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
+aliceblue: "alice blue",
+antiquewhite: "antique white",
+aqua: "aqua",
+aquamarine: "aquamarine",
+azure: "azure",
+beige: "beige",
+bisque: "bisque",
+black: "black",
+blanchedalmond: "blanched almond",
+blue: "blue",
+blueviolet: "blue-violet",
+brown: "brown",
+burlywood: "burlywood",
+cadetblue: "cadet blue",
+chartreuse: "chartreuse",
+chocolate: "chocolate",
+coral: "coral",
+cornflowerblue: "cornflower blue",
+cornsilk: "cornsilk",
+crimson: "crimson",
+cyan: "cyan",
+darkblue: "dark blue",
+darkcyan: "dark cyan",
+darkgoldenrod: "dark goldenrod",
+darkgray: "dark gray",
+darkgreen: "dark green",
+darkgrey: "dark gray", // same as darkgray
+darkkhaki: "dark khaki",
+darkmagenta: "dark magenta",
+darkolivegreen: "dark olive green",
+darkorange: "dark orange",
+darkorchid: "dark orchid",
+darkred: "dark red",
+darksalmon: "dark salmon",
+darkseagreen: "dark sea green",
+darkslateblue: "dark slate blue",
+darkslategray: "dark slate gray",
+darkslategrey: "dark slate gray", // same as darkslategray
+darkturquoise: "dark turquoise",
+darkviolet: "dark violet",
+deeppink: "deep pink",
+deepskyblue: "deep sky blue",
+dimgray: "dim gray",
+dimgrey: "dim gray", // same as dimgray
+dodgerblue: "dodger blue",
+firebrick: "fire brick",
+floralwhite: "floral white",
+forestgreen: "forest green",
+fuchsia: "fuchsia",
+gainsboro: "gainsboro",
+ghostwhite: "ghost white",
+gold: "gold",
+goldenrod: "goldenrod",
+gray: "gray",
+green: "green",
+greenyellow: "green-yellow",
+grey: "gray", // same as gray
+honeydew: "honeydew",
+hotpink: "hot pink",
+indianred: "indian red",
+indigo: "indigo",
+ivory: "ivory",
+khaki: "khaki",
+lavender: "lavender",
+lavenderblush: "lavender blush",
+lawngreen: "lawn green",
+lemonchiffon: "lemon chiffon",
+lightblue: "light blue",
+lightcoral: "light coral",
+lightcyan: "light cyan",
+lightgoldenrodyellow: "light goldenrod yellow",
+lightgray: "light gray",
+lightgreen: "light green",
+lightgrey: "light gray", // same as lightgray
+lightpink: "light pink",
+lightsalmon: "light salmon",
+lightseagreen: "light sea green",
+lightskyblue: "light sky blue",
+lightslategray: "light slate gray",
+lightslategrey: "light slate gray", // same as lightslategray
+lightsteelblue: "light steel blue",
+lightyellow: "light yellow",
+lime: "lime",
+limegreen: "lime green",
+linen: "linen",
+magenta: "magenta",
+maroon: "maroon",
+mediumaquamarine: "medium aquamarine",
+mediumblue: "medium blue",
+mediumorchid: "medium orchid",
+mediumpurple: "medium purple",
+mediumseagreen: "medium sea green",
+mediumslateblue: "medium slate blue",
+mediumspringgreen: "medium spring green",
+mediumturquoise: "medium turquoise",
+mediumvioletred: "medium violet-red",
+midnightblue: "midnight blue",
+mintcream: "mint cream",
+mistyrose: "misty rose",
+moccasin: "moccasin",
+navajowhite: "navajo white",
+navy: "navy",
+oldlace: "old lace",
+olive: "olive",
+olivedrab: "olive drab",
+orange: "orange",
+orangered: "orange red",
+orchid: "orchid",
+palegoldenrod: "pale goldenrod",
+palegreen: "pale green",
+paleturquoise: "pale turquoise",
+palevioletred: "pale violet-red",
+papayawhip: "papaya whip",
+peachpuff: "peach puff",
+peru: "peru",
+pink: "pink",
+plum: "plum",
+powderblue: "powder blue",
+purple: "purple",
+red: "red",
+rosybrown: "rosy brown",
+royalblue: "royal blue",
+saddlebrown: "saddle brown",
+salmon: "salmon",
+sandybrown: "sandy brown",
+seagreen: "sea green",
+seashell: "seashell",
+sienna: "sienna",
+silver: "silver",
+skyblue: "sky blue",
+slateblue: "slate blue",
+slategray: "slate gray",
+slategrey: "slate gray", // same as slategray
+snow: "snow",
+springgreen: "spring green",
+steelblue: "steel blue",
+tan: "tan",
+teal: "teal",
+thistle: "thistle",
+tomato: "tomato",
+turquoise: "turquoise",
+violet: "violet",
+wheat: "wheat",
+white: "white",
+whitesmoke: "white smoke",
+yellow: "yellow",
+yellowgreen: "yellow green"
diff --git a/nls/fr/colors.js b/nls/fr/colors.js
index ca3256b..df31eac 100644
--- a/nls/fr/colors.js
+++ b/nls/fr/colors.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
-//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
+//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
aliceblue: "bleu gris",
antiquewhite: "blanc antique",
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ mediumaquamarine: "aigue-marine moyen",
mediumblue: "bleu moyen",
mediumorchid: "lilas moyen",
mediumpurple: "pourpre moyen",
-mediumseagreen: "vert d'eau moyen ",
+mediumseagreen: "vert d'eau moyen",
mediumslateblue: "bleu ardoise moyen",
mediumspringgreen: "vert printemps moyen",
mediumturquoise: "turquoise moyen",
diff --git a/nls/gr/colors.js b/nls/gr/colors.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 45aefd1..0000000
--- a/nls/gr/colors.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-({"lightsteelblue": "ανοιχτό μπλε ασημί", "orangered": "κροκί", "midnightblue": "μπλε μεσονυχτίου", "cadetblue": "μπλε αστυνομικό", "seashell": "οστρακί", "slategrey": "γκριζογάλανο", "coral": "κοραλί", "darkturquoise": "σκούρο τυρκουάζ", "antiquewhite": "λευκό αντίκας", "mediumspringgreen": "μεσαίο πράσινο άνοιξης", "salmon": "ροδοκίτρινο", "darkgrey": "σκούρο γκρί", "ivory": "λευκό ελεφεντόδοντος", "greenyellow": "πρασινο-κίτρινο", "mistyrose": "κόκκινο ομιχλώδες", "lightsalmon": "ανοι [...]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nls/he/colors.js b/nls/he/colors.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b837996
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nls/he/colors.js
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
+// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
+//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
+//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
+aliceblue: "alice blue",
+antiquewhite: "antique white",
+aqua: "aqua",
+aquamarine: "aquamarine",
+azure: "תכלת עז",
+beige: "בז'",
+bisque: "bisque",
+black: "שחור",
+blanchedalmond: "blanched almond",
+blue: "כחול",
+blueviolet: "כחול-סגול",
+brown: "חום",
+burlywood: "burlywood",
+cadetblue: "כחול ים",
+chartreuse: "chartreuse",
+chocolate: "שוקולד",
+coral: "אלמוג",
+cornflowerblue: "cornflower blue",
+cornsilk: "cornsilk",
+crimson: "ארגמן ",
+cyan: "טורקיז",
+darkblue: "כחול כהה",
+darkcyan: "טורקיז כהה",
+darkgoldenrod: "dark goldenrod",
+darkgray: "אפור כהה",
+darkgreen: "ירוק כהה",
+darkgrey: "אפור כהה", // same as darkgray
+darkkhaki: "חאקי כהה ",
+darkmagenta: "בורדו כהה",
+darkolivegreen: "ירוק זית כהה",
+darkorange: "כתום כהה",
+darkorchid: "dark orchid",
+darkred: "אדום כהה",
+darksalmon: "סלמון כהה",
+darkseagreen: "ירוק ים כהה",
+darkslateblue: "כחול צפחה כהה",
+darkslategray: "אפור צפחה כהה",
+darkslategrey: "אפור צפחה כהה", // same as darkslategray
+darkturquoise: "טורקיז כהה",
+darkviolet: "סגול כהה",
+deeppink: "ורוד עמוק",
+deepskyblue: "כחול שמיים עמוק",
+dimgray: "אפור עמום",
+dimgrey: "אפור עמום", // same as dimgray
+dodgerblue: "כחול",
+firebrick: "fire brick",
+floralwhite: "floral white",
+forestgreen: "ירוק יער",
+fuchsia: "ורוד בהיר",
+gainsboro: "gainsboro",
+ghostwhite: "ghost white",
+gold: "זהב",
+goldenrod: "goldenrod",
+gray: "אפור",
+green: "ירוק",
+greenyellow: "ירוק-צהוב",
+grey: "אפור", // same as gray
+honeydew: "honeydew",
+hotpink: "ורוד לוהט",
+indianred: "indian red",
+indigo: "אינדיגו",
+ivory: "שנהב",
+khaki: "חאקי ",
+lavender: "לבנדר ",
+lavenderblush: "סומק לבנדר",
+lawngreen: "ירוק דשא",
+lemonchiffon: "lemon chiffon",
+lightblue: "תכלת",
+lightcoral: "אלמוג בהיר",
+lightcyan: "טורקיז בהיר",
+lightgoldenrodyellow: "light goldenrod yellow",
+lightgray: "אפור בהיר",
+lightgreen: "ירוק בהיר",
+lightgrey: "אפור בהיר", // same as lightgray
+lightpink: "ורוד בהיר ",
+lightsalmon: "סלמון בהיר",
+lightseagreen: "ירוק ים בהיר",
+lightskyblue: "כחול שמיים בהיר",
+lightslategray: "אפור צפחה בהיר",
+lightslategrey: "אפור צפחה בהיר", // same as lightslategray
+lightsteelblue: "כחול פלדה בהיר",
+lightyellow: "צהוב בהיר",
+lime: "לימון",
+limegreen: "ירוק לימוני",
+linen: "linen",
+magenta: "בורדו ",
+maroon: "חום אדמדם",
+mediumaquamarine: "medium aquamarine",
+mediumblue: "medium blue",
+mediumorchid: "medium orchid",
+mediumpurple: "medium purple",
+mediumseagreen: "medium sea green",
+mediumslateblue: "medium slate blue",
+mediumspringgreen: "medium spring green",
+mediumturquoise: "medium turquoise",
+mediumvioletred: "medium violet-red",
+midnightblue: "midnight blue",
+mintcream: "mint cream",
+mistyrose: "misty rose",
+moccasin: "moccasin",
+navajowhite: "navajo white",
+navy: "navy",
+oldlace: "old lace",
+olive: "olive",
+olivedrab: "זית עמום ",
+orange: "כתום ",
+orangered: "כתום אדום ",
+orchid: "סחלב ",
+palegoldenrod: "pale goldenrod",
+palegreen: "pale green",
+paleturquoise: "pale turquoise",
+palevioletred: "pale violet-red",
+papayawhip: "papaya whip",
+peachpuff: "peach puff",
+peru: "peru",
+pink: "pink",
+plum: "שזיף ",
+powderblue: "כחול חיוור",
+purple: "סגול ",
+red: "אדום",
+rosybrown: "חום ורדרד ",
+royalblue: "כחול מלכותי",
+saddlebrown: "חום דהוי",
+salmon: "סלמון ",
+sandybrown: "חום חולי ",
+seagreen: "ירוק ים",
+seashell: "צדף ",
+sienna: "sienna",
+silver: "כסף",
+skyblue: "כחול שמיים ",
+slateblue: "כחול צפחה",
+slategray: "אפור צפחה",
+slategrey: "אפור צפחה", // same as slategray
+snow: "שלג",
+springgreen: "ירוק אביב",
+steelblue: "כחול פלדה",
+tan: "חום אדמדם",
+teal: "כחול-ירוק כהה",
+thistle: "דרדר",
+tomato: "עגבניה",
+turquoise: "טורקיז ",
+violet: "סגול ",
+wheat: "חיוט",
+white: "לבן ",
+whitesmoke: "עשן לבן ",
+yellow: "צהוב ",
+yellowgreen: "ירוק צהוב"
diff --git a/nls/hu/colors.js b/nls/hu/colors.js
index 136bab3..b04b2c7 100644
--- a/nls/hu/colors.js
+++ b/nls/hu/colors.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
-//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
+//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
aliceblue: "Alice kék",
antiquewhite: "antik fehér",
diff --git a/nls/it/colors.js b/nls/it/colors.js
index 4e1775c..7920c52 100644
--- a/nls/it/colors.js
+++ b/nls/it/colors.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
-//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
+//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
aliceblue: "blu alice",
antiquewhite: "bianco antico",
diff --git a/nls/ja/colors.js b/nls/ja/colors.js
index fa5a5aa..b68b04c 100644
--- a/nls/ja/colors.js
+++ b/nls/ja/colors.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
-//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
+//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
aliceblue: "アリス・ブルー",
antiquewhite: "アンティーク・ホワイト",
diff --git a/nls/ko/colors.js b/nls/ko/colors.js
index 92b0cbc..9894a5f 100644
--- a/nls/ko/colors.js
+++ b/nls/ko/colors.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
-//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
+//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
aliceblue: "앨리스 블루(alice blue)",
antiquewhite: "앤틱 화이트(antique white)",
diff --git a/nls/nl/colors.js b/nls/nl/colors.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbcb95f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nls/nl/colors.js
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
+// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
+//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
+//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
+aliceblue: "lichtblauw",
+antiquewhite: "antiekwit",
+aqua: "aqua",
+aquamarine: "aquamarijn",
+azure: "azuur",
+beige: "beige",
+bisque: "oranjegeel",
+black: "zwart",
+blanchedalmond: "amandel",
+blue: "blauw",
+blueviolet: "violet",
+brown: "bruin",
+burlywood: "lichtbruin",
+cadetblue: "donkerstaalblauw",
+chartreuse: "groengeel",
+chocolate: "chocoladebruin",
+coral: "koraalrood",
+cornflowerblue: "korenbloemblauw",
+cornsilk: "maïsgeel",
+crimson: "karmozijnrood",
+cyan: "cyaan",
+darkblue: "donkerblauw",
+darkcyan: "donkercyaan",
+darkgoldenrod: "donkergoud",
+darkgray: "donkergrijs",
+darkgreen: "donkergroen",
+darkgrey: "donkergrijs", // same as darkgray
+darkkhaki: "donkerkaki",
+darkmagenta: "donkermagenta",
+darkolivegreen: "donkerolijfgroen",
+darkorange: "donkeroranje",
+darkorchid: "donkerorchidee",
+darkred: "donkerrood",
+darksalmon: "donkerzalm",
+darkseagreen: "donkerzeegroen",
+darkslateblue: "donkergrijsblauw",
+darkslategray: "donkerblauwgrijs",
+darkslategrey: "donkerblauwgrijs", // same as darkslategray
+darkturquoise: "donkerturquoise",
+darkviolet: "donkerviolet",
+deeppink: "donkerroze",
+deepskyblue: "diephemelblauw",
+dimgray: "dofgrijs",
+dimgrey: "dofgrijs", // same as dimgray
+dodgerblue: "helderblauw",
+firebrick: "vuursteenrood",
+floralwhite: "rozewit",
+forestgreen: "bosgroen",
+fuchsia: "fuchsia",
+gainsboro: "lichtblauwgrijs",
+ghostwhite: "spierwit",
+gold: "goud",
+goldenrod: "goudbruin",
+gray: "grijs",
+green: "groen",
+greenyellow: "groengeel",
+grey: "grijs", // same as gray
+honeydew: "meloen",
+hotpink: "acaciaroze",
+indianred: "indisch rood",
+indigo: "indigo",
+ivory: "ivoorwit",
+khaki: "kaki",
+lavender: "lavendelblauw",
+lavenderblush: "lavendelblos",
+lawngreen: "grasgroen",
+lemonchiffon: "citroengeel",
+lightblue: "lichtblauw",
+lightcoral: "lichtkoraal",
+lightcyan: "lichtcyaan",
+lightgoldenrodyellow: "lichtgoudgeel",
+lightgray: "lichtgrijs",
+lightgreen: "lichtgroen",
+lightgrey: "lichtgrijs", // same as lightgray
+lightpink: "lichtroze",
+lightsalmon: "lichtzalm",
+lightseagreen: "lichtzeegroen",
+lightskyblue: "lichthemelsblauw",
+lightslategray: "lichtblauwgrijs",
+lightslategrey: "lichtblauwgrijs", // same as lightslategray
+lightsteelblue: "lichtstaalblauw",
+lightyellow: "lichtgeel",
+lime: "limoen",
+limegreen: "limoengroen",
+linen: "linnen",
+magenta: "magenta",
+maroon: "kastanjebruin",
+mediumaquamarine: "midaquamarijn",
+mediumblue: "midblauw",
+mediumorchid: "midorchidee",
+mediumpurple: "midpurper",
+mediumseagreen: "midzeegroen",
+mediumslateblue: "midgrijsblauw",
+mediumspringgreen: "midlentegroen",
+mediumturquoise: "midturquoise",
+mediumvioletred: "midvioletrood",
+midnightblue: "nachtblauw",
+mintcream: "mintroomgeel",
+mistyrose: "matroze",
+moccasin: "moccasin",
+navajowhite: "navajowit",
+navy: "marineblauw",
+oldlace: "kant",
+olive: "olijfgroen",
+olivedrab: "grijsbruin",
+orange: "oranje",
+orangered: "oranjerood",
+orchid: "orchidee",
+palegoldenrod: "bleekgeel",
+palegreen: "bleekgroen",
+paleturquoise: "bleekturquoise",
+palevioletred: "bleekvioletrood",
+papayawhip: "papajaroze",
+peachpuff: "perzikroze",
+peru: "bruin",
+pink: "roze",
+plum: "pruim",
+powderblue: "lichtblauw-wit",
+purple: "purper",
+red: "rood",
+rosybrown: "roodbruin",
+royalblue: "koningsblauw",
+saddlebrown: "leerbruin",
+salmon: "zalm",
+sandybrown: "zandbruin",
+seagreen: "zeegroen",
+seashell: "schelp",
+sienna: "sienna",
+silver: "zilvergrijs",
+skyblue: "hemelsblauw",
+slateblue: "leiblauw",
+slategray: "leigrijs",
+slategrey: "leigrijs", // same as slategray
+snow: "sneeuwwit",
+springgreen: "lentegroen",
+steelblue: "staalblauw",
+tan: "geelbruin",
+teal: "grijsblauw",
+thistle: "distel",
+tomato: "tomaat",
+turquoise: "turquoise",
+violet: "violet",
+wheat: "tarwebruin",
+white: "wit",
+whitesmoke: "rookwit",
+yellow: "geel",
+yellowgreen: "geelgroen"
diff --git a/nls/no/colors.js b/nls/no/colors.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e347cbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nls/no/colors.js
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
+// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
+//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
+//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
+aliceblue: "blåhvit",
+antiquewhite: "antikk hvit",
+aqua: "akva",
+aquamarine: "akvamarin",
+azure: "asur",
+beige: "beige",
+bisque: "gulrosa",
+black: "svart",
+blanchedalmond: "lys mandel",
+blue: "blå",
+blueviolet: "blåfiolett",
+brown: "brun",
+burlywood: "matt mellombrun",
+cadetblue: "mørk grønnblå",
+chartreuse: "løvgrønn",
+chocolate: "sjokolade",
+coral: "korall",
+cornflowerblue: "kornblå",
+cornsilk: "cornsilk",
+crimson: "karmosinrødt",
+cyan: "cyan",
+darkblue: "mørk blå",
+darkcyan: "mørk cyan",
+darkgoldenrod: "mørk gyldenris",
+darkgray: "mørk grå",
+darkgreen: "mørk grønn",
+darkgrey: "mørk grå", // same as darkgray
+darkkhaki: "mørk khaki",
+darkmagenta: "mørk magenta",
+darkolivegreen: "mørk olivengrønn",
+darkorange: "mørk oransje",
+darkorchid: "mørk orkide",
+darkred: "mørk rød",
+darksalmon: "mørk lakserosa",
+darkseagreen: "mørk sjøgrønn",
+darkslateblue: "mørk skiferblå",
+darkslategray: "mørk skifergrå",
+darkslategrey: "mørk skifergrå", // same as darkslategray
+darkturquoise: "mørk turkis",
+darkviolet: "mørk fiolett",
+deeppink: "dyp rosa",
+deepskyblue: "dyp himmelblå",
+dimgray: "mørk mørkegrå",
+dimgrey: "mørk mørkegrå", // same as dimgray
+dodgerblue: "lys havblå",
+firebrick: "mursteinsrød",
+floralwhite: "blomsterhvit",
+forestgreen: "skoggrønn",
+fuchsia: "fuksia",
+gainsboro: "lys lys grå",
+ghostwhite: "egghvit",
+gold: "gull",
+goldenrod: "gyldenris",
+gray: "grå",
+green: "grønn",
+greenyellow: "gulgrønn",
+grey: "grå", // same as gray
+honeydew: "grønnhvit",
+hotpink: "halvmørk rosa",
+indianred: "rustrød",
+indigo: "indigo",
+ivory: "elfenbenshvit",
+khaki: "khaki",
+lavender: "lavendel",
+lavenderblush: "lillahvit",
+lawngreen: "plengrønn",
+lemonchiffon: "ferskenfarget",
+lightblue: "lys blå",
+lightcoral: "lys korall",
+lightcyan: "lys cyan",
+lightgoldenrodyellow: "lys gyldenrisgul",
+lightgray: "lys grå",
+lightgreen: "lys grønn",
+lightgrey: "lys grå", // same as lightgray
+lightpink: "lys rosa",
+lightsalmon: "lys lakserosa",
+lightseagreen: "lys sjøgrønn",
+lightskyblue: "lys himmelblå",
+lightslategray: "lys skifergrå",
+lightslategrey: "lys skifergrå", // same as lightslategray
+lightsteelblue: "lys stålblå",
+lightyellow: "lys gul",
+lime: "lime",
+limegreen: "limegrønn",
+linen: "lin",
+magenta: "magenta",
+maroon: "rødbrun",
+mediumaquamarine: "middels akvamarin",
+mediumblue: "mellomblå",
+mediumorchid: "middels orkide",
+mediumpurple: "middels purpur",
+mediumseagreen: "middels sjøgrønn",
+mediumslateblue: "middels skiferblå",
+mediumspringgreen: "middels vårgrønn",
+mediumturquoise: "middels turkis",
+mediumvioletred: "middels fiolettrød",
+midnightblue: "midnattsblå",
+mintcream: "mintkrem",
+mistyrose: "lys rosenrød",
+moccasin: "lys gulbrun",
+navajowhite: "gulbrun",
+navy: "marineblå",
+oldlace: "kniplingshvit",
+olive: "oliven",
+olivedrab: "middels olivengrønn",
+orange: "oransje",
+orangered: "rødoransje",
+orchid: "orkide",
+palegoldenrod: "svak gyldenris",
+palegreen: "svak grønn",
+paleturquoise: "svak turkis",
+palevioletred: "svak fiolettrød",
+papayawhip: "lys papaya",
+peachpuff: "brunrosa",
+peru: "lys nøttebrun",
+pink: "rosa",
+plum: "plommefarget",
+powderblue: "lys grønnblå",
+purple: "purpur",
+red: "rød",
+rosybrown: "brunlilla",
+royalblue: "kongeblå",
+saddlebrown: "mørk nøttebrun",
+salmon: "lakserosa",
+sandybrown: "sandbrun",
+seagreen: "sjøgrønn",
+seashell: "skjellhvit",
+sienna: "nøttebrun",
+silver: "sølvfarget",
+skyblue: "himmelblå",
+slateblue: "skiferblå",
+slategray: "skifergrå",
+slategrey: "skifergrå", // same as slategray
+snow: "snøhvit",
+springgreen: "vårgrønn",
+steelblue: "stålblå",
+tan: "matt mellombrun",
+teal: "mørk grønnblå",
+thistle: "lys grålilla",
+tomato: "tomatrød",
+turquoise: "turkis",
+violet: "fiolett",
+wheat: "varm sienna",
+white: "hvit",
+whitesmoke: "røykhvit",
+yellow: "gul",
+yellowgreen: "gulgrønn"
diff --git a/nls/pl/colors.js b/nls/pl/colors.js
index bdd2287..c4cc3cd 100644
--- a/nls/pl/colors.js
+++ b/nls/pl/colors.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
-//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
+//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
aliceblue: "bladoniebieski",
antiquewhite: "biel antyczna",
diff --git a/nls/pt-pt/colors.js b/nls/pt-pt/colors.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62be391
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nls/pt-pt/colors.js
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
+// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
+//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
+//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
+aliceblue: "azul alice",
+antiquewhite: "branco antigo",
+aqua: "verde-água",
+aquamarine: "verde-azulado",
+azure: "azul-celeste",
+beige: "bege",
+bisque: "rosa-velho",
+black: "preto",
+blanchedalmond: "amêndoa claro",
+blue: "azul",
+blueviolet: "azul violeta",
+brown: "castanho",
+burlywood: "castanho pinho",
+cadetblue: "azul cadete",
+chartreuse: "amarelo esverdeado",
+chocolate: "chocolate",
+coral: "coral",
+cornflowerblue: "azul-violáceo",
+cornsilk: "branco seda",
+crimson: "carmesim",
+cyan: "ciano",
+darkblue: "azul escuro",
+darkcyan: "ciano escuro",
+darkgoldenrod: "ouro velho escuro",
+darkgray: "cinzento escuro",
+darkgreen: "verde escuro",
+darkgrey: "cinzento escuro", // same as darkgray
+darkkhaki: "caqui escuro",
+darkmagenta: "magenta escuro",
+darkolivegreen: "verde-azeitona escuro",
+darkorange: "laranja escuro",
+darkorchid: "orquídea escuro",
+darkred: "vermelho escuro",
+darksalmon: "salmão escuro",
+darkseagreen: "verde marinho escuro",
+darkslateblue: "azul ardósia escuro",
+darkslategray: "cinzento ardósia escuro",
+darkslategrey: "cinzento ardósia escuro",// same as darkslategray
+darkturquoise: "turquesa escuro",
+darkviolet: "violeta escuro",
+deeppink: "rosa profundo",
+deepskyblue: "azul céu profundo",
+dimgray: "cinzento escuro",
+dimgrey: "cinzento escuro", // same as dimgray
+dodgerblue: "azul furtivo",
+firebrick: "tijolo fogo",
+floralwhite: "branco floral",
+forestgreen: "verde floresta",
+fuchsia: "fúcsia",
+gainsboro: "cinzento azulado claro",
+ghostwhite: "branco sombreado",
+gold: "dourado",
+goldenrod: "ouro velho",
+gray: "cinzento",
+green: "verde",
+greenyellow: "amarelo esverdeado",
+grey: "cinzento", // same as gray
+honeydew: "mel",
+hotpink: "rosa forte",
+indianred: "almagre",
+indigo: "índigo",
+ivory: "marfim",
+khaki: "caqui",
+lavender: "alfazema",
+lavenderblush: "alfazema rosado",
+lawngreen: "verde relva",
+lemonchiffon: "limão chiffon",
+lightblue: "azul claro",
+lightcoral: "coral claro",
+lightcyan: "ciano claro",
+lightgoldenrodyellow: "ouro velho amarelado claro",
+lightgray: "cinzento claro",
+lightgreen: "verde claro",
+lightgrey: "cinzento claro", // same as lightgray
+lightpink: "rosa claro",
+lightsalmon: "salmão claro",
+lightseagreen: "verde marinho claro",
+lightskyblue: "azul céu claro",
+lightslategray: "cinzento ardósia claro",
+lightslategrey: "cinzento ardósia claro", // same as lightslategray
+lightsteelblue: "azul-aço claro",
+lightyellow: "amarelo claro",
+lime: "lima",
+limegreen: "verde-lima",
+linen: "linho",
+magenta: "magenta",
+maroon: "bordeaux",
+mediumaquamarine: "verde-azulado médio",
+mediumblue: "azul médio",
+mediumorchid: "orquídea médio",
+mediumpurple: "roxo médio",
+mediumseagreen: "verde marinho médio",
+mediumslateblue: "azul ardósia médio",
+mediumspringgreen: "verde primavera médio",
+mediumturquoise: "turquesa médio",
+mediumvioletred: "violeta avermelhado médio",
+midnightblue: "azul meia-noite",
+mintcream: "creme de menta",
+mistyrose: "rosa pálido",
+moccasin: "mocassim",
+navajowhite: "branco navajo",
+navy: "azul marinho",
+oldlace: "renda antiga",
+olive: "azeitona",
+olivedrab: "azeitona claro",
+orange: "laranja",
+orangered: "vermelho alaranjado",
+orchid: "orquídea",
+palegoldenrod: "ouro velho pálido",
+palegreen: "verde pálido",
+paleturquoise: "turquesa pálido",
+palevioletred: "violeta avermelhado pálido",
+papayawhip: "creme de papaia",
+peachpuff: "pêssego",
+peru: "peru",
+pink: "rosa",
+plum: "cor-de-ameixa",
+powderblue: "azul de esmalte",
+purple: "roxo",
+red: "vermelho",
+rosybrown: "castanho rosado",
+royalblue: "azul real",
+saddlebrown: "castanho sela",
+salmon: "salmão",
+sandybrown: "castanho areia",
+seagreen: "verde marinho",
+seashell: "concha",
+sienna: "castanho-avermelhado",
+silver: "prateado",
+skyblue: "azul céu",
+slateblue: "azul ardósia",
+slategray: "cinzento ardósia",
+slategrey: "cinzento ardósia", // same as slategray
+snow: "branco-neve",
+springgreen: "verde primavera",
+steelblue: "azul-aço",
+tan: "castanho claro",
+teal: "verde-azulado",
+thistle: "cardo",
+tomato: "vermelho tomate",
+turquoise: "turquesa",
+violet: "violeta",
+wheat: "trigo",
+white: "branco",
+whitesmoke: "fumo branco",
+yellow: "amarelo",
+yellowgreen: "verde amarelado"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nls/pt/colors.js b/nls/pt/colors.js
index 747842d..860e463 100644
--- a/nls/pt/colors.js
+++ b/nls/pt/colors.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
-//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
+//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
aliceblue: "azul-bebê",
antiquewhite: "branco velho",
diff --git a/nls/ru/colors.js b/nls/ru/colors.js
index 36fd76d..ce0b438 100644
--- a/nls/ru/colors.js
+++ b/nls/ru/colors.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
-//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
+//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
aliceblue: "серо-голубой",
antiquewhite: "белый антик",
diff --git a/nls/sv/colors.js b/nls/sv/colors.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aad0d9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nls/sv/colors.js
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
+// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
+//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
+//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
+aliceblue: "aliceblå",
+antiquewhite: "antikvitt",
+aqua: "akvamarin",
+aquamarine: "akvamarin",
+azure: "azurblått",
+beige: "beige",
+bisque: "biskvi",
+black: "black",
+blanchedalmond: "skållad mandel",
+blue: "blått",
+blueviolet: "blåviolett",
+brown: "brunt",
+burlywood: "träfärgat",
+cadetblue: "kadettblått",
+chartreuse: "chartreuse",
+chocolate: "choklad",
+coral: "korall",
+cornflowerblue: "kornblått",
+cornsilk: "gulvitt",
+crimson: "karmosinrött",
+cyan: "cyan",
+darkblue: "mörkblått",
+darkcyan: "mörkt cyan",
+darkgoldenrod: "mörkt gullris",
+darkgray: "mörkgrått",
+darkgreen: "mörkgrönt",
+darkgrey: "mörkgrått", // same as darkgray
+darkkhaki: "mörkt kaki",
+darkmagenta: "mörk magenta",
+darkolivegreen: "mörkt olivgrönt",
+darkorange: "mörkorange",
+darkorchid: "mörkt orkidé",
+darkred: "mörkrött",
+darksalmon: "mörkt laxfärgat",
+darkseagreen: "mörkt havsgrönt",
+darkslateblue: "mörkt skifferblått",
+darkslategray: "mörkt skiffergrått",
+darkslategrey: "mörkt skiffergrått", // same as darkslategray
+darkturquoise: "mörkturkost",
+darkviolet: "mörkviolett",
+deeppink: "djuprosa",
+deepskyblue: "mörkt himmelsblått",
+dimgray: "smutsgrått",
+dimgrey: "smutsgrått", // same as dimgray
+dodgerblue: "dodgerblått",
+firebrick: "tegelstensrött",
+floralwhite: "blomvitt",
+forestgreen: "skogsgrönt",
+fuchsia: "fuchsia",
+gainsboro: "gainsboro",
+ghostwhite: "spökvitt",
+gold: "guld",
+goldenrod: "gullris",
+gray: "grått",
+green: "grönt",
+greenyellow: "gröngult",
+grey: "grått", // same as gray
+honeydew: "honungsdagg",
+hotpink: "varmrosa",
+indianred: "indianrött",
+indigo: "indigo",
+ivory: "elfenbensvitt",
+khaki: "kaki",
+lavender: "lavendel",
+lavenderblush: "lavendelskimrande",
+lawngreen: "gräsmattegrönt",
+lemonchiffon: "citronchiffong",
+lightblue: "ljusblått",
+lightcoral: "ljuskorall",
+lightcyan: "ljust cyan",
+lightgoldenrodyellow: "ljust gullrisgult",
+lightgray: "ljusgrått",
+lightgreen: "ljusgrönt",
+lightgrey: "ljusgrått", // same as lightgray
+lightpink: "ljusrosa",
+lightsalmon: "ljust laxfärgat",
+lightseagreen: "ljust havsgrönt",
+lightskyblue: "ljust himmelsblått",
+lightslategray: "ljust skiffergrått",
+lightslategrey: "ljust skiffergrått", // same as lightslategray
+lightsteelblue: "ljust stålblått",
+lightyellow: "ljusgult",
+lime: "lime",
+limegreen: "limegrönt",
+linen: "linne",
+magenta: "magenta",
+maroon: "rödbrunt",
+mediumaquamarine: "medelakvamarin",
+mediumblue: "medelblått",
+mediumorchid: "medelorkidé",
+mediumpurple: "medellila",
+mediumseagreen: "medelhavsgrönt",
+mediumslateblue: "medelskifferblått",
+mediumspringgreen: "medelvårgrönt",
+mediumturquoise: "medelturkost",
+mediumvioletred: "medelviolettrött",
+midnightblue: "midnattsblått",
+mintcream: "mintgrädde",
+mistyrose: "dunkelrosa",
+moccasin: "mockasin",
+navajowhite: "navajovitt",
+navy: "marinblått",
+oldlace: "spetsvitt",
+olive: "olivfärgat",
+olivedrab: "olivsmutsgult",
+orange: "orange",
+orangered: "orangerött",
+orchid: "orkidé",
+palegoldenrod: "blekt gullris",
+palegreen: "blekgrönt",
+paleturquoise: "blekturkost",
+palevioletred: "blekviolettrött",
+papayawhip: "papayaröra",
+peachpuff: "persika",
+peru: "peru",
+pink: "rosa",
+plum: "plommon",
+powderblue: "pulverblått",
+purple: "lila",
+red: "rött",
+rosybrown: "rosenbrunt",
+royalblue: "kungligt blått",
+saddlebrown: "sadelbrunt",
+salmon: "laxfärgat",
+sandybrown: "sandbrunt",
+seagreen: "havsgrönt",
+seashell: "snäckskal",
+sienna: "sienna",
+silver: "silver",
+skyblue: "himmelsblått",
+slateblue: "skifferblått",
+slategray: "skiffergrått",
+slategrey: "skiffergrått", // same as slategray
+snow: "snö",
+springgreen: "vårgrönt",
+steelblue: "stålblått",
+tan: "mellanbrunt",
+teal: "blågrönt",
+thistle: "tistel",
+tomato: "tomatrött",
+turquoise: "turkost",
+violet: "violett",
+wheat: "vete",
+white: "vitt",
+whitesmoke: "vit rök",
+yellow: "gult",
+yellowgreen: "gulgrönt"
diff --git a/nls/tr/colors.js b/nls/tr/colors.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..027b679
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nls/tr/colors.js
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
+// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
+//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
+//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
+aliceblue: "alice mavisi",
+antiquewhite: "antik beyaz",
+aqua: "deniz mavisi",
+aquamarine: "akuamarin",
+azure: "azur mavisi",
+beige: "bej",
+bisque: "bisküvi",
+black: "siyah",
+blanchedalmond: "soluk badem",
+blue: "mavi",
+blueviolet: "mavi-mor",
+brown: "kahverengi",
+burlywood: "sarımsı kahverengi",
+cadetblue: "denizci mavisi",
+chartreuse: "chartreuse",
+chocolate: "çikolata",
+coral: "mercan",
+cornflowerblue: "peygamber çiçeği mavisi",
+cornsilk: "mısır rengi",
+crimson: "crimson",
+cyan: "camgöbeği",
+darkblue: "koyu mavi",
+darkcyan: "koyu camgöbeği",
+darkgoldenrod: "koyu sarı",
+darkgray: "koyu gri",
+darkgreen: "koyu yeşil",
+darkgrey: "koyu gri", // same as darkgray
+darkkhaki: "koyu haki",
+darkmagenta: "koyu mor",
+darkolivegreen: "koyu zeytin yeşili",
+darkorange: "koyu turuncu",
+darkorchid: "koyu orkide",
+darkred: "koyu kırmızı",
+darksalmon: "koyu somon",
+darkseagreen: "koyu deniz yeşili",
+darkslateblue: "koyu arduvaz mavisi",
+darkslategray: "koyu arduvaz grisi",
+darkslategrey: "koyu arduvaz grisi", // same as darkslategray
+darkturquoise: "koyu turkuaz",
+darkviolet: "koyu eflatun",
+deeppink: "koyu pembe",
+deepskyblue: "koyu gök mavisi",
+dimgray: "soluk gri",
+dimgrey: "soluk gri", // same as dimgray
+dodgerblue: "toz mavisi",
+firebrick: "canlı kiremit",
+floralwhite: "çiçek beyazı",
+forestgreen: "koyu deniz yeşili",
+fuchsia: "fuşya",
+gainsboro: "gainsboro",
+ghostwhite: "silik beyaz",
+gold: "altın",
+goldenrod: "sarısabır",
+gray: "gri",
+green: "yeşil",
+greenyellow: "yeşil-sarı",
+grey: "gri", // same as gray
+honeydew: "çam sakızı",
+hotpink: "sıcak pembe",
+indianred: "kızılderili kırmızısı",
+indigo: "çivit mavisi",
+ivory: "fildişi",
+khaki: "haki",
+lavender: "lavanta",
+lavenderblush: "lavanta pembesi",
+lawngreen: "çimen yeşili",
+lemonchiffon: "limoni",
+lightblue: "açık mavi",
+lightcoral: "açık mercan",
+lightcyan: "açık camgöbeği",
+lightgoldenrodyellow: "açık sarısabır",
+lightgray: "açık gri",
+lightgreen: "açık yeşil",
+lightgrey: "açık gri", // same as lightgray
+lightpink: "açık pembe",
+lightsalmon: "açık somon",
+lightseagreen: "açık deniz yeşili",
+lightskyblue: "açık gök mavisi",
+lightslategray: "açık arduvaz grisi",
+lightslategrey: "açık arduvaz grisi", // same as lightslategray
+lightsteelblue: "açık metalik mavi",
+lightyellow: "açık sarı",
+lime: "limon yeşili",
+limegreen: "küf yeşili",
+linen: "keten",
+magenta: "macenta",
+maroon: "kestane",
+mediumaquamarine: "orta akuamarin",
+mediumblue: "orta mavi",
+mediumorchid: "orta orkide",
+mediumpurple: "orta mor",
+mediumseagreen: "orta deniz yeşili",
+mediumslateblue: "orta arduvaz mavisi",
+mediumspringgreen: "orta bahar yeşili",
+mediumturquoise: "orta turkuaz",
+mediumvioletred: "orta menekşe kırmızısı",
+midnightblue: "gece mavisi",
+mintcream: "naneli krem",
+mistyrose: "gülkurusu",
+moccasin: "mokosen",
+navajowhite: "navajo beyazı",
+navy: "lacivert",
+oldlace: "eski dantel",
+olive: "zeytin",
+olivedrab: "asker yeşili",
+orange: "turuncu",
+orangered: "turuncu kırmızı",
+orchid: "orkide",
+palegoldenrod: "soluk sarısabır",
+palegreen: "soluk yeşil",
+paleturquoise: "soluk turkuaz",
+palevioletred: "soluk menekşe kırmızısı",
+papayawhip: "papaya sapı",
+peachpuff: "açık şeftali",
+peru: "peru",
+pink: "pembe",
+plum: "erik",
+powderblue: "pudra mavisi",
+purple: "mor",
+red: "kırmızı",
+rosybrown: "pembemsi kahverengi",
+royalblue: "parlak koyu mavi",
+saddlebrown: "açık kahve",
+salmon: "somon",
+sandybrown: "kum rengi",
+seagreen: "deniz yeşili",
+seashell: "deniz kabuğu",
+sienna: "koyu kahve",
+silver: "gümüş",
+skyblue: "gök mavisi",
+slateblue: "arduvaz mavisi",
+slategray: "arduvaz grisi",
+slategrey: "arduvaz grisi", // same as slategray
+snow: "kar",
+springgreen: "bahar yeşili",
+steelblue: "metalik mavi",
+tan: "güneş yanığı",
+teal: "Teal mavi",
+thistle: "devedikeni",
+tomato: "domates",
+turquoise: "turkuaz",
+violet: "eflatun",
+wheat: "buğday",
+white: "beyaz",
+whitesmoke: "beyaz duman",
+yellow: "sarı",
+yellowgreen: "sarı yeşil"
diff --git a/nls/zh-tw/colors.js b/nls/zh-tw/colors.js
index 58b353c..336e713 100644
--- a/nls/zh-tw/colors.js
+++ b/nls/zh-tw/colors.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
-//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
+//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
aliceblue: "愛麗絲藍",
antiquewhite: "米白色",
diff --git a/nls/zh/colors.js b/nls/zh/colors.js
index fe2ac0d..61286cf 100644
--- a/nls/zh/colors.js
+++ b/nls/zh/colors.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
-//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
+//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
aliceblue: "爱丽丝蓝",
antiquewhite: "古董白",
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