[Pkg-javascript-commits] [less.js] annotated tag v1.5.1 created (now a36d15a)

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Mon Oct 26 23:22:17 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

js pushed a change to annotated tag v1.5.1
in repository less.js.

        at  a36d15a   (tag)
   tagging  f4e1faf7e732e32b7bc30fd275d7b1cecdbb9fbd (commit)
  replaces  v1.5.0
 tagged by  Luke Page
        on  Sun Nov 17 17:11:00 2013 +0000

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Version 1.5.1

Andreas Lind Petersen (1):
      Avoid fs.statSync unless env.syncImports is specified.

Christian Hammond (1):
      Support specifying custom variables when calling lessc and less.js.

Joshua Spence (2):
      Fixes #1619
      A better solution for fixing #1619

Kevin Attfield (1):
      added sourceMappingURL option

Luke Page (14):
      Merge pull request #1628 from tomfuertes/patch-1
      Merge pull request #1655 from chipx86/custom-vars
      Merge pull request #1643 from matthewp/location-port
      Merge branch 'selector-match-fixes' of https://github.com/seven-phases-max/less.js
      add options to disable clean css options that interfere with less operation. upgrade clean css
      warn about using sourcemap option with clean css
      Merge pull request #1658 from joshuaspence/master
      Merge branch 'avoidStatSync' of https://github.com/papandreou/less.js
      revert to env.syncImport
      update readme
      update bower version
      rename the sourcemappingurl to sourcemapurl, add to bin/lessc and adjust to not normalize
      correct the sourcemap url option
      1.5.1 release

Matthew Phillips (1):
      Check location.port for truthiness

Max Ruman (3):
      Change lessc exit status code on error. Fixes #1637
      Add lessc parameter availability check. Fixes #1637
      Disable yui-compress parmeter (instead of falling back to incompatible clean-css). Fixes #1637

Tom Fuertes (1):
      update bower.json main script

seven-phases-max (3):
      fixed mixin call matching for multi-selector parent...
      a few minor selector match fixes...
      a few minor selector match fixes: updated tests.


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/less.js.git

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