[Pkg-javascript-commits] [less.js] annotated tag v1.7.5 created (now ad19bfe)

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Mon Oct 26 23:23:08 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

js pushed a change to annotated tag v1.7.5
in repository less.js.

        at  ad19bfe   (tag)
   tagging  08e2fc413675ea06426f9b9b532efbb2d600ea0b (commit)
  replaces  v1.7.4
 tagged by  Luke Page
        on  Wed Sep 3 08:05:43 2014 +0100

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------

Luke Page (13):
      Merge pull request #2123 from SomMeri/import-into-media-1645
      Merge pull request #2144 from pdehaan/patch-1
      Support for /deep/ selector. Fixes #2023
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/less/less.js
      update dependencies
      simplify readme - remove build system and add version badge instead
      Merge pull request #2128 from SomMeri/issue-2127
      Merge pull request #2135 from SomMeri/charset-2126
      Merge pull request #2136 from SomMeri/data-uri-1959
      Fix missing ^, causing parse error. Fixes #2154
      Merge pull request #1921 from rback/master
      Merge pull request #2173 from seven-phases-max/master
      1.7.5 release

Mária Jurčovičová (1):
      Merge pull request #2169 from SomMeri/comments-keyframe-rule

Peter deHaan (1):
      Updating request dependency

Rasmus Back (1):
      Pass options object to parser.parse in less.render.

jurcovicovam (8):
      Merge https://github.com/less/less.js into rhino
      Merge https://github.com/less/less.js into rhino
      Fix interpolated import into media #1645
      Issue #2127, selectors matching function ignored * selector.
      Charsets should float on top #2126
      Fragment handling in data-uri function 1959
      Eat up comments instead of calling them parse error:

seven-phases-max (1):
      Fix property interpolation for `@*` values


This annotated tag includes the following new commits:

       new  d5f29b6   Adding gsub function
       new  d4e15e2   Adding gsub function
       new  170042f   Adding capture group test case
       new  7dbd759   Merging remote
       new  08e6137   Improved min/max function, 2 new Built in function
       new  bf2a49a   Improved min/max function, 2 new Built in function
       new  0f2926b   Update functions.js
       new  b77b020   Improved min/max function, 2 new Built in function
       new  7fc1201   Error handlers for min/max functions
       new  e6b94f9   Pixel conversion added.
       new  82ab17c   Consistency fixes
       new  7bbf7ce   max/min Bugfix
       new  8ccadb8   Removal of zero, unitonly changed to obtain
       new  d717c2b   Update README.md
       new  0a79543   Implement postProcessor callback feature for less.ls browser environment #1835
       new  9f4818d   Added support for property merge via `+_`;
       new  c523e99   Property merge via `+_`: minor test updates.
       new  fda1774   Merge upstream into adding_gsub_function
       new  089bf1b   Adding replace function
       new  98f48bc   Replacing replace's options to flags
       new  72c0cff   Merge pull request #1847 from seven-phases-max/property-merge-with-space
       new  09c4311   Added support for variables in certain at-rules (keyframes, namespace, charset).
       new  cc1ef03   missing build files for 1.6.3
       new  e5702ca   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/cloudhead/less.js
       new  f7414a1   detached rulesets
       new  55ce309   Merge pull request #1860 from seven-phases-max/variables-in-atrules-2
       new  d015778   Create travis file
       new  dda043a   add an npm install because it seems if you add an
       new  111da07   Remove 0.6 since it fails
       new  37a1db2   Up the version of node to the required version
       new  204a4c2   Add travis icon
       new  deec346   Add travis to readme
       new  76ac1dd   revert bower.json
       new  2be0b8c   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into detached-rulesets
       new  68f97fa   Fixed empty args matching for named variadics (e.g. `.mixin(@var...)`).
       new  bf952c1   Merge pull request #1866 from seven-phases-max/fix-1852
       new  dff83f8   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/deviprsd21/less.js
       new  9749d20   Fix tests, fix a bug in comparing values
       new  5bdce43   changelog so far
       new  55033c7   more tests and name arguments for caller
       new  7f26515   small simplification
       new  ed0e13a   do not chunk inside parens so that we can predict mixin calls containing detached rulesets. Also now save the current chunk (may not be required).
       new  e3168e3   add some more failing tests
       new  e3576b9   implement n level back-tracking and then don't absorb a parenthesis, fixing both issues with 2 new test cases
       new  ef3c63f   Test out some theoretical back tracking and fix bugs
       new  15174c0   small approx 1% speed improvement
       new  c301ea6   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into detached-rulesets
       new  e0692fa   add scope tests to the detached ruleset test-set
       new  b46ca11   error tests and test detached rulesets without a mixin call
       new  c730829   Fix one issue with media queries and detached rulesets, one to go
       new  baba33e   Fix some bugs with detached rulesets and media queries
       new  88b44df   make mixin definitions have similar coding style to detached rulesets for grabbing frames
       new  42aff6f   remove bad comment
       new  d31e2d5   upgrade dependencies
       new  6117a33   Merge pull request #1855 from jakebellacera/adding_replace_function
       new  f3b9713   correct spelling of compatibility option
       new  3945027   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/cloudhead/less.js
       new  d3c0b20   minor `replace` func improvement: preserve quote char and escaped flag.
       new  768a5cb   minor `%` func improvement: preserve quote char and escaped flag, updated tests.
       new  9dbb18c   Merge pull request #1884 from seven-phases-max/replace-func-improvement
       new  8fa966e   Merge pull request #1859 from less/detached-rulesets
       new  3d338ce   Update README.md
       new  6d5473e   update readme
       new  d85b6c0   Change wiki link to website link
       new  984419a   Fixed a typo for 1.7.0: `@supports` -> `@keyframes`
       new  b053b93   README.md: LESS -> Less
       new  ea18223   Let `luma` follow spec
       new  4952b66   Let tests reflect output of new luma function.
       new  86fee0d   Add test case were luminance is not equal to luma.
       new  bf9c590   Fixed that in some situations a mixin call into a referenced file wouldn't import media queries. Fixes #1469
       new  7c90aca   Fix a small scope issue with mixins when using parent selectors, introduced in 1.6.2. Fixes #1877
       new  ca06fee   when in lint mode, report errors from creating css. Fixes #1786
       new  5ab0e08   Do not evaluate css with guards if the guards fail. Fixes #1873
       new  75e7d43   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/cloudhead/less.js
       new  6f3f59c   tweak the log levels. Fixes #1856
       new  2a194e0   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/cloudchen/less.js
       new  1451af9   add browser details to changelog
       new  834a50f   add-in more changes to the changelog
       new  89e095c   call callback if exception whilst calling toCSS. Fixes #1816
       new  18c49e7   re-implement pull request #1701 - still allow log level to be configurable in dev mode
       new  fce001e   use the right xml http request for local file access. from @Scorpin
       new  beb5273   allow % to be passed to the unit function. Fixes #1550 and fixes #1571
       new  ccd8ebb   always execute import-once in the same way. Fixes #1898
       new  193ce01   Sync semantics of test variables and their output.
       new  e7389a0   Introduce luminance function.
       new  17a92e3   Merge pull request #1890 from roelvanduijnhoven/feature/luma-definition
       new  1738549   final changelog changes for 1.7.0
       new  c95dfde   1.7.0 Release
       new  7370f72   Add note about clean css options changing
       new  0c8e117   update readme and rename LESS to Less
       new  dfbf04a   Remove trailing spaces from the license header.
       new  faf620e   Remove twitter-bootstrap tag from SO link
       new  1bdaf74   Merge pull request #1906 from ZDroid/readme
       new  e1f3d44   Merge pull request #1907 from XhmikosR/patch-1
       new  621eeaf   add depdency check
       new  74c3378   Add dependency check in build
       new  303a58a   Fix pills into right place
       new  322a0e8   Added usage info for url-args option
       new  372c554   Merge pull request #1919 from bcluca/master
       new  ef1566c   Pass options object to parser.parse in less.render.
       new  8afeae9   Fixed recursive mixin regression, updated tests to detect such regression in future.
       new  df6ae88   Fix error message when using cleancss with sourcemap
       new  46c12ef   reworked internal decimal rounding function.
       new  87f8df2   Throwing an error now on `writeError` if `silent`option is not set to give users of the API the possibility to distinguish between a successful compilation and an unsuccessful one without needing to parse the output.
       new  28b8565   Merge pull request #1936 from danielchatfield/fix-error-message
       new  5c0b5cf   Merge pull request #1929 from seven-phases-max/recursive-loop-regression-fix
       new  d6d983f   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/sandroboehme/less.js into sandroboehme-master
       new  7f8dfae   improving paths determination during file loader, less likely to pass undefined and break node
       new  31ffdb8   Added condition to check if HEX code contain only valid characters
       new  66c4307   fix bug with ../.. paths joining
       new  85b911a   Merge pull request #1974 from dominicbarnes/master
       new  1ccb489   Merge pull request #1981 from kolipka/master
       new  5647d4d   Ignore quote type when comparing values. Fixes #1992
       new  5968537   Merge branch '1924-fix-1' of github.com:seven-phases-max/less.js
       new  6214b0f   add comment, make + clearer by changing to Number constructor
       new  9ad5f18   Switch to a different js error as the text is different in new versions of node
       new  028fe1a   make some changes suggested in #1107 to improve open file handles
       new  5b8b8de   Added more flexible check for HEX color code. Also error is now less specific.
       new  a5406a9   Added another test case for missed space in color definition
       new  c75bb15   Set CSS text after style element is added to DOM, to fix crash on IE < 9.
       new  563c47b   Fixes a regression when a mixin guard can't see the mixin parameter variables in certain cases.
       new  f56c7bf   Merge pull request #2002 from seven-phases-max/fix-2001
       new  6075c81   Merge pull request #2000 from David-Hari/master
       new  501b7fa   use graceful fs for file actions
       new  6745058   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/cloudhead/less.js
       new  ddfd1ca   Fix #1987. First, res may be null if we have an error with a URL. Second, if the URL has no protocol, use http
       new  084e733   update some dependencies
       new  7a1c534   Fixes e("").
       new  fab1401   Merge pull request #2016 from seven-phases-max/e-function-fix
       new  f94c41f   Remove the "done" message displayed at the end of the compilation with Rhino.
       new  56d062b   If the end line is comments, the modify-var option will have no effect.
       new  ac0db09   Base64 encode source maps
       new  81f949b   window.ActiveXObject in IE11: fix boolean casting
       new  6da6a01   Merge pull request #2046 from dkrnl/master
       new  20abf0a   Merge pull request #2031 from chenboxiang/master
       new  cd63bc5   Merge pull request #2019 from gdelhumeau/remove-done-output
       new  c872caa   Merge pull request #1976 from peruginni/master
       new  68bf9db   Remove copyright from licence so we only have one
       new  eb5dba0   remove 0.8. 0.8 works but only if you don't use
       new  4b86578   Update README.md
       new  12fdcab   1.7.1 release
       new  f0ab12a   make the include example text clearer
       new  6b126a1   Add missing info for 1.7.1
       new  f615fcb   Merge pull request #2045 from tim-smart/feature/sourcemaps-base64
       new  0c2c1b2   suport passing strings to paths
       new  4c094e7   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/less/less.js
       new  04cb8bd   fix regression with jsifying code - all dimensions would be rounded. Fixes #2057
       new  7ad4329   1.7.2 release
       new  91fdb39   don't round values returned by colour query functions.
       new  aeacf57   missing distribution files
       new  9e323a4   Merge pull request #2062 from seven-phases-max/not-rounded-color-queries
       new  fc26d5c   Fix backtracking on multiplication to support dimension /|* keyword, with or without strict maths. Fixes #2066.
       new  5e13673   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/less/less.js
       new  546bedd   1.7.3 release
       new  085d4e7   Update bower for 1.7.3
       new  b722467   Adding handling for upper case drive letter in Windows
       new  864c63d   Fix ordering of @import and @charset rules #1954 #2013
       new  0efc25a   Source map changed together with import inline ordering
       new  f4d0442   Removing useless comments.
       new  bfdc28c   Merge https://github.com/less/less.js into misleading-error-message-2069
       new  d44a524   Raise error in case of an empty selector inside :extend.
       new  0145a54   Merge https://github.com/less/less.js into rhino
       new  c9c6ddb   Properties merging should work also inside directives #2035
       new  f565860   Putting readme.md into its original state. Also, travis failed with weird message and I want to see what it will do this time.
       new  1b204fe   Merge pull request #2117 from SomMeri/import-charset-ordering-2013-1954
       new  95beef2   Merge https://github.com/less/less.js into misleading-error-message-2069
       new  8daa61f   Merge https://github.com/less/less.js into font-face-property-merge-2-2035
       new  c6cf6a8   Moved @font-face property merge test into urls.less and re-enabled merge.less in jasmine tests.
       new  86c0beb   Merge https://github.com/less/less.js into rhino
       new  ff6fe91   Merge pull request #2120 from SomMeri/misleading-error-message-2069
       new  4b40773   Merge pull request #2121 from SomMeri/font-face-property-merge-2-2035
       new  d750151   Found race condition that caused file not to be skipped in importOnce, leading to random exceptions. Fixes #1931
       new  4ec83bc   Merge branch 'master' of github.com:MiguelCastillo/less.js
       new  dfa3f6a   Merge pull request #2100 from joscha/patch-1
       new  1ff24b4   do not use util.print since it is deprecated. Fixes #2081
       new  9fab616   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/less/less.js
       new  1e04f33   better error message when import missing a semi-colon or malformed.
       new  0e88395   tests for import malformed
       new  a168b1f   1.7.4 release
       new  83a8625   Merge https://github.com/less/less.js into rhino
       new  86c1b0d   Fix interpolated import into media #1645
       new  93d6b08   Merge pull request #2123 from SomMeri/import-into-media-1645
       new  62eb799   Issue #2127, selectors matching function ignored * selector.
       new  e7c8112   Charsets should float on top #2126
       new  0f8bd72   Fragment handling in data-uri function 1959
       new  6089b66   Updating request dependency
       new  45e2b8a   Merge pull request #2144 from pdehaan/patch-1
       new  7476669   Support for /deep/ selector. Fixes #2023
       new  7503268   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/less/less.js
       new  a16aff1   update dependencies
       new  5d406c4   simplify readme - remove build system and add version badge instead
       new  3735d81   Merge pull request #2128 from SomMeri/issue-2127
       new  169bbad   Merge pull request #2135 from SomMeri/charset-2126
       new  466bc39   Merge pull request #2136 from SomMeri/data-uri-1959
       new  c4ed706   Fix missing ^, causing parse error. Fixes #2154
       new  dc691d6   Merge pull request #1921 from rback/master
       new  d086d64   Eat up comments instead of calling them parse error: * in @keyframe declaration #2059, * after rule name before semicolon #826.
       new  9c78547   tt
       new  e045362   Merge pull request #2169 from SomMeri/comments-keyframe-rule
       new  36383dc   Fix property interpolation for `@*` values
       new  6f7676a   Merge pull request #2173 from seven-phases-max/master
       new  08e2fc4   1.7.5 release

The 202 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/less.js.git

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