[Pkg-javascript-commits] [less.js] 266/285: CLI: Minor fixes in various decriptions.

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Mon Oct 26 23:24:00 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

js pushed a commit to annotated tag v2.0.0
in repository less.js.

commit 440d08153aaecd62265fe6f7f961c1287d51a57f
Author: Adeel <adeelbm at outlook.com>
Date:   Mon Nov 3 00:29:07 2014 +0200

    CLI: Minor fixes in various decriptions.
 lib/less-node/lessc-helper.js | 43 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/less-node/lessc-helper.js b/lib/less-node/lessc-helper.js
index 75e00e9..80eedef 100644
--- a/lib/less-node/lessc-helper.js
+++ b/lib/less-node/lessc-helper.js
@@ -26,31 +26,32 @@ var lessc_helper = {
         console.log("If source is set to `-' (dash or hyphen-minus), input is read from stdin.");
-        console.log("  -h, --help               Print help (this message) and exit.");
-        console.log("  --include-path=PATHS     Set include paths. Separated by `:'. Use `;' on Windows.");
-        console.log("  -M, --depends            Output a makefile import dependency list to stdout");
-        console.log("  --no-color               Disable colorized output.");
-        console.log("  --no-ie-compat           Disable IE compatibility checks.");
-        console.log("  --no-js                  Disable JavaScript in less files");
+        console.log("  -h, --help               Prints help (this message) and exit.");
+        console.log("  --include-path=PATHS     Sets include paths. Separated by `:'. Use `;' on Windows.");
+        console.log("  -M, --depends            Outputs a makefile import dependency list to stdout.");
+        console.log("  --no-color               Disables colorized output.");
+        console.log("  --no-ie-compat           Disables IE compatibility checks.");
+        console.log("  --no-js                  Disables JavaScript in less files");
         console.log("  -l, --lint               Syntax check only (lint).");
-        console.log("  -s, --silent             Suppress output of error messages.");
-        console.log("  --strict-imports         Force evaluation of imports.");
-        console.log("  --insecure               Allow imports from insecure https hosts.");
-        console.log("  -v, --version            Print version number and exit.");
-        console.log("  -x, --compress           Compress output by removing some whitespaces.");
-        console.log("  --source-map[=FILENAME]  Outputs a v3 sourcemap to the filename (or output filename.map)");
-        console.log("  --source-map-rootpath=X  adds this path onto the sourcemap filename and less file paths");
+        console.log("  -s, --silent             Suppresses output of error messages.");
+        console.log("  --strict-imports         Forces evaluation of imports.");
+        console.log("  --insecure               Allows imports from insecure https hosts.");
+        console.log("  -v, --version            Prints version number and exit.");
+        console.log("  -x, --compress           Compresses output by removing some whitespaces.");
+        console.log("  --source-map[=FILENAME]  Outputs a v3 sourcemap to the filename (or output filename.map).");
+        console.log("  --source-map-rootpath=X  Adds this path onto the sourcemap filename and less file paths.");
         console.log("  --source-map-basepath=X  Sets sourcemap base path, defaults to current working directory.");
-        console.log("  --source-map-less-inline puts the less files into the map instead of referencing them");
-        console.log("  --source-map-map-inline  puts the map (and any less files) into the output css file");
-        console.log("  --source-map-url=URL     the complete custom URL to map file for sourceMappingURL comment");
-        console.log("  -rp, --rootpath=URL      Set rootpath for url rewriting in relative imports and urls.");
+        console.log("  --source-map-less-inline Puts the less files into the map instead of referencing them.");
+        console.log("  --source-map-map-inline  Puts the map (and any less files) into the output css file.");
+        console.log("  --source-map-url=URL     Sets a custom URL to map file, for sourceMappingURL comment");
+        console.log("                           in generated CSS file.");
+        console.log("  -rp, --rootpath=URL      Sets rootpath for url rewriting in relative imports and urls");
         console.log("                           Works with or without the relative-urls option.");
-        console.log("  -ru, --relative-urls     re-write relative urls to the base less file.");
-        console.log("  -sm=on|off               Turn on or off strict math, where in strict mode, math");
-        console.log("  --strict-math=on|off     requires brackets. This option may default to on and then");
+        console.log("  -ru, --relative-urls     Re-writes relative urls to the base less file.");
+        console.log("  -sm=on|off               Turns on or off strict math, where in strict mode, math.");
+        console.log("  --strict-math=on|off     Requires brackets. This option may default to on and then");
         console.log("                           be removed in the future.");
-        console.log("  -su=on|off               Allow mixed units, e.g. 1px+1em or 1px*1px which have units");
+        console.log("  -su=on|off               Allows mixed units, e.g. 1px+1em or 1px*1px which have units");
         console.log("  --strict-units=on|off    that cannot be represented.");
         console.log("  --global-var='VAR=VALUE' Defines a variable that can be referenced by the file.");
         console.log("  --modify-var='VAR=VALUE' Modifies a variable already declared in the file.");

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/less.js.git

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