[Pkg-javascript-commits] [backbone] annotated tag v1.3.0 created (now 26c971c)

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Wed Aug 31 07:44:28 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

js pushed a change to annotated tag v1.3.0
in repository backbone.

        at  26c971c   (tag)
   tagging  478e708adeb32bd27abd7723c44b487e707f6cdc (commit)
 tagged by  Justin Ridgewell
        on  Thu Mar 3 21:54:25 2016 -0500

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------

= (3):
      A model's urlRoot can now be a function allowing definition at runtime.
      Merge branch 'urlrootasfunction'
      Use getValue to interpret urlRoot instead.

Aaron Franks (1):
      Update test-zepto.html to match the newer test html for jquery.

Aaron Hamid (1):
      small patch to allow passing options through reset to model initializer

Aaron Rutkovsky (1):
      fix argument name in docs

Adam George (1):
      Pass options through to toJSON

Adam Krebs (306):
      use _.result for this.options
      add options function test
      catalog the route event on history when Router.route matches
      Add keys, values, pairs, invert, pick, omit, each, and other
      Add keys, values, pairs, invert, pick, omit, each, and other
      trying with faster array reset code (see http://stackoverflow.com/q/1232040)
      fix failing test cases
      use slice instead of _.clone per @caseywebdev
      add collection models init to constructor
      add reset collection memory tests
      initial attempt at moving `add` logic to `update`
      fix two parse tests to actually have something to parse
      remove options check guard
      attempt to follow BB style a little closer
      have reset specify merge: false to update
      save a remove loop by setting remove to false in reset
      update returns `this`, save an extra line by returning update directly
      Cleanup `reset` by using `add` to extend merge and remove args
      Merge pull request #1 from caseywebdev/refactor
      remove map, contains, and pairs methods from Model
      remove initialize defaults logic; defaults handles this for us
      update comparator and filter fns to showcase the latest and greatest
      use shorter form for comparator
      remove Rakefile in favor of npm scripts
      remove $(document).ready(...) from tests
      remove jQuery-specific selector
      shorter defaults in model ctor, shorter extends in history
      upgrade test dep underscore to 1.5.2
      fix old form of _.bindAll and pass it a fn name
      Add docs links for 0.9.10 to 1.1.0 to changelog
      Merge pull request #2852 from braddunbar/style
      Merge pull request #2851 from braddunbar/old-ie-tests
      Clarify bindAll and events hash `this` binding in FAQ section
      more specific bindAll warning
      Fix AMD tests. jQuery is modern enough that we dont need a shim. Remove JSLitmus, and add in stubbed xhr environment file
      Add jQuery as a commonjs import
      Merge pull request #2864 from Schlaefer/patch-1
      Move favicon.ico to root directory so it shows up on all pages. Closes #2883
      Shim for AMD underscore test dependency to export _ object
      remove shadowed _. Use only the UMD loader for deps
      copy most recent qunit fixtures from test/index.html so tests pass
      Merge pull request #2912 from braddunbar/url
      Merge pull request #2934 from watilde/develop
      document url and urlRoot options removal
      ignore favicon.ico in bower package
      Merge pull request #2983 from gdi2290/patch-1
      Merge pull request #2986 from caseywebdev/gh-2976
      bump test underscore to 1.6.0 and remove shim config from test-amd.html. closes #2999
      Merge pull request #3000 from sunkibaek/patch-1
      revert c1e62cda: add `View#make` back in for overriding
      add `View#delegate` as a single event listener version of delegateEvents for easier overriding
      add in addEventListener shim from @wyuenho (0844b00c) to remove jQuery
      add window.popstate checks for IE7 backwards compat
      save two lines in View#make: jquery handles nulls nicely
      cleanup oldIE sniff code and iframe creation per @jdalton
      remove first window argument from add/removeEventListener
      check for onpopstate in window instead of window.onpopstate
      Merge pull request #2 from braddunbar/history
      Merge pull request #3 from braddunbar/history
      improve inline comments
      Merge pull request #4 from braddunbar/history
      Merge pull request #6 from braddunbar/history
      Merge pull request #5 from wyuenho/view-native-hooks
      Revert "Speed up method calls in delegateEvents and delegate"
      Merge pull request #9 from braddunbar/history
      Merge pull request #8 from wyuenho/view-native-hooks
      return `this` from `delegate`
      Merge pull request #10 from wyuenho/history-native-hooks
      small cleanup in _createContext
      save a var in _createContext
      pass along model and comparator to cloned collection. Fixes #3013
      Merge pull request #3037 from rsofaer/update-docs-rails-4
      revert c1e62cda: add `View#make` back in for overriding
      add `View#delegate` as a single event listener version of delegateEvents for easier overriding
      save two lines in View#make: jquery handles nulls nicely
      Revert "Speed up method calls in delegateEvents and delegate"
      return `this` from `delegate`
      small cleanup in _createContext
      save a var in _createContext
      rename _createContext to _setEl
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'wyuenho/view-native-hooks' into view-native-hooks
      test view.$ interface and rename _createContext to _setEl in view test
      fix merge conflict
      view test cleanup
      Merge branch 'master' into view-native-hooks
      add global Element guard for IE8
      short-circuit on attributes
      rephrase _setEl comment
      swap argument ordering to setElement, boolean goes last
      Merge pull request #16 from wyuenho/view-native-hooks
      test _removeElement
      Revert "View conformance tests"
      test setEl and el.parentNode
      use notEqual body isntead of equal null
      remove undelegateEvents call from remove
      Merge pull request #3053 from sfishel18/master
      remove undelegateEvents call from remove
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'wyuenho/view-native-hooks' into view-native-hooks
      rename _setEl to _setElement for parity
      add an undelegate method to View and pass back the listener from delegate
      remove namespace test from custom events test.
      test for undelegate with handler and selector, and use an element that exists in the DOM for bubbling
      add missing semi
      shorter delegate method thanks to jQuery empty selector checks
      nicer jq test
      shorter undelegate
      comments cleanup
      Merge branch 'master' into view-native-hooks
      shorter comment
      test delegate returns listener
      fix leftover merge conflict
      no need for repeated comment on `remove`
      Merge pull request #18 from wyuenho/view-native-hooks
      Merge pull request #19 from braddunbar/view-hooks
      Merge pull request #20 from braddunbar/view-hooks
      Merge pull request #3085 from nhunzaker/master
      view test reorg
      Add comment about overriding _createElement
      fix tagName test description
      Merge pull request #3091 from smelnikov/fixspell
      Merge pull request #3117 from fcsonline/feature/sort-reverse
      cleanup reverse tests
      cleanup reverse line
      Revert "Added reverse option in the collection sort method"
      add Model#chain back in. closes gh-3161
      Merge branch 'method-chain' from akre54/method-chain
      document jQuery dependency as >= 1.11.0
      Merge pull request #3172 from gmajoulet/master
      trim trailing whitespace in docs page
      Merge pull request #3174 from megawac/phantomjs
      Merge pull request #3176 from braddunbar/url-param
      Merge pull request #3190 from rjz/master
      Ignore other unecessary bower files
      Merge pull request #3111 from akre54/bower-ignores
      Merge pull request #3215 from austentalbot/patch-2
      Merge pull request #3214 from austentalbot/patch-1
      _setElement no longer takes in attributes, update the corresponding comment
      Merge pull request #3220 from megawac/rawgit-docs
      Merge pull request #3234 from go-oleg/master
      allow Model#save with patch: true to take different attrs. Fixes #3232
      test for attributes set on the model correctly in patch save
      clarify docs that Model#changed and Model#hasChanged is specific to model and not general. Fixes #3235
      document patch
      Merge pull request #3240 from HHSnopek/master
      Merge pull request #3258 from NotBobTheBuilder/master
      Merge pull request #3259 from megawac/patch-1
      Merge pull request #3265 from tomascasas/bb-col-doc-update
      Merge pull request #3039 from fastest963/master
      Merge pull request #3281 from jisaacks/master
      draft changelog for backbone 1.2.0
      Merge pull request #3329 from hmil/fix-options-success
      don't just test for the presence of options, test that it points to the same object as passed in.
      Merge pull request #3336 from admangum/issue_3306
      Merge pull request #3326 from biversen21/master
      Merge pull request #3351 from janaspage/patch-2
      Merge pull request #3360 from morganrallen/localStorageDoc
      Merge pull request #3362 from jmm/jmm/docs-trailing-whitespace
      test for correct context in event maps
      fix listenToOnce with event maps
      use on in all cases of listenTo
      implement listenToOnce via listenTo
      use clearer event names
      de-duplicate some of the listenToOnce wrapCallback logic
      move listenTo and listenToOnce in with the rest of the Backbone Events code
      check for cleaned up references in listenToOnce with stopListening
      remove double event binding. Simply stashing the original callback works as intended
      Merge pull request #3368 from megawac/lto-ret
      Fix unescaped script tag in backbone.localstorage. Closes #3379
      Merge pull request #3331 from megawac/where
      bump underscore dependency to 1.6.0 due to #3331
      Merge pull request #3381 from fastest963/orderSort
      Cleanup redundant variables in sort
      Code style cleanup in collection tests and add an extra sort test
      Merge pull request #3407 from brianjscoles/master
      Merge pull request #3307 from gf3/model-matches
      Merge pull request #3435 from braddunbar/search-test
      Merge pull request #3449 from braddunbar/split-events
      don't just test for the presence of options, test that it points to the same object as passed in.
      test for correct context in event maps
      fix listenToOnce with event maps
      use on in all cases of listenTo
      implement listenToOnce via listenTo
      use clearer event names
      de-duplicate some of the listenToOnce wrapCallback logic
      move listenTo and listenToOnce in with the rest of the Backbone Events code
      check for cleaned up references in listenToOnce with stopListening
      remove double event binding. Simply stashing the original callback works as intended
      Fix unescaped script tag in backbone.localstorage. Closes #3379
      bump underscore dependency to 1.6.0 due to #3331
      Cleanup redundant variables in sort
      Code style cleanup in collection tests and add an extra sort test
      draft changelog for backbone 1.2.0
      Merge pull request #3461 from jridgewell/listenToOnce-noop
      Clarify docs around View#el. Fixes #3454
      Merge pull request #3482 from arianf/master
      Merge pull request #3480 from wettowelreactor/patch-1
      fetch docs cleanup
      Merge pull request #3490 from yousefcisco/master
      Merge branch 'master' into bb-120
      correct number of Underscore model methods in sidebar
      Remove the micro-opt of caching array length. It's not actually effective and it makes the code uglier
      Merge pull request #3499 from jridgewell/trigger-objects
      Merge pull request #3443 from jridgewell/history-root
      Revert "History's root"
      Merge pull request #3500 from jashkenas/revert-3443-history-root
      Merge pull request #3488 from platinumazure/include-updated-options-in-sync-callback
      style tweaks
      Merge pull request #3495 from jmm/jmm/collection-remove
      minor grammar cleanup in Collection-remove docs
      Fix wording in validate docs. Addresses #3445
      Remove AMD test. We know it works, no need to keep an extra file around.
      bump Underscore dependency to 1.7.0
      allow Model#matches to take a predicate function
      Merge pull request #3505 from megawac/karma
      Merge pull request #3510 from jashkenas/sauce
      Merge pull request #3338 from danielnixon/master
      fix comma at end of collections test
      Merge pull request #3524 from braddunbar/phantom-pathname
      Merge pull request #3537 from jashkenas/sauce
      Merge pull request #3507 from akre54/matches-with-callback
      Merge branch 'master' into bb-120
      build latest version and compile docs
      Add uglify-js as a dev-dependency in package.json
      Attempt to require jQuery in CommonJS, swallow error if not available
      move backbone.localstorage.html -> backbone.localStorage.html. Fixes #3545
      Merge pull request #3548 from JustBlackBird/clean_bower_package
      Merge pull request #3441 from balloob/chore-fix-documentation-for-router
      Merge pull request #3237 from akre54/haschanged-set
      Merge branch 'pull-3056'
      remove stray var in docs
      note about commonjs / jquery
      Merge pull request #3580 from braddunbar/match-root
      Merge pull request #3583 from kuychaco/patch-1
      Merge pull request #3590 from kuychaco/patch-6
      bump docco version to 0.7.0
      merge in master branch
      Merge branch 'master' into bb-120
      document async success callback in changelog
      Merge pull request #3604 from craigmichaelmartin/href-fix
      Merge pull request #3606 from ogonkov/patch-1
      document Model#matches
      document Model#matches
      Document Collection#modelId
      fix spacing in index.html page, manually merge #3606
      Merge pull request #3632 from jridgewell/view-style
      Merge pull request #3631 from jridgewell/model-url
      Merge pull request #3626 from jridgewell/model-changedAttributes-style
      Merge pull request #3625 from jridgewell/model-isValid-style
      correct "polymorphic" typo
      merge in master docs
      Document delegateEvents change from #3060
      Document delegateEvents change from #3060
      typo: elements -> events
      typo: elements -> events
      Move addUnderscoreMethods out of Backbone.Events, adjust comment now that array methods is only 1 method
      fix typo in once comment
      Merge pull request #3665 from jridgewell/collection-style-updates-2
      document Collection#at with negative index
      document Collection#at with negative index
      Merge pull request #3670 from kkirsche/patch-1
      Update comments throughout the code
      Event maps should support multiple event syntax
      Merge pull request #3682 from jridgewell/collection-modelProperty
      Reorganize addUnderscoreMethods logic
      fix addMethod examples
      Merge pull request #3701 from craigmichaelmartin/master
      Merge pull request #3719 from DannyDelott/master
      update modelId docs
      style cleanup
      style cleanup
      fix grammario
      Add alternative help channels to README
      doc fixes and tightening
      include -> contains
      fix localStorage link
      document delegate/undelegate
      Merge pull request #3787 from paulfalgout/patch-3
      Merge pull request #3794 from garrettmaring/master
      Merge pull request #3797 from jdalton/msedge
      Merge pull request #3553 from megawac/extend-create
      Revert "Remove LICENSE from package.json files array."
      Merge pull request #3817 from jashkenas/revert-3765-patch-2
      Merge pull request #3816 from platinumazure/qunit2
      Merge pull request #3818 from captbaritone/collection-initialize-null-models
      make empty collection arguments consistent
      Merge pull request #3822 from captbaritone/indent-fix
      Merge pull request #3837 from jridgewell/remove-fix
      enable QUnit.config.noglobals in tests
      Fix anchor tags in ModelId docs
      fix modelId example
      Merge pull request #3859 from mieszko4/patch-1
      Merge pull request #3879 from jashkenas/nested-route-example
      Merge pull request #3891 from captbaritone/eslint
      Merge pull request #3892 from captbaritone/eslint-1
      remove superfluous spaces from model test
      Merge pull request #3911 from captbaritone/nested-ternary
      Merge pull request #3930 from craigmichaelmartin/add-collection-has
      Merge pull request #3928 from captbaritone/year
      Merge pull request #3929 from craigmichaelmartin/avoid-redefinitions
      Merge pull request #3933 from craigmichaelmartin/add-id-test-for-polymorphic
      Merge pull request #3938 from craigmichaelmartin/patch-1
      Merge pull request #3948 from megawac/col-update
      Merge pull request #3843 from jridgewell/defaults-prototype-collision
      Fix #3951: options.index should never exceed collection.length
      rename at => val in test to be clearer
      code golf modelId example a bit more

Adriaan Labuschagne (4):
      Changed the model's set function so that the 'nested' variable isn't required
      removed one if statement from model.set to simplify #2038
      removed reference to model.change from docs
      removed unused variable 'model' from 'save' function

Adrian Lynch (1):
      Fix typo

Aidan Feldman (2):
      processData should use ajax default (true), and only be set to false when doing a non-GET request
      clean up tests to use fresh object instances for each run, and don't set

Aidan Feldman and Tim Harper (1):
      Navigate learns to change the route without adding a history entry

Aitor Guevara Escalante (1):
      Add Ducksboard as an example app.

Al Urim (1):
      Update backbone.js

Alex Buck (1):
      Slight optimization for Events cache splitting Regex

Alex Graul (4):
      Fix for adding models with custom set methods to collections, issue #539
      fix for wrapped errors inside success callbacks on save, issue #690
      better method names
      nicer again

Alex McPherson (1):
      Clarification on optional parameters and trailing slashes in routes documentation

Alex Sharp (1):
      Backbone.sync now takes an emulateHTTP setting to override global setting

Alexandru Bucur (1):
      updated TodoMVC link

Alexey (1):
      Typo @ index.html

Andrae Muys (2):
      Document listenTo's implicit 'this' context.
      Fix a small typo in patch.

Andrei Bocan (1):
      Helpful error messages on rake tasks

Andrew Badr (1):
      delete this.id when unsetting the id attribute

Andrew Humphreys (3):
      fix opening and closing iframe doc for jsdom
      use local iframe window to open/close
      fix error when adding model to collection at an out of bounds index

Andrew Ivaskevych (2):
      Enhancing Model with isEmpty function
      Adding the isEmpty function into the modelMethods

Andrew Newdigate (1):
      Better documentation around the behaviour of `once` when multiple events are passed in.

Andrew Schaaf (5):
      fixed typo
      code style tweak
      refactored Backbone.request out of Model.{save,delete}
      Model.destroy no longer removes the model from its collection
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone

Andrew Terris (5):
      adds documentation for the automatic nested collection option on models
      fix comment to more accurately reflect its true usage
      use pathname as fragment when hashChange: false
      normalize fragment when hashChange: false in navigate
      remove unneeded line and return on window.location.assign

Andrey Kuzmin (1):
      Added failing test case

Andy Locascio (1):
      Fixing semantics of listeners hash

Andy Waite (1):
      Remove link to Diaspora example

Arian Faurtosh (1):
      Fixed copyright range to be updated to 2015

Artur Adib (1):
      Minor doc typo

Asan Usipov (2):
      Fixed back button issue then open pushState link in browser without pushState support
      Added 'groupBy' to underscore proxy methods

Ash Lux (1):
      When listening to numerous events and stopListening is called, then _.isEmpty is painfully slowly and assigning _listenTo to undefined isn't necessary.

Attila Györffy (1):
      Fix namespace reference in the todos example app docs.

Austen Talbot (2):
      Switch from double to single quotes
      Add missing semicolon

Ben Alpert (1):
      Update Khan Academy blurb and screenshot

Ben Atkin (1):
      point to CoffeeScript.org for installation instructions

Ben Orenstein (2):
      Allow make to take an argument of 0.
      Let make take other falsy values for content.

Benjamin Atkin (1):
      Use the same type of URL for installation instructions.

Benjen (1):
      Added additional information to warning text in model-defaults section, to explain when to use a function to define model default values. See Issue #1145

Bjørn Arild Mæland (1):
      Fix signature of urlRoot in documentation

Blake Embrey (1):
      Make isNew use the has functionality to avoid forcing multiple odd overrides.

Bo-Yi Wu (1):
      test node 0.10.x version on travis.

Brad Dunbar (336):
      implement callbacks as linked list
      create empty tail as an invariant
      set _changing = false only if !alreadyChanging
      assert that change is only triggered once
      implement unset/clear in terms of set
      ignore values when unsetting
      unit test for ignore values when unsetting
      add tests for #730 and #565
      bail immediately if !this._changed
      unset accepts var args
      simpler arg parsing
      hasChanged/set should use the same comparison
      only call splice once instead of on each add
      no need to _.bindAll _onModelEvent
      collection.add should not alter models array
      only increment length once
      more descriptive variable name
      (un)bind does not alter callback list during trigger
      Documentation for Backbone.Events
      trigger all for each event
      use implicit callback if none provided
      docs for #862
      `added`/`removed` should be `add`/`remove`
      `equals` is deprecated;  use `equal` instead
      Collection#add tweaks
      fix #871 - calling set with 'attributes' property
      setting undefined attributes
      Model.constructor only take attrs, not models.
      Fire `'change:attr'` from `change`
      documentation for #893
      cache changed attributes
      use `_.has` for Object proto props
      factor away else branch
      one more refactor...
      check for duplicate models/ids
      leaked global
      fixes #907 - `save` with `wait` succeeds without `validate`
      ensure `options` is present
      use `$` as DOM abstraction library
      refactor `_changed` to prevent confusion
      passing falsey keys to `hasChanged` or `previous`
      fixes #928 - Save sends correct attrs.
      fixes #915 - nested `'change:attr'` events
      use a while loop instead of do...while
      Refactor some tests.
      Add tests for #906.
      fixes #946 - documentation for changes to `set`
      Add tests for #908, #933.
      fixes #964 - collection.get has consistent return
      `on` is a noop if no callback is provided
      fixes #1003 - History is started before `navigate`
      Fixes #959 - Silent changes fire `'change:attr'`.
      Use `null` for uninitialized variables.
      Fixes #1016 - Expose `changed`.
      documentation for `changed`
      Correct more grammar.
      Clean up `Backbone.Events`.
      Use local references to `Model`, `View`, etc.
      Fixes #1038 - Document changes to `view.$`.
      Add a test for #1052.
      Add test for #1048.
      Fix #986 - Undelegate events before changing `el`.
      Fix #1105 - Add convenience overloads for `off`.
      Fix #1108 - document return value of `sync`.
      Fix #1057 - Save with wait validates model.
      Fix #1112 - options.model sets collection.model.
      Document jqXHR return values.
      toJSON is called implicitly.
      Fix #1179 - isValid returns true in the absence of validate.
      `off` is chainable when there are no events.
      Fix #474 - Backbone.ajax
      Fix #1228 - tagName can be provided as a function.
      Use raises correctly.
      Correct minor mistake in todo example.
      Add tests for #1122.
      null and undefined are invalid ids.
      Update QUnit.
      Fix #1282 - "all" callback list is retrieved for each event.
      Avoid throwing when $ is not defined.
      Tweak events implementation.
      Refactor _prepareModel.
      Fix #1310 - off does not skip consecutive events.
      Events.off uses reverse iteration to avoid altering indicies.
      Jettison setDomLibrary in favor of Backbone.$.
      Update docs.
      Documentation for #1342.
      Fix #1339 - Add Backbone.View#destroy.
      Fix #1366 - Do not prepend root to history.fragment.
      Reset events include previous models.
      Refactor a test for simplicity.
      Prefer on/off over bind/unbind.
      Documentation for View#destroy.
      Revert "Revert "Fix #1366 - Do not prepend root to history.fragment.""
      Skip pushState tests with 'file:' protocol.
      Revert "Skip pushState tests with 'file:' protocol."
      Revert "Revert "Revert "Fix #1366 - Do not prepend root to history.fragment."""
      Fix assertion count.
      Fix #1391 - Use apply in example to account for variadic usage.
      Ensure tests run in IE7.
      Use mock location to test Backbone.history.
      Add router tests for #1185, #1206.
      Quote attributes correctly for older browsers.
      QUnit 1.8.0
      Fix #1387 - getFragment trims trailing slash before removing root.
      Tweak tests a bit.
      Fix #1403 - Trigger "sync" unconditionally.
      Provide a default implementation of `sync`.
      Fix #1365 - Destroy: new models execute success callback.
      Add documentation for Model#sync, Collection#sync.
      Fix #1366 - Root should not be prepended to history.fragment.
      Update event args for `"destroy"` and `"sync"`.
      Fix #1420 - Lazy load example images.
      Document test source.
      Remove accidental inclusion.
      Fix #1433 - Do not save invalid models.
      Fix #1447 - `model.save` does not delete `options.wait`.
      Merge pull request #1448 from ganmor/sortfix.
      Add a test and tweak whitespace for #1448.
      Revert #1353 for further discussion.
      Fix #1377 - Saving without attrs triggers "error".
      Consistent use of `===` and `void 0`.
      Fix #1494 - Clarify documentation for `off`.
      Fix #1511 - Add a comment explaining performance concerns in `trigger`.
      Tweak root normalization.
      Tweak id/className test.
      Add View#dispose.
      Ensure that Collection proxies underscore aliases.
      Fix #1455 - Warn that attribute names should not contain spaces.
      Fix #1584 - Create default Backbone.history.
      Refactor extend.
      Use Surrogate instead of Prototype.
      Merge pull request #1445 from 'emorikawa/master'.
      No need to default `options` to `{}`.
      Merge pull request #1472 from 'contiamo/master'.
      Consolidate sync/error events in Backbone.sync.
      Fix variable scope error, provide test.
      Upgrade QUnit.
      Clean up.
      Consolidate test boilerplate; use consistent names.
      getValue -> _.result
      Fix #1608 - Clarify render example with template definition.
      Avoid creation of extra array in collection proxy.
      test/{test.html -> index.html}
      pushState/replaceState takes a relative url.
      Fix #1619 - Streamline rootStripper implementation.
      Add test for transition to hashChange.
      Fix #1615 - Update localstorage code.
      Drop doubled test prefixes.
      Remove unnecessary `frag` variable.
      Merge pull request #1629 from gsamokovarov/view-test-refactoring.
      Remove dependencies on qunit html.
      TravisCI integration.
      Merge pull request #1587 from krawaller/master.
      Tweak string comparator implementation.
      Refactor reset/sort.
      Fragments should be handled encoded.
      Use global emulate options as defaults.
      Fix #1649 - Set location.hash with a leading #.
      Style - Split long line into two.
      Revert "TravisCI integration."
      Fix #1655 - sortBy & groupBy use attributes.
      Fix #1653 - Ensure that `History` can be used outside of the browser.
      Fix #1604 - Refactor add, remove index option.
      Merge pull request #1596 from fancyoung/patch-1.
      Remove shadowed `clear` function from todo models.
      Remove dead code.
      Fix #1677 - Escape title attribute.
      Fix #1684 - Correct regression in refactoring extend.
      Allow view.el to be provided as a function.
      Fix #1695 - Ignore location.search during pushState transition.
      Use ok(false) instead of non-existent fail.
      Tweak add implementation.
      Fix #1729 - Clarify expected arguments for get/getByCid.
      Minor optimization to Router#_bindRoutes.
      Add `extend` to Backbone.History.
      Merge pull request #1746 from michalkot/master.
      Fix #1751 - `root` is `exports`, not `global`.
      Fix #1756 - preserve user provided beforeSend.
      Add test for #1758.
      Add a more meaningfull test for parsing by default.
      Further simplify Router#_bindRoutes.
      Strip trailing space from fragments.
      Merge branch 'master' into emulate-options
      A bit more documentation on success and error callbacks.
      Fix #1801 - Add documentation for disabling hash based routing.
      Fix gh-1820 - Update comment, use global flag.
      Fix gh-1201 - Simple TravisCI support.
      Use noglobals in `npm test`.
      Force noglobals.
      Tweak sort test a bit.
      Implement once with minimal change to other Events methods.
      Fix #1894, Collection#push should not sort.
      Add test for once without callback.
      Remove accidental global.
      Use boolean for `nested`.
      Ensure toJSON receives the correct attributes.
      Fix #1980 - Named and optional params.
      Fix #2003 - success callback arguments.
      Remove unused arguments.
      Use `collection` in Collection#fetch.
      jquery-* -> jquery.js
      Use _.isObject instead of typeof.
      Fix #2023 - Change log mentions ignored search parameters in routes.
      Fix #2023 - Change log mentions ignored search parameters in routes.
      Use single quotes and drop self closing slash.
      Add a test for the "route" event.
      Fix #2073 - Remove cid description.
      Issue number in comments.
      Bail from listenTo early.
      Fix #2134 - Clarify purpose of toJSON in documentation.
      Remove silent option from Model#set.
      Tweak changed documentation.
      Add missing wrapError and simplify a bit.
      Update QUnit, phantomjs.
      Tweak language.
      Fix #2312 - Clarify eventsApi logic.
      Document master as the target branch for pull requests.
      Reword based on discussion.
      Fix #2335 - Update `viewOptions` comment.
      Tweak comment a bit more.
      Tweak url attachment a bit.
      Add coffee and docco versions to package.json.
      Fix #2357 - Correct reference to `Backbone.history`.
      Docco 0.6.1.
      Remove lingering comments on silent changes.
      Fix #2376 - Update docs for changedAttributes.
      No need for _.bind, just use the closure.
      Use empty route name for anonymous routes.
      Fix #2417 - Use apply to implement slice.
      Fix #2422 - Clarify docs about changed attributes.
      Fix #2438 - Indicate shallow copying.
      Phantomjs 1.9.0-1.
      Fix #2458 - Options are not attached to views.
      Dispense with View#options merging.
      Revert non-model sync commits.
      Fix #2538 - Only transition if both pushState and hashChange are requested.
      Fix #2569 - Add repository to package.json.
      Do not load the hash as a fallback.
      Tweak context comment.
      Fix #2535 - Update changelog with Model#set changes.
      Fix #2606 - Collection#create success arguments.
      Be explicit about boolean "trigger" option.
      Add missing comma.
      QUnit 1.12.0
      Replace non-standard #substr with #slice.
      Fix #2656 - Trailing slash on root.
      Never include trailing slash on the root.
      Avoid calling pushState with an empty url.
      Fix #2670 - Document route events.
      Restore "elan".
      Add docs for the View#template convention.
      Grammar, capitalization.
      Remove superfluous sentence.
      Reword according to feedback.
      Add favicon to test/index.html
      Fix #2765 - Strip hash and query for matching.
      Update underscore dependency.
      Add new methods from underscore 1.5.2.
      Remove speed test from unit test suite.
      Fix #2850 - Use `hashChange: false` where appropriate.
      Style tweak, remove jQuery dependency.
      Tweak fixture attachment.
      Search params.
      Add Router#execute hook.
      Move the faq above the examples.
      Split up long lines for style and readability.
      Simplify Model#url, split long line.
      Merge branch 'branch-1.1.0' of https://github.com/skyhood/backbone
      Add a route test for unicode paths.
      Remove `_oldIE` variable.
      Pass `useCapture` to `removeEventListener`.
      Remove `isExplorer` RegEx.
      Check `documentMode` and combine checks.
      Handle newlines in route params.
      Remove `onpopstate` check.
      Add a comment about clearInterval.
      Add documentation to the iframe approach.
      Tweak a bit.
      Tweak and merge.
      A little cleanup of `Collection#set`.
      More consistency in loops.
      A facelift for `Events#off`.
      Don't be clever.
      Update collection docs on underscore methods.
      Fix #3015 - History#stop cleans up iframe.
      Pass along `textStatus` and `errorThrown`.
      Always delegate in #setElement.
      A little clarification.
      Add #_setAttributes and clean up #setElement.
      Fix #3078 - Router#execute receives route name.
      Remove unnecessary checks and variables.
      History#atRoot handles params without path.
      Just slice the root.
      Add #getPath to mirror #getHash.
      Simplify fragment logic.
      Decode the fragment before comparing.
      Set attribute instead of property.
      Handle incorrect hash/search values in IE6.
      Add comment, remove anchors.
      Only test node 0.10.
      Add test for urls in params.
      Include query string parsing in the changelog.
      Merge pull request #3152 from braddunbar/ie6
      Update trailing slash for search params.
      Transition with search params.
      Don't check hash from iframe.
      Ensure iframe hash is set.
      Add a comment about iframe history.
      Leave out unnecessary trailing slash.
      Merge pull request #3359 from braddunbar/transition-params
      Decode unicode escapes without decoding `%25`.
      Ensure a search test fails when appropriate.
      Elaborate on `History#decodeFragment`.
      Fix #3448. Ensure listenToOnce splits event names.
      Ensure events are triggered by the correct name.
      Merge pull request #3452 from zzmp/patch-1
      Update trailing slash for search params.
      Transition with search params.
      Don't check hash from iframe.
      Ensure iframe hash is set.
      Add a comment about iframe history.
      Leave out unnecessary trailing slash.
      Collection#set - options.at accepts a string.
      Model#url id falls back to #get(this.idAttribute).
      Sync test scripts with karma config.
      Set the pathname explicitly for phantomjs.
      If the root doesn't match, no routes can match.
      Handle roots with regex characters.
      Use more descriptive test names.
      Clean up.
      Merge pull request #3656 from sroucheray/patch-1
      Merge pull request #3657 from jridgewell/ie6-test-false-positive
      Merge pull request #3678 from jdalton/not-any-more

Brandon Leonardo (2):
      change hashStrip regex to strip bang as well, so hash-bang urls will work transparently
      rebuild to include previous change

Brennan Moore (2):
      supporting url params in browsers without pushState support when pushState is enabled
      removing ds_store -- should be added to .gitignore...

Brett Goulder (1):
      Just do the media query for the iPhone 4, not retina macbook

Brian Erickson (2):
      Issue #1793: Backbone.history.navigate should use this.getFragment instead of fragment to avoid routes getting triggered twice
      Updated issue number in test to match pull request issue.

Brian Iversen (2):
      Update backbone.js comment for clarity
      Update backbone.js comment for clarity

Brian Scoles (2):
      change "overriden" to "overridden" in two places.
      change "overriden" to "overridden" in two places.

Bryan Goldstein (1):
      Make Router.routes accept a function

Camille Roussel (2):
      Fix #3477. Clarify Model.fetch docs
      Fix for issue #3470

Carl Danley (1):
      fix spelling error in documentation

Casey Foster (151):
      Updated `Collection.sort()` doc to clarify priority maintenance
      Allow Collection to receive falsy `comparator` to override default
      Merge pull request #1 from wookiehangover/issue1342
      Simplified falsy comparator test case
      Added a few more cases for the test
      #1412 - Trigger "sync" event for fetch also
      Added test for sorting during collection#add
      Fixed inconsistency and typo in docs
      Be sure to return the value of `beforeSend`
      Refactor `set` to avoid unnecessary `arguments` object creation
      Match `save` to new `set` signature
      Refactor `set` to avoid unnecessary `arguments` object creation
      Match `save` to new `set` signature
      Update package.json with more relevant keywords
      Fix #1791 reorder constructor so `attributes` is defined for `parse`
      Add test for #1791
      Fix #1798 correct Model#fetch documentation
      Fix global `i` leak in `change`
      Only sort on `add` when it make sense
      Add Collection#update to better use collection events
      Simplify conditional in Collection#update
      Cleanup collection#update
      Merge branch 'master' into collection-update
      Rebasing `update`
      Update `update` to merge cleanly
      Backbone extends Events
      Simplify test for Backbone Events inheritance
      Pass models in `update` trigger
      Merge branch 'master' into collection-update
      Add failing test case for different `idAttribute` fields
      #1894 `sort` option for `add`
      Shave some bytes with an array literal
      Revamped events
      Events revamp alternative version
      Account for `once("all", ...)`
      Final events optimizations and rebase
      Implement brad's off with _.once
      Simplify/robustify `update`
      Cache context, avoid switch in loop, profit
      Fix #1915 - `parse` ordering in `update`
      Fix #1939 - `parse` receives `options`
      Trigger `sort` after `add`s for efficient reordering
      Fix typo in .npmignore
      Bitwise declared bitdumb, revisions ensued
      #1977 update test to fail
      Really fix #1977 - models with default values merge properly
      Fix #1987 - Be consistent when passing options to trigger callbacks
      Fix #1978 - Correctly document `model.urlRoot` and `collection.url`
      Fix #1978 - Correctly document `model.urlRoot` and `collection.url`
      Merge pull request #1994 from braddunbar/once-noop
      Fix #1987 - Mention the removal of `options.index` in the changelog
      Add missing space in docs
      Fix #1987 - Mention the removal of `options.index` in the changelog
      Only sort when a model is changed or added
      Options everywhere
      Speed up set, see http://jsperf.com/isobject-vs-typeof
      Bring add optimization over to simple
      Bring add/sort optimization over to simple
      Perf tweaks, see http://jsperf.com/testing-equals-versus-strict-equals/3, http://jsperf.com/conditional-assignment-vs-reassignment
      Add test for smart add-sorting
      Even smarter sort-reduction
      Fix test case
      Clear up comments in last test
      Simplify argument juggling for set/save
      Revert set/save argument juggling
      Merge pull request #2005 from braddunbar/success-args
      Match comparator string checks in `sort` and `add`
      Remove unused declarations in `add`, noglobals for phantomjs
      Fix #2044 - `once` events are properly removed after triggering
      Clean up conditional, remove internal-coupled test
      Mirror `create`s model conditional from `add`
      Fix #2008 - Correct comments for `fetch`
      Merge pull request #2040 from akre54/add-underscore-methods-to-model
      Revert "Add keys, values, pairs, invert, pick, omit, each, and other"
      Remove useless code in `add`, tidy up
      Fix #2094 - Update TODO example with new success callback signature
      Fix #2099 - sortedIndex use model attributes for string iterator
      Consistently turn on `parse` flag in `save`, like `fetch` already does
      Simplify `sortedIndex` test
      Merge pull request #2127 from philfreo/master
      Merge pull request #2128 from colevscode/master
      Account for listenTo/stopListening edge cases, add tests
      Consistent argument names across event functions, remove unused argument from `triggerEvents`
      Tidy up event internals, delete empty event keys in `off`, return `this` early in `stopListening`
      Merge pull request #2176 from diegotres/patch-1
      Refactor var name `list` -> `events` for clarity, uniformity
      Merge pull request #2178 from diegotres/master
      Tweak chainable events tests
      `triggerEvents` now under the 80 char line and even faster!
      One simplification step further...
      Fix #2228 - Add `findWhere` for parity with underscore
      Update `parse`s at model level, simpler `get`
      Fix possible memory leak in `stopListening`, refactor
      Refactor, account for double-parse bug in `update`
      Merge pull request #2219 from tgriesser/docs-updates
      Refactor `update` to reduce wasted lookups
      Merge pull request #2261 from caseywebdev/update
      Move stuff around, handle null cleanly
      Mention that `parse` receives `options` in docs
      Mention that `parse` receives `options` in docs
      Fix error callback in localStorage sync
      Fix #2269 - clone options before modifying
      Really fix #2269, remove circular reference.
      Account for another leak case
      Revert "Account for another leak case"
      Revert "Really fix #2269, remove circular reference."
      Add .jshintrc
      Fix #2296 `get` works with `0` as a model id
      Simplify test
      Don't `model.set(model.attributes)`...pointless
      Fix #2364 - typo in index.html
      Merge pull request #2408 from tgriesser/fetch-docs
      Merge pull request #2411 from philfreo/another-typo
      Merge pull request #2410 from philfreo/master
      Revert "lowercase instance var in example code"
      Fix #2446 `save` should always `set` with `validate: true` by default
      Don't validate twice in
      `set` respects input order in absence of comparator
      Add failing merge with defaults test
      Fix #2471 merging with defaults
      Fix bug causing mutations while merging with nested models
      Don't mutate options in `add` or `set`
      Force add true and remove false flags in `add`, merge optional
      Fix same mutation problem with existing/non-existing mix of models
      Merge pull request #2591 from braddunbar/model-set-changelog
      Avoid double _validate calls in _prepareModel
      Add "difference" collection method
      Ensure Collection#get does not return a false negative during the change:attr event
      Merge pull request #2602 from caseywebdev/fallback-get
      Merge pull request #2609 from braddunbar/collection-create
      Merge pull request #2637 from kjbekkelund/remove-unnecessary-variable
      Merge pull request #2706 from akre54/comparator-docs
      Merge pull request #2728 from philfreo/patch-1
      Merge pull request #2732 from douglascalhoun/patch-1
      _listeners -> _listeningTo in event tests
      Merge pull request #2768 from jaguardev/master
      Style tweaks
      Fix the set stack overflow case with the at option too
      Fix #2470 Do not mutate options in _prepareModel
      Close #2847 assume obj as an id first in Collection#get
      Fix #2846 nested "change" events trigger with correct options
      Fix #2976 Do not add multiple models with same `id`
      Re #2976 Allow `id` values to be generated from a function given attrs
      Re #3029 Guard against unavailable edge underscore proxies
      Return `id` assumption for simple polymorphic `Collection#model` factories.
      Make new tests more thorough
      Update devDependencies
      Merge pull request #3082 from appleboy/patch
      Revert "Make new tests more thorough"
      Allow Collections to determine uniqueness, not Models

Chris Baynes (2):
      Trigger error even when providing a callback.
      Always trigger error when validation fails.

Chris Davaz (1):
      default constructor should return parent value

Chris Korhonen (2):
      Added append option when fetching a collection. Useful when lazy loading data sets.
      Added Animoto to Examples

Chris Lloyd (1):
      Added clear method to Model. Removes all attributes like you would expect.

Chris Moore (1):
      isNew should use id, not idAttribute

Chris Pickett (1):
      Added Backbone.Collection.toJSON. Returns array of model's toJSON

Chris Schuhmann (1):
      Fix typo in collection.set example

Chris Smith (1):
      Fixed comment for Model#_validate

Christopher Pfohl (1):
      Add new `_.partition`

Christopher Wright (3):
      Fix typo, "models state" should be "model's state"
      to_json doesn't include namespace by default for Rails>=3.1
      Fix typo - "Backbones's" should be "Backbone's"

Clay Walker (1):
      Fixed typo with `model.isValid()` in docs.

Cole (1):
      Fixed minor bug in examples/todos/todos.js

Cole Krumbholz (1):
      Corrected link to address issue #1132 (Broken link in annotated source)

Corban Brook (1):
      Pass options to the coll.add call in Collection::create so that it can work silently.

Craig Martin (10):
      Update index.html
      improve readability
      trust npm to set up $PATH
      add `has` method to collection
      eliminate shadowed variable declarations
      add tests solidifying behavior for modelId with polymorphic models
      fix modelId example
      disable npm's progress bar in travis ci for quicker install
      fix failing linting tests
      optimize collection get and account for edge case

Daijiro Wachi (1):
      gitignore bower_components

Damien Holzapfel (1):
      Reference calls variable in list variable definition in Backbone.Events.bind

Daniel Nixon (1):
      Fix a bunch of accessibility issues.

Daniel Schildt (1):
      Update two links at index.html to latest URLs

Dave Tonge (3):
      Collection.add triggers an error rather than throwing an error when an invalid model is added.
      Modified two tests to listen for error events rather than catching exceptions when adding an invalid model to a collection
      Merge pull request #1 from braddunbar/add-error

David (1):

David Lee (2):
      Write a test for making Router.routes accept a function
      Fix test: making vars local

David Marble (1):
      Move collection assignment a few lines up so this.collection is available in Model.parse

David Murdoch (1):
      Optimize regular expressions. The capture groups aren't needed/used; the character classes will do the job just fine.

Derick Bailey (7):
      added a test and code to allow a router to define a route with no callback method for the route name
      allow context as 4th parameter to Events#listenTo method
      allow context as 4th parameter of stopListening
      updated docs to add context param in listenTo and stopListening
      accounting for event maps
      fixed typo on context var in stopListening
      added test to show listenTo called on the same object

Devin Hunt (1):
      Ajax.processData is left as the default if emulateJSON is set to true

Diego Tres (3):
      Changed the year from 2012 to 2013.
      Changed the year from 2012 to 2013.
      Changed the year from 2012 to 2013.

Dillon Forrest (1):
      Tweak .parse(opt) to be .parse(attrs) for descriptiveness.

DjebbZ (1):
      Small typo in comment : missing "`".

Dmitriy Fabrikant (1):
      removed redundant extend

Dmitriy Simushev (1):
      Remove unneeded files from bower package

Dmitry Baranovskiy (1):
      Fixed escapeHTML function

Dmytro Nemoga (5):
      Return "this" reference
      Return "this" reference
      Fixed edge-version incompatibility
      Fixed to pass with edge version of Underscore
      Update due to recomendations

Doug Neiner (1):
      Made minor optimization to scoped jQuery/Zepto method $ on the Backbone.View

Douglas Neiner (1):
      Updated context find (`.$`) to use new cached, wrapped `this.$el`.

Duke (1):
      added qunit toolbar

Edil Kratskih (2):
      Cross domain issue patch for old ie browsers (<=7)
      Simple refactoring

Elijah Insua (2):
      added package.json
      added underscore dependency

Elisa Oinonen (1):
      decode location.pathname

Eric Wang (1):
      fix typo in index.html

Evan Morikawa (2):
      isValid now takes an optional 'options' parameter that gets passed through to validate. Needed so one can test validation under a variety of contexts
      Cleanup event listeners on destroy

Ferran Basora (1):
      Added reverse option in the collection sort method

FishbaitHarry (1):
      Docs for Collection#at behavior

Francis (1):
      Following recommendations from the OWASP

Francis Gulotta (1):
      Test complex query strings. Fails in some browsers.

Fábio M. Costa (1):
      \w still includes \d http://www.regular-expressions.info/charclass.html#shorthand

Félix (1):
      Pass fetch options to success function (as error function does).

Félix Horro Pita (1):
      Pass options to success function on save, create and destroy.

Garrett Maring (1):
      Test for conflicting className/id and attributes

Gavin Huang (2):
      Fix unit test for model.isNew()
      Model is no longer considered to be new if its id is a falsey value

Genadi Samokovarov (25):
      Whitespace cleanup for extend Collection.prototype.chain function definitions.
      Put short if statements on one line and add some whitespace
      getValue for View::className and View::id
      Refactor test/view.js
      Update outdated comments
      Use _.pick to simplify View#_configure
      Bump underscore version to 1.3.3 in package.json
      Replace undefined with void 0 at router's test
      Add asynchronous test for once
      Bump Underscore to 1.4.3 in package.json and index.html
      Document View#id and View#className as functions
      Fix typo in update changelog bullet
      Add test for #1989
      Add listenTo yourself and cleaning with stopListening test
      Exit early in Collection#create
      Use === instead of == in Model#save
      Add Events#oneTimeListenTo
      Add tests for Events#oneTimeListenTo
      Rename Events#oneTimeListenTo to Events#listenToOnce
      Move Collection#sortedIndex definition
      Don't attach url if passed as an option in Model
      Don't accept urlRoot from Model and url from Collection
      Remove the redundant documentation bits
      Remove leftover attachable url documentation
      Use Collection#where for TodoList#remaining

Gianni Chiappetta (1):
      Add `Model::matches` as special-cased proxy to `_.matches`

Gmajoulet (1):
      Removing the IE8 PATCH requests fix

Graeme (8):
      Specify npm included files explictly in package.json
      Specify npm included files explictly in package.json
      Update QUnit to v1.7.1
      Run test suite using karma
      Set up sauce test runner
      Test IE7 & IE8
      Encrypt keys
      Remove xhr-polling restriction

Graeme Yeates (41):
      Update phantomjs
      Use rawgit for linking to old versions of docs
      Allow MDN to select an appropriate localization
      Use matches in .where
      Return the result of listenTo in listenToOnce
      Use matches in .where
      Return the result of listenTo in listenToOnce
      Optimize underscore proxy methods
      Merge pull request #3511 from jashkenas/sauce
      Update the sauce configuration
      Amend #3566 fix; global detection
      Update documented underscore dependency
      Update documented underscore dependency
      Merge pull request #3612 from jridgewell/collection-invoke
      Merge pull request #3639 from jridgewell/collection-removeModels
      Merge pull request #3645 from jridgewell/variable-cleanup
      Merge pull request #3709 from elgubenis/patch-1
      Fix #3724; add qunit dependency
      Merge pull request #3725 from trizko/docs_3694
      Merge pull request #3743 from jridgewell/fix-qunit-15
      Merge pull request #3732 from jdalton/sortBy
      Merge pull request #3676 from jridgewell/collection-includes
      Merge pull request #3747 from jdalton/t-for-test
      Use _.create in extend
      Merge pull request #3811 from jacobbuck/moreunderscore
      Use karma concurrency for initiating parallel sauce tests
      Update sauce browser matrix
      Bump karma requirement to 0.13.13 karma-runner/karma#1653
      Merge pull request #3832 from jashkenas/karma-sauce
      Merge pull request #3834 from jridgewell/model-change-id-regression
      Merge pull request #3845 from jridgewell/model-id-test
      Merge pull request #3866 from jdalton/invoke-map
      Merge pull request #3867 from jdalton/coerce
      Merge pull request #3870 from cherouvim/master
      Merge pull request #3885 from craigmichaelmartin/package-path
      Silent true note for collection.remove
      Fix formatting
      Improve collection 'update' event consistency
      Merge pull request #3940 from roycetucker/patch-2
      Merge pull request #3947 from sam-at-github/master
      Merge pull request #3927 from jashkenas/megawac-patch-1

Greg MacWilliam (2):
      Adding "Getting Started" documentation section.
      Updated View and Routing summaries.

Hadrien Milano (4):
      fix flawed test
      fix wrong test: collection.model must be a function
      fix flawed test
      fix wrong test: collection.model must be a function

Hans Oksendahl (3):
      Added the _method hack from Sinatra for better coverage of PUT and DELETE for non-spec HTTP servers.
      fixed indentation
      fixed indentation

Harrison Shoff (1):
      add documentation about collections containing polymorphic models. Fixes #2338

Harry Shoff (2):
      Add airbnb mobile to examples
      Fix typo

Harry Wolff (7):
      fix instances of it's to its for proper grammar
      implement optimized mobile version of backbone website
      remove comment, fix my xy
      Further updates:
      Add link to Docs for old versions of Backbonejs
      Add links to Diff and Docs for older Backbonejs versions as well
      remove dead link

Henrik Joreteg (2):
      Potential fix for #3051. Add isModel method to collections
      rename to _isModel, add semi-colon, move to be next to other internal methods

Henry Snopek (1):
      add example to Backbone.$ for commonjs

Hossein Bukhamsin (1):
      prefer on over bind

Ian Storm Taylor (2):
      added optional groups to route syntax, with tests
      swapped optional route syntax to parentheses, and adding docs

Ilia Ablamonov (1):
      Fixed Collection#set regression when parse returns falsy value

Ioannis Cherouvim (1):

Irene Ros (10):
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:spmason/backbone
      Reducing the amount of properties we are iterating over by removing the old properties that already exist in now. To do that, previousAttributes had to be cloned. Changing "void 0" return to "undefined".
      Adding a _unsetAttributes property on model that stores unset attributes and appends them to the changedAttributes object.
      Setting _unsetAttributes to false in unset rather than changedAttributes so that the unset attributes aren't lost on subsequent calls of changedAttributes. Added test to verify this behavior.
      #673 - Adding index as a property on the options object that gets passed when the add/remove callbacks get triggered on a collection.
      Forcing quint test execution order.
      #819 documenting idAttribute. Also requested on pull req #210.
      Added navigation link
      adding model parsing for collections on initialization of a collection from raw data
      removing extra options check

Irina Dumitrascu (4):
      Updated documentation for validate #1063
      Documentation for set - mention that the validation is skipped when passing {silent: true}
      Added a note to javascript injection attacks when bootstrapping data #1034
      Improved description.

JD Isaacks (6):
      Allow Collection.at to accept negative indexes
      Add test for negative indexes in `at` method
      Set correct number of assertions
      Allow Collection.at to accept negative indexes
      Add test for negative indexes in `at` method
      Set correct number of assertions

Jacek Becela (2):
      Add failing test for #319
      Check for model before accessing its properties, fixes #319

Jack Wearden (1):
      Update JavaScript toJSON API documentation URL

Jacob Buck (1):
      Add `findIndex` and `findLastIndex` underscore methods to Collection.

Jacob Thornton (1):
      add support and tests for ender jeesh

Jake Harding (2):
      Getting the hash value from location.href rather than location.hash as a workaround to the Firefox bug where location.hash is decoded.
      Adding test for #967.

James Campos (3):
      [style] coll -> collection
      use inherits helper directly
      update comment

James Coglan (1):
      Remove coupling from model to view in example app by listening to model's 'destroy' event to remove the view.

James Hartig (5):
      Send correct 'at' when firing 'add' event
      Order should trigger a sort iff order was changed
      Collection.add accepts negative indexes for the `at` option
      Order should trigger a sort iff order was changed
      Collection.add accepts negative indexes for the `at` option

James Sanders (2):
      Change from Backbone.use to Backbone.setjQuery and fix tests
      Change name to setDomLibrary

Jamie Rolfs (3):
      Fixed Backbone.History.navigate and Backbone.History.start so any url changes include a slash between the root and route fragment when using pushState
      Normalizing root url on Backbone.History.start, consistently matching root url for atRoot in History.start regardless of trailing slash
      Added test case for trailing slashs changes to atRoot in Backbone.history.start()

Jan Dudek (1):
      Add set event triggered once when collection models are added or removed

Janas Page (7):
      Correct split infinitives.
      Hyphenate compound modifier.
      Un-split an infinitive verb tense.
      Un-split infinitive [v 2].
      Hyphenate compound modifier.
      Un-split an infinitive verb tense.
      Un-split infinitive [v 2].

Jason Davies (3):
      Remove duplicate backbone.localStorage docs
      Only set request content type for create/update
      Fix typo

Jason Morrison (4):
      gitignore vim swapfiles
      Update QUnit
      Bump jQuery test suite dependency from 1.5 to 1.6.4
      Make function definition formatting consistent

Jason Punyon (3):
      Documentation Fix: as -> are
      Documentation Fix: as -> are
      Documentation Fix: Art.sy

Jaynti Kanani (2):
      allow operation with dense array for Backbone collection
      refactor to more better fix and add some more tests

Jean Boussier (1):
      Improve consistency: get rid of a zealous early error breaking apps in inconvenient ways

Jed Schmidt (1):
      keep custom `sync` methods for a given model/collection scoped to `this`.

Jeff Carbonella (1):
      added "retinafied" favicon

Jeff Larson (15):
      stubbing out view test
      fix a bug in view tests
      removing extra 's'
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      code highlighting
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      small typo
      sorry, wrong version of docco
      fixes #4, small typo
      adding a missing semicolon and using initialize in the demo
      changing the image url back
      Ensuring the Todo model has a sane default

Jeff Shen (1):
      Line 1920 - Fix Spacing After Return

Jeremiah Orr (1):
      Update PATCH/xhr check so that IE9 works

Jeremy Ashkenas (1335):
      Initial Commit
      Initial semi-functional version of backbone.
      Adding Docco'd source
      remove collection setting
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      underscore callbacks.
      no more generated ids and fixed rake build
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      added a rake doc task
      rebuilt docs
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      fixing refresh for attributes only
      first working version of create
      Adding Backbone.Collection#fetch
      fleshing out destroy
      Backbone.View option handling tweak.
      creating a model should set its attribute
      linting test/bindable
      linting the remainder of the tests.
      Wrapped up the model tests.
      more tests for collection, 0 is a valid id.
      Making zero numeric ids more possible
      more tests, returning 'this', when performing side effects on collections
      defaulting Backbone.Collection#model to be Backbone.Model
      finished initial round of tests for collection
      testing a handful of the underscore methods on collections
      finished commenting Views and Backbone.request -- regenerated docs.
      more comments, more docs
      started working on the index page, copied from Jammit
      Attributes should remain a safe copy.
      first draft of basic validations
      sets can fire 'error' events for all models within, as well.
      removing todo
      a pleasant boney background...
      Backbone.Bindable -> Backbone.Events
      A real start on the documentation ... intro is done-ish.
      moving along with the documentation
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Up to attributes
      removing Backbone.Model#isEqual
      down at the bottom of the model docco
      aliases and docs for underscore methods on collections
      add, remove, get, getbycid, at
      through Backbone.sync, methodmap, etc.
      through render
      axed setMode. setCallbacks -> bindCallbacks
      first draft of docs is done.
      updating rest tests.
      fixing links
      added view tests
      handleEvents API tweaks
      tweaking intro -- rebuilding docco
      tiny tweaks
      removing demos for the initial release.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      a reasonable readme
      documenting id and cid
      attributes is now a public property, uncloned. documenting comparator, and more.
      Lots of edits -- running well under Node.js
      further down the page
      final pass through the documentation
      more annotated comments, adding length to the docs.
      making events forgiving of non-selectors...
      Documenting constructor options.
      removing toString
      widening the sidebar
      IE documentation tweaks
      Adding Closure Compiled minified production version.
      softening the background.
      Framework sizes are controversial and hard to measure, best to be hand-wavey...
      augmenting the docs for Model#toJSON
      Issue #2, view.render documentation.
      documentation wording tweaks.
      internal _initialize to _reset
      Calling 'initialize', if it is defined.
      Adding basic tests for initialize.
      Documenting initialize
      typo in docs -- issue #4
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Merge branch 'grayrest' of http://github.com/grayrest/backbone
      less cryptic method of safely referencing jQuery.
      adding a brief aside about super.
      View#_reset -> View#_configure
      Backbone 0.1.1
      willbailey's patch to use getByCid for internal lookups ... much safer.
      Issue #8 -- a number of improvements to the documentation.
      Documenting a collection's 'model' property
      brief aside about sort versus sortBy
      rebuilding annotated source and min.js
      a note about namespacing JSON requests.
      internal Collection#_add and Collection#_remove, should return the model, in case they're overridden.
      Slightly shallower namespaced export for CommonJS.
      expand inherits helper child constructor creation, for clarity.
      Moving all helper functions down to the bottom.
      removing redundant assignment in Events#trigger
      Adding the beginnings of a speed suite to the Test page.
      a handful of model speed tests.
      making the speed test labels fit on the graph
      Merge branch 'master' into demos
      Don't send up model data for GET requests by default, for folks who are re-fetching existing collections.
      Merge branch 'master' into demos
      beginnings of a different demo.
      optional values in the template.
      Only send the model on create and update... It's better for destroy not to bother with it.
      adding Backbone.emulateHttp for frameworks that don't support HTTP. Issue #11
      Passing JavaScriptLint. Added 'rake lint' task.
      Adding Backbone.Model#fetch
      adding docs for Model#fetch
      Merge branch 'master' of http://github.com/tmpvar/backbone
      additional documentation ... getting ready for 0.1.2
      error events are now always passed the model as the first argument. You may now also pass an error callback to set() and save(), if the callback is passed, it will be called instead of the 'error' event getting fired.
      Adding an error when URLs are left unspecified, and highlighting the importance of the URL property in the docs for persistence to work.
      tweak to view docs
      documenting the 'error' callback and it's overriding behavior.
      Backbone.js 0.1.2
      Merge branch 'master' into demos
      Merge branch 'demos' of http://github.com/fitzgen/backbone into demos
      removing the embryonic gist demo
      moving 'demos' to 'examples'
      fixing chain() test.
      adding Collection#chain to the documentation.
      Adding support links -- Issues + Freenode + Twitter
      Starting to move to templates for the todo example.
      moving edit UI out into a template.
      Further cleaning up the todos example.
      Issue #33. Refactor towards View#_ensureElement
      Adding a test for Issue #33
      Fixing Collection#create success callback, passing the model parameter through.
      Merge branch 'master' of http://github.com/bunchesofdonald/backbone
      Merging in Collection#toJSON
      adding a disclaimer
      Moving the example to an 'examples' branch for the time being...
      Adding an Examples section to the homepage. Weak at the moment. More to come.
      Adding an Examples section to the homepage. Weak at the moment. More to come.
      Switching from assumed 'model' and 'models' namespacing to an overridable 'parse' method on models and collections.
      Issue #28 -- handleEvents -> delegateEvents, which is now called in the constructor.
      Streamlined event delegation from models through collections. Added documentation for 0.2.0 enhancements.
      Backbone 0.2.0
      Cleaning up warnings
      resolving merge
      Revert the attack of the italics.
      Merge branch 'master' into gh-pages
      Merging master
      First semi-working version of the jQuer-ified example.
      another mootools remmnant.
      updating CSS style. Fixing ordering.
      A little further on.
      Nice improvements to the rendering ... more templates, less javascript.
      cleaning up generated CSS
      Adding a hover-able destroy icon
      Removing unnecessarily bound functions.
      simplifying localStorage interface a bit.
      Fixing line-heights on multi-line todos
      Building the annotated source.
      resolve conflict
      Merge branch 'master' into gh-pages
      Remove the cross-linking between the sources
      Merge branch 'master' into gh-pages
      Adding the Todos example to the homepage
      Reworking the localStorage plugin.
      fixing broken link
      Fixing backbone-localstorage links.
      Don't bury the lede.
      Only one open todo item at a time.
      Saving todo-in-editing on blur.
      Adding one line to Backbone.js to provide seamless CoffeeScript integration (inheritance from Backbone.Model, View, Collection) + tests
      Fixing out-of-date documentation (mrjjwright)
      one more out-of-date-doc tweak
      Issue #44 -- Model#set, empty string vs null.
      Merge branch 'model-clear' of http://github.com/chrislloyd/backbone
      Merging in Chris Lloyd's Model#clear. Making validations run, if defined, on Model#clear and Model#unset
      Merge branch 'master' of http://github.com/mrjjwright/backbone
      Merging Issue #46. Use full JSON requests, falling back to encoded forms with emulateHttp.
      merging in willmoffat's patch
      don't send any data up, if you're not sending any data up ... fixes destroy.
      merging dxgriffiths' annotations to 'inherits'.
      Allowing a collection to be passed into a model via the options.
      fixing more model.collection in initialize.
      Make protoProps optional, when inheriting.
      processData should be true if emulateHttp is true
      fixing comments typo.
      Adding version number + header to backbone-min.js
      that's .js
      first draft of Backbone.Controller and Backbone.History
      first draft of splatted params.
      commentng out Backbone.Controller
      commenting Backbone.History
      Adding tests for Backbone.Controller
      all tests pass in IE7
      making the iframe tabindex -1
      Adding the IE8-in-IE7-mode hack.
      lowering the default hashchange time to 50.
      passing silent: true now suppresses validations. Issue #52
      separating out emulateHTTP from emulateJSON, with tests.
      Making the fragment a little more consistent and pushState-ready. No octothorpe.
      removing extraneous hasState flag.
      slight refactor to old-IE detection.
      light refactor for History#getFragment
      first draft of Controller/History documentation.
      save -> saveLocation
      Backbone 0.3.0
      tweaking annotated source.
      removing erroneous mention of History#setLocation
      one more bound routes example for the road...
      Adding View#remove.
      send 'add' and 'remove' events through the model.
      more mentions of history.start()
      removing a cautionary note that has been obsoleted by recent changes to jQuery.
      adding commas to the docs
      Backbone 0.3.1
      Issue #77, don't call toJSON unless you need to.
      Rails include_root_in_json tips.
      Adding empty initialize() function for all Backbone classes, to make calling super() a easier to get right.
      Using a save join() for the default implementation of Model#url
      Fixing id=0
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      that should be docMode <= 7
      docMode does not exist in IE < 8
      Issue #80. Adding default attributes to Backbone.Model
      Allowing 'sync' to be overriden on a per-model per-collection basis.
      about:blank for the IE hashchange iframe support, for IE 6.
      Revert "about:blank for the IE hashchange iframe support, for IE 6."
      Adding DC Workspace and Backbone Mobile examples.
      Backbone.js 0.3.2
      merging in zmack's enhanced Rakefile
      first draft of Model#escape
      first draft of REST-failure 'error' events.
      Passing through the options argument to 'change' events.
      All Backbone events now pass through their options as the ffinal argument.
      Upgrading test suite to latest Underscore.
      Merge branch 'zepto' of https://github.com/sstephenson/backbone
      Updating test-zepto.html to latest Underscore
      Backbone.js 0.3.3
      Fixing Issue #109 -- ignore 'add' and 'remove' events that originate from models shared with other collections.
      adding a bit more of a test for changedattributes.
      Events#trigger ... making it safe to unbind your own event within a trigger() call.
      A silent change to a model will now make hasChanged() return true ... Issue #105
      Adding an FAQ section to the backbone docs.
      adding an FAQ section.
      Adding FAQ section for bootstrapping
      Adding FAQ section for bootstrapping
      Merge branch 'Model-is' of https://github.com/mtodd/backbone
      Adding Model#has to Backbone...
      Adding Collection#fetch with add: true
      Fixing un-released models from refresh'd collections. Issue #128
      Make Backbone View's delegateEvents only ever unbind the events that it adds itself.
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/mkelly12/backbone
      merge mkelley's urlBase, renamed to urlRoot.
      documenting urlRoot ... making collection.url take precedence over urlRoot, if defined.
      Issue #132 ... initial _changed after new with attributes.
      Issue #134. json2.js source link.
      Merge branch 'multiple-views-per-element' of https://github.com/sstephenson/backbone
      Merging Issue #135. Multiple views per DOM element.
      Issue #78. Changes the Backbone.sync API to enable passing through of options ... like {data} in fetch()
      Expanding View#el documentation.
      Merging Issue #149. View#el can be a string.
      Merge branch 'closure-scope' of https://github.com/sstephenson/backbone
      Merge branch 'zepto' of https://github.com/sstephenson/backbone
      Making the collection-proxies-model-events a bit more clear
      Issue #143, properly escaping regex characters in literal routes.
      adding options to the onError direct callback.
      adding a bit more explanation to Model#save onError
      Revising controller test as per dvv's suggestion.
      Allowing Model#defaults to be a function as well as a hash.
      prefer single quotes.
      Taking some of dvv's suggestions.
      Updating Model-save documentation.
      Updating to latest QUnit, fixing Issue #153 ... overly aggressive urlError.
      Issue #154. Make options.data possible for creates and updates with the default sync.
      removing broken History-saveLocation link.
      Adding QuietWrite.com as a Backbone example.
      Model::escape() now coerces non-string (non-falsy) values to strings before escaping them.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Pushing the QuietWrite.com example.
      Adding Tzigla to the examples.
      merging in tzigla example.
      merging in fixes for models in multiple collections ...
      Adding CloudEdit as an example.
      Merge branch 'gh-pages'
      Merging issue #216 (+ others) validation on Collection#create.
      Adding an index.js for npm, Issue #207
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/jed/backbone
      Throw an error if Backbone.history.start is called twice.
      No periods on errors.
      Merge branch 'unset_id' of https://github.com/reverie/backbone
      Merging in #167, unsetting 'id'
      Changing route order behavior. Issue #189. Declarative route maps are the same, procedural route() calls can now override previously-defined routes.
      Upgrading Backbone.js (test) dependencies to latest jQuery, Zepto, and Underscore.
      Fixing test-zepto.html HTML.
      Initial support for models with non-default id attribute names (MongoDB, CouchDB). Various tickets.
      Issue #209 ... unsetting a missing attribute should not fire a change event.
      fixing lingering idAttribute spot -- thanks, jdknezek
      Merging in a test for Issue #204
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/hippich/backbone
      merging #179 + refactor, view 'attributes' for this.el
      .get -> .escape in the docs
      linking to the documentcloud workspace
      adding basecamp mobile, instagreat, and tilemill
      Issue #223 ... fixing json2.js link.
      Issue #224 ... underlining links, updating docs.
      Adding mql's Substance.io
      merged gh-pages in.
      Adding Mobile SoundCloud as an example.
      Upgrading Backbone.js tests to Underscore 1.1.5
      Issue #278. Allow 'extend' to be overrideable+inheritable.
      Upgrade tests to Zepto 0.5
      Merge branch 'fix-comment' of https://github.com/jimmydo/backbone
      Upgrading to Underscore 1.1.6 for test deps.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/dvv/backbone
      merging in Ender.js support
      Merge branch 'fix_custom_events_on_models_inside_collections' of https://github.com/autohaus24/backbone
      removing backbone-min from master ... it'll only live on the gh-pages branch now.
      clarifying that jQuery or Zepto is required for History support (for the moment)
      Issue #309, more sophisticated event handling, for unbinding events in the midst of them firing.
      Issue #289. Enable the use of jQuery.Deferred by returning Deferred objects from save() and fetch() calls.
      clarifying wording
      Adding CloudApp to the list of examples.
      resolving merge
      Adding the bittorrent example app.
      Merge branch 'gh-pages'
      expanding the FAQ for MVC with a direct Rails comparison.
      Merge branch 'gh-pages'
      Merge pull request #267 from jasondavies/master.
      fixing tests for IE / Webkit ... regex, not string match.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Issue #228 ... IE7 hash should look correct after initial load.
      Issue #366, support for namespaced events.
      initial draft of a 0.5.0 branch
      fix the zepto test suite.
      remove an extraneous this.options
      Adding Backbone.Router.setLocation, alongside saveLocation, to both save and route at once.
      Backbone.Router formatting, tweaks.
      fixing IE support for 0.5.0
      normalizing for the Safari window.location bug.
      Controller -> Router in the docs, and adding docco for setLocation().
      mention that Backbone require's jQuery > 1.4.2, if using jQuery. Issue #367.
      Issue #365. delete options.comparator.
      documenting that fetch options can also be jquery options.
      Issue #359 -- removing duplicate model.escape documentation.
      fixing refresh -> reset documentation.
      add a warning about pass by reference. Issue #356
      document collection.reset() with no args.
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/reconbot/backbone into 0.5.0
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/corbanbrook/backbone into 0.5.0
      Merge branch 'patch-1' of https://github.com/damienholzapfel/backbone into 0.5.0
      merging in #336.
      Issue #250 -- duplicated QUnit.
      Issue #246 -- never fire nested change events for the same model. The top-level one will do.
      better document that hasChanged, previous, etc are only valid during a change event. Issue #240
      partial issue #239, always pass options to error callbacks / events.
      Merging in #232. Allow destroy() to be called on non-persisted objects ... just in case.
      Adding the Unofficial google group to the documentation.
      ouch, leaking global attrs. (shakes fist)
      adding headers for all Backbone.js example apps
      Adding Chop as a Backbone example.
      Adding Chop, Fluxiom, And Menagerie Vet
      merged in gh-pages
      adding quoteroller
      Merge branch 'gh-pages'
      Adding Decide.com as an example.
      Merge branch 'gh-pages'
      Merge pull request #438 from gravof/master
      fixing comment.
      Merge pull request #435 from threepointone/patch-1
      Merge pull request #430 from reconbot/master
      removing complex router text (unfixable)
      #426, better error message when events are missing.
      Issue #417. Word choice for the literal minded.
      Merge pull request #414 from niallsmart/master
      Merge pull request #395 from lorensr/master
      restoring some examples.
      slightly saner validation on initialize.
      almost to 0.5.0...
      link to association extensions.
      replacing setLocation and saveLocation with navigate, after Spine's API.
      tweaking transparent URL upgrades.
      updating generated docco for pushState upgrading.
      docs tweaks.
      Better hash-to-pushState upgrades, via replaceState.
      issue #451 + test.
      expanded docs for pushState
      Fixes #453, typo.
      Fixes #454, docs for backbone.sync
      fixes #459, inconsistency with constructor/initialize.
      Addinga a test case for #459
      Issue #460 -- removing the optional bang from hashStrip ... too many inconsistencies.
      Merge pull request #448 from braddunbar/contains
      Merge pull request #457 from asan/master
      resolving merge conflict, removing old test.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Backbone.js 0.5.1
      multiple models with the same ID should be allowed in a collection.
      Merge pull request #470 from wuzhe/upstream-master
      Merge pull request #481 from shesek/master
      Merge pull request #469 from afeld/patch-1
      Adding Trajectory as an example app
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Merge pull request #495 from tbranyen/isNew
      Merge pull request #497 from rsim/return_immediately_after_redirect_to_hash_route
      Adding Trapit as an example app.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Adding SeatGeek as an example
      Merge pull request #503 from cdmwebs/master
      Merge pull request #500 from keithcirkel/master
      Backbone.js 0.5.2
      Merge pull request #507 from shesek/patch-4
      Adding Pandora and Blossom as backbone examples.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Adding Hotel Tonight as a Backbone example.
      Merge pull request #509 from devinhunt/master
      Adding a Tim Toady section to the FAQ
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      some Markdown snuck in.
      merging the jcoglan's patch
      Merge pull request #512 from neerajdotname/master
      copyedits: typos and word choice
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Adding Americas Test Kitchen + Talking Points Memo's Baroque as example apps
      copy edits on the previous commit
      Adding Groupon Now as a backbone example app.
      Fixes #531, reverts 39b36af
      fixes #244 -- allow View#events to be defined as a function, making it easier to call super.
      Merge pull request #537 from asan/master
      Merge pull request #541 from tbranyen/silent-start
      patching a pernicious pushstate problem.
      Backbone.js 0.5.3
      updating the intro graf for the Router.
      Adding LinkedIn Mobile as an example app.
      Adding Shortmail.com as an example app
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Tiny tweaks to the todo app demo.
      Merge pull request #572 from fat/ender
      Adding Opzi/Blackcomb as an example app.
      Adding Salon.io as an example app.
      Adding rround.me as an example app
      Merge pull request #597 from keithcirkel/patch-1
      Adding Trello as an example app.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Adding Kicksend as an example app.
      Issue #613 .. only call history.start() on domready.
      Merge pull request #599 from walmartlabs/root-handling
      Merge pull request #617 from rgieseke/patch-1
      Merge pull request #620 from leshill/clear_events
      Adding battlefield as an example app.
      forcing a git commit
      upgrading to the latest version of Underscore.
      Fixes #689, documenting the need to resort collections with comparators.
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/iros/backbone
      Fixes #552 #693, allowing unset to work with changedAttributes()
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/alexgraul/backbone
      Needs testing, but fixes #686, fixes #592, and probably others -- allow you to override any $.ajax options.
      Merge branch 'router_no_callback' of https://github.com/derickbailey/backbone
      Merge pull request #705 from oldAdam/master
      Fixes #659
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Merge branch 'events' of https://github.com/braddunbar/backbone
      fixing broken comparison.
      relying on _.escape, and fixing a lint problem.
      Adding AudioVroom as an example app.
      Merge pull request #717 from JustinDrake/patch-1
      Merge pull request #722 from jasonm/jm-format-function-defs
      Revert "fixing whitespace consistency for #718"
      Merge pull request #736 from braddunbar/nested-set
      Adding Do.com as an example app.
      removing the ol' upgrading section from the docs.
      merging in the new backbone.js logo
      adding foursquare as an example app, plus new logo
      Adding Grove.io as an example app
      Adding Slavery Footprint as a Backbone.js example app
      tweaking link
      Merge pull request #755 from alonsogarciapablo/master
      Update index.html
      Upgrading our Underscore.js test dep to 1.2.2
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      updating copyright dates
      hardlining the sidebar line for Lion.
      Merge branch 'replaceState' of https://github.com/lmp/backbone
      merging in #750 -- support for replaceSTate
      Fixes #674 -- pass options through to validate()
      Merge branch 'set-unset-clear' of https://github.com/braddunbar/backbone
      merging in #739 -- a massive simplification.
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TMaYaD/backbone
      merging in #758 -- although the API leaves something to be desired.
      Merge pull request #759 from lmp/master
      Merge pull request #761 from d2s/master
      Merge pull request #769 from lmp/master
      Merge pull request #773 from judofyr/model-parse
      Merge pull request #772 from rgieseke/master
      merging in ducksboard.
      Fixes #734
      Fixes #732
      Fixes #792
      fixing commit note bug.
      unifying property-or-function logic.
      Fixes #788
      Adding Posterous Spaces as an example app
      Merge pull request #804 from davidmurdoch/patch-1
      Merge pull request #805 from fabiomcosta/patch-1
      Merge pull request #809 from islandr/master
      Fixes #818
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      streamlining idAttribute documentation.
      Adding Picplum as an example app
      Merge pull request #842 from braddunbar/hasChanged-comparison
      being a bit stricter about comment wrapping at 80 chars.
      Fixes #9, Backbone comparators can now be either sort() or sortBy() iterators.
      Fixes #81 -- optimize for addition of large arrays of models, not for individual inserts.
      Adding Diaspora as an example app.
      Merge pull request #852 from braddunbar/no-bindall
      Documentation request in #599
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Merge pull request #851 from mickeyreiss/master
      adding a test to ensure that routes aren't triggered multiple times. #849
      merging in #846
      nice refactor. removed _add and _remove and moved 'em in to the public API.
      clarifying paragraph for #843
      Fixes #839
      fixes #838 -- allow View#attributes to be defined as a function, as well as a value.
      Fixes #836, Fixes #708 -- going back to previous stance: two models with the same id can't be added to the same collection.
      Merge pull request #854 from braddunbar/inline-add-remove
      binding the comparator function before using it, so that you can rely on properties of your collection within it.
      Fixes #841, adding upgrading jquery, classname --> class in the docs.
      Fixes #826 -- expose Backbone.wrapError.
      Fixes #823, mention 'attributes'
      Fixes #822, change comment to avoid 'confusing' reference to super
      Merge pull request #815 from zowens/master
      removing overzealous events setting API.
      fixes #814 -- load initial models after Collection#initialize, not before.
      Fixes #811 -- allow you to pass a context when unbinding events as well.
      Fixes #803, allows you to opt-out of hashchange, while opting-in to push state, using full-page refreshes for old browsers.
      Fixes #786 (and others) -- leading slashes should never be defined as routes, or passed to navigate ... so strip 'em out proactively.
      Fixes #783 -- adds a 'sync' event, fired whenever a successful call has been made to update the server.
      Merge pull request #723 from braddunbar/bind-during-trigger
      lint/style tweaks to prev commit.
      Fixes #720, document 'constructor'
      adding a favicon
      Fixes #714, assign model.collection early, so that those overriding set() can use it from the get-go.
      Fixes #702: adds 'initial' and 'shuffle' to Backbone collections.
      Fixes #419 -- add a global 'route' event, on Bacckbone.history.
      fixes #651 -- always clone options.
      Fixes #641 -- on and off are now the preferred names for bind and unbind, following jQuery.
      Fixes #640 -- adds the ability to bind/unbind/trigger (on/off/trigger) multiple, space separated events, after jQuery.
      allow the passing of any number of arguments to Model#initialize
      Fixes #634, documentation of emulateHTTP
      Fixes #629, documents how easy it is to make event dispatching objects.
      Fixes #593 -- pass complete options to model constructor on create()
      Fixes #582, fixes #425, run a second loop to trigger change:attribute events after all changes have been made.
      Adding options.index to Collection#add and #remove.
      Merge pull request #857 from braddunbar/events-documentation
      Merge pull request #858 from braddunbar/trigger-multiple
      Merge pull request #859 from ekratskih/master
      reverting previous change (#859)
      Fixes #574, clone 'models' before removing, so as to allow collection.remove(collection.models)
      Fixes #861, better error message for adding invalid models to a collection.
      expanding the section in the FAQ explaining why Backbone doesn't model associations / nested documents for you.
      removing erroneous console.log
      Fixes #570, supports Model#save(key, value)
      Fixes #567 ... Adds a view. for the jQuery cached reference to a view's element ... and this.setElement() as a way to easily change it, redelegating events.
      Merge pull request #862 from braddunbar/implicit-callback
      removing redundant attributes check.
      DRY-ing up setElement() a bit.
      Fixes #563. Initial draft of 'wait: true' for pessimistic instead of optimistic save() create() and destroy(). Makes it easier to have your asynchronous UI and eat it too.
      Merge pull request #863 from braddunbar/route-docs
      Fixes #555 -- don't return the parent constructor's value.
      Merge pull request #865 from braddunbar/add-remove-docs
      Merge pull request #867 from braddunbar/equal
      Merge pull request #866 from braddunbar/add-tweaks
      Merge pull request #879 from braddunbar/set
      Merge pull request #881 from braddunbar/ctor-args
      making method colon style consistent -- no space before the colon.
      resolved merge
      changing README to Markdown to make the new GitHub CSS happy.
      trying new ASCII
      linking to backbonejs.org directly
      Merge pull request #872 from vovik/master
      Fixes #538 -- adds Backbone.history.stop() for unit testers.
      Fixes #490 -- named, but not splatted params, must match at least one character.
      Fixes #886, pass through options.parse when creating a new collection.
      moving the methodMap inside of the Backbone.sync section.
      Merge pull request #887 from nhajratw/master
      Overhauling 'validate' -- Receives the computed new state of the attrs, not just the delta. Now runs on model create, raising an exception if you try to 'new' and invalid model ... also runs even if changed silently.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Fixes #117 -- adds a section to the FAQ about Rails' preference to namespace/wrap JSON.
      fixing accidental global 'l' in loop.
      adding pretty download link/buttons
      bumping up the size of the section headers...
      re-wording the intro 'graf, adding links.
      spacing out the headers a bit more
      Merge pull request #893 from braddunbar/change
      Merge pull request #897 from dcneiner/jquery-zepto-context
      tweaking font-sizes / spacing a bit.
      fixes #64 -- mention that POST and PUT are complete in docs.
      Merge pull request #898 from ckorhonen/master
      adding Animoto.com as an example app.
      trying to fix animoto.png
      Adding Stripe and Code School as example apps.
      Fixes #892 ... make .route() chainable.
      adding a section to the Backbone FAQ on extending...
      missed an API regression in model.changedAttributes(), reimplementing in the same way as the original.
      Merge pull request #901 from braddunbar/add-duplicate
      Backbone.js 0.9.0
      Adding a note about the need to upgrade Underscore.js
      Merge pull request #903 from tomasztunik/master
      added a few missing things to the change log
      Merge pull request #911 from braddunbar/validate
      Merge pull request #909 from josscrowcroft/master
      Merge pull request #925 from braddunbar/falsey-haschanged
      Merge pull request #932 from braddunbar/save-wait
      adding a link to the wiki of examples
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Merge pull request #936 from braddunbar/nested-change
      Fixes #935. ensuring that sync is triggered on the collection after the model is removed.
      Revert "Fixes #935. ensuring that sync is triggered on the collection after the model is removed."
      Fixes #933, Fixes #908
      Merge pull request #920 from braddunbar/$
      Fixes #917 -- reverts validate() behavior to never run on silent sets.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      #917, adding an Model#isValid() function.
      Merge pull request #906 from tomasztunik/master
      options.silent respected in _prepareModel ... prepping for a 0.9.1
      DRY-ing up _validate
      merging in setDomLibrary
      comments for setDomLibrary
      Backbone.js 0.9.1
      fixing changelog typo
      editing the intro
      removing obsolete error case.
      Adding Wunderkit as an example app.
      fixing typo in Wunderkit description
      Merge pull request #940 from braddunbar/test-refactor
      Adding the Khan Academy as an example app.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Merge pull request #942 from braddunbar/wraperror
      Merge pull request #941 from braddunbar/test-933-908
      Merge pull request #947 from braddunbar/upgrade-notes
      removing old trajectory link.
      more documentation on upgrading and change events.
      Merge pull request #965 from braddunbar/collection-get
      Adding Collection#push, pop, shift, and unshift to the API, returning references to the model. Fixing a too-unescaped regex.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      moving picklive up, removing bittorrent from the examples...
      Merge pull request #994 from OttoAllmendinger/master
      Much asked-for change. Instead of throwing an early error when adding duplicate models, Backbone will simply skip them instead.
      resolving merge with master.
      Merge pull request #1006 from bmaland/docs
      Merge pull request #1008 from braddunbar/missing-callback
      Merge pull request #1010 from braddunbar/history-start
      Merge pull request #1011 from wookiehangover/issue996
      Merge pull request #1014 from OttoAllmendinger/master
      Merge pull request #982 from braddunbar/change
      Merge pull request #1023 from braddunbar/events
      Merge pull request #1024 from braddunbar/locals
      Merge pull request #1040 from braddunbar/$-docs
      Merge pull request #1052 from Sid3Show/master
      fixing or= JS style for sync options.
      Merge pull request #1048 from marat-dreizin/master
      merging in hash fixer for FF
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      removing a test that is invalid in IE.
      adding additional router test
      merging async test.
      Fixes #1053 -- updating comment to reflect changed style of validate()
      Merge pull request #1041 from braddunbar/undelegate
      adding attictv and codiqa as example apps
      adding chaincal as an example app
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Merge pull request #1079 from paulmillr/add-links-to-software
      Merge pull request #1093 from afeld/test-cleanup2
      Merge pull request #1084 from dira/patch-3
      fixes #1073 -- document that sync can be overridden at the collection or model level.
      Merge pull request #1070 from dira/patch-1
      fixes #1067, urlRoot vs collection.url() order
      Merge pull request #1097 from lxb/optimization-1
      Fixes #1098
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Merge pull request #1071 from dira/patch-2
      editing airbnb mobile
      Merge pull request #1119 from braddunbar/collection-model
      Merge pull request #1114 from braddunbar/save-wait-validate
      Merge pull request #1110 from braddunbar/off
      Fixes #991. Add Collection#where for simple filters
      Merge pull request #1021 from ahamid/reset_passes_options
      Merge pull request #1111 from braddunbar/sync-docs
      model.destroy() returns false if the model.isNew()
      fixes #1030 -- save with wait:true with a synchronous Backbone.sync
      fixes #1092 -- use model.get( internally instead of raw access, for easier extension / overriding.
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/addyosmani/backbone
      tweaking addy's todo changes.
      more comments, more better
      more comments, more spacing, more better
      Backbone.js 0.9.2
      adding EDITD as an example app
      adding a missing typoed comment.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      touch scrolling the sidebar for ios
      Merge pull request #1141 from colevscode/master
      Merge pull request #1144 from bebanjo/fix_add_with_at
      Merge pull request #1152 from braddunbar/implicit-tojson
      Merge pull request #1172 from wrapp/master
      Optimizing #1172
      Merge pull request #1163 from aterris/model-collection-docs
      reworking docs for model.collection
      Merge pull request #1156 from VIISON/master
      Fixes #1155 -- remove erroneous documentation about create() returning an XHR
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      removing reg exp test.
      Merge pull request #1181 from braddunbar/isvalid
      Merge pull request #1199 from mostly-magic/master
      Merge pull request #1185 from aterris/fragment
      adding art.sy as an example app
      Merge pull request #1200 from ymichael/master
      Merge pull request #1203 from paulmillr/patch-1
      Merge pull request #1187 from Benjen/master
      tweaking wording
      Fixes #1151
      Fixes #1134 -- better document that model attributes are 'plain' data, not often arbitrary JS objects.
      Merge pull request #1206 from aterris/frag
      simple refactor for #1206
      Merge pull request #1213 from braddunbar/backbone-ajax
      Adding Rdio as an example app.
      reverting master backbone-min.js to 0.9.2
      adding pitchfork as an example app.
      pitchfork ain't https
      Merge pull request #1234 from braddunbar/tagname
      Fixes #1225 -- old documentation for urlRoot vs collection.url()
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      adding KANO/GAMES as an example app
      Merge pull request #1239 from philfreo/master
      Merge pull request #1220 from folded/master
      tweaking duplicate model merge:true
      adding tests for merge:true
      Fixes #1223 -- new attributes left behind after a failed wait:true
      adding a test for the previous commit -- failed save with wait:true
      Merge pull request #1260 from zamiang/push_state_unsupported
      Merge pull request #1258 from syntacticx/master
      shifting the Walmart mobile down a teense.
      Merge pull request #1257 from benatkin/patch-1
      Merge pull request #1264 from gsamokovarov/patch-1
      updating linkedin example app
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Merge pull request #1274 from braddunbar/null-id
      Merge pull request #1275 from braddunbar/qunit-1.5.0
      Merge pull request #1283 from braddunbar/retrieve-all
      Merge pull request #1285 from braddunbar/ajax
      Merge pull request #1295 from braddunbar/refactor-preparemodel
      adding a rel=canonical
      Merge pull request #1293 from wookiehangover/issue1292
      adding scrollkit as an example site
      Merge pull request #1307 from wookiehangover/issue1306
      changing links to underscorejs.org
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Merge pull request #1317 from lennym/master
      Fixing Backbone.ajax implementation.
      Changed mind. More breathing room.
      smart @braddunbar simplification.
      Merge pull request #1322 from braddunbar/backbone-$
      Merge pull request #1323 from hswolff/mobile-site
      Merge pull request #1341 from caseywebdev/master
      Fixes #1343, adding Collection#slice
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Merge pull request #1372 from braddunbar/fragment
      Revert "Fix #1366 - Do not prepend root to history.fragment."
      Merge pull request #1398 from braddunbar/ie-test
      Merge pull request #1400 from braddunbar/mock-location
      Merge pull request #1404 from braddunbar/history-tests
      adding Inkling as an (amazing) example app.
      Merge pull request #1408 from davidmarble/master
      Merge pull request #1411 from philfreo/master
      adding Easel.io as an example site.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Merge pull request #1414 from braddunbar/root-trailing-slash
      Fixing Routing.
      updating tests
      adding spin as an example site.
      Merge pull request #1432 from brettgoulder/master
      Adding Disqus as an example app.
      Merge pull request #1440 from braddunbar/save-invalid
      adding Prose as a Backbone example.
      updating airbnb example
      Merge pull request #1486 from mitya777/remove-extend
      Merge pull request #1492 from gsamokovarov/patch-3
      Merge pull request #1493 from braddunbar/consistency
      Merge pull request #1498 from braddunbar/clarify-off
      Merge pull request #1503 from nb/example-wpcom
      tweaking wordpress example
      Merge pull request #1512 from braddunbar/trigger-args-loop
      Merge pull request #1518 from nullobject/master
      Merge pull request #1519 from spicyj/ka
      Merge pull request #1520 from gsamokovarov/getvalue-id-classname
      Merge pull request #1461 from braddunbar/view-dispose
      Fixes #1554, removes FUD about _.template
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Merge pull request #1560 from braddunbar/aliases
      Merge pull request #1557 from iros/collection.parse
      Merge pull request #1571 from aeosynth/master
      Merge pull request #1585 from braddunbar/default-history
      teense of clarification about urlRoot being a rare override
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Merge pull request #1599 from braddunbar/sync
      Merge pull request #1607 from braddunbar/result
      Merge pull request #1610 from braddunbar/test-index
      Merge pull request #1611 from braddunbar/collection-proxy
      Merge pull request #1605 from braddunbar/relative-url
      Merge pull request #1623 from braddunbar/transition-to-hashchange
      Merge pull request #1626 from braddunbar/test-prefix
      Merge pull request #1628 from braddunbar/frag
      Merge pull request #1637 from braddunbar/travis
      Adding an Edge Version link
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      tweaking edge link
      Merge pull request #1644 from braddunbar/default-options
      Merge pull request #1650 from braddunbar/#
      Merge pull request #1656 from braddunbar/sortby-groupby
      adding CONTRIBUTING to backbone
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Merge pull request #1658 from braddunbar/history-window
      Merge pull request #1674 from braddunbar/url-root
      Merge pull request #1667 from braddunbar/add
      Merge pull request #1612 from joshvermaire/chain_navigation
      fixing z-index
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Fixes #1589 -- make the Backbonejs.org docs go responsive.
      Merge pull request #1692 from braddunbar/extend
      fixing unescaped regex
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      merge conflict resolved
      Merge pull request #1693 from braddunbar/el-function
      Merge pull request #1696 from braddunbar/pushstate-transition
      revising Inkling description, as requested
      Adding Hulu.com as an example
      Merge pull request #1509 from ianstormtaylor/optional-params
      Fixes #1701 -- improves documentation for model.off()
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Fixes #1697 -- media query for firefox for embedding inside firebug for documentation.
      Merge branch 'change-bug' of https://github.com/tgriesser/backbone
      period in comment
      Merge pull request #1714 from RStankov/view-dispose-can-work-with-normal-objects
      Updated Basecamp Mobile example to Basecamp Calendar
      adding bitbucket as an example app
      Merge pull request #1739 from braddunbar/bind-routes
      Merge pull request #1730 from braddunbar/get-docs
      Merge pull request #1736 from wookiehangover/issue1735
      Merge pull request #1741 from braddunbar/history-extend
      Adding USA Today as an example app.
      Merge pull request #1757 from braddunbar/beforesend
      Merge pull request #1762 from gsamokovarov/simplify-configure
      Merge pull request #1769 from braddunbar/parse-test
      Adding Gilt Groupe as an example app.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Merge pull request #1773 from braddunbar/bind-routes
      Adding IRCCloud as an example app
      Merge pull request #1784 from caseywebdev/package-json-keywords
      Merge pull request #1786 from gsamokovarov/bump-underscore-in-package-json
      Merge pull request #1795 from braddunbar/trailing-space
      Merge pull request #1371 from braddunbar/emulate-options
      Adding Syllabus as an example app
      Fixes #1825 -- document that multiple adds of the same model is a no-op.
      Perhaps the most frequently asked question ... Why Backbone, not X?
      tiny edits
      Adding newsblur as an example app
      capitalization typo
      Merge pull request #1803 from braddunbar/hashchange-false
      rewording hashChange: false docs
      Fixes #1832 -- stretched images on retina mobile
      Merge pull request #1826 from tgriesser/events-options
      Fixes #1806, model.save(null, {wait: true}) with validation
      fixes previous commit
      Fixes #1750 -- better document View#options
      Asserting that cloning a model and passing it in as attributes doesn't share object identity.
      Merge pull request #1836 from Ore4444/patch-1
      Merge pull request #1838 from asgeo1/add_options_for_tojson
      Fixes #1849 -- adding a .npmignore
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Merge pull request #1846 from akre54/extendable-options
      tiny tweak
      Revert "tiny tweak"
      Fixes #1843 -- reworks parsing behavior. It now always applies if you define it, and no longer passes xhr. (parsing should be a pure function of the data)
      Merge pull request #1835 from braddunbar/travis
      Revert "Fixes #1843 -- reworks parsing behavior. It now always applies if you define it, and no longer passes xhr. (parsing should be a pure function of the data)"
      fixing the parse inconsistency in the original mmanner.
      disabling travis email notifications
      emphasizing the nature of silent
      Merge pull request #1717 from davidgtonge/master
      initial merge of tgriesser's change cleanup
      Merge pull request #1852 from braddunbar/noglobals
      Adding Jolicloud as an example app
      remove the Ender test suite. We never update it -- and I can't remember ever hearing about anyone actually using Ender w/ Backbone.
      our noglobals flag to QUnit breaks the test suite in Safari (for whatever reason) ... removing it.
      Fixes #1871 -- move the Catalog of Events to the top of the docs.
      Fixes #1870 -- allow empty bodies for difficult endpoints.
      Fixes #1456. Enhances Backbone.Events to support jQuery-style event maps, in 'on' and 'off'.
      Fixes #1477 -- Changing Backbone's internal logic so that validation always happens, even when silent: true. Defining a validate should never allow state to become invalid, even during a silent change.
      Merge branch 'encoded-fragments' of https://github.com/braddunbar/backbone
      Fixes #1340 -- reset events include previous list of models, for added convenience.
      Fixes #1876 -- add travis badge to backbonejs.org
      Fixes #697 -- Add 'once' to backbone events, supporting event maps, off, and all that jazz
      removing accidental globals -- need to get lint hooked up.
      Passing a configured version of jshint
      Merge pull request #1886 from gsamokovarov/patch-4
      Merge pull request #1889 from caseywebdev/global-events
      Rewriting comment.
      Merge pull request #1881 from gsamokovarov/refactor-events-test
      Fixes #1468 -- add a 'request' event that allows folks to watch for spinners etc. Passes the XHR on which you can .then, .error, and so on.
      Merge branch 'collection-update' of https://github.com/caseywebdev/backbone
      Merging in Collection#update -- revised implementation, some tweaks: models are retained by default, there's no new 'update' event.
      Fixes #618 -- support for a simple version of PATCH
      Change Collection#sort's event from 'reset' to 'sort', so you can optimize further if you wish.
      Merge pull request #1896 from braddunbar/push-sort
      Defaulting remove:true for Collection#update
      Merge pull request #1899 from caseywebdev/array-literal
      Fixes #1363, fixes #1461, removes View#dispose, adds Events#listenTo and Events#stopListening, and implements View#remove in terms of those.
      Make event maps a bit more lenient about context, for internal convenience.
      don't blow up if you try to stopListening() an object, but have never listened in the first place
      revised update implementation with inline id/cid map instead of using an inline Collection for speed. Plus tests.
      Merge pull request #1890 from braddunbar/once
      DRY-ing up event map support
      simplifying trigger condition
      spacing for off condition
      renaming once'd event callback for clarity -- new failing test.
      back to previous 'once' implementation ... tbd
      merged in casey's events optimizations ... tweaking to follow
      working version, WIP
      (hopefully) simplifying and optimizing 'trigger' further
      add one more switch case to triggerEvents, because most built-in backbone events are called with 3 arguments.
      renaming 'cb' to 'callback' for clarity, and refactoring Events#off
      expanding comments
      removing escapedAttributes caching for simplicity's sake
      you shouldn't be able to set(model), instead set(model.attributes)
      moving unset loop from set into unset itself
      renaming 'set' internals, for clarity
      removing escape handling of undefined in favor of an upgraded Underscore.js
      adding a test to ensure that changes are triggered in the appropriate order.
      unset does *not* need to fire a change for undefined attributes
      optimize computeChanges() by removing a splice, and fix a bug with multiple falsy values being set for an attribute
      various simplifications to _computeChanges
      Removing pedantic definition of internal private variables
      rename _currentState to _currentAttributes
      Merge pull request #1905 from caseywebdev/update
      Merge pull request #1907 from tgriesser/patch-bug
      removing false optimization, inlining triggerEvents. Thanks @caseywebdev
      Revert "removing false optimization, inlining triggerEvents. Thanks @caseywebdev"
      Merge pull request #1911 from gsamokovarov/bump-to-underscore-14
      Fixes #1913 -- updates Backbone defaults semantics to use _.defaults.
      Fixes #1912 -- Collection#fetch only parses once.
      Merge pull request #1917 from elasticsales/master
      Fix earlier commit -- got my defaults ordering backwards.
      inlining defaults
      Merge pull request #1916 from caseywebdev/events
      Merge pull request #1920 from caseywebdev/master
      Backbone 0.9.9
      trying to reset against master
      removing old isValid tests
      adding a 'listenTo' example to the main View docco.
      tweaking test case for IE7
      router test tweak to placate oldIEs
      router test tweak to placate oldIEs
      Merge pull request #1921 from mindscratch/master
      Fix #1922 -- document removal of getByCid
      Fixes #1924 -- properly document fetch-with-update
      Merge pull request #1936 from tgriesser/validation-line
      Fixes #1928 -- document the new 'request' event.
      Merge branch 'gh-pages' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone into gh-pages
      Fixes #1937 -- fixes source annotations
      Merge pull request #1933 from yuku-t/update-todos
      re-docc'ing todo example with listenTo.
      Fixes #1931 -- document Backbone mixing in Events
      Fixes #1929 -- clarify the change to 'parse' behavior
      Merge pull request #1926 from nervetattoo/patch-1
      tweak setDomLibrary changelog
      Merge pull request #1945 from akre54/docs-route-event
      tweaking catalog of events
      Merge pull request #1944 from tgriesser/isEqualChange
      Merge pull request #1941 from gsamokovarov/update-bullet-typo
      Merge pull request #1940 from gsamokovarov/document-id-classname
      Merge pull request #1951 from caseywebdev/parse
      Merge pull request #1947 from cdavaz/master
      Merge pull request #1956 from wyuenho/master
      Merge pull request #1957 from tgriesser/validateDocs
      Merge pull request #1955 from johtso/get-by-idattr
      Merge pull request #1954 from derickbailey/listenTo_stopListening_context
      Simplify internal id/cid split. Add back in update-with-nonstandard-id test.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Merge pull request #1969 from caseywebdev/master
      Merge pull request #1965 from tgriesser/final-change
      Merge pull request #1962 from caseywebdev/sort
      merging big validate semantics change. Hopefully for the very last time.
      Merge pull request #1971 from wookiehangover/issue1966
      Tweaked wrapError changelog mention.
      Merge pull request #1975 from philfreo/master
      better to link to the method than try to re-describe it
      Fixes #1977 -- add a test to ensure that default values work with merge (they do).
      Fixes #1938 -- Splits up 'error' into two events: 'error' (for XHR) and 'invalid' (for client side validation) errors.
      #1938 continued. Removing the options.error callback for client-side validation, adding model.validationError for convenient reference.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      first draft of 'simple'
      ... progress ...
      removing a bit of 'silent'
      ... progress ...
      right up to the edge ... nested sets are the next challenge
      Merge pull request #1991 from gsamokovarov/model-change-test
      ... progress ...
      finished with the simple case for models ... hurrah
      remove lingering silents
      using 'current' instead of storing extra state
      Pour one out on the ground for JSLitmus...
      Merge pull request #1995 from braddunbar/simple
      revisited tests with simple silent
      merged with simple
      trying new hasChanged() semantics
      hasChanged shouldn't be true after the constructor.
      complete test suite passing.
      Merge branch 'simple' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone into simple
      fixed leaking global
      failing test case
      Merge pull request #2002 from braddunbar/named-optional
      tricky merge with master ...
      Merge pull request #2004 from elasticsales/master
      Tweak #2017 ... isObject instead of typeof
      Merge pull request #2019 from tgriesser/nocontext
      Merge pull request #2041 from tgriesser/removing-make
      Merge pull request #2050 from gsamokovarov/listen-to-cleans-itself
      Merge pull request #2137 from tgriesser/0.9.10
      Merge branch 'gh-pages' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone into gh-pages
      a few missing 0.9.9's
      Merge branch 'master' into gh-pages
      fixing duplicate header in docs.
      Merge branch 'master' into gh-pages
      Revert "Issue number in comments."
      Removing the 'graf about model.set validating.
      Merge branch 'master' into gh-pages
      Reverting #2106 -- satisfying lint.
      Merge pull request #2148 from quartzmo/patch-1
      Merge pull request #2166 from hokaccha/fix_validate_doc
      Merge pull request #2049 from gsamokovarov/listen-to-once
      tweaking variable name
      Adding Quartz as an example app.
      Adding Quartz as an example app.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      new docs, fresh docs
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      new docs
      fixing gray for github pages
      new new docs
      Merge pull request #2378 from braddunbar/changed-attributes-docs
      rebuilt docs
      Merge pull request #2375 from davidinjc/routes_function
      Fixes #2367 -- outdated documentation about validate()
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Merge pull request #2361 from akre54/default-defaults
      Merge pull request #2386 from tgriesser/doc-custom-constructor
      Revising CONTRIBUTING
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Merge pull request #2279 from caseywebdev/jshint
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Merging in the update unification.
      Wait a minute -- JSHint settings should be global, they're super-annoying when they change per-project.
      Tiny tweak to  -- otherwise, it's looking pretty good.
      Renaming Collection#update to Collection#set for parallelism ... After a fetch, set is now the default, and reset is the opt-in.
      #2321 -- unicode test
      Fix comment about invalid event.
      Merge pull request #2284 from stepantubanov/master
      Merge pull request #2283 from stevecraig/options-parse-docs
      Fixes #2262 -- always use parsed attributes.
      Fixes #2216, fixes #2239, allow routes to be defined anonymously.
      #2215. correcting create documentation.
      Merge pull request #2204 from jeromegn/master
      fixing bizzare version string test in Backbone.localstorage
      Merge pull request #2191 from byroot/feature-ignore-undefined-methods-in-views-events
      fixing style of previous merge
      removing (99% unused) zepto version of tests.
      Removing HTTP PATCH support from Backbone. Revert this commit as soon as jQuery supports PATCH.
      Fixes #2143, Add a source map for backbone-min.js
      Merge pull request #2104 from akre54/collection-tests
      Merge pull request #2082 from akre54/underscore-methods-on-model-2
      removing some underscore model methods, adding others
      Merge pull request #2388 from tgriesser/validateError
      Merge pull request #2389 from tgriesser/localstorage-fix
      Revert "Removing HTTP PATCH support from Backbone. Revert this commit as soon as jQuery supports PATCH."
      Fixes #2152 -- support PATCH in IE <= 8
      Merge pull request #2391 from tgriesser/model-options
      Cleaning up Model constructor with modelOptions
      removing extra guard
      Fixes #2321, fixes #2014 -- decode route arguments.
      Adding a test for slashes with splats, github-style
      Restoring model.set() with 'silent'
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Merge pull request #2393 from braddunbar/route-names
      D-D-D-Documentation Refactor.
      Backbone.js 1.0
      Rebuilding minified release with --mangle
      Adding url/urlRoot options to the Model#constructor documentation.
      Merge branch 'master' into gh-pages
      Merge pull request #2400 from tgriesser/removing-silent-docs
      rewording events paragraph
      Merge branch 'master' into gh-pages
      Merge branch 'gh-pages' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone into gh-pages
      removing the final diff between gh-pages and master
      Merge pull request #2426 from gsamokovarov/no-url-no-urlroot
      Merge pull request #2445 from alexmcpherson/master
      Merge pull request #2455 from williamhc/patch-1
      Merge pull request #2085 from caseywebdev/reorder
      Fixes #2431, #2452, a little bit lex talionis, but appropriate, I think.
      Merge pull request #2460 from braddunbar/view-options
      Merge pull request #2461 from braddunbar/view-options
      Merge pull request #2477 from caseywebdev/merge-defaults
      Merge pull request #2550 from jerryorr/master
      Merge pull request #2572 from braddunbar/no-hash-fallback
      slightly clarifying collection.model docs
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Gawker Media as an example app
      Gawker Media as an example app
      Merge pull request #2652 from braddunbar/qunit
      Moving over urls for administration.
      Doccloud credit in the README
      Merge pull request #2671 from braddunbar/route-events
      Merge pull request #2681 from carldanley/master
      Adding eLife Lens as an example app.
      Adding eLife Lens as an example app.
      Adding a do-not-post-if section to CONTRIBUTING
      Giving CONTRIBUTING a more accurate title.
      Fixes #2684 -- tweak toJSON docs.
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/jashkenas/backbone
      Merge pull request #2745 from braddunbar/icon
      Merge pull request #2749 from akre54/remove-rakefile
      Merge pull request #2740 from lowkaseo/listeners-rename
      More listen* var name tweaks.
      Test from #2724 for listener cleanup.
      Merge pull request #2716 from braddunbar/template-docs
      Rewording #2716, docs for View#template.
      Fixes #2714. Docs for {collection: c} in Model constructors.
      Fixes #2629, by removing the no-longer-used sortedIndex
      Fixing borked listeners test. #2724
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/jashkenas/backbone
      Fixes #2724, leak with non-specific calls to stopListening.
      Fixes #2623 -- make 'invalid' events pass consisent arguments. Error should go second, after the model in question.
      Adding test from #2619
      Merge pull request #2755 from tgriesser/idAttr
      Removing extra preparemodel calls.
      Adding ZocDoc as an example app
      Adding ZocDoc as an example app
      Merge branch 'gh-pages' of https://github.com/jashkenas/backbone into gh-pages
      Merge pull request #2778 from braddunbar/underscore-version
      Merge pull request #2795 from akre54/shorter-defaults
      Merge pull request #2783 from caseywebdev/gh-2470
      Test for #2666.
      Fixes #2428 -- set now returns added or merged models, so does add, so does push, so does unshift.
      Fixes #2401 – Adds mission statement-ish to introduction in the docs.
      Firming up returning models from add and remove, plus tests.
      Mild DRY-ing, and fixing logic error.
      Backbone.js 1.1.0
      Being clearer about the changes to View options
      Correcting incorrect changelog about View options.
      Fixes #2812 Model-options-url out-of-date doc.
      Merge pull request #2810 from patrickkettner/retinafy-images
      Merge pull request #2802 from jdkanani/master
      Merge pull request #2817 from jtwb/patch-1
      Merge pull request #2818 from lukeasrodgers/use-raises-in-tests
      Adding the new new Delicious as an example app.
      Adding the new new Delicious as an example app.
      Upgrading to 1.1, for the docs.
      Upgrading to 1.1, for the docs.
      Merge pull request #2830 from braddunbar/speed-test
      Merge pull request #2829 from braddunbar/new-methods
      Merge pull request #2837 from akre54/docs-links
      Merge pull request #2838 from tgriesser/addReference
      Merge pull request #2854 from akre54/bindall-docs
      Tweaking 'this' FAQ
      Fixes #2833 — document bound comparator woes in the appropriate spot.
      Merge pull request #2856 from jashkenas/gh-2846
      Adding AMD support to Backbone.
      Adding Bower and Component files.
      Merge pull request #2858 from paulmillr/patch-1
      Merge pull request #2860 from akre54/fix-amd-tests
      Merge pull request #2862 from akre54/commonjs-imports
      Fixes #2836 -- default to id if there's funny business going on with a missing idAttribute
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/jashkenas/backbone
      Fixes #2866 -- inconsistent variable naming in docs
      Fixes #2824 — create() triggering an improper parse()
      Merge pull request #2867 from wyuenho/patch-1
      Merge pull request #2868 from wyuenho/patch-1
      Merge pull request #2869 from wyuenho/master
      Merge pull request #2876 from j03w/master
      Merge pull request #2878 from blakeembrey/has-fix
      Merge pull request #2885 from akre54/amd-exports-underscore
      Merge pull request #2897 from braddunbar/faq
      Merge pull request #2905 from braddunbar/line-length
      Tweaking #2905 -- long line styles.
      Merge pull request #2938 from nwwells/patch-1
      Merge pull request #2946 from akre54/url-opts-docs
      Merge pull request #2957 from braddunbar/unicode-path
      Adding Earth as an example app.
      Earth. Merge.
      menu link
      menu link
      Merge pull request #2995 from somethingkindawierd/master
      Backbone.js 1.1.1
      Fixes #2997 — don't bother trying to load jQuery on the server-side.
      Merge pull request #3010 from braddunbar/newline
      fixes #3004, edge case for titanium
      Backbone 1.1.2
      Merge pull request #3011 from braddunbar/clear-interval
      Merge pull request #3023 from braddunbar/set-cleanup
      Merge pull request #3025 from braddunbar/loops
      Merge pull request #3026 from braddunbar/off
      Merge pull request #3006 from akre54/history-native-hooks
      Merge pull request #3030 from caseywebdev/_-guard
      Merge pull request #3032 from akre54/clone-opts
      Merge pull request #2985 from caseywebdev/generate-id
      #2985 -- use 'change-id' as the event name
      Merge pull request #3040 from braddunbar/underscore-methods
      Merge pull request #3041 from braddunbar/iframe-cleanup
      Merge pull request #3054 from caseywebdev/deps
      Merge pull request #3060 from braddunbar/delegate-events
      Merge pull request #3063 from janaspage/correct-split-infinitives
      Merge pull request #3048 from braddunbar/error
      Merge pull request #3003 from akre54/view-native-hooks
      Merge pull request #3084 from andyw8/patch-1
      Merge pull request #3089 from braddunbar/route-name
      Merge pull request #3052 from HenrikJoreteg/master
      Merge pull request #3092 from braddunbar/history-cleanup
      Merge pull request #3094 from braddunbar/at-root
      Merge pull request #3096 from braddunbar/root
      Merge pull request #3106 from braddunbar/force-push
      Merge pull request #3107 from braddunbar/spring-cleaning
      Merge pull request #3125 from braddunbar/decode-fragment
      Merge pull request #3127 from alexanderGugel/patch-1
      vox example
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/jashkenas/backbone
      Merge pull request #3132 from caseywebdev/generate-id-revert
      Adding Enigma.io as an example app
      Merge pull request #3194 from braddunbar/params-docs
      Merge pull request #3133 from caseywebdev/generate-id
      Merge pull request #3236 from akre54/save-and-patch-diff-attrs
      Merge pull request #3222 from emorikawa/master
      Merge pull request #3301 from AndrewEastwood/patch-1
      Merge pull request #3318 from NickStefan/patch-1
      Merge pull request #3354 from janaspage/patch-3
      Merge pull request #3357 from braddunbar/trailing-slash
      Merge pull request #3366 from akre54/listentoonce-is-borked
      Merge pull request #3374 from romamatusevich/master
      Merge pull request #3378 from robrobbins/patch-collection-test
      Merge pull request #3383 from fastest963/addNegative
      Merge pull request #3401 from megawac/npm-files
      Merge pull request #3410 from kperry42/http304-fetch
      Revert "Fix fetch success callback to not reset model/collection if HTTP "304 Not Modified" is received."
      Merge pull request #3431 from yokangy/patch-1
      Merge pull request #3465 from jridgewell/trigger-objects
      Merge pull request #3456 from akre54/el-docs
      Tweak View#el docs further.
      Merge pull request #3423 from jridgewell/ajax_context
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/jashkenas/backbone
      Merge pull request #3455 from jridgewell/listenTo-memory-leak
      Merge pull request #3485 from megawac/qunit-update
      Merge pull request #3504 from jridgewell/history-use
      Revert "Fix a bunch of accessibility issues."
      Merge pull request #3513 from jashkenas/revert-3338-master
      Merge pull request #3489 from jridgewell/trigger-for-slice
      Merge pull request #3330 from megawac/_-opt
      Merge pull request #3419 from gmac/master
      removing the upgrading section
      #3419 -- editing. it could be even more conversational...
      Merge pull request #3434 from braddunbar/decode-fragment
      Merge pull request #3508 from wettowelreactor/Fix#3470
      Merge pull request #3498 from akre54/validate-docs
      Merge pull request #3497 from akre54/no-length-cache
      Merge pull request #3463 from jridgewell/on-does-not-alter
      Merge pull request #3542 from akre54/jq-require
      Merge pull request #3577 from jridgewell/destroy-zalgo
      Merge pull request #3285 from akre54/bb-120
      Merge pull request #3594 from jridgewell/eventsApi-refinements
      Fixes #3566 loading with '''ES6''' script loaders
      Merge pull request #3602 from megawac/globs
      merged in 'updated'
      rebuild, redoc
      mo docs
      Fixes #3512
      Backbone.js 1.2.0 (I think)
      updating sizes and dates
      mo docs
      Merge pull request #3627 from jridgewell/model-set-style
      Merge pull request #3630 from jridgewell/test-view
      Merge pull request #3629 from jridgewell/model-save-style
      Merge pull request #3628 from jridgewell/model-fetch-style
      Merge pull request #3637 from jridgewell/collection-removeModels
      Merge pull request #3640 from akre54/document-delegate-change
      Merge pull request #3644 from jridgewell/collection-parse
      Merge pull request #3659 from jridgewell/collection-parse-v1-2-1
      Merge pull request #3661 from paulfalgout/changelog-1.2.1
      Backbone 1.2.1
      Merge branch 'master' into gh-pages
      Merge pull request #3736 from vanquang9387/adjust-index-sidebar
      Merge pull request #3663 from jridgewell/collection-set-style-compat
      kill old email
      Backbone.js 1.2.2
      Merge pull request #3765 from paulfalgout/patch-2
      Merge pull request #3770 from ahumphreys87/fixCollectionAtIssue
      Merge pull request #3771 from akre54/delegate-undelegate-docs
      Backbone.js 1.2.3
      Merge pull request #3803 from jridgewell/removeModels-regression

Jerome Gravel-Niquet (3):
      Put localStorage up to date
      backbone.mootools is no more + link to localstorage project instead of outdated docs
      updated backbone.localStorage with latest version

Jerome Lecomte (1):
      fix #1619: fix navigation when root is empty

Jesse McCarthy (2):
      Remove trailing whitespace (line containing only space chars).
      Add documentation about `models` arg.

Jimmy Do (1):
      Fix incorrect prototype.constructor comment

Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong (47):
      Fix #1925 document for {sort:false}
      Update Collection#fetch's doc to refer to Collection#set
      Doc fix for error callback signature for Model#fetch and Collection#fetch
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/documentcloud/backbone into error-callback-doc-fix
      Remove extra comma from component.json
      Fixed invalid component name error when installing backbone with component
      repository -> repo and depend on underscore master because component doesn't support version range and the 1.5.2 tag doesn't have a component.json file
      Move delegate up and move  check into undelegateEvents
      Speed up method calls in delegateEvents and delegate
      Further isolate $.remove by exposing removeElement in case subclasses forgot to clean up
      Rename make to _createContext and have _ensureElement and setElement delegate to it
      Prefix all hooks with _ and introduce _undelegate
      Revert introduction of _undelegate
      Shortened _createContext
      _createContext is side-effect only
      Disallow chaining in hook calls
      Fix comment
      No reason jQuery can't be a little faster too
      Fix typo
      Comment for 2 arg form inside _delegate
      Fix test for fc95eae
      Call _createContext only once during new View
      Create iframe conditional on options and hashchange and pushstate support
      Rename delegate's method param to listener to tell people it's ok to attach an unbound function as handler
      View conformance tests
      Move delegate up and move  check into undelegateEvents
      Speed up method calls in delegateEvents and delegate
      Further isolate $.remove by exposing removeElement in case subclasses forgot to clean up
      Rename make to _createContext and have _ensureElement and setElement delegate to it
      Prefix all hooks with _ and introduce _undelegate
      Revert introduction of _undelegate
      Shortened _createContext
      _createContext is side-effect only
      Disallow chaining in hook calls
      Fix comment
      No reason jQuery can't be a little faster too
      Fix typo
      Comment for 2 arg form inside _delegate
      Fix test for fc95eae
      Call _createContext only once during new View
      Rename delegate's method param to listener to tell people it's ok to attach an unbound function as handler
      Fix up global in view test
      Check typeof length instead of instanceof
      Test for view.remove and view._removeElement
      Rename _removeElement to _remove and test _remove for event undelegation
      Merge _remove and remove tests and remove _setEl tests
      Return undefined from delegate

Jmeas (4):
      Failing spec for listenToOnce
      Fixes listenToOnce memory leak.
      Failing spec for listenToOnce
      Fixes listenToOnce memory leak.

Joe Germuska (6):
      beginnings of a test harness
      some more tests
      more tests
      Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      fix bug in 'add' and 'refresh'
      Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:documentcloud/backbone

Johannes (3):
      Improve getting of models with non-default ids
      Make use of new .get() functionality in .update()
      Fix getting model from collection by model

Johannes J. Schmidt (1):
      encodeURIComponent this.id

John Wright (2):
      Added Backbone.emulateJSON to enable the current behavior of syncing and made sending the body as application/json without a wrapping model param, the default
      Default behavior for Backbone.sync is now to send everything as application/json.  Emulating http and sending data as form url-encoded can be turned on with Backbone.emulateHttp

John-David Dalton (9):
      Add Lo-Dash reference to index.html.
      Use `_.bind` instead of `context` param of `_.sortBy`.
      Use some, includes, map in tests instead of any, include, pluck.
      Add Modernizr style check for 'onhashchange' to avoid issues in IE compat modes. [closes #3730]
      Add MS Edge to karma-sauce runner.
      Change `_.invoke` use to `_.map`.
      Simplify `pluck`, thanks @jridgewell.
      Ensure `attr` is a string when passed to `this.map`.
      Update changelog for 1.3.0.

Jon Beebe (1):
      Fixed link to the Walmart mobile app

Jonas Ingermaa (1):
      Changed link to test at backbone.org

Jonathan Roes (1):
      Minor doc typos

Jordan Eldredge (25):
      Make implicit ;s in tests explicit
      Document using [] for empty Collections with options
      Fix indention in tests
      Fix indentation in models test
      Enable ESLint
      Non-controversial ESLint whitespace rules
      Add ESLint rule: key-spacing
      Enable ESLint rule: new-cap
      Add ESLint rule: wrap-iife (inside)
      Add ESLint rule: no-undef
      Add ESLint rule: quote-props (warning)
      Add ESLint rule: no-lonely-if
      Enable ESLint rule: 'quotes' for tests
      Enable ESLint semicolons for tests
      Reenable already passing ESLint rules for tests
      Enforce camelCase ESLint rule in tests
      Add ESLint warning for quoted keys to tests
      Enable ESLint brace-style
      Add ESLint warning: no-extra-parens
      Add ESLint rule: no-unused-expressions
      Add ESLint rule: block-scoped-var
      Add ESLint rule: dot-notation
      Add ESLint rule: eqeqeq
      Avoid nested ternary
      Update copyright year

Josh Bassett (1):
      Don't include everything into the npm package.

Josh Vermaire (1):
      allow for chaining of router navigation

Joshua Peek (2):
      Pass Collection#fetch options along to refresh
      Improve multiple collection support

Joss Crowcroft (1):
      Return `this` from View.setElement

Julen Ruiz Aizpuru (1):
      Changelog: fixed typo

Justin (1):
      This means that after unbinding every event, a trigger call will return faster, because !(calls = this._callbacks) will evaluate to true.

Justin Ridgewell (168):
      Return `this` from `#listenTo`
      Register stopListening once instead of wrapping
      Remove duplicated context
      Test both `_listeningTo` and `_events` are empty
      Clean up references on both listener and listened objects
      Invert the for loop
      Remove duplicated tests
      Test that `listenToOnce` is only called once
      Off wrapping callback, not the original
      Call the success callback with context
      Simplify `History.root`
      Use `_usePushState` to determine "wants" and "has"
      Add test case for root with mandatory trailing slash
      Simplify root normalization
      Fix issue with atRoot matching.
      Return `this` from `#listenTo`
      Register stopListening once instead of wrapping
      Remove duplicated context
      Test both `_listeningTo` and `_events` are empty
      Clean up references on both listener and listened objects
      Invert the for loop
      Remove duplicated tests
      Test that `listenToOnce` is only called once
      Off wrapping callback, not the original
      Ensure listenToOnce without a callback noops
      Do not alter the "on" events array
      Fix listenTo memory leak
      Delete events hash if there are none.
      Simplify #stopListening
      Use faster listeningTo iteration
      Refactor the eventsApi
      Trigger with object behaves dumbly
      Test trigger arguments behavior
      Rework addUnderscoreMethods
      Test trigger arguments behavior
      Inline onceWrapper
      Comment eventsApi refactor
      Break instead of continuing
      Address listenTo and off memory leak
      off cleans up listenTo
      Prevent "on" and "off" from altering trigger events array
      Create internal use stopListening
      Rearrange and comment Events
      Undo `concat` `#on` tests
      Use for-loop, instead of slice
      Revert "Merge pull request #3465 from jridgewell/trigger-objects"
      Remove trigger with object's value prepend
      Use `_usePushState` to determine "wants" and "has"
      Use `_useHashChange` to determine "wants" and "has"
      Merge pull request #3523 from braddunbar/test-scripts
      Merge pull request #3563 from adrianblynch/patch-1
      Always call success async
      Refine eventsApi
      Ensure `#on` and `#off` **never** alter callback list
      Use an options object
      Juggle context param with event maps
      s/updated/update/ event
      Collection#invoke should collect arguments
      Un-golf #changedAttributes
      Use defaults in #isValid
      Declare the var when we use it
      Respect parse option in Model#fetch
      Default parse during extend
      Test #render returns view
      #delegate returns view
      #undelegate returns view
      Test #undelegateEvents returns view
      Test #remove returns view
      Test #setElement
      Remove unneeded assignment
      Un-golf #delegateEvents
      Grab id using #get in #url
      Declare variable when it's used
      Make it apparent what temporarily needs waited attributes
      Default parse during extend
      Cleanup Model#save success callback
      Don't mutate attrs
      Merge pull request #3609 from akre54/modelid-docs
      Return removed models from #_removeModels
      Collection#remove returns removed model
      Test that Collection#remove _only_ returns removed models
      #_removeReference now removes references
      Fix syntax error.
      Collection#set shouldn't parse
      Ensure fetch'd data is only parsed once
      Variable cleanup
      Update model's id with #get
      Remove unnecessary assignment
      Merge pull request #3603 from jridgewell/event-map-context
      Merge pull request #3647 from jridgewell/collection-removeModels
      Merge pull request #3655 from akre54/code-reorg
      Merge pull request #3613 from ahumphreys87/jsdomRouter
      Fix failing IE6 test
      Revert "Merge pull request #3644 from jridgewell/collection-parse"
      Collection#add shouldn't parse a model instance
      Don't bother with Collection#set unless models
      Declare variables as they are used
      Ungolf assignments
      Golf assignment
      Invert ternary
      Invert conditional
      Return only added or merged models
      Make adding models with at **orders** faster
      Do not update models if nothing is set
      Remove unnecessary options clone
      Use a splicing for-loop for stabler performance
      Keep backwards compatibility with v1
      Use a simple slice
      Ungolf #create assignment
      Merge pull request #3675 from jdalton/no-bind-all
      Merge pull request #3643 from CoolGoose/patch-1
      Merge pull request #3646 from jashkenas/model-set-id-update
      Use some instead of any
      Fix incorrect test
      Merge pull request #3679 from akre54/doc-improvements
      Merge pull request #3681 from knowlet/patch-1
      Merge pull request #3667 from sophietk/collection-predicates
      modelProperty doesn't need to check for null
      Merge pull request #3680 from akre54/multi-event-maps
      Merge pull request #3690 from sophietk/collection-predicates-fix
      Merge pull request #3710 from elgubenis/patch-2
      Merge pull request #3721 from DannyDelott/master
      Add Collection#includes for underscore v1.8
      Setup DOM for every view test
      Test null set doesn't clear model.
      Merge pull request #3751 from jdalton/ie
      Merge pull request #3740 from paulfalgout/changelog-1.3
      Merge pull request #3759 from ohbarye/fix-link
      Merge pull request #3735 from akre54/readme-help
      Merge pull request #3754 from paulfalgout/patch-1
      Merge pull request #3692 from akre54/modelid-docs
      Merge pull request #3800 from FishbaitHarry/master
      Fix _removeModels regression
      Merge pull request #3819 from captbaritone/semicolons
      Merge pull request #3821 from captbaritone/indent-fix
      Fix 1.2.2 Model#id regression
      Merge pull request #3833 from jridgewell/id-regression
      Always return removed array from #_removeModels
      Fix _onModelEvent regression
      Deopt Underscore methods that change on arguments
      Merge pull request #3820 from jridgewell/reduce-deopt
      Test case for model.id
      Merge pull request #3850 from adictovirtual/master
      Merge pull request #3855 from akre54/noglobals
      Merge pull request #3864 from jdalton/invoke
      Merge pull request #3875 from Flamefork/3871-set-parse-undefined
      Give a nested route example
      Merge pull request #3893 from captbaritone/eslint-2
      Merge pull request #3897 from captbaritone/eslint-new-cap
      Merge pull request #3900 from captbaritone/eslint-wrap-iife-inside
      Merge pull request #3894 from captbaritone/eslint-all
      Merge pull request #3903 from captbaritone/eslint-6
      Merge pull request #3902 from captbaritone/eslint-5
      Merge pull request #3910 from captbaritone/eslint-9
      Merge pull request #3917 from paulfalgout/remove-component
      Merge pull request #3886 from ClimbsRocks/patch-1
      Merge pull request #3907 from captbaritone/eslint-8
      Merge pull request #3934 from craigmichaelmartin/fix-modelId-example
      Upgrade vendor QUnit
      Merge pull request #3945 from jridgewell/collection-has-test-fix
      Merge pull request #3949 from pra85/patch-1
      Use _.extend to avoid Object.prototype collisions
      Merge pull request #3952 from craigmichaelmartin/fix-linting-errors
      Merge pull request #3936 from craigmichaelmartin/optimize-collection-get
      Merge pull request #3956 from jshen212/patch-1
      Merge pull request #3921 from jdalton/changelog

Karl Guertin (1):
      $ doesn't always belong to jQuery

Katrina Uychaco (2):
      Fix grammar in Helpers documentation.
      Clarify reference to the parent constructor.

Kazuhito Hokamura (1):
      Fix document for `Model#validate`

Keith Cirkel (2):
      Add a third "context" argument to Backbone.Event.Bind which, when passed, will bind the callback to the provided context.
      Fix incorrect variable name on docs for delegateEvents

Kevin Kirsche (1):
      Remove moot `version` property from bower.json

Kevin Partington (4):
      Collection#create passes extra options added by model sync to success callback
      Collection#fetch, Model#save, Model#fetch, and Model#destroy should all pass extra sync options to success callbacks.
      Small style tweaks per akre54's comments on the pull request.
      Tests: Migrated unit tests to QUnit 2.0 syntax. (fixes #3813)

Kevin Perry (1):
      Fix fetch success callback to not reset model/collection if HTTP "304 Not Modified" is received.

Kim Joar Bekkelund (1):
      Removed unnecessary variable 'matched'

Krawaller (1):
      Update backbone.js

Kris Jordan (1):
      Forcing Collection.create to run through validation before saving.

KungD (13):
      allowing propname arg as collection comparator
      variable name cleanup
      changed suffix syntax to prefix
      updated docs to reflect new comparator API
      refactored to replace comparator string with the generated function instead of generating on every sort call
      minor performance refactor
      automatic resort when sorting attribute changes
      updated docs to reflect automatic resorting
      test update
      removed automatic sorting in anticipation of sort option to .set
      removed prefix logic
      added event functions chaining tests
      also tested noevents and eventsAPI code branches

Kyle Chaplin (1):
      Fix Todos example by importing the currently shipped version of jQuery that is located in /test/vendor.

Lee Leathers (1):
      Add license to package.json

Les Hill (2):
      Clear event callbacks with clearEvents
      Rename to undelegateEvents

Linus-A. M. Gubenis (3):
      Update collection.js
      Pass added and removed models to collection update events

Loren Sands-Ramshaw (3):
      clarified example; fixed typo
      removed unused var
      expanded Model.save example

Luke Lee (1):
      Fix broken reference to missing underscore.js file in todos example.

Luke Rodgers (3):
      Bugfix to tests for Backbone.Collection underscore methods.
      Documentation for Collection#slice
      Use QUnit `raises` instead of `throws`.

Magnus Holm (2):
      parse:true runs the attributes through parse():
      Col.fetch() should create models with parse:true:

Maksim Horbachevsky (1):
      Do not trigger router/history events if Router#execute returns false

Marat Dreizin (1):
      Added ability to avoid an additional '$()' call in 'setElement' method if current 'element' is already wrapped with '$()'

Matt (2):
      Fix recursion error when saving from within a change event.
      Add urlBase option to model to allow specifying restful url without using a collection

Matt Hartzler (1):
      remove null options guard

Matt Smith (8):
      fix documentation and tests for negative ids
      use hash literal directly
      split out test for positive and negative ids
      refine the isNew test
      add helper method to cleanup isNew test
      remove model_with helper from test
      fix a small error in the documentation
      inject js library with `Backbone.use(myLib)`

Matt Todd (1):
      Implement model.is() for attr test, with docs, tests

Max Kostow (2):
      fix isValid
      move changelog update to new version

Michael Yong (1):
      fix setting of id for todo model

Michał Łowicki (1):
      Call 'beforeSend' function set with $.ajaxSetup when Backbone.emulateHTTP is set to true.

Mickey Reiss (1):
      Switched order of delegateEvents and initialize in Backbone.View constructor in order to allow for explicit setting of this.el in initialize (and ensure that events are bound correctly).

Mikhail Korobov (1):
      Fix «request», «sync» and «error» events documentation.

Mitchell Cowie (1):
      Bypass iframe for old IE when hash change disabled

Morgan 'ARR\!' Allen (2):
      fixed camel case filename for doc run script
      fixed camel case filename for doc run script

Nadav (2):
      Call Backbone.Model.defaults() with "this" set to the model instance.
      Setting to context to `this` by default on bind() instead of trigger()

Nate Hunzaker (1):
      DOM element creation should be overrideable

Nathan Wells (1):
      Added documentation for Backbone.(H|h)istory

Nayan Hajratwala (1):
      updated date

Neeraj Singh (1):
      Edited comment

Niall Smart (1):
      Collection.add should fail if duplicate id/cid exists

Nicholas Masters (1):
      Fixed typo

Nick Fitzgerald (4):
      Adding a missing var declaration inside handleEvents
      Using JSONP since the Same Origin Policy won't let file:// make an XHR to github.com
      Adding another demo: Todo Task manager
      Adding chain() to the Collection prototype

Nick Gauthier (1):
      add check for jsl

Nick Stefan (4):
      Update README to better match backbonejs.org
      removed the strong tags, but kept the "with" on 14
      Update README to better match backbonejs.org
      removed the strong tags, but kept the "with" on 14

Nicklas Ansman Giertz (2):
      Add a test case for cloning the attribute object
      Make sure the attribute object is clone before extending it

Niels Sandholt Busch (1):
      Remove !current check from checkUrl to allow loading of empty fragments.

Nikolay Bachiyski (1):
      Adding WordPress.com as an example app

Ofer Nave (1):
      fixed two stand-out typos :)

Oleg Seletsky (2):
      Docs: Fix URL to MDN's JSON.stringify() toJSON behavior
      Docs: Remove localization from URL to MDN's JSON.stringify()

Oli (1):
      Made Backbone.sync options parameter optional

Ore Landau (3):
      Removed a redundant sentence.
      Update index.html
      Updated documentation for model.changed

Otto Allmendinger (2):
      unify dashes in index.html
      fix error message on missing event callback

Pablo A. Torres Navarrete (2):
      Pass the error and success callbacks when creating the model to add to a Collection
      Add a failing test for Collection.create not running callbacks

Pablo Alonso García (1):
      Fix typo in Backbone.Collection documentation

Patrick Kettner (1):
      Update images to retina versions, remove images no longer used, minify everything else

PatrickJS (1):
      update copyright year range

Paul Falgout (4):
      Remove matches proxy from docs
      Remove LICENSE from package.json files array.
      fix incorrect closing b tag
      Remove deprecated component.json

Paul Miller (4):
      Add links to software.
      Slightly update blossom example.
      Update salon.io example.
      Improve events performance in some cases by 20x.

Paul Uithol (9):
      Make it possible to take advantage of jQuery.Deferred with Backbone, without breaking compatibility by changing return values.
      A somewhat smarter approach (more DRY).
      Even simpler; merely expose the (jq)XHR object, enabling the use of jQuery.Deferred.
      Merge remote branch 'remotes/upstream/master'
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/documentcloud/backbone
      Factor out model preparation to a separate function in Backbone.Collection, so 'create' and 'add' behave the same.
      Merge remote branch 'remotes/upstream/master'
      Updated to apply on the 0.5.0 branch
      Merge branch '0.5.0'

Paulus Schoutsen (1):
      Update documentation for Backbone.Router

Pavel Karoukin (2):
      Add attributes parameter to Backbone.View. All attributes are being applied to view's this.el during element creation.
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/documentcloud/backbone

Peter Pistorius (3):
      Fixes #984
      fixes #1004

Peter Rust (1):
      Fixed tiny typo in FAQ

Phil Freo (19):
      Giving Collections a clone() method.
      Adding Collection's clone() to docs
      fix typo in docs
      failing unit tests with 'defaults'
      Correcting upgrade guide for collection.fetch({add: true})
      Adding test for change event only firing if setting an object with a different value
      clarifying/correcting docs about View#remove
      updating CONTRIBUTING to reflect keeping index.html up to date with master
      Removing View#make from docs
      Updating Model#validate docs
      Clarify collection request/sync event behavior
      Removing invalid 'set' option in 'Collection#fetch' docs
      lowercase instance var in example code
      more lowercasing of instance vars
      more lowercasing of instance vars
      fixing minor typos
      Fixing travis-ci badge after repo move
      Fixing travis-ci badge after repo move
      fixing minor inconsistency in docs

Prayag Verma (1):
      Fixes typo in docs

Preston Parry (1):
      updates wording to "space-separated" to be consistent

Radoslav Stankov (1):
      Check if model/collection support .off when disposing of the view

Raimonds Simanovskis (3):
      added options argument to Backbone.Model initialize function
      destroy of non-persisted model should not call sync
      do not call loadUrl when redirecting to hash based URL on non-push state browser

Raphael Sofaer (1):
      Change the reference to rails in the 'sync' docs to reflect Rails 4

Raúl Naveiras (1):
      add ignores comparator when at option is passed

Raymond Julin (2):
      Advocate proper usage of $el over $(this.el) in documentation
      Add changelog note about deprecated setDomLibrary

Robert Gieseke (2):
      Fix typo.
      Only remove single '#' when getting URL fragment.

Robert Hencke (1):
      Note options parameter for add/remove/reset in Catalog of Events.

Roma Matusevich (2):
      Make backbone-min.js available for bower
      Make backbone-min.js available for bower

Royce Tucker (2):
      Fixing object notation for Events.once
      Adding a unit test for once with object notation

Rune Skjoldborg Madsen (2):
      add if statement and add passing test
      trigger request event only if model extends Backbone.Events, and fix whitespace

Ryan Eastridge (1):
      add link to Walmart Mobile

Ryan Mohr (5):
      All routes can now optionally be queried.
      Query string now parsed if Backbone.qs defined
      Removed fragment stripper. Changes to query params will trigger route change.
      Fragment now includes query string and hash for pushState.
      Added query string parsing support for pushState with hashChange

Sam Breed (29):
      fixing whitespace consistency for #718
      adding test coverage for route precedence as per issue #996
      Fix #1292 - unexpected results when passing undefined to Model.hasChanged()
      simplifying hasChanged if statement
      updating model.previous arguments check to match hasChanged
      additional documentation for Model.clear
      documenting model.clear's new behavior in the 0.9.0 changelog
      adding test for falsy comparators (#1342)
      adding tests for #1355
      adding the `expected` argument to all tests
      adding correct number of expected assertions to nested change events model test
      consistently handle `undefined` being passed to the model constr (#1545)
      Merge pull request #1691 from wookiehangover/issue_1545
      fix for #1735 - consistently use attrs in Model constructor
      testing expected behavior when Model.parse returns null
      updating documentation for Collection#reset method signature, fixes #1785
      Merge pull request #1792 from caseywebdev/reorder-constructor
      added a note about the removal of Backbone.wrapError to the 0.9.9 changelog. closes #1966
      Merge pull request #2318 from blissdev/gh-pages
      adding a class to the travis badge
      adding a class to the travis badge
      Merge pull request #2319 from braddunbar/target-branch
      Merge pull request #2356 from braddunbar/dev-dependencies
      removing errant comma following `_onModelEvent`
      fixing broken comparator test in IE8 (missing return statement)
      Merge pull request #2435 from theoreticaLee/master
      adding missing comma
      Fix #2554 - adding clarification about route behavior
      Merge pull request #3239 from akre54/document-patch

Sam Stephenson (6):
      Zepto support
      Update to Zepto 0.2
      Multiple views may listen for events on the same element
      If Backbone.View#el is a string, pass it through $(...).get(0) in _ensureElement
      Pass along the current value of `this` to Backbone's closure wrapper
      Update test-zepto.html for Zepto 0.3

Samuel Clay (24):
      Adding demo of address book. Initial stub for now.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone
      Adding initial demo of collections, models, and multiple views all bound to change events on the model.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:documentcloud/backbone into demos
      Type found by pbowyer.
      Allowing collections to remove models by either Cid or Id (prefering cid).
      Fixing a small bug in model inheritance: Class properties need to be inherited (along with the instance properties). See test.
      Adding MetaLab's Flow to the examples.
      Adding Backbone.noConflict() and keeping track of the original root.Backbone.
      Adding Flow to sidebar under Examples.
      Merge branch 'gh-pages'
      Documenting the new Backbone.noConflict() method.
      Removing Ender.js support for the time being, as it needs to fix its AJAX methods to corrospond with jQuery/Zepto success/error signatures.
      Adding XHR object to Model.parse and Collection.parse method signatures. jQuery and Zepto use the same callback signature: response, status, xhr.
      _ to status in Model.parse. No need to clobber Underscore.js just to ignore a parameter.
      Adding XHR object to Collection.create (which comes from Model.save).
      Merge https://github.com/ptn/backbone
      Adding test for hashbang URLs. For pull request #312.
      Adding in a note about passing in an object literal or a model to Collection.create. Thanks to MattJ for the recommendation.
      Adding in a note about Backbone.history.start() returning a boolean for whether or not a match has been found in the current URL fragment. Thanks to XiXora for the recommendation.
      Adding a note about using Collection.create on a model that has been saved server-side.
      Merge pull request #422 from arturadib/master
      Merge pull request #432 from jroes/master

Samuel Vogel (1):
      Add router test for urls with encoded characters

Schlaefer (1):
      documents url, urlRoot constructor changes to model in 1.1 in Change Log

Sergey Mezentsev (2):
      Improve test "merge in duplicate models with {merge: true}"
      Reorder code in Collection.add

Simon Fishel (1):
      remove un-used local variables

Stan Angeloff (1):
      Tiny spelling error, no functional changes.

Stepan Tubanov (1):
      Add changelog entries for 'invalid' event

Stephen Thomas (1):
      Add failing test for save and wait.

Steve Craig (1):
      add options.parse to the model constructor documentation

Steve Mason (2):
      Test for unset attributes not being returned by changedAttributes
      Fix for unset attributes not being returned by changedAttributes

Stéphane Roucheray (1):
      Delete `main` property duplication

Sunki Baek (1):
      Update index.html

TMaYaD (1):
      Return the jquery object for el when this.$ is called without argument

Ted Han (9):
      Adding sidebar items for github repo and annotated source, as well as a reference to Backbone's license file to documentation.
      escape todo items.
      Merge pull request #2398 from tranver/master
      Merge branch 'master' into gh-pages
      Merge pull request #2397 from wyuenho/collection-fetch-doc-fix
      Merge branch 'master' into gh-pages
      Updating license to reflect DocumentCloud's correct attribution.
      Fixing licensing typo.
      Merge pull request #2889 from kalafut/master

Tiago Ribeiro (1):
      Added missing word to emulateHTTP comment

Tim Branyen (15):
      updated model isNew to use idAttribute
      Merge pull request #568 from TrisMcC/master
      Merge pull request #607 from two-bit-fool/misc_cleanup
      Merge pull request #698 from alexgraul/master
      Merge pull request #700 from iros/673
      Merge pull request #699 from jasonm/jm-bump-qunit
      Merge pull request #721 from TrisMcC/fix-model-trigger
      Merge pull request #733 from wookiehangover/whitespace
      Merge pull request #807 from iros/qunit.force.order
      Merge pull request #820 from iros/819.idAttribute
      Merge pull request #821 from iros/819.idAttribute
      Merge pull request #1488 from tbranyen/master
      Merge pull request #1713 from jdalton/lodash
      bumping the version in master, reflecting the wip state
      updated View#make to use Backbone.$ exclusively

Tim Griesser (91):
      refactor change/set, fixing #1478 and #1664
      whitespace cleanup after rebase
      Overhauling set/change for speed improvements
      moving trigger loop into 'change', this.changed into 'changeCenter', more simplification of '_changeCenter'
      allowing events to be passed in view's options
      noglobals check mandatory for browser qunit and node runner
      Merge pull request #1 from braddunbar/noglobals
      consistent 'parse' option on collection constructor & reset
      fixing issue in patch not sending data
      removing line about silent delaying validation
      using isEqual to check model change
      fixing docs on validate
      fixing #1964 - change event should be fired if a change occurs
      adding validate flag for validation of models, defaulting to true on save
      sync tests passing, tweaking save validation rules
      Merge pull request #2001 from braddunbar/simple
      bumping jquery to 1.7+
      removing context from listenTo/stoplistening
      save with non-model success
      Merge pull request #2021 from Ore4444/patch-3
      using typeof rather than _.isObject for model.save
      Merge pull request #2022 from adriaanlabusc/remove_nested
      removing model.change from docs
      fixing validation & internal change flag order
      removing unnecessary options check
      nested silent changes should not trigger change events
      removing view.make
      resolving merge conflict with derickbailey-listenTo_yourself
      Merge pull request #2047 from adriaanlabusc/patch3
      Merge pull request #2058 from gsamokovarov/patch-5
      Chain can now be called directly on underscore
      Merge pull request #2076 from rutkovsky/master
      Merge pull request #2081 from af/zepto-tests
      renaming zepto
      Merge pull request #2107 from adriaanlabusc/remove_var
      Merge pull request #2092 from philfreo/master
      change log updates
      docs for route event, save bug, formatting
      fix for #2100
      Merge pull request #2133 from braddunbar/listen-to
      Merge pull request #2135 from braddunbar/tojson
      bumping to 0.9.10
      Merge pull request #2112 from braddunbar/issue-comments
      Merge pull request #2146 from JasonPunyon/patch-2
      documenting validationError
      Merge pull request #2186 from DreamTheater/patch-2
      Merge pull request #2187 from DreamTheater/patch-3
      Merge branch 'master' into gh-pages
      fixing incorrect save documentation
      Merge branch 'master' into gh-pages
      lowercase books in docs
      making error/success handlers promise compatible
      Merge pull request #1 from braddunbar/sync
      Merge pull request #2 from caseywebdev/sync-revert2
      adding tests for error event on all sync methods
      lowercasing all of the instances
      Merge branch 'document_collection_slice' of git://github.com/lukeasrodgers/backbone
      Add link to MDN for Array#slice
      Merge pull request #3 from braddunbar/patch-1
      Merge pull request #2282 from DreamTheater/patch-1
      Merge branch 'master' into gh-pages
      Merge pull request #2113 from braddunbar/silent
      Correct minor spelling mistake.
      Merge pull request #2342 from zyzniewski/master
      Merge pull request #2347 from zyzniewski/master
      Merge pull request #2366 from gsamokovarov/sort-sorted-index
      Adding custom constructor example code.
      adding validationError as options property
      Removing duplicate error and more version checks for localstorage
      attaching url and urlRoot on the model if passed
      Consolidating references to silenced changes.
      Merge pull request #2406 from jcarbo/retinafy-favicon
      Merge branch 'master' into gh-pages
      Fixing documentation for Collection#fetch
      Merge branch 'master' into gh-pages
      Merge pull request #2412 from philfreo/another-typo
      Merge branch 'master' into gh-pages
      Merge pull request #2423 from braddunbar/model-changed
      very minor code formatting
      Allow non-model object as second argument, with test.
      Merge pull request #2539 from fixe/patch-1
      Merge pull request #2565 from braddunbar/hashchange-false
      model#parse may no longer set the idAttribute
      adding test case for #2612
      Merge pull request #2766 from braddunbar/navigate-hash
      _addReference, to mirror _removeReference
      Move delete back to model.remove
      Minor code tweaks to pass linting
      Fixes #3028 assign collection in prepareModel
      Merge pull request #3131 from braddunbar/save-example
      Merge pull request #3459 from braddunbar/at-string

Tim Harper (2):
      Update remaining call to _updateLocationHash to _updateHash
      Bugfix: replace hash should not append hash mark to javascript:0

Tim Ruffles (1):
      added picklive's game client as an example app

Tobias Sargeant (1):
      Support merging of updated object state on collection add.

Tom Bell (1):
      Update Rakefile - missing '

Tomas Carnecky (1):
      Copy url from options in the Collection constructor

Tomas Casas (1):
      Collection docs: models is not optional if options is passed in

Tomasz Tunik (3):
      Fixed small leak introduced by #901
      Removed multiple  definitions for already defined variable
      Fixes issue #904

Tomasz Żyźniewski (3):
      underscore documentation anchor
      underscore documentation anchors
      fixed documentation anchor

Tony Rizko (1):
      update docs according to issue #3694

TrisMcC (1):
      Fixed misspelled word in comments for _ensureElement.

Tristan McCann (1):
      Trigger error on originalModel not model

Van Quang (1):
      Update index.html: adjust toc_section font

Ville Lautanala (1):
      Check that model exists before trying to verify uniqueness

Vladimir Dronnikov (1):
      ender.js support

Vladislav Botvin (1):
      typo fix

Will Moffat (1):
      Added TodoView.remove()

William Humphreys-Cloutier (1):
      return from Backbone.history.navigate whether a route was matched.

Wu Zhe (1):
      Fix an unclosed HTML entity when escape single quote

Y Kang (1):
      Add missing articles ('a', 'the')

Yousef Cisco (1):
      Updated Model to allow configuration of the cid prefix

Yuku Takahashi (2):
      using 'listenTo' instead of 'on' in todos example app
      Import _.drop

Zach Pomerantz (1):
      update copyright year range

Zack Owens (3):
      allowing view events to be functions instead of simply names of properties on a view
      view events can now be a function that returns an events object
      adding docs for events function

addyosmani (1):
      Updating with latest version from TodoMVC

admangum (2):
      clone options passed to reset
      clone options passed to reset

alexanderGugel (1):
      bower: ignore index.html

blissdev (2):
      improve rendering of travis-ci build status
      improve rendering of travis-ci build status

bodokaiser (3):
      added trigger applyment
      route parameters provided as array argument
      changed trigger call

brad dunbar (78):
      Merge pull request #902 from tomasztunik/master
      Merge pull request #968 from StanAngeloff/patch-1
      Merge pull request #980 from vovik/new-master
      Merge pull request #985 from peterp/patch-1
      Merge pull request #1001 from vertigem/feature/qunit-toolbar
      Merge pull request #1004 from peterp/patch-2
      Merge pull request #1022 from hswolff/grammar-fixes
      Merge pull request #1065 from ewang/master
      Merge pull request #1129 from r00k/allow-content-of-0-in-make
      Merge pull request #1154 from tombell/patch-1
      Merge pull request #1204 from paulmillr/patch-2
      Merge pull request #1284 from lifesinger/master
      Merge pull request #1342 from caseywebdev/master
      Merge pull request #1349 from nervetattoo/docs-advocate-proper-el-usage
      Merge pull request #1373 from wookiehangover/test_expected
      Merge pull request #1374 from braddunbar/test-refactor
      Merge pull request #1353 from braddunbar/destroy
      Merge pull request #1327 from TheBits/silent-merge
      Merge pull request #1380 from DjebbZ/master
      Merge pull request #1409 from durden/master
      Merge pull request #1422 from rhencke/patch-1
      Merge pull request #1444 from christopherwright/master
      Merge pull request #1484 from bukhamseen/master
      Merge pull request #1569 from aeosynth/master
      Merge pull request #1579 from ngauthier/master
      Merge pull request #1459 from braddunbar/attr-spaces
      Merge pull request #1590 from braddunbar/extend
      Merge pull request #1603 from braddunbar/test-module
      Merge pull request #1614 from aeosynth/master
      Merge pull request #1669 from liquid/docs_fixes
      Merge pull request #1742 from caseywebdev/master
      Merge pull request #1761 from gsamokovarov/update-comments
      Merge pull request #1766 from caseywebdev/set-refactor
      Merge pull request #1787 from wookiehangover/issue1785
      Merge pull request #1837 from j0nx/master
      Merge pull request #1851 from caseywebdev/global-leak
      Merge pull request #1853 from tgriesser/qunit
      Merge pull request #1993 from caseywebdev/options
      Merge pull request #1996 from caseywebdev/sort
      Merge pull request #2033 from taka84u9/collection-drop
      Merge pull request #2038 from tgriesser/nested-change-silent
      Merge pull request #2039 from adriaanlabusc/silent_fire_patch
      Merge pull request #2060 from philfreo/master
      Merge pull request #2114 from hswolff/stray-link
      Merge pull request #2106 from akre54/array-reset-speed-testing
      Merge pull request #2121 from gsamokovarov/patch-6
      Merge pull request #2132 from tgriesser/listenTo-patch
      Merge pull request #2142 from JasonPunyon/patch-1
      Merge pull request #2172 from tgriesser/validationError
      Merge pull request #2221 from tgriesser/sync-revert2
      Merge pull request #2304 from dillonforrest/fix/descriptive-parse-tests
      Merge pull request #2350 from hshoff/polymorphic
      Merge pull request #2381 from wookiehangover/master
      Merge pull request #2399 from wyuenho/error-callback-doc-fix
      Merge pull request #2420 from gsamokovarov/model-no-url-option
      Merge pull request #2429 from zyzniewski/master
      Merge pull request #2433 from CSNW/faq-typo
      Merge pull request #2454 from gsamokovarov/remove-leftover-url-docs
      Merge pull request #2613 from gsamokovarov/todo-difference
      Merge pull request #2632 from ingermaa/master
      Merge pull request #2655 from eastbayjake/master
      Merge pull request #2659 from braddunbar/trailing-root
      Merge pull request #2672 from skaterdav85/master
      Merge pull request #2702 from hartzler/remove-unreachable-code
      Merge pull request #2761 from akre54/no-more-domready
      Merge pull request #2803 from philfreo/patch-2
      Merge pull request #2827 from akre54/fix-router-test
      Merge pull request #2875 from kmike/events-doc-fix
      Merge pull request #2903 from clayzermk1/master
      Merge pull request #2930 from tgriesser/remove-reference-patch
      Merge pull request #2942 from tgriesser/master
      Merge pull request #2890 from braddunbar/search-params
      Merge pull request #3029 from Crisfole/update/underscore
      Merge pull request #3067 from shidel-dev/master
      Merge pull request #3036 from tgriesser/create-model-fix
      Merge pull request #3177 from braddunbar/node-version
      Merge pull request #3204 from julen/patch-1

braddunbar (1):
      add 'contains' alias for 'include'

dannydelott (4):
      Add docs for View#events
      Add docs for View#events
      Refactor example code in View#events docs
      Refactor example code in View#events docs

douglascalhoun (2):
      (2x) new Collection -> new Backbone.Collection
      (2x) new Collection -> new Backbone.Collection

dxgriffiths (1):
      Cleaned up the inherits function and added some extra comments to make it clear what is happening.

eastbayjake (3):
      Fixed typo: missing s in "asynchronous"
      Revert "Fixed typo: missing s in "asynchronous""
      Fixed typo: missing s in "asynchronous"

fancyoung (1):
      Update examples/todos/todos.js

ganmor (1):
      Move sort after merge

j03w (2):
      update version of underscore dependency
      Update bower.json

jdalton (2):
      Remove the only `_.bindAll` use.
      Replace `_.any` with `_.some`.

jrburke (1):
      UMD wrapper for AMD, node and browser globals.

jtwb (1):
      Clarify collection sync events in event catalog

juan gabriel ramirez (1):
      fixed typo

just-boris (1):
      Allow to make reduce without initial value

kalafut (1):
      Fix broken link

knowlet (1):
      fix bookmark

kpdecker (1):
      Fix root prefix handling in navigate.

kupriyanenko (1):
      Add support for runnig tests with jQuery-compatible libraries

lennym (1):
      Copied Backbone.ajax from global DOM lib at runtime to allow calls to Backbone.setDomLibrary to take effect and improve compatibility with test frameworks that mock $.ajax

lifesinger (1):
      refactor events using array instead of linked-list to improve performance

michalkot (1):
      allow empty routes

mieszko4 (1):
      Make item arrayizing consistent through the file

mindscratch (1):
      fixed typo

ohbarye (1):
      Fixed a broken link.

paulfalgout (2):
      Draft changelog for Backbone 1.2.1
      Draft change log for Backbone 1.3

rjz (1):
      Update README URLs

robrobbins (4):
      listen for invalid, not error
      use number of assertions, not another var
      listen for invalid, not error
      use number of assertions, not another var

sam-at-github (1):
      Minor update to docs. Qualify the behaviour of fetch({reset: true}). Link doc on reset event to reset method.

shidel.dev (1):
      broken link for tilemill example

smelnikov (1):
      Minor spelling fixes in comments

sophietk (2):
      Collection methods from underscore (reject, filter, some, every, ...) take function, set of model attributes, or attribute name as argument
      Fix test for IE7/IE8 build

tbranyen (2):
      allow history start to not call initial route
      reduced extends to single return

threepointone (1):
      Allow initialize on any class to pass on original arguments.

vlad (4):
      fixed typo in test for (presumably) equality
      fixes #972 by cleaning up a messy conditional
      fixed broken fragment links to underscore proxy methods
      fix stack overflow exception fired  in Collection.set with large collection (with chrome/nodejs/v8)


This annotated tag includes the following new commits:

       new  d0fd170   update modelId docs
       new  716764d   Add alternative help channels to README
       new  372436a   Remove matches proxy from docs
       new  10b7df9   fix incorrect closing b tag
       new  c59149e   Merge pull request #3787 from paulfalgout/patch-3
       new  c2a2aa9   Add MS Edge to karma-sauce runner.
       new  afd2ce8   Test for conflicting className/id and attributes
       new  87eade6   Merge pull request #3794 from garrettmaring/master
       new  13d87a3   Merge pull request #3797 from jdalton/msedge
       new  fba51b6   Merge pull request #3735 from akre54/readme-help
       new  e33de12   Merge pull request #3754 from paulfalgout/patch-1
       new  fd44dd4   Merge pull request #3692 from akre54/modelid-docs
       new  3c6fabb   Use _.create in extend
       new  7357891   Docs for Collection#at behavior
       new  02666a6   Merge pull request #3800 from FishbaitHarry/master
       new  4b64eeb   Fix _removeModels regression
       new  bd0fbde   Merge pull request #3553 from megawac/extend-create
       new  979adf5   Merge pull request #3803 from jridgewell/removeModels-regression
       new  6cff941   Add `findIndex` and `findLastIndex` underscore methods to Collection.
       new  7f75769   Merge pull request #3811 from jacobbuck/moreunderscore
       new  f7e73b6   Revert "Remove LICENSE from package.json files array."
       new  190b295   Merge pull request #3817 from jashkenas/revert-3765-patch-2
       new  9c68190   Tests: Migrated unit tests to QUnit 2.0 syntax. (fixes #3813)
       new  c931208   Merge pull request #3816 from platinumazure/qunit2
       new  9fb2f19   Make implicit ;s in tests explicit
       new  4104cad   Merge pull request #3819 from captbaritone/semicolons
       new  345dd7b   Allow to make reduce without initial value
       new  4b6ad31   Document using [] for empty Collections with options
       new  e08e195   Merge pull request #3818 from captbaritone/collection-initialize-null-models
       new  bb2c1b9   make empty collection arguments consistent
       new  2984d95   Fix indention in tests
       new  2e60498   Merge pull request #3821 from captbaritone/indent-fix
       new  95512b0   Fix indentation in models test
       new  fee53ab   Merge pull request #3822 from captbaritone/indent-fix
       new  02548a4   Use karma concurrency for initiating parallel sauce tests
       new  fda02db   Fix 1.2.2 Model#id regression
       new  5b430a9   Merge pull request #3833 from jridgewell/id-regression
       new  b3d2067   Update sauce browser matrix
       new  1274cc2   Bump karma requirement to 0.13.13 karma-runner/karma#1653
       new  7bbbcc8   Always return removed array from #_removeModels
       new  a02e733   Merge pull request #3832 from jashkenas/karma-sauce
       new  8949f7c   Merge pull request #3837 from jridgewell/remove-fix
       new  67667c5   Fix _onModelEvent regression
       new  d1880dd   Merge pull request #3834 from jridgewell/model-change-id-regression
       new  7ed8582   Deopt Underscore methods that change on arguments
       new  569f07e   Merge pull request #3820 from jridgewell/reduce-deopt
       new  7fb6f48   Test case for model.id
       new  4fb7900   Merge pull request #3845 from jridgewell/model-id-test
       new  1562e5f   fixed typo
       new  8db96d2   Merge pull request #3850 from adictovirtual/master
       new  74355ab   typo fix
       new  c559894   Whitespace
       new  15ac750   enable QUnit.config.noglobals in tests
       new  029e0f7   Fix anchor tags in ModelId docs
       new  a6a926d   Merge pull request #3855 from akre54/noglobals
       new  8011b5c   fix modelId example
       new  681dea9   Make item arrayizing consistent through the file
       new  33c7e18   Merge pull request #3859 from mieszko4/patch-1
       new  1be3730   Change `_.invoke` use to `_.map`.
       new  8109b87   Merge pull request #3864 from jdalton/invoke
       new  c23fb5d   Simplify `pluck`, thanks @jridgewell.
       new  a5adc1d   Merge pull request #3866 from jdalton/invoke-map
       new  24ac066   Ensure `attr` is a string when passed to `this.map`.
       new  1a65458   #3831
       new  d202999   Merge pull request #3867 from jdalton/coerce
       new  19b88d2   Fixed Collection#set regression when parse returns falsy value
       new  bb550ba   Merge pull request #3875 from Flamefork/3871-set-parse-undefined
       new  194c1ce   Merge pull request #3870 from cherouvim/master
       new  4c98b02   Give a nested route example
       new  80c5f1a   Merge pull request #3879 from jashkenas/nested-route-example
       new  421ccec   trust npm to set up $PATH
       new  b6d8170   Merge pull request #3885 from craigmichaelmartin/package-path
       new  954ee22   updates wording to "space-separated" to be consistent
       new  bf05278   Enable ESLint
       new  4fdf29c   Merge pull request #3891 from captbaritone/eslint
       new  b0a6274   Non-controversial ESLint whitespace rules
       new  4edef37   Merge pull request #3892 from captbaritone/eslint-1
       new  2ae117a   Add ESLint rule: key-spacing
       new  ade2f67   Merge pull request #3893 from captbaritone/eslint-2
       new  2f5cd8b   Enable ESLint rule: new-cap
       new  e4a60d1   Merge pull request #3897 from captbaritone/eslint-new-cap
       new  12da1e3   remove superfluous spaces from model test
       new  21f1262   Add ESLint rule: wrap-iife (inside)
       new  d0637b0   Merge pull request #3900 from captbaritone/eslint-wrap-iife-inside
       new  7dbdd0a   Add ESLint rule: no-undef
       new  c54ce3b   Add ESLint rule: quote-props (warning)
       new  04fe60f   Add ESLint rule: no-lonely-if
       new  d91405d   Enable ESLint rule: 'quotes' for tests
       new  3dbdfab   Enable ESLint semicolons for tests
       new  42392c3   Reenable already passing ESLint rules for tests
       new  9eb9124   Enforce camelCase ESLint rule in tests
       new  3746582   Add ESLint warning for quoted keys to tests
       new  109d1f0   Merge pull request #3894 from captbaritone/eslint-all
       new  8846d60   Enable ESLint brace-style
       new  1c66a6e   Add ESLint warning: no-extra-parens
       new  1389c7f   Merge pull request #3903 from captbaritone/eslint-6
       new  ad8f39b   Merge pull request #3902 from captbaritone/eslint-5
       new  edbfaae   Add ESLint rule: no-unused-expressions
       new  cc3419e   Add ESLint rule: block-scoped-var
       new  89d5084   Add ESLint rule: dot-notation
       new  be1f2a8   Add ESLint rule: eqeqeq
       new  0151ae0   Merge pull request #3910 from captbaritone/eslint-9
       new  ff555e7   Avoid nested ternary
       new  be14f69   Remove deprecated component.json
       new  19e2d29   Merge pull request #3917 from paulfalgout/remove-component
       new  c20ca2e   Merge pull request #3911 from captbaritone/nested-ternary
       new  7eeecf4   Silent true note for collection.remove
       new  a8b7117   Fix formatting
       new  2a78313   Merge pull request #3886 from ClimbsRocks/patch-1
       new  bc56c5a   Merge pull request #3907 from captbaritone/eslint-8
       new  dfe0e17   Update copyright year
       new  75666b0   add `has` method to collection
       new  2f9d048   Merge pull request #3930 from craigmichaelmartin/add-collection-has
       new  6d37e06   Merge pull request #3928 from captbaritone/year
       new  e0a5cc7   eliminate shadowed variable declarations
       new  82d8ec8   Merge pull request #3929 from craigmichaelmartin/avoid-redefinitions
       new  1aa7f76   add tests solidifying behavior for modelId with polymorphic models
       new  ecdb7ad   Merge pull request #3933 from craigmichaelmartin/add-id-test-for-polymorphic
       new  4caa6e6   fix modelId example
       new  be1c967   Merge pull request #3934 from craigmichaelmartin/fix-modelId-example
       new  80ccab0   disable npm's progress bar in travis ci for quicker install
       new  45f4eba   Merge pull request #3938 from craigmichaelmartin/patch-1
       new  00f5c39   Fixing object notation for Events.once
       new  d2099dd   Adding a unit test for once with object notation
       new  f55b154   Minor update to docs. Qualify the behaviour of fetch({reset: true}). Link doc on reset event to reset method.
       new  90cb566   Pass added and removed models to collection update events
       new  670ff30   Improve collection 'update' event consistency
       new  344a429   Merge pull request #3948 from megawac/col-update
       new  c380607   Merge pull request #3940 from roycetucker/patch-2
       new  2f85060   Upgrade vendor QUnit
       new  67790b2   Merge pull request #3945 from jridgewell/collection-has-test-fix
       new  ad1a6b8   Fixes typo in docs
       new  159ce4a   Merge pull request #3949 from pra85/patch-1
       new  92fb299   Use _.extend to avoid Object.prototype collisions
       new  08a486c   Merge pull request #3843 from jridgewell/defaults-prototype-collision
       new  b016194   Fix #3951: options.index should never exceed collection.length
       new  47fb04a   fix failing linting tests
       new  8e37d67   Merge pull request #3952 from craigmichaelmartin/fix-linting-errors
       new  8932ae4   optimize collection get and account for edge case
       new  5a6a824   Merge pull request #3936 from craigmichaelmartin/optimize-collection-get
       new  8d8b854   rename at => val in test to be clearer
       new  28588e1   Line 1920 - Fix Spacing After Return
       new  82bdb89   Merge pull request #3956 from jshen212/patch-1
       new  e5353fb   Merge pull request #3947 from sam-at-github/master
       new  5bc9809   Merge pull request #3927 from jashkenas/megawac-patch-1
       new  32d89dc   When listening to numerous events and stopListening is called, then _.isEmpty is painfully slowly and assigning _listenTo to undefined isn't necessary.
       new  8b976a4   Update changelog for 1.3.0.
       new  712b42b   code golf modelId example a bit more
       new  dcac2b5   Merge pull request #3921 from jdalton/changelog
       new  478e708   1.3.0

The 150 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/backbone.git

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