[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-bl] 01/03: New upstream version 1.1.2
Paolo Greppi
paolog-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Dec 4 14:11:39 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
paolog-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository node-bl.
commit 4117acde8324e2a4c8dc0092465753488491bf6c
Author: Paolo Greppi <paolo.greppi at libpf.com>
Date: Sun Dec 4 12:38:09 2016 +0000
New upstream version 1.1.2
.travis.yml | 8 +-
README.md | 15 +-
bl.js | 89 +++++---
package.json | 12 +-
test/basic-test.js | 541 --------------------------------------------
test/sauce.js | 38 ----
test/test.js | 643 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
7 files changed, 715 insertions(+), 631 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 7ddb9c9..5cb0480 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
+sudo: false
language: node_js
- - 0.8
- - "0.10"
+ - '0.10'
+ - '0.12'
+ - '4'
+ - '5'
- master
- rod at vagg.org
-script: npm test
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1753cc4..f7044db 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# bl *(BufferList)*
**A Node.js Buffer list collector, reader and streamer thingy.**
@@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ bl.pipe(fs.createWriteStream('gibberish.txt'))
<a name="ctor"></a>
-### new BufferList([ callback | buffer | buffer array ])
+### new BufferList([ callback | Buffer | Buffer array | BufferList | BufferList array | String ])
The constructor takes an optional callback, if supplied, the callback will be called with an error argument followed by a reference to the **bl** instance, when `bl.end()` is called (i.e. from a piped stream). This is a convenient method of collecting the entire contents of a stream, particularly when the stream is *chunky*, such as a network stream.
Normally, no arguments are required for the constructor, but you can initialise the list by passing in a single `Buffer` object or an array of `Buffer` object.
@@ -118,8 +120,8 @@ Get the length of the list in bytes. This is the sum of the lengths of all of th
<a name="append"></a>
-### bl.append(buffer)
-`append(buffer)` adds an additional buffer or BufferList to the internal list.
+### bl.append(Buffer | Buffer array | BufferList | BufferList array | String)
+`append(buffer)` adds an additional buffer or BufferList to the internal list. `this` is returned so it can be chained.
<a name="get"></a>
@@ -190,6 +192,9 @@ See the <b><code>[Buffer](http://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/buffer.html)</code><
-## License
+<a name="license"></a>
+## License & copyright
+Copyright (c) 2013-2014 bl contributors (listed above).
-**bl** is Copyright (c) 2013 Rod Vagg [@rvagg](https://twitter.com/rvagg) and licenced under the MIT licence. All rights not explicitly granted in the MIT license are reserved. See the included LICENSE.md file for more details.
+bl is licensed under the MIT license. All rights not explicitly granted in the MIT license are reserved. See the included LICENSE.md file for more details.
diff --git a/bl.js b/bl.js
index d1ea3b5..f585df1 100644
--- a/bl.js
+++ b/bl.js
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-var DuplexStream = require('readable-stream').Duplex
+var DuplexStream = require('readable-stream/duplex')
, util = require('util')
function BufferList (callback) {
if (!(this instanceof BufferList))
return new BufferList(callback)
@@ -11,34 +12,31 @@ function BufferList (callback) {
if (typeof callback == 'function') {
this._callback = callback
- var piper = function (err) {
+ var piper = function piper (err) {
if (this._callback) {
this._callback = null
- this.on('pipe', function (src) {
+ this.on('pipe', function onPipe (src) {
src.on('error', piper)
- this.on('unpipe', function (src) {
+ this.on('unpipe', function onUnpipe (src) {
src.removeListener('error', piper)
- }
- else if (Buffer.isBuffer(callback))
+ } else {
- else if (Array.isArray(callback)) {
- callback.forEach(function (b) {
- Buffer.isBuffer(b) && this.append(b)
- }.bind(this))
util.inherits(BufferList, DuplexStream)
-BufferList.prototype._offset = function (offset) {
+BufferList.prototype._offset = function _offset (offset) {
var tot = 0, i = 0, _t
for (; i < this._bufs.length; i++) {
_t = tot + this._bufs[i].length
@@ -48,30 +46,52 @@ BufferList.prototype._offset = function (offset) {
-BufferList.prototype.append = function (buf) {
- var isBuffer = Buffer.isBuffer(buf) ||
- buf instanceof BufferList
- this._bufs.push(isBuffer ? buf : new Buffer(buf))
- this.length += buf.length
+BufferList.prototype.append = function append (buf) {
+ var i = 0
+ , newBuf
+ if (Array.isArray(buf)) {
+ for (; i < buf.length; i++)
+ this.append(buf[i])
+ } else if (buf instanceof BufferList) {
+ // unwrap argument into individual BufferLists
+ for (; i < buf._bufs.length; i++)
+ this.append(buf._bufs[i])
+ } else if (buf != null) {
+ // coerce number arguments to strings, since Buffer(number) does
+ // uninitialized memory allocation
+ if (typeof buf == 'number')
+ buf = buf.toString()
+ newBuf = Buffer.isBuffer(buf) ? buf : new Buffer(buf)
+ this._bufs.push(newBuf)
+ this.length += newBuf.length
+ }
return this
-BufferList.prototype._write = function (buf, encoding, callback) {
+BufferList.prototype._write = function _write (buf, encoding, callback) {
- if (callback)
+ if (typeof callback == 'function')
-BufferList.prototype._read = function (size) {
+BufferList.prototype._read = function _read (size) {
if (!this.length)
return this.push(null)
size = Math.min(size, this.length)
this.push(this.slice(0, size))
-BufferList.prototype.end = function (chunk) {
+BufferList.prototype.end = function end (chunk) {
DuplexStream.prototype.end.call(this, chunk)
if (this._callback) {
@@ -80,15 +100,18 @@ BufferList.prototype.end = function (chunk) {
-BufferList.prototype.get = function (index) {
+BufferList.prototype.get = function get (index) {
return this.slice(index, index + 1)[0]
-BufferList.prototype.slice = function (start, end) {
+BufferList.prototype.slice = function slice (start, end) {
return this.copy(null, 0, start, end)
-BufferList.prototype.copy = function (dst, dstStart, srcStart, srcEnd) {
+BufferList.prototype.copy = function copy (dst, dstStart, srcStart, srcEnd) {
if (typeof srcStart != 'number' || srcStart < 0)
srcStart = 0
if (typeof srcEnd != 'number' || srcEnd > this.length)
@@ -151,13 +174,13 @@ BufferList.prototype.copy = function (dst, dstStart, srcStart, srcEnd) {
return dst
-BufferList.prototype.toString = function (encoding, start, end) {
+BufferList.prototype.toString = function toString (encoding, start, end) {
return this.slice(start, end).toString(encoding)
-BufferList.prototype.consume = function (bytes) {
+BufferList.prototype.consume = function consume (bytes) {
while (this._bufs.length) {
- if (bytes > this._bufs[0].length) {
+ if (bytes >= this._bufs[0].length) {
bytes -= this._bufs[0].length
this.length -= this._bufs[0].length
@@ -170,7 +193,8 @@ BufferList.prototype.consume = function (bytes) {
return this
-BufferList.prototype.duplicate = function () {
+BufferList.prototype.duplicate = function duplicate () {
var i = 0
, copy = new BufferList()
@@ -180,12 +204,14 @@ BufferList.prototype.duplicate = function () {
return copy
-BufferList.prototype.destroy = function () {
- this._bufs.length = 0;
- this.length = 0;
- this.push(null);
+BufferList.prototype.destroy = function destroy () {
+ this._bufs.length = 0
+ this.length = 0
+ this.push(null)
;(function () {
var methods = {
'readDoubleBE' : 8
@@ -213,4 +239,5 @@ BufferList.prototype.destroy = function () {
module.exports = BufferList
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index f5a1e44..aac62e3 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
"name": "bl",
- "version": "0.9.3",
+ "version": "1.1.2",
"description": "Buffer List: collect buffers and access with a standard readable Buffer interface, streamable too!",
"main": "bl.js",
"scripts": {
- "test": "node test/test.js | faucet",
- "test-local": "brtapsauce-local test/basic-test.js"
+ "test": "node test/test.js | faucet"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
@@ -25,12 +24,11 @@
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
- "readable-stream": "~1.0.26"
+ "readable-stream": "~2.0.5"
"devDependencies": {
- "tape": "~2.12.3",
+ "faucet": "0.0.1",
"hash_file": "~0.1.1",
- "faucet": "~0.0.1",
- "brtapsauce": "~0.3.0"
+ "tape": "~4.4.0"
diff --git a/test/basic-test.js b/test/basic-test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 75116a3..0000000
--- a/test/basic-test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,541 +0,0 @@
-var tape = require('tape')
- , crypto = require('crypto')
- , fs = require('fs')
- , hash = require('hash_file')
- , BufferList = require('../')
- , encodings =
- ('hex utf8 utf-8 ascii binary base64'
- + (process.browser ? '' : ' ucs2 ucs-2 utf16le utf-16le')).split(' ')
-tape('single bytes from single buffer', function (t) {
- var bl = new BufferList()
- bl.append(new Buffer('abcd'))
- t.equal(bl.length, 4)
- t.equal(bl.get(0), 97)
- t.equal(bl.get(1), 98)
- t.equal(bl.get(2), 99)
- t.equal(bl.get(3), 100)
- t.end()
-tape('single bytes from multiple buffers', function (t) {
- var bl = new BufferList()
- bl.append(new Buffer('abcd'))
- bl.append(new Buffer('efg'))
- bl.append(new Buffer('hi'))
- bl.append(new Buffer('j'))
- t.equal(bl.length, 10)
- t.equal(bl.get(0), 97)
- t.equal(bl.get(1), 98)
- t.equal(bl.get(2), 99)
- t.equal(bl.get(3), 100)
- t.equal(bl.get(4), 101)
- t.equal(bl.get(5), 102)
- t.equal(bl.get(6), 103)
- t.equal(bl.get(7), 104)
- t.equal(bl.get(8), 105)
- t.equal(bl.get(9), 106)
- t.end()
-tape('multi bytes from single buffer', function (t) {
- var bl = new BufferList()
- bl.append(new Buffer('abcd'))
- t.equal(bl.length, 4)
- t.equal(bl.slice(0, 4).toString('ascii'), 'abcd')
- t.equal(bl.slice(0, 3).toString('ascii'), 'abc')
- t.equal(bl.slice(1, 4).toString('ascii'), 'bcd')
- t.end()
-tape('multiple bytes from multiple buffers', function (t) {
- var bl = new BufferList()
- bl.append(new Buffer('abcd'))
- bl.append(new Buffer('efg'))
- bl.append(new Buffer('hi'))
- bl.append(new Buffer('j'))
- t.equal(bl.length, 10)
- t.equal(bl.slice(0, 10).toString('ascii'), 'abcdefghij')
- t.equal(bl.slice(3, 10).toString('ascii'), 'defghij')
- t.equal(bl.slice(3, 6).toString('ascii'), 'def')
- t.equal(bl.slice(3, 8).toString('ascii'), 'defgh')
- t.equal(bl.slice(5, 10).toString('ascii'), 'fghij')
- t.end()
-tape('multiple bytes from multiple buffer lists', function (t) {
- var bl = new BufferList()
- bl.append(new BufferList([new Buffer('abcd'), new Buffer('efg')]))
- bl.append(new BufferList([new Buffer('hi'), new Buffer('j')]))
- t.equal(bl.length, 10)
- t.equal(bl.slice(0, 10).toString('ascii'), 'abcdefghij')
- t.equal(bl.slice(3, 10).toString('ascii'), 'defghij')
- t.equal(bl.slice(3, 6).toString('ascii'), 'def')
- t.equal(bl.slice(3, 8).toString('ascii'), 'defgh')
- t.equal(bl.slice(5, 10).toString('ascii'), 'fghij')
- t.end()
-tape('consuming from multiple buffers', function (t) {
- var bl = new BufferList()
- bl.append(new Buffer('abcd'))
- bl.append(new Buffer('efg'))
- bl.append(new Buffer('hi'))
- bl.append(new Buffer('j'))
- t.equal(bl.length, 10)
- t.equal(bl.slice(0, 10).toString('ascii'), 'abcdefghij')
- bl.consume(3)
- t.equal(bl.length, 7)
- t.equal(bl.slice(0, 7).toString('ascii'), 'defghij')
- bl.consume(2)
- t.equal(bl.length, 5)
- t.equal(bl.slice(0, 5).toString('ascii'), 'fghij')
- bl.consume(1)
- t.equal(bl.length, 4)
- t.equal(bl.slice(0, 4).toString('ascii'), 'ghij')
- bl.consume(1)
- t.equal(bl.length, 3)
- t.equal(bl.slice(0, 3).toString('ascii'), 'hij')
- bl.consume(2)
- t.equal(bl.length, 1)
- t.equal(bl.slice(0, 1).toString('ascii'), 'j')
- t.end()
-tape('test readUInt8 / readInt8', function (t) {
- var buf1 = new Buffer(1)
- , buf2 = new Buffer(3)
- , buf3 = new Buffer(3)
- , bl = new BufferList()
- buf2[1] = 0x3
- buf2[2] = 0x4
- buf3[0] = 0x23
- buf3[1] = 0x42
- bl.append(buf1)
- bl.append(buf2)
- bl.append(buf3)
- t.equal(bl.readUInt8(2), 0x3)
- t.equal(bl.readInt8(2), 0x3)
- t.equal(bl.readUInt8(3), 0x4)
- t.equal(bl.readInt8(3), 0x4)
- t.equal(bl.readUInt8(4), 0x23)
- t.equal(bl.readInt8(4), 0x23)
- t.equal(bl.readUInt8(5), 0x42)
- t.equal(bl.readInt8(5), 0x42)
- t.end()
-tape('test readUInt16LE / readUInt16BE / readInt16LE / readInt16BE', function (t) {
- var buf1 = new Buffer(1)
- , buf2 = new Buffer(3)
- , buf3 = new Buffer(3)
- , bl = new BufferList()
- buf2[1] = 0x3
- buf2[2] = 0x4
- buf3[0] = 0x23
- buf3[1] = 0x42
- bl.append(buf1)
- bl.append(buf2)
- bl.append(buf3)
- t.equal(bl.readUInt16BE(2), 0x0304)
- t.equal(bl.readUInt16LE(2), 0x0403)
- t.equal(bl.readInt16BE(2), 0x0304)
- t.equal(bl.readInt16LE(2), 0x0403)
- t.equal(bl.readUInt16BE(3), 0x0423)
- t.equal(bl.readUInt16LE(3), 0x2304)
- t.equal(bl.readInt16BE(3), 0x0423)
- t.equal(bl.readInt16LE(3), 0x2304)
- t.equal(bl.readUInt16BE(4), 0x2342)
- t.equal(bl.readUInt16LE(4), 0x4223)
- t.equal(bl.readInt16BE(4), 0x2342)
- t.equal(bl.readInt16LE(4), 0x4223)
- t.end()
-tape('test readUInt32LE / readUInt32BE / readInt32LE / readInt32BE', function (t) {
- var buf1 = new Buffer(1)
- , buf2 = new Buffer(3)
- , buf3 = new Buffer(3)
- , bl = new BufferList()
- buf2[1] = 0x3
- buf2[2] = 0x4
- buf3[0] = 0x23
- buf3[1] = 0x42
- bl.append(buf1)
- bl.append(buf2)
- bl.append(buf3)
- t.equal(bl.readUInt32BE(2), 0x03042342)
- t.equal(bl.readUInt32LE(2), 0x42230403)
- t.equal(bl.readInt32BE(2), 0x03042342)
- t.equal(bl.readInt32LE(2), 0x42230403)
- t.end()
-tape('test readFloatLE / readFloatBE', function (t) {
- var buf1 = new Buffer(1)
- , buf2 = new Buffer(3)
- , buf3 = new Buffer(3)
- , bl = new BufferList()
- buf2[1] = 0x00
- buf2[2] = 0x00
- buf3[0] = 0x80
- buf3[1] = 0x3f
- bl.append(buf1)
- bl.append(buf2)
- bl.append(buf3)
- t.equal(bl.readFloatLE(2), 0x01)
- t.end()
-tape('test readDoubleLE / readDoubleBE', function (t) {
- var buf1 = new Buffer(1)
- , buf2 = new Buffer(3)
- , buf3 = new Buffer(10)
- , bl = new BufferList()
- buf2[1] = 0x55
- buf2[2] = 0x55
- buf3[0] = 0x55
- buf3[1] = 0x55
- buf3[2] = 0x55
- buf3[3] = 0x55
- buf3[4] = 0xd5
- buf3[5] = 0x3f
- bl.append(buf1)
- bl.append(buf2)
- bl.append(buf3)
- t.equal(bl.readDoubleLE(2), 0.3333333333333333)
- t.end()
-tape('test toString', function (t) {
- var bl = new BufferList()
- bl.append(new Buffer('abcd'))
- bl.append(new Buffer('efg'))
- bl.append(new Buffer('hi'))
- bl.append(new Buffer('j'))
- t.equal(bl.toString('ascii', 0, 10), 'abcdefghij')
- t.equal(bl.toString('ascii', 3, 10), 'defghij')
- t.equal(bl.toString('ascii', 3, 6), 'def')
- t.equal(bl.toString('ascii', 3, 8), 'defgh')
- t.equal(bl.toString('ascii', 5, 10), 'fghij')
- t.end()
-tape('test toString encoding', function (t) {
- var bl = new BufferList()
- , b = new Buffer('abcdefghij\xff\x00')
- bl.append(new Buffer('abcd'))
- bl.append(new Buffer('efg'))
- bl.append(new Buffer('hi'))
- bl.append(new Buffer('j'))
- bl.append(new Buffer('\xff\x00'))
- encodings.forEach(function (enc) {
- t.equal(bl.toString(enc), b.toString(enc), enc)
- })
- t.end()
-!process.browser && tape('test stream', function (t) {
- var random = crypto.randomBytes(65534)
- , rndhash = hash(random, 'md5')
- , md5sum = crypto.createHash('md5')
- , bl = new BufferList(function (err, buf) {
- t.ok(Buffer.isBuffer(buf))
- t.ok(err === null)
- t.equal(rndhash, hash(bl.slice(), 'md5'))
- t.equal(rndhash, hash(buf, 'md5'))
- bl.pipe(fs.createWriteStream('/tmp/bl_test_rnd_out.dat'))
- .on('close', function () {
- var s = fs.createReadStream('/tmp/bl_test_rnd_out.dat')
- s.on('data', md5sum.update.bind(md5sum))
- s.on('end', function() {
- t.equal(rndhash, md5sum.digest('hex'), 'woohoo! correct hash!')
- t.end()
- })
- })
- })
- fs.writeFileSync('/tmp/bl_test_rnd.dat', random)
- fs.createReadStream('/tmp/bl_test_rnd.dat').pipe(bl)
-tape('instantiation with Buffer', function (t) {
- var buf = crypto.randomBytes(1024)
- , buf2 = crypto.randomBytes(1024)
- , b = BufferList(buf)
- t.equal(buf.toString('hex'), b.slice().toString('hex'), 'same buffer')
- b = BufferList([ buf, buf2 ])
- t.equal(b.slice().toString('hex'), Buffer.concat([ buf, buf2 ]).toString('hex'), 'same buffer')
- t.end()
-tape('test String appendage', function (t) {
- var bl = new BufferList()
- , b = new Buffer('abcdefghij\xff\x00')
- bl.append('abcd')
- bl.append('efg')
- bl.append('hi')
- bl.append('j')
- bl.append('\xff\x00')
- encodings.forEach(function (enc) {
- t.equal(bl.toString(enc), b.toString(enc))
- })
- t.end()
-tape('write nothing, should get empty buffer', function (t) {
- t.plan(3)
- BufferList(function (err, data) {
- t.notOk(err, 'no error')
- t.ok(Buffer.isBuffer(data), 'got a buffer')
- t.equal(0, data.length, 'got a zero-length buffer')
- t.end()
- }).end()
-tape('unicode string', function (t) {
- t.plan(2)
- var inp1 = '\u2600'
- , inp2 = '\u2603'
- , exp = inp1 + ' and ' + inp2
- , bl = BufferList()
- bl.write(inp1)
- bl.write(' and ')
- bl.write(inp2)
- t.equal(exp, bl.toString())
- t.equal(new Buffer(exp).toString('hex'), bl.toString('hex'))
-tape('should emit finish', function (t) {
- var source = BufferList()
- , dest = BufferList()
- source.write('hello')
- source.pipe(dest)
- dest.on('finish', function () {
- t.equal(dest.toString('utf8'), 'hello')
- t.end()
- })
-tape('basic copy', function (t) {
- var buf = crypto.randomBytes(1024)
- , buf2 = new Buffer(1024)
- , b = BufferList(buf)
- b.copy(buf2)
- t.equal(b.slice().toString('hex'), buf2.toString('hex'), 'same buffer')
- t.end()
-tape('copy after many appends', function (t) {
- var buf = crypto.randomBytes(512)
- , buf2 = new Buffer(1024)
- , b = BufferList(buf)
- b.append(buf)
- b.copy(buf2)
- t.equal(b.slice().toString('hex'), buf2.toString('hex'), 'same buffer')
- t.end()
-tape('copy at a precise position', function (t) {
- var buf = crypto.randomBytes(1004)
- , buf2 = new Buffer(1024)
- , b = BufferList(buf)
- b.copy(buf2, 20)
- t.equal(b.slice().toString('hex'), buf2.slice(20).toString('hex'), 'same buffer')
- t.end()
-tape('copy starting from a precise location', function (t) {
- var buf = crypto.randomBytes(10)
- , buf2 = new Buffer(5)
- , b = BufferList(buf)
- b.copy(buf2, 0, 5)
- t.equal(b.slice(5).toString('hex'), buf2.toString('hex'), 'same buffer')
- t.end()
-tape('copy in an interval', function (t) {
- var rnd = crypto.randomBytes(10)
- , b = BufferList(rnd) // put the random bytes there
- , actual = new Buffer(3)
- , expected = new Buffer(3)
- rnd.copy(expected, 0, 5, 8)
- b.copy(actual, 0, 5, 8)
- t.equal(actual.toString('hex'), expected.toString('hex'), 'same buffer')
- t.end()
-tape('copy an interval between two buffers', function (t) {
- var buf = crypto.randomBytes(10)
- , buf2 = new Buffer(10)
- , b = BufferList(buf)
- b.append(buf)
- b.copy(buf2, 0, 5, 15)
- t.equal(b.slice(5, 15).toString('hex'), buf2.toString('hex'), 'same buffer')
- t.end()
-tape('duplicate', function (t) {
- t.plan(2)
- var bl = new BufferList('abcdefghij\xff\x00')
- , dup = bl.duplicate()
- t.equal(bl.prototype, dup.prototype)
- t.equal(bl.toString('hex'), dup.toString('hex'))
-tape('destroy no pipe', function (t) {
- t.plan(2)
- var bl = new BufferList('alsdkfja;lsdkfja;lsdk')
- bl.destroy()
- t.equal(bl._bufs.length, 0)
- t.equal(bl.length, 0)
-!process.browser && tape('destroy with pipe before read end', function (t) {
- t.plan(2)
- var bl = new BufferList()
- fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/sauce.js')
- .pipe(bl)
- bl.destroy()
- t.equal(bl._bufs.length, 0)
- t.equal(bl.length, 0)
-!process.browser && tape('destroy with pipe before read end with race', function (t) {
- t.plan(2)
- var bl = new BufferList()
- fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/sauce.js')
- .pipe(bl)
- setTimeout(function () {
- bl.destroy()
- setTimeout(function () {
- t.equal(bl._bufs.length, 0)
- t.equal(bl.length, 0)
- }, 500)
- }, 500)
-!process.browser && tape('destroy with pipe after read end', function (t) {
- t.plan(2)
- var bl = new BufferList()
- fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/sauce.js')
- .on('end', onEnd)
- .pipe(bl)
- function onEnd () {
- bl.destroy()
- t.equal(bl._bufs.length, 0)
- t.equal(bl.length, 0)
- }
-!process.browser && tape('destroy with pipe while writing to a destination', function (t) {
- t.plan(4)
- var bl = new BufferList()
- , ds = new BufferList()
- fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/sauce.js')
- .on('end', onEnd)
- .pipe(bl)
- function onEnd () {
- bl.pipe(ds)
- setTimeout(function () {
- bl.destroy()
- t.equals(bl._bufs.length, 0)
- t.equals(bl.length, 0)
- ds.destroy()
- t.equals(bl._bufs.length, 0)
- t.equals(bl.length, 0)
- }, 100)
- }
-!process.browser && tape('handle error', function (t) {
- t.plan(2)
- fs.createReadStream('/does/not/exist').pipe(BufferList(function (err, data) {
- t.ok(err instanceof Error, 'has error')
- t.notOk(data, 'no data')
- }))
diff --git a/test/sauce.js b/test/sauce.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a6d2862..0000000
--- a/test/sauce.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-const user = process.env.SAUCE_USER
- , key = process.env.SAUCE_KEY
- , path = require('path')
- , brtapsauce = require('brtapsauce')
- , testFile = path.join(__dirname, 'basic-test.js')
- , capabilities = [
- { browserName: 'chrome' , platform: 'Windows XP', version: '' }
- , { browserName: 'firefox' , platform: 'Windows 8' , version: '' }
- , { browserName: 'firefox' , platform: 'Windows XP', version: '4' }
- , { browserName: 'internet explorer' , platform: 'Windows 8' , version: '10' }
- , { browserName: 'internet explorer' , platform: 'Windows 7' , version: '9' }
- , { browserName: 'internet explorer' , platform: 'Windows 7' , version: '8' }
- , { browserName: 'internet explorer' , platform: 'Windows XP', version: '7' }
- , { browserName: 'internet explorer' , platform: 'Windows XP', version: '6' }
- , { browserName: 'safari' , platform: 'Windows 7' , version: '5' }
- , { browserName: 'safari' , platform: 'OS X 10.8' , version: '6' }
- , { browserName: 'opera' , platform: 'Windows 7' , version: '' }
- , { browserName: 'opera' , platform: 'Windows 7' , version: '11' }
- , { browserName: 'ipad' , platform: 'OS X 10.8' , version: '6' }
- , { browserName: 'android' , platform: 'Linux' , version: '4.0', 'device-type': 'tablet' }
- ]
-if (!user)
- throw new Error('Must set a SAUCE_USER env var')
-if (!key)
- throw new Error('Must set a SAUCE_KEY env var')
- name : 'Traversty'
- , user : user
- , key : key
- , brsrc : testFile
- , capabilities : capabilities
- , options : { timeout: 60 * 6 }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/test.js b/test/test.js
index aa9b487..c95b1ba 100644
--- a/test/test.js
+++ b/test/test.js
@@ -1,9 +1,640 @@
+var tape = require('tape')
+ , crypto = require('crypto')
+ , fs = require('fs')
+ , hash = require('hash_file')
+ , BufferList = require('../')
-if (!process.env.SAUCE_KEY || !process.env.SAUCE_USER)
- return console.log('SAUCE_KEY and/or SAUCE_USER not set, not running sauce tests')
+ , encodings =
+ ('hex utf8 utf-8 ascii binary base64'
+ + (process.browser ? '' : ' ucs2 ucs-2 utf16le utf-16le')).split(' ')
-if (!/v0\.10/.test(process.version))
- return console.log('Not Node v0.10.x, not running sauce tests')
+tape('single bytes from single buffer', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ bl.append(new Buffer('abcd'))
\ No newline at end of file
+ t.equal(bl.length, 4)
+ t.equal(bl.get(0), 97)
+ t.equal(bl.get(1), 98)
+ t.equal(bl.get(2), 99)
+ t.equal(bl.get(3), 100)
+ t.end()
+tape('single bytes from multiple buffers', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ bl.append(new Buffer('abcd'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('efg'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('hi'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('j'))
+ t.equal(bl.length, 10)
+ t.equal(bl.get(0), 97)
+ t.equal(bl.get(1), 98)
+ t.equal(bl.get(2), 99)
+ t.equal(bl.get(3), 100)
+ t.equal(bl.get(4), 101)
+ t.equal(bl.get(5), 102)
+ t.equal(bl.get(6), 103)
+ t.equal(bl.get(7), 104)
+ t.equal(bl.get(8), 105)
+ t.equal(bl.get(9), 106)
+ t.end()
+tape('multi bytes from single buffer', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ bl.append(new Buffer('abcd'))
+ t.equal(bl.length, 4)
+ t.equal(bl.slice(0, 4).toString('ascii'), 'abcd')
+ t.equal(bl.slice(0, 3).toString('ascii'), 'abc')
+ t.equal(bl.slice(1, 4).toString('ascii'), 'bcd')
+ t.end()
+tape('multiple bytes from multiple buffers', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ bl.append(new Buffer('abcd'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('efg'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('hi'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('j'))
+ t.equal(bl.length, 10)
+ t.equal(bl.slice(0, 10).toString('ascii'), 'abcdefghij')
+ t.equal(bl.slice(3, 10).toString('ascii'), 'defghij')
+ t.equal(bl.slice(3, 6).toString('ascii'), 'def')
+ t.equal(bl.slice(3, 8).toString('ascii'), 'defgh')
+ t.equal(bl.slice(5, 10).toString('ascii'), 'fghij')
+ t.end()
+tape('multiple bytes from multiple buffer lists', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ bl.append(new BufferList([ new Buffer('abcd'), new Buffer('efg') ]))
+ bl.append(new BufferList([ new Buffer('hi'), new Buffer('j') ]))
+ t.equal(bl.length, 10)
+ t.equal(bl.slice(0, 10).toString('ascii'), 'abcdefghij')
+ t.equal(bl.slice(3, 10).toString('ascii'), 'defghij')
+ t.equal(bl.slice(3, 6).toString('ascii'), 'def')
+ t.equal(bl.slice(3, 8).toString('ascii'), 'defgh')
+ t.equal(bl.slice(5, 10).toString('ascii'), 'fghij')
+ t.end()
+// same data as previous test, just using nested constructors
+tape('multiple bytes from crazy nested buffer lists', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ bl.append(new BufferList([
+ new BufferList([
+ new BufferList(new Buffer('abc'))
+ , new Buffer('d')
+ , new BufferList(new Buffer('efg'))
+ ])
+ , new BufferList([ new Buffer('hi') ])
+ , new BufferList(new Buffer('j'))
+ ]))
+ t.equal(bl.length, 10)
+ t.equal(bl.slice(0, 10).toString('ascii'), 'abcdefghij')
+ t.equal(bl.slice(3, 10).toString('ascii'), 'defghij')
+ t.equal(bl.slice(3, 6).toString('ascii'), 'def')
+ t.equal(bl.slice(3, 8).toString('ascii'), 'defgh')
+ t.equal(bl.slice(5, 10).toString('ascii'), 'fghij')
+ t.end()
+tape('append accepts arrays of Buffers', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ bl.append(new Buffer('abc'))
+ bl.append([ new Buffer('def') ])
+ bl.append([ new Buffer('ghi'), new Buffer('jkl') ])
+ bl.append([ new Buffer('mnop'), new Buffer('qrstu'), new Buffer('vwxyz') ])
+ t.equal(bl.length, 26)
+ t.equal(bl.slice().toString('ascii'), 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
+ t.end()
+tape('append accepts arrays of BufferLists', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ bl.append(new Buffer('abc'))
+ bl.append([ new BufferList('def') ])
+ bl.append(new BufferList([ new Buffer('ghi'), new BufferList('jkl') ]))
+ bl.append([ new Buffer('mnop'), new BufferList([ new Buffer('qrstu'), new Buffer('vwxyz') ]) ])
+ t.equal(bl.length, 26)
+ t.equal(bl.slice().toString('ascii'), 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
+ t.end()
+tape('append chainable', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ t.ok(bl.append(new Buffer('abcd')) === bl)
+ t.ok(bl.append([ new Buffer('abcd') ]) === bl)
+ t.ok(bl.append(new BufferList(new Buffer('abcd'))) === bl)
+ t.ok(bl.append([ new BufferList(new Buffer('abcd')) ]) === bl)
+ t.end()
+tape('append chainable (test results)', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList('abc')
+ .append([ new BufferList('def') ])
+ .append(new BufferList([ new Buffer('ghi'), new BufferList('jkl') ]))
+ .append([ new Buffer('mnop'), new BufferList([ new Buffer('qrstu'), new Buffer('vwxyz') ]) ])
+ t.equal(bl.length, 26)
+ t.equal(bl.slice().toString('ascii'), 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
+ t.end()
+tape('consuming from multiple buffers', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ bl.append(new Buffer('abcd'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('efg'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('hi'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('j'))
+ t.equal(bl.length, 10)
+ t.equal(bl.slice(0, 10).toString('ascii'), 'abcdefghij')
+ bl.consume(3)
+ t.equal(bl.length, 7)
+ t.equal(bl.slice(0, 7).toString('ascii'), 'defghij')
+ bl.consume(2)
+ t.equal(bl.length, 5)
+ t.equal(bl.slice(0, 5).toString('ascii'), 'fghij')
+ bl.consume(1)
+ t.equal(bl.length, 4)
+ t.equal(bl.slice(0, 4).toString('ascii'), 'ghij')
+ bl.consume(1)
+ t.equal(bl.length, 3)
+ t.equal(bl.slice(0, 3).toString('ascii'), 'hij')
+ bl.consume(2)
+ t.equal(bl.length, 1)
+ t.equal(bl.slice(0, 1).toString('ascii'), 'j')
+ t.end()
+tape('complete consumption', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ bl.append(new Buffer('a'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('b'))
+ bl.consume(2)
+ t.equal(bl.length, 0)
+ t.equal(bl._bufs.length, 0)
+ t.end()
+tape('test readUInt8 / readInt8', function (t) {
+ var buf1 = new Buffer(1)
+ , buf2 = new Buffer(3)
+ , buf3 = new Buffer(3)
+ , bl = new BufferList()
+ buf2[1] = 0x3
+ buf2[2] = 0x4
+ buf3[0] = 0x23
+ buf3[1] = 0x42
+ bl.append(buf1)
+ bl.append(buf2)
+ bl.append(buf3)
+ t.equal(bl.readUInt8(2), 0x3)
+ t.equal(bl.readInt8(2), 0x3)
+ t.equal(bl.readUInt8(3), 0x4)
+ t.equal(bl.readInt8(3), 0x4)
+ t.equal(bl.readUInt8(4), 0x23)
+ t.equal(bl.readInt8(4), 0x23)
+ t.equal(bl.readUInt8(5), 0x42)
+ t.equal(bl.readInt8(5), 0x42)
+ t.end()
+tape('test readUInt16LE / readUInt16BE / readInt16LE / readInt16BE', function (t) {
+ var buf1 = new Buffer(1)
+ , buf2 = new Buffer(3)
+ , buf3 = new Buffer(3)
+ , bl = new BufferList()
+ buf2[1] = 0x3
+ buf2[2] = 0x4
+ buf3[0] = 0x23
+ buf3[1] = 0x42
+ bl.append(buf1)
+ bl.append(buf2)
+ bl.append(buf3)
+ t.equal(bl.readUInt16BE(2), 0x0304)
+ t.equal(bl.readUInt16LE(2), 0x0403)
+ t.equal(bl.readInt16BE(2), 0x0304)
+ t.equal(bl.readInt16LE(2), 0x0403)
+ t.equal(bl.readUInt16BE(3), 0x0423)
+ t.equal(bl.readUInt16LE(3), 0x2304)
+ t.equal(bl.readInt16BE(3), 0x0423)
+ t.equal(bl.readInt16LE(3), 0x2304)
+ t.equal(bl.readUInt16BE(4), 0x2342)
+ t.equal(bl.readUInt16LE(4), 0x4223)
+ t.equal(bl.readInt16BE(4), 0x2342)
+ t.equal(bl.readInt16LE(4), 0x4223)
+ t.end()
+tape('test readUInt32LE / readUInt32BE / readInt32LE / readInt32BE', function (t) {
+ var buf1 = new Buffer(1)
+ , buf2 = new Buffer(3)
+ , buf3 = new Buffer(3)
+ , bl = new BufferList()
+ buf2[1] = 0x3
+ buf2[2] = 0x4
+ buf3[0] = 0x23
+ buf3[1] = 0x42
+ bl.append(buf1)
+ bl.append(buf2)
+ bl.append(buf3)
+ t.equal(bl.readUInt32BE(2), 0x03042342)
+ t.equal(bl.readUInt32LE(2), 0x42230403)
+ t.equal(bl.readInt32BE(2), 0x03042342)
+ t.equal(bl.readInt32LE(2), 0x42230403)
+ t.end()
+tape('test readFloatLE / readFloatBE', function (t) {
+ var buf1 = new Buffer(1)
+ , buf2 = new Buffer(3)
+ , buf3 = new Buffer(3)
+ , bl = new BufferList()
+ buf2[1] = 0x00
+ buf2[2] = 0x00
+ buf3[0] = 0x80
+ buf3[1] = 0x3f
+ bl.append(buf1)
+ bl.append(buf2)
+ bl.append(buf3)
+ t.equal(bl.readFloatLE(2), 0x01)
+ t.end()
+tape('test readDoubleLE / readDoubleBE', function (t) {
+ var buf1 = new Buffer(1)
+ , buf2 = new Buffer(3)
+ , buf3 = new Buffer(10)
+ , bl = new BufferList()
+ buf2[1] = 0x55
+ buf2[2] = 0x55
+ buf3[0] = 0x55
+ buf3[1] = 0x55
+ buf3[2] = 0x55
+ buf3[3] = 0x55
+ buf3[4] = 0xd5
+ buf3[5] = 0x3f
+ bl.append(buf1)
+ bl.append(buf2)
+ bl.append(buf3)
+ t.equal(bl.readDoubleLE(2), 0.3333333333333333)
+ t.end()
+tape('test toString', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ bl.append(new Buffer('abcd'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('efg'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('hi'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('j'))
+ t.equal(bl.toString('ascii', 0, 10), 'abcdefghij')
+ t.equal(bl.toString('ascii', 3, 10), 'defghij')
+ t.equal(bl.toString('ascii', 3, 6), 'def')
+ t.equal(bl.toString('ascii', 3, 8), 'defgh')
+ t.equal(bl.toString('ascii', 5, 10), 'fghij')
+ t.end()
+tape('test toString encoding', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ , b = new Buffer('abcdefghij\xff\x00')
+ bl.append(new Buffer('abcd'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('efg'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('hi'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('j'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('\xff\x00'))
+ encodings.forEach(function (enc) {
+ t.equal(bl.toString(enc), b.toString(enc), enc)
+ })
+ t.end()
+!process.browser && tape('test stream', function (t) {
+ var random = crypto.randomBytes(65534)
+ , rndhash = hash(random, 'md5')
+ , md5sum = crypto.createHash('md5')
+ , bl = new BufferList(function (err, buf) {
+ t.ok(Buffer.isBuffer(buf))
+ t.ok(err === null)
+ t.equal(rndhash, hash(bl.slice(), 'md5'))
+ t.equal(rndhash, hash(buf, 'md5'))
+ bl.pipe(fs.createWriteStream('/tmp/bl_test_rnd_out.dat'))
+ .on('close', function () {
+ var s = fs.createReadStream('/tmp/bl_test_rnd_out.dat')
+ s.on('data', md5sum.update.bind(md5sum))
+ s.on('end', function() {
+ t.equal(rndhash, md5sum.digest('hex'), 'woohoo! correct hash!')
+ t.end()
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ fs.writeFileSync('/tmp/bl_test_rnd.dat', random)
+ fs.createReadStream('/tmp/bl_test_rnd.dat').pipe(bl)
+tape('instantiation with Buffer', function (t) {
+ var buf = crypto.randomBytes(1024)
+ , buf2 = crypto.randomBytes(1024)
+ , b = BufferList(buf)
+ t.equal(buf.toString('hex'), b.slice().toString('hex'), 'same buffer')
+ b = BufferList([ buf, buf2 ])
+ t.equal(b.slice().toString('hex'), Buffer.concat([ buf, buf2 ]).toString('hex'), 'same buffer')
+ t.end()
+tape('test String appendage', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ , b = new Buffer('abcdefghij\xff\x00')
+ bl.append('abcd')
+ bl.append('efg')
+ bl.append('hi')
+ bl.append('j')
+ bl.append('\xff\x00')
+ encodings.forEach(function (enc) {
+ t.equal(bl.toString(enc), b.toString(enc))
+ })
+ t.end()
+tape('test Number appendage', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ , b = new Buffer('1234567890')
+ bl.append(1234)
+ bl.append(567)
+ bl.append(89)
+ bl.append(0)
+ encodings.forEach(function (enc) {
+ t.equal(bl.toString(enc), b.toString(enc))
+ })
+ t.end()
+tape('write nothing, should get empty buffer', function (t) {
+ t.plan(3)
+ BufferList(function (err, data) {
+ t.notOk(err, 'no error')
+ t.ok(Buffer.isBuffer(data), 'got a buffer')
+ t.equal(0, data.length, 'got a zero-length buffer')
+ t.end()
+ }).end()
+tape('unicode string', function (t) {
+ t.plan(2)
+ var inp1 = '\u2600'
+ , inp2 = '\u2603'
+ , exp = inp1 + ' and ' + inp2
+ , bl = BufferList()
+ bl.write(inp1)
+ bl.write(' and ')
+ bl.write(inp2)
+ t.equal(exp, bl.toString())
+ t.equal(new Buffer(exp).toString('hex'), bl.toString('hex'))
+tape('should emit finish', function (t) {
+ var source = BufferList()
+ , dest = BufferList()
+ source.write('hello')
+ source.pipe(dest)
+ dest.on('finish', function () {
+ t.equal(dest.toString('utf8'), 'hello')
+ t.end()
+ })
+tape('basic copy', function (t) {
+ var buf = crypto.randomBytes(1024)
+ , buf2 = new Buffer(1024)
+ , b = BufferList(buf)
+ b.copy(buf2)
+ t.equal(b.slice().toString('hex'), buf2.toString('hex'), 'same buffer')
+ t.end()
+tape('copy after many appends', function (t) {
+ var buf = crypto.randomBytes(512)
+ , buf2 = new Buffer(1024)
+ , b = BufferList(buf)
+ b.append(buf)
+ b.copy(buf2)
+ t.equal(b.slice().toString('hex'), buf2.toString('hex'), 'same buffer')
+ t.end()
+tape('copy at a precise position', function (t) {
+ var buf = crypto.randomBytes(1004)
+ , buf2 = new Buffer(1024)
+ , b = BufferList(buf)
+ b.copy(buf2, 20)
+ t.equal(b.slice().toString('hex'), buf2.slice(20).toString('hex'), 'same buffer')
+ t.end()
+tape('copy starting from a precise location', function (t) {
+ var buf = crypto.randomBytes(10)
+ , buf2 = new Buffer(5)
+ , b = BufferList(buf)
+ b.copy(buf2, 0, 5)
+ t.equal(b.slice(5).toString('hex'), buf2.toString('hex'), 'same buffer')
+ t.end()
+tape('copy in an interval', function (t) {
+ var rnd = crypto.randomBytes(10)
+ , b = BufferList(rnd) // put the random bytes there
+ , actual = new Buffer(3)
+ , expected = new Buffer(3)
+ rnd.copy(expected, 0, 5, 8)
+ b.copy(actual, 0, 5, 8)
+ t.equal(actual.toString('hex'), expected.toString('hex'), 'same buffer')
+ t.end()
+tape('copy an interval between two buffers', function (t) {
+ var buf = crypto.randomBytes(10)
+ , buf2 = new Buffer(10)
+ , b = BufferList(buf)
+ b.append(buf)
+ b.copy(buf2, 0, 5, 15)
+ t.equal(b.slice(5, 15).toString('hex'), buf2.toString('hex'), 'same buffer')
+ t.end()
+tape('duplicate', function (t) {
+ t.plan(2)
+ var bl = new BufferList('abcdefghij\xff\x00')
+ , dup = bl.duplicate()
+ t.equal(bl.prototype, dup.prototype)
+ t.equal(bl.toString('hex'), dup.toString('hex'))
+tape('destroy no pipe', function (t) {
+ t.plan(2)
+ var bl = new BufferList('alsdkfja;lsdkfja;lsdk')
+ bl.destroy()
+ t.equal(bl._bufs.length, 0)
+ t.equal(bl.length, 0)
+!process.browser && tape('destroy with pipe before read end', function (t) {
+ t.plan(2)
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/test.js')
+ .pipe(bl)
+ bl.destroy()
+ t.equal(bl._bufs.length, 0)
+ t.equal(bl.length, 0)
+!process.browser && tape('destroy with pipe before read end with race', function (t) {
+ t.plan(2)
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/test.js')
+ .pipe(bl)
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ bl.destroy()
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ t.equal(bl._bufs.length, 0)
+ t.equal(bl.length, 0)
+ }, 500)
+ }, 500)
+!process.browser && tape('destroy with pipe after read end', function (t) {
+ t.plan(2)
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/test.js')
+ .on('end', onEnd)
+ .pipe(bl)
+ function onEnd () {
+ bl.destroy()
+ t.equal(bl._bufs.length, 0)
+ t.equal(bl.length, 0)
+ }
+!process.browser && tape('destroy with pipe while writing to a destination', function (t) {
+ t.plan(4)
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ , ds = new BufferList()
+ fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/test.js')
+ .on('end', onEnd)
+ .pipe(bl)
+ function onEnd () {
+ bl.pipe(ds)
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ bl.destroy()
+ t.equals(bl._bufs.length, 0)
+ t.equals(bl.length, 0)
+ ds.destroy()
+ t.equals(bl._bufs.length, 0)
+ t.equals(bl.length, 0)
+ }, 100)
+ }
+!process.browser && tape('handle error', function (t) {
+ t.plan(2)
+ fs.createReadStream('/does/not/exist').pipe(BufferList(function (err, data) {
+ t.ok(err instanceof Error, 'has error')
+ t.notOk(data, 'no data')
+ }))
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