[Pkg-javascript-commits] [less.js] annotated tag v2.1.1 created (now c4e01fb)

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Mon Oct 26 23:25:48 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

js pushed a change to annotated tag v2.1.1
in repository less.js.

        at  c4e01fb   (tag)
   tagging  b6e391033d08b658bdb3dff098da10ef2cd66fd9 (commit)
  replaces  v2.1.0
 tagged by  Luke Page
        on  Thu Nov 27 06:15:42 2014 +0000

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------

Forbes Lindesay (2):
      Pass this from promise based calling
      Fix double handling of exceptions

Luke Page (6):
      refactor sourcemap classes slightly for better usage by clean-css plugin sourcemaps branch
      Merge pull request #2309 from seven-phases-max/more-input-types-for-replace
      Merge pull request #2311 from ForbesLindesay/pass-this
      Merge pull request #2312 from ForbesLindesay/fix-double-exception-handling
      remove stray console.log
      v2.1.1 release

seven-phases-max (1):
      improve keyword and anonymous input for replace (and %)


This annotated tag includes the following new commits:

       new  d5f29b6   Adding gsub function
       new  d4e15e2   Adding gsub function
       new  170042f   Adding capture group test case
       new  7dbd759   Merging remote
       new  8e18098   Updated grunt build to provide a less.js/less.min.js w/o version number. Also added automatic updating of ver from package.json to bower.json.
       new  335955f   removed all version numbered files from dist
       new  08e6137   Improved min/max function, 2 new Built in function
       new  bf2a49a   Improved min/max function, 2 new Built in function
       new  0f2926b   Update functions.js
       new  b77b020   Improved min/max function, 2 new Built in function
       new  7fc1201   Error handlers for min/max functions
       new  e6b94f9   Pixel conversion added.
       new  82ab17c   Consistency fixes
       new  7bbf7ce   max/min Bugfix
       new  8ccadb8   Removal of zero, unitonly changed to obtain
       new  d717c2b   Update README.md
       new  3322609   More consistent named colour variables.
       new  e1877d8   More consistent named colour variables. Updated.
       new  0a79543   Implement postProcessor callback feature for less.ls browser environment #1835
       new  9f4818d   Added support for property merge via `+_`;
       new  c523e99   Property merge via `+_`: minor test updates.
       new  fda1774   Merge upstream into adding_gsub_function
       new  089bf1b   Adding replace function
       new  98f48bc   Replacing replace's options to flags
       new  72c0cff   Merge pull request #1847 from seven-phases-max/property-merge-with-space
       new  09c4311   Added support for variables in certain at-rules (keyframes, namespace, charset).
       new  cc1ef03   missing build files for 1.6.3
       new  e5702ca   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/cloudhead/less.js
       new  f7414a1   detached rulesets
       new  55ce309   Merge pull request #1860 from seven-phases-max/variables-in-atrules-2
       new  d015778   Create travis file
       new  dda043a   add an npm install because it seems if you add an
       new  111da07   Remove 0.6 since it fails
       new  37a1db2   Up the version of node to the required version
       new  204a4c2   Add travis icon
       new  deec346   Add travis to readme
       new  76ac1dd   revert bower.json
       new  2be0b8c   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into detached-rulesets
       new  68f97fa   Fixed empty args matching for named variadics (e.g. `.mixin(@var...)`).
       new  bf952c1   Merge pull request #1866 from seven-phases-max/fix-1852
       new  dff83f8   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/deviprsd21/less.js
       new  9749d20   Fix tests, fix a bug in comparing values
       new  5bdce43   changelog so far
       new  55033c7   more tests and name arguments for caller
       new  7f26515   small simplification
       new  ed0e13a   do not chunk inside parens so that we can predict mixin calls containing detached rulesets. Also now save the current chunk (may not be required).
       new  e3168e3   add some more failing tests
       new  e3576b9   implement n level back-tracking and then don't absorb a parenthesis, fixing both issues with 2 new test cases
       new  ef3c63f   Test out some theoretical back tracking and fix bugs
       new  15174c0   small approx 1% speed improvement
       new  c301ea6   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into detached-rulesets
       new  e0692fa   add scope tests to the detached ruleset test-set
       new  b46ca11   error tests and test detached rulesets without a mixin call
       new  7b0ce1e   ignore directories not needed for node
       new  d4fe4ed   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/cgross/less.js into 2_0_0
       new  21165a3   remove other dist files and update gruntfile not to generate rhino lessc
       new  8ddcf66   Merge branch 'color-string-variable' of https://github.com/seven-phases-max/less.js into 2_0_0
       new  e8da09e   some changelog notes
       new  a9e8cc6   remove dist files introduced by merge
       new  c844b02   remove unused optimization level
       new  d846774   remove opimization from lessc
       new  c730829   Fix one issue with media queries and detached rulesets, one to go
       new  baba33e   Fix some bugs with detached rulesets and media queries
       new  88b44df   make mixin definitions have similar coding style to detached rulesets for grabbing frames
       new  42aff6f   remove bad comment
       new  d31e2d5   upgrade dependencies
       new  6117a33   Merge pull request #1855 from jakebellacera/adding_replace_function
       new  f3b9713   correct spelling of compatibility option
       new  3945027   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/cloudhead/less.js
       new  d3c0b20   minor `replace` func improvement: preserve quote char and escaped flag.
       new  768a5cb   minor `%` func improvement: preserve quote char and escaped flag, updated tests.
       new  9dbb18c   Merge pull request #1884 from seven-phases-max/replace-func-improvement
       new  8fa966e   Merge pull request #1859 from less/detached-rulesets
       new  3d338ce   Update README.md
       new  6d5473e   update readme
       new  d85b6c0   Change wiki link to website link
       new  984419a   Fixed a typo for 1.7.0: `@supports` -> `@keyframes`
       new  b053b93   README.md: LESS -> Less
       new  ea18223   Let `luma` follow spec
       new  4952b66   Let tests reflect output of new luma function.
       new  86fee0d   Add test case were luminance is not equal to luma.
       new  bf9c590   Fixed that in some situations a mixin call into a referenced file wouldn't import media queries. Fixes #1469
       new  7c90aca   Fix a small scope issue with mixins when using parent selectors, introduced in 1.6.2. Fixes #1877
       new  ca06fee   when in lint mode, report errors from creating css. Fixes #1786
       new  5ab0e08   Do not evaluate css with guards if the guards fail. Fixes #1873
       new  f0d0ac9   Merge branch 'master' into 2_0_0
       new  edd3729   Fix scope test
       new  35d58f2   start abstracting out the file loader
       new  e989b01   remove the old importer interface and move the node code into the common importer
       new  9d94e1c   move the browser file out into the same format as the node environment file
       new  75e7d43   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/cloudhead/less.js
       new  0106536   Merge branch 'master' into 2_0_0
       new  6f3f59c   tweak the log levels. Fixes #1856
       new  868baa3   Merge branch 'master' into 2_0_0
       new  2a194e0   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/cloudchen/less.js
       new  1451af9   add browser details to changelog
       new  834a50f   add-in more changes to the changelog
       new  89e095c   call callback if exception whilst calling toCSS. Fixes #1816
       new  18c49e7   re-implement pull request #1701 - still allow log level to be configurable in dev mode
       new  fce001e   use the right xml http request for local file access. from @Scorpin
       new  beb5273   allow % to be passed to the unit function. Fixes #1550 and fixes #1571
       new  e8c78d9   Merge branch 'master' into 2_0_0
       new  f65da55   Fix tests
       new  208b32a   remove commented out code now implemented in parser
       new  08bd23d   add browserify (not yet working) and refactor tree nodes to not be dependent on their parent (currently breaks browser build)
       new  462b027   move environment to the less namespace
       new  ddf1a45   continue moving node functionality into the environment interface. function names need making consistent etc.
       new  e30cccc   move sourcemap generator to environment
       new  ccd8ebb   always execute import-once in the same way. Fixes #1898
       new  193ce01   Sync semantics of test variables and their output.
       new  e7389a0   Introduce luminance function.
       new  17a92e3   Merge pull request #1890 from roelvanduijnhoven/feature/luma-definition
       new  1738549   final changelog changes for 1.7.0
       new  c95dfde   1.7.0 Release
       new  7370f72   Add note about clean css options changing
       new  0c8e117   update readme and rename LESS to Less
       new  ee64392   Merge branch 'master' into 2_0_0
       new  37cd664   remove merged in dist files
       new  3229b45   get the browser file running and processing less (still doesnt pass tests though)
       new  418af74   get most of the browser tests running
       new  2ac8617   Fix the browser tests
       new  dfbf04a   Remove trailing spaces from the license header.
       new  faf620e   Remove twitter-bootstrap tag from SO link
       new  1bdaf74   Merge pull request #1906 from ZDroid/readme
       new  e1f3d44   Merge pull request #1907 from XhmikosR/patch-1
       new  a8ded64   add banner and setup dist to generate browser output from browserify
       new  08490fd   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into 2_0_0
       new  dce4f90   change gruntfile to use same whitespace as the rest of the project
       new  e5b0fb6   move the visitors to return themselves instead of assuming where they live
       new  7efbcd3   Trim trailing whitespace.
       new  9fe311b   Enable JSHint's trailing check.
       new  7f34acd   move visitors to a different namespace
       new  7dfc0cf   Merge branch 'whitespace' of github.com:XhmikosR/less.js into 2_0_0
       new  aa3abeb   fix trailing whitespace
       new  621eeaf   add depdency check
       new  74c3378   Add dependency check in build
       new  303a58a   Fix pills into right place
       new  322a0e8   Added usage info for url-args option
       new  372c554   Merge pull request #1919 from bcluca/master
       new  ef1566c   Pass options object to parser.parse in less.render.
       new  8afeae9   Fixed recursive mixin regression, updated tests to detect such regression in future.
       new  df6ae88   Fix error message when using cleancss with sourcemap
       new  46c12ef   reworked internal decimal rounding function.
       new  87f8df2   Throwing an error now on `writeError` if `silent`option is not set to give users of the API the possibility to distinguish between a successful compilation and an unsuccessful one without needing to parse the output.
       new  28b8565   Merge pull request #1936 from danielchatfield/fix-error-message
       new  5c0b5cf   Merge pull request #1929 from seven-phases-max/recursive-loop-regression-fix
       new  d6d983f   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/sandroboehme/less.js into sandroboehme-master
       new  7f8dfae   improving paths determination during file loader, less likely to pass undefined and break node
       new  31ffdb8   Added condition to check if HEX code contain only valid characters
       new  66c4307   fix bug with ../.. paths joining
       new  85b911a   Merge pull request #1974 from dominicbarnes/master
       new  1ccb489   Merge pull request #1981 from kolipka/master
       new  5647d4d   Ignore quote type when comparing values. Fixes #1992
       new  5968537   Merge branch '1924-fix-1' of github.com:seven-phases-max/less.js
       new  6214b0f   add comment, make + clearer by changing to Number constructor
       new  9ad5f18   Switch to a different js error as the text is different in new versions of node
       new  028fe1a   make some changes suggested in #1107 to improve open file handles
       new  5b8b8de   Added more flexible check for HEX color code. Also error is now less specific.
       new  a5406a9   Added another test case for missed space in color definition
       new  c75bb15   Set CSS text after style element is added to DOM, to fix crash on IE < 9.
       new  563c47b   Fixes a regression when a mixin guard can't see the mixin parameter variables in certain cases.
       new  f56c7bf   Merge pull request #2002 from seven-phases-max/fix-2001
       new  6075c81   Merge pull request #2000 from David-Hari/master
       new  501b7fa   use graceful fs for file actions
       new  6745058   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/cloudhead/less.js
       new  ddfd1ca   Fix #1987. First, res may be null if we have an error with a URL. Second, if the URL has no protocol, use http
       new  084e733   update some dependencies
       new  7a1c534   Fixes e("").
       new  fab1401   Merge pull request #2016 from seven-phases-max/e-function-fix
       new  f94c41f   Remove the "done" message displayed at the end of the compilation with Rhino.
       new  b2820b0   Return a promise rather than an event emitter
       new  815d609   Use native Promises when available
       new  07f9ba2   Move chunker and LessError into separate files
       new  56d062b   If the end line is comments, the modify-var option will have no effect.
       new  ac0db09   Base64 encode source maps
       new  81f949b   window.ActiveXObject in IE11: fix boolean casting
       new  6da6a01   Merge pull request #2046 from dkrnl/master
       new  20abf0a   Merge pull request #2031 from chenboxiang/master
       new  cd63bc5   Merge pull request #2019 from gdelhumeau/remove-done-output
       new  c872caa   Merge pull request #1976 from peruginni/master
       new  68bf9db   Remove copyright from licence so we only have one
       new  eb5dba0   remove 0.8. 0.8 works but only if you don't use
       new  8e7274f   2.0.0 will require 0.10 or above of node.
       new  4b86578   Update README.md
       new  8c978cd   Pass env to chunker for use in error messages
       new  78a92e7   Fix LessError being used before being defined
       new  be151fb   Add missing semicolon
       new  01a5d7c   Fix incorrect variable name for error
       new  9d987ab   Update jshintrc
       new  1d629bf   Merge pull request #2021 from ForbesLindesay/2_0_0-promises
       new  dcdc76f   Merge pull request #2022 from ForbesLindesay/2_0_0-refactor-chunker-and-less-error
       new  12fdcab   1.7.1 release
       new  f0ab12a   make the include example text clearer
       new  6b126a1   Add missing info for 1.7.1
       new  fdd01f6   merge in latest 1.7.1 release
       new  d0f2305   tidy merge - fix mistake in lessc and remove dist files merged in
       new  f615fcb   Merge pull request #2045 from tim-smart/feature/sourcemaps-base64
       new  0c2c1b2   suport passing strings to paths
       new  4c094e7   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/less/less.js
       new  04cb8bd   fix regression with jsifying code - all dimensions would be rounded. Fixes #2057
       new  7ad4329   1.7.2 release
       new  94f746b   move some dependencies out of chunker. make chunker optional. start fixing error messages chunker handled
       new  91fdb39   don't round values returned by colour query functions.
       new  73c34ac   improve some of the error messages when not using the chunker.
       new  aeacf57   missing distribution files
       new  9e323a4   Merge pull request #2062 from seven-phases-max/not-rounded-color-queries
       new  fc26d5c   Fix backtracking on multiplication to support dimension /|* keyword, with or without strict maths. Fixes #2066.
       new  5e13673   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/less/less.js
       new  3830278   merge from master
       new  546bedd   1.7.3 release
       new  085d4e7   Update bower for 1.7.3
       new  b722467   Adding handling for upper case drive letter in Windows
       new  864c63d   Fix ordering of @import and @charset rules #1954 #2013
       new  0efc25a   Source map changed together with import inline ordering
       new  f4d0442   Removing useless comments.
       new  bfdc28c   Merge https://github.com/less/less.js into misleading-error-message-2069
       new  d44a524   Raise error in case of an empty selector inside :extend.
       new  0145a54   Merge https://github.com/less/less.js into rhino
       new  c9c6ddb   Properties merging should work also inside directives #2035
       new  f565860   Putting readme.md into its original state. Also, travis failed with weird message and I want to see what it will do this time.
       new  1b204fe   Merge pull request #2117 from SomMeri/import-charset-ordering-2013-1954
       new  95beef2   Merge https://github.com/less/less.js into misleading-error-message-2069
       new  8daa61f   Merge https://github.com/less/less.js into font-face-property-merge-2-2035
       new  c6cf6a8   Moved @font-face property merge test into urls.less and re-enabled merge.less in jasmine tests.
       new  86c0beb   Merge https://github.com/less/less.js into rhino
       new  ff6fe91   Merge pull request #2120 from SomMeri/misleading-error-message-2069
       new  4b40773   Merge pull request #2121 from SomMeri/font-face-property-merge-2-2035
       new  d750151   Found race condition that caused file not to be skipped in importOnce, leading to random exceptions. Fixes #1931
       new  4ec83bc   Merge branch 'master' of github.com:MiguelCastillo/less.js
       new  dfa3f6a   Merge pull request #2100 from joscha/patch-1
       new  1ff24b4   do not use util.print since it is deprecated. Fixes #2081
       new  9fab616   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/less/less.js
       new  1e04f33   better error message when import missing a semi-colon or malformed.
       new  0e88395   tests for import malformed
       new  a168b1f   1.7.4 release
       new  83a8625   Merge https://github.com/less/less.js into rhino
       new  86c1b0d   Fix interpolated import into media #1645
       new  93d6b08   Merge pull request #2123 from SomMeri/import-into-media-1645
       new  62eb799   Issue #2127, selectors matching function ignored * selector.
       new  e7c8112   Charsets should float on top #2126
       new  0f8bd72   Fragment handling in data-uri function 1959
       new  6089b66   Updating request dependency
       new  45e2b8a   Merge pull request #2144 from pdehaan/patch-1
       new  7476669   Support for /deep/ selector. Fixes #2023
       new  7503268   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/less/less.js
       new  a16aff1   update dependencies
       new  5d406c4   simplify readme - remove build system and add version badge instead
       new  3735d81   Merge pull request #2128 from SomMeri/issue-2127
       new  169bbad   Merge pull request #2135 from SomMeri/charset-2126
       new  466bc39   Merge pull request #2136 from SomMeri/data-uri-1959
       new  f85f253   merge from master
       new  ddba055   Fix merge errors and node tests
       new  953f70c   Fix browser tests
       new  d7e7ddb   move functions into its own folder and give it a set interface
       new  cde9b79   much improved comment parsing
       new  119c930   remove more dist files merged from master
       new  16746e9   untangle the mess of dependencies and remove all circular dependencies. Remove un-necessary dependency injection.
       new  c41df95   move tree index underneath tree
       new  95dedcc   rename env to contexts
       new  fe5e2bf   remove dependency injection from functions files apart from when needed for environment
       new  e325aec   Also remove dep-injection from visitors, none of which use environment. make functions used as classes TitleCase
       new  5148db6   move source map output into root directory
       new  f02d920   move parser files into a parser directory
       new  c4ed706   Fix missing ^, causing parse error. Fixes #2154
       new  5d26a37   Merge branch 'master' into 2_0_0
       new  8720378   seperate out imports and tidy a few un-necessary optimisations
       new  f3c3238   make some corrections to comment
       new  41732cc   pull out the input processing out of the parser class and a few small improvements - the no js option now applies to all js, including that within quotes. The Javascript node now also returns the right index.
       new  dc691d6   Merge pull request #1921 from rback/master
       new  16c4f88   small optimisation/fix todo
       new  ca72b4d   Clean up dependency injection so environment is injected at the top level
       new  d086d64   Eat up comments instead of calling them parse error: * in @keyframe declaration #2059, * after rule name before semicolon #826.
       new  37ae8c4   Fragment handling in data-uri function 1959
       new  e33d0b9   Fix missing ^, causing parse error. Fixes #2154
       new  f16cc89   Pass options object to parser.parse in less.render.
       new  9c78547   tt
       new  e045362   Merge pull request #2169 from SomMeri/comments-keyframe-rule
       new  36383dc   Fix property interpolation for `@*` values
       new  6f7676a   Merge pull request #2173 from seven-phases-max/master
       new  8fc964d   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into 2_0_0
       new  08e2fc4   1.7.5 release
       new  a0658a4   move render to be accessible in all environments and start using it in the browser
       new  d0b6c50   missing rename in gruntfile
       new  544bd3a   Change code to use less.render
       new  b55b596   move transform out of the parser
       new  e108b50   move cleancss into lessc bin only
       new  c4e2514   reworked guard comparison
       new  20025f1   Remove duplication in render function
       new  d3c6f22   Move toCSS out to a new class (still need to remove creation of that class from parser)
       new  9af3819   parser no longer needs to expose imports (they are on the parseTree) and can use a variable instead of a reference to itself
       new  ca77dc3   Parser does not need to have a parseEnv stored on itself
       new  e5faba5   Remove some interdepedencies
       new  4f5a449   move creation of env to invoker
       new  a46de44   move import manager creation out of parser
       new  9d23062   Parser no longer requires environment
       new  d9c42e2   seperate out the environments at the top-most-level
       new  c330c3a   Added guards checking to namespaces. Issue #1418.
       new  cbc8c78   Added case insensitive units handling. Issue #2096
       new  4a49c63   Merge https://github.com/less/less.js into case-insensite-units-2096
       new  2737557   Merge https://github.com/less/less.js into rhino
       new  9f68f43   Fix #1973
       new  2942b9d   Merge pull request #2181 from SomMeri/case-insensite-units-2096
       new  7a151e2   Merge pull request #2182 from seven-phases-max/fix-1973
       new  10f8824   Merge https://github.com/less/less.js into rhino
       new  796d37c   Iterated string interpolation
       new  a038121   Cleaned up and added iteration for javascript too.
       new  f2bc59f   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into 2_0_0
       new  09360ea   delete merged dist files
       new  e31442c   Merge branch '2_0_0' of https://github.com/less/less.js into 2_0_0
       new  cf0ac69   Merge branch 'reworked-guard-comparison' of github.com:seven-phases-max/less.js into 2_0_0
       new  518887e   Merge branch 'namespaces-guards-1418' of github.com:SomMeri/less-rhino.js into SomMeri-namespaces-guards-1418
       new  723b410   Merge branch 'SomMeri-namespaces-guards-1418' into 2_0_0
       new  6bd327b   Merge branch 'iterated-interpolation-2094' of github.com:SomMeri/less-rhino.js into 2_0_0
       new  bc42a73   Fix memory leak in error. Fixes #2025
       new  50e299b   Fix url import. Fixes #2089.
       new  2778f53   Point at the node version of less when imported and expose the environment non-specific one
       new  f76ad35   Use SVGs for all readme badges
       new  25f96c8   Merge pull request #2185 from theodorejb/svg-badges
       new  1a78cd5   Remove unnecessary text from require statements
       new  e357dae   allow lessc to load plugins. rename visitor directory to visitors to match others. Fix indexes in URL
       new  4927bf1   Add first draft post-processors, fix render function when using callback. remove regex compression (not compatible with sourcemaps)
       new  1ecce8b   tree/directive.js: fix incorrect accept() code
       new  6ea7a19   move out clean css
       new  c7f8fe5   Merge branch '2_0_0' of https://github.com/less/less.js into 2_0_0
       new  771ab4e   sort out usage and allow a plugin argument
       new  86f78fa   support min version
       new  bc335d1   move rhino to its own folder
       new  b721c4f   use a sourcemap builder for sourcemap output, seperated from the other less options
       new  d9a6b46   initial work to allow post process plugins to work with sourcemaps
       new  e172602   change render and tree to return an object containing css and map and in the future possibly other things
       new  5dbae36   Do not require users to construct a source map builder
       new  c07531a   Fix the sourcemap options to default to the correct directories
       new  40e0b21   simplify sourcemapfilename in lessc and expose the output filename
       new  a53be80   make the import manager one instance per render
       new  fb6c879   remove env from all environment calls except the ones that actually need it
       new  0c1fb32   Add another todo
       new  ff72e24   Fix browser if no less object specified
       new  b3b8b27   import managaer related simplifications
       new  3f38581   move some contexts into the import manager
       new  823ab22   further simplifications to the parse context
       new  c0e1432   Remove unnecessary semicolon
       new  d4415a5   Add an option to get the input filename
       new  a51c848   Fix interpolated selector match regression
       new  7a6b1e2   Pull out the file manager aspect of the environment so new file managers can be added dynamically
       new  70bf802   Fix the main browser tests
       new  10296d2   Merge pull request #2217 from seven-phases-max/2_0_0
       new  e040eff   Add back in test core js files
       new  0c168e1   Fix error filename
       new  27494c2   Fix svg function in browser
       new  ee9eefd   Fix some more browser tests
       new  3af0923   Fix final weird error - in phantom only some console.log calls are going missing?
       new  414df4d   rename imports to class name
       new  dedf0ee   rename env to context to avoid confusion with environment
       new  8d43117   Add logger
       new  07404d6   Merge pull request #2209 from joscha/patch-2
       new  9be165b   Fix tests by adding logger to record messages in test common js
       new  91025db   move browser log code out to log listener and remove option I added temporarily that wasn't an opiption
       new  cd0cf0e   Seperate browser a bit more
       new  3450e33   Seperate out the browser cache
       new  1743aa0   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into 2_0_0
       new  e6cd9ba   remove 2 files no longer used
       new  36a1d5e   Fix some links and version numbers
       new  d3ca207   jsdoc and add file manager
       new  9869b29   Add file manager to plugin system
       new  a344240   Remove unused warn function (replaced with logger) and allow null environments
       new  c0f60cc   Fix plugin issues
       new  b966cf1   some renames, tidy ups and bugfixes whilst adding npm plugin
       new  6d64213   Fix issue #2221
       new  a1808b8   upgrade promise dependency
       new  c40069e   Fix the API files
       new  a0b1b2f   refresh returns promise
       new  999af91   set less.hasFinished to refresh() promise
       new  d31be57   Fixes #713, #771, #1161
       new  89358fa   more sane resolve
       new  0e821f1   cleanup callback
       new  3166564   Merge pull request #2226 from levithomason/feature/notify-on-finish
       new  659bf74   Merge pull request #2233 from levithomason/feature/reload-stylesheets
       new  8b42ae3   A few tweaks to browser loading
       new  55baaa5   use page load finished in tests
       new  5796cf2   upgrade browserify. Use the promise shim instead of the full node version in the browser.
       new  0bc0330   upgrade uglify
       new  3eccec8   module upgrades
       new  54a8a38   use connect instead of http server and upgrade some more packages
       new  ee94d83   update packages
       new  8562e2c   Upgrade to jasmine v2
       new  6913f30   Test why travis CI is failing
       new  7b84a9f   another travis ci test
       new  545ee85   travis CI test 3
       new  f3d667b   test linux build
       new  114d3e5   Tidy up after solving problem when building in linux
       new  e715057   Delete un-needed files
       new  b8736e0   whitespace
       new  845ec72   improve error reporting
       new  9d535c0   Whitespace - undo unusual new() syntax
       new  fde35b7   Fix default rootpath. Do not apply to sourcemap filename. Replace windows directory seperators.
       new  9f82ece   sourcemap filename is optional so put a guard around the path replace
       new  d436b83   put the built-in cache on the less object
       new  c3831e1   ignore .grunt folder for npm
       new  65702f8   make sure plugins can be loaded from the current directory if lessc is installed globally
       new  e02449b   improve some of the source map options
       new  feea4f6   ignore other things in bower that are not needed
       new  0fa3a9f   change version to beta 1
       new  4a0d806   build v2 beta and update changelog
       new  9d3ef59   Merge pull request #1902 from less/2_0_0
       new  329e875   improver browsertest-server and use jasmine js-reporter (for integration with sauce)
       new  65adf2f   try sauce
       new  b98b8ca   Try a smaller spec
       new  ba3d24a   Support urls begining // which are unquoted. Fixes #2238
       new  148a0f5   put the appendage of the .less extension through the file manager so that behaviour can be over-ridden. Fixes #2235
       new  b6043a5   Merge branch 'master' into sauce
       new  85caa4a   Test all except main and update dev dependencies
       new  56414e2   re-do change from latest source-map dependency so tests pass
       new  4f187f3   Merge branch 'master' into sauce
       new  a49ed20   localhost is required for tests to pass...
       new  50bbda0   Update CHANGELOG.md
       new  d26f16a   Merge pull request #2241 from Justineo/patch-1
       new  72cc9e5   minor correction for color changes in v2
       new  f24db03   ie support in the tests
       new  765f876   travis integration
       new  e5b18c0   add support to read options from script tag data attr
       new  0681e59   improve support to read options from script tag data attr
       new  e2b30eb   improve support to read options from script tag data attr - part 2
       new  815e977   add support to read options from less file link tag data attr
       new  8c89b26   Initial sketch-out (broken)
       new  bbbbd5d   Merge pull request #2243 from lejenome/master
       new  e793b17   Sequencer working so imports are always processed in the same order
       new  b4ae1e8   when finding variables, look inside sub import nodes
       new  5f09ee7   make sure an error is not lost
       new  c757bef   flatten import visitor so that variable imports can be processed at the end of a global queue
       new  5913834   Tidy Import Visitor arguments
       new  5931025   Tidy context stack into actual stack - no need for an array
       new  59a165b   Refactor out the processing of the import, ready to be done asyncronously
       new  ebdda84   Method for how it will work asyncronously (broken)
       new  bbb8f9a   test for final working
       new  5f1f091   Fix - for some reason the flattening done by the import visitor is required
       new  5202a1f   sequencer logic for variable import
       new  e1c28d6   use structure to run variable imports last
       new  4bd15f4   Add rebeccapurple (#663399)
       new  2fa3cb3   Merge pull request #2247 from le717/rebeccapurple
       new  793383e   further test case
       new  08ef44f   update dependencies and changelog
       new  0b3accc   load plugins from functions as well as objects
       new  6538c52   Merge pull request #2246 from less/import-sequence
       new  da92696   v2.0.0-b2
       new  3b60ee4   Fix for import relative path for url with parameters
       new  1b3b742   create index and browser scripts in root as require targets
       new  9b1330a   Use Browserify's standalone option to wrap `dist/less` in UMD
       new  062afac   Fix browserify to be the one to expose less to window
       new  8a1403b   Merge pull request #2254 from dexif/master
       new  d48fd51   change default for useFileCache. Fixes #2261
       new  14a4837   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/less/less.js
       new  9ddd81f   seperate out bootstrapping less and the browser api
       new  8faa5b8   Allow replacing visitors to return undefined. Fixes #2252
       new  6d68337   v2-b3 release
       new  1ab7bbc   Merge branch 'master' into sauce
       new  990a1a3   fix merge
       new  45f6c6d   only run saucelabs from travis in node 0.11 and on branches, not pr's
       new  88927af   Fix incorrect gruntfile check
       new  ec92b03   Don't connect twice
       new  d37b550   firefox support
       new  7c4745b   test support for IE11
       new  77dbc98   tidy up and fix ff/ie11
       new  4b1a200   IE8/IE9 support
       new  e0f9f21   increase timeout and fix tests not supported in IE8-10
       new  7cab6da   Move to an account called less, add back in videos for now, add matrix to readme
       new  52ea5c8   modifications to let sauce pass on master and ie tests to continue failing on the sauce branch
       new  be2de92   CLI: Fixes source-map-url description. (#2264)
       new  440d081   CLI: Minor fixes in various decriptions.
       new  73f3fc4   typo fixes
       new  d097656   Merge pull request #2268 from vlajos/typofixes20141102
       new  dd1ebe8   Merge pull request #2267 from am11/master
       new  31846a9   Fix wrong check in abstractFileManager.getPath
       new  e907766   Merge pull request #2269 from dexif/master
       new  8e74aae   Try out appveyor
       new  a3f40f5   Update README.md
       new  ced43a7   Increase jasmine timeout for (very) slow computers
       new  470671f   Remove unnecessary autocrlf setting
       new  00d7ec1   update dev dependencies
       new  b375b20   Merge pull request #2277 from jackwanders/browser-less-as-npm-target
       new  dd413a0   remove un-necessary index
       new  80f2ace   allow failures of node with 0.11
       new  8727d72   Remove ipad sauce test since it often fails
       new  f698d77   increase async timeout because appveyor can take 70 seconds to start up
       new  9017cbe   improve legacy units to be more consistent (particularly for multiplicaton). Fixes #2276
       new  4dab36d   support @counter-style. Fixes #2204
       new  06a97bc   add further unit fallback tests
       new  89b5e04   v2 release
       new  e33d2a0   Update to appveyor master badge
       new  54ee4fa   Remove livereload cache buster param in extractId
       new  779efe5   Merge pull request #2279 from cgross/master
       new  5e4fa2a   Fix the depends option. Fixes #1799
       new  0037a8d   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/less/less.js
       new  27dea8e   Fix variables with important to be consistent - Fixes #2286
       new  7b567d0   Fix getting of character at index
       new  b09ce05   Merge pull request #2296 from Taritsyn/master
       new  7aa2f10   Package: Updates request to 2.48.0.
       new  ed34989   Package: Replaces tilde with caret.
       new  41346e1   Merge pull request #2297 from am11/master
       new  de06e26   Run less.js after page load to see if it fixes IE page load issue
       new  75426cb   support pre ie10 and fix sauce asking for js status before script loaded
       new  7572cf4   make relative path test for drive name case insensitive. Fixes #2292.
       new  cae3792   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/less/less.js
       new  b2aa23e   Fix IE8 error test
       new  6ccf6d2   Fix typo
       new  825ab31   Switch on all sauce tests
       new  2c88644   Merge branch 'sauce'
       new  893b54a   Small improve in README.md and bower.json.
       new  59b763a   Merge pull request #2298 from vsn4ik/npm_not_capitalized
       new  89c95af   Fix isSync option, turn browser back to running sychronously and fix many issues that came up
       new  b51691c   missing return statement causing failing tests
       new  32dbbee   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/less/less.js
       new  06aa304   get tests passing in chrome in sauce
       new  3f886ad   v2.1 release
       new  7d97027   refactor sourcemap classes slightly for better usage by clean-css plugin sourcemaps branch
       new  ccd49bb   improve keyword and anonymous input for replace (and %)
       new  c2dfa6b   Merge pull request #2309 from seven-phases-max/more-input-types-for-replace
       new  4d7f292   Pass this from promise based calling
       new  7aa942d   Fix double handling of exceptions
       new  88ca26a   Merge pull request #2311 from ForbesLindesay/pass-this
       new  5173186   Merge pull request #2312 from ForbesLindesay/fix-double-exception-handling
       new  4dfdcdc   remove stray console.log
       new  b6e3910   v2.1.1 release

The 522 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

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