[Pkg-javascript-commits] [sockjs-client] 245/350: [dist] 1.0.0-beta.1

tonnerre at ancient-solutions.com tonnerre at ancient-solutions.com
Fri Aug 5 01:04:26 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tonnerre-guest pushed a commit to branch upstream
in repository sockjs-client.

commit 40c4a91718aec2ad337fceb0c6de6d3d9b909b9f
Author: Bryce Kahle <bkahle at gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Oct 27 17:44:26 2014 -0400

    [dist] 1.0.0-beta.1
 dist/sockjs-1.0.0-beta.1.js     | 6249 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 dist/sockjs-1.0.0-beta.1.min.js |    4 +
 2 files changed, 6253 insertions(+)

diff --git a/dist/sockjs-1.0.0-beta.1.js b/dist/sockjs-1.0.0-beta.1.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8fbe93d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/sockjs-1.0.0-beta.1.js
@@ -0,0 +1,6249 @@
+/* sockjs-client v1.0.0-beta.1 | http://sockjs.org | MIT license */
+!function(e){if("object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module)module.exports=e();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define([],e);else{var f;"undefined"!=typeof window?f=window:"undefined"!=typeof global?f=global:"undefined"!=typeof self&&(f=self),f.SockJS=e()}}(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot fin [...]
+'use strict';
+var transportList = require('./transport-list');
+module.exports = require('./main')(transportList);
+'use strict';
+var inherits = require('inherits')
+  , Event = require('./event')
+  ;
+function CloseEvent() {
+  Event.call(this);
+  this.initEvent('close', false, false);
+  this.wasClean = false;
+  this.code = 0;
+  this.reason = '';
+inherits(CloseEvent, Event);
+module.exports = CloseEvent;
+'use strict';
+var inherits = require('inherits')
+  , EventTarget = require('./eventtarget')
+  ;
+function EventEmitter() {
+  EventTarget.call(this);
+inherits(EventEmitter, EventTarget);
+EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(type) {
+  if (type) {
+    delete this._listeners[type];
+  } else {
+    this._listeners = {};
+  }
+EventEmitter.prototype.once = function(type, listener) {
+  var self = this
+    , fired = false;
+  function g() {
+    self.removeListener(type, g);
+    if (!fired) {
+      fired = true;
+      listener.apply(this, arguments);
+    }
+  }
+  this.on(type, g);
+EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function(type) {
+  var listeners = this._listeners[type];
+  if (!listeners) {
+    return;
+  }
+  var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
+  for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
+    listeners[i].apply(this, args);
+  }
+EventEmitter.prototype.on = EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener;
+EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener;
+module.exports.EventEmitter = EventEmitter;
+'use strict';
+function Event(eventType) {
+  this.type = eventType;
+Event.prototype.initEvent = function(eventType, canBubble, cancelable) {
+  this.type = eventType;
+  this.bubbles = canBubble;
+  this.cancelable = cancelable;
+  this.timeStamp = +new Date();
+  return this;
+Event.prototype.stopPropagation = function() {};
+Event.prototype.preventDefault  = function() {};
+Event.AT_TARGET       = 2;
+module.exports = Event;
+'use strict';
+/* Simplified implementation of DOM2 EventTarget.
+ *   http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Events/events.html#Events-EventTarget
+ */
+function EventTarget() {
+  this._listeners = {};
+EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function(eventType, listener) {
+  if (!(eventType in this._listeners)) {
+    this._listeners[eventType] = [];
+  }
+  var arr = this._listeners[eventType];
+  // #4
+  if (arr.indexOf(listener) === -1) {
+    // Make a copy so as not to interfere with a current dispatchEvent.
+    arr = arr.concat([listener]);
+  }
+  this._listeners[eventType] = arr;
+EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener = function(eventType, listener) {
+  var arr = this._listeners[eventType];
+  if (!arr) {
+    return;
+  }
+  var idx = arr.indexOf(listener);
+  if (idx !== -1) {
+    if (arr.length > 1) {
+      // Make a copy so as not to interfere with a current dispatchEvent.
+      this._listeners[eventType] = arr.slice(0, idx).concat(arr.slice(idx + 1));
+    } else {
+      delete this._listeners[eventType];
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+EventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(event) {
+  var t = event.type;
+  var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
+  // TODO: This doesn't match the real behavior; per spec, onfoo get
+  // their place in line from the /first/ time they're set from
+  // non-null. Although WebKit bumps it to the end every time it's
+  // set.
+  if (this['on' + t]) {
+    this['on' + t].apply(this, args);
+  }
+  if (t in this._listeners) {
+    // Grab a reference to the listeners list. removeEventListener may alter the list.
+    var listeners = this._listeners[t];
+    for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
+      listeners[i].apply(this, args);
+    }
+  }
+module.exports = EventTarget;
+'use strict';
+var inherits = require('inherits')
+  , Event = require('./event')
+  ;
+function TransportMessageEvent(data) {
+  Event.call(this);
+  this.initEvent('message', false, false);
+  this.data = data;
+inherits(TransportMessageEvent, Event);
+module.exports = TransportMessageEvent;
+'use strict';
+var JSON3 = require('json3')
+  , iframeUtils = require('./utils/iframe')
+  ;
+function FacadeJS(transport) {
+  this._transport = transport;
+  transport.on('message', this._transportMessage.bind(this));
+  transport.on('close', this._transportClose.bind(this));
+FacadeJS.prototype._transportClose = function(code, reason) {
+  iframeUtils.postMessage('c', JSON3.stringify([code, reason]));
+FacadeJS.prototype._transportMessage = function(frame) {
+  iframeUtils.postMessage('t', frame);
+FacadeJS.prototype._send = function(data) {
+  this._transport.send(data);
+FacadeJS.prototype._close = function() {
+  this._transport.close();
+  this._transport.removeAllListeners();
+module.exports = FacadeJS;
+(function (process){
+'use strict';
+var urlUtils = require('./utils/url')
+  , eventUtils = require('./utils/event')
+  , JSON3 = require('json3')
+  , FacadeJS = require('./facade')
+  , InfoIframeReceiver = require('./info-iframe-receiver')
+  , iframeUtils = require('./utils/iframe')
+  , loc = require('./location')
+  ;
+var debug = function() {};
+if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
+  debug = require('debug')('sockjs-client:iframe-bootstrap');
+module.exports = function(SockJS, availableTransports) {
+  var transportMap = {};
+  availableTransports.forEach(function(at) {
+    if (at.facadeTransport) {
+      transportMap[at.facadeTransport.transportName] = at.facadeTransport;
+    }
+  });
+  // hard-coded for the info iframe
+  // TODO see if we can make this more dynamic
+  transportMap[InfoIframeReceiver.transportName] = InfoIframeReceiver;
+  var parentOrigin;
+  /* eslint-disable camelcase */
+  SockJS.bootstrap_iframe = function() {
+    /* eslint-enable camelcase */
+    var facade;
+    iframeUtils.currentWindowId = loc.hash.slice(1);
+    var onMessage = function(e) {
+      if (e.source !== parent) {
+        return;
+      }
+      if (typeof parentOrigin === 'undefined') {
+        parentOrigin = e.origin;
+      }
+      if (e.origin !== parentOrigin) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var iframeMessage;
+      try {
+        iframeMessage = JSON3.parse(e.data);
+      } catch (ignored) {
+        debug('bad json', e.data);
+        return;
+      }
+      if (iframeMessage.windowId !== iframeUtils.currentWindowId) {
+        return;
+      }
+      switch (iframeMessage.type) {
+      case 's':
+        var p;
+        try {
+          p = JSON3.parse(iframeMessage.data);
+        } catch (ignored) {
+          debug('bad json', iframeMessage.data);
+          break;
+        }
+        var version = p[0];
+        var transport = p[1];
+        var transUrl = p[2];
+        var baseUrl = p[3];
+        debug(version, transport, transUrl, baseUrl);
+        // change this to semver logic
+        if (version !== SockJS.version) {
+          throw new Error('Incompatibile SockJS! Main site uses:' +
+                    ' "' + version + '", the iframe:' +
+                    ' "' + SockJS.version + '".');
+        }
+        if (!urlUtils.isOriginEqual(transUrl, loc.href) ||
+            !urlUtils.isOriginEqual(baseUrl, loc.href)) {
+          throw new Error('Can\'t connect to different domain from within an ' +
+                    'iframe. (' + loc.href + ', ' + transUrl + ', ' + baseUrl + ')');
+        }
+        facade = new FacadeJS(new transportMap[transport](transUrl, baseUrl));
+        break;
+      case 'm':
+        facade._send(iframeMessage.data);
+        break;
+      case 'c':
+        if (facade) {
+          facade._close();
+        }
+        facade = null;
+        break;
+      }
+    };
+    eventUtils.attachEvent('message', onMessage);
+    // Start
+    iframeUtils.postMessage('s');
+  };
+}).call(this,{ env: {} })
+(function (process){
+'use strict';
+var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
+  , inherits = require('inherits')
+  , JSON3 = require('json3')
+  , objectUtils = require('./utils/object')
+  ;
+var debug = function() {};
+if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
+  debug = require('debug')('sockjs-client:info-ajax');
+function InfoAjax(url, AjaxObject) {
+  EventEmitter.call(this);
+  var self = this;
+  var t0 = +new Date();
+  this.xo = new AjaxObject('GET', url);
+  this.xo.once('finish', function(status, text) {
+    var info, rtt;
+    if (status === 200) {
+      rtt = (+new Date()) - t0;
+      if (text) {
+        try {
+          info = JSON3.parse(text);
+        } catch (e) {
+          debug('bad json', text);
+        }
+      }
+      if (!objectUtils.isObject(info)) {
+        info = {};
+      }
+    }
+    self.emit('finish', info, rtt);
+    self.removeAllListeners();
+  });
+inherits(InfoAjax, EventEmitter);
+InfoAjax.prototype.close = function() {
+  this.removeAllListeners();
+  this.xo.close();
+module.exports = InfoAjax;
+}).call(this,{ env: {} })
+'use strict';
+var inherits = require('inherits')
+  , EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
+  , JSON3 = require('json3')
+  , XHRLocalObject = require('./transport/sender/xhr-local')
+  , InfoAjax = require('./info-ajax')
+  ;
+function InfoReceiverIframe(transUrl, baseUrl) {
+  var self = this;
+  EventEmitter.call(this);
+  this.ir = new InfoAjax(baseUrl, XHRLocalObject);
+  this.ir.once('finish', function(info, rtt) {
+    self.ir = null;
+    self.emit('message', JSON3.stringify([info, rtt]));
+  });
+inherits(InfoReceiverIframe, EventEmitter);
+InfoReceiverIframe.transportName = 'iframe-info-receiver';
+InfoReceiverIframe.prototype.close = function() {
+  if (this.ir) {
+    this.ir.close();
+    this.ir = null;
+  }
+  this.removeAllListeners();
+module.exports = InfoReceiverIframe;
+(function (process,global){
+'use strict';
+var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
+  , inherits = require('inherits')
+  , JSON3 = require('json3')
+  , utils = require('./utils/event')
+  , IframeTransport = require('./transport/iframe')
+  , InfoReceiverIframe = require('./info-iframe-receiver')
+  ;
+var debug = function() {};
+if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
+  debug = require('debug')('sockjs-client:info-iframe');
+function InfoIframe(url) {
+  var self = this;
+  EventEmitter.call(this);
+  var go = function() {
+    var ifr = self.ifr = new IframeTransport(InfoReceiverIframe.transportName, url, url);
+    ifr.once('message', function(msg) {
+      if (msg) {
+        var d;
+        try {
+          d = JSON3.parse(msg);
+        } catch (e) {
+          debug('bad json', msg);
+          self.emit('finish');
+          self.close();
+          return;
+        }
+        var info = d[0], rtt = d[1];
+        self.emit('finish', info, rtt);
+      }
+      self.close();
+    });
+    ifr.once('close', function() {
+      self.emit('finish');
+      self.close();
+    });
+  };
+  // TODO this seems the same as the 'needBody' from transports
+  if (!global.document.body) {
+    utils.attachEvent('load', go);
+  } else {
+    go();
+  }
+inherits(InfoIframe, EventEmitter);
+InfoIframe.enabled = function() {
+  return IframeTransport.enabled();
+InfoIframe.prototype.close = function() {
+  if (this.ifr) {
+    this.ifr.close();
+  }
+  this.removeAllListeners();
+  this.ifr = null;
+module.exports = InfoIframe;
+}).call(this,{ env: {} },typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
+(function (process){
+'use strict';
+var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
+  , inherits = require('inherits')
+  , urlUtils = require('./utils/url')
+  , XDR = require('./transport/sender/xdr')
+  , XHRCors = require('./transport/sender/xhr-cors')
+  , XHRLocal = require('./transport/sender/xhr-local')
+  , XHRFake = require('./transport/sender/xhr-fake')
+  , InfoIframe = require('./info-iframe')
+  , InfoAjax = require('./info-ajax')
+  ;
+var debug = function() {};
+if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
+  debug = require('debug')('sockjs-client:info-receiver');
+function InfoReceiver(baseUrl, urlInfo) {
+  debug(baseUrl);
+  var self = this;
+  EventEmitter.call(this);
+  setTimeout(function() {
+    self.doXhr(baseUrl, urlInfo);
+  }, 0);
+inherits(InfoReceiver, EventEmitter);
+// TODO this is currently ignoring the list of available transports and the whitelist
+InfoReceiver._getReceiver = function(url, urlInfo) {
+  // determine method of CORS support (if needed)
+  if (urlInfo.sameOrigin) {
+    return new InfoAjax(url, XHRLocal);
+  }
+  if (XHRCors.enabled) {
+    return new InfoAjax(url, XHRCors);
+  }
+  if (XDR.enabled && urlInfo.sameScheme) {
+    return new InfoAjax(url, XDR);
+  }
+  if (InfoIframe.enabled()) {
+    return new InfoIframe(url);
+  }
+  return new InfoAjax(url, XHRFake);
+InfoReceiver.prototype.doXhr = function(baseUrl, urlInfo) {
+  var self = this
+    , url = urlUtils.addPath(baseUrl, '/info')
+    ;
+  debug('doXhr', url);
+  this.xo = InfoReceiver._getReceiver(url, urlInfo);
+  this.timeoutRef = setTimeout(function() {
+    debug('timeout');
+    self._cleanup(false);
+    self.emit('finish');
+  }, InfoReceiver.timeout);
+  this.xo.once('finish', function(info, rtt) {
+    debug('finish', info, rtt);
+    self._cleanup(true);
+    self.emit('finish', info, rtt);
+  });
+InfoReceiver.prototype._cleanup = function(wasClean) {
+  debug('_cleanup');
+  clearTimeout(this.timeoutRef);
+  this.timeoutRef = null;
+  if (!wasClean && this.xo) {
+    this.xo.close();
+  }
+  this.xo = null;
+InfoReceiver.prototype.close = function() {
+  debug('close');
+  this.removeAllListeners();
+  this._cleanup(false);
+InfoReceiver.timeout = 8000;
+module.exports = InfoReceiver;
+}).call(this,{ env: {} })
+(function (global){
+'use strict';
+module.exports = global.location || {
+  origin: 'http://localhost:80'
+, protocol: 'http'
+, host: 'localhost'
+, port: 80
+, href: 'http://localhost/'
+, hash: ''
+}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
+(function (process,global){
+'use strict';
+var u = require('url')
+  , inherits = require('inherits')
+  , JSON3 = require('json3')
+  , random = require('./utils/random')
+  , escape = require('./utils/escape')
+  , urlUtils = require('./utils/url')
+  , eventUtils = require('./utils/event')
+  , transport = require('./utils/transport')
+  , objectUtils = require('./utils/object')
+  , browser = require('./utils/browser')
+  , Event = require('./event/event')
+  , EventTarget = require('./event/eventtarget')
+  , loc = require('./location')
+  , CloseEvent = require('./event/close')
+  , TransportMessageEvent = require('./event/trans-message')
+  , InfoReceiver = require('./info-receiver')
+  ;
+var debug = function() {};
+if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
+  // Make debug module available globally so you can enable via the console easily
+  global.dbg = require('debug');
+  debug = global.dbg('sockjs-client:main');
+var transports;
+// follow constructor steps defined at http://dev.w3.org/html5/websockets/#the-websocket-interface
+function SockJS(url, protocols, options) {
+  if (!(this instanceof SockJS)) {
+    return new SockJS(url, protocols, options);
+  }
+  if (arguments.length < 1) {
+    throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'SockJS: 1 argument required, but only 0 present");
+  }
+  EventTarget.call(this);
+  this.readyState = SockJS.CONNECTING;
+  this.extensions = '';
+  this.protocol = '';
+  // non-standard extension
+  options = options || {};
+  this._transportsWhitelist = options.transports;
+  this._server = options.server || random.numberString(1000);
+  // Step 1 of WS spec - parse and validate the url. Issue #8
+  var parsedUrl = u.parse(url);
+  if (!parsedUrl.host || !parsedUrl.pathname || !parsedUrl.protocol) {
+    throw new SyntaxError("The URL '" + url + "' is invalid");
+  } else if (parsedUrl.hash) {
+    throw new SyntaxError('The URL must not contain a fragment');
+  } else if (parsedUrl.protocol !== 'http:' && parsedUrl.protocol !== 'https:') {
+    throw new SyntaxError("The URL's scheme must be either 'http:' or 'https:'. '" + parsedUrl.protocol + "' is not allowed.");
+  }
+  var secure = parsedUrl.protocol === 'https:';
+  // Step 2 - don't allow secure origin with an insecure protocol
+  if (loc.protocol === 'https' && !secure) {
+    throw new Error('SecurityError: An insecure SockJS connection may not be initiated from a page loaded over HTTPS');
+  }
+  // Step 3 - check port access - no need here
+  // Step 4 - parse protocols argument
+  if (!protocols) {
+    protocols = [];
+  } else if (!Array.isArray(protocols)) {
+    protocols = [protocols];
+  }
+  // Step 5 - check protocols argument
+  var sortedProtocols = protocols.sort();
+  sortedProtocols.forEach(function(proto, i) {
+    if (!proto) {
+      throw new SyntaxError("The protocols entry '" + proto + "' is invalid.");
+    }
+    if (i < (sortedProtocols.length - 1) && proto === sortedProtocols[i + 1]) {
+      throw new SyntaxError("The protocols entry '" + proto + "' is duplicated.");
+    }
+  });
+  // Step 6 - convert origin
+  var o = urlUtils.getOrigin(loc.href);
+  this._origin = o ? o.toLowerCase() : null;
+  // strip port numbers for 80 and 443 cases
+  // Issue #74
+  if (!secure && parsedUrl.port === '80') {
+    parsedUrl.host = parsedUrl.port = null;
+  } else if (secure && parsedUrl.port === '443') {
+    parsedUrl.host = parsedUrl.port = null;
+  }
+  // remove the trailing slash
+  parsedUrl.pathname = parsedUrl.pathname.replace(/[/]+$/, '');
+  // store the sanitized url
+  this.url = u.format(parsedUrl);
+  debug('using url', this.url);
+  // Step 7 - start connection in background
+  // obtain server info
+  // http://sockjs.github.io/sockjs-protocol/sockjs-protocol-0.3.3.html#section-26
+  this._urlInfo = {
+    nullOrigin: !browser.hasDomain()
+  , sameOrigin: urlUtils.isOriginEqual(this.url, loc.href)
+  , sameScheme: urlUtils.isSchemeEqual(this.url, loc.href)
+  };
+  this._ir = new InfoReceiver(this.url, this._urlInfo);
+  this._ir.once('finish', this._receiveInfo.bind(this));
+inherits(SockJS, EventTarget);
+function userSetCode(code) {
+  return code === 1000 || (code >= 3000 && code <= 4999);
+SockJS.prototype.close = function(code, reason) {
+  // Step 1
+  if (code && !userSetCode(code)) {
+    throw new Error('InvalidAccessError: Invalid code');
+  }
+  // Step 2.4 states the max is 123 bytes, but we are just checking length
+  if (reason && reason.length > 123) {
+    throw new SyntaxError('reason argument has an invalid length');
+  }
+  // Step 3.1
+  if (this.readyState === SockJS.CLOSING || this.readyState === SockJS.CLOSED) {
+    return;
+  }
+  // TODO look at docs to determine how to set this
+  var wasClean = true;
+  this._close(code || 1000, reason || 'Normal closure', wasClean);
+SockJS.prototype.send = function(data) {
+  // #13 - convert anything non-string to string
+  // TODO this currently turns objects into [object Object]
+  if (typeof data !== 'string') {
+    data = '' + data;
+  }
+  if (this.readyState === SockJS.CONNECTING) {
+    throw new Error('InvalidStateError: The connection has not been established yet');
+  }
+  if (this.readyState !== SockJS.OPEN) {
+    return;
+  }
+  this._transport.send(escape.quote(data));
+SockJS.version = require('./version');
+SockJS.OPEN = 1;
+SockJS.CLOSING = 2;
+SockJS.CLOSED = 3;
+SockJS.prototype._receiveInfo = function(info, rtt) {
+  debug('_receiveInfo', rtt);
+  this._ir = null;
+  if (!info) {
+    this._close(1002, 'Cannot connect to server');
+    return;
+  }
+  // establish a round-trip timeout (RTO) based on the
+  // round-trip time (RTT)
+  this._rto = this.countRTO(rtt);
+  // allow server to override url used for the actual transport
+  this._transUrl = info.base_url ? info.base_url : this.url;
+  info = objectUtils.extend(info, this._urlInfo);
+  debug('info', info);
+  // determine list of desired and supported transports
+  var enabledTransports = transports.filterToEnabled(this._transportsWhitelist, info);
+  this._transports = enabledTransports.main;
+  debug(this._transports.length + ' enabled transports');
+  this._connect();
+SockJS.prototype._connect = function() {
+  for (var Transport = this._transports.shift(); Transport; Transport = this._transports.shift()) {
+    debug('attempt', Transport.transportName);
+    if (Transport.needBody) {
+      if (!global.document.body ||
+          (typeof global.document.readyState !== 'undefined' &&
+            global.document.readyState !== 'complete' &&
+            global.document.readyState !== 'interactive')) {
+        debug('waiting for body');
+        this._transports.unshift(Transport);
+        eventUtils.attachEvent('load', this._connect.bind(this));
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+    // calculate timeout based on RTO and round trips. Default to 5s
+    var timeoutMs = (this._rto * Transport.roundTrips) || 5000;
+    this._transportTimeoutId = setTimeout(this._transportTimeout.bind(this), timeoutMs);
+    debug('using timeout', timeoutMs);
+    var transportUrl = urlUtils.addPath(this._transUrl, '/' + this._server + '/' + random.string(8));
+    debug('transport url', transportUrl);
+    var transport = new Transport(transportUrl, this._transUrl);
+    transport.on('message', this._transportMessage.bind(this));
+    transport.once('close', this._transportClose.bind(this));
+    transport.transportName = Transport.transportName;
+    this._transport = transport;
+    return;
+  }
+  this._close(2000, 'All transports failed', false);
+SockJS.prototype._transportTimeout = function() {
+  debug('_transportTimeout');
+  if (this.readyState === SockJS.CONNECTING) {
+    this._close(2007, 'Transport timed out');
+  }
+SockJS.prototype._transportMessage = function(msg) {
+  debug('_transportMessage', msg);
+  var self = this
+    , type = msg.slice(0, 1)
+    , content = msg.slice(1)
+    , payload
+    ;
+  // first check for messages that don't need a payload
+  switch (type) {
+    case 'o':
+      this._open();
+      return;
+    case 'h':
+      this.dispatchEvent(new Event('heartbeat'));
+      debug('heartbeat', this.transport);
+      return;
+  }
+  if (content) {
+    try {
+      payload = JSON3.parse(content);
+    } catch (e) {
+      debug('bad json', content);
+    }
+  }
+  if (typeof payload === 'undefined') {
+    debug('empty payload', content);
+    return;
+  }
+  switch (type) {
+    case 'a':
+      if (Array.isArray(payload)) {
+        payload.forEach(function(p) {
+          debug('message', self.transport, p);
+          self.dispatchEvent(new TransportMessageEvent(p));
+        });
+      }
+      break;
+    case 'm':
+      debug('message', this.transport, payload);
+      this.dispatchEvent(new TransportMessageEvent(payload));
+      break;
+    case 'c':
+      if (Array.isArray(payload) && payload.length === 2) {
+        this._close(payload[0], payload[1], true);
+      }
+      break;
+  }
+SockJS.prototype._transportClose = function(code, reason) {
+  debug('_transportClose', this.transport, code, reason);
+  if (this._transport) {
+    this._transport.removeAllListeners();
+    this._transport = null;
+    this.transport = null;
+  }
+  if (!userSetCode(code) && code !== 2000 && this.readyState === SockJS.CONNECTING) {
+    this._connect();
+    return;
+  }
+  this._close(code, reason);
+SockJS.prototype._open = function() {
+  debug('_open', this._transport.transportName, this.readyState);
+  if (this.readyState === SockJS.CONNECTING) {
+    if (this._transportTimeoutId) {
+      clearTimeout(this._transportTimeoutId);
+      this._transportTimeoutId = null;
+    }
+    this.readyState = SockJS.OPEN;
+    this.transport = this._transport.transportName;
+    this.dispatchEvent(new Event('open'));
+    debug('connected', this.transport);
+  } else {
+    // The server might have been restarted, and lost track of our
+    // connection.
+    this._close(1006, 'Server lost session');
+  }
+SockJS.prototype._close = function(code, reason, wasClean) {
+  debug('_close', this.transport, code, reason, wasClean, this.readyState);
+  var forceFail = false;
+  if (this._ir) {
+    forceFail = true;
+    this._ir.close();
+    this._ir = null;
+  }
+  if (this._transport) {
+    this._transport.close();
+    this._transport = null;
+    this.transport = null;
+  }
+  if (this.readyState === SockJS.CLOSED) {
+    throw new Error('InvalidStateError: SockJS has already been closed');
+  }
+  this.readyState = SockJS.CLOSING;
+  setTimeout(function() {
+    this.readyState = SockJS.CLOSED;
+    if (forceFail) {
+      this.dispatchEvent(new Event('error'));
+    }
+    var e = new CloseEvent('close');
+    e.wasClean = wasClean || false;
+    e.code = code || 1000;
+    e.reason = reason;
+    this.dispatchEvent(e);
+    this.onmessage = this.onclose = this.onerror = null;
+    debug('disconnected');
+  }.bind(this), 0);
+// See: http://www.erg.abdn.ac.uk/~gerrit/dccp/notes/ccid2/rto_estimator/
+// and RFC 2988.
+SockJS.prototype.countRTO = function(rtt) {
+  // In a local environment, when using IE8/9 and the `jsonp-polling`
+  // transport the time needed to establish a connection (the time that pass
+  // from the opening of the transport to the call of `_dispatchOpen`) is
+  // around 200msec (the lower bound used in the article above) and this
+  // causes spurious timeouts. For this reason we calculate a value slightly
+  // larger than that used in the article.
+  if (rtt > 100) {
+    return 4 * rtt; // rto > 400msec
+  }
+  return 300 + rtt; // 300msec < rto <= 400msec
+module.exports = function(availableTransports) {
+  transports = transport(availableTransports);
+  require('./iframe-bootstrap')(SockJS, availableTransports);
+  return SockJS;
+}).call(this,{ env: {} },typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
+/* eslint-disable */
+/* jscs: disable */
+'use strict';
+// pulled specific shims from https://github.com/es-shims/es5-shim
+var ArrayPrototype = Array.prototype;
+var ObjectPrototype = Object.prototype;
+var FunctionPrototype = Function.prototype;
+var StringPrototype = String.prototype;
+var array_slice = ArrayPrototype.slice;
+var _toString = ObjectPrototype.toString;
+var isFunction = function (val) {
+    return ObjectPrototype.toString.call(val) === '[object Function]';
+var isArray = function isArray(obj) {
+    return _toString.call(obj) === '[object Array]';
+var isString = function isString(obj) {
+    return _toString.call(obj) === '[object String]';
+var supportsDescriptors = Object.defineProperty && (function () {
+    try {
+        Object.defineProperty({}, 'x', {});
+        return true;
+    } catch (e) { /* this is ES3 */
+        return false;
+    }
+// Define configurable, writable and non-enumerable props
+// if they don't exist.
+var defineProperty;
+if (supportsDescriptors) {
+    defineProperty = function (object, name, method, forceAssign) {
+        if (!forceAssign && (name in object)) { return; }
+        Object.defineProperty(object, name, {
+            configurable: true,
+            enumerable: false,
+            writable: true,
+            value: method
+        });
+    };
+} else {
+    defineProperty = function (object, name, method, forceAssign) {
+        if (!forceAssign && (name in object)) { return; }
+        object[name] = method;
+    };
+var defineProperties = function (object, map, forceAssign) {
+    for (var name in map) {
+        if (ObjectPrototype.hasOwnProperty.call(map, name)) {
+          defineProperty(object, name, map[name], forceAssign);
+        }
+    }
+var toObject = function (o) {
+    if (o == null) { // this matches both null and undefined
+        throw new TypeError("can't convert " + o + ' to object');
+    }
+    return Object(o);
+// Util
+// ======
+// ES5 9.4
+// http://es5.github.com/#x9.4
+// http://jsperf.com/to-integer
+function toInteger(num) {
+    var n = +num;
+    if (n !== n) { // isNaN
+        n = 0;
+    } else if (n !== 0 && n !== (1 / 0) && n !== -(1 / 0)) {
+        n = (n > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(n));
+    }
+    return n;
+function ToUint32(x) {
+    return x >>> 0;
+// Function
+// ========
+// ES-5
+// http://es5.github.com/#x15.3.4.5
+function Empty() {}
+defineProperties(FunctionPrototype, {
+    bind: function bind(that) { // .length is 1
+        // 1. Let Target be the this value.
+        var target = this;
+        // 2. If IsCallable(Target) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
+        if (!isFunction(target)) {
+            throw new TypeError('Function.prototype.bind called on incompatible ' + target);
+        }
+        // 3. Let A be a new (possibly empty) internal list of all of the
+        //   argument values provided after thisArg (arg1, arg2 etc), in order.
+        // XXX slicedArgs will stand in for "A" if used
+        var args = array_slice.call(arguments, 1); // for normal call
+        // 4. Let F be a new native ECMAScript object.
+        // 11. Set the [[Prototype]] internal property of F to the standard
+        //   built-in Function prototype object as specified in
+        // 12. Set the [[Call]] internal property of F as described in
+        //
+        // 13. Set the [[Construct]] internal property of F as described in
+        //
+        // 14. Set the [[HasInstance]] internal property of F as described in
+        //
+        var binder = function () {
+            if (this instanceof bound) {
+                // [[Construct]]
+                // When the [[Construct]] internal method of a function object,
+                // F that was created using the bind function is called with a
+                // list of arguments ExtraArgs, the following steps are taken:
+                // 1. Let target be the value of F's [[TargetFunction]]
+                //   internal property.
+                // 2. If target has no [[Construct]] internal method, a
+                //   TypeError exception is thrown.
+                // 3. Let boundArgs be the value of F's [[BoundArgs]] internal
+                //   property.
+                // 4. Let args be a new list containing the same values as the
+                //   list boundArgs in the same order followed by the same
+                //   values as the list ExtraArgs in the same order.
+                // 5. Return the result of calling the [[Construct]] internal
+                //   method of target providing args as the arguments.
+                var result = target.apply(
+                    this,
+                    args.concat(array_slice.call(arguments))
+                );
+                if (Object(result) === result) {
+                    return result;
+                }
+                return this;
+            } else {
+                // [[Call]]
+                // When the [[Call]] internal method of a function object, F,
+                // which was created using the bind function is called with a
+                // this value and a list of arguments ExtraArgs, the following
+                // steps are taken:
+                // 1. Let boundArgs be the value of F's [[BoundArgs]] internal
+                //   property.
+                // 2. Let boundThis be the value of F's [[BoundThis]] internal
+                //   property.
+                // 3. Let target be the value of F's [[TargetFunction]] internal
+                //   property.
+                // 4. Let args be a new list containing the same values as the
+                //   list boundArgs in the same order followed by the same
+                //   values as the list ExtraArgs in the same order.
+                // 5. Return the result of calling the [[Call]] internal method
+                //   of target providing boundThis as the this value and
+                //   providing args as the arguments.
+                // equiv: target.call(this, ...boundArgs, ...args)
+                return target.apply(
+                    that,
+                    args.concat(array_slice.call(arguments))
+                );
+            }
+        };
+        // 15. If the [[Class]] internal property of Target is "Function", then
+        //     a. Let L be the length property of Target minus the length of A.
+        //     b. Set the length own property of F to either 0 or L, whichever is
+        //       larger.
+        // 16. Else set the length own property of F to 0.
+        var boundLength = Math.max(0, target.length - args.length);
+        // 17. Set the attributes of the length own property of F to the values
+        //   specified in
+        var boundArgs = [];
+        for (var i = 0; i < boundLength; i++) {
+            boundArgs.push('$' + i);
+        }
+        // XXX Build a dynamic function with desired amount of arguments is the only
+        // way to set the length property of a function.
+        // In environments where Content Security Policies enabled (Chrome extensions,
+        // for ex.) all use of eval or Function costructor throws an exception.
+        // However in all of these environments Function.prototype.bind exists
+        // and so this code will never be executed.
+        var bound = Function('binder', 'return function (' + boundArgs.join(',') + '){ return binder.apply(this, arguments); }')(binder);
+        if (target.prototype) {
+            Empty.prototype = target.prototype;
+            bound.prototype = new Empty();
+            // Clean up dangling references.
+            Empty.prototype = null;
+        }
+        // TODO
+        // 18. Set the [[Extensible]] internal property of F to true.
+        // TODO
+        // 19. Let thrower be the [[ThrowTypeError]] function Object (13.2.3).
+        // 20. Call the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of F with
+        //   arguments "caller", PropertyDescriptor {[[Get]]: thrower, [[Set]]:
+        //   thrower, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false}, and
+        //   false.
+        // 21. Call the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of F with
+        //   arguments "arguments", PropertyDescriptor {[[Get]]: thrower,
+        //   [[Set]]: thrower, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false},
+        //   and false.
+        // TODO
+        // NOTE Function objects created using Function.prototype.bind do not
+        // have a prototype property or the [[Code]], [[FormalParameters]], and
+        // [[Scope]] internal properties.
+        // XXX can't delete prototype in pure-js.
+        // 22. Return F.
+        return bound;
+    }
+// Array
+// =====
+// ES5
+// http://es5.github.com/#x15.4.3.2
+// https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/isArray
+defineProperties(Array, { isArray: isArray });
+var boxedString = Object('a');
+var splitString = boxedString[0] !== 'a' || !(0 in boxedString);
+var properlyBoxesContext = function properlyBoxed(method) {
+    // Check node 0.6.21 bug where third parameter is not boxed
+    var properlyBoxesNonStrict = true;
+    var properlyBoxesStrict = true;
+    if (method) {
+        method.call('foo', function (_, __, context) {
+            if (typeof context !== 'object') { properlyBoxesNonStrict = false; }
+        });
+        method.call([1], function () {
+            'use strict';
+            properlyBoxesStrict = typeof this === 'string';
+        }, 'x');
+    }
+    return !!method && properlyBoxesNonStrict && properlyBoxesStrict;
+defineProperties(ArrayPrototype, {
+    forEach: function forEach(fun /*, thisp*/) {
+        var object = toObject(this),
+            self = splitString && isString(this) ? this.split('') : object,
+            thisp = arguments[1],
+            i = -1,
+            length = self.length >>> 0;
+        // If no callback function or if callback is not a callable function
+        if (!isFunction(fun)) {
+            throw new TypeError(); // TODO message
+        }
+        while (++i < length) {
+            if (i in self) {
+                // Invoke the callback function with call, passing arguments:
+                // context, property value, property key, thisArg object
+                // context
+                fun.call(thisp, self[i], i, object);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+}, !properlyBoxesContext(ArrayPrototype.forEach));
+// ES5
+// http://es5.github.com/#x15.4.4.14
+// https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/indexOf
+var hasFirefox2IndexOfBug = Array.prototype.indexOf && [0, 1].indexOf(1, 2) !== -1;
+defineProperties(ArrayPrototype, {
+    indexOf: function indexOf(sought /*, fromIndex */ ) {
+        var self = splitString && isString(this) ? this.split('') : toObject(this),
+            length = self.length >>> 0;
+        if (!length) {
+            return -1;
+        }
+        var i = 0;
+        if (arguments.length > 1) {
+            i = toInteger(arguments[1]);
+        }
+        // handle negative indices
+        i = i >= 0 ? i : Math.max(0, length + i);
+        for (; i < length; i++) {
+            if (i in self && self[i] === sought) {
+                return i;
+            }
+        }
+        return -1;
+    }
+}, hasFirefox2IndexOfBug);
+// String
+// ======
+// ES5
+// http://es5.github.com/#x15.5.4.14
+// [bugfix, IE lt 9, firefox 4, Konqueror, Opera, obscure browsers]
+// Many browsers do not split properly with regular expressions or they
+// do not perform the split correctly under obscure conditions.
+// See http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/cross-browser-split
+// I've tested in many browsers and this seems to cover the deviant ones:
+//    'ab'.split(/(?:ab)*/) should be ["", ""], not [""]
+//    '.'.split(/(.?)(.?)/) should be ["", ".", "", ""], not ["", ""]
+//    'tesst'.split(/(s)*/) should be ["t", undefined, "e", "s", "t"], not
+//       [undefined, "t", undefined, "e", ...]
+//    ''.split(/.?/) should be [], not [""]
+//    '.'.split(/()()/) should be ["."], not ["", "", "."]
+var string_split = StringPrototype.split;
+if (
+    'ab'.split(/(?:ab)*/).length !== 2 ||
+    '.'.split(/(.?)(.?)/).length !== 4 ||
+    'tesst'.split(/(s)*/)[1] === 't' ||
+    'test'.split(/(?:)/, -1).length !== 4 ||
+    ''.split(/.?/).length ||
+    '.'.split(/()()/).length > 1
+) {
+    (function () {
+        var compliantExecNpcg = /()??/.exec('')[1] === void 0; // NPCG: nonparticipating capturing group
+        StringPrototype.split = function (separator, limit) {
+            var string = this;
+            if (separator === void 0 && limit === 0) {
+                return [];
+            }
+            // If `separator` is not a regex, use native split
+            if (_toString.call(separator) !== '[object RegExp]') {
+                return string_split.call(this, separator, limit);
+            }
+            var output = [],
+                flags = (separator.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '') +
+                        (separator.multiline  ? 'm' : '') +
+                        (separator.extended   ? 'x' : '') + // Proposed for ES6
+                        (separator.sticky     ? 'y' : ''), // Firefox 3+
+                lastLastIndex = 0,
+                // Make `global` and avoid `lastIndex` issues by working with a copy
+                separator2, match, lastIndex, lastLength;
+            separator = new RegExp(separator.source, flags + 'g');
+            string += ''; // Type-convert
+            if (!compliantExecNpcg) {
+                // Doesn't need flags gy, but they don't hurt
+                separator2 = new RegExp('^' + separator.source + '$(?!\\s)', flags);
+            }
+            /* Values for `limit`, per the spec:
+             * If undefined: 4294967295 // Math.pow(2, 32) - 1
+             * If 0, Infinity, or NaN: 0
+             * If positive number: limit = Math.floor(limit); if (limit > 4294967295) limit -= 4294967296;
+             * If negative number: 4294967296 - Math.floor(Math.abs(limit))
+             * If other: Type-convert, then use the above rules
+             */
+            limit = limit === void 0 ?
+                -1 >>> 0 : // Math.pow(2, 32) - 1
+                ToUint32(limit);
+            while (match = separator.exec(string)) {
+                // `separator.lastIndex` is not reliable cross-browser
+                lastIndex = match.index + match[0].length;
+                if (lastIndex > lastLastIndex) {
+                    output.push(string.slice(lastLastIndex, match.index));
+                    // Fix browsers whose `exec` methods don't consistently return `undefined` for
+                    // nonparticipating capturing groups
+                    if (!compliantExecNpcg && match.length > 1) {
+                        match[0].replace(separator2, function () {
+                            for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length - 2; i++) {
+                                if (arguments[i] === void 0) {
+                                    match[i] = void 0;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        });
+                    }
+                    if (match.length > 1 && match.index < string.length) {
+                        ArrayPrototype.push.apply(output, match.slice(1));
+                    }
+                    lastLength = match[0].length;
+                    lastLastIndex = lastIndex;
+                    if (output.length >= limit) {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                if (separator.lastIndex === match.index) {
+                    separator.lastIndex++; // Avoid an infinite loop
+                }
+            }
+            if (lastLastIndex === string.length) {
+                if (lastLength || !separator.test('')) {
+                    output.push('');
+                }
+            } else {
+                output.push(string.slice(lastLastIndex));
+            }
+            return output.length > limit ? output.slice(0, limit) : output;
+        };
+    }());
+// [bugfix, chrome]
+// If separator is undefined, then the result array contains just one String,
+// which is the this value (converted to a String). If limit is not undefined,
+// then the output array is truncated so that it contains no more than limit
+// elements.
+// "0".split(undefined, 0) -> []
+} else if ('0'.split(void 0, 0).length) {
+    StringPrototype.split = function split(separator, limit) {
+        if (separator === void 0 && limit === 0) { return []; }
+        return string_split.call(this, separator, limit);
+    };
+// ES5
+// whitespace from: http://es5.github.io/#x15.5.4.20
+var ws = '\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20\xA0\u1680\u180E\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003' +
+    '\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000\u2028' +
+    '\u2029\uFEFF';
+var zeroWidth = '\u200b';
+var wsRegexChars = '[' + ws + ']';
+var trimBeginRegexp = new RegExp('^' + wsRegexChars + wsRegexChars + '*');
+var trimEndRegexp = new RegExp(wsRegexChars + wsRegexChars + '*$');
+var hasTrimWhitespaceBug = StringPrototype.trim && (ws.trim() || !zeroWidth.trim());
+defineProperties(StringPrototype, {
+    // http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/faster-trim-javascript
+    // http://perfectionkills.com/whitespace-deviations/
+    trim: function trim() {
+        if (this === void 0 || this === null) {
+            throw new TypeError("can't convert " + this + ' to object');
+        }
+        return String(this).replace(trimBeginRegexp, '').replace(trimEndRegexp, '');
+    }
+}, hasTrimWhitespaceBug);
+// ECMA-262, 3rd B.2.3
+// Not an ECMAScript standard, although ECMAScript 3rd Edition has a
+// non-normative section suggesting uniform semantics and it should be
+// normalized across all browsers
+// [bugfix, IE lt 9] IE < 9 substr() with negative value not working in IE
+var string_substr = StringPrototype.substr;
+var hasNegativeSubstrBug = ''.substr && '0b'.substr(-1) !== 'b';
+defineProperties(StringPrototype, {
+    substr: function substr(start, length) {
+        return string_substr.call(
+            this,
+            start < 0 ? ((start = this.length + start) < 0 ? 0 : start) : start,
+            length
+        );
+    }
+}, hasNegativeSubstrBug);
+'use strict';
+module.exports = [
+  // streaming transports
+  require('./transport/websocket')
+, require('./transport/xhr-streaming')
+, require('./transport/xdr-streaming')
+, require('./transport/eventsource')
+, require('./transport/lib/iframe-wrap')(require('./transport/eventsource'))
+  // polling transports
+, require('./transport/htmlfile')
+, require('./transport/lib/iframe-wrap')(require('./transport/htmlfile'))
+, require('./transport/xhr-polling')
+, require('./transport/xdr-polling')
+, require('./transport/lib/iframe-wrap')(require('./transport/xhr-polling'))
+, require('./transport/jsonp-polling')
+(function (process,global){
+'use strict';
+var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
+  , inherits = require('inherits')
+  , utils = require('../../utils/event')
+  , urlUtils = require('../../utils/url')
+  , XHR = global.XMLHttpRequest
+  ;
+var debug = function() {};
+if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
+  debug = require('debug')('sockjs-client:browser:xhr');
+function AbstractXHRObject(method, url, payload, opts) {
+  debug(method, url);
+  var self = this;
+  EventEmitter.call(this);
+  setTimeout(function () {
+    self._start(method, url, payload, opts);
+  }, 0);
+inherits(AbstractXHRObject, EventEmitter);
+AbstractXHRObject.prototype._start = function(method, url, payload, opts) {
+  var self = this;
+  try {
+    this.xhr = new XHR();
+  } catch (x) {}
+  if (!this.xhr) {
+    debug('no xhr');
+    this.emit('finish', 0, 'no xhr support');
+    this._cleanup();
+    return;
+  }
+  // several browsers cache POSTs
+  url = urlUtils.addQuery(url, 't=' + (+new Date()));
+  // Explorer tends to keep connection open, even after the
+  // tab gets closed: http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/5280
+  this.unloadRef = utils.unloadAdd(function() {
+    debug('unload cleanup');
+    self._cleanup(true);
+  });
+  try {
+    this.xhr.open(method, url, true);
+    if (this.timeout && 'timeout' in this.xhr) {
+      this.xhr.timeout = this.timeout;
+      this.xhr.ontimeout = function() {
+        debug('xhr timeout');
+        self.emit('finish', 0, '');
+        self._cleanup(false);
+      };
+    }
+  } catch (e) {
+    debug('exception', e);
+    // IE raises an exception on wrong port.
+    this.emit('finish', 0, '');
+    this._cleanup(false);
+    return;
+  }
+  if ((!opts || !opts.noCredentials) && AbstractXHRObject.supportsCORS) {
+    debug('withCredentials');
+    // Mozilla docs says https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XMLHttpRequest :
+    // "This never affects same-site requests."
+    this.xhr.withCredentials = 'true';
+  }
+  if (opts && opts.headers) {
+    for (var key in opts.headers) {
+      this.xhr.setRequestHeader(key, opts.headers[key]);
+    }
+  }
+  this.xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
+    if (self.xhr) {
+      var x = self.xhr;
+      var text, status;
+      debug('readyState', x.readyState);
+      switch (x.readyState) {
+      case 3:
+        // IE doesn't like peeking into responseText or status
+        // on Microsoft.XMLHTTP and readystate=3
+        try {
+          status = x.status;
+          text = x.responseText;
+        } catch (e) {}
+        debug('status', status);
+        // IE returns 1223 for 204: http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/1450
+        if (status === 1223) {
+          status = 204;
+        }
+        // IE does return readystate == 3 for 404 answers.
+        if (status === 200 && text && text.length > 0) {
+          debug('chunk');
+          self.emit('chunk', status, text);
+        }
+        break;
+      case 4:
+        status = x.status;
+        debug('status', status);
+        // IE returns 1223 for 204: http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/1450
+        if (status === 1223) {
+          status = 204;
+        }
+        // IE returns this for a bad port
+        // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa383770(v=vs.85).aspx
+        if (status === 12005 || status === 12029) {
+          status = 0;
+        }
+        debug('finish', status, x.responseText);
+        self.emit('finish', status, x.responseText);
+        self._cleanup(false);
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  try {
+    self.xhr.send(payload);
+  } catch (e) {
+    self.emit('finish', 0, '');
+    self._cleanup(false);
+  }
+AbstractXHRObject.prototype._cleanup = function(abort) {
+  debug('cleanup');
+  if (!this.xhr) {
+    return;
+  }
+  this.removeAllListeners();
+  utils.unloadDel(this.unloadRef);
+  // IE needs this field to be a function
+  this.xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {};
+  if (this.xhr.ontimeout) {
+    this.xhr.ontimeout = null;
+  }
+  if (abort) {
+    try {
+      this.xhr.abort();
+    } catch (x) {}
+  }
+  this.unloadRef = this.xhr = null;
+AbstractXHRObject.prototype.close = function() {
+  debug('close');
+  this._cleanup(true);
+AbstractXHRObject.enabled = !!XHR;
+// override XMLHttpRequest for IE6/7
+// obfuscate to avoid firewalls
+var axo = ['Active'].concat('Object').join('X');
+if (!AbstractXHRObject.enabled && (axo in global)) {
+  debug('overriding xmlhttprequest');
+  XHR = function() {
+    try {
+      return new global[axo]('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
+    } catch (e) {
+      return null;
+    }
+  };
+  AbstractXHRObject.enabled = !!new XHR();
+var cors = false;
+try {
+  cors = 'withCredentials' in new XHR();
+} catch (ignored) {}
+AbstractXHRObject.supportsCORS = cors;
+module.exports = AbstractXHRObject;
+}).call(this,{ env: {} },typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
+(function (global){
+module.exports = global.EventSource;
+}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
+(function (global){
+module.exports = global.WebSocket || global.MozWebSocket;
+}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
+'use strict';
+var inherits = require('inherits')
+  , AjaxBasedTransport = require('./lib/ajax-based')
+  , EventSourceReceiver = require('./receiver/eventsource')
+  , XHRCorsObject = require('./sender/xhr-cors')
+  , EventSourceDriver = require('eventsource')
+  ;
+function EventSourceTransport(transUrl) {
+  if (!EventSourceTransport.enabled()) {
+    throw new Error('Transport created when disabled');
+  }
+  AjaxBasedTransport.call(this, transUrl, '/eventsource', EventSourceReceiver, XHRCorsObject);
+inherits(EventSourceTransport, AjaxBasedTransport);
+EventSourceTransport.enabled = function() {
+  return !!EventSourceDriver;
+EventSourceTransport.transportName = 'eventsource';
+EventSourceTransport.roundTrips = 2;
+module.exports = EventSourceTransport;
+'use strict';
+var inherits = require('inherits')
+  , HtmlfileReceiver = require('./receiver/htmlfile')
+  , XHRLocalObject = require('./sender/xhr-local')
+  , AjaxBasedTransport = require('./lib/ajax-based')
+  ;
+function HtmlFileTransport(transUrl) {
+  if (!HtmlfileReceiver.enabled) {
+    throw new Error('Transport created when disabled');
+  }
+  AjaxBasedTransport.call(this, transUrl, '/htmlfile', HtmlfileReceiver, XHRLocalObject);
+inherits(HtmlFileTransport, AjaxBasedTransport);
+HtmlFileTransport.enabled = function(info) {
+  return HtmlfileReceiver.enabled && info.sameOrigin;
+HtmlFileTransport.transportName = 'htmlfile';
+HtmlFileTransport.roundTrips = 2;
+module.exports = HtmlFileTransport;
+(function (process){
+'use strict';
+// Few cool transports do work only for same-origin. In order to make
+// them work cross-domain we shall use iframe, served from the
+// remote domain. New browsers have capabilities to communicate with
+// cross domain iframe using postMessage(). In IE it was implemented
+// from IE 8+, but of course, IE got some details wrong:
+//    http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc197015(v=VS.85).aspx
+//    http://stevesouders.com/misc/test-postmessage.php
+var inherits = require('inherits')
+  , JSON3 = require('json3')
+  , EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
+  , version = require('../version')
+  , urlUtils = require('../utils/url')
+  , iframeUtils = require('../utils/iframe')
+  , eventUtils = require('../utils/event')
+  , random = require('../utils/random')
+  ;
+var debug = function() {};
+if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
+  debug = require('debug')('sockjs-client:transport:iframe');
+function IframeTransport(transport, transUrl, baseUrl) {
+  if (!IframeTransport.enabled()) {
+    throw new Error('Transport created when disabled');
+  }
+  EventEmitter.call(this);
+  var self = this;
+  this.origin = urlUtils.getOrigin(baseUrl);
+  this.baseUrl = baseUrl;
+  this.transUrl = transUrl;
+  this.transport = transport;
+  this.windowId = random.string(8);
+  var iframeUrl = urlUtils.addPath(baseUrl, '/iframe.html') + '#' + this.windowId;
+  debug(transport, transUrl, iframeUrl);
+  this.iframeObj = iframeUtils.createIframe(iframeUrl, function(r) {
+    debug('err callback');
+    self.emit('close', 1006, 'Unable to load an iframe (' + r + ')');
+    self.close();
+  });
+  this.onmessageCallback = this._message.bind(this);
+  eventUtils.attachEvent('message', this.onmessageCallback);
+inherits(IframeTransport, EventEmitter);
+IframeTransport.prototype.close = function() {
+  debug('close');
+  this.removeAllListeners();
+  if (this.iframeObj) {
+    eventUtils.detachEvent('message', this.onmessageCallback);
+    try {
+      // When the iframe is not loaded, IE raises an exception
+      // on 'contentWindow'.
+      this.postMessage('c');
+    } catch (x) {}
+    this.iframeObj.cleanup();
+    this.iframeObj = null;
+    this.onmessageCallback = this.iframeObj = null;
+  }
+IframeTransport.prototype._message = function(e) {
+  debug('message', e.data);
+  if (!urlUtils.isOriginEqual(e.origin, this.origin)) {
+    debug('not same origin', e.origin, this.origin);
+    return;
+  }
+  var iframeMessage;
+  try {
+    iframeMessage = JSON3.parse(e.data);
+  } catch (ignored) {
+    debug('bad json', e.data);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (iframeMessage.windowId !== this.windowId) {
+    debug('mismatched window id', iframeMessage.windowId, this.windowId);
+    return;
+  }
+  switch (iframeMessage.type) {
+  case 's':
+    this.iframeObj.loaded();
+    // window global dependency
+    this.postMessage('s', JSON3.stringify([
+      version
+    , this.transport
+    , this.transUrl
+    , this.baseUrl
+    ]));
+    break;
+  case 't':
+    this.emit('message', iframeMessage.data);
+    break;
+  case 'c':
+    var cdata;
+    try {
+      cdata = JSON3.parse(iframeMessage.data);
+    } catch (ignored) {
+      debug('bad json', iframeMessage.data);
+      return;
+    }
+    this.emit('close', cdata[0], cdata[1]);
+    this.close();
+    break;
+  }
+IframeTransport.prototype.postMessage = function(type, data) {
+  debug('postMessage', type, data);
+  this.iframeObj.post(JSON3.stringify({
+    windowId: this.windowId
+  , type: type
+  , data: data || ''
+  }), this.origin);
+IframeTransport.prototype.send = function(message) {
+  debug('send', message);
+  this.postMessage('m', message);
+IframeTransport.enabled = function() {
+  return iframeUtils.iframeEnabled;
+IframeTransport.transportName = 'iframe';
+IframeTransport.roundTrips = 2;
+module.exports = IframeTransport;
+}).call(this,{ env: {} })
+(function (global){
+'use strict';
+// The simplest and most robust transport, using the well-know cross
+// domain hack - JSONP. This transport is quite inefficient - one
+// message could use up to one http request. But at least it works almost
+// everywhere.
+// Known limitations:
+//   o you will get a spinning cursor
+//   o for Konqueror a dumb timer is needed to detect errors
+var inherits = require('inherits')
+  , SenderReceiver = require('./lib/sender-receiver')
+  , JsonpReceiver = require('./receiver/jsonp')
+  , jsonpSender = require('./sender/jsonp')
+  ;
+function JsonPTransport(transUrl) {
+  if (!JsonPTransport.enabled()) {
+    throw new Error('Transport created when disabled');
+  }
+  SenderReceiver.call(this, transUrl, '/jsonp', jsonpSender, JsonpReceiver);
+inherits(JsonPTransport, SenderReceiver);
+JsonPTransport.enabled = function() {
+  return !!global.document;
+JsonPTransport.transportName = 'jsonp-polling';
+JsonPTransport.roundTrips = 1;
+JsonPTransport.needBody = true;
+module.exports = JsonPTransport;
+}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
+(function (process){
+'use strict';
+var inherits = require('inherits')
+  , urlUtils = require('../../utils/url')
+  , SenderReceiver = require('./sender-receiver')
+  ;
+var debug = function() {};
+if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
+  debug = require('debug')('sockjs-client:ajax-based');
+function createAjaxSender(AjaxObject) {
+  return function(url, payload, callback) {
+    debug('create ajax sender', url, payload);
+    var opt = {};
+    if (typeof payload === 'string') {
+      opt.headers = {'Content-type':'text/plain'};
+    }
+    var ajaxUrl = urlUtils.addPath(url, '/xhr_send');
+    var xo = new AjaxObject('POST', ajaxUrl, payload, opt);
+    xo.once('finish', function(status) {
+      debug('finish', status);
+      xo = null;
+      if (status !== 200 && status !== 204) {
+        return callback(new Error('http status ' + status));
+      }
+      callback();
+    });
+    return function() {
+      debug('abort');
+      xo.close();
+      xo = null;
+      var err = new Error('Aborted');
+      err.code = 1000;
+      callback(err);
+    };
+  };
+function AjaxBasedTransport(transUrl, urlSuffix, Receiver, AjaxObject) {
+  SenderReceiver.call(this, transUrl, urlSuffix, createAjaxSender(AjaxObject), Receiver, AjaxObject);
+inherits(AjaxBasedTransport, SenderReceiver);
+module.exports = AjaxBasedTransport;
+}).call(this,{ env: {} })
+(function (process){
+'use strict';
+var inherits = require('inherits')
+  , EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
+  ;
+var debug = function() {};
+if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
+  debug = require('debug')('sockjs-client:buffered-sender');
+function BufferedSender(url, sender) {
+  debug(url);
+  EventEmitter.call(this);
+  this.sendBuffer = [];
+  this.sender = sender;
+  this.url = url;
+inherits(BufferedSender, EventEmitter);
+BufferedSender.prototype.send = function(message) {
+  debug('send', message);
+  this.sendBuffer.push(message);
+  if (!this.sendStop) {
+    this.sendSchedule();
+  }
+// For polling transports in a situation when in the message callback,
+// new message is being send. If the sending connection was started
+// before receiving one, it is possible to saturate the network and
+// timeout due to the lack of receiving socket. To avoid that we delay
+// sending messages by some small time, in order to let receiving
+// connection be started beforehand. This is only a halfmeasure and
+// does not fix the big problem, but it does make the tests go more
+// stable on slow networks.
+BufferedSender.prototype.sendScheduleWait = function() {
+  debug('sendScheduleWait');
+  var self = this;
+  var tref;
+  this.sendStop = function() {
+    debug('sendStop');
+    self.sendStop = null;
+    clearTimeout(tref);
+  };
+  tref = setTimeout(function() {
+    debug('timeout');
+    self.sendStop = null;
+    self.sendSchedule();
+  }, 25);
+BufferedSender.prototype.sendSchedule = function() {
+  debug('sendSchedule', this.sendBuffer.length);
+  var self = this;
+  if (this.sendBuffer.length > 0) {
+    var payload = '[' + this.sendBuffer.join(',') + ']';
+    this.sendStop = this.sender(this.url, payload, function(err) {
+      self.sendStop = null;
+      if (err) {
+        debug('error', err);
+        self.emit('close', err.code || 1006, 'Sending error: ' + err);
+        self._cleanup();
+      } else {
+        self.sendScheduleWait();
+      }
+    });
+    this.sendBuffer = [];
+  }
+BufferedSender.prototype._cleanup = function() {
+  debug('_cleanup');
+  this.removeAllListeners();
+BufferedSender.prototype.stop = function() {
+  debug('stop');
+  this._cleanup();
+  if (this.sendStop) {
+    this.sendStop();
+    this.sendStop = null;
+  }
+module.exports = BufferedSender;
+}).call(this,{ env: {} })
+(function (global){
+'use strict';
+var inherits = require('inherits')
+  , IframeTransport = require('../iframe')
+  , objectUtils = require('../../utils/object')
+  ;
+module.exports = function(transport) {
+  function IframeWrapTransport(transUrl, baseUrl) {
+    IframeTransport.call(this, transport.transportName, transUrl, baseUrl);
+  }
+  inherits(IframeWrapTransport, IframeTransport);
+  IframeWrapTransport.enabled = function(url, info) {
+    if (!global.document) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    var iframeInfo = objectUtils.extend({}, info);
+    iframeInfo.sameOrigin = true;
+    return transport.enabled(iframeInfo) && IframeTransport.enabled();
+  };
+  IframeWrapTransport.transportName = 'iframe-' + transport.transportName;
+  IframeWrapTransport.needBody = true;
+  IframeWrapTransport.roundTrips = IframeTransport.roundTrips + transport.roundTrips - 1; // html, javascript (2) + transport - no CORS (1)
+  IframeWrapTransport.facadeTransport = transport;
+  return IframeWrapTransport;
+}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
+(function (process){
+'use strict';
+var inherits = require('inherits')
+  , EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
+  ;
+var debug = function() {};
+if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
+  debug = require('debug')('sockjs-client:polling');
+function Polling(Receiver, receiveUrl, AjaxObject) {
+  debug(receiveUrl);
+  EventEmitter.call(this);
+  this.Receiver = Receiver;
+  this.receiveUrl = receiveUrl;
+  this.AjaxObject = AjaxObject;
+  this._scheduleReceiver();
+inherits(Polling, EventEmitter);
+Polling.prototype._scheduleReceiver = function() {
+  debug('_scheduleReceiver');
+  var self = this;
+  var poll = this.poll = new this.Receiver(this.receiveUrl, this.AjaxObject);
+  poll.on('message', function(msg) {
+    debug('message', msg);
+    self.emit('message', msg);
+  });
+  poll.once('close', function(code, reason) {
+    debug('close', code, reason, self.pollIsClosing);
+    self.poll = poll = null;
+    if (!self.pollIsClosing) {
+      if (reason === 'network') {
+        self._scheduleReceiver();
+      } else {
+        self.emit('close', code || 1006, reason);
+        self.removeAllListeners();
+      }
+    }
+  });
+Polling.prototype.abort = function() {
+  debug('abort');
+  this.removeAllListeners();
+  this.pollIsClosing = true;
+  if (this.poll) {
+    this.poll.abort();
+  }
+module.exports = Polling;
+}).call(this,{ env: {} })
+(function (process){
+'use strict';
+var inherits = require('inherits')
+  , urlUtils = require('../../utils/url')
+  , BufferedSender = require('./buffered-sender')
+  , Polling = require('./polling')
+  ;
+var debug = function() {};
+if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
+  debug = require('debug')('sockjs-client:sender-receiver');
+function SenderReceiver(transUrl, urlSuffix, senderFunc, Receiver, AjaxObject) {
+  var pollUrl = urlUtils.addPath(transUrl, urlSuffix);
+  debug(pollUrl);
+  var self = this;
+  BufferedSender.call(this, transUrl, senderFunc);
+  this.poll = new Polling(Receiver, pollUrl, AjaxObject);
+  this.poll.on('message', function(msg) {
+    debug('poll message', msg);
+    self.emit('message', msg);
+  });
+  this.poll.once('close', function(code, reason) {
+    debug('poll close', code, reason);
+    self.poll = null;
+    self.emit('close', code, reason);
+    self.close();
+  });
+inherits(SenderReceiver, BufferedSender);
+SenderReceiver.prototype.close = function() {
+  debug('close');
+  this.removeAllListeners();
+  if (this.poll) {
+    this.poll.abort();
+    this.poll = null;
+  }
+  this.stop();
+module.exports = SenderReceiver;
+}).call(this,{ env: {} })
+(function (process){
+'use strict';
+var inherits = require('inherits')
+  , EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
+  , EventSourceDriver = require('eventsource')
+  ;
+var debug = function() {};
+if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
+  debug = require('debug')('sockjs-client:receiver:eventsource');
+function EventSourceReceiver(url) {
+  debug(url);
+  EventEmitter.call(this);
+  var self = this;
+  var es = this.es = new EventSourceDriver(url);
+  es.onmessage = function(e) {
+    debug('message', e.data);
+    self.emit('message', decodeURI(e.data));
+  };
+  es.onerror = function(e) {
+    debug('error', es.readyState, e);
+    // ES on reconnection has readyState = 0 or 1.
+    // on network error it's CLOSED = 2
+    var reason = (es.readyState !== 2 ? 'network' : 'permanent');
+    self._cleanup();
+    self._close(reason);
+  };
+inherits(EventSourceReceiver, EventEmitter);
+EventSourceReceiver.prototype.abort = function() {
+  debug('abort');
+  this._cleanup();
+  this._close('user');
+EventSourceReceiver.prototype._cleanup = function() {
+  debug('cleanup');
+  var es = this.es;
+  if (es) {
+    es.onmessage = es.onerror = null;
+    es.close();
+    this.es = null;
+  }
+EventSourceReceiver.prototype._close = function(reason) {
+  debug('close', reason);
+  var self = this;
+  // Safari and chrome < 15 crash if we close window before
+  // waiting for ES cleanup. See:
+  // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=89155
+  setTimeout(function() {
+    self.emit('close', null, reason);
+    self.removeAllListeners();
+  }, 200);
+module.exports = EventSourceReceiver;
+}).call(this,{ env: {} })
+(function (process,global){
+'use strict';
+var inherits = require('inherits')
+  , iframeUtils = require('../../utils/iframe')
+  , urlUtils = require('../../utils/url')
+  , EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
+  , random = require('../../utils/random')
+  ;
+var debug = function() {};
+if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
+  debug = require('debug')('sockjs-client:receiver:htmlfile');
+function HtmlfileReceiver(url) {
+  debug(url);
+  EventEmitter.call(this);
+  var self = this;
+  iframeUtils.polluteGlobalNamespace();
+  this.id = 'a' + random.string(6);
+  url = urlUtils.addQuery(url, 'c=' + decodeURIComponent(iframeUtils.WPrefix + '.' + this.id));
+  debug('using htmlfile', HtmlfileReceiver.htmlfileEnabled);
+  var constructFunc = HtmlfileReceiver.htmlfileEnabled ?
+      iframeUtils.createHtmlfile : iframeUtils.createIframe;
+  global[iframeUtils.WPrefix][this.id] = {
+    start: function() {
+      debug('start');
+      self.iframeObj.loaded();
+    }
+  , message: function(data) {
+      debug('message', data);
+      self.emit('message', data);
+    }
+  , stop: function() {
+      debug('stop');
+      self._cleanup();
+      self._close('network');
+    }
+  };
+  this.iframeObj = constructFunc(url, function() {
+    debug('callback');
+    self._cleanup();
+    self._close('permanent');
+  });
+inherits(HtmlfileReceiver, EventEmitter);
+HtmlfileReceiver.prototype.abort = function() {
+  debug('abort');
+  this._cleanup();
+  this._close('user');
+HtmlfileReceiver.prototype._cleanup = function() {
+  debug('_cleanup');
+  if (this.iframeObj) {
+    this.iframeObj.cleanup();
+    this.iframeObj = null;
+  }
+  delete global[iframeUtils.WPrefix][this.id];
+HtmlfileReceiver.prototype._close = function(reason) {
+  debug('_close', reason);
+  this.emit('close', null, reason);
+  this.removeAllListeners();
+HtmlfileReceiver.htmlfileEnabled = false;
+// obfuscate to avoid firewalls
+var axo = ['Active'].concat('Object').join('X');
+if (axo in global) {
+  try {
+    HtmlfileReceiver.htmlfileEnabled = !!new global[axo]('htmlfile');
+  } catch (x) {}
+HtmlfileReceiver.enabled = HtmlfileReceiver.htmlfileEnabled || iframeUtils.iframeEnabled;
+module.exports = HtmlfileReceiver;
+}).call(this,{ env: {} },typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
+(function (process,global){
+'use strict';
+var utils = require('../../utils/iframe')
+  , random = require('../../utils/random')
+  , browser = require('../../utils/browser')
+  , urlUtils = require('../../utils/url')
+  , inherits = require('inherits')
+  , EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
+  ;
+var debug = function() {};
+if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
+  debug = require('debug')('sockjs-client:receiver:jsonp');
+function JsonpReceiver(url) {
+  debug(url);
+  var self = this;
+  EventEmitter.call(this);
+  utils.polluteGlobalNamespace();
+  this.id = 'a' + random.string(6);
+  var urlWithId = urlUtils.addQuery(url, 'c=' + encodeURIComponent(utils.WPrefix + '.' + this.id));
+  global[utils.WPrefix][this.id] = this._callback.bind(this);
+  this._createScript(urlWithId);
+  // Fallback mostly for Konqueror - stupid timer, 35 seconds shall be plenty.
+  this.timeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
+    debug('timeout');
+    self._abort(new Error('JSONP script loaded abnormally (timeout)'));
+  }, JsonpReceiver.timeout);
+inherits(JsonpReceiver, EventEmitter);
+JsonpReceiver.prototype.abort = function() {
+  debug('abort');
+  if (global[utils.WPrefix][this.id]) {
+    var err = new Error('JSONP user aborted read');
+    err.code = 1000;
+    this._abort(err);
+  }
+JsonpReceiver.timeout = 35000;
+JsonpReceiver.scriptErrorTimeout = 1000;
+JsonpReceiver.prototype._callback = function(data) {
+  debug('_callback', data);
+  this._cleanup();
+  if (this.aborting) {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (data) {
+    debug('message', data);
+    this.emit('message', data);
+  }
+  this.emit('close', null, 'network');
+  this.removeAllListeners();
+JsonpReceiver.prototype._abort = function(err) {
+  debug('_abort', err);
+  this._cleanup();
+  this.aborting = true;
+  this.emit('close', err.code, err.message);
+  this.removeAllListeners();
+JsonpReceiver.prototype._cleanup = function() {
+  debug('_cleanup');
+  clearTimeout(this.timeoutId);
+  if (this.script2) {
+    this.script2.parentNode.removeChild(this.script2);
+    this.script2 = null;
+  }
+  if (this.script) {
+    var script = this.script;
+    // Unfortunately, you can't really abort script loading of
+    // the script.
+    script.parentNode.removeChild(script);
+    script.onreadystatechange = script.onerror =
+        script.onload = script.onclick = null;
+    this.script = null;
+  }
+  delete global[utils.WPrefix][this.id];
+JsonpReceiver.prototype._scriptError = function() {
+  debug('_scriptError');
+  var self = this;
+  if (this.errorTimer) {
+    return;
+  }
+  this.errorTimer = setTimeout(function() {
+    if (!self.loadedOkay) {
+      self._abort(new Error('JSONP script loaded abnormally (onerror)'));
+    }
+  }, JsonpReceiver.scriptErrorTimeout);
+JsonpReceiver.prototype._createScript = function(url) {
+  debug('_createScript', url);
+  var self = this;
+  var script = this.script = global.document.createElement('script');
+  var script2;  // Opera synchronous load trick.
+  script.id = 'a' + random.string(8);
+  script.src = url;
+  script.type = 'text/javascript';
+  script.charset = 'UTF-8';
+  script.onerror = this._scriptError.bind(this);
+  script.onload = function() {
+    debug('onload');
+    self._abort(new Error('JSONP script loaded abnormally (onload)'));
+  };
+  // IE9 fires 'error' event after onreadystatechange or before, in random order.
+  // Use loadedOkay to determine if actually errored
+  script.onreadystatechange = function() {
+    debug('onreadystatechange', script.readyState);
+    if (/loaded|closed/.test(script.readyState)) {
+      if (script && script.htmlFor && script.onclick) {
+        self.loadedOkay = true;
+        try {
+          // In IE, actually execute the script.
+          script.onclick();
+        } catch (x) {}
+      }
+      if (script) {
+        self._abort(new Error('JSONP script loaded abnormally (onreadystatechange)'));
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  // IE: event/htmlFor/onclick trick.
+  // One can't rely on proper order for onreadystatechange. In order to
+  // make sure, set a 'htmlFor' and 'event' properties, so that
+  // script code will be installed as 'onclick' handler for the
+  // script object. Later, onreadystatechange, manually execute this
+  // code. FF and Chrome doesn't work with 'event' and 'htmlFor'
+  // set. For reference see:
+  //   http://jaubourg.net/2010/07/loading-script-as-onclick-handler-of.html
+  // Also, read on that about script ordering:
+  //   http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Dynamic_Script_Execution_Order
+  if (typeof script.async === 'undefined' && global.document.attachEvent) {
+    // According to mozilla docs, in recent browsers script.async defaults
+    // to 'true', so we may use it to detect a good browser:
+    // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/HTML/Element/script
+    if (!browser.isOpera()) {
+      // Naively assume we're in IE
+      try {
+        script.htmlFor = script.id;
+        script.event = 'onclick';
+      } catch (x) {}
+      script.async = true;
+    } else {
+      // Opera, second sync script hack
+      script2 = this.script2 = global.document.createElement('script');
+      script2.text = "try{var a = document.getElementById('" + script.id + "'); if(a)a.onerror();}catch(x){};";
+      script.async = script2.async = false;
+    }
+  }
+  if (typeof script.async !== 'undefined') {
+    script.async = true;
+  }
+  var head = global.document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
+  head.insertBefore(script, head.firstChild);
+  if (script2) {
+    head.insertBefore(script2, head.firstChild);
+  }
+module.exports = JsonpReceiver;
+}).call(this,{ env: {} },typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
+(function (process){
+'use strict';
+var inherits = require('inherits')
+  , EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
+  ;
+var debug = function() {};
+if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
+  debug = require('debug')('sockjs-client:receiver:xhr');
+function XhrReceiver(url, AjaxObject) {
+  debug(url);
+  EventEmitter.call(this);
+  var self = this;
+  this.bufferPosition = 0;
+  this.xo = new AjaxObject('POST', url, null);
+  this.xo.on('chunk', this._chunkHandler.bind(this));
+  this.xo.once('finish', function(status, text) {
+    debug('finish', status, text);
+    self._chunkHandler(status, text);
+    self.xo = null;
+    var reason = status === 200 ? 'network' : 'permanent';
+    debug('close', reason);
+    self.emit('close', null, reason);
+    self._cleanup();
+  });
+inherits(XhrReceiver, EventEmitter);
+XhrReceiver.prototype._chunkHandler = function(status, text) {
+  debug('_chunkHandler', status);
+  if (status !== 200 || !text) {
+    return;
+  }
+  for (var idx = -1; ; this.bufferPosition += idx + 1) {
+    var buf = text.slice(this.bufferPosition);
+    idx = buf.indexOf('\n');
+    if (idx === -1) {
+      break;
+    }
+    var msg = buf.slice(0, idx);
+    if (msg) {
+      debug('message', msg);
+      this.emit('message', msg);
+    }
+  }
+XhrReceiver.prototype._cleanup = function() {
+  debug('_cleanup');
+  this.removeAllListeners();
+XhrReceiver.prototype.abort = function() {
+  debug('abort');
+  if (this.xo) {
+    this.xo.close();
+    debug('close');
+    this.emit('close', null, 'user');
+    this.xo = null;
+  }
+  this._cleanup();
+module.exports = XhrReceiver;
+}).call(this,{ env: {} })
+(function (process,global){
+'use strict';
+var random = require('../../utils/random')
+  , urlUtils = require('../../utils/url')
+  ;
+var debug = function() {};
+if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
+  debug = require('debug')('sockjs-client:sender:jsonp');
+var form, area;
+function createIframe(id) {
+  debug('createIframe', id);
+  try {
+    // ie6 dynamic iframes with target="" support (thanks Chris Lambacher)
+    return global.document.createElement('<iframe name="' + id + '">');
+  } catch (x) {
+    var iframe = global.document.createElement('iframe');
+    iframe.name = id;
+    return iframe;
+  }
+function createForm() {
+  debug('createForm');
+  form = global.document.createElement('form');
+  form.style.display = 'none';
+  form.style.position = 'absolute';
+  form.method = 'POST';
+  form.enctype = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
+  form.acceptCharset = 'UTF-8';
+  area = global.document.createElement('textarea');
+  area.name = 'd';
+  form.appendChild(area);
+  global.document.body.appendChild(form);
+module.exports = function(url, payload, callback) {
+  debug(url, payload);
+  if (!form) {
+    createForm();
+  }
+  var id = 'a' + random.string(8);
+  form.target = id;
+  form.action = urlUtils.addQuery(urlUtils.addPath(url, '/jsonp_send'), 'i=' + id);
+  var iframe = createIframe(id);
+  iframe.id = id;
+  iframe.style.display = 'none';
+  form.appendChild(iframe);
+  try {
+    area.value = payload;
+  } catch (e) {
+    // seriously broken browsers get here
+  }
+  form.submit();
+  var completed = function(err) {
+    debug('completed', id, err);
+    if (!iframe.onerror) {
+      return;
+    }
+    iframe.onreadystatechange = iframe.onerror = iframe.onload = null;
+    // Opera mini doesn't like if we GC iframe
+    // immediately, thus this timeout.
+    setTimeout(function() {
+      debug('cleaning up', id);
+      iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe);
+      iframe = null;
+    }, 500);
+    area.value = '';
+    // It is not possible to detect if the iframe succeeded or
+    // failed to submit our form.
+    callback(err);
+  };
+  iframe.onerror = function() {
+    debug('onerror', id);
+    completed();
+  };
+  iframe.onload = function() {
+    debug('onload', id);
+    completed();
+  };
+  iframe.onreadystatechange = function(e) {
+    debug('onreadystatechange', id, iframe.readyState, e);
+    if (iframe.readyState === 'complete') {
+      completed();
+    }
+  };
+  return function() {
+    debug('aborted', id);
+    completed(new Error('Aborted'));
+  };
+}).call(this,{ env: {} },typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
+(function (process,global){
+'use strict';
+var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
+  , inherits = require('inherits')
+  , eventUtils = require('../../utils/event')
+  , browser = require('../../utils/browser')
+  , urlUtils = require('../../utils/url')
+  ;
+var debug = function() {};
+if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
+  debug = require('debug')('sockjs-client:sender:xdr');
+// References:
+//   http://ajaxian.com/archives/100-line-ajax-wrapper
+//   http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc288060(v=VS.85).aspx
+function XDRObject(method, url, payload) {
+  debug(method, url);
+  var self = this;
+  EventEmitter.call(this);
+  setTimeout(function() {
+    self._start(method, url, payload);
+  }, 0);
+inherits(XDRObject, EventEmitter);
+XDRObject.prototype._start = function(method, url, payload) {
+  debug('_start');
+  var self = this;
+  var xdr = new global.XDomainRequest();
+  // IE caches even POSTs
+  url = urlUtils.addQuery(url, 't=' + (+new Date()));
+  xdr.onerror = function() {
+    debug('onerror');
+    self._error();
+  };
+  xdr.ontimeout = function() {
+    debug('ontimeout');
+    self._error();
+  };
+  xdr.onprogress = function() {
+    debug('progress', xdr.responseText);
+    self.emit('chunk', 200, xdr.responseText);
+  };
+  xdr.onload = function() {
+    debug('load');
+    self.emit('finish', 200, xdr.responseText);
+    self._cleanup(false);
+  };
+  this.xdr = xdr;
+  this.unloadRef = eventUtils.unloadAdd(function() {
+    self._cleanup(true);
+  });
+  try {
+    // Fails with AccessDenied if port number is bogus
+    this.xdr.open(method, url);
+    if (this.timeout) {
+      this.xdr.timeout = this.timeout;
+    }
+    this.xdr.send(payload);
+  } catch (x) {
+    this._error();
+  }
+XDRObject.prototype._error = function() {
+  this.emit('finish', 0, '');
+  this._cleanup(false);
+XDRObject.prototype._cleanup = function(abort) {
+  debug('cleanup', abort);
+  if (!this.xdr) {
+    return;
+  }
+  this.removeAllListeners();
+  eventUtils.unloadDel(this.unloadRef);
+  this.xdr.ontimeout = this.xdr.onerror = this.xdr.onprogress = this.xdr.onload = null;
+  if (abort) {
+    try {
+      this.xdr.abort();
+    } catch (x) {}
+  }
+  this.unloadRef = this.xdr = null;
+XDRObject.prototype.close = function() {
+  debug('close');
+  this._cleanup(true);
+// IE 8/9 if the request target uses the same scheme - #79
+XDRObject.enabled = !!(global.XDomainRequest && browser.hasDomain());
+module.exports = XDRObject;
+}).call(this,{ env: {} },typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
+'use strict';
+var inherits = require('inherits')
+  , XhrDriver = require('../driver/xhr')
+  ;
+function XHRCorsObject(method, url, payload, opts) {
+  XhrDriver.call(this, method, url, payload, opts);
+inherits(XHRCorsObject, XhrDriver);
+XHRCorsObject.enabled = XhrDriver.enabled && XhrDriver.supportsCORS;
+module.exports = XHRCorsObject;
+'use strict';
+var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
+  , inherits = require('inherits')
+  ;
+function XHRFake(/* method, url, payload, opts */) {
+  var self = this;
+  EventEmitter.call(this);
+  this.to = setTimeout(function() {
+    self.emit('finish', 200, '{}');
+  }, XHRFake.timeout);
+inherits(XHRFake, EventEmitter);
+XHRFake.prototype.close = function() {
+  clearTimeout(this.to);
+XHRFake.timeout = 2000;
+module.exports = XHRFake;
+'use strict';
+var inherits = require('inherits')
+  , XhrDriver = require('../driver/xhr')
+  ;
+function XHRLocalObject(method, url, payload /*, opts */) {
+  XhrDriver.call(this, method, url, payload, {
+    noCredentials: true
+  });
+inherits(XHRLocalObject, XhrDriver);
+XHRLocalObject.enabled = XhrDriver.enabled;
+module.exports = XHRLocalObject;
+(function (process){
+'use strict';
+var utils = require('../utils/event')
+  , urlUtils = require('../utils/url')
+  , inherits = require('inherits')
+  , EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
+  , WebsocketDriver = require('./driver/websocket')
+  ;
+var debug = function() {};
+if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
+  debug = require('debug')('sockjs-client:websocket');
+function WebSocketTransport(transUrl) {
+  if (!WebSocketTransport.enabled()) {
+    throw new Error('Transport created when disabled');
+  }
+  EventEmitter.call(this);
+  debug('constructor', transUrl);
+  var self = this;
+  var url = urlUtils.addPath(transUrl, '/websocket');
+  if (url.slice(0, 5) === 'https') {
+    url = 'wss' + url.slice(5);
+  } else {
+    url = 'ws' + url.slice(4);
+  }
+  this.url = url;
+  this.ws = new WebsocketDriver(this.url);
+  this.ws.onmessage = function(e) {
+    debug('message event', e.data);
+    self.emit('message', e.data);
+  };
+  // Firefox has an interesting bug. If a websocket connection is
+  // created after onunload, it stays alive even when user
+  // navigates away from the page. In such situation let's lie -
+  // let's not open the ws connection at all. See:
+  // https://github.com/sockjs/sockjs-client/issues/28
+  // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=696085
+  this.unloadRef = utils.unloadAdd(function() {
+    debug('unload');
+    self.ws.close();
+  });
+  this.ws.onclose = function(e) {
+    debug('close event', e.code, e.reason);
+    self.emit('close', e.code, e.reason);
+    self._cleanup();
+  };
+  this.ws.onerror = function(e) {
+    debug('error event', e);
+    self.emit('close', 1006, 'WebSocket connection broken');
+    self._cleanup();
+  };
+inherits(WebSocketTransport, EventEmitter);
+WebSocketTransport.prototype.send = function(data) {
+  var msg = '[' + data + ']';
+  debug('send', msg);
+  this.ws.send(msg);
+WebSocketTransport.prototype.close = function() {
+  debug('close');
+  if (this.ws) {
+    this.ws.close();
+  }
+  this._cleanup();
+WebSocketTransport.prototype._cleanup = function() {
+  debug('_cleanup');
+  var ws = this.ws;
+  if (ws) {
+    ws.onmessage = ws.onclose = ws.onerror = null;
+  }
+  utils.unloadDel(this.unloadRef);
+  this.unloadRef = this.ws = null;
+  this.removeAllListeners();
+WebSocketTransport.enabled = function() {
+  debug('enabled');
+  return !!WebsocketDriver;
+WebSocketTransport.transportName = 'websocket';
+// In theory, ws should require 1 round trip. But in chrome, this is
+// not very stable over SSL. Most likely a ws connection requires a
+// separate SSL connection, in which case 2 round trips are an
+// absolute minumum.
+WebSocketTransport.roundTrips = 2;
+module.exports = WebSocketTransport;
+}).call(this,{ env: {} })
+'use strict';
+var inherits = require('inherits')
+  , AjaxBasedTransport = require('./lib/ajax-based')
+  , XdrStreamingTransport = require('./xdr-streaming')
+  , XhrReceiver = require('./receiver/xhr')
+  , XDRObject = require('./sender/xdr')
+  ;
+function XdrPollingTransport(transUrl) {
+  if (!XDRObject.enabled) {
+    throw new Error('Transport created when disabled');
+  }
+  AjaxBasedTransport.call(this, transUrl, '/xhr', XhrReceiver, XDRObject);
+inherits(XdrPollingTransport, AjaxBasedTransport);
+XdrPollingTransport.enabled = XdrStreamingTransport.enabled;
+XdrPollingTransport.transportName = 'xdr-polling';
+XdrPollingTransport.roundTrips = 2; // preflight, ajax
+module.exports = XdrPollingTransport;
+'use strict';
+var inherits = require('inherits')
+  , AjaxBasedTransport = require('./lib/ajax-based')
+  , XhrReceiver = require('./receiver/xhr')
+  , XDRObject = require('./sender/xdr')
+  ;
+// According to:
+//   http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1641507/detect-browser-support-for-cross-domain-xmlhttprequests
+//   http://hacks.mozilla.org/2009/07/cross-site-xmlhttprequest-with-cors/
+function XdrStreamingTransport(transUrl) {
+  if (!XDRObject.enabled) {
+    throw new Error('Transport created when disabled');
+  }
+  AjaxBasedTransport.call(this, transUrl, '/xhr_streaming', XhrReceiver, XDRObject);
+inherits(XdrStreamingTransport, AjaxBasedTransport);
+XdrStreamingTransport.enabled = function(info) {
+  if (info.cookie_needed || info.nullOrigin) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  return XDRObject.enabled && info.sameScheme;
+XdrStreamingTransport.transportName = 'xdr-streaming';
+XdrStreamingTransport.roundTrips = 2; // preflight, ajax
+module.exports = XdrStreamingTransport;
+'use strict';
+var inherits = require('inherits')
+  , AjaxBasedTransport = require('./lib/ajax-based')
+  , XhrReceiver = require('./receiver/xhr')
+  , XHRCorsObject = require('./sender/xhr-cors')
+  , XHRLocalObject = require('./sender/xhr-local')
+  ;
+function XhrPollingTransport(transUrl) {
+  if (!XHRLocalObject.enabled && !XHRCorsObject.enabled) {
+    throw new Error('Transport created when disabled');
+  }
+  AjaxBasedTransport.call(this, transUrl, '/xhr', XhrReceiver, XHRCorsObject);
+inherits(XhrPollingTransport, AjaxBasedTransport);
+XhrPollingTransport.enabled = function(info) {
+  if (info.nullOrigin) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (XHRLocalObject.enabled && info.sameOrigin) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  return XHRCorsObject.enabled;
+XhrPollingTransport.transportName = 'xhr-polling';
+XhrPollingTransport.roundTrips = 2; // preflight, ajax
+module.exports = XhrPollingTransport;
+(function (global){
+'use strict';
+var inherits = require('inherits')
+  , AjaxBasedTransport = require('./lib/ajax-based')
+  , XhrReceiver = require('./receiver/xhr')
+  , XHRCorsObject = require('./sender/xhr-cors')
+  , XHRLocalObject = require('./sender/xhr-local')
+  , browser = require('../utils/browser')
+  ;
+function XhrStreamingTransport(transUrl) {
+  if (!XHRLocalObject.enabled && !XHRCorsObject.enabled) {
+    throw new Error('Transport created when disabled');
+  }
+  AjaxBasedTransport.call(this, transUrl, '/xhr_streaming', XhrReceiver, XHRCorsObject);
+inherits(XhrStreamingTransport, AjaxBasedTransport);
+XhrStreamingTransport.enabled = function(info) {
+  if (info.nullOrigin) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Opera doesn't support xhr-streaming #60
+  // But it might be able to #92
+  if (browser.isOpera()) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  return XHRCorsObject.enabled;
+XhrStreamingTransport.transportName = 'xhr-streaming';
+XhrStreamingTransport.roundTrips = 2; // preflight, ajax
+// Safari gets confused when a streaming ajax request is started
+// before onload. This causes the load indicator to spin indefinetely.
+// Only require body when used in a browser
+XhrStreamingTransport.needBody = !!global.document;
+module.exports = XhrStreamingTransport;
+}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
+(function (global){
+'use strict';
+if (global.crypto && global.crypto.getRandomValues) {
+  module.exports.randomBytes = function(length) {
+    var bytes = new Uint8Array(length);
+    global.crypto.getRandomValues(bytes);
+    return bytes;
+  };
+} else {
+  module.exports.randomBytes = function(length) {
+    var bytes = new Array(length);
+    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+      bytes[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);
+    }
+    return bytes;
+  };
+}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
+(function (global){
+'use strict';
+module.exports = {
+  isOpera: function() {
+    return global.navigator &&
+      /opera/i.test(global.navigator.userAgent);
+  }
+, isKonqueror: function() {
+    return global.navigator &&
+      /konqueror/i.test(global.navigator.userAgent);
+  }
+  // #187 wrap document.domain in try/catch because of WP8 from file:///
+, hasDomain: function () {
+    // non-browser client always has a domain
+    if (!global.document) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    try {
+      return !!global.document.domain;
+    } catch (e) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
+'use strict';
+var JSON3 = require('json3');
+// Some extra characters that Chrome gets wrong, and substitutes with
+// something else on the wire.
+var extraEscapable = /[\x00-\x1f\ud800-\udfff\ufffe\uffff\u0300-\u0333\u033d-\u0346\u034a-\u034c\u0350-\u0352\u0357-\u0358\u035c-\u0362\u0374\u037e\u0387\u0591-\u05af\u05c4\u0610-\u0617\u0653-\u0654\u0657-\u065b\u065d-\u065e\u06df-\u06e2\u06eb-\u06ec\u0730\u0732-\u0733\u0735-\u0736\u073a\u073d\u073f-\u0741\u0743\u0745\u0747\u07eb-\u07f1\u0951\u0958-\u095f\u09dc-\u09dd\u09df\u0a33\u0a36\u0a59-\u0a5b\u0a5e\u0b5c-\u0b5d\u0e38-\u0e39\u0f43\u0f4d\u0f52\u0f57\u0f5c\u0f69\u0f72-\u0f76\u0f78\u0f [...]
+  , extraLookup;
+// This may be quite slow, so let's delay until user actually uses bad
+// characters.
+var unrollLookup = function(escapable) {
+  var i;
+  var unrolled = {};
+  var c = [];
+  for (i = 0; i < 65536; i++) {
+    c.push( String.fromCharCode(i) );
+  }
+  escapable.lastIndex = 0;
+  c.join('').replace(escapable, function(a) {
+    unrolled[ a ] = '\\u' + ('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
+    return '';
+  });
+  escapable.lastIndex = 0;
+  return unrolled;
+// Quote string, also taking care of unicode characters that browsers
+// often break. Especially, take care of unicode surrogates:
+// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mapping_of_Unicode_characters#Surrogates
+module.exports = {
+  quote: function(string) {
+    var quoted = JSON3.stringify(string);
+    // In most cases this should be very fast and good enough.
+    extraEscapable.lastIndex = 0;
+    if (!extraEscapable.test(quoted)) {
+      return quoted;
+    }
+    if (!extraLookup) {
+      extraLookup = unrollLookup(extraEscapable);
+    }
+    return quoted.replace(extraEscapable, function(a) {
+      return extraLookup[a];
+    });
+  }
+(function (global){
+'use strict';
+var random = require('./random');
+var onUnload = {}
+  , afterUnload = false
+  ;
+module.exports = {
+  attachEvent: function(event, listener) {
+    if (typeof global.addEventListener !== 'undefined') {
+      global.addEventListener(event, listener, false);
+    } else if (global.document && global.attachEvent) {
+      // IE quirks.
+      // According to: http://stevesouders.com/misc/test-postmessage.php
+      // the message gets delivered only to 'document', not 'window'.
+      global.document.attachEvent('on' + event, listener);
+      // I get 'window' for ie8.
+      global.attachEvent('on' + event, listener);
+    }
+  }
+, detachEvent: function(event, listener) {
+    if (typeof global.addEventListener !== 'undefined') {
+      global.removeEventListener(event, listener, false);
+    } else if (global.document && global.detachEvent) {
+      global.document.detachEvent('on' + event, listener);
+      global.detachEvent('on' + event, listener);
+    }
+  }
+, unloadAdd: function(listener) {
+    var ref = random.string(8);
+    onUnload[ref] = listener;
+    if (afterUnload) {
+      setTimeout(this.triggerUnloadCallbacks, 0);
+    }
+    return ref;
+  }
+, unloadDel: function(ref) {
+    if (ref in onUnload) {
+      delete onUnload[ref];
+    }
+  }
+, triggerUnloadCallbacks: function() {
+    for (var ref in onUnload) {
+      onUnload[ref]();
+      delete onUnload[ref];
+    }
+  }
+var unloadTriggered = function() {
+  if (afterUnload) {
+    return;
+  }
+  afterUnload = true;
+  module.exports.triggerUnloadCallbacks();
+// 'unload' alone is not reliable in opera within an iframe, but we
+// can't use `beforeunload` as IE fires it on javascript: links.
+module.exports.attachEvent('unload', unloadTriggered);
+}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
+(function (process,global){
+'use strict';
+var eventUtils = require('./event')
+  , JSON3 = require('json3')
+  , browser = require('./browser')
+  ;
+var debug = function() {};
+if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
+  debug = require('debug')('sockjs-client:utils:iframe');
+module.exports = {
+  WPrefix: '_jp'
+, currentWindowId: null
+, polluteGlobalNamespace: function() {
+    if (!(module.exports.WPrefix in global)) {
+      global[module.exports.WPrefix] = {};
+    }
+  }
+, postMessage: function(type, data) {
+    if (global.parent !== global) {
+      global.parent.postMessage(JSON3.stringify({
+        windowId: module.exports.currentWindowId
+      , type: type
+      , data: data || ''
+      }), '*');
+    } else {
+      debug('Cannot postMessage, no parent window.', type, data);
+    }
+  }
+, createIframe: function(iframeUrl, errorCallback) {
+    var iframe = global.document.createElement('iframe');
+    var tref, unloadRef;
+    var unattach = function() {
+      debug('unattach');
+      clearTimeout(tref);
+      // Explorer had problems with that.
+      try {
+        iframe.onload = null;
+      } catch (x) {}
+      iframe.onerror = null;
+    };
+    var cleanup = function() {
+      debug('cleanup');
+      if (iframe) {
+        unattach();
+        // This timeout makes chrome fire onbeforeunload event
+        // within iframe. Without the timeout it goes straight to
+        // onunload.
+        setTimeout(function() {
+          if (iframe) {
+            iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe);
+          }
+          iframe = null;
+        }, 0);
+        eventUtils.unloadDel(unloadRef);
+      }
+    };
+    var onerror = function(err) {
+      debug('onerror', err);
+      if (iframe) {
+        cleanup();
+        errorCallback(err);
+      }
+    };
+    var post = function(msg, origin) {
+      debug('post', msg, origin);
+      try {
+        // When the iframe is not loaded, IE raises an exception
+        // on 'contentWindow'.
+        if (iframe && iframe.contentWindow) {
+          setTimeout(function() {
+            iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(msg, origin);
+          }, 0);
+        }
+      } catch (x) {}
+    };
+    iframe.src = iframeUrl;
+    iframe.style.display = 'none';
+    iframe.style.position = 'absolute';
+    iframe.onerror = function() {
+      onerror('onerror');
+    };
+    iframe.onload = function() {
+      debug('onload');
+      // `onload` is triggered before scripts on the iframe are
+      // executed. Give it few seconds to actually load stuff.
+      clearTimeout(tref);
+      tref = setTimeout(function() {
+        onerror('onload timeout');
+      }, 2000);
+    };
+    global.document.body.appendChild(iframe);
+    tref = setTimeout(function() {
+      onerror('timeout');
+    }, 15000);
+    unloadRef = eventUtils.unloadAdd(cleanup);
+    return {
+      post: post
+    , cleanup: cleanup
+    , loaded: unattach
+    };
+  }
+/* jshint undef: false, newcap: false */
+/* eslint no-undef: 0, new-cap: 0 */
+, createHtmlfile: function(iframeUrl, errorCallback) {
+    var axo = ['Active'].concat('Object').join('X');
+    var doc = new global[axo]('htmlfile');
+    var tref, unloadRef;
+    var iframe;
+    var unattach = function() {
+      clearTimeout(tref);
+      iframe.onerror = null;
+    };
+    var cleanup = function() {
+      if (doc) {
+        unattach();
+        eventUtils.unloadDel(unloadRef);
+        iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe);
+        iframe = doc = null;
+        CollectGarbage();
+      }
+    };
+    var onerror = function(r)  {
+      debug('onerror', r);
+      if (doc) {
+        cleanup();
+        errorCallback(r);
+      }
+    };
+    var post = function(msg, origin) {
+      try {
+        // When the iframe is not loaded, IE raises an exception
+        // on 'contentWindow'.
+        if (iframe && iframe.contentWindow) {
+          setTimeout(function() {
+            iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(msg, origin);
+          }, 0);
+        }
+      } catch (x) {}
+    };
+    doc.open();
+    doc.write('<html><s' + 'cript>' +
+              'document.domain="' + global.document.domain + '";' +
+              '</s' + 'cript></html>');
+    doc.close();
+    doc.parentWindow[module.exports.WPrefix] = global[module.exports.WPrefix];
+    var c = doc.createElement('div');
+    doc.body.appendChild(c);
+    iframe = doc.createElement('iframe');
+    c.appendChild(iframe);
+    iframe.src = iframeUrl;
+    iframe.onerror = function() {
+      onerror('onerror');
+    };
+    tref = setTimeout(function() {
+      onerror('timeout');
+    }, 15000);
+    unloadRef = eventUtils.unloadAdd(cleanup);
+    return {
+      post: post
+    , cleanup: cleanup
+    , loaded: unattach
+    };
+  }
+module.exports.iframeEnabled = false;
+if (global.document) {
+  // postMessage misbehaves in konqueror 4.6.5 - the messages are delivered with
+  // huge delay, or not at all.
+  module.exports.iframeEnabled = (typeof global.postMessage === 'function' ||
+    typeof global.postMessage === 'object') && (!browser.isKonqueror());
+}).call(this,{ env: {} },typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
+'use strict';
+module.exports = {
+  isObject: function(obj) {
+    var type = typeof obj;
+    return type === 'function' || type === 'object' && !!obj;
+  }
+, extend: function(obj) {
+    if (!this.isObject(obj)) {
+      return obj;
+    }
+    var source, prop;
+    for (var i = 1, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) {
+      source = arguments[i];
+      for (prop in source) {
+        if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, prop)) {
+          obj[prop] = source[prop];
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return obj;
+  }
+'use strict';
+/* global crypto:true */
+var crypto = require('crypto');
+// This string has length 32, a power of 2, so the modulus doesn't introduce a
+// bias.
+var _randomStringChars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345';
+module.exports = {
+  string: function(length) {
+    var max = _randomStringChars.length;
+    var bytes = crypto.randomBytes(length);
+    var ret = [];
+    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+      ret.push(_randomStringChars.substr(bytes[i] % max, 1));
+    }
+    return ret.join('');
+  }
+, number: function(max) {
+    return Math.floor(Math.random() * max);
+  }
+, numberString: function(max) {
+    var t = ('' + (max - 1)).length;
+    var p = new Array(t + 1).join('0');
+    return (p + this.number(max)).slice(-t);
+  }
+(function (process){
+'use strict';
+var debug = function() {};
+if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
+  debug = require('debug')('sockjs-client:utils:transport');
+module.exports = function(availableTransports) {
+  return {
+    filterToEnabled: function(transportsWhitelist, info) {
+      var transports = {
+        main: []
+      , facade: []
+      };
+      if (!transportsWhitelist) {
+        transportsWhitelist = [];
+      } else if (typeof transportsWhitelist === 'string') {
+        transportsWhitelist = [transportsWhitelist];
+      }
+      availableTransports.forEach(function(trans) {
+        if (!trans) {
+          return;
+        }
+        if (trans.transportName === 'websocket' && info.websocket === false) {
+          debug('disabled from server', 'websocket');
+          return;
+        }
+        if (transportsWhitelist.length &&
+            transportsWhitelist.indexOf(trans.transportName) === -1) {
+          debug('not in whitelist', trans.transportName);
+          return;
+        }
+        if (trans.enabled(info)) {
+          debug('enabled', trans.transportName);
+          transports.main.push(trans);
+          if (trans.facadeTransport) {
+            transports.facade.push(trans.facadeTransport);
+          }
+        } else {
+          debug('disabled', trans.transportName);
+        }
+      });
+      return transports;
+    }
+  };
+}).call(this,{ env: {} })
+(function (process){
+'use strict';
+var u = require('url');
+var debug = function() {};
+if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
+  debug = require('debug')('sockjs-client:utils:url');
+module.exports = {
+  getOrigin: function(url) {
+    if (!url) {
+      return null;
+    }
+    var p = u.parse(url);
+    if (p.protocol === 'file:') {
+      return null;
+    }
+    var port = p.port;
+    if (!port) {
+      port = (p.protocol === 'https:') ? '443' : '80';
+    }
+    return p.protocol + '//' + p.hostname + ':' + port;
+  }
+, isOriginEqual: function(a, b) {
+    var res = this.getOrigin(a) === this.getOrigin(b);
+    debug('same', a, b, res);
+    return res;
+  }
+, isSchemeEqual: function(a, b) {
+    return (a.split(':')[0] === b.split(':')[0]);
+  }
+, addPath: function (url, path) {
+    var qs = url.split('?');
+    return qs[0] + path + (qs[1] ? '?' + qs[1] : '');
+  }
+, addQuery: function (url, q) {
+    return url + (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? ('?' + q) : ('&' + q));
+  }
+}).call(this,{ env: {} })
+module.exports = '1.0.0-beta.1';
+(function (global){
+/*! http://mths.be/punycode v1.2.4 by @mathias */
+;(function(root) {
+	/** Detect free variables */
+	var freeExports = typeof exports == 'object' && exports;
+	var freeModule = typeof module == 'object' && module &&
+		module.exports == freeExports && module;
+	var freeGlobal = typeof global == 'object' && global;
+	if (freeGlobal.global === freeGlobal || freeGlobal.window === freeGlobal) {
+		root = freeGlobal;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * The `punycode` object.
+	 * @name punycode
+	 * @type Object
+	 */
+	var punycode,
+	/** Highest positive signed 32-bit float value */
+	maxInt = 2147483647, // aka. 0x7FFFFFFF or 2^31-1
+	/** Bootstring parameters */
+	base = 36,
+	tMin = 1,
+	tMax = 26,
+	skew = 38,
+	damp = 700,
+	initialBias = 72,
+	initialN = 128, // 0x80
+	delimiter = '-', // '\x2D'
+	/** Regular expressions */
+	regexPunycode = /^xn--/,
+	regexNonASCII = /[^ -~]/, // unprintable ASCII chars + non-ASCII chars
+	regexSeparators = /\x2E|\u3002|\uFF0E|\uFF61/g, // RFC 3490 separators
+	/** Error messages */
+	errors = {
+		'overflow': 'Overflow: input needs wider integers to process',
+		'not-basic': 'Illegal input >= 0x80 (not a basic code point)',
+		'invalid-input': 'Invalid input'
+	},
+	/** Convenience shortcuts */
+	baseMinusTMin = base - tMin,
+	floor = Math.floor,
+	stringFromCharCode = String.fromCharCode,
+	/** Temporary variable */
+	key;
+	/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	/**
+	 * A generic error utility function.
+	 * @private
+	 * @param {String} type The error type.
+	 * @returns {Error} Throws a `RangeError` with the applicable error message.
+	 */
+	function error(type) {
+		throw RangeError(errors[type]);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * A generic `Array#map` utility function.
+	 * @private
+	 * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.
+	 * @param {Function} callback The function that gets called for every array
+	 * item.
+	 * @returns {Array} A new array of values returned by the callback function.
+	 */
+	function map(array, fn) {
+		var length = array.length;
+		while (length--) {
+			array[length] = fn(array[length]);
+		}
+		return array;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * A simple `Array#map`-like wrapper to work with domain name strings.
+	 * @private
+	 * @param {String} domain The domain name.
+	 * @param {Function} callback The function that gets called for every
+	 * character.
+	 * @returns {Array} A new string of characters returned by the callback
+	 * function.
+	 */
+	function mapDomain(string, fn) {
+		return map(string.split(regexSeparators), fn).join('.');
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Creates an array containing the numeric code points of each Unicode
+	 * character in the string. While JavaScript uses UCS-2 internally,
+	 * this function will convert a pair of surrogate halves (each of which
+	 * UCS-2 exposes as separate characters) into a single code point,
+	 * matching UTF-16.
+	 * @see `punycode.ucs2.encode`
+	 * @see <http://mathiasbynens.be/notes/javascript-encoding>
+	 * @memberOf punycode.ucs2
+	 * @name decode
+	 * @param {String} string The Unicode input string (UCS-2).
+	 * @returns {Array} The new array of code points.
+	 */
+	function ucs2decode(string) {
+		var output = [],
+		    counter = 0,
+		    length = string.length,
+		    value,
+		    extra;
+		while (counter < length) {
+			value = string.charCodeAt(counter++);
+			if (value >= 0xD800 && value <= 0xDBFF && counter < length) {
+				// high surrogate, and there is a next character
+				extra = string.charCodeAt(counter++);
+				if ((extra & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00) { // low surrogate
+					output.push(((value & 0x3FF) << 10) + (extra & 0x3FF) + 0x10000);
+				} else {
+					// unmatched surrogate; only append this code unit, in case the next
+					// code unit is the high surrogate of a surrogate pair
+					output.push(value);
+					counter--;
+				}
+			} else {
+				output.push(value);
+			}
+		}
+		return output;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Creates a string based on an array of numeric code points.
+	 * @see `punycode.ucs2.decode`
+	 * @memberOf punycode.ucs2
+	 * @name encode
+	 * @param {Array} codePoints The array of numeric code points.
+	 * @returns {String} The new Unicode string (UCS-2).
+	 */
+	function ucs2encode(array) {
+		return map(array, function(value) {
+			var output = '';
+			if (value > 0xFFFF) {
+				value -= 0x10000;
+				output += stringFromCharCode(value >>> 10 & 0x3FF | 0xD800);
+				value = 0xDC00 | value & 0x3FF;
+			}
+			output += stringFromCharCode(value);
+			return output;
+		}).join('');
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Converts a basic code point into a digit/integer.
+	 * @see `digitToBasic()`
+	 * @private
+	 * @param {Number} codePoint The basic numeric code point value.
+	 * @returns {Number} The numeric value of a basic code point (for use in
+	 * representing integers) in the range `0` to `base - 1`, or `base` if
+	 * the code point does not represent a value.
+	 */
+	function basicToDigit(codePoint) {
+		if (codePoint - 48 < 10) {
+			return codePoint - 22;
+		}
+		if (codePoint - 65 < 26) {
+			return codePoint - 65;
+		}
+		if (codePoint - 97 < 26) {
+			return codePoint - 97;
+		}
+		return base;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Converts a digit/integer into a basic code point.
+	 * @see `basicToDigit()`
+	 * @private
+	 * @param {Number} digit The numeric value of a basic code point.
+	 * @returns {Number} The basic code point whose value (when used for
+	 * representing integers) is `digit`, which needs to be in the range
+	 * `0` to `base - 1`. If `flag` is non-zero, the uppercase form is
+	 * used; else, the lowercase form is used. The behavior is undefined
+	 * if `flag` is non-zero and `digit` has no uppercase form.
+	 */
+	function digitToBasic(digit, flag) {
+		//  0..25 map to ASCII a..z or A..Z
+		// 26..35 map to ASCII 0..9
+		return digit + 22 + 75 * (digit < 26) - ((flag != 0) << 5);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Bias adaptation function as per section 3.4 of RFC 3492.
+	 * http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3492#section-3.4
+	 * @private
+	 */
+	function adapt(delta, numPoints, firstTime) {
+		var k = 0;
+		delta = firstTime ? floor(delta / damp) : delta >> 1;
+		delta += floor(delta / numPoints);
+		for (/* no initialization */; delta > baseMinusTMin * tMax >> 1; k += base) {
+			delta = floor(delta / baseMinusTMin);
+		}
+		return floor(k + (baseMinusTMin + 1) * delta / (delta + skew));
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Converts a Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols to a string of Unicode
+	 * symbols.
+	 * @memberOf punycode
+	 * @param {String} input The Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols.
+	 * @returns {String} The resulting string of Unicode symbols.
+	 */
+	function decode(input) {
+		// Don't use UCS-2
+		var output = [],
+		    inputLength = input.length,
+		    out,
+		    i = 0,
+		    n = initialN,
+		    bias = initialBias,
+		    basic,
+		    j,
+		    index,
+		    oldi,
+		    w,
+		    k,
+		    digit,
+		    t,
+		    /** Cached calculation results */
+		    baseMinusT;
+		// Handle the basic code points: let `basic` be the number of input code
+		// points before the last delimiter, or `0` if there is none, then copy
+		// the first basic code points to the output.
+		basic = input.lastIndexOf(delimiter);
+		if (basic < 0) {
+			basic = 0;
+		}
+		for (j = 0; j < basic; ++j) {
+			// if it's not a basic code point
+			if (input.charCodeAt(j) >= 0x80) {
+				error('not-basic');
+			}
+			output.push(input.charCodeAt(j));
+		}
+		// Main decoding loop: start just after the last delimiter if any basic code
+		// points were copied; start at the beginning otherwise.
+		for (index = basic > 0 ? basic + 1 : 0; index < inputLength; /* no final expression */) {
+			// `index` is the index of the next character to be consumed.
+			// Decode a generalized variable-length integer into `delta`,
+			// which gets added to `i`. The overflow checking is easier
+			// if we increase `i` as we go, then subtract off its starting
+			// value at the end to obtain `delta`.
+			for (oldi = i, w = 1, k = base; /* no condition */; k += base) {
+				if (index >= inputLength) {
+					error('invalid-input');
+				}
+				digit = basicToDigit(input.charCodeAt(index++));
+				if (digit >= base || digit > floor((maxInt - i) / w)) {
+					error('overflow');
+				}
+				i += digit * w;
+				t = k <= bias ? tMin : (k >= bias + tMax ? tMax : k - bias);
+				if (digit < t) {
+					break;
+				}
+				baseMinusT = base - t;
+				if (w > floor(maxInt / baseMinusT)) {
+					error('overflow');
+				}
+				w *= baseMinusT;
+			}
+			out = output.length + 1;
+			bias = adapt(i - oldi, out, oldi == 0);
+			// `i` was supposed to wrap around from `out` to `0`,
+			// incrementing `n` each time, so we'll fix that now:
+			if (floor(i / out) > maxInt - n) {
+				error('overflow');
+			}
+			n += floor(i / out);
+			i %= out;
+			// Insert `n` at position `i` of the output
+			output.splice(i++, 0, n);
+		}
+		return ucs2encode(output);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Converts a string of Unicode symbols to a Punycode string of ASCII-only
+	 * symbols.
+	 * @memberOf punycode
+	 * @param {String} input The string of Unicode symbols.
+	 * @returns {String} The resulting Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols.
+	 */
+	function encode(input) {
+		var n,
+		    delta,
+		    handledCPCount,
+		    basicLength,
+		    bias,
+		    j,
+		    m,
+		    q,
+		    k,
+		    t,
+		    currentValue,
+		    output = [],
+		    /** `inputLength` will hold the number of code points in `input`. */
+		    inputLength,
+		    /** Cached calculation results */
+		    handledCPCountPlusOne,
+		    baseMinusT,
+		    qMinusT;
+		// Convert the input in UCS-2 to Unicode
+		input = ucs2decode(input);
+		// Cache the length
+		inputLength = input.length;
+		// Initialize the state
+		n = initialN;
+		delta = 0;
+		bias = initialBias;
+		// Handle the basic code points
+		for (j = 0; j < inputLength; ++j) {
+			currentValue = input[j];
+			if (currentValue < 0x80) {
+				output.push(stringFromCharCode(currentValue));
+			}
+		}
+		handledCPCount = basicLength = output.length;
+		// `handledCPCount` is the number of code points that have been handled;
+		// `basicLength` is the number of basic code points.
+		// Finish the basic string - if it is not empty - with a delimiter
+		if (basicLength) {
+			output.push(delimiter);
+		}
+		// Main encoding loop:
+		while (handledCPCount < inputLength) {
+			// All non-basic code points < n have been handled already. Find the next
+			// larger one:
+			for (m = maxInt, j = 0; j < inputLength; ++j) {
+				currentValue = input[j];
+				if (currentValue >= n && currentValue < m) {
+					m = currentValue;
+				}
+			}
+			// Increase `delta` enough to advance the decoder's <n,i> state to <m,0>,
+			// but guard against overflow
+			handledCPCountPlusOne = handledCPCount + 1;
+			if (m - n > floor((maxInt - delta) / handledCPCountPlusOne)) {
+				error('overflow');
+			}
+			delta += (m - n) * handledCPCountPlusOne;
+			n = m;
+			for (j = 0; j < inputLength; ++j) {
+				currentValue = input[j];
+				if (currentValue < n && ++delta > maxInt) {
+					error('overflow');
+				}
+				if (currentValue == n) {
+					// Represent delta as a generalized variable-length integer
+					for (q = delta, k = base; /* no condition */; k += base) {
+						t = k <= bias ? tMin : (k >= bias + tMax ? tMax : k - bias);
+						if (q < t) {
+							break;
+						}
+						qMinusT = q - t;
+						baseMinusT = base - t;
+						output.push(
+							stringFromCharCode(digitToBasic(t + qMinusT % baseMinusT, 0))
+						);
+						q = floor(qMinusT / baseMinusT);
+					}
+					output.push(stringFromCharCode(digitToBasic(q, 0)));
+					bias = adapt(delta, handledCPCountPlusOne, handledCPCount == basicLength);
+					delta = 0;
+					++handledCPCount;
+				}
+			}
+			++delta;
+			++n;
+		}
+		return output.join('');
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Converts a Punycode string representing a domain name to Unicode. Only the
+	 * Punycoded parts of the domain name will be converted, i.e. it doesn't
+	 * matter if you call it on a string that has already been converted to
+	 * Unicode.
+	 * @memberOf punycode
+	 * @param {String} domain The Punycode domain name to convert to Unicode.
+	 * @returns {String} The Unicode representation of the given Punycode
+	 * string.
+	 */
+	function toUnicode(domain) {
+		return mapDomain(domain, function(string) {
+			return regexPunycode.test(string)
+				? decode(string.slice(4).toLowerCase())
+				: string;
+		});
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Converts a Unicode string representing a domain name to Punycode. Only the
+	 * non-ASCII parts of the domain name will be converted, i.e. it doesn't
+	 * matter if you call it with a domain that's already in ASCII.
+	 * @memberOf punycode
+	 * @param {String} domain The domain name to convert, as a Unicode string.
+	 * @returns {String} The Punycode representation of the given domain name.
+	 */
+	function toASCII(domain) {
+		return mapDomain(domain, function(string) {
+			return regexNonASCII.test(string)
+				? 'xn--' + encode(string)
+				: string;
+		});
+	}
+	/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	/** Define the public API */
+	punycode = {
+		/**
+		 * A string representing the current Punycode.js version number.
+		 * @memberOf punycode
+		 * @type String
+		 */
+		'version': '1.2.4',
+		/**
+		 * An object of methods to convert from JavaScript's internal character
+		 * representation (UCS-2) to Unicode code points, and back.
+		 * @see <http://mathiasbynens.be/notes/javascript-encoding>
+		 * @memberOf punycode
+		 * @type Object
+		 */
+		'ucs2': {
+			'decode': ucs2decode,
+			'encode': ucs2encode
+		},
+		'decode': decode,
+		'encode': encode,
+		'toASCII': toASCII,
+		'toUnicode': toUnicode
+	};
+	/** Expose `punycode` */
+	// Some AMD build optimizers, like r.js, check for specific condition patterns
+	// like the following:
+	if (
+		typeof define == 'function' &&
+		typeof define.amd == 'object' &&
+		define.amd
+	) {
+		define('punycode', function() {
+			return punycode;
+		});
+	} else if (freeExports && !freeExports.nodeType) {
+		if (freeModule) { // in Node.js or RingoJS v0.8.0+
+			freeModule.exports = punycode;
+		} else { // in Narwhal or RingoJS v0.7.0-
+			for (key in punycode) {
+				punycode.hasOwnProperty(key) && (freeExports[key] = punycode[key]);
+			}
+		}
+	} else { // in Rhino or a web browser
+		root.punycode = punycode;
+	}
+}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
+// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
+// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
+// following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+var punycode = require('punycode');
+exports.parse = urlParse;
+exports.resolve = urlResolve;
+exports.resolveObject = urlResolveObject;
+exports.format = urlFormat;
+exports.Url = Url;
+function Url() {
+  this.protocol = null;
+  this.slashes = null;
+  this.auth = null;
+  this.host = null;
+  this.port = null;
+  this.hostname = null;
+  this.hash = null;
+  this.search = null;
+  this.query = null;
+  this.pathname = null;
+  this.path = null;
+  this.href = null;
+// Reference: RFC 3986, RFC 1808, RFC 2396
+// define these here so at least they only have to be
+// compiled once on the first module load.
+var protocolPattern = /^([a-z0-9.+-]+:)/i,
+    portPattern = /:[0-9]*$/,
+    // RFC 2396: characters reserved for delimiting URLs.
+    // We actually just auto-escape these.
+    delims = ['<', '>', '"', '`', ' ', '\r', '\n', '\t'],
+    // RFC 2396: characters not allowed for various reasons.
+    unwise = ['{', '}', '|', '\\', '^', '`'].concat(delims),
+    // Allowed by RFCs, but cause of XSS attacks.  Always escape these.
+    autoEscape = ['\''].concat(unwise),
+    // Characters that are never ever allowed in a hostname.
+    // Note that any invalid chars are also handled, but these
+    // are the ones that are *expected* to be seen, so we fast-path
+    // them.
+    nonHostChars = ['%', '/', '?', ';', '#'].concat(autoEscape),
+    hostEndingChars = ['/', '?', '#'],
+    hostnameMaxLen = 255,
+    hostnamePartPattern = /^[a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63}$/,
+    hostnamePartStart = /^([a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63})(.*)$/,
+    // protocols that can allow "unsafe" and "unwise" chars.
+    unsafeProtocol = {
+      'javascript': true,
+      'javascript:': true
+    },
+    // protocols that never have a hostname.
+    hostlessProtocol = {
+      'javascript': true,
+      'javascript:': true
+    },
+    // protocols that always contain a // bit.
+    slashedProtocol = {
+      'http': true,
+      'https': true,
+      'ftp': true,
+      'gopher': true,
+      'file': true,
+      'http:': true,
+      'https:': true,
+      'ftp:': true,
+      'gopher:': true,
+      'file:': true
+    },
+    querystring = require('querystring');
+function urlParse(url, parseQueryString, slashesDenoteHost) {
+  if (url && isObject(url) && url instanceof Url) return url;
+  var u = new Url;
+  u.parse(url, parseQueryString, slashesDenoteHost);
+  return u;
+Url.prototype.parse = function(url, parseQueryString, slashesDenoteHost) {
+  if (!isString(url)) {
+    throw new TypeError("Parameter 'url' must be a string, not " + typeof url);
+  }
+  var rest = url;
+  // trim before proceeding.
+  // This is to support parse stuff like "  http://foo.com  \n"
+  rest = rest.trim();
+  var proto = protocolPattern.exec(rest);
+  if (proto) {
+    proto = proto[0];
+    var lowerProto = proto.toLowerCase();
+    this.protocol = lowerProto;
+    rest = rest.substr(proto.length);
+  }
+  // figure out if it's got a host
+  // user at server is *always* interpreted as a hostname, and url
+  // resolution will treat //foo/bar as host=foo,path=bar because that's
+  // how the browser resolves relative URLs.
+  if (slashesDenoteHost || proto || rest.match(/^\/\/[^@\/]+@[^@\/]+/)) {
+    var slashes = rest.substr(0, 2) === '//';
+    if (slashes && !(proto && hostlessProtocol[proto])) {
+      rest = rest.substr(2);
+      this.slashes = true;
+    }
+  }
+  if (!hostlessProtocol[proto] &&
+      (slashes || (proto && !slashedProtocol[proto]))) {
+    // there's a hostname.
+    // the first instance of /, ?, ;, or # ends the host.
+    //
+    // If there is an @ in the hostname, then non-host chars *are* allowed
+    // to the left of the last @ sign, unless some host-ending character
+    // comes *before* the @-sign.
+    // URLs are obnoxious.
+    //
+    // ex:
+    // http://a@b@c/ => user:a at b host:c
+    // http://a@b?@c => user:a host:c path:/?@c
+    // v0.12 TODO(isaacs): This is not quite how Chrome does things.
+    // Review our test case against browsers more comprehensively.
+    // find the first instance of any hostEndingChars
+    var hostEnd = -1;
+    for (var i = 0; i < hostEndingChars.length; i++) {
+      var hec = rest.indexOf(hostEndingChars[i]);
+      if (hec !== -1 && (hostEnd === -1 || hec < hostEnd))
+        hostEnd = hec;
+    }
+    // at this point, either we have an explicit point where the
+    // auth portion cannot go past, or the last @ char is the decider.
+    var auth, atSign;
+    if (hostEnd === -1) {
+      // atSign can be anywhere.
+      atSign = rest.lastIndexOf('@');
+    } else {
+      // atSign must be in auth portion.
+      // http://a@b/c@d => host:b auth:a path:/c at d
+      atSign = rest.lastIndexOf('@', hostEnd);
+    }
+    // Now we have a portion which is definitely the auth.
+    // Pull that off.
+    if (atSign !== -1) {
+      auth = rest.slice(0, atSign);
+      rest = rest.slice(atSign + 1);
+      this.auth = decodeURIComponent(auth);
+    }
+    // the host is the remaining to the left of the first non-host char
+    hostEnd = -1;
+    for (var i = 0; i < nonHostChars.length; i++) {
+      var hec = rest.indexOf(nonHostChars[i]);
+      if (hec !== -1 && (hostEnd === -1 || hec < hostEnd))
+        hostEnd = hec;
+    }
+    // if we still have not hit it, then the entire thing is a host.
+    if (hostEnd === -1)
+      hostEnd = rest.length;
+    this.host = rest.slice(0, hostEnd);
+    rest = rest.slice(hostEnd);
+    // pull out port.
+    this.parseHost();
+    // we've indicated that there is a hostname,
+    // so even if it's empty, it has to be present.
+    this.hostname = this.hostname || '';
+    // if hostname begins with [ and ends with ]
+    // assume that it's an IPv6 address.
+    var ipv6Hostname = this.hostname[0] === '[' &&
+        this.hostname[this.hostname.length - 1] === ']';
+    // validate a little.
+    if (!ipv6Hostname) {
+      var hostparts = this.hostname.split(/\./);
+      for (var i = 0, l = hostparts.length; i < l; i++) {
+        var part = hostparts[i];
+        if (!part) continue;
+        if (!part.match(hostnamePartPattern)) {
+          var newpart = '';
+          for (var j = 0, k = part.length; j < k; j++) {
+            if (part.charCodeAt(j) > 127) {
+              // we replace non-ASCII char with a temporary placeholder
+              // we need this to make sure size of hostname is not
+              // broken by replacing non-ASCII by nothing
+              newpart += 'x';
+            } else {
+              newpart += part[j];
+            }
+          }
+          // we test again with ASCII char only
+          if (!newpart.match(hostnamePartPattern)) {
+            var validParts = hostparts.slice(0, i);
+            var notHost = hostparts.slice(i + 1);
+            var bit = part.match(hostnamePartStart);
+            if (bit) {
+              validParts.push(bit[1]);
+              notHost.unshift(bit[2]);
+            }
+            if (notHost.length) {
+              rest = '/' + notHost.join('.') + rest;
+            }
+            this.hostname = validParts.join('.');
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (this.hostname.length > hostnameMaxLen) {
+      this.hostname = '';
+    } else {
+      // hostnames are always lower case.
+      this.hostname = this.hostname.toLowerCase();
+    }
+    if (!ipv6Hostname) {
+      // IDNA Support: Returns a puny coded representation of "domain".
+      // It only converts the part of the domain name that
+      // has non ASCII characters. I.e. it dosent matter if
+      // you call it with a domain that already is in ASCII.
+      var domainArray = this.hostname.split('.');
+      var newOut = [];
+      for (var i = 0; i < domainArray.length; ++i) {
+        var s = domainArray[i];
+        newOut.push(s.match(/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/) ?
+            'xn--' + punycode.encode(s) : s);
+      }
+      this.hostname = newOut.join('.');
+    }
+    var p = this.port ? ':' + this.port : '';
+    var h = this.hostname || '';
+    this.host = h + p;
+    this.href += this.host;
+    // strip [ and ] from the hostname
+    // the host field still retains them, though
+    if (ipv6Hostname) {
+      this.hostname = this.hostname.substr(1, this.hostname.length - 2);
+      if (rest[0] !== '/') {
+        rest = '/' + rest;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // now rest is set to the post-host stuff.
+  // chop off any delim chars.
+  if (!unsafeProtocol[lowerProto]) {
+    // First, make 100% sure that any "autoEscape" chars get
+    // escaped, even if encodeURIComponent doesn't think they
+    // need to be.
+    for (var i = 0, l = autoEscape.length; i < l; i++) {
+      var ae = autoEscape[i];
+      var esc = encodeURIComponent(ae);
+      if (esc === ae) {
+        esc = escape(ae);
+      }
+      rest = rest.split(ae).join(esc);
+    }
+  }
+  // chop off from the tail first.
+  var hash = rest.indexOf('#');
+  if (hash !== -1) {
+    // got a fragment string.
+    this.hash = rest.substr(hash);
+    rest = rest.slice(0, hash);
+  }
+  var qm = rest.indexOf('?');
+  if (qm !== -1) {
+    this.search = rest.substr(qm);
+    this.query = rest.substr(qm + 1);
+    if (parseQueryString) {
+      this.query = querystring.parse(this.query);
+    }
+    rest = rest.slice(0, qm);
+  } else if (parseQueryString) {
+    // no query string, but parseQueryString still requested
+    this.search = '';
+    this.query = {};
+  }
+  if (rest) this.pathname = rest;
+  if (slashedProtocol[lowerProto] &&
+      this.hostname && !this.pathname) {
+    this.pathname = '/';
+  }
+  //to support http.request
+  if (this.pathname || this.search) {
+    var p = this.pathname || '';
+    var s = this.search || '';
+    this.path = p + s;
+  }
+  // finally, reconstruct the href based on what has been validated.
+  this.href = this.format();
+  return this;
+// format a parsed object into a url string
+function urlFormat(obj) {
+  // ensure it's an object, and not a string url.
+  // If it's an obj, this is a no-op.
+  // this way, you can call url_format() on strings
+  // to clean up potentially wonky urls.
+  if (isString(obj)) obj = urlParse(obj);
+  if (!(obj instanceof Url)) return Url.prototype.format.call(obj);
+  return obj.format();
+Url.prototype.format = function() {
+  var auth = this.auth || '';
+  if (auth) {
+    auth = encodeURIComponent(auth);
+    auth = auth.replace(/%3A/i, ':');
+    auth += '@';
+  }
+  var protocol = this.protocol || '',
+      pathname = this.pathname || '',
+      hash = this.hash || '',
+      host = false,
+      query = '';
+  if (this.host) {
+    host = auth + this.host;
+  } else if (this.hostname) {
+    host = auth + (this.hostname.indexOf(':') === -1 ?
+        this.hostname :
+        '[' + this.hostname + ']');
+    if (this.port) {
+      host += ':' + this.port;
+    }
+  }
+  if (this.query &&
+      isObject(this.query) &&
+      Object.keys(this.query).length) {
+    query = querystring.stringify(this.query);
+  }
+  var search = this.search || (query && ('?' + query)) || '';
+  if (protocol && protocol.substr(-1) !== ':') protocol += ':';
+  // only the slashedProtocols get the //.  Not mailto:, xmpp:, etc.
+  // unless they had them to begin with.
+  if (this.slashes ||
+      (!protocol || slashedProtocol[protocol]) && host !== false) {
+    host = '//' + (host || '');
+    if (pathname && pathname.charAt(0) !== '/') pathname = '/' + pathname;
+  } else if (!host) {
+    host = '';
+  }
+  if (hash && hash.charAt(0) !== '#') hash = '#' + hash;
+  if (search && search.charAt(0) !== '?') search = '?' + search;
+  pathname = pathname.replace(/[?#]/g, function(match) {
+    return encodeURIComponent(match);
+  });
+  search = search.replace('#', '%23');
+  return protocol + host + pathname + search + hash;
+function urlResolve(source, relative) {
+  return urlParse(source, false, true).resolve(relative);
+Url.prototype.resolve = function(relative) {
+  return this.resolveObject(urlParse(relative, false, true)).format();
+function urlResolveObject(source, relative) {
+  if (!source) return relative;
+  return urlParse(source, false, true).resolveObject(relative);
+Url.prototype.resolveObject = function(relative) {
+  if (isString(relative)) {
+    var rel = new Url();
+    rel.parse(relative, false, true);
+    relative = rel;
+  }
+  var result = new Url();
+  Object.keys(this).forEach(function(k) {
+    result[k] = this[k];
+  }, this);
+  // hash is always overridden, no matter what.
+  // even href="" will remove it.
+  result.hash = relative.hash;
+  // if the relative url is empty, then there's nothing left to do here.
+  if (relative.href === '') {
+    result.href = result.format();
+    return result;
+  }
+  // hrefs like //foo/bar always cut to the protocol.
+  if (relative.slashes && !relative.protocol) {
+    // take everything except the protocol from relative
+    Object.keys(relative).forEach(function(k) {
+      if (k !== 'protocol')
+        result[k] = relative[k];
+    });
+    //urlParse appends trailing / to urls like http://www.example.com
+    if (slashedProtocol[result.protocol] &&
+        result.hostname && !result.pathname) {
+      result.path = result.pathname = '/';
+    }
+    result.href = result.format();
+    return result;
+  }
+  if (relative.protocol && relative.protocol !== result.protocol) {
+    // if it's a known url protocol, then changing
+    // the protocol does weird things
+    // first, if it's not file:, then we MUST have a host,
+    // and if there was a path
+    // to begin with, then we MUST have a path.
+    // if it is file:, then the host is dropped,
+    // because that's known to be hostless.
+    // anything else is assumed to be absolute.
+    if (!slashedProtocol[relative.protocol]) {
+      Object.keys(relative).forEach(function(k) {
+        result[k] = relative[k];
+      });
+      result.href = result.format();
+      return result;
+    }
+    result.protocol = relative.protocol;
+    if (!relative.host && !hostlessProtocol[relative.protocol]) {
+      var relPath = (relative.pathname || '').split('/');
+      while (relPath.length && !(relative.host = relPath.shift()));
+      if (!relative.host) relative.host = '';
+      if (!relative.hostname) relative.hostname = '';
+      if (relPath[0] !== '') relPath.unshift('');
+      if (relPath.length < 2) relPath.unshift('');
+      result.pathname = relPath.join('/');
+    } else {
+      result.pathname = relative.pathname;
+    }
+    result.search = relative.search;
+    result.query = relative.query;
+    result.host = relative.host || '';
+    result.auth = relative.auth;
+    result.hostname = relative.hostname || relative.host;
+    result.port = relative.port;
+    // to support http.request
+    if (result.pathname || result.search) {
+      var p = result.pathname || '';
+      var s = result.search || '';
+      result.path = p + s;
+    }
+    result.slashes = result.slashes || relative.slashes;
+    result.href = result.format();
+    return result;
+  }
+  var isSourceAbs = (result.pathname && result.pathname.charAt(0) === '/'),
+      isRelAbs = (
+          relative.host ||
+          relative.pathname && relative.pathname.charAt(0) === '/'
+      ),
+      mustEndAbs = (isRelAbs || isSourceAbs ||
+                    (result.host && relative.pathname)),
+      removeAllDots = mustEndAbs,
+      srcPath = result.pathname && result.pathname.split('/') || [],
+      relPath = relative.pathname && relative.pathname.split('/') || [],
+      psychotic = result.protocol && !slashedProtocol[result.protocol];
+  // if the url is a non-slashed url, then relative
+  // links like ../.. should be able
+  // to crawl up to the hostname, as well.  This is strange.
+  // result.protocol has already been set by now.
+  // Later on, put the first path part into the host field.
+  if (psychotic) {
+    result.hostname = '';
+    result.port = null;
+    if (result.host) {
+      if (srcPath[0] === '') srcPath[0] = result.host;
+      else srcPath.unshift(result.host);
+    }
+    result.host = '';
+    if (relative.protocol) {
+      relative.hostname = null;
+      relative.port = null;
+      if (relative.host) {
+        if (relPath[0] === '') relPath[0] = relative.host;
+        else relPath.unshift(relative.host);
+      }
+      relative.host = null;
+    }
+    mustEndAbs = mustEndAbs && (relPath[0] === '' || srcPath[0] === '');
+  }
+  if (isRelAbs) {
+    // it's absolute.
+    result.host = (relative.host || relative.host === '') ?
+                  relative.host : result.host;
+    result.hostname = (relative.hostname || relative.hostname === '') ?
+                      relative.hostname : result.hostname;
+    result.search = relative.search;
+    result.query = relative.query;
+    srcPath = relPath;
+    // fall through to the dot-handling below.
+  } else if (relPath.length) {
+    // it's relative
+    // throw away the existing file, and take the new path instead.
+    if (!srcPath) srcPath = [];
+    srcPath.pop();
+    srcPath = srcPath.concat(relPath);
+    result.search = relative.search;
+    result.query = relative.query;
+  } else if (!isNullOrUndefined(relative.search)) {
+    // just pull out the search.
+    // like href='?foo'.
+    // Put this after the other two cases because it simplifies the booleans
+    if (psychotic) {
+      result.hostname = result.host = srcPath.shift();
+      //occationaly the auth can get stuck only in host
+      //this especialy happens in cases like
+      //url.resolveObject('mailto:local1 at domain1', 'local2 at domain2')
+      var authInHost = result.host && result.host.indexOf('@') > 0 ?
+                       result.host.split('@') : false;
+      if (authInHost) {
+        result.auth = authInHost.shift();
+        result.host = result.hostname = authInHost.shift();
+      }
+    }
+    result.search = relative.search;
+    result.query = relative.query;
+    //to support http.request
+    if (!isNull(result.pathname) || !isNull(result.search)) {
+      result.path = (result.pathname ? result.pathname : '') +
+                    (result.search ? result.search : '');
+    }
+    result.href = result.format();
+    return result;
+  }
+  if (!srcPath.length) {
+    // no path at all.  easy.
+    // we've already handled the other stuff above.
+    result.pathname = null;
+    //to support http.request
+    if (result.search) {
+      result.path = '/' + result.search;
+    } else {
+      result.path = null;
+    }
+    result.href = result.format();
+    return result;
+  }
+  // if a url ENDs in . or .., then it must get a trailing slash.
+  // however, if it ends in anything else non-slashy,
+  // then it must NOT get a trailing slash.
+  var last = srcPath.slice(-1)[0];
+  var hasTrailingSlash = (
+      (result.host || relative.host) && (last === '.' || last === '..') ||
+      last === '');
+  // strip single dots, resolve double dots to parent dir
+  // if the path tries to go above the root, `up` ends up > 0
+  var up = 0;
+  for (var i = srcPath.length; i >= 0; i--) {
+    last = srcPath[i];
+    if (last == '.') {
+      srcPath.splice(i, 1);
+    } else if (last === '..') {
+      srcPath.splice(i, 1);
+      up++;
+    } else if (up) {
+      srcPath.splice(i, 1);
+      up--;
+    }
+  }
+  // if the path is allowed to go above the root, restore leading ..s
+  if (!mustEndAbs && !removeAllDots) {
+    for (; up--; up) {
+      srcPath.unshift('..');
+    }
+  }
+  if (mustEndAbs && srcPath[0] !== '' &&
+      (!srcPath[0] || srcPath[0].charAt(0) !== '/')) {
+    srcPath.unshift('');
+  }
+  if (hasTrailingSlash && (srcPath.join('/').substr(-1) !== '/')) {
+    srcPath.push('');
+  }
+  var isAbsolute = srcPath[0] === '' ||
+      (srcPath[0] && srcPath[0].charAt(0) === '/');
+  // put the host back
+  if (psychotic) {
+    result.hostname = result.host = isAbsolute ? '' :
+                                    srcPath.length ? srcPath.shift() : '';
+    //occationaly the auth can get stuck only in host
+    //this especialy happens in cases like
+    //url.resolveObject('mailto:local1 at domain1', 'local2 at domain2')
+    var authInHost = result.host && result.host.indexOf('@') > 0 ?
+                     result.host.split('@') : false;
+    if (authInHost) {
+      result.auth = authInHost.shift();
+      result.host = result.hostname = authInHost.shift();
+    }
+  }
+  mustEndAbs = mustEndAbs || (result.host && srcPath.length);
+  if (mustEndAbs && !isAbsolute) {
+    srcPath.unshift('');
+  }
+  if (!srcPath.length) {
+    result.pathname = null;
+    result.path = null;
+  } else {
+    result.pathname = srcPath.join('/');
+  }
+  //to support request.http
+  if (!isNull(result.pathname) || !isNull(result.search)) {
+    result.path = (result.pathname ? result.pathname : '') +
+                  (result.search ? result.search : '');
+  }
+  result.auth = relative.auth || result.auth;
+  result.slashes = result.slashes || relative.slashes;
+  result.href = result.format();
+  return result;
+Url.prototype.parseHost = function() {
+  var host = this.host;
+  var port = portPattern.exec(host);
+  if (port) {
+    port = port[0];
+    if (port !== ':') {
+      this.port = port.substr(1);
+    }
+    host = host.substr(0, host.length - port.length);
+  }
+  if (host) this.hostname = host;
+function isString(arg) {
+  return typeof arg === "string";
+function isObject(arg) {
+  return typeof arg === 'object' && arg !== null;
+function isNull(arg) {
+  return arg === null;
+function isNullOrUndefined(arg) {
+  return  arg == null;
+ * This is the web browser implementation of `debug()`.
+ *
+ * Expose `debug()` as the module.
+ */
+exports = module.exports = require('./debug');
+exports.log = log;
+exports.formatArgs = formatArgs;
+exports.save = save;
+exports.load = load;
+exports.useColors = useColors;
+ * Colors.
+ */
+exports.colors = [
+  'lightseagreen',
+  'forestgreen',
+  'goldenrod',
+  'dodgerblue',
+  'darkorchid',
+  'crimson'
+ * Currently only WebKit-based Web Inspectors, Firefox >= v31,
+ * and the Firebug extension (any Firefox version) are known
+ * to support "%c" CSS customizations.
+ *
+ * TODO: add a `localStorage` variable to explicitly enable/disable colors
+ */
+function useColors() {
+  // is webkit? http://stackoverflow.com/a/16459606/376773
+  return ('WebkitAppearance' in document.documentElement.style) ||
+    // is firebug? http://stackoverflow.com/a/398120/376773
+    (window.console && (console.firebug || (console.exception && console.table))) ||
+    // is firefox >= v31?
+    // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Web_Console#Styling_messages
+    (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/firefox\/(\d+)/) && parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10) >= 31);
+ * Map %j to `JSON.stringify()`, since no Web Inspectors do that by default.
+ */
+exports.formatters.j = function(v) {
+  return JSON.stringify(v);
+ * Colorize log arguments if enabled.
+ *
+ * @api public
+ */
+function formatArgs() {
+  var args = arguments;
+  var useColors = this.useColors;
+  args[0] = (useColors ? '%c' : '')
+    + this.namespace
+    + (useColors ? ' %c' : ' ')
+    + args[0]
+    + (useColors ? '%c ' : ' ')
+    + '+' + exports.humanize(this.diff);
+  if (!useColors) return args;
+  var c = 'color: ' + this.color;
+  args = [args[0], c, 'color: inherit'].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 1));
+  // the final "%c" is somewhat tricky, because there could be other
+  // arguments passed either before or after the %c, so we need to
+  // figure out the correct index to insert the CSS into
+  var index = 0;
+  var lastC = 0;
+  args[0].replace(/%[a-z%]/g, function(match) {
+    if ('%%' === match) return;
+    index++;
+    if ('%c' === match) {
+      // we only are interested in the *last* %c
+      // (the user may have provided their own)
+      lastC = index;
+    }
+  });
+  args.splice(lastC, 0, c);
+  return args;
+ * Invokes `console.log()` when available.
+ * No-op when `console.log` is not a "function".
+ *
+ * @api public
+ */
+function log() {
+  // This hackery is required for IE8,
+  // where the `console.log` function doesn't have 'apply'
+  return 'object' == typeof console
+    && 'function' == typeof console.log
+    && Function.prototype.apply.call(console.log, console, arguments);
+ * Save `namespaces`.
+ *
+ * @param {String} namespaces
+ * @api private
+ */
+function save(namespaces) {
+  try {
+    if (null == namespaces) {
+      localStorage.removeItem('debug');
+    } else {
+      localStorage.debug = namespaces;
+    }
+  } catch(e) {}
+ * Load `namespaces`.
+ *
+ * @return {String} returns the previously persisted debug modes
+ * @api private
+ */
+function load() {
+  var r;
+  try {
+    r = localStorage.debug;
+  } catch(e) {}
+  return r;
+ * Enable namespaces listed in `localStorage.debug` initially.
+ */
+ * This is the common logic for both the Node.js and web browser
+ * implementations of `debug()`.
+ *
+ * Expose `debug()` as the module.
+ */
+exports = module.exports = debug;
+exports.coerce = coerce;
+exports.disable = disable;
+exports.enable = enable;
+exports.enabled = enabled;
+exports.humanize = require('ms');
+ * The currently active debug mode names, and names to skip.
+ */
+exports.names = [];
+exports.skips = [];
+ * Map of special "%n" handling functions, for the debug "format" argument.
+ *
+ * Valid key names are a single, lowercased letter, i.e. "n".
+ */
+exports.formatters = {};
+ * Previously assigned color.
+ */
+var prevColor = 0;
+ * Previous log timestamp.
+ */
+var prevTime;
+ * Select a color.
+ *
+ * @return {Number}
+ * @api private
+ */
+function selectColor() {
+  return exports.colors[prevColor++ % exports.colors.length];
+ * Create a debugger with the given `namespace`.
+ *
+ * @param {String} namespace
+ * @return {Function}
+ * @api public
+ */
+function debug(namespace) {
+  // define the `disabled` version
+  function disabled() {
+  }
+  disabled.enabled = false;
+  // define the `enabled` version
+  function enabled() {
+    var self = enabled;
+    // set `diff` timestamp
+    var curr = +new Date();
+    var ms = curr - (prevTime || curr);
+    self.diff = ms;
+    self.prev = prevTime;
+    self.curr = curr;
+    prevTime = curr;
+    // add the `color` if not set
+    if (null == self.useColors) self.useColors = exports.useColors();
+    if (null == self.color && self.useColors) self.color = selectColor();
+    var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
+    args[0] = exports.coerce(args[0]);
+    if ('string' !== typeof args[0]) {
+      // anything else let's inspect with %o
+      args = ['%o'].concat(args);
+    }
+    // apply any `formatters` transformations
+    var index = 0;
+    args[0] = args[0].replace(/%([a-z%])/g, function(match, format) {
+      // if we encounter an escaped % then don't increase the array index
+      if (match === '%%') return match;
+      index++;
+      var formatter = exports.formatters[format];
+      if ('function' === typeof formatter) {
+        var val = args[index];
+        match = formatter.call(self, val);
+        // now we need to remove `args[index]` since it's inlined in the `format`
+        args.splice(index, 1);
+        index--;
+      }
+      return match;
+    });
+    if ('function' === typeof exports.formatArgs) {
+      args = exports.formatArgs.apply(self, args);
+    }
+    var logFn = enabled.log || exports.log || console.log.bind(console);
+    logFn.apply(self, args);
+  }
+  enabled.enabled = true;
+  var fn = exports.enabled(namespace) ? enabled : disabled;
+  fn.namespace = namespace;
+  return fn;
+ * Enables a debug mode by namespaces. This can include modes
+ * separated by a colon and wildcards.
+ *
+ * @param {String} namespaces
+ * @api public
+ */
+function enable(namespaces) {
+  exports.save(namespaces);
+  var split = (namespaces || '').split(/[\s,]+/);
+  var len = split.length;
+  for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+    if (!split[i]) continue; // ignore empty strings
+    namespaces = split[i].replace(/\*/g, '.*?');
+    if (namespaces[0] === '-') {
+      exports.skips.push(new RegExp('^' + namespaces.substr(1) + '$'));
+    } else {
+      exports.names.push(new RegExp('^' + namespaces + '$'));
+    }
+  }
+ * Disable debug output.
+ *
+ * @api public
+ */
+function disable() {
+  exports.enable('');
+ * Returns true if the given mode name is enabled, false otherwise.
+ *
+ * @param {String} name
+ * @return {Boolean}
+ * @api public
+ */
+function enabled(name) {
+  var i, len;
+  for (i = 0, len = exports.skips.length; i < len; i++) {
+    if (exports.skips[i].test(name)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  for (i = 0, len = exports.names.length; i < len; i++) {
+    if (exports.names[i].test(name)) {
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+ * Coerce `val`.
+ *
+ * @param {Mixed} val
+ * @return {Mixed}
+ * @api private
+ */
+function coerce(val) {
+  if (val instanceof Error) return val.stack || val.message;
+  return val;
+ * Helpers.
+ */
+var s = 1000;
+var m = s * 60;
+var h = m * 60;
+var d = h * 24;
+var y = d * 365.25;
+ * Parse or format the given `val`.
+ *
+ * Options:
+ *
+ *  - `long` verbose formatting [false]
+ *
+ * @param {String|Number} val
+ * @param {Object} options
+ * @return {String|Number}
+ * @api public
+ */
+module.exports = function(val, options){
+  options = options || {};
+  if ('string' == typeof val) return parse(val);
+  return options.long
+    ? long(val)
+    : short(val);
+ * Parse the given `str` and return milliseconds.
+ *
+ * @param {String} str
+ * @return {Number}
+ * @api private
+ */
+function parse(str) {
+  var match = /^((?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(ms|seconds?|s|minutes?|m|hours?|h|days?|d|years?|y)?$/i.exec(str);
+  if (!match) return;
+  var n = parseFloat(match[1]);
+  var type = (match[2] || 'ms').toLowerCase();
+  switch (type) {
+    case 'years':
+    case 'year':
+    case 'y':
+      return n * y;
+    case 'days':
+    case 'day':
+    case 'd':
+      return n * d;
+    case 'hours':
+    case 'hour':
+    case 'h':
+      return n * h;
+    case 'minutes':
+    case 'minute':
+    case 'm':
+      return n * m;
+    case 'seconds':
+    case 'second':
+    case 's':
+      return n * s;
+    case 'ms':
+      return n;
+  }
+ * Short format for `ms`.
+ *
+ * @param {Number} ms
+ * @return {String}
+ * @api private
+ */
+function short(ms) {
+  if (ms >= d) return Math.round(ms / d) + 'd';
+  if (ms >= h) return Math.round(ms / h) + 'h';
+  if (ms >= m) return Math.round(ms / m) + 'm';
+  if (ms >= s) return Math.round(ms / s) + 's';
+  return ms + 'ms';
+ * Long format for `ms`.
+ *
+ * @param {Number} ms
+ * @return {String}
+ * @api private
+ */
+function long(ms) {
+  return plural(ms, d, 'day')
+    || plural(ms, h, 'hour')
+    || plural(ms, m, 'minute')
+    || plural(ms, s, 'second')
+    || ms + ' ms';
+ * Pluralization helper.
+ */
+function plural(ms, n, name) {
+  if (ms < n) return;
+  if (ms < n * 1.5) return Math.floor(ms / n) + ' ' + name;
+  return Math.ceil(ms / n) + ' ' + name + 's';
+if (typeof Object.create === 'function') {
+  // implementation from standard node.js 'util' module
+  module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) {
+    ctor.super_ = superCtor
+    ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype, {
+      constructor: {
+        value: ctor,
+        enumerable: false,
+        writable: true,
+        configurable: true
+      }
+    });
+  };
+} else {
+  // old school shim for old browsers
+  module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) {
+    ctor.super_ = superCtor
+    var TempCtor = function () {}
+    TempCtor.prototype = superCtor.prototype
+    ctor.prototype = new TempCtor()
+    ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor
+  }
+(function (global){
+/*! JSON v3.3.2 | http://bestiejs.github.io/json3 | Copyright 2012-2014, Kit Cambridge | http://kit.mit-license.org */
+;(function () {
+  // Detect the `define` function exposed by asynchronous module loaders. The
+  // strict `define` check is necessary for compatibility with `r.js`.
+  var isLoader = typeof define === "function" && define.amd;
+  // A set of types used to distinguish objects from primitives.
+  var objectTypes = {
+    "function": true,
+    "object": true
+  };
+  // Detect the `exports` object exposed by CommonJS implementations.
+  var freeExports = objectTypes[typeof exports] && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports;
+  // Use the `global` object exposed by Node (including Browserify via
+  // `insert-module-globals`), Narwhal, and Ringo as the default context,
+  // and the `window` object in browsers. Rhino exports a `global` function
+  // instead.
+  var root = objectTypes[typeof window] && window || this,
+      freeGlobal = freeExports && objectTypes[typeof module] && module && !module.nodeType && typeof global == "object" && global;
+  if (freeGlobal && (freeGlobal["global"] === freeGlobal || freeGlobal["window"] === freeGlobal || freeGlobal["self"] === freeGlobal)) {
+    root = freeGlobal;
+  }
+  // Public: Initializes JSON 3 using the given `context` object, attaching the
+  // `stringify` and `parse` functions to the specified `exports` object.
+  function runInContext(context, exports) {
+    context || (context = root["Object"]());
+    exports || (exports = root["Object"]());
+    // Native constructor aliases.
+    var Number = context["Number"] || root["Number"],
+        String = context["String"] || root["String"],
+        Object = context["Object"] || root["Object"],
+        Date = context["Date"] || root["Date"],
+        SyntaxError = context["SyntaxError"] || root["SyntaxError"],
+        TypeError = context["TypeError"] || root["TypeError"],
+        Math = context["Math"] || root["Math"],
+        nativeJSON = context["JSON"] || root["JSON"];
+    // Delegate to the native `stringify` and `parse` implementations.
+    if (typeof nativeJSON == "object" && nativeJSON) {
+      exports.stringify = nativeJSON.stringify;
+      exports.parse = nativeJSON.parse;
+    }
+    // Convenience aliases.
+    var objectProto = Object.prototype,
+        getClass = objectProto.toString,
+        isProperty, forEach, undef;
+    // Test the `Date#getUTC*` methods. Based on work by @Yaffle.
+    var isExtended = new Date(-3509827334573292);
+    try {
+      // The `getUTCFullYear`, `Month`, and `Date` methods return nonsensical
+      // results for certain dates in Opera >= 10.53.
+      isExtended = isExtended.getUTCFullYear() == -109252 && isExtended.getUTCMonth() === 0 && isExtended.getUTCDate() === 1 &&
+        // Safari < 2.0.2 stores the internal millisecond time value correctly,
+        // but clips the values returned by the date methods to the range of
+        // signed 32-bit integers ([-2 ** 31, 2 ** 31 - 1]).
+        isExtended.getUTCHours() == 10 && isExtended.getUTCMinutes() == 37 && isExtended.getUTCSeconds() == 6 && isExtended.getUTCMilliseconds() == 708;
+    } catch (exception) {}
+    // Internal: Determines whether the native `JSON.stringify` and `parse`
+    // implementations are spec-compliant. Based on work by Ken Snyder.
+    function has(name) {
+      if (has[name] !== undef) {
+        // Return cached feature test result.
+        return has[name];
+      }
+      var isSupported;
+      if (name == "bug-string-char-index") {
+        // IE <= 7 doesn't support accessing string characters using square
+        // bracket notation. IE 8 only supports this for primitives.
+        isSupported = "a"[0] != "a";
+      } else if (name == "json") {
+        // Indicates whether both `JSON.stringify` and `JSON.parse` are
+        // supported.
+        isSupported = has("json-stringify") && has("json-parse");
+      } else {
+        var value, serialized = '{"a":[1,true,false,null,"\\u0000\\b\\n\\f\\r\\t"]}';
+        // Test `JSON.stringify`.
+        if (name == "json-stringify") {
+          var stringify = exports.stringify, stringifySupported = typeof stringify == "function" && isExtended;
+          if (stringifySupported) {
+            // A test function object with a custom `toJSON` method.
+            (value = function () {
+              return 1;
+            }).toJSON = value;
+            try {
+              stringifySupported =
+                // Firefox 3.1b1 and b2 serialize string, number, and boolean
+                // primitives as object literals.
+                stringify(0) === "0" &&
+                // FF 3.1b1, b2, and JSON 2 serialize wrapped primitives as object
+                // literals.
+                stringify(new Number()) === "0" &&
+                stringify(new String()) == '""' &&
+                // FF 3.1b1, 2 throw an error if the value is `null`, `undefined`, or
+                // does not define a canonical JSON representation (this applies to
+                // objects with `toJSON` properties as well, *unless* they are nested
+                // within an object or array).
+                stringify(getClass) === undef &&
+                // IE 8 serializes `undefined` as `"undefined"`. Safari <= 5.1.7 and
+                // FF 3.1b3 pass this test.
+                stringify(undef) === undef &&
+                // Safari <= 5.1.7 and FF 3.1b3 throw `Error`s and `TypeError`s,
+                // respectively, if the value is omitted entirely.
+                stringify() === undef &&
+                // FF 3.1b1, 2 throw an error if the given value is not a number,
+                // string, array, object, Boolean, or `null` literal. This applies to
+                // objects with custom `toJSON` methods as well, unless they are nested
+                // inside object or array literals. YUI 3.0.0b1 ignores custom `toJSON`
+                // methods entirely.
+                stringify(value) === "1" &&
+                stringify([value]) == "[1]" &&
+                // Prototype <= 1.6.1 serializes `[undefined]` as `"[]"` instead of
+                // `"[null]"`.
+                stringify([undef]) == "[null]" &&
+                // YUI 3.0.0b1 fails to serialize `null` literals.
+                stringify(null) == "null" &&
+                // FF 3.1b1, 2 halts serialization if an array contains a function:
+                // `[1, true, getClass, 1]` serializes as "[1,true,],". FF 3.1b3
+                // elides non-JSON values from objects and arrays, unless they
+                // define custom `toJSON` methods.
+                stringify([undef, getClass, null]) == "[null,null,null]" &&
+                // Simple serialization test. FF 3.1b1 uses Unicode escape sequences
+                // where character escape codes are expected (e.g., `\b` => `\u0008`).
+                stringify({ "a": [value, true, false, null, "\x00\b\n\f\r\t"] }) == serialized &&
+                // FF 3.1b1 and b2 ignore the `filter` and `width` arguments.
+                stringify(null, value) === "1" &&
+                stringify([1, 2], null, 1) == "[\n 1,\n 2\n]" &&
+                // JSON 2, Prototype <= 1.7, and older WebKit builds incorrectly
+                // serialize extended years.
+                stringify(new Date(-8.64e15)) == '"-271821-04-20T00:00:00.000Z"' &&
+                // The milliseconds are optional in ES 5, but required in 5.1.
+                stringify(new Date(8.64e15)) == '"+275760-09-13T00:00:00.000Z"' &&
+                // Firefox <= 11.0 incorrectly serializes years prior to 0 as negative
+                // four-digit years instead of six-digit years. Credits: @Yaffle.
+                stringify(new Date(-621987552e5)) == '"-000001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"' &&
+                // Safari <= 5.1.5 and Opera >= 10.53 incorrectly serialize millisecond
+                // values less than 1000. Credits: @Yaffle.
+                stringify(new Date(-1)) == '"1969-12-31T23:59:59.999Z"';
+            } catch (exception) {
+              stringifySupported = false;
+            }
+          }
+          isSupported = stringifySupported;
+        }
+        // Test `JSON.parse`.
+        if (name == "json-parse") {
+          var parse = exports.parse;
+          if (typeof parse == "function") {
+            try {
+              // FF 3.1b1, b2 will throw an exception if a bare literal is provided.
+              // Conforming implementations should also coerce the initial argument to
+              // a string prior to parsing.
+              if (parse("0") === 0 && !parse(false)) {
+                // Simple parsing test.
+                value = parse(serialized);
+                var parseSupported = value["a"].length == 5 && value["a"][0] === 1;
+                if (parseSupported) {
+                  try {
+                    // Safari <= 5.1.2 and FF 3.1b1 allow unescaped tabs in strings.
+                    parseSupported = !parse('"\t"');
+                  } catch (exception) {}
+                  if (parseSupported) {
+                    try {
+                      // FF 4.0 and 4.0.1 allow leading `+` signs and leading
+                      // decimal points. FF 4.0, 4.0.1, and IE 9-10 also allow
+                      // certain octal literals.
+                      parseSupported = parse("01") !== 1;
+                    } catch (exception) {}
+                  }
+                  if (parseSupported) {
+                    try {
+                      // FF 4.0, 4.0.1, and Rhino 1.7R3-R4 allow trailing decimal
+                      // points. These environments, along with FF 3.1b1 and 2,
+                      // also allow trailing commas in JSON objects and arrays.
+                      parseSupported = parse("1.") !== 1;
+                    } catch (exception) {}
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            } catch (exception) {
+              parseSupported = false;
+            }
+          }
+          isSupported = parseSupported;
+        }
+      }
+      return has[name] = !!isSupported;
+    }
+    if (!has("json")) {
+      // Common `[[Class]]` name aliases.
+      var functionClass = "[object Function]",
+          dateClass = "[object Date]",
+          numberClass = "[object Number]",
+          stringClass = "[object String]",
+          arrayClass = "[object Array]",
+          booleanClass = "[object Boolean]";
+      // Detect incomplete support for accessing string characters by index.
+      var charIndexBuggy = has("bug-string-char-index");
+      // Define additional utility methods if the `Date` methods are buggy.
+      if (!isExtended) {
+        var floor = Math.floor;
+        // A mapping between the months of the year and the number of days between
+        // January 1st and the first of the respective month.
+        var Months = [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334];
+        // Internal: Calculates the number of days between the Unix epoch and the
+        // first day of the given month.
+        var getDay = function (year, month) {
+          return Months[month] + 365 * (year - 1970) + floor((year - 1969 + (month = +(month > 1))) / 4) - floor((year - 1901 + month) / 100) + floor((year - 1601 + month) / 400);
+        };
+      }
+      // Internal: Determines if a property is a direct property of the given
+      // object. Delegates to the native `Object#hasOwnProperty` method.
+      if (!(isProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty)) {
+        isProperty = function (property) {
+          var members = {}, constructor;
+          if ((members.__proto__ = null, members.__proto__ = {
+            // The *proto* property cannot be set multiple times in recent
+            // versions of Firefox and SeaMonkey.
+            "toString": 1
+          }, members).toString != getClass) {
+            // Safari <= 2.0.3 doesn't implement `Object#hasOwnProperty`, but
+            // supports the mutable *proto* property.
+            isProperty = function (property) {
+              // Capture and break the object's prototype chain (see section 8.6.2
+              // of the ES 5.1 spec). The parenthesized expression prevents an
+              // unsafe transformation by the Closure Compiler.
+              var original = this.__proto__, result = property in (this.__proto__ = null, this);
+              // Restore the original prototype chain.
+              this.__proto__ = original;
+              return result;
+            };
+          } else {
+            // Capture a reference to the top-level `Object` constructor.
+            constructor = members.constructor;
+            // Use the `constructor` property to simulate `Object#hasOwnProperty` in
+            // other environments.
+            isProperty = function (property) {
+              var parent = (this.constructor || constructor).prototype;
+              return property in this && !(property in parent && this[property] === parent[property]);
+            };
+          }
+          members = null;
+          return isProperty.call(this, property);
+        };
+      }
+      // Internal: Normalizes the `for...in` iteration algorithm across
+      // environments. Each enumerated key is yielded to a `callback` function.
+      forEach = function (object, callback) {
+        var size = 0, Properties, members, property;
+        // Tests for bugs in the current environment's `for...in` algorithm. The
+        // `valueOf` property inherits the non-enumerable flag from
+        // `Object.prototype` in older versions of IE, Netscape, and Mozilla.
+        (Properties = function () {
+          this.valueOf = 0;
+        }).prototype.valueOf = 0;
+        // Iterate over a new instance of the `Properties` class.
+        members = new Properties();
+        for (property in members) {
+          // Ignore all properties inherited from `Object.prototype`.
+          if (isProperty.call(members, property)) {
+            size++;
+          }
+        }
+        Properties = members = null;
+        // Normalize the iteration algorithm.
+        if (!size) {
+          // A list of non-enumerable properties inherited from `Object.prototype`.
+          members = ["valueOf", "toString", "toLocaleString", "propertyIsEnumerable", "isPrototypeOf", "hasOwnProperty", "constructor"];
+          // IE <= 8, Mozilla 1.0, and Netscape 6.2 ignore shadowed non-enumerable
+          // properties.
+          forEach = function (object, callback) {
+            var isFunction = getClass.call(object) == functionClass, property, length;
+            var hasProperty = !isFunction && typeof object.constructor != "function" && objectTypes[typeof object.hasOwnProperty] && object.hasOwnProperty || isProperty;
+            for (property in object) {
+              // Gecko <= 1.0 enumerates the `prototype` property of functions under
+              // certain conditions; IE does not.
+              if (!(isFunction && property == "prototype") && hasProperty.call(object, property)) {
+                callback(property);
+              }
+            }
+            // Manually invoke the callback for each non-enumerable property.
+            for (length = members.length; property = members[--length]; hasProperty.call(object, property) && callback(property));
+          };
+        } else if (size == 2) {
+          // Safari <= 2.0.4 enumerates shadowed properties twice.
+          forEach = function (object, callback) {
+            // Create a set of iterated properties.
+            var members = {}, isFunction = getClass.call(object) == functionClass, property;
+            for (property in object) {
+              // Store each property name to prevent double enumeration. The
+              // `prototype` property of functions is not enumerated due to cross-
+              // environment inconsistencies.
+              if (!(isFunction && property == "prototype") && !isProperty.call(members, property) && (members[property] = 1) && isProperty.call(object, property)) {
+                callback(property);
+              }
+            }
+          };
+        } else {
+          // No bugs detected; use the standard `for...in` algorithm.
+          forEach = function (object, callback) {
+            var isFunction = getClass.call(object) == functionClass, property, isConstructor;
+            for (property in object) {
+              if (!(isFunction && property == "prototype") && isProperty.call(object, property) && !(isConstructor = property === "constructor")) {
+                callback(property);
+              }
+            }
+            // Manually invoke the callback for the `constructor` property due to
+            // cross-environment inconsistencies.
+            if (isConstructor || isProperty.call(object, (property = "constructor"))) {
+              callback(property);
+            }
+          };
+        }
+        return forEach(object, callback);
+      };
+      // Public: Serializes a JavaScript `value` as a JSON string. The optional
+      // `filter` argument may specify either a function that alters how object and
+      // array members are serialized, or an array of strings and numbers that
+      // indicates which properties should be serialized. The optional `width`
+      // argument may be either a string or number that specifies the indentation
+      // level of the output.
+      if (!has("json-stringify")) {
+        // Internal: A map of control characters and their escaped equivalents.
+        var Escapes = {
+          92: "\\\\",
+          34: '\\"',
+          8: "\\b",
+          12: "\\f",
+          10: "\\n",
+          13: "\\r",
+          9: "\\t"
+        };
+        // Internal: Converts `value` into a zero-padded string such that its
+        // length is at least equal to `width`. The `width` must be <= 6.
+        var leadingZeroes = "000000";
+        var toPaddedString = function (width, value) {
+          // The `|| 0` expression is necessary to work around a bug in
+          // Opera <= 7.54u2 where `0 == -0`, but `String(-0) !== "0"`.
+          return (leadingZeroes + (value || 0)).slice(-width);
+        };
+        // Internal: Double-quotes a string `value`, replacing all ASCII control
+        // characters (characters with code unit values between 0 and 31) with
+        // their escaped equivalents. This is an implementation of the
+        // `Quote(value)` operation defined in ES 5.1 section 15.12.3.
+        var unicodePrefix = "\\u00";
+        var quote = function (value) {
+          var result = '"', index = 0, length = value.length, useCharIndex = !charIndexBuggy || length > 10;
+          var symbols = useCharIndex && (charIndexBuggy ? value.split("") : value);
+          for (; index < length; index++) {
+            var charCode = value.charCodeAt(index);
+            // If the character is a control character, append its Unicode or
+            // shorthand escape sequence; otherwise, append the character as-is.
+            switch (charCode) {
+              case 8: case 9: case 10: case 12: case 13: case 34: case 92:
+                result += Escapes[charCode];
+                break;
+              default:
+                if (charCode < 32) {
+                  result += unicodePrefix + toPaddedString(2, charCode.toString(16));
+                  break;
+                }
+                result += useCharIndex ? symbols[index] : value.charAt(index);
+            }
+          }
+          return result + '"';
+        };
+        // Internal: Recursively serializes an object. Implements the
+        // `Str(key, holder)`, `JO(value)`, and `JA(value)` operations.
+        var serialize = function (property, object, callback, properties, whitespace, indentation, stack) {
+          var value, className, year, month, date, time, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, results, element, index, length, prefix, result;
+          try {
+            // Necessary for host object support.
+            value = object[property];
+          } catch (exception) {}
+          if (typeof value == "object" && value) {
+            className = getClass.call(value);
+            if (className == dateClass && !isProperty.call(value, "toJSON")) {
+              if (value > -1 / 0 && value < 1 / 0) {
+                // Dates are serialized according to the `Date#toJSON` method
+                // specified in ES 5.1 section See section
+                // for the ISO 8601 date time string format.
+                if (getDay) {
+                  // Manually compute the year, month, date, hours, minutes,
+                  // seconds, and milliseconds if the `getUTC*` methods are
+                  // buggy. Adapted from @Yaffle's `date-shim` project.
+                  date = floor(value / 864e5);
+                  for (year = floor(date / 365.2425) + 1970 - 1; getDay(year + 1, 0) <= date; year++);
+                  for (month = floor((date - getDay(year, 0)) / 30.42); getDay(year, month + 1) <= date; month++);
+                  date = 1 + date - getDay(year, month);
+                  // The `time` value specifies the time within the day (see ES
+                  // 5.1 section The formula `(A % B + B) % B` is used
+                  // to compute `A modulo B`, as the `%` operator does not
+                  // correspond to the `modulo` operation for negative numbers.
+                  time = (value % 864e5 + 864e5) % 864e5;
+                  // The hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds are obtained by
+                  // decomposing the time within the day. See section
+                  hours = floor(time / 36e5) % 24;
+                  minutes = floor(time / 6e4) % 60;
+                  seconds = floor(time / 1e3) % 60;
+                  milliseconds = time % 1e3;
+                } else {
+                  year = value.getUTCFullYear();
+                  month = value.getUTCMonth();
+                  date = value.getUTCDate();
+                  hours = value.getUTCHours();
+                  minutes = value.getUTCMinutes();
+                  seconds = value.getUTCSeconds();
+                  milliseconds = value.getUTCMilliseconds();
+                }
+                // Serialize extended years correctly.
+                value = (year <= 0 || year >= 1e4 ? (year < 0 ? "-" : "+") + toPaddedString(6, year < 0 ? -year : year) : toPaddedString(4, year)) +
+                  "-" + toPaddedString(2, month + 1) + "-" + toPaddedString(2, date) +
+                  // Months, dates, hours, minutes, and seconds should have two
+                  // digits; milliseconds should have three.
+                  "T" + toPaddedString(2, hours) + ":" + toPaddedString(2, minutes) + ":" + toPaddedString(2, seconds) +
+                  // Milliseconds are optional in ES 5.0, but required in 5.1.
+                  "." + toPaddedString(3, milliseconds) + "Z";
+              } else {
+                value = null;
+              }
+            } else if (typeof value.toJSON == "function" && ((className != numberClass && className != stringClass && className != arrayClass) || isProperty.call(value, "toJSON"))) {
+              // Prototype <= 1.6.1 adds non-standard `toJSON` methods to the
+              // `Number`, `String`, `Date`, and `Array` prototypes. JSON 3
+              // ignores all `toJSON` methods on these objects unless they are
+              // defined directly on an instance.
+              value = value.toJSON(property);
+            }
+          }
+          if (callback) {
+            // If a replacement function was provided, call it to obtain the value
+            // for serialization.
+            value = callback.call(object, property, value);
+          }
+          if (value === null) {
+            return "null";
+          }
+          className = getClass.call(value);
+          if (className == booleanClass) {
+            // Booleans are represented literally.
+            return "" + value;
+          } else if (className == numberClass) {
+            // JSON numbers must be finite. `Infinity` and `NaN` are serialized as
+            // `"null"`.
+            return value > -1 / 0 && value < 1 / 0 ? "" + value : "null";
+          } else if (className == stringClass) {
+            // Strings are double-quoted and escaped.
+            return quote("" + value);
+          }
+          // Recursively serialize objects and arrays.
+          if (typeof value == "object") {
+            // Check for cyclic structures. This is a linear search; performance
+            // is inversely proportional to the number of unique nested objects.
+            for (length = stack.length; length--;) {
+              if (stack[length] === value) {
+                // Cyclic structures cannot be serialized by `JSON.stringify`.
+                throw TypeError();
+              }
+            }
+            // Add the object to the stack of traversed objects.
+            stack.push(value);
+            results = [];
+            // Save the current indentation level and indent one additional level.
+            prefix = indentation;
+            indentation += whitespace;
+            if (className == arrayClass) {
+              // Recursively serialize array elements.
+              for (index = 0, length = value.length; index < length; index++) {
+                element = serialize(index, value, callback, properties, whitespace, indentation, stack);
+                results.push(element === undef ? "null" : element);
+              }
+              result = results.length ? (whitespace ? "[\n" + indentation + results.join(",\n" + indentation) + "\n" + prefix + "]" : ("[" + results.join(",") + "]")) : "[]";
+            } else {
+              // Recursively serialize object members. Members are selected from
+              // either a user-specified list of property names, or the object
+              // itself.
+              forEach(properties || value, function (property) {
+                var element = serialize(property, value, callback, properties, whitespace, indentation, stack);
+                if (element !== undef) {
+                  // According to ES 5.1 section 15.12.3: "If `gap` {whitespace}
+                  // is not the empty string, let `member` {quote(property) + ":"}
+                  // be the concatenation of `member` and the `space` character."
+                  // The "`space` character" refers to the literal space
+                  // character, not the `space` {width} argument provided to
+                  // `JSON.stringify`.
+                  results.push(quote(property) + ":" + (whitespace ? " " : "") + element);
+                }
+              });
+              result = results.length ? (whitespace ? "{\n" + indentation + results.join(",\n" + indentation) + "\n" + prefix + "}" : ("{" + results.join(",") + "}")) : "{}";
+            }
+            // Remove the object from the traversed object stack.
+            stack.pop();
+            return result;
+          }
+        };
+        // Public: `JSON.stringify`. See ES 5.1 section 15.12.3.
+        exports.stringify = function (source, filter, width) {
+          var whitespace, callback, properties, className;
+          if (objectTypes[typeof filter] && filter) {
+            if ((className = getClass.call(filter)) == functionClass) {
+              callback = filter;
+            } else if (className == arrayClass) {
+              // Convert the property names array into a makeshift set.
+              properties = {};
+              for (var index = 0, length = filter.length, value; index < length; value = filter[index++], ((className = getClass.call(value)), className == stringClass || className == numberClass) && (properties[value] = 1));
+            }
+          }
+          if (width) {
+            if ((className = getClass.call(width)) == numberClass) {
+              // Convert the `width` to an integer and create a string containing
+              // `width` number of space characters.
+              if ((width -= width % 1) > 0) {
+                for (whitespace = "", width > 10 && (width = 10); whitespace.length < width; whitespace += " ");
+              }
+            } else if (className == stringClass) {
+              whitespace = width.length <= 10 ? width : width.slice(0, 10);
+            }
+          }
+          // Opera <= 7.54u2 discards the values associated with empty string keys
+          // (`""`) only if they are used directly within an object member list
+          // (e.g., `!("" in { "": 1})`).
+          return serialize("", (value = {}, value[""] = source, value), callback, properties, whitespace, "", []);
+        };
+      }
+      // Public: Parses a JSON source string.
+      if (!has("json-parse")) {
+        var fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;
+        // Internal: A map of escaped control characters and their unescaped
+        // equivalents.
+        var Unescapes = {
+          92: "\\",
+          34: '"',
+          47: "/",
+          98: "\b",
+          116: "\t",
+          110: "\n",
+          102: "\f",
+          114: "\r"
+        };
+        // Internal: Stores the parser state.
+        var Index, Source;
+        // Internal: Resets the parser state and throws a `SyntaxError`.
+        var abort = function () {
+          Index = Source = null;
+          throw SyntaxError();
+        };
+        // Internal: Returns the next token, or `"$"` if the parser has reached
+        // the end of the source string. A token may be a string, number, `null`
+        // literal, or Boolean literal.
+        var lex = function () {
+          var source = Source, length = source.length, value, begin, position, isSigned, charCode;
+          while (Index < length) {
+            charCode = source.charCodeAt(Index);
+            switch (charCode) {
+              case 9: case 10: case 13: case 32:
+                // Skip whitespace tokens, including tabs, carriage returns, line
+                // feeds, and space characters.
+                Index++;
+                break;
+              case 123: case 125: case 91: case 93: case 58: case 44:
+                // Parse a punctuator token (`{`, `}`, `[`, `]`, `:`, or `,`) at
+                // the current position.
+                value = charIndexBuggy ? source.charAt(Index) : source[Index];
+                Index++;
+                return value;
+              case 34:
+                // `"` delimits a JSON string; advance to the next character and
+                // begin parsing the string. String tokens are prefixed with the
+                // sentinel `@` character to distinguish them from punctuators and
+                // end-of-string tokens.
+                for (value = "@", Index++; Index < length;) {
+                  charCode = source.charCodeAt(Index);
+                  if (charCode < 32) {
+                    // Unescaped ASCII control characters (those with a code unit
+                    // less than the space character) are not permitted.
+                    abort();
+                  } else if (charCode == 92) {
+                    // A reverse solidus (`\`) marks the beginning of an escaped
+                    // control character (including `"`, `\`, and `/`) or Unicode
+                    // escape sequence.
+                    charCode = source.charCodeAt(++Index);
+                    switch (charCode) {
+                      case 92: case 34: case 47: case 98: case 116: case 110: case 102: case 114:
+                        // Revive escaped control characters.
+                        value += Unescapes[charCode];
+                        Index++;
+                        break;
+                      case 117:
+                        // `\u` marks the beginning of a Unicode escape sequence.
+                        // Advance to the first character and validate the
+                        // four-digit code point.
+                        begin = ++Index;
+                        for (position = Index + 4; Index < position; Index++) {
+                          charCode = source.charCodeAt(Index);
+                          // A valid sequence comprises four hexdigits (case-
+                          // insensitive) that form a single hexadecimal value.
+                          if (!(charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57 || charCode >= 97 && charCode <= 102 || charCode >= 65 && charCode <= 70)) {
+                            // Invalid Unicode escape sequence.
+                            abort();
+                          }
+                        }
+                        // Revive the escaped character.
+                        value += fromCharCode("0x" + source.slice(begin, Index));
+                        break;
+                      default:
+                        // Invalid escape sequence.
+                        abort();
+                    }
+                  } else {
+                    if (charCode == 34) {
+                      // An unescaped double-quote character marks the end of the
+                      // string.
+                      break;
+                    }
+                    charCode = source.charCodeAt(Index);
+                    begin = Index;
+                    // Optimize for the common case where a string is valid.
+                    while (charCode >= 32 && charCode != 92 && charCode != 34) {
+                      charCode = source.charCodeAt(++Index);
+                    }
+                    // Append the string as-is.
+                    value += source.slice(begin, Index);
+                  }
+                }
+                if (source.charCodeAt(Index) == 34) {
+                  // Advance to the next character and return the revived string.
+                  Index++;
+                  return value;
+                }
+                // Unterminated string.
+                abort();
+              default:
+                // Parse numbers and literals.
+                begin = Index;
+                // Advance past the negative sign, if one is specified.
+                if (charCode == 45) {
+                  isSigned = true;
+                  charCode = source.charCodeAt(++Index);
+                }
+                // Parse an integer or floating-point value.
+                if (charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57) {
+                  // Leading zeroes are interpreted as octal literals.
+                  if (charCode == 48 && ((charCode = source.charCodeAt(Index + 1)), charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57)) {
+                    // Illegal octal literal.
+                    abort();
+                  }
+                  isSigned = false;
+                  // Parse the integer component.
+                  for (; Index < length && ((charCode = source.charCodeAt(Index)), charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57); Index++);
+                  // Floats cannot contain a leading decimal point; however, this
+                  // case is already accounted for by the parser.
+                  if (source.charCodeAt(Index) == 46) {
+                    position = ++Index;
+                    // Parse the decimal component.
+                    for (; position < length && ((charCode = source.charCodeAt(position)), charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57); position++);
+                    if (position == Index) {
+                      // Illegal trailing decimal.
+                      abort();
+                    }
+                    Index = position;
+                  }
+                  // Parse exponents. The `e` denoting the exponent is
+                  // case-insensitive.
+                  charCode = source.charCodeAt(Index);
+                  if (charCode == 101 || charCode == 69) {
+                    charCode = source.charCodeAt(++Index);
+                    // Skip past the sign following the exponent, if one is
+                    // specified.
+                    if (charCode == 43 || charCode == 45) {
+                      Index++;
+                    }
+                    // Parse the exponential component.
+                    for (position = Index; position < length && ((charCode = source.charCodeAt(position)), charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57); position++);
+                    if (position == Index) {
+                      // Illegal empty exponent.
+                      abort();
+                    }
+                    Index = position;
+                  }
+                  // Coerce the parsed value to a JavaScript number.
+                  return +source.slice(begin, Index);
+                }
+                // A negative sign may only precede numbers.
+                if (isSigned) {
+                  abort();
+                }
+                // `true`, `false`, and `null` literals.
+                if (source.slice(Index, Index + 4) == "true") {
+                  Index += 4;
+                  return true;
+                } else if (source.slice(Index, Index + 5) == "false") {
+                  Index += 5;
+                  return false;
+                } else if (source.slice(Index, Index + 4) == "null") {
+                  Index += 4;
+                  return null;
+                }
+                // Unrecognized token.
+                abort();
+            }
+          }
+          // Return the sentinel `$` character if the parser has reached the end
+          // of the source string.
+          return "$";
+        };
+        // Internal: Parses a JSON `value` token.
+        var get = function (value) {
+          var results, hasMembers;
+          if (value == "$") {
+            // Unexpected end of input.
+            abort();
+          }
+          if (typeof value == "string") {
+            if ((charIndexBuggy ? value.charAt(0) : value[0]) == "@") {
+              // Remove the sentinel `@` character.
+              return value.slice(1);
+            }
+            // Parse object and array literals.
+            if (value == "[") {
+              // Parses a JSON array, returning a new JavaScript array.
+              results = [];
+              for (;; hasMembers || (hasMembers = true)) {
+                value = lex();
+                // A closing square bracket marks the end of the array literal.
+                if (value == "]") {
+                  break;
+                }
+                // If the array literal contains elements, the current token
+                // should be a comma separating the previous element from the
+                // next.
+                if (hasMembers) {
+                  if (value == ",") {
+                    value = lex();
+                    if (value == "]") {
+                      // Unexpected trailing `,` in array literal.
+                      abort();
+                    }
+                  } else {
+                    // A `,` must separate each array element.
+                    abort();
+                  }
+                }
+                // Elisions and leading commas are not permitted.
+                if (value == ",") {
+                  abort();
+                }
+                results.push(get(value));
+              }
+              return results;
+            } else if (value == "{") {
+              // Parses a JSON object, returning a new JavaScript object.
+              results = {};
+              for (;; hasMembers || (hasMembers = true)) {
+                value = lex();
+                // A closing curly brace marks the end of the object literal.
+                if (value == "}") {
+                  break;
+                }
+                // If the object literal contains members, the current token
+                // should be a comma separator.
+                if (hasMembers) {
+                  if (value == ",") {
+                    value = lex();
+                    if (value == "}") {
+                      // Unexpected trailing `,` in object literal.
+                      abort();
+                    }
+                  } else {
+                    // A `,` must separate each object member.
+                    abort();
+                  }
+                }
+                // Leading commas are not permitted, object property names must be
+                // double-quoted strings, and a `:` must separate each property
+                // name and value.
+                if (value == "," || typeof value != "string" || (charIndexBuggy ? value.charAt(0) : value[0]) != "@" || lex() != ":") {
+                  abort();
+                }
+                results[value.slice(1)] = get(lex());
+              }
+              return results;
+            }
+            // Unexpected token encountered.
+            abort();
+          }
+          return value;
+        };
+        // Internal: Updates a traversed object member.
+        var update = function (source, property, callback) {
+          var element = walk(source, property, callback);
+          if (element === undef) {
+            delete source[property];
+          } else {
+            source[property] = element;
+          }
+        };
+        // Internal: Recursively traverses a parsed JSON object, invoking the
+        // `callback` function for each value. This is an implementation of the
+        // `Walk(holder, name)` operation defined in ES 5.1 section 15.12.2.
+        var walk = function (source, property, callback) {
+          var value = source[property], length;
+          if (typeof value == "object" && value) {
+            // `forEach` can't be used to traverse an array in Opera <= 8.54
+            // because its `Object#hasOwnProperty` implementation returns `false`
+            // for array indices (e.g., `![1, 2, 3].hasOwnProperty("0")`).
+            if (getClass.call(value) == arrayClass) {
+              for (length = value.length; length--;) {
+                update(value, length, callback);
+              }
+            } else {
+              forEach(value, function (property) {
+                update(value, property, callback);
+              });
+            }
+          }
+          return callback.call(source, property, value);
+        };
+        // Public: `JSON.parse`. See ES 5.1 section 15.12.2.
+        exports.parse = function (source, callback) {
+          var result, value;
+          Index = 0;
+          Source = "" + source;
+          result = get(lex());
+          // If a JSON string contains multiple tokens, it is invalid.
+          if (lex() != "$") {
+            abort();
+          }
+          // Reset the parser state.
+          Index = Source = null;
+          return callback && getClass.call(callback) == functionClass ? walk((value = {}, value[""] = result, value), "", callback) : result;
+        };
+      }
+    }
+    exports["runInContext"] = runInContext;
+    return exports;
+  }
+  if (freeExports && !isLoader) {
+    // Export for CommonJS environments.
+    runInContext(root, freeExports);
+  } else {
+    // Export for web browsers and JavaScript engines.
+    var nativeJSON = root.JSON,
+        previousJSON = root["JSON3"],
+        isRestored = false;
+    var JSON3 = runInContext(root, (root["JSON3"] = {
+      // Public: Restores the original value of the global `JSON` object and
+      // returns a reference to the `JSON3` object.
+      "noConflict": function () {
+        if (!isRestored) {
+          isRestored = true;
+          root.JSON = nativeJSON;
+          root["JSON3"] = previousJSON;
+          nativeJSON = previousJSON = null;
+        }
+        return JSON3;
+      }
+    }));
+    root.JSON = {
+      "parse": JSON3.parse,
+      "stringify": JSON3.stringify
+    };
+  }
+  // Export for asynchronous module loaders.
+  if (isLoader) {
+    define(function () {
+      return JSON3;
+    });
+  }
+}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
+//# sourceMappingURL=sockjs.js.map
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dist/sockjs-1.0.0-beta.1.min.js b/dist/sockjs-1.0.0-beta.1.min.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e5d7189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/sockjs-1.0.0-beta.1.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+/* sockjs-client v1.0.0-beta.1 | http://sockjs.org | MIT license */
+!function(t){if("object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module)module.exports=t();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define([],t);else{var e;"undefined"!=typeof window?e=window:"undefined"!=typeof global?e=global:"undefined"!=typeof self&&(e=self),e.SockJS=t()}}(function(){var t;return function e(t,n,r){function i(s,a){if(!n[s]){if(!t[s]){var u="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!a&&u)return u(s,!0);if(o)return o(s,!0);var l=new Error("Cannot find module '"+s+"'");th [...]
+function n(t,e){i.call(this);var n=this;this.bufferPosition=0,this.xo=new e("POST",t,null),this.xo.on("chunk",this._chunkHandler.bind(this)),this.xo.once("finish",function(t,e){n._chunkHandler(t,e),n.xo=null;var r=200===t?"network":"permanent";n.emit("close",null,r),n._cleanup()})}var r=t("inherits"),i=t("events").EventEmitter;r(n,i),n.prototype._chunkHandler=function(t,e){if(200===t&&e)for(var n=-1;;this.bufferPosition+=n+1){var r=e.slice(this.bufferPosition);if(n=r.indexOf("\n"),-1===n [...]
+if(!l||l.global!==l&&l.window!==l&&l.self!==l||(u=l),a&&!o)i(u,a);else{var c=u.JSON,h=u.JSON3,f=!1,p=i(u,u.JSON3={noConflict:function(){return f||(f=!0,u.JSON=c,u.JSON3=h,c=h=null),p}});u.JSON={parse:p.parse,stringify:p.stringify}}o&&t(function(){return p})}).call(this)}).call(this,"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{})},{}]},{},[1])(1)});
\ No newline at end of file

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/sockjs-client.git

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