[Pkg-javascript-commits] [backbone] annotated tag debian/1.3.3_dfsg-1 created (now 49c82db)
Jonas Smedegaard
dr at jones.dk
Wed Aug 31 07:44:23 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
js pushed a change to annotated tag debian/1.3.3_dfsg-1
in repository backbone.
at 49c82db (tag)
tagging 3c21a23e18769e602a3750dbd915a89bc6908b2f (commit)
replaces upstream/1.3.3_dfsg
tagged by Jonas Smedegaard
on Wed Aug 31 09:36:47 2016 +0200
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
backbone Debian release 1.3.3~dfsg-1
Jonas Smedegaard (145):
Initial packaging.
Bump copyright format to Subversion candidate draft 162 of DEP5.
Add copyright and licensing for test/vendor/zepto.js.
Install uncompressed library (not symlink to compressed one).
Fix depend on (not recommend) libjs-underscore.
Recommend libjson.
Recommend (not yet packaged) libjs-zepto as fallback for libjs-jquery.
Prepare for release: Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
Fix install compressed lib dot-delimited (not dash-delimited).
Prepare for release: Update changelog.
Package now team-maintained: Set Debian Javascript Maintainers as maintainer. Set myself as uploader.
Prepare for release: Update changelog and control file.
Adjust copyright file: Fix use initial wildcard Files section (not list wildcard copyright/licensing in header section).
Bump copyright file format to draft 174 of DEP-5.
Bump policy compliance to standards-version 3.9.2.
Merge commit 'upstream/0.5.1'
Update md5sum hint for new upstream 0.5.1 release.
Update copyright file: Extend coverage years. Adjust some file paths.
Suppress more kinds of images from copyright check.
Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
Merge commit 'upstream/0.5.3'
Update md5sum hint for new upstream 0.5.3 release.
Use uglifyjs as compressor (keeping yui-compressor as fallback to ease backporting).
Tighten build rule to avoid superfluous multiple builds.
Install usable with Node (not only in browsers). Provide node-backbone.
Prepare release: Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
Fix provide libnode-backbone (not node-backbone).
Prepare release: Update changelog and control file.
Bump debhelper compatilibity level to 7.
Fix install code for web browsers and symlink for Node (not opposite: not always supported by web servers). Generalize debian/rules internally.
Enable regression tests. Build-depend on coffescript.
Improve short description.
Provide package node-backbone (not just as virtual package by libjs-backbone), to ease installing without Node.
Extend copyright for Debian packaging.
Prepare for release: Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
Update watch file to use more flexible regex.
Update long description, to sync with upstream.
Merge tag 'upstream/0.9.0'
Update upstream-tarball hints for new upstream source.
Recommend (as fallback) libjs-ender: Now supported upstream.
Tighten dependency on {libjs,node}-underscore.
Update Homepage.
Drop dpkg-source local-options: Defaults since dpkg-source 1.16.1.
Update copyright file: Extend copyright years. Add a Files section (new authors, Expat licensed).
Update copyright file: Drop duplicate comments. Shorten GPL comment. Quote license strings in comments.
Install REAMDE.md as upstream README.
Prepare for release: Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
Merge tag 'upstream/0.9.1'
Update upstream-tarball hints for new upstream source.
Prepare for release: Update changelog and copyright hints.
Merge tag 'upstream/0.9.2'
Update upstream-tarball hints for new upstream source.
Bump standards-version to 3.9.3.
Use anonscm.debian.org URL in Vcs-Browser field.
Bump copyright file format to 1.0.
Update copyright file: Fix double-indent in Copyright fields as per Policy §5.6.13.
Prepare for release: Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
Update watch and rules files to directly use github.com URL (not githubredir.debian.net).
Bump dephelper compatibility level to 8.
Update changelog.
Simplify rules file. Build-depend on devscripts, to always check copyright during build.
Fix enable testsuite. Build-depend on node-underscore: Needed for testsuite.
Prepare for release: Update changelog and control file.
Simplify rules file.
Fix break and replace older libjs* package shipping also node* files. Closes: bug#694469. Thanks to Andreas Beckmann.
Prepare for release: Update changelog and control file.
Fix build-depend on node-uglify (not libnode-uglify).
Update copyright file: Fix use pseudo-license and pseudo-comment sections to obey silly restrictions of copyright format 1.0.
Update copyright file: Rename a license shortname to more sensible Expat~0-clause.
Update copyright file: Fix add (virtually empty, but mandated by format) GPL-2 License paragraph.
Prepare for release: Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
Merge tag 'upstream/0.9.10'
Update upstream-tarball hints for new upstream source.
Bump standards-version to 3.9.4.
Declare binary package relations in rules file.
Tidy comment on when fallback-dependency on yui-compressor can be dropped.
Fix tighten to build-depend versioned on node-underscore.
Tighten (build-)dependencies on node-underscore: Needed since Backbone 0.9.9.
Build-depend on phantomjs and enable new tests.
Update copyright file: Update coverage of convenience code copies.
Extend copyright coverage for packaging, and bump licensing for that to GPL-3+.
Fix cover copyright and licensing for example code.
Add patch 2001 to use separately packaged Javascript libraries, and build-depend on libjs-json, libjs-jquery and libjs-underscore.
Add README.source emphasizing control.in file as *not* a show-stopper for contributions, referring to wiki page for details.
Bump standards-version to 3.9.5.
Update Vcs-* fields: Packaging git moved to pkg-javascript area of Alioth.
Extend coverage for myself.
Relax (build-)dependency on underscore: needed version satisfied in all Debian suites (where available at all).
Fix drop no longer used GPL-2 section, and replace GPL-2+ section with GPL-3+.
Prepare for release: Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
Add patch cherry-picked upstream to fix testsuite to pass with Underscore 1.5.0 and newer. Closes: bug#770060. Thanks to Daniel Schepler and Matt Kraai.
Prepare for release: Update changelog.
Stop build-depend on phantomjs and avoid using it for testsuite. Closes: bug#768754. Thanks to Lucas Nussbaum.
Prepare for release: Update changelog.
Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.8.
Modernize Vcs-* fields: Use https protocol. Use cgit.
Stop track upstream source with CDBS (use gpb --uscan).
Update watch file: Bump to version 4. Use Github pattern. Mention gpb --uscan in usage comment.
Sync control with rules: Stop build-depend on phantomjs.
Repackage upstream tarball: Avoid non-free or minified files, and convenience code copies.
Update copyright info: Use License-Grant and License-Reference fields. Thanks to Ben Finney.
Add lintian override regarding license in License-Reference field. See bug#786450.
Bump debhelper compatibility level to 9.
Add lintian override regarding debhelper 9.
Update copyright info: Use SPDF license short-name public-domain.
Git-ignore quilt .pc dir.
Modernize git-buildpackage config: Filter any .gitignore file.
Recommend libjs-lodash as yet another alternative to libjs-jquery.
Update copyright info: Extend coverage of packaging to include current year.
Fix install package.json into node package.
Temporarily limit upstream version.
Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
Merge tag 'upstream/1.2.3_dfsg'
Update copyright info: Extend coverage of main author to include recent years.
Update copyright info: Cover Normalize file (Expat licensed).
Update copyright info: Cover docco.css (BSD-3-Clause licensed).
Update copyright info: Update Backbone.localStorage paths.
Update copyright info: Cover Roboto fonts (Apache-2.0 licensed).
Drop patch cherry-picked upstream.
Extend patch 2001 (use system-shared code) to cover tests and upstream index.html. Build-depend on libjs-qunit. Suggest libjs-jquery-lazyload (and mention why in long descriptions).
Update copyright info: Stop cover convenience code copies.
Tighten to (build-)depend versioned on libjs-underscore and node-underscore.
Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
Tidy rules: Rename variable pkg → lib.
Fix install into subdir of node library dir. See bug#772836.
Fix install package.json into node package.
Tidy rules: Rename variable jspkg → pkg-js.
Tidy rules: Rename variable nodepkg → pkg-node.
Build-depend unconditionally on node-uglify (drop fallback-build-dependency on yui-compressor).
Tidy rules: Simplify (stop prepare CDBS snippet).
Tidy rules: Drop variable js-stems (there is only one).
Tidy rules: Merge build targets.
Tidy rules: Reorder variables and rules roughly as used.
Tidy rules.
Extract copyright info from most binary files (skip only eot fonts).
Generate and include source map. Build-depend on node-source-map.
Prepare for release: Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
Update package relations: Stop recommend non-existing libjs-zepto or libjs-ender. Relax to suggest (not recommend) libjs-jquery/libjs-lodash and libjs-json, and only for libjs-backbone (not node-backbone). Document new suggestions in long description.
Update package relations: Stop build-depend on libjs-json libjs-jquery libjs-qunit (seemingly needed only for currently disabled PhantomJS tests).
Prepare for release: Update changelog and control file.
Stop limit upstream versions in watch file.
Merge tag 'upstream/1.3.3_dfsg'
Tighten (build-)dependency on libjs-underscore and node-underscore.
Update copyright info: Extend coverage for main upstream author.
Prepare for release: Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
This annotated tag includes the following new commits:
new d0fd170 update modelId docs
new 716764d Add alternative help channels to README
new 372436a Remove matches proxy from docs
new 10b7df9 fix incorrect closing b tag
new c59149e Merge pull request #3787 from paulfalgout/patch-3
new c2a2aa9 Add MS Edge to karma-sauce runner.
new afd2ce8 Test for conflicting className/id and attributes
new 87eade6 Merge pull request #3794 from garrettmaring/master
new 13d87a3 Merge pull request #3797 from jdalton/msedge
new fba51b6 Merge pull request #3735 from akre54/readme-help
new e33de12 Merge pull request #3754 from paulfalgout/patch-1
new fd44dd4 Merge pull request #3692 from akre54/modelid-docs
new 3c6fabb Use _.create in extend
new 7357891 Docs for Collection#at behavior
new 02666a6 Merge pull request #3800 from FishbaitHarry/master
new 4b64eeb Fix _removeModels regression
new bd0fbde Merge pull request #3553 from megawac/extend-create
new 979adf5 Merge pull request #3803 from jridgewell/removeModels-regression
new 6cff941 Add `findIndex` and `findLastIndex` underscore methods to Collection.
new 7f75769 Merge pull request #3811 from jacobbuck/moreunderscore
new f7e73b6 Revert "Remove LICENSE from package.json files array."
new 190b295 Merge pull request #3817 from jashkenas/revert-3765-patch-2
new 9c68190 Tests: Migrated unit tests to QUnit 2.0 syntax. (fixes #3813)
new c931208 Merge pull request #3816 from platinumazure/qunit2
new 9fb2f19 Make implicit ;s in tests explicit
new 4104cad Merge pull request #3819 from captbaritone/semicolons
new 345dd7b Allow to make reduce without initial value
new 4b6ad31 Document using [] for empty Collections with options
new e08e195 Merge pull request #3818 from captbaritone/collection-initialize-null-models
new bb2c1b9 make empty collection arguments consistent
new 2984d95 Fix indention in tests
new 2e60498 Merge pull request #3821 from captbaritone/indent-fix
new 95512b0 Fix indentation in models test
new fee53ab Merge pull request #3822 from captbaritone/indent-fix
new 02548a4 Use karma concurrency for initiating parallel sauce tests
new fda02db Fix 1.2.2 Model#id regression
new 5b430a9 Merge pull request #3833 from jridgewell/id-regression
new b3d2067 Update sauce browser matrix
new 1274cc2 Bump karma requirement to 0.13.13 karma-runner/karma#1653
new 7bbbcc8 Always return removed array from #_removeModels
new a02e733 Merge pull request #3832 from jashkenas/karma-sauce
new 8949f7c Merge pull request #3837 from jridgewell/remove-fix
new 67667c5 Fix _onModelEvent regression
new d1880dd Merge pull request #3834 from jridgewell/model-change-id-regression
new 7ed8582 Deopt Underscore methods that change on arguments
new 569f07e Merge pull request #3820 from jridgewell/reduce-deopt
new 7fb6f48 Test case for model.id
new 4fb7900 Merge pull request #3845 from jridgewell/model-id-test
new 1562e5f fixed typo
new 8db96d2 Merge pull request #3850 from adictovirtual/master
new 74355ab typo fix
new c559894 Whitespace
new 15ac750 enable QUnit.config.noglobals in tests
new 029e0f7 Fix anchor tags in ModelId docs
new a6a926d Merge pull request #3855 from akre54/noglobals
new 8011b5c fix modelId example
new 681dea9 Make item arrayizing consistent through the file
new 33c7e18 Merge pull request #3859 from mieszko4/patch-1
new 1be3730 Change `_.invoke` use to `_.map`.
new 8109b87 Merge pull request #3864 from jdalton/invoke
new c23fb5d Simplify `pluck`, thanks @jridgewell.
new a5adc1d Merge pull request #3866 from jdalton/invoke-map
new 24ac066 Ensure `attr` is a string when passed to `this.map`.
new 1a65458 #3831
new d202999 Merge pull request #3867 from jdalton/coerce
new 19b88d2 Fixed Collection#set regression when parse returns falsy value
new bb550ba Merge pull request #3875 from Flamefork/3871-set-parse-undefined
new 194c1ce Merge pull request #3870 from cherouvim/master
new 4c98b02 Give a nested route example
new 80c5f1a Merge pull request #3879 from jashkenas/nested-route-example
new 421ccec trust npm to set up $PATH
new b6d8170 Merge pull request #3885 from craigmichaelmartin/package-path
new 954ee22 updates wording to "space-separated" to be consistent
new bf05278 Enable ESLint
new 4fdf29c Merge pull request #3891 from captbaritone/eslint
new b0a6274 Non-controversial ESLint whitespace rules
new 4edef37 Merge pull request #3892 from captbaritone/eslint-1
new 2ae117a Add ESLint rule: key-spacing
new ade2f67 Merge pull request #3893 from captbaritone/eslint-2
new 2f5cd8b Enable ESLint rule: new-cap
new e4a60d1 Merge pull request #3897 from captbaritone/eslint-new-cap
new 12da1e3 remove superfluous spaces from model test
new 21f1262 Add ESLint rule: wrap-iife (inside)
new d0637b0 Merge pull request #3900 from captbaritone/eslint-wrap-iife-inside
new 7dbdd0a Add ESLint rule: no-undef
new c54ce3b Add ESLint rule: quote-props (warning)
new 04fe60f Add ESLint rule: no-lonely-if
new d91405d Enable ESLint rule: 'quotes' for tests
new 3dbdfab Enable ESLint semicolons for tests
new 42392c3 Reenable already passing ESLint rules for tests
new 9eb9124 Enforce camelCase ESLint rule in tests
new 3746582 Add ESLint warning for quoted keys to tests
new 109d1f0 Merge pull request #3894 from captbaritone/eslint-all
new 8846d60 Enable ESLint brace-style
new 1c66a6e Add ESLint warning: no-extra-parens
new 1389c7f Merge pull request #3903 from captbaritone/eslint-6
new ad8f39b Merge pull request #3902 from captbaritone/eslint-5
new edbfaae Add ESLint rule: no-unused-expressions
new cc3419e Add ESLint rule: block-scoped-var
new 89d5084 Add ESLint rule: dot-notation
new be1f2a8 Add ESLint rule: eqeqeq
new 0151ae0 Merge pull request #3910 from captbaritone/eslint-9
new ff555e7 Avoid nested ternary
new be14f69 Remove deprecated component.json
new 19e2d29 Merge pull request #3917 from paulfalgout/remove-component
new c20ca2e Merge pull request #3911 from captbaritone/nested-ternary
new 7eeecf4 Silent true note for collection.remove
new a8b7117 Fix formatting
new 2a78313 Merge pull request #3886 from ClimbsRocks/patch-1
new bc56c5a Merge pull request #3907 from captbaritone/eslint-8
new dfe0e17 Update copyright year
new 75666b0 add `has` method to collection
new 2f9d048 Merge pull request #3930 from craigmichaelmartin/add-collection-has
new 6d37e06 Merge pull request #3928 from captbaritone/year
new e0a5cc7 eliminate shadowed variable declarations
new 82d8ec8 Merge pull request #3929 from craigmichaelmartin/avoid-redefinitions
new 1aa7f76 add tests solidifying behavior for modelId with polymorphic models
new ecdb7ad Merge pull request #3933 from craigmichaelmartin/add-id-test-for-polymorphic
new 4caa6e6 fix modelId example
new be1c967 Merge pull request #3934 from craigmichaelmartin/fix-modelId-example
new 80ccab0 disable npm's progress bar in travis ci for quicker install
new 45f4eba Merge pull request #3938 from craigmichaelmartin/patch-1
new 00f5c39 Fixing object notation for Events.once
new d2099dd Adding a unit test for once with object notation
new f55b154 Minor update to docs. Qualify the behaviour of fetch({reset: true}). Link doc on reset event to reset method.
new 90cb566 Pass added and removed models to collection update events
new 670ff30 Improve collection 'update' event consistency
new 344a429 Merge pull request #3948 from megawac/col-update
new c380607 Merge pull request #3940 from roycetucker/patch-2
new 2f85060 Upgrade vendor QUnit
new 67790b2 Merge pull request #3945 from jridgewell/collection-has-test-fix
new ad1a6b8 Fixes typo in docs
new 159ce4a Merge pull request #3949 from pra85/patch-1
new 92fb299 Use _.extend to avoid Object.prototype collisions
new 08a486c Merge pull request #3843 from jridgewell/defaults-prototype-collision
new b016194 Fix #3951: options.index should never exceed collection.length
new 47fb04a fix failing linting tests
new 8e37d67 Merge pull request #3952 from craigmichaelmartin/fix-linting-errors
new 8932ae4 optimize collection get and account for edge case
new 5a6a824 Merge pull request #3936 from craigmichaelmartin/optimize-collection-get
new 8d8b854 rename at => val in test to be clearer
new 28588e1 Line 1920 - Fix Spacing After Return
new 82bdb89 Merge pull request #3956 from jshen212/patch-1
new e5353fb Merge pull request #3947 from sam-at-github/master
new 5bc9809 Merge pull request #3927 from jashkenas/megawac-patch-1
new 32d89dc When listening to numerous events and stopListening is called, then _.isEmpty is painfully slowly and assigning _listenTo to undefined isn't necessary.
new 8b976a4 Update changelog for 1.3.0.
new 712b42b code golf modelId example a bit more
new dcac2b5 Merge pull request #3921 from jdalton/changelog
new 478e708 1.3.0
new 2dd94cc Build v1.3
new 7fe056c Bump to v1.3.1
new d682061 Update index
new 1db79dd Fix 1.3.1 regression with once and no context
new 24779ae Merge pull request #3980 from megawac/3975
new 835b17b Backbone 1.3.2
new 6595240 Merge pull request #3978 from jridgewell/1.3.2-rc
new c405679 fix links to MDN docs. Addresses #3990
new 96d8114 Update index.html
new 5bc65ff Merge pull request #3997 from zotherstupidguy/master
new 6b919eb Revert "Update index.html". "a SQL" -> "an SQL"
new a640b3b use _.indexOf instead of Array.prototype.indexOf in test. Fixes failing IE8 case
new 788dc91 Remove test elements after insterting to fix failing global tests
new c8757f4 Merge pull request #4000 from akre54/fix-globals
new 85f86d7 Release v1.3.3
new b8c054a Re-minified and updated versions.
new 8ec8860 Merge pull request #3998 from jashkenas/1.3.3
new f7556a7 Stop limit upstream versions in watch file.
new a03a668 New upstream version 1.3.3~dfsg
new 3597cdf Merge tag 'upstream/1.3.3_dfsg'
new 07e3e14 Tighten (build-)dependency on libjs-underscore and node-underscore.
new 6c89c68 Update copyright info: Extend coverage for main upstream author.
new 3c21a23 Prepare for release: Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
The 173 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/backbone.git
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