[Pkg-javascript-commits] [sockjs-client] 01/02: Merge tag 'upstream/1.1.1' into dfsg

tonnerre at ancient-solutions.com tonnerre at ancient-solutions.com
Fri Aug 5 01:08:21 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tonnerre-guest pushed a commit to branch dfsg
in repository sockjs-client.

commit 8c40c74f0c8ef83599fe076b5f068ed57dcd930a
Merge: 07281b0 91e3005
Author: Tonnerre LOMBARD <tonnerre at ancient-solutions.com>
Date:   Fri Aug 5 02:56:28 2016 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/1.1.1' into dfsg

 .eslintrc                                         |   19 +
 .gitignore                                        |    6 +-
 .jscsrc                                           |   20 +
 .jshintrc                                         |   17 +
 .npmignore                                        |   11 +
 .travis.yml                                       |   70 +
 .zuul.yml                                         |   25 +
 COPYING                                           |    4 +-
 Changelog => Changelog.md                         |  120 +
 LICENSE-MIT-SockJS => LICENSE                     |    2 +
 Makefile                                          |  128 +-
 README.md                                         |  271 +-
 VERSION-GEN                                       |   17 -
 bin/render.coffee                                 |  111 -
 bin/run_testling.sh                               |  135 -
 bower.json                                        |   28 +
 dist/sockjs-0.3.4.js                              | 2379 +++++++++
 dist/sockjs-0.3.4.min.js                          |   27 +
 dist/sockjs-1.1.1.js                              | 5612 +++++++++++++++++++++
 dist/sockjs-1.1.1.min.js                          |    3 +
 dist/sockjs.js                                    | 5612 +++++++++++++++++++++
 dist/sockjs.js.map                                |    1 +
 dist/sockjs.min.js                                |    3 +
 gulpfile.js                                       |  132 +
 lib/all.js                                        |    9 -
 lib/dom.js                                        |  204 -
 lib/dom2.js                                       |  198 -
 lib/entry.js                                      |   10 +
 lib/event/close.js                                |   17 +
 lib/event/emitter.js                              |   57 +
 lib/event/event.js                                |   22 +
 lib/event/eventtarget.js                          |   62 +
 lib/event/trans-message.js                        |   15 +
 lib/eventemitter.js                               |   57 -
 lib/facade.js                                     |   27 +
 lib/iframe-bootstrap.js                           |  102 +
 lib/index.js                                      |   37 -
 lib/info-ajax.js                                  |   49 +
 lib/info-iframe-receiver.js                       |   33 +
 lib/info-iframe.js                                |   69 +
 lib/info-receiver.js                              |   89 +
 lib/info.js                                       |  115 -
 lib/location.js                                   |   10 +
 lib/main.js                                       |  381 ++
 lib/reventtarget.js                               |   55 -
 lib/shims.js                                      |  473 ++
 lib/simpleevent.js                                |   28 -
 lib/sockjs.js                                     |  265 -
 lib/test-hooks.js                                 |   16 -
 lib/trans-iframe-eventsource.js                   |   29 -
 lib/trans-iframe-htmlfile.js                      |   35 -
 lib/trans-iframe-within.js                        |   94 -
 lib/trans-iframe-xhr-polling.js                   |   30 -
 lib/trans-iframe.js                               |   93 -
 lib/trans-jsonp-polling.js                        |  105 -
 lib/trans-jsonp-receiver.js                       |  116 -
 lib/trans-polling.js                              |   44 -
 lib/trans-receiver-eventsource.js                 |   41 -
 lib/trans-receiver-htmlfile.js                    |   65 -
 lib/trans-receiver-xhr.js                         |   42 -
 lib/trans-sender.js                               |  140 -
 lib/trans-websocket.js                            |   60 -
 lib/trans-xhr.js                                  |   89 -
 lib/transport-list.js                             |   18 +
 lib/transport/browser/abstract-xhr.js             |  193 +
 lib/transport/browser/eventsource.js              |    1 +
 lib/transport/browser/websocket.js                |    8 +
 lib/transport/driver/websocket.js                 |    1 +
 lib/transport/driver/xhr.js                       |   72 +
 lib/transport/eventsource.js                      |   27 +
 lib/transport/htmlfile.js                         |   25 +
 lib/transport/iframe.js                           |  141 +
 lib/transport/jsonp-polling.js                    |   34 +
 lib/transport/lib/ajax-based.js                   |   49 +
 lib/transport/lib/buffered-sender.js              |   87 +
 lib/transport/lib/iframe-wrap.js                  |   33 +
 lib/transport/lib/polling.js                      |   57 +
 lib/transport/lib/sender-receiver.js              |   45 +
 lib/transport/receiver/eventsource.js             |   63 +
 lib/transport/receiver/htmlfile.js                |   87 +
 lib/transport/receiver/jsonp.js                   |  183 +
 lib/transport/receiver/xhr.js                     |   70 +
 lib/transport/sender/jsonp.js                     |   99 +
 lib/transport/sender/xdr.js                       |  103 +
 lib/transport/sender/xhr-cors.js                  |   15 +
 lib/transport/sender/xhr-fake.js                  |   24 +
 lib/transport/sender/xhr-local.js                 |   17 +
 lib/transport/websocket.js                        |   98 +
 lib/transport/xdr-polling.js                      |   23 +
 lib/transport/xdr-streaming.js                    |   32 +
 lib/transport/xhr-polling.js                      |   33 +
 lib/transport/xhr-streaming.js                    |   41 +
 lib/utils.js                                      |  335 --
 lib/utils/browser-crypto.js                       |   17 +
 lib/utils/browser.js                              |   27 +
 lib/utils/escape.js                               |   49 +
 lib/utils/event.js                                |   73 +
 lib/utils/iframe.js                               |  187 +
 lib/utils/log.js                                  |   18 +
 lib/utils/object.js                               |   24 +
 lib/utils/random.js                               |   29 +
 lib/utils/transport.js                            |   50 +
 lib/utils/url.js                                  |   47 +
 lib/version.js                                    |    1 +
 package.json                                      |   83 +-
 tests/browser.js                                  |   17 +
 tests/config.js                                   |   15 -
 tests/html/example-cursors.html                   |   34 +-
 tests/html/iframe.html                            |    2 +-
 tests/html/index.html                             |    3 +-
 tests/html/lib/.placeholder                       |    0
 tests/html/lib/worker.js                          |   36 +
 tests/html/smoke-latency.html                     |   33 +-
 tests/html/smoke-reconnect.html                   |   26 +-
 tests/html/sockjs-in-head.html                    |    4 +-
 tests/html/{iframe.html => sockjs-in-parent.html} |    9 +-
 tests/html/src/domtests.coffee                    |  144 -
 tests/html/src/endtoendtests.coffee               |  134 -
 tests/html/src/tests.coffee                       |  311 --
 tests/html/src/unittests.coffee                   |  256 -
 tests/html/static/qunit.css                       |  225 -
 tests/html/tests-qunit.html                       |   51 -
 tests/html/unittests.html                         |   43 -
 tests/html/web-worker.html                        |  126 +
 tests/lib/batch-tests.js                          |  105 +
 tests/lib/echo-tests.js                           |  193 +
 tests/lib/end-to-end.js                           |  141 +
 tests/lib/iframe.js                               |  148 +
 tests/lib/main-node.js                            |   43 +
 tests/lib/main.js                                 |  105 +
 tests/lib/receivers.js                            |  291 ++
 tests/lib/senders.js                              |  129 +
 tests/lib/test-utils.js                           |   63 +
 tests/lib/transports.js                           |  149 +
 tests/lib/utils.js                                |  134 +
 tests/node.js                                     |   15 +
 tests/server.js                                   |   42 -
 tests/support/sockjs_app.js                       |   88 +
 tests/support/sockjs_server.js                    |   78 +
 version                                           |    1 -
 140 files changed, 19842 insertions(+), 4107 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/sockjs-client.git

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