[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-mocks-http] branch master created (now bdcb844)

Thorsten Alteholz alteholz at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Feb 8 18:13:15 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

alteholz pushed a change to branch master
in repository node-mocks-http.

        at  bdcb844   prepare new version

This branch includes the following new commits:

       new  dc8c576   Initial checkin
       new  78369fb   Can't shove into github without a nice readme.
       new  aeddd93   Removed the Eclipse settings.
       new  2f4d74c   Moved the object initialization into the constructor.
       new  3b24b32   Moved the object initialization into the constructor.
       new  d05cd08   Simple script to jshint the files and run all the tests.
       new  f80b10d   Sometimes the prototype code would run and bubble all the way up. Now it is more reliable.
       new  3e51145   Run tests that are in the examples directory.
       new  4b5fce9   Sometimes the prototype code would run and bubble all the way up. Now it is more reliable.
       new  32363fa   Hiding the private _ variables in scope but out of object. Good idea?
       new  0e5cb55   Upgraded system to version 0.0.2
       new  0f9760b   Added a 'query' parameter.
       new  4c9380b   Added the ability to store a session variable.
       new  c94da4a   The response.send now takes 2 parameters.
       new  660d876   Allow both 'send' parameter options.
       new  4d35441   Support files in request
       new  fceec04   Update version and README
       new  923caff   Add support for request.cookies
       new  345c82e   Add support for request headers
       new  c12b4d0   Adding Support for Writable Stream. This commit is related to the issue #1. https://github.com/howardabrams/node-mocks-http/issues/1
       new  0324613   Upped the version in order to publish Writable Stream support.
       new  2e8f96e   Added cookies property to response object
       new  c6ae60b   Added new version to release notes
       new  aef742a   Adding cookie and clearCookie method
       new  84d0b13   Merge pull request #8 from housepage/master
       new  a2a61b0   Official 1.0 release, since others are using it in anger.
       new  c17c657   Add support for render and redirect
       new  80d9fdf   Fix the release to v1.0.1
       new  0df9b35   Cleaned up to pass JSHint
       new  0173d8f   Added tests for json()
       new  419cc17   Passed json() tests
       new  967e568   Merge pull request #10 from diachedelic/master
       new  dd528cd   Upgraded the version for the latest pull request.
       new  eea8e94   Add end, send and render events for async testing.  Fixes howardabrams/node-mocks-http#6.
       new  be573dd   Organized EventEmmiter require in tests.
       new  c768b88   Merge pull request #11 from invernizzie/master
       new  30c62bf   Merged ericchaves Restify-oriented changes.
       new  ca8c9e6   Addressing Issue #14 by adding the MIT License
       new  ecbd7bc   Addressing Issue #14 by adding the MIT License
       new  745d11c   Adds a header, set, and get, method to the mockResponse.js.
       new  d63b0f6   Merge pull request #19 from alanjames1987/master
       new  dd55000   Updates the version number to reflect new changes.
       new  646ee28   Updates the README.md
       new  69d1643   Updates the README.md
       new  4321a52   Updates some verbiage in the README.md.
       new  dadc12d   Fixes some formatting.
       new  a783d38   Cleans up mockRequest.js and mockResponse.js by moving the returns and exports to the bottom.
       new  8258a9b   Adds a header and get method to the mockRequest.js.
       new  9233f5e   Adds a HISTROY.md and moves the release notes to it.
       new  a21c6b8   Reorganizes code to remove potentally ambiguous reference to the this variable and allow for aliases to be created.
       new  a779fe3   Updates the example to match the README.md and updates the README.md by organizing some sections.
       new  c23edef   Adding support for res.json(data, statusCode)
       new  1641208   Adding test for reverse status code support
       new  5b10ca8   Merge pull request #23 from rknell/request-json-statusfix
       new  fcc989c   Increment version number
       new  c385b99   added .param method on mockrequest
       new  7b06c38   Merge pull request #27 from alexjamesbrown/master
       new  9f1ebbb   Updated package version to 1.2.2
       new  3d04c38   Resolve subtle lint issues
       new  bcd0008   Fix json method to not override the status code if this one is already set.
       new  6a3c87f   adjust and fix the test
       new  b95261f   add uni test for json/status chain.
       new  cf917d3   Merge pull request #29 from fidemapps/master
       new  5ea3e0d   Update to v1.2.3 for latest feature
       new  fcf9ccd   parse query string from url to query object
       new  9ab491b   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
       new  ffcc082   Merge pull request #30 from alexjamesbrown/master
       new  c0271e4   Version 1.2.4 incorporates fix for Bug #30
       new  6f43349   addding path to request which can mock express req.path
       new  a440aa1   added test case for req.path which mocks express 'http://expressjs.com/4x/api.html#req.path'
       new  64da0b7   Make res.set() work like express when passed an object
       new  0973aa5   Merge pull request #31 from kishorevarma/request-path
       new  c44d399   Add test for response.set()
       new  f41c450   fixed "path must be a string" error on lib/mockRequests.js
       new  da14211   fixed "path(pathname) has to be parsed from url" test. "request.path" should include leading slash.
       new  039b165   default statusCode 302 on redirect
       new  5b151f8   test for default 302 statusCode on redirect
       new  dfad12a   Merge pull request #35 from JohnnyEstilles/hotfix/fixing-mockrequest-error
       new  7960ff5   setting mockResponse.statusCode default to 200
       new  6950a45   removed check for statusCode === -1, no longer necessary
       new  91efe55   updated mockResponse tests to check for default statusCode equal to 200
       new  6ad9d2a   Merge pull request #33 from gmaclennan/set-multiple-headers
       new  e61617d   Merge pull request #36 from JohnnyEstilles/hotfix/fixing-statuscode-on-redirect
       new  5619386   Merge pull request #38 from JohnnyEstilles/hotfix/response-statuscode-default
       new  f8f1cef   Release 1.2.5 of the project
       new  5681ffa   added travis configuration file
       new  3d38915   added e-mail notifications
       new  1ffbd80   added mime-type mapping library
       new  e988baa   added mockResponse.type()
       new  9ecfa59   added tests for mockResponse.test()
       new  b699c0d   added mockRequest.originalUrl
       new  72c789d   added tests for mockRequest.originalUrl
       new  38519ee   Merge pull request #41 from howardabrams/feature/travis-ci
       new  59dd265   Merge pull request #42 from howardabrams/feature/express-response-type
       new  8ec6413   Merge pull request #43 from howardabrams/feature/express-request-originalurl
       new  9694049   added npm version badge
       new  cb888ed   added travis-ci badge
       new  f0288c3   Merge branch 'feature/readme-badges'
       new  1cc32b6   added code of conduct
       new  a248c3f   added contributing guidelines
       new  cd7e1a0   moved contributing guidelines to CONTRIBUTE.md
       new  7b097e3   Merge branch 'feature/code-of-conduct'
       new  5e72184   updated contributing guidelines
       new  e7cf268   fixed formatting issues
       new  b28c20f   Merge branch 'feature/contributing'
       new  4d8cc89   added eslint dependency
       new  e6c948d   added eslint configuration
       new  4c04ad3   fixed lint errors in lib/*
       new  562ef22   fixed lint errors in test/*
       new  cff0a22   fixed lint errors in examples/*
       new  d8f25c5   removed jshint code from run-tests
       new  2092680   update npm test to run lint and test
       new  9307579   removed jshint
       new  5d87cf0   updated nodeunit dev-dependency to 0.9.1
       new  26c3319   removed run-tests from travis after script configuration
       new  4db29c9   updated dev-dependency eslint from 0.16.1 to 0.16.2
       new  096921e   Merge pull request #46 from howardabrams/feature/eslint
       new  9548f3e   replaced name with logo
       new  c5f3637   simulate node http (wip)
       new  cfe205c   added .sendStatus() to mockResponse
       new  86af302   added tests for mockResponse.sendStatus()
       new  984afca   Issue #50 - implementing referrer header edge-case - making mockRequest.header() an alias of .get(), mimicking Express' implementation - ensure header names are stored in lowercase - added tests for mockRequest.get(), .header() and referer/referrer edge case
       new  42183a7   Merge pull request #48 from JohnnyEstilles/feature/sendstatus
       new  01bea4a   bumped version to v1.2.6
       new  47a907b   Merge branch 'hotfix/1.2.6' into 1.x
       new  87245e5   Merge branch 'hotfix/1.2.6'
       new  b53ba28   updated eslint rules
       new  102286d   fixed lint errors in mockRequest
       new  d0ecc51   fixed lint errors in mockResponse
       new  e2323d8   fixed lint errors in test-mockResponse
       new  cbb426d   adding coding rules to docs
       new  e862559   adding missing "back to top" links
       new  9ea781e   Merge pull request #51 from JohnnyEstilles/feature/conding-conventions
       new  cf0f32b   removing  no-underscore-dangle from docs (not set in .eslintrc)
       new  015bd7a   added `gitter` badge to README
       new  c3dfaf1   added `contact us` section to CONTRIBUTING.md
       new  933b285   Merge branch 'feature/gitter-badge'
       new  93dc536   updated release notes section of README
       new  a6c1ac0   minor formating corrections
       new  019d5e2   Merge branch 'feature/udpated-readme'
       new  78f96fa   fixed; mockRequest - `.session` should default to undefined
       new  976f891   added; mockRequest - ability to set `.signedCookies` via options
       new  d7d8435   added; mockRequest - ability to set signed cookies via `._setSignedCookiesVariable()`
       new  dae119e   fixed; mockRequest - ensure `.session` is an object before setting variable with `._setSessionVariable()`
       new  20e3492   added; mockRequest - unit tests to validate fix
       new  42a3d07   updated; meta - bumped version to 1.2.7
       new  ee5bd61   Merge branch 'hotfix/1.2.7' into 1.x
       new  cb3d711   Merge branch 'hotfix/1.2.7'
       new  c638358   updated; docs - release notes section of README
       new  3f08f03   updated; deps - `eslint` from 0.16.2 to 0.17.1
       new  17566a2   updated; deps - `eslint` from 0.17.1 to 0.18.0eslint at 0.18.0 node_modules/eslint ├── object-assign at 2.0.0 ├── escape-string-regexp at 1.0.3 ├── strip-json-comments at 1.0.2 ├── user-home at 1.1.1 ├── xml-escape at 1.0.0 ├── estraverse-fb at 1.3.1 ├── globals at 6.4.1 ├── estraverse at 2.0.0 ├── text-table at 0.2.0 ├── debug at 2.1.3 (ms at 0.7.0) ├── espree at 1.12.3 ├── mkdirp at 0.5.0 (minimist at 0.0.8) ├── optionator at 0.5.0 (type-check at 0.3.1, deep-is at 0.1.3, prelude-ls at 1.1.1, wordwrap at 0.0.2, levn at 0.2.5, f [...]
       new  4dc3551   updated; meta - package.json homepage
       new  9747f90   updated; meta - package.json bugs
       new  287bcc0   updated; meta - package.json contributors
       new  ff3d654   updated; meta - bumped version to 1.3.0
       new  1c85031   Merge branch 'release/1.3.0' into 1.x
       new  2665101   Merge branch 'release/1.3.0'
       new  09b2be0   updated; meta - release notes on README
       new  781577b   added; mocha, chai, sinon, instanbul and gulp dependencies
       new  73c72ba   updated; moved current tests to test-legacy/**
       new  89834e0   added; gulp tasks for running tests and generating coverage report
       new  179607e   updated; .gitignore coverage folder
       new  421623f   added; mocha configuration and eslint rules for tests
       new  62fe207   added; test for http-mock
       new  25e9003   added; tests for mockEventEmitter
       new  0c6124e   added; tests for mockWritableStream
       new  221a437   added; test for mockRequest
       new  934028f   Merge branch 'feature/test-overhaul-wip'
       new  ae5bc6b   updated; added gulp lint task and removed open task
       new  e2b6abb   updated; added gulp-eslint and removed gulp-open
       new  8d8aca9   fixed; mockResponse.render() not storing data, mockResponse.writable should not be a function
       new  413a976   fixed; WritableStream.writable should be a property, not a function
       new  571ed6b   updated; unit test to reflect updates in WritableStream
       new  bd81818   updated; removed lint script (now use 'gulp lint'), and updated test script (now 'gulp spec')
       new  f90b340   updated; travis config file with new test environment, with placeholders for code climate configuration
       new  29e58ff   added; tests for mockResponse
       new  69d7165   Merge branch 'feature/test-overhaul-wip'
       new  c1bd21f   removed; legacy test for mockRequest
       new  57a4f78   removed; legacy test for mockResponse
       new  d5631c3   removed; legacy test runner
       new  df17032   removed; nodeunit dependency
       new  8d0065d   updated; to mocha at 2.2.3
       new  0924361   removed; unused dependencies
       new  94f3828   Merge branch 'feature/test-overhaul-cleanup'
       new  8c3fa8b   updated; code climate configuration for travis-ci
       new  3a8cab7   fixed; corrected invalid reference in coverage gulp task
       new  effeb3b   Merge branch 'feature/codeclimate-config'
       new  bc223ee   updated; to mocha at 2.2.4
       new  e6559c5   bumped version to 1.4.0
       new  aeb7274   Merge branch 'release/1.4' into 1.x
       new  2145ca4   Merge branch 'release/1.4'
       new  69684bd   chore(readme): add release notes for v1.4.0
       new  723c273   ensure that using the 'headers' option when creating a request returns the headers correctly when accessed
       new  6016f70   fix instructions on running test suite
       new  185bc02   Merge pull request #57 from antonmos/master
       new  ea81d64   docs(README): add release notes for v1.4.1
       new  92e479a   chore(meta): bump version to 1.4.1
       new  b62ae3e   Merge branch 'release/1.4.1' into 1.x
       new  885cebf   Merge branch 'release/1.4.1'
       new  409c033   chore(deps): update eslint to 0.19.0
       new  bc45672   chore(deps): update gulp-eslint to 0.9.0
       new  9fe3e33   Merge branch 'update-deps' into 2.x
       new  e2cc35b   chore(lint): update indent rule to 2 spaces
       new  949ed98   chore(deps): add dependencies required for `2.0`
       new  8e856e5   feat(lib): add mockExpress()
       new  fe50de0   feat(lib): add mockApplication
       new  aca013a   chore(travis): configure travis to only check master and 1.x
       new  d2d6732   somewhere in the guts of the sendstream pipe calls (in "fresh"), it directly checks response._headers.
       new  d48a877   Merge pull request #60 from jaslo/forpull
       new  3587a57   docs(README): update release note references
       new  49adc40   chore(version): bump version to 1.4.2
       new  5b259d8   docs(README): add release notes reference to 1.4.2
       new  16dbe09   docs(README): update other url references
       new  41740ab   docs(README): add api docs
       new  a130316   Merge branch 'release/1.4.2'
       new  6063772   Merge branch 'release/1.4.2' into 1.x
       new  315d33c   docs(README): reword option descriptions [skip travis]
       new  2f76ccd   feat(node): IncomingMessage() mock
       new  aae1616   chore(lint): fix lint errors
       new  40ed933   chore(lint): fix lint errors in gulpfile
       new  1388aa2   chore(lib/node): remove unnecessary comments
       new  bc76a73   Merge branch '2.x'
       new  9597e96   chore(lib): fix references to required modules
       new  6e76114   Expose `IncomingServer` class
       new  317f20d   Add new version mockRequest (work in progress)
       new  7103d53   Fix lint errors
       new  4252ab1   Add dependencies required in `mock-response.js`
       new  970417d   Relax `consistent-return` rule
       new  ae6c785   Emitting send and end events at json call
       new  ee23ed2   chore(deps): update to eslint at 0.22.1
       new  3b5cf1b   chore(deps): update to gulp-eslint at 0.12.0
       new  b21b21b   chore(deps): update to gulp-istanbul at 0.9.0
       new  60ef7c6   Merge branch 'chore/update-deps' into hotfix/1.4.3
       new  727bfd4   chore(lint): update lib lint rules
       new  b7dad23   chore(lint): update test lint rules
       new  5a76aae   chore(deps): remove eslint-plugin-mocha at 0.2.2
       new  9483d61   Merge branch 'chore/lint-update' into hotfix/1.4.3
       new  e0f1623   docs(readme): update release notes
       new  6425a6c   chore(version): bump to 1.4.3
       new  12493c9   Merge branch 'hotfix/1.4.3'
       new  c1ff2ac   Move express mocks to `lib/express`
       new  b6dd93e   Refactor `defineGetter()` function
       new  1680131   Add localized lint rules for `lib/node`
       new  91b787e   Add localized lint rules for `lib/express`
       new  b78005f   Fix lint in `mock-express`
       new  1c60de6   Fix lint in (legacy) `mockRequest`
       new  f55f03b   Fix lint in (legacy) `mockWritableStream`
       new  c53d6f3   Merge branch 'feature/reorganization'
       new  aaf60f2   Temporary update to our contributing guidelines [skip ci]
       new  f923e14   Add note to README regarding use of EventEmitter [skip ci]
       new  336ea0c   Adding support for mockRequest.is() method for content-type inspection
       new  3b0cc56   Added test for issue 68
       new  413f0a2   Fixed issue 68
       new  e1d9531   Added test for issue 70
       new  2de41e7   Fixed issue 70
       new  47c452b   Updated the example of how to use the EventEmitter API
       new  03b435b   accept non-standard properties into the request object
       new  71e2fd9   fixing error in test
       new  978dbed   fixing linting error - why do we indent with 2 tabs???
       new  0aabaee   Fixed response events example
       new  d219283   Merge pull request #66 from jvwing/request-is
       new  9acc2b6   Merge pull request #69 from aaronjameslang/issue-68-path-option
       new  b6ea7f2   Merge pull request #71 from aaronjameslang/issue-70-auto-populate-url
       new  70a0634   Publish 1.4.4 release
       new  ce9c4da   Make mockRequest.param work more like express
       new  b0f07eb   Fire 'end' event on response.redirect
       new  6d7cab9   Merge pull request #1 from howardabrams/master
       new  edd6731   Fix example in README.md
       new  034d91b   added tests for existence of jsonp method
       new  4ef96e2   added jsonp method
       new  ab338cb   Merge branch 'feature-jsonp'
       new  77bab68   Merge branch 'master' into feature-jsonp
       new  8a10dd4   Merge pull request #77 from vgatto/response-emits-end-on-redirect
       new  04b04a6   Merge pull request #78 from invernizzie/readme-example-typo
       new  2adb769   Merge pull request #64 from XescuGC/updateReadme
       new  41cb530   Merge pull request #75 from yellowiscool/yellowiscool-patch-1
       new  a5029cd   Merge pull request #76 from dgileadi/master
       new  53c731a   Merge pull request #79 from Abe404/feature-jsonp
       new  555296e   Merge pull request #74 from mtimofiiv/master
       new  63f99dc   Updated to version 1.5.0
       new  103d323   Make mockRequest an event emitter.
       new  dfbfe46   Merge pull request #80 from evanshortiss/master
       new  dda0ef2   Add support for .vary() response method
       new  949e6cd   Make vary header de-dupe check case-insensitive
       new  ea50158   Ensure .vary() method is compatible with Node 0.12
       new  965f36f   Add Node LTS version to Travis manifest
       new  27b3d0e   Merge pull request #81 from i-like-robots/master
       new  06b6d1a   Releasing 1.5.1 to support .vary response method
       new  da922fd   fixed issue with req.param not returning when falsy
       new  8632c0a   updated to not use loose null checks
       new  0eb7046   Merge pull request #82 from garrettheaver/fix-falsy-param
       new  5db8484   Imported Upstream version 1.4.3
       new  d79370e   Imported Debian patch 1.4.3-1
       new  d887e2d   using upstreammaster/master now, remove all old stuff
       new  a770e2e   Merge branch 'upstreammaster'
       new  bdcb844   prepare new version

The 296 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-mocks-http.git

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